What to do when you cough

What to do with a dry cough

Coughing is a natural counteraction to the body in response to stimuli in the respiratory system: foreign bodies, allergic substances, dust and viruses. Especially unpleasant and dangerous is a dry cough, without spitting out.

Why does dry cough appear

The reasons for its appearance can be very different:

- liquid or food crumbs, accidentally got into the respiratory system;

- dust, allergies, smoke, too cool air, a pungent smell;

- an expression of strong emotions, a cry, a high tone of conversation;

- inflammatory processes in the body.

What to do with a dry cough

First you need to eliminate the causes that cause a dry cough, eliminating the factors that make the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract irritated. If, after this, the cough continues in the form of attacks or periodic coughing, it is necessary to see a doctor for the diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of medical procedures.

Methods of treatment in official medicine

With prolonged attacks of dry cough, to avoid complications, the doctor prescribes medications that calm the cough receptors and extinguish the activity of the cough center in the brain.

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It should be remembered that any kind of self-treatment is justified only after the doctor determines the causes of coughing.

The main principle of treating a dry (unproductive) cough is to transfer it to wet, or productive. In this case, the body itself begins to purify itself of the infection by excretion of sputum. This is assisted by expectorating and thinning medications prescribed by the doctor, and also compliance with the necessary diet.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Of folk remedies against dry cough, inhalations work effectively, as well as warm milk with various kinds of additives.

Inhalations can be prepared from chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, thyme or sage. To do this, pour the grass with boiling water, adding a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Another option: a mixture of sage, plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort and lime color in equal parts can be poured with boiling water and simmer for about an hour on low heat.

To prepare potato inhalation in boiled potato peelings, one should put thyme and leaves eucalyptus, to stand on a small fire for 4-5 minutes and add before the beginning of the procedure a small fir oil.

There are several recipes for the treatment of dry cough based on milk.

Recipe 1. Boil half a liter of milk. Slightly cool, add a tablespoon of cream, egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Mix well and take in warm form 5 times a day for 100 ml.

Recipe 2. Add in a quarter of a liter of milk a spoonful of dry sage, heat to a boil and strain. Before going to bed, drink 50-70 ml.

Recipe 3. To drink right before going to bed a mug of warm milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and 20 g of butter. This will help to sputum.

The healing elixir is traditionally the juice obtained from black radish. It is peeled from the skin, cut into strips, covered with sugar and left for 10-11 hours. Isolated juice is drunk on a spoon 3-5 times a day.

The dry cough of juice, squeezed out of turnip, cures well. For adults, the norm of reception is 3-4 table, and for children - 3 teaspoons per day.


What if I do not get phlegm when I cough?


liza liza

The drug "ACTS". Very good phlegm is phlegm. And if you take more and Alteika or Lazolvan (these drugs CONDUCT sputum), then the effect will be in the first day. In addition: drainage massage, warm drink, you can warm up the legs or put mustard plasters.
Good milk helps with figs dilute a glass of milk with water in a proportion: and to torment with a fig (5 pcs. ) on low heat for 20 minutes. The fig will boil, the cream will turn creamy. Strain and drink warm as you want.
Be healthy.

Ruslan Oleksik

badger fat

Tatyana Myronova

bury your mother-stepmother and have a drink. The cough will immediately be wet and sputum will depart. the herb is on sale in a pharmacy


To do this, you first need to ask a more correct question. Who! An adult or a child? There is a special massage, tablets (ACTS, Lazolvan).

Marina Bulaeva

I did not probyvala, but my child helps. You need a glass of warm milk (the warmer, the better), in it to dissolve three tablets of mucaltin and a tablespoon of honey. Drink at night and after that it's warmer to take cover. Health to you!


