Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine


  • 1Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine
    • 1.1Diseases and injuries
    • 1.2Classes
    • 1.3The development of flexibility
    • 1.4Relief of low back pain
    • 1.5Classes for the neck
    • 1.6Shoulder girdle
    • 1.7Eastern recovery
  • 2A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine at home (video lesson)
    • 2.1Why is it necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back?
    • 2.2How to prevent back pain?
    • 2.3Wellness complex for diseases
    • 2.4Wellness preventive complex for children
  • 3Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back with osteochondrosis
    • 3.1The importance of strengthening the muscles
    • 3.2How correctly to do such exercises?
    • 3.3Indications
    • 3.4Contraindications
    • 3.5Overview of exercises
    • 3.6Preparation
    • 3.7Charging
    • 3.8Basic exercises
    • 3.9Exercises during remission
    • 3.10Exercises for subacute and acute periods
    • 3.11Strength exercises on the simulators
    • 3.12Strength exercises without exercisers and equipment
    • 3.13Other exercises
    • 3.14How else can I strengthen my back?
    • 3.15Massage and nutrition
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Exercises for the back and spine of the house: video and explanations
    • 4.1Before You Begin Home Activities
    • 4.2Warm up
    • 4.3How to maintain a healthy posture for children
    • 4.4How to train girls back at home
    • 4.5Stretching of the spinal column
    • 4.6Exercises to correct scoliosis and strengthen posture
    • 4.7We are engaged with dumbbells
    • 4.8We use the barbell
    • 4.9What to avoid when doing weight exercises
    • 4.10Effective Exercises
  • 5Exercises to strengthen the spine
    • 5.1Vertebral column corset
    • 5.2The technique of relaxation of the muscles of the back
    • 5.3Relaxing Exercises
    • 5.4Exercises for the thoracic department
    • 5.5Charging for the lumbosacral spine
    • 5.6Swimming
    • 5.7Gyms and gymnastic equipment

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine

The role of the spine in the body is great, it can not be overestimated. He is the support for the skeleton. Internal organs are attached to it, and the spine protects them from damage.

He is the main organ providing movement. To cope with all complex functions, the spine should be strong, flexible, elastic.

Competently chosen exercises for strengthening the spine allow you to keep it healthy and strong for a long time.

Diseases and injuries

In today's world, where half the population does the work while sitting, the spine does not have enough daily load. Muscles holding the spine are weakening. Vertebrae approach and press on disks, protrusions, hernias are formed. Overload the spine is also harmful, again, the disks suffer.

Sedentary work, classes at school lead to the appearance of incorrect posture. The physiological curvature of the spine changes in the direction of increase or decrease, such pathologies arise:

  • kyphosis,
  • lordosis,
  • scoliosis,
  • flat back.

Libra suggests that your body asks for help

Another misfortune of the spine is obesity. And here hypodynamia is important. A person consumes more calories than he spends.

Excess weight affects the spine no less than the transfer of permanent weights.

Weakened muscles simply are not able to hold the spine in the right position.

If the spine is in good shape, you need to do disease prevention. When the preventive measures were late, it is necessary to select and master the complexes of exercises for strengthening the spine. They can be divided into the following groups:

  1. developing the flexibility of the spine;
  2. restoring posture;
  3. relieving pain;
  4. strengthening muscles of the back.

At the site of localization, separate exercises for the neck, waist, shoulder girdle, thoracic spine are developed.


Walking is the best gymnastics for the spine. A large group of muscles is involved, the respiratory system is activated, weight is normalized. The distance needs to be increased a little. With time, you can walk a few kilometers without fatigue.

The simulator Twister strengthens the back corset

How to strengthen the spine? Systematically. It is believed that to maintain a good physical shape a person should walk daily at least one and a half hours. The tempo is chosen with mandatory consideration of the person's age, health status, fitness of the organism.

It is not always possible to walk every day in the park, park, pine forest. Breathing dusty, polluted air along roads is also harmful. For such a case, there are gyms, home treadmills.

The TWISTER simulator (cardio) in conjunction with walking involves all the departments of the spine. The beginning of any recreational activities was and still is the usual morning exercises, at the least, a small warm-up.

The development of flexibility

Before classes, try to pass a simple test for flexibility. It will also be the first exercise to develop flexibility.

You have to be straight, legs together. Without bending the knees, get the floor with the palms. It did not work, so the spine requires training.

For the next set of exercises, you need a chair.

Read the article:Complex of gymnastics for the spine

  • You need to sit on the edge of the chair, with your hands. The legs should be set forward and spread slightly wider than the shoulders. Without bending your legs, tear off the buttocks from the chair and bend back. Return to the starting position.
  • Moving away from the chair for the length of arms outstretched, turn to face him. Lean your hands on the edge, legs spread as wide as possible. Become in this position on your knees, go back.
  • Become sideways to the chair. Pull out the toe of the leg on the chair seat. Hands are on the belt. Try to do sit-ups on one leg, standing on the floor.

Breathing during classes is arbitrary. Without preparation, the exercise is not easy. So start with as many repetitions as you can. Gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Relief of low back pain

Osteochondrosis is the main cause of problems with the spine. Disease overtakes young, elderly people and even children. It begins gradually, imperceptibly, makes itself felt with intense pains. Excruciating pains remove stretching spine exercises.

