Chronic bronchitis in children symptoms

How to cure chronic bronchitis in children?

Chronic bronchitis in children - an inflammation of the bronchi, which is characterized by a frequency of repetition. In many cases, such a disease as chronic bronchitis in children, in the phase of its systematic exacerbation proceeds without any special counteracting phenomena, and sometimes for treatment they are taken quite late.

The problem of bronchitis in a child

Bronchitis, or inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, refers to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Especially often they suffer from children 3-8 years of age. This is affected by:

  • unformed immunity;
  • features of the structure of the upper respiratory tract.

Causes of development of pediatric bronchitis

The main cause that leads to an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in a child is a viral infection. The causative agent penetrates into the upper respiratory tract, then rushes downward. This leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract.

Other reasons, because of which the development of bronchitis in children is possible, can be:

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Dust is the cause of bronchitis
  1. Bacteria. Together with toys, objects that the child often pulls into his mouth, bacteria can penetrate the body, which can lead to the development of this disease.
  2. Allergic reactions to animal hair, mold, dust, food. If they occur often, then this leads to constant inflammation of the mucosa, which eventually can cause the appearance of chronic bronchitis.
  3. Inhalation of vapors of various chemicals.
  4. Mechanical irritation with particles of sand, dust, in case of contact with breathing in the bronchi.
  5. Dusty air, impurities in the air of any toxic substances, gases, tobacco smoke play a significant role in the formation of the disease.
  6. Not completely cured viral infections or colds.
  7. The presence in the body of a large number of parasites. They are able to penetrate the lungs and settle in them, constantly irritating and causing inflammatory reactions in the bronchi.
  8. Natural defects in the structure of the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

At the time when the disease passes into the acute phase, the child has the following symptoms:

Irritability of the child is a symptom of bronchitis
  • general weakness;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • capriciousness.

Signs of chronic bronchitis include the appearance of a prolonged cough. During 2-3 days of illness a moist cough is observed, accompanied with shortness of breath and abundant sputum. After a while, the cough flows into a chronic form, becomes frequent. Especially it increases in cool, rainy weather.

Also among the signs noted:

  • separation of mucous, purulent sputum;
  • sweating;
  • presence of wheezing in the lungs;
  • some pallor of the skin;
  • periodically appearing fever;
  • possible increase in body temperature.

A child suffering from chronic bronchitis may lose interest in food.

Chronic bronchitis in children - treatment

Signs of bronchitis

For children for treatment of chronic bronchitis of a mild form it will take approximately 2 weeks. In the event that the disease is not treated, it can be the cause of bronchial asthma or pneumonia.

In the fever stage it is necessary to observe the bed rest. During the period of exacerbation, the attending physician prescribes a dairy and vegetable diet. At an elevated body temperature, it is necessary to drink a lot of warm water, which can be replaced by:

  • cranberry and cranberry muss;
  • milk with baking soda and honey;
  • mineral alkaline water;
  • not strong black tea with lemon, with various kinds of jam;
  • vitamin teas.

When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, the doctor prescribes heat-reducing drugs. Treatment also includes expectorants:

  • infusion of licorice root;
  • drops ammonium anise;
  • syrup Doctor MOM;
  • mucaltin.

The doctor appoints nursing fees, as well as antibiotics. If necessary, the child should take:

Comparison of healthy bronchial tubes and bronchitis
  • corticosteroids;
  • bronchial dilating agents;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal and stimulant drugs.

It is necessary to conduct in parallel a distraction therapy, which includes:

  • physiotherapy;
  • mustard or wrapped mustard;
  • banks;
  • grinding ointment of calendula.

It is not bad at this time to systematically do the child a massage. As a result of regularly conducted respiratory and therapeutic gymnastics, the resistance of the child's body is increased.

Preventive measures

If a child often suffers from bronchitis, in order to protect the body from repeated relapses, appropriate measures must be taken.

The air in the room should be fresh and clean. It is strictly forbidden to smoke where the child is. Wet cleaning in the premises should be carried out at least once a week.

If the disease is caused by an allergy, then it is necessary to eliminate the allergen. Especially it concerns certain food products, animal hair and dust. It is necessary to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet.

To rub the body of the child with ointments and cough preparations is prohibited. We must strive to maintain healthy immunity.

Bronchitis in children: symptoms

bronchitis in children symptoms

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the bronchial mucosa. Like most diseases, bronchitis can be of two forms - acute and chronic. As a rule, it is associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but there is also a group of bronchites that accompany chronic processes pathological character, flowing in the lungs (chronic bronchopneumonia, infiltrative processes, tubercular bronchoadenitis). There are also bronchitis associated more with the general state of the body, and not with the condition of the lungs (for example, allergic bronchitis in bronchial asthma). Often, bronchitis occurs against the background of the general weakness of the body - with rickets, metabolic disorders, problems with digestion or nutrition, with gross non-observance of the daily regimen and hygiene standards. More often bronchitis is accompanied by additional diseases of the respiratory tract - laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, etc. The main methods of treatment are: removal of the edema of the lung tissue and reducing inflammation. In this article, we will consider in detail the symptoms of various types of bronchitis and talk about how to determine the bronchitis in a child.

Acute bronchitis in children: symptoms

The first signs of bronchitis in children are:

  • changes in behavior. The child becomes capricious, irritable, loses appetite, sleeps badly;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dry wheezing (or coughing) and "hard" breathing in the early days of the illness;
  • a few days later the cough becomes wet, the general condition of the child improves. Coughing attacks are most often at night.

With a mild, uncomplicated form of acute bronchitis, treatment lasts an average of one to two weeks.

