Runny nose does not pass a week

How to treat a runny nose in an adult, if it does not pass 2 weeks

A common cold in an adult can provoke prolonged exposure to cold or infection. Despite the fact that this condition can not be called pleasant, it does not carry any particular danger if the treatment is started on time. But there are cases when the rhinitis does not leave the human body for a long time. There are various reasons for this, which will be considered later.

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn, you can find out by reading this article.

What contributes to

The reason for long-term rhinitis may consist in allergies, prolonged use of vasoconstrictive drops, untimely treatment, in the transition of the common cold into a chronic form.

If the rhinitis lasts more than 2 -3 weeks

When the runny nose does not pass for 2-3 weeks already, there is no need to panic, as for a week it just does not go away. During this time it is very important to understand the cause of its formation and continue the symptomatic treatment that was prescribed by your doctor.

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How to use the right spray for an allergic rhinitis is indicated in this article.

If more than a month

Here if rhinitis disturbs you within a month, 2 months and more, then this is cause for concern. But do not panic and start self-therapy.In this case it is important to consult a doctor, so that he can re-specify the diagnosis.Very often, the reason for such a prolonged rhinitis is the transition to a chronic stage. In this case, the doctor can diagnose vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.

What to do when pershit in the throat and runny nose, you can learn from the article.

Vasomotor Syndrome

The most common cause of this ailment is the frequent use of vasoconstrictive drops. Vasomotor rhinitis is one of the most common forms of chronic rhinitis. It arises because of a strong reaction of the blood capillaries of the nasal mucosa. It is also called the neuro-vascular rhinitis.

The main manifestations of a vasomotor runny nose include:

  • mucous discharge and nasal passages when the heat is changed to cold;
  • nasal congestion during nervous tension;
  • congestion of mucus in the throat;
  • poor sleep;
  • pain in the head.

The video discusses the situation if the runny nose of an adult does not pass 2 weeks:

For such a form of the common cold, the nasal congestion is inherent. This is especially evident in the prone position. In addition to dependence on medicines, there are a number of factors that cause a vasomotor runny nose:

  • environmental factors that irritate the nasal mucosa - dust, smoke;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • emotional stress;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • malnutrition.

What remedy for the common cold in pregnancy 3 trimester is best used, you can learn from this article.

If you make the right treatment and start on time, then you can eliminate the chronic runny nose at any stage. In this case it is very important to be persistent and to follow all the doctor's recommendations accurately.


If you are actively engaged in treatment, the runny nose does not go away, then the cause is allergy. To make sure of this, the doctor will send a blood test. If the doctor's fears are confirmed, then after you pass the test for the allergen. The most common cause of allergies lies in the following:

  • pet hair;
  • certain food products;
  • house dust;
  • household chemicals;
  • Poplar fluff;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • smell of cosmetics;
  • pollen.

What to do when the child has watery eyes and a runny nose, you can find out by reading the article.

The video tells you what to do if you do not have a runny nose for a long time:

Symptoms of seasonal rhinitis are as follows:

  • frequent discharge from the nasal passages;
  • redness and discharge of tears from the eyes;
  • nasal congestion;
  • frequent sneezing.

What are the folk remedies for the common cold and nasal congestion, indicated in the article.

The disease worries about six months and more

Such a period of rhinitis is very long and may indicate the presence of its transition to a chronic stage. But very often the runny nose is a symptom of a serious illness. Such pathologies include sinusitis and sinusitis.

How to get rid of the common cold by folk remedies, you can find out by reading the article.


When a cough comes along with a runny nose, the doctor often diagnoses sinusitis. It is divided into certain types, taking into account the place of concentration of the inflammatory process:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • etmoiditis;
  • sphenoiditis.

The video tells about sinusitis and the situation, if the cold does not pass more than a month:

The cause of this ailment lies in the presence of an infection that has concentrated in the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • nasal obstruction;
  • from the nose secretion of purulent mucus;
  • loss of smell;
  • pain syndrome in the area of ​​the facial bones;
  • night cough.

How to treat folk remedies for an allergic rhinitis, is indicated in the article.

Rarely, the patient may experience a rise in temperature and general fatigue. The danger of sinusitis is the transition of infection from the sphenoid sinus to the brain.