Exercise to treat the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar

  1. This exercise is more suitable for the lumbar region. It is performed lying on the back. The body is relaxed, legs are bent at the knees. Hands stretched along the trunk. Hips and buttocks tear off the floor, lift above the abdomen and stay in this position for as long as possible. Smoothly descend while exhaling. Strengthens the buttocks, the muscular corset of the lower back, abdomen and thighs.
  2. The situation is the same. Pull out the legs, try to squeeze the waist to the floor. Stringing the buttocks, at the same time, direct the hands to the head, and the legs bend at the knees. Thus it is necessary to try to stretch the spine. Stretching, straightening his legs, his hands remain behind his head. Hold in this position until fatigue.
  3. Turn on the belly, hands stretch along the trunk. Stretch buttocks, with inspiration, raise elongated legs simultaneously with the upper part of the trunk. You do not need to lift your head above your feet. The spine is stretched evenly along the entire length.

Classes for the neck

The cervical spine according to the frequency of diseases is on the second place after the waist. This is due to the fact that people often have to work, engage with a bowed head.

The neck muscles are for a long time in a forced tension position, spasmodic and weaken. As the strengthening exercises for the neck, the following simple complex is recommended.

4 positions of gymnastics for cervical

  • Lie flat, stretch your arms and legs, relax. Raise the trunk and legs to a height of 10 to 15 cm. Immediately you will feel a strong tension in the muscles of the cervical spine. Hold in this position for 5 - 7 seconds. Repeat 4 - 5 times.
  • To interlock fingers of hands, to get behind a head. Embrace the lower part of the neck with your hands. A few seconds to press his head on his hands, and his hands on his head. Exercise can be repeated several times a day while working, studying. With constant training, the muscles of the cervical region quickly strengthen. Pressing head-on collisions are made alternately on the palms of the hands, attached to the forehead, the side parts of the head above the ear.

Shoulder girdle

The vertebrae of the shoulder girdle is part of the thoracic spine. They are characterized by high mobility. With age, with a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, the shoulders slouched, the back hunchbacked.

Reduce or eliminate the constant stiffness of the muscles can be with simple short-time exercises. Exercises to strengthen the spine begin at a calm, measured pace.

The load increases consistently and gradually.

Roller rolling strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle

  1. Prepare a thick roller. A piece of sticks can be approached, covered with a dense cloth. Lie on the floor, put the roller under your back, put pressure on it and gently roll to your neck and back.
  2. Pull out straight hands in front of him, connect them to the "lock" with the palms outward. Take a deep breath. When exhaling, raise your arms up, stretching your hands and fingers. Repeat the exercise by hooking your fingers inside.
  3. The right arm should be bent at the elbow and wound behind the back from the waist. Bend the left arm behind the upper part of the shoulder. Try to connect hands or reach with one hand the fingers of the other hand. Exercise also repeat, changing hands.
  4. Gymnastics is performed on all fours. You need to kick your back as far as possible. Hold for 5-7 seconds, head straight. The same can be done by turning over on the stomach, leaning on the floor with outstretched hands.

Eastern recovery

Ancient Oriental medicine has many healing techniques for strengthening the spine. Yoga is a part of ancient Indian medicine.

The peculiarity of the exercises is the long fixation of poses.

Classes are held three hours after eating with an empty bladder and emptied bowel.

Exercise "Hare" for healing the spine

The next set of exercises to strengthen the spine involves all parts of the spinal column and helps to strengthen the muscular corset.

  • Sit on your heels, put your hands on your knees, your back is straight, your body relax. Slowly bend over, while sitting, and try to touch the forehead of the rug.
  • Sit flat, legs stretch, between the legs and back formed an angle of 90 degrees. At exhalation to tighten knees bent at a knee to a breast and to extend forward arms or hand. With the inspiration to deviate back, lifting half a meter feet (you can slightly less). Do 3 to 5 repetitions.
  • Lie on your back, with inspiration, calmly raise both feet up and prop up the body with your hands. The weight of the body rests on the shoulders, elbows and head. Stay in this position, as long as you can, you need to breathe freely. Repeat the exercise, the number of repetitions should increase and take up to 10 minutes.

The spine inevitably grows old, and it is impossible to stop this process. But a person is able to influence the time of development of degenerative-dystrophic changes. It takes a little - to perform as often as possible wellness gymnastic exercises.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/raznoe/uprazhneniya-ukrepleniya-myshc-pozvonochnika

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine at home (video lesson)

Every day we have to face physical stress. Our body begins to strain the muscles from morning to evening, which causes fatigue by the end of the day. Especially if it concerns the muscles of the back and spine.

After all, the pain that occurs in the lumbar region, the neck and between the shoulder blades can deprive us of daily pleasures, significantly spoil the quality of life.

Prevent these torments and strengthen your body, even with osteochondrosis, kyphosis and scoliosis, it is quite possible.For this, special exercises have been developed that are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine.

With them, as well as with a complex of exercise therapy for the prevention of diseases of the back in children, you can read by reading this article.

Why is it necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back?