Chronic bronchitis in children

Chronic bronchitis in children has similar symptoms, but they are expressed slightly less strongly than in the acute form of the disease. Bronchitis, which has passed into a chronic form, is difficult to treat, parents and children should always follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the regime of the day, nutrition and preventive measures. In the home medicine chest should always be funds for emergency removal of edema, special inhalers. Without timely and adequate treatment, bronchitis passes into bronchial asthma. Attacks of recurrent bronchitis, as a rule, are associated with sources of chronic inflammation (in children it can be chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, rhinopharyngitis, etc.).

Recurrent bronchitis in children

Unlike chronic bronchitis, which lasts for many years, recurrent bronchitis usually is a recurrence of periodic within 1-2 years. Repetition of recurrent bronchitis in children is observed 2-4 times a year (more often in the off-season and during unfavorable epidemiological periods). In this case, the exacerbation can take place without spasmodic bronchi.

Obstructive bronchitis in children: symptoms

Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by the presence of bronchospasm, therefore one of the most important areas of treatment is its withdrawal. Diagnosis and treatment are made only by a doctor. Do not try to cure bronchitis yourself. In obstructive bronchitis in children, it is important to distinguish the disease from bronchial asthma and pneumonia.

Allergic bronchitis in children: symptoms

Allergic bronchitis in children can be quite difficult to distinguish from bronchial asthma. Symptoms of these diseases are similar, the difference is only periodic attacks of suffocation. It is these difficulties that cause frequent confusion when, based on the medical history, doctors treat bronchitis when a child has asthma and vice versa.

So, the symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis in children are as follows:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • shortness of breath while exhaling;
  • dry scattered rales in the lungs;
  • a direct connection of exacerbations and contacts with an allergen. At the same time, after limiting such contact, the disease quickly passes into the stage of remission;
  • on the X-ray, inflammation of the bronchi (of an allergic nature) without deformation of the walls and other significant changes in the lung tissue is seen.

Asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis in children has the following symptoms:

  • nocturnal coughing attacks;
  • behavior change (irritability, lethargy, sleep disturbance);
  • possibly a rise in body temperature;
  • in the blood the content of histamine and immunoglobulins A and E is increased;
  • Attacks of suffocation are not observed (in contrast to asthma).

If these symptoms occur in your child, contact your doctor immediately. Bronchitis, left without timely and proper treatment can cause serious complications, and even go into bronchial asthma.

Bronchitis is acute, chronic, causes, symptoms, treatment

bronxitBronchitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi. Most often it is a consequence of a viral or bacterial infection, it is very important to treat it in time with antibiotics or antiviral drugs, because the inflammation can fall into the lungs or bronchitis will acquire a chronic form, which can not be cured.

Also, bronchitis can be complicated by swelling of the mucous membranes, this indicates obstruction. The cause of bronchitis can be such diseases as whooping cough, measles, tracheitis, influenza. The disease is characterized by such symptoms: a strong cough, increased body temperature, lethargy, weakness. When bronchitis cough is first dry, then it becomes wet, often accompanied by shortness of breath, a person seems to be suffocating. Diagnosis of bronchitis is possible with the help of listening to wheezing, spirometry and radiography may additionally be required. They treat the disease with expectorants, mucolytics, and complications require antibiotics. In this case, the patient must always comply with bed rest, as much as possible to drink warm, do not smoke.

Acute bronchitis

This form of the disease is characterized by an acute inflammatory process, in which a large amount of sputum is released, with cough leading to a complication such as dyspnea. Acute bronchitis develops due to:

1. Smoking.

2. Climatic-weather conditions.

3. When a person has become too cold or has been in damp for a long time.

4. With alcohol abuse.

5. Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, if the breathing of the nose is disturbed.

6. With heart failure, if the lungs are stagnant.

Also, frequent causes of acute bronchitis are unsuitable to human air, if it is very hot, dry or cold; Also, if a person is constantly in contact with chemical elements, such as silicon, oxides of nitrogen, alkali. Acute bronchitis can provoke bacteria and viruses. In some situations it is a consequence of an allergic reaction to pollen, dust, etc.

How is acute bronchitis manifested?

bronchitisFirst, the nasopharynx is inflamed, then the disease gradually drops into the larynx, trachea and in the end it appears in the bronchioles. When the virus enters them, the person is disturbed by the metabolism, because of this cells die and begins develop a bacterial infection - pneumococcus, hemophilic rod, in rare cases, staphylococcus. Complication of acute bronchitis is pneumonia.

Acute bronchitis is manifested by dry, barking cough, it arises from the fact that large bronchi and trachea become inflamed, then a little sputum may be released.

A person can feel an unpleasant sensation in the belly region, also in the chest. Sputum in acute can have pus, if the patient has shortness of breath - this indicates that small bronchi are affected. A blood test indicates an inflammatory process, with a significant increase in ESR, leukocytes in the blood, it can also talk about urgency to take action, the disease is already falling into the lungs.

What methods of treatment of acute bronchitis exist?

If the patient has acute intoxication and there is a threat of pneumonia, you need to go to the hospital urgently. It is very important to drink as much as possible a warm drink - tea with lemon, a drink with raspberries, honey, linden tea, warmed mineral water water, it must necessarily be alkaline - Borjomi, it is also recommended to use special breastfeeding.

The mustard plasters will relieve the symptoms, they need to be applied to the chest. Medications for acute bronchitis are prescribed depending on the symptomatology, often using anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, percofen, citramone, etc. It is also very important to take vitamins of group A, C. If purulent sputum is allocated, antibiotics of the penicillin, tetracycline, and besypotol group are necessary in this case.

If acute bronchitis has been protracted for a long time, inhalations based on mineral alkaline water, such physiotherapeutic procedures as electrophoresis with calcium, ultraviolet irradiation, ionotherapy. Perhaps you will need to visit a special medical sanatorium, which is located on the seashore, and additionally perform breathing exercises.