If you do not treat the treatment with all seriousness, and the rhinitis does not last for six months or more, then most likely you have this kind of sinusitis, like sinusitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of the maxillary sinus, the cause of which is an untreated rhinitis or cold. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • rise in temperature to 37-380 C;
  • painful sensations in the temporal region and nose;
  • nasal obstruction;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • loss of smell;
  • painful sensations in the nasal area of ​​a growing character.

on the video after Orvi does not go through a runny nose (sinusitis)

From this article you can learn how to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from the usual.

Effective therapy

Only timely and effective treatment allows you to get rid of the common cold quickly. If, for some reason, this did not happen, the doctor, after re-diagnosing, prescribes another course of therapy.

Long-term rhinitis after ARI

It is very important in such a disease not to allow the mucus to dry out and form crusts. Otherwise, the person will breathe through the mouth. From time to time, nasal passages need to be cleaned and monitor the humidity in the room.

It is not necessary to apply with this rhinitis vasoconstrictive drug, since they only temporarily relieve swelling and stuffiness of the nose. If you use them for a long time, you can earn a chronic rhinitis. It is advisable to use such medications in order to prevent sinusitis, but the therapeutic course should not exceed 7 days.

What to do when a child has an allergic rhinitis and cough, you can learn from this article.

To eliminate this runny nose it is worth using antihistamines - Suprastin and Diazolin.Often, doctors include homeopathic medicines in the treatment regimen, which have no side effects. The most popular drug is Edas-131.

Long and thick

Such a lingering rhinitis should be treated with vasoconstrictive drops and sprays. Then it will be possible to restore normal nasal breathing. You can use Vibrocil, Glazolin, Xylen. But do not get too carried away by them, otherwise habituation will arise. To dilute the mucus, the doctor may prescribe Rinoflumacil.

A very effective procedure is the washing of the nose. To do this, use salt solutions Aquamaris, Dolphin. Thanks to them, it is possible to dilute the thick mucus and it is easy to remove it from the nasal passages in the process of blowing out.

Salt solution can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently. Take a dessert spoon of sea salt and dissolve it in 500 ml of boiled water. If sea salt is not available, can use the cookery. The cooking process is similar to the previous version. The washing procedure should be performed at least 4 times throughout the day.

With a prolonged thick rhinitis, it is very important to apply local antibacterial drops - Polydex, Bioparox, Isofra. When rhinitis is accompanied by complications, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Folk treatment

To achieve maximum effect, you can combine the methods of traditional medicine with folk methods. Such measures allow to achieve a speedy recovery and prevent the formation of complications.

The most popular are the following recipes for folk treatment of a dense rhinitis:

  1. Rinse the nose with a solution of aloe juice, onion, calanchoe.
  2. Steam inhalations with the help of boiled potatoes, medicinal herbs. Carry out treatment is 3 times a day. Carry out inhalations carefully so as not to get a burn of the airways.
  3. Soar your feet.To conduct the procedure, you should dial hot water into the basin to a level that covers the shins.So sit 15 minutes, and then put on warm socks, which will be filled with mustard.
  4. Drip the nose with a remedy obtained from the yarrow herb and flowers of oregano. To make drops take a tablespoon of herbs, add 250 ml of boiling water, wait half an hour. Judge, strain and bury your nose.

Prolonged rhinitis in expectant mothers

During the gestation of a child, in addition to the usual rhinitis that has arisen against the background of a cold or allergy, a woman may have a runny nose for a long time. It refers to varieties of the vasomotor runny nose, which occurs due to hormonal changes. As a result, there is swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Use of traditional medicine in this case is inexpedient because of their inefficiency. But no one forbids them to apply, because every person has his own features.

The video tells what to do if the runny nose does not pass during pregnancy:

To treat a protracted runny nose, pregnant women should use local thermal manipulation. To warm the nasal sinuses is to use a bag of sand or salt. For such procedures, the blue lamp is very suitable. To facilitate breathing help inhalation with menthol oil. On the day to perform such manipulations 3-4.

The most effective procedure in treating a runny nose in future mothers is washing. Use ready-made salt solutions Marimer, Aquamoris. Very positively affect the washing with the help of decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage). Perform washing 2-3 times a day.

Pregnant women can use vasoconstrictive nasal drops, but only after they are approved by the attending physician. Use Vibrocil, Nazivin according to dosage for children. But to drip a nose only in case of strong zalozhennosti and a dyscomfort.Treatment with vasoconstrictive drops during pregnancy should not last more than 3 days. Otherwise, you can damage the health of the baby and mom.