Despite the fact that the spine is a strong foundation of the body, it can not serve us forever, unless it is protected in time. Regularly performing a set of special physical exercises, you can forget about the pain and enjoy life.

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Exercises to strengthen the back muscles are regularly performed by a few. Most of those suffering from this problem remember them only when a threat to health is imminent.

Basically, training at home, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, neck, spine and in particular the lumbar region, are carried out under the influence of enthusiasm.

With a decrease in pain in the "problem" areas, they are usually forgotten.

They are designed not only to maintain muscle tone, but also as prevention in diseases: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, hernia and the like.

Also, there are special exercises of exercise therapy for children, helping to form a beautiful, correct posture and to develop the plasticity of the spine from an early age.

How to prevent back pain?

And in order to prevent undesirable consequences, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the complex, which includes preventive exercises to strengthen the spine and back muscles. They can be freely performed at home.

Part 1

If the area of ​​the lumbar region, pelvis and the muscular tissues of the back are sufficiently developed, this reduces the risk of injury. Therefore, it is worthwhile regularly preparing the back muscles for physical activity.

For this, stretching exercises have been developed, which will relieve tension, warm up the tissues. They are recommended to be performed before the main workout to avoid injury.

All regulations are designed for slow execution.

It's enough to be straight, legs shoulder-width apart, hands holding your waist. Then lean back as far as possible, while maintaining balance and staying for 5 seconds. After returning to the starting position, do five repetitions.

Probably, many will be surprised, but this employment approaches not only for an extension, but also for strengthening of a back, a backbone, a lumbar department. The starting position is lying on the floor.

Legs should be bent at the knees, hands - along the body. Then we begin to lift and straighten slowly 1 foot, holding it with our hands. Having held her in this position for 25-30 seconds, we lower and do the same for the second one.

For each limb you need to do 2 times.

Part 2

Strength exercises designed to increase the tone and strengthen the muscles of the back, stabilize the spine, develop the muscles of the press.

  1. Twisting. Starting position: lying on the floor with arms outstretched along the body and knees bent at the knees, taut slightly to the buttocks. Taking the necessary position, it is necessary to make sure that the pelvis and the lumbar region are tightly pressed to the floor, so that a deflection in the back does not form. Taking the starting position, you need to raise your head and shoulders, until the shoulder blades break away from the floor, and, delaying for 5-10 seconds, go down. Repeat the movement will need 10 times.
  2. Skew twists - exercises that perfectly strengthen the trunk of the spine and oblique muscles of the back. Starting position: lying on the floor also as described above. You need to raise your hands and direct them straight, stretch your shoulders first to the thigh of your left leg, then, lowering yourself to the floor, reach for the hip of your right leg.
  3. Simple and effective exercise - "Superman which is performed without burdening. It is enough to take the original position lying on the floor face down and take the superhero pose while holding the tension of the gluteal muscles, neck and lumbar spine. When performing body movements, it is necessary to try to raise arms, shoulders, head as high as possible and hold this position for about 5-10 seconds.

Wellness complex for diseases

It is important to perform exercises that are directed to several groups of muscles and allow to strengthen different parts of the spine. This will help complex exercise therapy, designed to perform for various diseases (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia lumbar region or neck).

If you have such an unpleasant disease as an intervertebral hernia, then at the initial stage, doctors necessarily prescribe a set of exercises that provide strengthening of the back muscles and normalization of blood supply in tissues. Complex LFK with intervertebral hernia is an obligatory part of therapy.

With a hernia localized in the neck, exercise therapy includes exercises that can be performed at home standing upright with your hands down or sitting on a chair with a straight back:

  • Turn slowly the head alternately to the left, to the right 5 times, with maximum effort.
  • Do 10 times lowering your head to your chest, trying to touch it with your chin.
  • Slowly roll your head back 10 times, trying to pull your chin up.

With a hernia that is in the lumbar region and is one of the most common, you should perform basic exercises to strengthen the muscles of your back.

They consist in lifting the torso from the position lying on the floor on the stomach and resting full feet against the wall, or other surface.

In general, exercise therapy for hernia, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other diseases of the spine should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Wellness preventive complex for children

For children, a special technique has also been developed that allows you to develop muscle tissues, the flexibility of the joints and the spine from the earliest childhood.

They are designed for children of different age groups.

And, according to experts, it is recommended that special exercises of exercise therapy be performed with your child starting from the age of 6 months.

In addition to classes with a child complex LFK, aimed at developing and strengthening a small organism, it is important to additionally do a massage. In infancy, it allows the children to develop strong muscles of the neck, lumbar spine.

As the baby grows up, the massage will help prepare the tissues for the upcoming physical exercises.

In general, the health complex of classes, which is designed to develop a strong spine and prevent diseases, must be made by a doctor.

If you want to "protect" yourself and children in the future from problems with back and discomfort, which is peculiar to spoil the life at osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia and other diseases of the spine, it is worth doing regularly at home the exercises for his strengthening.

The wellness complex of classes, which the doctor will help you, will not only save you from existing problems, but will also significantly improve the quality of life.

Forgetting about pain in the back, neck or lumbar region, you can feel in excellent physical shape.

