Disability in sight: receiving and degree

The opportunity to see is a valuable gift of nature to a person who needs to be protected.But there are cases when there are various problems with the visual apparatus, often occurring against the background of serious diseases. Some pathologies are treated, others - become prerequisites for obtaining a disability in sight. And this status implies a number of restrictions for its bearer.


  • 1Establishing a disability
  • 2Diseases leading to blindness
  • 3Criteria for identifying groups
    • 3.1Group I
    • 3.2Group II
    • 3.3Group III
  • 4Assessment of vision limitations
    • 4.1Degrees of limitation
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Establishing a disability

The reasons for the establishment of a disability in sight can be many.But regardless of them, the acquisition of this status should be carried out in stages. To do this you need:

  1. To address at a place of residence to the doctor-ophthalmologist.In case the patient's disease is not capable of giving in to treatment, the grounds for disability and its category will appear. And in this case the doctor will send for the examination of doctors of several directions.
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  2. Undergo a medical examination of these doctors.
  3. Provide all collected medical examination data to an ophthalmologistto study the results and collect the necessary documents. On their basis, the doctor will issue a referral to the medical commission at the ITU.
  4. Contact the ITU, to register there documents and to pass a medical examination board, according to which to receive the form of disability.

In case of disagreement with the results of the meeting, their decision can always be appealed.

Diseases leading to blindness

Blindness is a pathology in which the patient is deprived of vision, or this function is reduced to the level of impossibility to independently carry out life activity.In this case, a person has a limited visual perception, characterized by a significant narrowing of the fields of vision, loss of the central, or their totality. Distinguish total and practical blindness. With total vision completely absent, with the practical remains color and light perception, it is possible to distinguish between moving, large objects.

Diseases of the visual system that can lead to blindness:

  1. Extensive trauma to the eye with further enucleation.
  2. Diabetic retinopathy.
  3. Glaucoma and cataract. The first leads to atrophy of the optic nerve.
  4. Retinal diseases - dystrophy and macular degeneration (loss of central vision), retinosis, detachment.
  5. Amaurosis of Leber.

They also give out night blindness or hemeralopia and color blindness (color blindness).

Criteria for identifying groups

Today, there are three categories of disability, on the basis of which, in part, the disability group is established:

  1. The firstthe category assumes the patient's ability to independently carry out certain activities (possibly with the use of additional funds).
  2. The secondcharacterized by the inability to do without special aids and help from relatives and relatives. Also, violations of patients assume the existence of special working conditions in the workplace.
  3. The third(the heaviest) category implies the impossibility of carrying out any activity due to complete or almost total blindness.

Currently, there are three groups of people with disabilities, which are set according to certain rules and criteria.Based on their confirmation, the person receives some restrictions on the types of future activities.

Group I

This form of disability is assigned to a person who has a fourth degree of functional disruption of the visual apparatus.As a rule, this is accompanied by very poor vision (often complete blindness) and requires social assistance and protection.

Currently, there are three main criteria for assigning:

  • Full recognized blindness in both eyes (zero vision);
  • Narrowing the boundaries of the visual field (from two sides) to ten-zero degrees from the area of ​​fixation;
  • When correcting the most capable eye, the sharpness should not be more than four hundredths.

Group II

The second form, as a rule, is appropriated to those who have a third degree of impaired vision.In this case, this degree is understood as a weakness of vision, the establishment of a second category of vital activity. Social support is also needed here.

The main criteria for establishing the second category are as follows:

  • The quality of sight of the more capable eye is not more than one tenth and not less than five hundredths;
  • The boundaries of the field should be narrowed to ten to twenty degrees from the fixation point.

In this group, the employer can employ a person only if there are special working conditions.

Group III

The third group is awarded by the commission to people who have a second degree deviation (there is a kind of second-stage visualization).The category of vital activity is the second, there is a need for social support and protection.


  • The quality of visual functions of a more capable eye is not less than one-tenth and not more than three-tenths;
  • The narrowing of the boundaries of the visual field should be from twenty to forty degrees from the area of ​​fixation.

In order to avoid legal difficulties, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the algorithm and recommendations of the commission on disability.

Assessment of vision limitations

Evaluation of visual disorders is also necessary to establish the form of disability.Therefore, it is especially important to make it right.

Degrees of limitation

The degrees of visual limitation at the moment are four:

  1. Low degree(minor deviations): from, to narrowing the field to forty degrees. In the central field there are no scotomas present. Without reducing efficiency.
  2. Average(moderate): from, to the narrowing of the field from twenty to forty degrees. There are individual scotomas. Slight decrease in efficiency.
  3. High(expressed deviations): from, 5 to the narrowing of the field from ten to twenty degrees. There can be both single and multiple scotomes. Performance is significantly reduced.
  4. Absolute blindness(significant deviations): from 0 to, 4, the narrowing of the field from zero to ten degrees. There are paracentral and central scotomes. Practically complete lack of efficiency.

When assigning the degree of limitations, the category of life activity and disability, it is necessary to demand that all factors be taken into account and a thorough examination of the eyes is carried out.



Establishing the type of restriction on the quality of vision can hardly be called a rainbow and pleasant procedure, but in a number of cases it is necessary.In particular, it provides some social assistance and support that a person who is not able to lead a normal life and choose any kind of activity needs. On the one hand, the process of appropriation is rather complicated and long, on the other - absolutely necessary to facilitate the life of a person with serious impairments of the visual apparatus.