At me a daughter 2.6 we drink a phyto stoppussin and atsts, a bronchitis passes or takes place, spits out a sputum already clots

Marina Grigorieva

buy the cheapest pharmacy in the pharmacy called "from cough" and drink it. Dear there is no sense to take, there is no sense. Plus in a radish hole make and pour honey there, as a radish will give juice, you can drink. And still it would be advisable to make honey massage on the back. It is done simply: First warm up your back with your hands: A little pound, "then cut the honey coldly on your back and make rolling movements along your back. After massage, a warm wrap. You can moisten the towel with hot water, and make several compresses hot.


A very good Stopptusin syrup - it is based on herbs and breastfeeding (a collection of several herbs is on sale in the pharmacy)


herbion with a dry cough, ambriiform, doctor mom

NYSHA semechkin

buy a nebulizer! will help the whole family. and from cough and angina and snot. It is a little expensive but it pays for itself


ACTS to drink, syrup Linkas. With a bad sputum, inhalations are made with Berodual. A can of massage (if there is no temperature!), Grease your back with vaseline, put one jar and carefully, so that it does not move away, leading it from the bottom up (as if you help the phlegm get out). Rubbing does. Sell ​​mustard plasters with fir oil, very good help. Try to drink as much liquid as possible - copious drink restores the body's water balance, disturbed by the disease, and in many ways helps to liquefy sputum. When coughing, sore throat, pharyngitis is especially useful to drink alkaline mineral water (for example, Borjomi), the chemical composition of which also facilitates the recovery of sputum and acceleration of recovery. To prepare inhalation, take a tablespoon of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, sage, thyme and pour them with boiling water in any voluminous vessel. In the infusion add a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil. Such inhalation can be carried out several times a day. Get well!


Folk remedies for cough:

* 500 g of peeled onions, chopped, add 400 g of sugar and cook over low heat in 1 liter of water for 3 hours. Then cool, add 50 g of honey, pour into a bottle and cork. Take 4-6 tablespoons a day after meals.
* Brazilians skip ripe bananas through a sieve, then put the grated mass in a saucepan with hot water in the proportion: 2 bananas per 1 cup of water with sugar. Heat again and drink this mixture.
* In the evening finely chop a large onion, fill it with 2 tablespoons of sugar. By morning the medicine will be ready. During the day, eat a sweet onion or drink a formed juice. You are treated for several days and the cough will pass.
* Choose a pot-bellied black radish with a tail, cut off the tip and take out the inside by a third. Put a little honey in the cavity so that there is room for the juice that stands out. Cut the radish into a glass with water down the tail. When in 3-4 hours juice is typed, drink it and put honey again.
* Recipe for children: cut the black radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in oven for 2 hours. Strain, discard pieces of baked vegetable, and drain the liquid into a bottle. Give 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before going to bed (see also Vanga recipes for children coughing).
* Spirituous tincture of eucalyptus to take 20-30 drops per 1/4 cup of cooled boiled water 3 times a day.
* Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients in the quantities indicated: altey (root) - 40 g, licorice naked (root) - 25 g, mother-and-stepmother (leaves) - 20 g, fennel (fruit) - 15 g. In the thermos, put 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist 10-12 hours, filter. Drink 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 3-5 times a day.
* Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients in specified amounts: mother-and-stepmother (leaves) - 40 g, plantain (leaves) - 30 g, licorice naked (root) - 30 g. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 2 glasses of steep boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes and strain Drink in a warm form 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals with cough and bronchitis.
* Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients in specified amounts: mother-and-stepmother - 2 parts, oregano grass - 1 part, chamomile flowers - 2 parts. Two tablespoons of the crushed mixture pour, l steep boiling water, insist in a thermos for 5-6 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals in a warm form.
Take flowers of the primrose, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, root of elecampane and licorice naked in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, filter. Drink 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 3-4 times a day after meals.
* Brew in a thermos glass of boiling water 2 teaspoons of elecampane high roots. Drink the broth 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. This broth is used as a strong expectorant for bronchitis. Or: pour 1 tablespoon of the roots of elecampane with 2 glasses of water and boil for 15 minutes over a small fire. Take 2 tablespoons every hour during the day.
Follow the link. .