A source: http://LediVeka.ru/zdorove/sport-i-fitnes/uprazhneniya-dlya-zhenshhin/kompleks-uprazhnenij-dlya-ukrepleniya-myshc-spiny.html

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back with osteochondrosis

The main problem of osteochondrosis lies in its alternative name: "degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the spine".

Vertebral columnin some place it becomes weak, intervertebral discs tear or dry up, the vertebrae themselves crack and are covered with osteophytes (bony outgrowths).

In such conditions, the spine can not perform its basic function: it is normal to keep the body in space. How to deal with this? Transfer this duty from the spine to the muscles surrounding it.

This can be achieved with the help of exercise therapy. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back with osteochondrosisguaranteed to reduce the frequency and intensity of exacerbations.

The importance of strengthening the muscles

To strengthen the back is a paramount task not only because of the decrease in the frequency of relapses. Exercises, if performed correctly, lead to the following positive effects:

  1. the spine is gradually leveled, as far as possible;
  2. During exercise in the muscles, the metabolism increases, which has a positive effect on the whole body;
  3. strengthening of the back muscles with osteochondrosis acts as prevention of complications (vertebral artery syndrome, spondylarthrosis).

That is why absolutely any adequate doctor will spend half of the preventive conversation with the patient physiotherapy, and even give a referral to exercise therapy if the patient wants to engage directly in hospital.

How correctly to do such exercises?

Strengthening exercises for the back have their own nuances. The first and most important: most of them can not be done during an exacerbation. The aggravation is most often caused by inflammation.

With the last tissue near the vertebra, the nerve becomes swollen and clamped even harder, which causes pain.

One awkward movement - and the nerve is pinched definitively, which worsens the course of the disease several times.

At an exacerbation it is possible to do only that is described in subsection "Exercises for subacute and acute periods".

In addition to the exercises on the backshould be approached responsibly.

The patient should choose 2-3 days a week, in which he will perform these exercises, and skip training is possible only in case of emergency.

Charge should be performed daily, even if very lazy.

Before performing the exercises, it is necessary to do a warm-up (which will be described in the subsection "Preparation"). After gymnastics, you need to rest for 5-10 minutes: lie down, relax your muscles, bring your breathing to normal.

Between the exercises, too, you need to take breaks, the duration - to choose independently, according to the sensations.


  • osteochondrosis of the waist, chest or neck of weak or moderate intensity;
  • radiculitis in the phase of remission;
  • prevention of osteochondrosis.


  1. exacerbation (except for special exercises);
  2. acute inflammatory processes (including ARI, ARVI);
  3. suffered heart attack, stroke, coronary artery bypass graft;
  4. tendency to bleed.

Overview of exercises


Before performing exercise complex for muscle, you need:

  • Take a warm shower. This item is optional, but it is very desirable to be under 10 minutes under running water, because it relaxes muscles well.
  • Massage your back. Self-massage will be enough. It is necessary to stretch the muscles along the whole length of the spine with circular motions.
  • Slightly warm up. You can walk about 5 minutes, twist your hands, stretch yourself several times or come up with your own version.


Charge should be done daily. Complex exercises -very simple and fast, because few people like to spend 30 minutes in the morning on exercises.

All exercises are done lying on the back.

  1. Bend one leg and raise it so that the knee looks at the ceiling. After - completely straighten the leg. Hold for 10 seconds, return to the original. Do 5 times for each leg.
  2. Knees, as far as possible, press against the stomach. Then bend the knees to the left, and twist the neck and body to the right. 3 times in each direction.
  3. Knees bend, legs slightly dilute, stop resting on the floor or bed. Raise the pelvis, leaning on the shoulders and shoulder blades. Perform slow, height select yourself. At the highest point, fix for 5 seconds, then - a smooth descent. Make 4 lifts.

Basic exercises

These exercises are suitable for any type of osteochondrosis.

Theymore suitable for preventionand treatment of early stages, in more severe cases it is worthwhile to look at the exercises during remission.

  • Lie on your stomach, legs together, hands - palms down under your chest. Hands gently push off from the floor, arching the spine. It is important - the palms should be next to each other, under the breastbone (without this exercise is no use). To rise on 10-15 sm, to correct on opportunities and sensations. Run 3 times.
  • Lie on your stomach. Legs - together, hands - on the sides, palms down. Raise the right hand so that in the end it was looking up (at the same time - slightly wrap the body). Lower, do for the other hand. 5 times per hand.
  • Pose - lying on his stomach, legs again together, hands clasped in the lock behind him. Slowly lift the upper half of the body due to the muscles of the back. A rise of 5-7 cm will suffice. Make 4 times.
  • Lying on the stomach, legs bent at the knees, hands gripping the ankles. Gently pull your feet on yourself until you feel the tension. Make 10 times.
  • A bike. Lie on the floor, legs raise up and bend as if under the feet are pedals. Twist these imaginary pedals first one way, then the other. 2 minutes per direction.
  • Scissors, vertical and horizontal. Lie down on the floor, raise your legs, arms - arbitrarily. Perform flailing moves with your feet, "cutting" them with air. First - in a straight line, then diagonally. 10 sweeps per direction.
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Here you can find additional exercises

Exercises during remission

This gymnastics is suitable for those who suffer from attacks of radiculitis with osteochondrosis. Exercises here are not as heavy as in the main complex, so the chance that they will provoke an exacerbation is minimal.