It is necessary to remember about such preventive measures, so that acute bronchitis does not happen again:

1. Keep out of viral infections.

2. As little as possible to be in dusty, gassy places.

3. Do not overcool, do not overheat.

4. Refuse from bad habits of alcohol and smoking.

5. It is very important in time to treat diseases of the nasopharynx - sinusitis, sinusitis, you may need to remove polyps.

6. Regularly it is necessary to temper, for this purpose to walk barefoot in the morning on dew, as much as possible to walk on fresh air.

Chronical bronchitis

This form is manifested when the bronchi are inflamed for a long time, if the cough lasts more than three months. Most often, chronic bronchitis occurs in those who smoke or work with chemicals. Because of this, bronchi are irritated for a long time, the mucous membrane changes and different infections begin to penetrate - fungus, viruses and bacteria.

What are the symptoms of chronic bronchitis?

bronchitis1When the mucous membrane is damaged, the amount of sputum increases, it is practically not eliminated, because of this, a strong cough, at first it bothers only in the morning, then appears at night, intensifies if the damp and cold weather.

With this form of bronchitis, sputum is clear, does not smell. When the disease worsens, it can be purulent, cloudy, thickens, acquires a yellow or green hue.

In the case of prolonged chronic bronchitis, the bronchi become severely narrowed, this person is worried about shortness of breath, it is hard to exhale, choking attacks are possible, thus chronic bronchitis passes into an obstructive disease of the pulmonary system, later may develop emphysema, a person becomes hard to breathe, he constantly lacks oxygen.

Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis can only be two years later, but it is very important not to confuse the disease with the bronchial asthma, for this purpose, an x-ray, a biochemical blood test, bacterial culture, bronchoscopy is prescribed.

Treatment is necessary when chronic bronchitis is exacerbated, expectorants and anti-inflammatory drugs are used for this, and preparations for the immune system are also needed. To get rid of excess mucus and stop the inflammatory process, prescribe bronchoscopy.

Obstructive bronchitis

This form of the disease is characterized by obstruction of the respiratory tract, obstructive bronchitis can be acute, chronic. Acute is typical for children, often occurs as a result of influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza.

The chronic form is characteristic for adult age, bronchitis occurs due to the fact that a person smokes, also a genetic predisposition, if a person lives in polluted ecology, works with such substances as cement, silicon, kamiy, also if the professional activity is related to metallurgy.

What are the symptoms of obstructive bronchitis? The body temperature starts to rise sharply, the person is shivering, he is weak, at the same time he is disturbed by a dry cough, then a lot of sputum begins to flow away. When the mucous membranes begin to swell, a person is restless, shortness of breath, wheezing. For chronic obstructive bronchitis is characterized by a persistent cough, which is especially disturbing in the morning, exacerbated infection with a viral infection, if purulent sputum appeared, dyspnea increased, urgent measures must be taken. In the treatment it is very important to first eliminate the cause of the disease. Children are hard on their own to get rid of phlegm, so they are recommended to draw slime, which is accumulated by electric suction and a rubber can. Also an effective tool is massage and drainage. Relieve the symptoms of foot bath, they recommend using mustard, sea salt, soda. Remember, the more you drink warm drink, the faster sputum is produced. To remove puffiness, inhalations will help, if sputum purulent, it is necessary to take antibiotics. To strengthen the body with the disease can be with vitamins - Vitrum, Biomax, Complivit.

Bronchitis in children

This disease is dangerous for young children, because it can even lead to death. It is very important to treat bronchitis in children on time and correctly. Children of preschool age most often get obstructive bronchitis. When a child has a runny nose, his nose starts to puff up, he starts to breathe with his mouth, does not get enough oxygen.

Obstruction is due to the fact that the child has narrow bronchial lumens, the mucous membrane is swollen, because of this begins to be allocated viscous sputum, it does not depart well, then there is bronchospasm, while hears wheezing. If the child has a bronchitis permanent, you need to undergo an additional examination, because the child may have bronchial asthma.

What are the symptoms of bronchitis in children?

The wheezing is wheezing, a cold can appear before it, the body temperature rises, the baby weakens and is very limp.
At the child the bronchitis arises because of such viruses - adenoviruses, parainfluenza, measles, if a bronchitis of a virus character, not It is necessary to use antibiotics for treatment, if bacterial, it is necessary to use them for treatment.


With viral bronchitis, sputum is clear, intoxication is not strong. In cases of bacterial bronchitis, sputum purulent, the child weakens, becomes pale, flaccid, does not eat anything. If the temperature lasts up to 4 days, the cough increases, it is necessary to take antibiotics to kill the bacterium.

If you notice pus in the sputum, blood, you need to urgently call a doctor, it's talking about a serious nasopharyngeal disease or an inflammatory process in the lungs.

To the child quickly recovered, you need to monitor the humidity in the room, for this you need to buy an air purifier or hang wet clothes on batteries. Ensure that the child as much as possible consumes liquids, so sputum can be diluted more quickly and removed from the body. Recommend to drink fruit drinks, juices, teas, compotes, plain water. It is not necessary to bring down the temperature lower than 38, 5 degrees, with the help of its immunity fights against viruses, does not allow them to multiply.

Please note that it is not always necessary to give antibiotics to a child with bronchitis, they must be given only for children up to six months, because in young children bronchiolitis, which develop into pneumonia. Also antibiotics should be drunk to children with bacterial bronchitis. Drugs can be used as inhalants. But pay attention to the fact that when taking antibiotics it is very important to monitor the intestinal microflora, because often children develop dysbacteriosis.

When should a child be given cough medicine?

1. In cases of obstructive bronchitis, in order to expand the bronchi.

2. If a child has problems with the pulmonary system, chronic lack of enzymes, which are responsible for liquefaction of mucus.

3. When the bronchitis is hard, it is necessary to use mucolytics, while you need a special massage - a little knock on the chest.