Treatment of the common cold is a very important point, because often due to late treatment, you can earn a protracted rhinitis, which turns into a chronic stage. Be more attentive to your health and follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, then the runny nose will disappear as suddenly as it appeared.

What to do if the cold does not go away for two weeks

When the cold does not cure for a week, you do not need to worry, you just have to follow the doctor's recommendations and be treated. But if this problem does not pass in two weeks, it is important to find out what became the reasons for its appearance.

If you notice that a runny nose does not pass for two weeks already, at this stage it is necessary not to panic and not engage in self-medication. Immediately contact the doctor again to clarify the diagnosis. It may well be that the cold has become chronic. In addition, an allergic rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis is possible. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and appropriate treatment.

In the event that pathologic circumstances for a protracted rhinitis are not found, doctors are advised to conduct symptomatic treatment aimed at improving the general condition of the patient, and begin to strengthen immunity.

Treatment of a cold

Get rid of nasal congestion, perhaps if you often wash the sinuses of your nose with a concentrated salt solution. The head during this procedure should be kept so that the entire solution can not flow into the nasopharynx and not flow back, but was longer in the nasal passages. To relapse the rhinitis does not happen, you need to take care of the body's defenses. To do this, you must stop smoking and hot drinks. Do not underestimate the benefits of tempering procedures. You can do walking or running. It should be dressed in the weather, avoiding hypothermia and stress.

It is important to pay attention to nutrition, you need to eat freshly squeezed juices, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can consult a doctor about what drugs will help raise immunity. It is necessary to follow the doctor's advice, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and virtually no colds a person will not be scary.

Folk remedies for a cold

When there are no serious diagnoses associated with the common cold, doctors are advised to resort to methods of traditional medicine that can help in the treatment of this disease.

A good anti-inflammatory effect is owned by freshly squeezed carrot juice, which is recommended to instill 2 drops into each nostril. Also in the fight against a runny nose people mix 2 parts of beet juice with one share of honey, and this solution is instilled into 5 drops in the nasal passages, every 6 hours.

Well removes the stuffy nose of a warm foot bath with mustard. This powder can be used differently, for example, pour it into woolen socks and put them on overnight.

Prevention of relapses plays a huge role in the treatment of chronic colds. It is especially important to monitor your own condition during the period of respiratory disease epidemics.

What should I do if the runny nose does not last a whole month?

If the treatment does not help and the runny nose does not pass a month, what should I do? You can drink pills, bury your nose, and this attack does not leave.

It is clear that the problem in the form of a cold does not appear on its own. Usually, it is triggered by viruses, and also aggravated by hypothermia. Walking in rainy weather, getting wet with feet, dealing with sick people, we run the risk of getting a fever, a stuffy nose and a general malaise.

The disease is called acute rhinitis. It delivers trouble to a sick person, but does not represent a special danger. In this situation it is very important to start a cure in time, otherwise the swelling of the maxillary sinuses is possible. With proper and timely treatment, the problem can take place within a week. Children and people with weak immunity recovery may occur in half a month.

With an ordinary cold, it is advisable to avoid the use of vasoconstrictive drugs. Getting rid of the problem of a stuffy nose for only a few hours, they are capable for several days of use atrophy of the nasal mucosa, and the inflammatory process begins without obstacles to move on to other organs.

If the runny nose does not pass a proper treatment in a week, then you need to sound an alarm. To clarify the preset diagnosis, you need to see a doctor who will find out why the runny nose does not go away. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable, it can lead to a chronic ailment. Several variants of this disease are possible:
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor runny nose.

Perhaps, additional tests will be needed to establish the most accurate medical report. According to the results of the medical examination, the specialist will be given the necessary treatment.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Do not abuse Naphthyzin and other vasoconstrictors. If you drip with these drugs more often than in the recommendations for the drug, you can achieve a reverse reaction, in which the runny nose for a long time does not pass.

This disease is called vasomotor (false) rhinitis and is the most common form of chronic cold. The reason for this is the overreaction of the vessels of the nasopharynx.

Symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • when the temperature changes from heat to cold, a person starts to "sniff" with his nose;
  • at nervous overstrain "pawns" a nose;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • Slime accumulates in the throat;
  • worried about headaches.