Or try the Ats pills, drink well, good sputum.
Get well!


inhalations with berodualom in general are done at otdyshke, and it is better to do a drainage of a back, and to have a drink what that expectorating, to whom it approaches someone that, to you is more visible. good luck.

Igor Tsoi

inhalation, alkaline drink, breathing exercises

Natalia Nazarenko

Give the child a drink of hot milk + 2 teaspoons of soda, to drink disgusting, but this alkaline drink is good for coughing. I also make the following recipe for the child: I cook the bulb in milk and give 1 tablespoon to drink throughout the day. And I treat medicines with a lazolvan.

Types of inhalations for cough and the peculiarities of their conduct

The occurrence of respiratory diseases occurs very often, both in children and adults. As an effective method of controlling the disease at the initial stage of its course, various inhalations are used for coughing.

Medical practice shows that with the help of inhalations the body recovers faster, and complications in the form of a prolonged cough are very unlikely. In order for the procedures to bring real benefits, you need to know how to implement them correctly.

Benefits of breathing steam when coughing

When inhaled warmed and humidified air occurs warming and moistening the walls of the bronchi

With inhalation, the bronchi are heated by inhalation of vapors. Inhalations are an excellent cough remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia. The main advantage of this procedure is that when using medicines, they do not enter the blood, but only affect the person's airways.

There are different ways of carrying out the procedure - from the simplest ones using a teapot and ordinary water, to complex, requiring the presence of a specialist and the availability of special instruments. But, more interesting are the methods of inhalation with cough, which can be done at home. In addition, this treatment has the following advantages:

  • the opportunity to conduct therapeutic therapy with the first symptoms of coughing, not allowing him to penetrate a more complex form;
  • the opportunity to provide the patient with warmth and sleep right after the procedure, after all, after visiting the clinic, this becomes impossible;
  • home environment favorably affects the child, so most often he will calmly treat the procedure.

Inhalation during coughing at home can take place both in an old and tested way, and with the help of special modern devices - inhalers.

Using the first method, the vapor is inhaled over the container, or through a paper tube that is worn on the kettle.

Inhalations help to cough through these actions:

  1. Steam allows drugs to penetrate deeply into the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, removing the inflammatory process.
  2. Steam significantly enhances the effect of drugs, so that immediately after the procedure, the spasms are removed from the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. Also, the correct implementation of the treatment procedure helps to dilute and separate sputum.
  3. No drug can penetrate so deeply, reaching as much into the lower parts of the lungs, as with the formation of steam.

Which drug to choose?

Depending on the type of cough and the severity of its course, various medicines, herbs, aroma oils and other medicinal substances may be added to water or saline solution. When treating a cough by affecting the respiratory tract of steam, both traditional and traditional medicine can be used.


The choice of a medicinal preparation in the treatment of cough should be carried out depending on its type. So, with a dry cough it is useful to use salbutamol, berodual, berotek and atroven. Their effect on the respiratory tract allows you to moisturize the irritated dry throat, relieve inflammation from it, and also helps to separate sputum.

With a wet cough, when the main purpose of inhalation is separation and excretion of sputum, it is advisable to use solutions such as lazolvanum, pulmozim, flumimil. Cough that occurs on the background of the course of bacterial bronchitis, should be treated with inhalations using flumutil, dioxidin, furatsilina, gentamicin.

To eliminate the cough, it is necessary to follow this sequence in carrying out inhalations:

  • to carry out the procedure with the use of bronchodilators;
  • After 20 minutes you can breathe a couple of drugs that dilute sputum;
  • After half an hour, an inhalation with an antiseptic medicine should be performed;
  • immediately after septic tanks, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is allowed.

Traditional medicine for inhalation

With a dry cough, when the patient can not clear his throat, inhalation is recommended based on non-carbonated mineral water. Sea water also benefits, facilitating the formation and separation of phlegm. It is also useful to add baking soda or grape juice to hot water.