It is possible to perform only when the disease is in the phase of remission.

  1. Pose - on all fours. Back first arched, and then bend. Do slowly, with bending / deflection - exhalation. Make 5 times.
  2. Stand on all fours. Raise one leg and pull it parallel to the floor, then - the other. It is very important to do everything smoothly, the body should not swing from side to side. 3 times for each leg.
  3. Complicated version of the previous exercise. In addition to the leg, it is necessary to stretch the opposing arm (the right leg is the left arm, and vice versa). Also 3 times.
  4. Pose - standing. Do slow corners of the body to the right and left. Turn until you feel tension. 5 turns in each direction.
  5. Pose - sitting on a chair with a back. First, touch the chin with your chin, then take your head back. Do it very slowly, 4 times.

about it

Exercises for subacute and acute periods

And for acute and subacute periods, only one group of exercises is allowed:isometric. The rest are contraindicated, because they can provoke an increase in symptoms.

  • You need to get straight, hold your hand to your forehead. Then - to press a hand on the head, and head - to resist this pressure. Duration, strength and number of approaches to choose, based on well-being.
  • Do the same with the back of the head and temples.

Important! During execution, the spine should not move.

Strength exercises on the simulators

Strength exercises for osteochondrosiscan help pump the muscle corset faster and better, but this requires two components: a good gym and a good coach.

Ideally, this coach should have a medical education, because the strength exercises are associated with a heavy load, and one wrong step can cost the entire back.

Most often, with osteochondrosis, the following strength exercises are practiced:

  1. vertical presses;
  2. traction from the upper block;
  3. hyperextension;
  4. pull-ups;
  5. attacks with small dumbbells.

As an example - hyperextension:

Strength exercises without exercisers and equipment

Simply put - with your weight. These exercises are familiar to everyone from school:

  • Push ups. Usual push-ups, but with one feature: the legs need to be put on something high (sofa or bed) so that the knees still feel the support, and the rest of the leg is already hung. This will reduce the burden on the lower spine and allow you to specifically swing your back. You can start with 5 times, gradually increasing the amount.
  • Squats. Ordinary "school" squats. At runtime, the back should be flat. Start with 10, gradually increase.
  • Press. Exercises on the press pump not only the muscles of the press, but also the back. Attention! With lumbar osteochondrosis, exercises for the press are contraindicated. In other cases - start with 5, increase as "addictive" to the load.

Other exercises

Good efficiency is shown by swimming. It not only strengthens the muscles of the back, but also "tightens" the entire body.

The only remark: before going to the pool you need to consult a doctor, because with some intervertebral hernias, swimming is contraindicated.

How else can I strengthen my back?

Massage and nutrition

Massagerefers to passive loads. These are such loads, in which the patient does nothing, but his muscles are straining at the same time. Massage procedures can not replace a set of exercises, but will be a good addition to it.

Proper nutrition is the key to success in any sport.

Without it, the effectiveness of training falls by 50-60%. Muscles in the majority consist of protein, and it is the protein they need to regenerate between training.

The classic boiled chicken breast has already entered the legends among those who are seriously engaged in their body, and not for nothing: it has a lot of protein and very little fat.

But, of course, the diet can not be completely "hammered" with chicken breasts - you need to eat fully, in a balanced manner and in moderation.

An inflated muscular corset is the only guaranteed way that reduces the frequency of relapses.

There are many ways to bring it into shape: from morning exercises to heavy physical exercises on simulators under the supervision of an instructor, so everyone can choose a program to their liking.

But before drawing up the programit is highly advisable to consult a doctor, because each spine needs its own approach.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/bolezni/osteohondroz/lechenie/gimnastika/uprazhnenij.html

Exercises for the back and spine of the house: video and explanations

Disregard for health in youth may hurt in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from possible problems and follow the posture, and also to form a muscular corset that would support the spine in the right condition.

Already by the age of 30 many people find discomfort and pain in the spine, which is due to the roughness and stiffness of the muscles.If nothing is done, the musculature, which has lost its flexibility, will become a fertile soil for the development of formidable diseases.

In this article, we'll look at simple effective exercises for stretching and strengthening the back muscles at home, and at the end of the article you can see a video about these exercises.

Before You Begin Home Activities

If the fears for health still pushed you to action, then first of all consult a trainer or doctor about the upcoming training.

And it does not matter which technique you chose:always hold your lower back in a natural straight position.

And the last instruction: on a mandatory basis, beforehand, warm up. Back requires a delicate approach, so always prepare this part of the body for physical work.

A very simple and convenient way to strengthen your back and form a correct posture in just 10 minutes a day:

Warm up

After completing all the steps below, you will protect yourself from potential injuries and other troubles:

  1. Holding the brush on the shoulders, perform the rotation forward and back 10 times.
  2. Hands at the waist. We make alternate slopes, throwing up the hand opposite the direction of the bodily fold.
  3. Being in the same position, we do cyclic movements of the pelvis along and counter-clockwise.
  4. Raise each leg and rotate the foot in both directions.
  5. Bend the raised leg and rotate the shin. Change your legs.
  6. Easy jumps, like you are doing with a rope. One minute of jumping will suffice.