Children can often be prescribed inhalation, for them essential oils, mineral water, various solutions are used. There are many types of inhalers - steam, oil, but nebulizers have recently been valued.

How to protect a child from bronchitis?

1. Protect him from passive smoking.

2. To protect the child from ARVI, for this you need to constantly temper it, dress it in the weather, do not wrap it.

3. It is compulsory to do all the vaccinations that will protect the child from bacteria such as pneumococcus, hemophilic rod.

Allergic bronchitis

This form of the disease occurs if a person comes into contact with an allergen - the pollen of the plant, dust, wool, also with some species of animals, with household chemicals. An allergic reaction can occur on the vaccine, medication.

Allergic bronchitisAllergic bronchitis differs from other species with its symptomatology, with viral bronchitis the body temperature rises, the person starts to suffocate.

Allergic bronchitis is not so pronounced, it passes when a person stops contacting with allergens. At an allergic bronchitis disturbs a strong cough, there is a dyspnea, difficulty breathing, rales are dry, raises lacrimation, can also be accompanied by tracheitis, laryngitis and diathesis.

To treat this form of bronchitis is very difficult, first you need to identify the allergen, eliminate it, then remove the symptoms. Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis, then special anti-inflammatory medications, as well as immunomodulators, are prescribed. In addition, phytotherapy is used.

Remember, if you do not treat allergic bronchitis in time, it will eventually develop into bronchial asthma.

Bronchitis of a smoker

Often in people who smoke begins to develop chronic bronchitis, its symptoms are pronounced, frequent bouts are concerned. It all depends on where the person lives, from a smoker who comes near the sea or in a clean forest zone, bronchitis occurs much later than those who live in a large city.

What causes bronchitis in a smoker?

1. Because of age.

2. Because of the long experience of the smoker.

3. If a person is often sick with ARVI.

4. Because of problems with immunity.

5. If a person lives in adverse environmental conditions or works with harmful substances.

6. Because of malnutrition, unfavorable living conditions, strong physical exertion.

The following stages of development of bronchitis in a smoker can be distinguished:

Bronchitis of a smoker1. The appearance of cough only in the morning, he first is not strong, then gradually increases, appears viscous sputum, often with pus. There may also be shortness of breath after strong physical exertion, when a person ascends the stairs. The smoker has a long period of acute respiratory disease, often can be accompanied by a strong cough.

2. In the second stage, in addition to the above symptoms, severe dyspnea occurs, which can lead to fainting. Disturbs coughing if a person takes a sharp breath. At a dyspnea or palpitation raises or increases palpitation.

3. At the third stage, dyspnea is severe, disturbing the smoker even when it is not heavily loaded, while breathing is difficult, hypoxia can develop, metabolism is disrupted.

What are the effects of a smoker's bronchitis?

A complication such as obstructive pulmonary disease of a chronic nature is dangerous. When the smoker's bronchitis is obstructed, the person does not have enough oxygen in the blood. Due to the fact that the work of the respiratory system is disrupted, there are problems with the brain - a person is very tired, constantly drowsy, his can disturb frequent dizziness, memory is reduced, and heart problems also arise - heart failure, hypertension.

How to treat a smoker's bronchitis?

If a person does not quit smoking, bronchitis can not be cured. Therefore, the first thing to do is to give up this bad habit. Of course, at first it will be very difficult, perhaps, bronchitis will increase, cough will increase, an abundant amount of sputum will appear. But over time, the respiratory system will recover.

Chronic bronchitis in a smoker is treated with bronchodilators, these drugs will help relax the bronchi. You can remove excess mucus from the bronchi with the help of mucolytics. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics may also be prescribed. Physiotherapeutic procedures are an effective method of treatment. In no case can one engage in self-medication, this will only exacerbate the disease.

Asthmatic bronchitis

This disease is a consequence of a viral or bacterial infection, as well as allergic bronchitis. Because the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, a spasm appears in the muscles of the bronchi, then the bronchial mucosa swells, thick, viscous mucus begins to develop. It becomes difficult for a person to breathe when he coughs, feels choking, bronchial asthma arises from bronchospasm.

More often attacks of a strong dry cough with suffocation suffer at night, because of it there is a bronchospasm. Asthmatic bronchitis can be complicated, while coughing is worse, it is difficult to breathe. This form of bronchitis is dangerous because the bronchi constantly narrow, if the disease is not treated in time, it can lead to the expansion of the alveoli, the thinning of the walls, then to such diseases as emphysema of the lungs, bronchiectasis. If the cough disturbs for a long time, then it starts to progress, especially when a person exhales, it speaks of bronchial asthma.

Methods of treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

Modern medicine offers many medications, with which you can remove spasm from the bronchi, such as vitalin, saltox, astalin, salben, also berotek, they can be used to treat bronchi.

In this case, it is very important to treat the cold in time, the diseases of the nasopharynx, the oral cavity, as little as possible to contact with the allergen, so as not to aggravate asthmatic bronchitis.

When treating this form of bronchitis, you need to dilute sputum, for this use steam and water inhalations. Also constantly moisturize the air, also monitor your daily routine - it is useful to eat, enrich your menu with fruits, vegetables, thus improve the functionality of the bronchi, walk as much as possible outdoors, give up alcohol and smoking.

What antibiotics should I take with bronchitis?

antibiotics for bronchitisIt is very important to take them only for their intended purpose, antibiotics actively fight against infections, viruses and bacteria. With the help of them you can recover quickly, but it is very important to choose them correctly. To do this, take the necessary tests to find out about the increased sensitivity to the antibiotic, if a cough is accompanied phlegm, it is very important, before taking antibiotics to pass an analysis to check the flora. If you can not pass all the examinations, then it is best to pay attention to antibiotics such as fleumoclave, amoxiclav, they belong to a wide range of applications. Remember that some antibiotics can only exacerbate the disease, cough can become chronic or allergic.