One of the main manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis is the alternate obstruction of each nostril. This is especially evident in the prone position: the side of the nose on which the person lies is laid.

In addition to the abuse of pharmaceutical drugs, false rhinitis can develop for the following reasons:
  • an abundance of irritating factors in the inhaled air, such as smoke, dust and intense odors;
  • sudden change of weather in the presence of a person's meteorological sensitivity;
  • stressful situations;
  • fluctuations of the hormonal background, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, use of contraceptives;
  • food conditions: alcohol and spicy alcohol abuse, very hot food.

False rhinitis, which lasts for months, can cause the growth of polyps in the nasal cavity, inflammation of the middle ear and chronic sinusitis. Treatment consists in excluding factors that can exacerbate the disease, general hardening organism, ability to correctly respond to stressful situations, rejection of bad habits and correct nutrition.

Allergic rhinitis

If the rhinitis is tortured with proper treatment, and the otolaryngologist does not diagnose sinusitis or sinusitis, it may be necessary to look for an allergen.It is worth making the appropriate blood tests for the level of immunoglobulin. Any allergic diseases are the result of failures in the immune system. Healthy immunity does not leave a chance for an allergy.

If in the course of tests an elevated level of immunoglobulin is established, then one must make assays for the allergen. They can be the most common things:
  • wool of pets;
  • household dust;
  • household products of household chemicals;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • pollen of flowers, etc.

This non-passing cold is called allergic rhinitis, seasonal hay fever, hay fever. It has the following symptoms:

  • constant watery mucus from the nose;
  • redness and tearing of the eyes;
  • stuffy nose;
  • frequent sneezing.

In general, allergic rhinitis occurs seasonally, but sometimes it can be permanent (rhinopathy). When an allergic rhinitis occurs, allergist consultation is required.

In this disease, it is important to follow preventive measures. With a tendency to allergies, it is better to give up pets, hobby for floriculture, use of cosmetics with plant components. It is desirable to undergo an annual treatment. Strongly engage in strengthening the immune system. If to ignore therapeutic measures, bronchial asthma may develop.

When sinusitis develops

One of the most formidable consequences of a common cold is sinusitis.

It differs in the location of the inflammatory process.

The disease develops as a result of penetration of the infection into the paranasal sinuses. Most often, the inflammatory process occurs with the sphenoid sinus (area between the eyes). Symptoms of the disease:

  • stuffy nose;
  • discharge from the nose and pharyngeal fluid green or yellow;
  • loss of ability to distinguish smells;
  • pain in the place of the facial bones;
  • coughing at night.

It is possible to increase body temperature and general malaise. The most terrible danger of the disease is that the inflammation can go to the brain dramatically.

Treatment is conducted at home and consists in strict observance of the recommendations of the attending physician. Be sure to observe the drinking regime when curing. A large amount of ordinary drinking water will help to remove mucus from the nasopharynx. The use of alcohol and beverages containing caffeine is prohibited.

With unscrupulous treatment, a kind of sinusitis such as sinusitis can develop. In some cases, urgent medical intervention is necessary, consisting in puncturing the nasal septum and pumping pus through it. This procedure is carried out in a hospital.

The signs of genyantritis are as follows:

  • increase in temperature to 38 degrees;
  • painful sensations in the temporal areas and the bridge of the nose;
  • stuffy nose;
  • headache;
  • loss of smell;
  • increasing pain in the nasal region.

By the evening, pain can be intensified, the patient may lose the sensation of finding painful centers. The nose can be pawned variably: then one nostril, then the other. Memory worsens, and malaise increases.


Ignoring the treatment of sinusitis at the initial stage, the patient risks getting meningitis with a possible fatal outcome. That is why it is extremely important to call for medical help in time, if the cold does not pass for a long time.

What to do if the cold does not pass in the child 2 weeks

A stuffy nose, a slightly open mouth, a nasal voice, a mucous green discharge - no, probably, in the world of parents unfamiliar with these classic symptoms of a child's cold. Why do children more often than adults experience this unpleasant affliction? The root cause is the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system of the child: respiratory organs up to 12 13 years have not only smaller dimensions, but also differ in the revealed incompleteness of the anatomical structure. A child's runny nose is not a harmless disease, which can be neglected: if it can not be cured in time, the illness can take a long and even chronic form.

