Nutrition for pain in the pancreas

  • General recommendations
  • Nutrition depending on the cause of pain
  • Related videos

Pancreatic diseases are accompanied by pain in the left hypochondrium and under the spoon. Any violations on the part of this body are reflected in the processes of digestion, because it is the enzymes of the pancreas that break down the foods, and insulin and glucagon are the irreplaceable participants in metabolic processes.

With pains in the pancreas, not only drugs but also dietary nutrition help. It should be aimed at reducing the production of gastric juice and preventing the development of complications. What are the principles of diet in the pathology of the gland, how correctly to make a menu to alleviate the symptoms?

General recommendations of

Accelerate the healing process in pancreatic diseases will help proper nutrition in conjunction with a healthy and mobile lifestyle, as well as the rejection of bad habits. If you have a pancreas, follow these principles of proper nutrition:

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  • eat regularly - every three to four hours. Large intervals should not be;The
  • menu should be varied and balanced. The diet should contain a sufficient number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as foods rich in fiber;
  • try not to overeat, get used to eating small portions of food;
  • do not eat cold and hot food, it should be warm;
  • fry food is unacceptable with pain in the pancreas, it is best to cook foods for a couple, cook, stew;
  • per day you should consume up to two liters of water.

Food for pain in the pancreas is made taking into account the recommendations of the treatment table number 5.Experts argue that the body is responsible primarily for carbohydrate metabolism, and incoming proteins will not lead to its overload. That's why they recommend injecting protein foods into the diet.

Completely eliminate vegetable and butter, although the amount of their use should be controlled. The diet is slightly different depending on the phase of the disease. What can be eaten in a chronic process can not be categorically used during the acute phase.

If you have a pancreas, first contact your doctor for diagnosis of

. The pancreas is in dire need of gentle nutrition. Consider an exemplary menu for diseases of this organ. For breakfast it is preferable to cook oatmeal or semolina porridge. For lunch, you can eat vegetable puree or mashed soup. For dinner, cook porridge for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. As snacks, it is best to use sour-milk products, baked fruit and biscuit biscuits.

Now consider examples of dishes that can be prepared for pancreatic diseases:

Can I eat bananas in pancreatitis?
  • Meat pudding .It is best to cook it in a double boiler. For its preparation it is necessary to take beef, milk, eggs and butter. Meat must be cleaned from grease and veins. First the beef is cooked and then passed through a meat grinder. Separate the yolk from the protein. In the minced meat, you need to add milk, a little salt and yolk. Then the protein should be beaten with a mixer and also sent to a common container. Mix thoroughly all the ingredients of the dish, you should get pasty mixture. The oil is needed to lubricate the container.
  • Omelette in the steamer .You need an egg, water, butter and salt. You can also add vegetables and cottage cheese to taste. All the ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then sent to the steamer for twenty minutes. Curd cheese soufflé .We will need the following ingredients: cottage cheese, milk, honey, gelatin, cocoa powder. To begin with, you should soak gelatine in water for thirty minutes. Next, you drain the water, and add the remaining ingredients to the gelatin. Then the dish is put on a small fire and brought to a boil.

When the pancreas is aching, drink enough water

Nutrition, depending on the cause of the pain

Often the pain signals about developing pathological processes. Leading place among pancreatic diseases is pancreatitis - an inflammatory disease.

The main cause of the development of the disease is a violation of the outflow of enzymes that are capable of destroying organ tissues and even blood vessels. The disease is susceptible to lovers of spicy, fried, fatty foods, as well as people who abuse alcohol and overeat. The main manifestations of the disease are pain syndrome and intoxication.

Acute pancreatitis

The acute process is characterized by intense blunt or cutting pain. Depending on which part of the pancreas was affected, the pain may appear in the right or left hypochondrium, under the spoon. If the pathological process affects the entire organ, the painful outbreak is of a shrouding nature. Pain can give in the back, shoulder blade, chest.

Lack of timely medical assistance is fraught with pain, shock, loss of consciousness and even death. In addition to pain, patients have nausea and vomiting, bloating, belching, heartburn, diarrhea, or constipation. There is tension in the muscles of the abdominal press. An acute process can also cause an increase in body temperature, as well as a change in blood pressure.

Acute pancreatitis is an indication for hospitalization. The main goal of the treatment is neutralization of pancreatic enzymes that have got into the bloodstream, as well as the fight against intoxication. In the acute period, the minimum burden on the organ should be ensured. In the early days, a therapeutic starvation is shown. In this case, solutions with nutrients are injected intravenously.