You can cook a decoction of oak leaves, eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula, sage or mint. Inhalation on the basis of these herbs helps with a strong cough. The standard proportion is a tablespoon of dried herbs for 250 ml of water. You can also do inhalations based on essential oils: citrus, fir, juniper, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, mint and other types. Antibacterial effects are provided by inhalation with the addition of fresh garlic juice or onions. In addition, such popular cough suppressants used for inhalation are considered effective:
  1. In warm water, dissolve the natural honey in the ratio pour into the inhaler and breathe first with the mouth, and then with the nose.It is very important to use warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 38 degrees, because the useful properties of this product are lost due to high temperatures.
  2. You can breathe over steamed potatoes, which is useful only with a dry cough. You need to cook unpeeled potatoes, since it is in this form that it has medicinal properties.After the inhalation from the used potatoes, you can make cakes and put on the chest, so you can speed up the recovery process.
  3. With a wet cough, it is useful to breathe a couple of brine with the addition of fir or eucalyptus oil.
  4. Spruces spruce and pine buds have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are applied in the form of a decoction.

With a tendency to allergic reactions it is advisable not to experiment with the use of herbal decoctions, since such treatment can only complicate the inflammatory process in the airways.

Inhalation with cough is a powerful tool in the fight against respiratory diseases, however, only with a proper procedure.



In the offseason, people often suffer from various respiratory diseases. The intake of vitamins, adequate nutrition and regular walks do not yield any results. If the virus clings, everything, it takes a long and tedious treatment. Stuffy nose, dry cough, sore throat - it all poisons life, I want to fall asleep and wake up absolutely healthy. Without proper treatment this will never happen.

Constantly I want to get a cough

Cough occurs for various reasons. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to understand why it appeared. Constantly I want to cough to those who have recently quit smoking. During a cough, black mucus can fly out - these are gums that have been accumulating in the lungs for years. To be afraid of it it is not necessary, as soon as there will be a full clearing of lungs, tussis to stop.

Cough is heart, cold, allergic, the cause may be worms. In order to determine the cause of cough, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo a survey.

I can not clear my throat for breath

Sometimes a fit of coughing is difficult to stop. Deep breathing, sneezing, yawning - all this leads to a suffocating cough. Patients come to the therapist and say: "I can not clear my throat, I do not know what to do, help me." In this situation, they usually recommend potions with plant components. Excellent softens the throat of hot milk with honey. It must be drunk before bedtime.

During the cough, you need to lean forward slightly, in order for the sputum to depart and the attack to pass quickly.

I can not clear my throat, what should I do?

In order to get rid of cough, you need to drink pills, syrups, solutions, do inhalations, rub your chest, soar your legs with mustard and drink milk with honey and butter for the night.

If a person says to the doctor: "I can not clear my throat, what can I do?". He is prescribed drugs that block the cough reflex. They can not be used for long. After coughing is useful, it clears the airways, from what prevents the full breathing.

The child can not get a cough

If an adult coughs, no one is particularly worried about this. After all, an adult understands what and where he hurts, can go to a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. Another thing is a child. Especially when it comes to the baby. The heart of a parent is restless when his child coughs or fever. I want to take his illness to myself, if only to somehow help the child and alleviate his condition.

If the child can not clear his throat and has a urge to vomit, you must quickly take it to bathroom, pour in a bath of baking soda and send a hot shower under a lot of pressure on this soda. Evaporation that will go from the bath, relieve the attack and ease the child's condition.

Massage also helps. In order for the sputum to begin to depart, it is necessary to put the child on his knees down with his face and tap on the back with his fingers or with the edge of his hand.

How to make a child cough?

Children love to put everything in their mouths. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that there comes a time when they choke. If parents see that the baby can not clear his throat, you need to look into his mouth. This should be done very carefully, because a stuck object can be pushed deeper into the throat.

In order to release the airways, you have to put the baby on your knees, and slightly to hit it between the shoulder blades. If this does not help, you need to lift the baby by the legs, head down and shake vigorously. Of great importance in this situation is the self-control of an adult person, if the parent panics and begins to faint, the child may die.