Also, with bronchitis, antibiotics can be prescribed:

1. Groups of penicillin-ampiox, augmentin, etc.

2. Macrolides - clarithromycin, azithromycin.

3. Cephalosporins - cefazolin, cefpir, cefotaxime.

If cough is severe, an antibiotic called "Codelac" is recommended, with the help of it you can overcome a dry cough. If cough accompanies a viral infection, the antibiotic "Immunal" is recommended, in cases of copious discharge sputum, infection and bacteria in the bronchi may be prescribed by "Suprax", "Amoxicliv" and "Macropen".

How correctly to take antibiotics for bronchitis?

It is very important to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor, if you increase it, there may be a serious allergic reaction. If to you it became not easier after an antibiotic in two days, means, he does not approach you. Drugs should be taken no less than 10 days. Antibiotics can not be used any longer, because bacterial resistance can be developed and it will be difficult to treat the disease.

Why do we need antibiotics for bronchitis?

With the help of them, it is possible to overcome a bacterial infection more quickly, but antibiotics can not be prescribed independently. Only a doctor can do this. In addition to taking antibiotics, you need to drink vitamins, eat as much as possible fruits, vegetables.

Cough after bronchitis how to treat?

Very often people who have recovered from bronchitis do not go through a cough for a long time. Please note that some time after the illness can continue coughing. Only a doctor can say that this is a complication or a signal of recovery.

bronchitis3It is believed that if a person has treated bronchitis with antibiotics, the cough will last for a long time, but this is a false theory, most likely a cough is one of the complications of acute bronchitis, most often this phenomenon occurs in smokers or people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle. It is very important to make sure that coughing is not one of the symptoms of pneumonia, it is always necessary to see the doctor and be treated on time.

Cough after bronchitis can play a protective function, it can become a response to the inflammatory process, using cough can get rid of harmful microbes in the body and dead cells.

Types of cough after bronchitis

It can be dry and wet. Dry has a negative effect on the bronchi, it strongly affects the patient, so you need to constantly use expectorants. Wet cough after bronchitis is a good sign, with the help of it you can withdraw excess phlegm, get rid of harmful microbes and other bodies.

How long can a cough after bronchitis last?

It is very important to pay attention to this factor. If the cough lasts several weeks after bronchitis and is not exacerbated, but goes to recession, this is normal. But, if a person feels worse, while he is worried about excessive sweating, general malaise, severe fatigue, then you are not cured.

How to get rid of cough after bronchitis?

You can use medicines or folk remedies for this. At home you can cure cough with such simple recipes:

1. It will take honey, radish, carrots. You need to squeeze the juice from the vegetables, then add honey, mix everything. Eat one tablespoon every hour. But this is only done if the cough after bronchitis is severe.

2. Beneficial to the bronchial system after the disease has been affected by such a recipe, it will require sugar, two yolks, everything must be thoroughly mixed, eaten on an empty stomach and at night.

3. Well the remnants of a cough removes such a recipe, it will require honey, radish. It is necessary to remove the radish from the middle, pour honey into it. Drink juice a day up to six times.

Treatment of bronchitis, treatment with folk remedies

It is very important to start treating bronchitis on time, because there can be serious complications. Siberian doctors recommend using this method: you need to take lard, melt it, add French turpentine, use hot before bed. If you just started to treat bronchitis, it is recommended to drink in the morning.

The famous doctor O. Morozova recommends such an effective method of treatment: first you need to sweat well, for this use three glasses of diaphoretic broth based on mint, sage, elderberry, linden, dried raspberry, honey with ginger. Thus, it is possible to withdraw viscous sputum. In cases of increased fever and cough, it is necessary to use mustard plasters, they are applied on the chest, also the calves, it is necessary to hold until the burning occurs. Instead of mustard, you can use turpentine or grated horseradish. To reduce body temperature, you need to take aspirin. In the morning with bronchitis it is recommended to drink milk with the addition of soda, honey. In the evening, you need to use a decoction based on herbs, it will require horse mint, honey.

Traditional healers advise using bronchitis to use such recipes:

1. Mix the pork or goose fat with aloe juice, add butter, natural honey, to strengthen the taste you can put cocoa. This mixture should be added to a cup of hot milk. Drink up to two times a day.

2. In acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, it is recommended to pay attention to such a decoction, it will require fruits of dill, anise, pine buds, thyme, spores, licorice root, it must first be crushed. All pour boiled water - 400 ml, insist for up to three hours, then boil for 3 minutes. Drink three times a day for half a glass.

3. If a strong cough disturbs the bronchitis, recommend using onions with honey, you need to cut half a kilogram of onions finely, add half a kilogram of sugar, honey, pour a liter of water, boil. Drink up to 5 times a day.

4. In obstructive as well as asthmatic bronchitis, which is accompanied by suffocation, it is recommended to use oregano, for this in a glass of boiling water you need to brew the grass, insist up to two hours. Eat three times a day.

5. When chronic bronchitis is used such a collection, it is necessary to take birch buds, dioecious nettle, ledum, oregano, mix everything thoroughly, pour a half liter of boiling water.

6. To cure bronchitis will help infusion of sage with milk, it will take 200 ml of milk, a tablespoon of sage. All boil and drain. Drink at night.

7. Well, helps infusion, prepared with crimson stems and leaves. For it you need to crush the dried crimson leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. This is one of the best sweatshops.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in folk ways:

Treatment of bronchitis

1. You need to take the interior fat, melt it and add it to the milk. You can use for grinding, only in melted fat you need to add turpentine.

2. The effective way is this: for it you need half a liter of wine to add to it aloe. Insist 5 days. Use three times a day for one tablespoon.

3. In ancient times, cough, which for a long time did not pass, was treated with such a prescription, for it you need to take aloe, honey, 100 ml of water, boil all up to two hours, always on a small fire.