For what reason the child does not have a runny nose and cough, you can learn from this article.


What are the time limits for treating rhinitis? The usual inflammatory process, caused by a viral infection, can "be defeated" over a period of five to seven days, depending on the age of the patient.

In some cases, when it comes to weakened immunity and diseases caused by bacteria, it can last up to ten days. If after this time the child is still suffering from discharge from the nose - a runny nose is considered protracted. That is, if it's been a month already, it's worth thinking about the reasons.

What to do when an adult does not have a runny nose for 2 weeks, you can learn from this article.

Long-lasting rhinitis is not always evidence of the negligence of parents. Even with a responsible approach to the problem, the illness may not leave the baby for a long time, creating difficulties with breathing, sleeping, eating, badly affecting memory and mindfulness. Often this is due to an incorrect diagnosis and incorrectly prescribed treatment.

It is unmistakable to determine what caused prolonged rhinitis in a child, only an ENT doctor based on tests, but there are also external differences that will help parents navigate in the complex classification of this disease.

How is cough and coryza treated in infants treated, you can learn from this article.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The most common complication of a common, provoked by a viral or bacterial infection, is a runny nose. The reason for it, surprisingly, is not the absence of treatment, but, on the contrary, the abuse of it.Vasomotor rhinopathy appears due to overly prolonged treatment with vasoconstrictive drops, which facilitate the patient's condition and allow him to breathe, but adversely affect the condition vessels.Symptoms of the disease:

  • alternate laying of the nostrils (especially evident when lying on its side). If the patient lies on the right side of the body, then the right nostril will be laid down and vice versa;
  • the appearance of mucous secretions and nasal congestion with a sudden change in temperature (for example, if you enter a warm room from a frost);
  • sleep disorders;
  • headache;
  • nasal congestion with stress, nervous tension (because of this symptom, vasomotor rhinitis is often called a neurovascular rhinitis).

From this article you can find out what to wash your nose with a child with a cold.

Another name for the disease - a false runny nose - was given to her for the fact that she often appears with the complete absence of a viral infection. In this case, the nose can "lay" due to hormonal changes (pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, thyroid problems), external stimuli (odors, dust, smoke), sudden changes in the weather.

Timely diagnosed, this type of disease is easily treatable, otherwise it can cause complications such as otitis and sinusitis.

The video considers the situation when the child does not have a runny nose:

For what reason the child has 3 years of a runny nose and cough, you can learn from this article.


Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses or sinusitis is a consequence of an untreated rhinitis. The maxillary sinuses are located next to the nose, on either side of it, and are designed to warm and filter the air coming through the nose.They are directly related to the nasal cavity and during the rhinitis, too, are inflamed.With the timely and adequate treatment of sinusitis passes simultaneously with rhinitis, but if the disease can start to run into a chronic condition. Determine the disease can be on the following symptoms:

  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • "Deep" stuffiness of the nose, not always accompanied by a runny nose;
  • headache, concentrated in the region of the frontal (above the inner edges of the eyebrows) and maxillary sinuses;
  • deterioration of smell;
  • sensitivity to light.

The disease is treated with antibiotics, regular washing, warming, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound, inhalation). In rare cases, surgical puncture and flushing in the hospital may be necessary.

What to do when the ear is stuffed with a cold, you can learn from this article.

Allergic rhinitis

This affliction affects children more often than it may seem at first glance, but most parents lastly admit the possibility of an allergy to their child. After all, they try to feed it only with natural farm products, spend several hours a day in the park, and there are no allergic people in the family - where to get such an affliction?

In fact, everything is not so simple a human body lends itself to an attack of external stimuli every second. This can be household dust, wool and pet food, pollen, household chemicals, children's cosmetics, and food.The body of a healthy person copes with these attacks, but in the case of reduced immunity or disturbed metabolism begins to signal that he needs help.The main danger of allergy is that it can develop into bronchial asthma, so the seemingly innocuous allergic rhinitis must necessarily be treated.

What kind of pill from the cold is best to take, you can learn from this article.

Symptoms of rhinopathy:

  • persistent liquid clear discharge from the nose;
  • frequent paroxysmal sneezing;
  • redness and tearing of the eyes;
  • nasal congestion;
  • itching in the nose.

The video tells about the reasons why the cold does not pass through the child and what to treat it:

Whether it is possible to walk with the child at a cold is specified in this article.