How to maintain a healthy posture for children

Even if all the examinations did not reveal a child's problems with the spine, it is better to stop the possibility of their occurrence right now.Moreover, this does not require special efforts:

  • We stand straight, hands on the waist. On inhalation, the elbows curl back to the contact of the shoulder blades. On exhalation - we return to the starting position. Repeat up to 5 times.
  • We raise the arms to the sides and rotate them in the opposite direction for up to 10 repetitions.
  • Brushes on shoulders, legs wider than shoulders. Breathing in, leaning forward, on exhalation we straighten. We keep our back straight.
  • With your hands clasped behind your back, we make up to 6 inclines to the sides.
  • Hold the stick for weighting, bend over half the right angle. 5 repetitions.
  • Lying on my back, I raise my legs one by one. 3 - 4 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, breathing in and lifting the body, exhaling relaxes. Hold your hands at the waist.
  • We perform jumps upwards, alternating with walking.
  • In the end, we raise the arms outstretched in the standing position. Exhale - divorce to the maximum width, inhale - connect.

How to train girls back at home

Now we will pay attention to how to pump up the back muscles of women.To give back a light aesthetic relief and make a woman's figure possible with a simple complex.

We begin with the torso of the trunk: legs together, arms parallel to the body. Repeat 5 - 8 times. To increase the productivity of work, we arm ourselves with dumbbells. This exercise helps to inflate the back muscles and lose weight in the waist.

Then we kneel, and we bring the brushes to our shoulders. We tighten the press. Pulling the right hand up, take the left arm back. We change hands.

Further from the same position, slowly bending forward, crouching on the heels, and fingers touching the floor. Pushing away from the earth with a muscular effort, we return to the starting position.

For the next exercise, we will need dumbbells. Taking one in each hand, we raise shells and plant them at the level of the shoulder girdle. We bend our hands so that the elbows rush to the body and try to keep the shoulder blades. The lesson involves 2 to 3 dozens of repetitions.

The last stage requires a chair. We stand to the back of the face and lean on it with straight hands, and our legs are at a certain distance. Then slowly we bend, lowering the pelvis down, and we return to the initial position. Repeat up to 8 times.

To exclude pain in the muscles, it is worth taking a warm shower.

Another series of effective and simple exercises:

Watch the video of a 3-minute, but very effective exercise.

Stretching of the spinal column

Any exercises preceded by actions that would have led the vertebral links to a safe position.

This avoids possible nerve pinches and other undesirable consequences.

  1. Start the habit of doing the next thing immediately after awakening. Lie on your stomach, resting your palms on the chest level. Pull the pelvis back as far as you can. In this case, a characteristic sensation of a positive displacement of the vertebrae is observed. Do the exercise 6-9 times.
  2. Bending your knees, try to touch their forehead. This will neutralize the tension of the back.
  3. Stand back from the wall at a distance of half a step, raise your hands up and look at the palms. This will lead to an even stretching of each vertebra. Next, lightly lean your hands against the wall, chest and chin, press against the wall. You will feel how the vertebral segments are removed from each other. If you do not feel anything, then get farther from the pole and do the same. Having reached the optimal posture, fix it and turn the head to the right and to the left, touching the vertical surface with the corresponding cheek.
  4. Stretch the shoulder girdle. To do this, press your left side and hand against the wall. And the last pull along the wall behind him. Slowly turn in the direction of the elongated limb and stand in this position for a while. The technique is repeated for both sides.
  5. Hang on the bar for a couple of minutes and focus on relaxing the back so that the vertebrae are properly stretched.
  6. From the sitting position, lower your head between your knees and put your hands under them. Grab your head, stretch your shoulder blades to the ceiling.

The complex is completed by a slight pull-up on the bar, bending the legs and bending the back back. During the final phase, take your time and do not strain, and focus your attention on the dorsal muscles.

Exercises to correct scoliosis and strengthen posture

How often you can see a very beautiful girl, spoiled by her stooped back. The best solution is to prevent the problem at an early age, accustoming yourself to keep your back straight.

However, pronounced scoliosis can be corrected with the help of special exercises.

Moreover,Exercises for the patient back without the appointment of a doctor is highly not recommended.

Otherwise, such therapy will not give the desired result or even worsen the condition of the spine.

  • Straighten your back and spread your shoulders wide. Repeat the alternate tilts back and forth, trying to reach the maximum amplitude. Do not overdo it: move slowly and watch the sensations.
  • Swimming is a popular way to strengthen the muscular corset of the back. For these purposes, it is not necessary to visit the pool, because you can simulate the movements of the swimmer. Standing evenly, draw some kind of swimming technique: "frog-like brass, etc. Try to keep your back straight.
  • Take a direct position with your legs apart and raise your arms, locked in a lock, over your head. Slowly bend to the sides for 10 repetitions.
  • Having adopted the position of a four-legged animal, reproduce the exercise "cat". First, bend over, and then hunched, then do another 9-14 times.

A positive effect will only be apparent if the techniques are performed on a daily basis.

Having corrected the posture, it is necessary to provide it with reliable support. Otherwise, the achieved shape of the spine will quickly return to a painful position.

The described complex is practiced both for the treatment of scoliosis, and for achieving the desired muscle tone.