4. You can heal bronchitis with such a mixture, it will require linden honey, birch buds, olive oil, aloe. Honey needs to melt, mix and use three times a day for one tablespoon.

5. With strong bronchitis, you need to use this tincture, it will require a mother-and-stepmother, grass asparagus, black elderberry flowers, all pour 200 ml of boiling water. Eat up to three times a day.

6. When bronchial asthma is recommended such a collection of mother-and-stepmother, pine buds, plantain, pour cold water and insist up to three hours. Then 5 minutes boil, use one glass a day.

7. When chronic bronchitis is recommended to use tincture based on oregano, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile medicinal, all pour half a liter of boiling water. Insist 7 hours.

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

1. It is recommended to use this balm, it will require 250 grams of agave, a liter of cahors and honey. Leaves of the plant do not need to be washed, only to wipe, then grind, put in a container, then add Cahors, chalk. Mix thoroughly, insist for two weeks.

2. Well, such a recipe helps, for it you need to mix aloe juice with smaltz, butter and honey. This recipe can not be used by pregnant women, those who suffer from hemorrhoids have an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system and kidneys.

3. To ease the symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis will help decoctions on the basis of knotweed, in order to prepare you need to take one tablespoon of finely chopped herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil thoroughly, insist up to two hours.

4. From the bronchitis effectively helps the infusion of the root of nine-strength, it is good to add honey to it.

5. An excellent expectorant is a drug based on nettle, in order to cook it, you need to take the flowers of nettle, pour 800 ml of boiling water. Insist 3 hours.

6. The recipe on the basis of bran helps, it is necessary to take half a kilogram of bran, add two liters of water, boil all to 15 minutes. To use in a hot kind.

7. The symptomatology of bronchitis will be facilitated by such a decoction, for it it is necessary to take the fruits of Kinza, sowing coriander, mistletoe white, yellow chrysanthemum, zlatotsvet, root of the Tatar aster. All you need to grind, mix and pour boiling water. Then add a little ginger, insist one night, add honey.

8. Adults when coughing recommend to take such a decoction, for it you need to take the resin from the white cherry, pour a liter of water, add chalk, clove seeds, ginger. To eat in the morning and in the evening, one tablespoon is enough.

9. An effective tool for treating bronchitis are inhalations using propolis, for this you need to take 40 grams of wax, 60 grams propolis, put everything in an aluminum pan, it should be put in a boiling water tank, thus wax and propolis dissolve. Inhalation is recommended to be done twice a day for 15 minutes.

10. Cure bronchitis will help the wine, with the help of his sputum is separated better. It is necessary to warm the dry wine and drink 50 ml twice a day. You can add leaves of plantain in it, they will help to thin the sputum.

Effective folk remedies for coughing

1. It is necessary to moisten the gauze in vodka, put it on the chest, cover it with polyethylene, then cover it with cotton, then fix it with a bandage. The procedure is carried out at night to 30 minutes.

2. It is good to rub the breast for the night with such a tincture, it will take half a liter of vodka, half a glass of medicinal veronica. Mix everything and insist for two weeks.

3. An effective remedy is such a compress, for it you need to take half a liter of vodka, potatoes and honey. Potatoes must be boiled, then put in a bag, knead it. Apply to the chest, then in vodka you need to dissolve the honey, the mixture needs to be drunk. You need to do the procedure before bed, if the temperature is high, the compress can not be done.

Recipes from bronchitis based on sea salt

1. You need to add a sea salt in a glass of water - one teaspoon, baking soda - one teaspoon. Every morning you need to rinse the mouth with this solution.

2. Heat the sea salt in a frying pan, then bend over and inhale it, with the help of such a saline inhalation you can quickly cure bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

Thus, bronchitis is a serious disease that can not be started in any case, because it can be complicated and grow into a chronic form. Also, do not engage in self-treatment, with the first symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of chronic and acute bronchitis in children

Symptoms of chronic and acute bronchitis in childrenBronchitis in children appears quite often, especially if you are engaged in self-medication or the wrong treatment of a cold. This term refers to the inflammatory process that occurs in the mucosa of the bronchi and is caused by a variety of causes.

Causes of bronchitis in children

About 70% of cases of this disease in children are viruses. The most common cause can be called rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial infection. Very rare viruses of group A and B.

The second place among the causes of bronchitis is microbial etiology, which occurs when the drainage functionality is violated bronchus, with foreign bodies, intubation of the trachea, constant aspiration, and also in the presence of cystic fibrosis. The most common bacteria that cause bronchitis are streptococcus, staphylococcus and pneumococcus.

In rare cases, only with weakened immunity, can develop fungal bronchitis in children. Children with immunodeficiency can infect Candida and other fungi.

Quite often in recent years in children, bronchitis began to be caused by other pathogens, such as mycoplasmas, chlamydia, and intracellular parasites, whose treatment is quite complex.

Forms of bronchitis in children

By its clinical manifestations of bronchitis can be quite a lot, so it is necessary to determine in advance what type of a child in order to properly treat. In children, there are two types of bronchitis:

- acute bronchitis, which is quite active and occurs in a healthy body;

- chronic bronchitis, which lasts a long period, with possible remission.

The acute form of bronchitis in children can be divided into:

- Acute simple bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the bronchi, in which there are no signs of violation of obstruction (air conduction);

- Obstructive bronchitis is an acute form with visible signs of disturbance of air permeability;

- bronchiolitis is an acute inflammation of small bronchi with pronounced respiratory insufficiency. Small bubbling rales may appear;

- acute relapses, which can be repeated about three times a year against the backdrop of any colds that occur within two weeks;

- acute chronic, in which the inflammation of the bronchial region is constantly maintained, the presence of irritable cough, wheezing in the lungs that do not pass for a long time.