The treatment regimen for each child is developed individually, depending on the course of the disease and the age of the patient. First of all, it is the control over the child's environment by excluding potential allergens from food and maintaining the cleanliness in the room. From the appointment of antihistamines, doctors as far as possible try to refuse, because this type of medicine is not tolerated well by all children.

Curvature of nasal septum

The nasal septum is a cartilaginous thin wall that divides the person's respiratory organ into two cavities. The cause of its curvature may be uneven growth of the skeleton, trauma, uneven patency of the nasal passages. Symptoms of pathology are similar to those of rhinitis, but snoring, whistling, or other sounds that indicate nasal breathing are usually added to them. It is treated with a simple surgical operation, the decision about necessity of which is taken by the ENT doctor, having weighed all the factors.

What kind of baby drops in the nose from the cold is best used, stated in the article.

The video tells about the situation, if the runny nose does not pass for a long time with an adult:

Features of treatment of prolonged rhinitis in children of different ages

Despite the fact that doctors strongly do not recommend parents to engage in self-treatment of children, even in the case of usual rhinitis, most moms and dads tend to consult a doctor already when the runny nose lasts two weeks and more. In the fight against child snot in the course are the first available funds left over from the past illness drops, tablets recommended by the pharmacist in the nearest pharmacy, ointment that helped the baby neighbors.How many complications (and often extra costs) could be avoided with timely treatment to the pediatrician.But even if the diagnosis is correct at once, each age group of children has its own characteristics, which do not allow treating them according to one established scheme.

How to properly apply aloe juice from the common cold, is indicated in this article.

Children under one year old

Rhinitis in the youngest patients is a common phenomenon. If the baby's cold does not go away, it is often due to the fact that the infant's respiratory system is imperfect, the nasal passages are too small and narrow. In this regard, newborns can have a physiological runny nose, the cause of which is the adaptation after childbirth. In the womb, he was in a humid environment and did not know what temperature changes were, and after the birth he met dust and dry air, and began to learn to breathe through his nose. Because of this, the nasal passages of the child are overdried, which gives "green light" to the bacteria and viruses that enter them.

To prevent physiological rhinitis, it is necessary to carefully clean the spout from the very birth with the help of twisted from sterile cotton wool turund (by no means a cotton wand!) and irrigate with ready-made hygienic solutions sold at the pharmacy (Otrivin Baby, Humer, Aquamaris). Burying breast milk in the nose is not worth it in spite of widespread misconception, it does not possess disinfectant properties, but is a fertile breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

To treat a baby from the cold can not be done on its own if it's still about a viral rhinitis, the infection can spread in a matter of hours to the bronchi and lungs, and this is fraught with very bad consequences.

Children from one year to three

This category of patients can no longer suffer from a physiological rhinitis, but is often susceptible to viral and allergic.At the age of 1 3 years, prolonged rhinitis may become an additional factor for the occurrence of diseases such as otitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis.Treatment is complicated by the fact that the child still can not empty his nose and rinse it with saline solution, so cleaning the nasal passages from the mucus is the task of the parents. For this, an aspirator is used, consisting of a rubber pear, to which a plastic tip is attached. He works at the expense of vacuum and allows you to quickly return the child the opportunity to breathe fully nose.

Not recommended at the age of three years to use essential oils and various herbal infusions, they can cause allergies, which will exacerbate the condition of the patient.

Children from three years old

In the treatment of rhinitis in patients older than three years, doctors try to use a minimum of medications. If the disease is not allergic, emphasis should be placed on so-called folk remedies: heating of the maxillary sinuses with a hard-boiled chicken egg, a bag of heated large salt, potatoes "in uniform. " Warm up to clear to moisten here is the algorithm by which the cold should be treated at this age. Naturally, with the approval of the doctor.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

What if I can not get rid of the leak from the nose for a long time? Just like most pediatricians, Dr. Komarovsky first of all insists on finding the cause of the common cold. We already know that most often it can be a virus or an allergen. Accordingly, the treatment should not be aimed at eliminating the symptoms, but not eradicating what caused them.