You will be interested in:Exercises for the cervical spine

We are engaged with dumbbells

We lay down on the stomach and stretch along the body of the hand with dumbbells. We tear them off the floor and start them back. The legs also rise slightly. Do up to 15 repetitions.

We strengthen the area between the shoulder blades. Standing straight, we tilt the body parallel to the floor, and the lowered arms are bent at the elbow. We raise dumbbells in the sides.

Accept the above pose, but one knee and hand should lean on a bench. In the other hand lies a projectile, which must be pulled to the shoulder, not taking away the elbow from the trunk.

Then we rise steadily, and we lift dumbbells with the movements of the shoulders. Hands at the same time are relaxed, and only the neck and back are used.

If you have a fitball, then place the ball near the wall and lie on it with your stomach so that the feet rest on the vertical plane.

Bending and unbending, watch the lower back muscles: they should not rest.

Using this method, the buttocks and the hamstrings are also trained.

We use the barbell

Follow the progressive increase in weight.To warm up, hang on the crossbar, and then priesedayte.

We stand up straight, a little bend limbs in the knee joints. We raise the projectile to the stomach, taking the shoulder blades, then slowly lower it. The first approach - 10 times, then - 15.

The next exercise is a deadlift. We start from standing standing with a bar in hands. With a flat back, slowly lower the body to a parallel ground position and straighten again.

Slopes forward. We place the projectile on the shoulders, fixing it with our hands. We keep our back straight and bend down. The angle of inclination is limited by the position in which you feel a significant rounding of the waist.

What to avoid when doing weight exercises

Do not pull the bar, using the inertia of the initial spurt.In this case, the back is practically excluded from the working group, and the load is tested only by the biceps and shoulders. It should be sensitive to control the movement of the projectile.

Do not forget about the shoulder girdle when pulling the bar. When the hands are stretched, do not let them relax at the extreme point of the amplitude.

The shoulders and back should constantly experience mild stress.

Take care that the shoulder joint does not drop out of work, otherwise you may get a serious injury.

Under no circumstances should you rest your lower back. If the strained muscles of the back take a semi-circular shape, then the risk of injuring yourself will increase.

Effective Exercises

The achievement of the outstanding musculature of the back is based on three whales: deadlift, pull to the belt and of course pull-up.

Static traction strengthens the longitudinal muscles and improves the extensibility of the corresponding fasciae ("cases in which separate bundles of muscle fibers are contained).

Rod pulling to the torso involves the broadest and diamond-shaped groups of muscle tissues and directly affects the growth of the muscles in the volume.

Exercises on the crossbar respond to the expansion of the back.

Tips and 10 exercises by Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky:
A source: http://1treniroa.com/uprazhneniya/v-domashnih-usloviyah/uprazhneniya-dlya-spiny-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html

Exercises to strengthen the spine

Problems with the spine in many people begin from childhood. Constant sitting at a desk in the wrong position, release from school physical education, a sofa in front of the TV - these are risk factors for future scoliosis and osteochondrosis.

Vertebral column corset

Under the influence of loads, injuries and degenerative processes, the stability of the spine is disturbed.

It becomes difficult for him to perform his main function in the body - the supporting one. With a constant incorrect position, the spine is twisted - scoliosis occurs.

This disease contributes to the development of osteochondrosis or aggravates it.

One of the options for treating an unstable spine is the corset. They are different - semi-rigid or rigid. But this is a dubious tool. After all, when fixing the spine in the right position from the outside, its support from within is weakened.

The natural corset of the spinal column is the musculature of the back. It is represented by four muscles:

  • trapezoidal;
  • the widest;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • muscle, straightening the spine.

Muscles of the back are one of the most powerful and developed in the human body. But in the absence of regular exercise, they weaken and can not support the spine in the right position.

There is also a reverse situation - excessively developed back muscles in case of incorrect training. Their pathological tension - as in the case of an overly rigid corset - can also lead to health problems.

This condition of the musculature of the back requires a relaxing gymnastics.

The technique of relaxation of the muscles of the back

The ability to relax the muscles of the back is as useful for the health of the spine as its tension. Relaxing exercises are of several types:

  1. The movements are slow and rhythmic, stretching the muscles of the back. They are performed by a series of 5-15 times, with a break in half a minute.
  2. The stretching of the musculature by position is due to gravity. It is desirable that the stretching phase be equal to the relaxation phase. The duration is 20-25 seconds. You can repeat it up to 15-20 times.
  3. Tension of the muscle for 10 seconds, followed by its stretching for 6-8 seconds and relaxation. The exercise is performed 3 to 6 times.

Relaxing Exercises

It is important to choose the right time for relaxing exercises. Contrary to popular belief, gymnastics does not necessarily have to be morning.

On the contrary, in the morning the organism usually does not perceive any physical activity.

Even lovers of early recovery are encouraged to do gymnastics in the morning, and "owls" - after dinner.

A set of exercises to relax the muscles of the back:

  • General relaxation. Pose - standing at the wall, touching her shoulder blades and sacrum. Hands relaxed and raised above their heads. Mentally, try to spread your hands as far as possible, completely focusing on the exercise.
  • The same position, but one hand is raised up and to the side, and the second is lowered. Mentally imagine how the hands converge.
  • The same position, relaxed arms are omitted. It is necessary, concentrating, to imagine that they are rising. The position of the body does not change.
  • Relaxation of the lumbar region. Pose - against the wall, with support on the rump. The leg is raised, bent at the knee. A right angle with the trunk should form. The leg is held for 20 seconds, then the same relaxing break. In one approach, 15 exercises are performed.