In the first few days with acute pancreatitis, a medical starvation is shown.
Important! Fasting is considered the most effective method of therapeutic treatment of acute pancreatitis.

Fasting can be dry or with the use of liquid. The first method can last no more than 24 hours, then the patient is given a small amount of mineral water without gas, gradually increasing the dosage. After a lapse of two days, you can consume vegetable broth, after which the diet expands.

Dry fasting is often prescribed in chronic form, and fasting with the use of liquid - with an acute process. It will help not only to remove the symptoms of the disease, but also will speed up the process of recovery of the body. In acute pancreatitis, fasting is performed in a hospital. The patient is allowed to consume liquid in unlimited amounts. It can be an alkaline mineral water or a broth of a dogrose.

In a chronic process, dry fasting is performed once a week, while a person must comply with strict bed rest. After the stifling of the acute process, it is important to continue to monitor the diet. Food should be eaten in a mashed puree. Meals should be small meals five to six times a day. Dishes should be comfortably warm.

See also:
Is it possible to eat Bulgarian pepper with pancreatitis?
Is it possible to eat grapes in pancreatitis?

What can not be eaten? Forbidden in pancreatitis are such products:

  • fatty foods, broths, smoked products;
  • seasonings, pickles, marinades;
  • spicy vegetables and sour fruits;
  • confectionery, baking;
  • soda, alcohol;
  • chocolate, ice cream;
  • cocoa, coffee.

In the case of pancreatitis, acidic fruits are prohibited.

Therapeutic diet includes a sufficient number of useful and tasty products:

  • boiled, steamed or steamed vegetables;
  • lean meat, fish and poultry;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable soups;
  • baked apples;
  • jammed, compotes;
  • vegetable oil is allowed to enter the diet, but it should not be subjected to heat treatment.

Chronic pancreatitis

In a chronic process, an attack of pain can disturb a person for a long period of time. Slopes and squats increase the intensity of the pain syndrome. To cause the next attack errors in a food can.

Chronic pancreatitis is a wavy process. To replace the relapse comes the stage of remission. At an exacerbation patients are prescribed fasting, as well as with acute process. Full nutrition can be prescribed only after a few days from the onset of exacerbation, when the activity of pancreatic enzymes decreases, the inflammatory reaction subsides and pancreatic edema collapses.

Additional products are introduced from the third day. Dishes should be a homogeneous and viscous consistency. It can be mashed potatoes, porridges, mashed soups, biscuit biscuits, biscuits.

Although it is impossible to cure chronic pancreatitis with the help of diet alone, it can help improve the quality of life of a patient


Pancreatic cancer is considered one of the most severe and rapidly developing cancer diseases. Treatment is a long and multi-stage process, an important role in which dietary nutrition plays. On the day, patients should take food five to six times a day, and the interval between meals should not exceed three hours.

It is best to bake products, stew or cook steamed. It is recommended to take fresh warm food. With pancreatic cancer, it is extremely important to stop smoking and taking alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol destroy pancreatic enzymes, exacerbating the condition even more.

Fatty foods give the greatest load to the pancreas and promote excessive production of enzymes, which is why the exclusion of fats, especially animals, is the main rule for cancer patients. Often the disease causes an increased sensitivity to food with a pronounced odor, so it is better to use products without a specific and strong flavor.

It is better to use wooden appliances during meals, as often patients complain of the appearance of metallic taste in the mouth. Before and after meals, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with a weak soda solution.

Limit salt intake, alternatively use mint, ginger, thyme, lemon juice.

In severe cases, parenteral nutrition is indicated, in which nutrients are administered intravenously.

In pancreatic cancer, the following products are allowed:

  • lean fish and meat;
  • yogurt, soft and hard cheeses with low fat content;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • porridge;
  • refined sugar;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • whole-grain yesterday's bread.

With regard to fruits and vegetables, preference should be given to seasonal products that do not contain chemicals. Nitrates and inorganic compounds significantly increase the likelihood of recurrence of the tumor process. Forbidden products include fatty foods, canned food, marinades, pickles, smoked products, semi-finished products.

In addition, patients should not eat fresh onions and garlic, sauces and condiments, coffee, sweets, fresh pastries. Instead of spices, it is better to add fresh herbs to dishes. As a dressing is better to use olive oil.

So, a therapeutic diet for pancreatic diseases will help alleviate unpleasant symptoms during an exacerbation, and also maintain a normal state during the period of remission. If you carelessly treat your health and do not adhere to a diet, the patient's condition can deteriorate sharply until the development of dangerous complications.

A careful attitude to one's health and proper compliance with medical recommendations on nutrition will prevent many problems and preserve the health of the pancreas.

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