Clinical symptoms of bronchitis in children

Symptoms of pediatric bronchitis directly depend on the cause of the disease, the age of the child and many other factors.

In the case of an acute form of the disease in a child, the main symptom is a cough. At first, the cough is rather dry and irritable, but after two days it becomes wet, with an increasing amount of mucous secretions. Severe cough can persist for up to two weeks, and with some infections a little longer.

The viral form of bronchitis tends to develop with a certain toxicosis and body temperature, which can last up to three days, in rare cases, longer. The child does not have shortness of breath, and when examining the lungs with a stethoscope, you can hear rales of a different nature, which change when coughing. On the x-ray image, an increase in the pattern of the pulmonary area is formed. In the analysis of blood, certain shifts that are due to the presence of bronchitis in a child can be detected.

The obstructive form of bronchitis in children is manifested by the symptoms of a characteristic prolonged whistling exhalation, in which the presence of wheezing is heard. With this form of the disease appears a dry rare cough. The temperature of the child's body can be moderate or it may not be at all. On the x-ray, a swelling of the pulmonary area is seen with augmentation of the pattern. A blood test is typical for a viral infection.

When a child develops an acute form of obstructive bronchitis, it often accompanies an increased body temperature for a long time with sharp respiratory disorders. When listening you can note the constant small bubbling rales and crepitations, the breath is noticeably elongated and heavy. A blood test of a child can show an increase in ESR, as well as a manifestation of leukocytosis.

The manifestation of the bronchitis is observed only in the first years of the child's life, with the main peak of the disease for six months. Symptoms of the disease are noticeable shortness of breath and a difficult exhalation. Also, dry cough and cyanosis around the mouth may appear.

Recurrent forms of the disease are more common in children under the age of 5 years. In the period of relapse, no features that differ from acute bronchitis are observed. Also, during the period of remission, no obvious manifestations are revealed.

Chronic bronchitis can occur at any age. This disease is often accompanied by other chronic and inflammatory processes in the pulmonary system. the main symptoms are the presence of a constant cough with mucus, as well as wheezing in the lungs for a couple of months. Within two years, the exacerbation of the disease may occur about three times a year, with the exception of pneumonia and other chronic lung diseases.

Obstructive bronchitis - treatment with drugs and folk remedies. How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children, video

The human respiratory system is a unique mechanism that saturates the body with oxygen and protects against infection, toxins, and viruses. If the failure occurs, the inflammatory process begins, known as the bronchial obstruction syndrome. What is acute or chronic obstructive bronchitis as a disease and how to effectively get rid of it? Full information about this you will find in a short review.

What is obstructive bronchitis?

Inflammatory process in the bronchi in humans

The inflammatory process in the bronchi, which causes damage to the patency of the respiratory tract, is called bronchitis. According to ICD 10, a progressive disease leads to a violation of the ventilation of the lungs, affects the internal organs. There is an inconvenient respiratory process, wheezing, shortness of breath. There are two forms of bronchitis with obstruction:

  • Acute, typical for children, appears after viral infections (influenza, SARS, pneumonia).
  • Chronic, manifested after any stimulus (disease, allergic reaction).


Bronchial obstruction in the acute form develops against the background of a respiratory viral disease. The patient has a fever, signs of fever, weakness. The main symptom of bronchitis with the name obstructive is a dry, intrusive cough, which then passes into a moist form. Severe cases of the disease due to congestion of pulmonary secretion, edema of the mucosa are characterized by:

  • shortness of breath;
  • wheezing;
  • whistling sounds.

Signs of obstructive bronchitis in chronic form do not appear for a long time. Exacerbations occur against the background of hypothermia, the effects of diseases. Symptomatics of bronchitis, which is called obstructive, occurs as a result of complications, depends on the level of damage to the organs of the respiratory system:

  • strong, suffocating cough;
  • scant sputum becomes purulent;
  • shortness of breath with whistling.
The man has an attack of severe cough


There are many factors that will cause bronchitis with obstruction:

  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx;
  • allergy;
  • poisoning;
  • burns, injuries to respiratory organs;
  • genetic predisposition (antitrypin deficiency);
  • age (risk groups include children and the elderly);
  • tumors of the bronchi, trachea;
  • recurrent viral infections.

There are other points: an incorrect way of life (in smokers and abusing alcohol) affects all the functions of the body, and poor environmental conditions and work in harmful production can encourage the development of respiratory diseases. In addition, the presence of chemical stimuli easily affects the appearance of symptoms of bronchitis: if the time does not eliminate the allergen, then asthmatic bronchitis will develop into bronchial obstruction.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis in adults and children

The main task in the treatment of bronchitis, which is indicated as obstructive, is the localization of the underlying disease, as well as the relief of the effects of respiratory patency. For this, all irritants are excluded, the influence of which adversely affects the patient's condition. In acute bronchitis with osteoporosis in children up to one year, it is recommended to release respiratory organs from secretions and accumulated mucus by applying a vibrating massage.

People's means

Medicinal plant of Aloe

Experienced doctors prescribe a comprehensive therapy, which includes folk medicine as an additional tool. Remember: with such a serious illness as bronchitis, you can not rely solely on herbs. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication: all drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Natural remedies help liquefaction and excretion of sputum.

Aloe juice has amazing properties, it is used for serious diseases (including bronchitis) as an additional remedy:

  • 500 g of fresh plant leaves to grind in a blender or meat grinder;
  • Add honey and Cahors (in equal proportions) to the resulting mass;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • insist 14 days;
  • Take 18 g before meals (no more than three times).

With bronchitis to stop the attack suffocating cough recommend warm milk with the addition of 10 drops of propolis, and turnip juice with honey will help liquefy sputum in case of illness, so take it several times a day, a teaspoonful. An auxiliary tool for chronic bronchitis is the collection of medicinal herbs, which is infused for 60 minutes:

  • motherwort;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • nettle.