How to make a child cough, if he choked, doctors know well. Therefore, if someone else is at home, you need to call an ambulance.


What if I get vomiting?

Coughing up vomiting is a rare phenomenon, which causes anxiety in patients and their loved ones. Some of the diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to this condition of the patient.According to experts, many diseases can cause it, but more often it occurs with colds and bronchitis.

A severe cough before vomiting in children is considered quite normal, even if it is associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. But, if this situation arises in adults, this should signal a possible development of very serious health problems.As a rule, such coughing attacks can be a complication in pneumonia.

It is important to know that all heavy smokers suffer greatly from a cough that often causes vomiting. Most of them have such diseases as asthma or pneumonia.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting with severe coughing attacks occurs from irritation of the receptors of the walls of the throat. Such a phenomenon can be observed in the following diseases and conditions to which children are exposed:

  • whooping cough;
  • presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI;
  • tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • runny nose.

If the parents found the child vomiting when coughing, it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of this condition. The main task of parents is to provide first aid before the arrival of a doctor.

Whooping cough

Among infectious diseases it is necessary to allocate whooping cough. Despite the fact that almost all children are vaccinated against this disease, it can still occur, however, after a vaccination in a weaker form. The main sign is a cough, in which sputum often goes away, less often - a cough with vomiting occurs.

Usually, such attacks occur at night, when the child wakes up from the fact that it starts to choke. As a rule, such a state is not accompanied by a temperature, but with dry coughing attacks, there may also be a runny nose. During the bouts of coughing, the child becomes red, his body becomes very tense, which has a harmful effect on the cardiovascular system.

Foreign object

If a foreign object enters the respiratory tract of a child, it requires immediate action on the part of parents and medical personnel. In early childhood, foreign objects fall into the swallowing of small parts during the game. Sometimes children choke on food while eating. This can happen at any age, but most often suffer from the age of 4 months to 2 years, at a time when they all take in their mouths.

To understand what happened is very easy, because until the foreign object entered the respiratory tract, the child was absolutely healthy. Characteristic signs are reddening of the face, shortness of breath, coughing, often accompanied by vomiting.

At this point, it is very important to provide first aid: if the child is small, it can easily be turned upside down and knock on the back, freeing the airways.

Unfortunately, the foreign object can completely shut off the air supply by its arrangement, which inevitably leads to suffocation. In such cases, one should resort to the use of Heimlich's method - a sharp push under the diaphragm increases the pressure in the airways and pushes the object out.

ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis

Cough with an emetic reflex and even with vomiting can occur with viral and colds. After all, for them, the accumulation of mucus and sputum in the respiratory tract is characteristic, which causes an attack. Vomiting for colds occurs as a result of the movement of excitation from the cough center to the vomiting center. Usually, vomiting caused by a cough, the child is not plentiful, and after it there is no relief from the condition.

If cough is caused by congestion of mucus in the airways, treatment should only be carried out by a pediatrician, since some cases will help mucolytic or expectorant, in others - do not do without drugs that suppress cough seizures. Eliminate coughing attacks even before taking medications will help such actions as humidification of the air in the room, airing the room, a plentiful drink.


Coughing and vomiting often occur in the cold in children, especially in newborns, because at this age the child does not yet know how to release the nose from accumulated mucus. She, draining on the back wall of the pharynx, accumulates there, irritating the mucous membrane, causes severe attacks of coughing. Get rid of coughing with vomiting for a cold is much easier, it is important to constantly release the nose from the snot. Also, a competent treatment for the common cold should be done.

Features of treatment

Even before the arrival of doctors, it is important for the child to provide first aid. In all situations, except for the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, soft emollients should be used. It is useful to drink warm milk with honey, tea with raspberries. To get rid of such an unpleasant symptom is possible only if the cause of its occurrence is eliminated, so the doctor should diagnose and conduct the proper treatment.

To cough up before vomiting did not reach, it is important to monitor the child and, if necessary, contact a specialist.


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