With viral rhinitis, the mucus that forms in the nose is a natural environment that helps to destroy harmful microbes and prevents their penetration further into the respiratory tract.The main task of parents is to maintain a humidity level of at least 70%, so that mucus can remain viscous.Do this in any accessible way, often wash the floors and wipe the dust, turn on the humidifier, open the windows, provide a plentiful drink. Do not be afraid of fresh air: if the cold is not accompanied by fever, in any weather and at any time of the year the child can and should be taken out for a walk. Walking, of course, should be away from other children, so as not to promote the spread of infection.

The video tells why the child does not have a runny nose for a long time:

On the prescription of the doctor, you can use vasoconstrictive drops, while always following the following rules:

  • In accordance with the instruction to strictly comply with the dosage (if written three times a day, it should not be four or five simply because the drug temporarily clears the nose and brings relief);
  • do not use the medicine for more than seven days;
  • buy children's forms of the drug, containing active substances in a lower concentration;
  • refuse the use of drops, if there were side effects (rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, itching in the nose, etc.).

If lengthened rhinitis is wornallergic, it is important to get rid of its source. If possible, you need to change the situation to take the child to the cottage, to the village, to the grandmother and grandfather, to the sea. At this time, to clean the apartment, because the most common cause of allergic rhinitis is household dust and animal hair. I'll have to say a hard "no" to carpets, paths, feather pillows and blankets, napkins, fabric shades and panels. If the allergy appears often the apartment will have to be equipped with a cleaner and air humidifier. In the event that the allergy causes seasonal flowering and take out the child for this period there is no possibility, will need to use special sprays and antihistamines prescribed by the treating doctor.

At the child 3 weeks the rhinitis does not pass or take place. What can be cured?


Janna Karachun

it is already a genyantritis


try to smear your nose with oxolin ointment


Irisha, how old is the baby??? Beetroot drops help well, they are made in a pharmacy.

Ramil Zateev

If the child is over a year, you can safely use ointments: oxolinic or "Doctor Mom." You can 3-4 times a day on the wings of the nose from the outside, neatly not touching the eye area. Tested on children and grandchildren.


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.
12) Add 50 gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a strong runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Add 10gr. crushed kidney black poplar 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink a glass 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of herb peppermint, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take a glass of hot infusion, sweetening honey. Also rinse with this infusion of the nose.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of gruel from hips, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork interior fat, 1 part of eucalyptus oil. Mix thoroughly. Tampons moistened with a mixture are inserted into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix in equal proportions honey and hibernating oil. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab during the day and at bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon of hibernating oil with the same amount of petroleum jelly. Enter with a tampon into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of herb lawn grass 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the nose with a strong cold.
19) Add 10gr. herbs black-head (sold in pharmacies) 1 glass of vodka. Insist a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
20) With a prolonged runny nose, dry leaves of the initial letter (sold in a pharmacy) crush into powder and snort 2-3 times a day.

Elena Kiseleva

You can try if the child is more than 10 months. 1 drop of beet + 1 drop of bale. water. 1 drop 3 times a day.
Aloe juice helps if the plant is more than 3 years old.
Inhalation (the age of the child is a pity that you did not specify)
In the pharmacy sold prorotol (where they make the medicine) if the nose is clogged, do not first dysplorum in order to breathe and then pradorgol to 1 or 2 drops 3 -4 times a day.
Usually it helps well after 5 days, the cold does not come. There are drops of karalgol, it is stronger than pra-torgola (with genyantritis and for a long time if the runny nose does not pass. It is a pity that you did not specify the age of the child.


Buy tablets Sinupret. Good help. My child is now receiving.


if you can not cure a runny nose within 10-14 days, consultation of an ENT doctor (both adults and children) is necessary. So you can not identify the cause.

Tischenko Larissa

For me, a drop was found on the basis of the serum water. Both vasoconstrictive and antibiotic, thus do not dry mucous. They are called Argolife. You can alternate with miramistin. And at night - pinosol. Ideally, you need to do a swab from the nasopharynx and sowing. And to drip depending on the flora and the presence of bacteria and fungi. Yes, these appointments were made to my child by the professor-immunologist Sizyakina L. P.

Irina Kobzar

a runny nose more than 10 days it already a complication-a sinusitis... drops alone will not do... need treatment


Drops in the nose "DYRINATE". Can be used from the first days of life. Very effective.


Vibrocil - droplets in the nose (vasoconstrictor and antiallergenic)


Nothing is worth trying, it's not a joke. We must run to Laura.

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