Thyme is known for its mukalizing properties, so the use of traditional medicine as an additional remedy for bronchitis and pulmonary diseases is common. Broth stems of plants three times a day take two tablespoons before eating:

  • 15 grams of raw material pour a glass of hot liquid;
  • put the container on the steam bath (not less than 15 minutes);
  • when the product cools down, strain through gauze.


Syndrome of bronchial obstruction with bacterial infection and purulent sputum is treated only with potent antibiotics. The task of the therapist (pediatrician in the case of a newborn) will be to eliminate the focus of the disease. The course lasts for 5-7-10-14 days. The type of medicines, their dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually, so do not trust the advertising or advice of friends. In addition, bronchitis with obstruction prescribes drugs with bifidobacteria to restore the microflora of the stomach.

Features of treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Ointment Erythromycin
  • If a person has a strong immune system, the recovery process will take an average of 14 days.
  • In elderly people, due to age-related changes, the duration of rehabilitation procedures increases.
  • Careful attention requires the flow of bronchitis in infants or preschool children: the rapid development of inflammatory processes occurs during the first hours, so pediatrics provides for the continuation of therapeutic measures up to three weeks.

On how quickly the doctor will identify the cause of obstruction in the course of bronchitis, the timing and features of treatment depend. To identify the source of the disease, differential diagnosis is needed: this is how the symptomatology of bronchitis is recognized. At elevated temperature, the weakened organism of the patient is sent to the clinic, where he will be under round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel.


How to cure the acute form of bronchial obstruction syndrome? Do not engage in self-medication, especially for children. If the immunity of an adult is adapted to fight infection, then the baby requires immediate medical attention. Treatment is carried out with drugs that have expectorant properties ("Ambrobene").

In acute bronchitis with characteristic obstruction, the cause that caused the disease is first eliminated. This is the main stage of therapy, so they give him maximum attention. If a microbial infection is found, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed ("Erythromycin", "Spiramycin", "Amoxiclav"). When severe respiratory failure is recommended the use of corticosteroids ("Symbicort", "Advair").


Schematic representation of COPD and emphysema

When the bronchitis has passed into the chronic form, it means that the condition becomes aggravated against the background of the appearance of the stimulus. The treatment regimen is indicated by the therapist after a series of studies (to exclude concomitant diseases):

  • To restore the patency of the respiratory tract, bronchodilators are prescribed (Berodual, Salbutamol);
  • means used to dilute mucus and sputum in the bronchi ("Lazolvan", "Bromgeksin", herbal preparations, homeopathy);
  • if there are purulent discharge, then antibiotics are used;
  • strengthen immunity with courses of vitamin therapy.


To avoid relapses of bronchitis obstructive, it is necessary to exclude all irritants - smoking, alcohol abuse, allergens. Timely diagnosis and cure of nasopharyngeal diseases will save further problems. Prophylaxis of the chronic form of bronchial obstruction is carried out in sanatorium-medical institutions. To get rid of obstructive acute or chronic bronchitis, doctors recommend respiratory gymnastics.

Video: treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children from Dr. Komarovsky

All inflammatory processes with obstructive (often acute) bronchitis in the child's body occur rapidly: if in the morning there is lethargy, then in a couple of hours the temperature will start to rise, so we must immediately prescribe a therapy. With timely medical assistance, the transition of the acute form of the disease into a chronic one is excluded. The information on how quickly and easily get rid of bronchitis with obstruction will tell the pediatrician Komarovsky.

Chronic bronchitis in children

Chronic bronchitis in children is a chronic common inflammatory lesion of the bronchi that occurs with repeated exacerbations, at least 3 times in 2 years. In childhood it is usually a manifestation of other chronic lung diseases. As an independent disease is diagnosed with the exclusion of chronic pneumonia, pulmonary and mixed forms of cystic fibrosis, syndrome of ciliary dyskinesia and other chronic lung diseases, congenital malformations of the bronchi and lungs.

In the emergence of chronic bronchitis, passive and active smoking, xenobiotics and pollutants, foci of chronic infection are of great importance. Hereditary predisposition is essential.

ICD-10 code J41.0 Simple chronic bronchitis J41 Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis J41.1 Muco-purulent chronic bronchitis J41.8 Mixed, simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis J42 Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis in children

The most characteristic sign is a prolonged dry cough in the "remission period, wet" during the period of exacerbation. Duration of exacerbation - 2--3 weeks or more. Sputum is mucopurulent, mainly in small amounts, with difficulty coughing. In the lungs hard breathing is heard, common dry and wet medium and large bubbling rales without clear localization. The number of wheezing increases with exacerbation, decreases during remission, but they continue to be heard for several months.

Where does it hurt?

Chest Pain Cough in the chest

What's bothering you?

Chrohes in the lungs Cough

Criteria for diagnosis of chronic bronchitis

  • productive cough with phlegm;
  • permanent variegated, wet wheezing in the lungs for several months with 2-3 exacerbations of the disease a year for 2 years.

In a laboratory studyblood during the exacerbation - moderate leukocytosis, neutrophilia with a left shift of the leukocyte formula and an increase in ESR. In the study of the function of external respiration, moderately expressed obstructive disorders are identified.

On radiographs- the pulmonary pattern is strengthened both during the period of exacerbation and during the period of remission. Unlike chronic pneumonia, there are no signs of local pneumosclerosis.

With bronchoscopyin the period of exacerbation, a catarrhal or catarrhal-purulent disseminated endobronchitis is detected without a clear localization.

On bronchogramsgross deformations of the bronchial tree are absent.

What it is necessary to survey?


How to inspect?

X-ray of lungs Bronchoscopy

What tests are needed?

Sputum analysis Complete blood count

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist Pediatrician

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

In chronic bronchitis, treatment is similar to that of chronic pneumonia.

In addition to treatment

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