Exercises for the thoracic department

In the thoracic spine, curvatures often occur. To avoid this complication, it is necessary to think about the charge for the back from the childhood, the formation of a rigid muscular corset of the spinal column. Exercises for strengthening the spine in the thoracic department are as follows:

  1. Hands bent at the elbows, located in front of the chest. The elbows move backward, the shoulder blades are brought together. Then the hands return to their original position.
  2. The same exercise, but 3-4 times the hands straighten and curl behind the back, as far as it turns out. Perform the exercise must be smooth, unsharp. Such charging strengthens the muscular corset not only of the back, but also of the chest.
  3. Position - on all fours. One arm is bent at the elbow and clasps the back of the head. The elbow stretches upward smoothly, but with maximum force. It is important that the waist at the same time remained motionless. It is necessary to stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, then return to the starting position, relax and repeat charging with the opposite hand.
  4. Exercise with dumbbells. To such gymnastics you can go when the body adapts to physical activity. At first, dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg are taken. Position - standing, in the hands - dumbbells. The straight body leans forward, the leg rises, the hands - to the sides. It is necessary to stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the original position. Legs alternate. Exercise is carried out 5-6 times, gradually brought to 30-40.
  5. Push-ups from the floor or platform. Strengthens the corset back, chest, arm muscles. The legs can first be bent at the knees. Repeat from 5 to 30 times.

This department of the spine with degenerative diseases suffers more than others. It accounts for the bulk of the static and dynamic loads.

Back pain is one of the most common complaints in middle and old age.

In addition to the pain syndrome, with lesion of the lumbosacral department may be noted:

  • Spasm of muscles located along the spine.
  • Disturbance of sensation in the legs, unpleasant sensations of pricking or crawling, numbness.
  • Weakness of the lower extremities, lameness.
  • Feeling of pain, burning sensations in the buttock area, back of the thighs and lower legs.
  • Violation of the functions of the pelvic organs.

Charging for the lumbosacral spine

Exercises for this department of the spine are many. Most of them are aimed at forming the muscular corset of the spine at this level.

But since in the lumbar region often there are intervertebral hernias, it is necessary to perform exercise with caution.

It is important to start with simple exercises and stop gymnastics at the slightest sign of discomfort. The pace should increase gradually.

The lumbar muscular corset is formed with the help of such exercises:

  1. In the supine position on the back, the legs bent at the knees are raised in turn and then straightened. Then the charge becomes more complicated - the straight legs rise and fall. It is necessary to execute the complex slowly and smoothly.
  2. Rotation of legs according to the type of riding a bicycle. It is carried out in the beginning on itself, and then from itself.
  3. Makhi feet, imitating the movement of scissors. At first, the legs rise slightly above the surface and horizontal scissors are performed, then vertical ones. The legs are located perpendicular to the body.
  4. Position - lying on the stomach. Legs are fixed in the abutment, hands on the back of the head. The upper part of the trunk is raised, the back bends and is held in this position for 3-5 seconds.
  5. Position - lying on the back. Legs bend at the knees. The task is to raise and lower the pelvis. The exercise is performed 10 times. At the end, the pelvis is held up for 5-7 seconds.


Swimming is a sport in which all muscle groups are involved. But it is the musculature of the back in the swimming movements that works at full strength.

In the pool, almost ideal conditions for gymnastics are created. On the one hand, water reduces body weight and it is easier to perform all exercises. On the other hand, the muscles are at work all the time to stay on the water. In addition to this, warm water is an excellent relaxing remedy.

When swimming a person gets tired much less than during dry training. But at the same time his muscles perform great work.

Professional swimmers can be recognized from the back - thanks to perfectly developed muscles. Among them, there are no people with scoliosis.

And the pains in the back disappear much faster, if you swim at least 2-3 times a week for an hour - one and a half. An excellent result gives and swimming in the sea.

Gyms and gymnastic equipment

Good performance is different in training in training complexes, especially under the guidance of a competent coach.

There you can perform general gymnastics for the whole body, and you can purposefully strengthen only the muscles of the back.

Strength exercises, balancer, horizontal bars - all this significantly improves the condition of the musculature and the stability of the spine.

Gymnastics on the bar - an excellent method not only to strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulders, but also to stretch the musculature of the back.

In addition, these exercises are inherently a natural extension of the spine.

Such gymnastics is especially useful in degenerative diseases with infringement of nerve roots and the expressed painful syndrome. Stretching the spine on the bar allows you to relax the compression.

An excellent alternative to the bar can serve as a Swedish wall. The arsenal of exercises that can be performed on it is much more varied.

Diseases of the spine - a real scourge of modern man. Do not brush aside even the slightest signs of the disease. We need to find strength and time for gymnastics, swimming pool, gym. It is much more effective to cope with the problem at an early stage than to treat its complications.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/drugie-zabolevaniya-pozvonochnika/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-pozvonochnika.html