
What are the drops that can occur during pregnancy from a cold

Drops from a cold in pregnancyRunny nose during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences, many medications can not be used because they can greatly harm the future baby. There is a runny nose due to a weakened immune system, which is the body's defense. Coryza is often triggered by a viral infection, it penetrates the placenta and destroys the central nervous system of the fetus.In some situations, a cold is triggered by a bacterial infection that adversely affects the baby's health. If a p...

  • 14-Aug-2018
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Cheap remedy for a cold

List of cheap and effective remedies for the common coldRhinitis is the most common sign of a cold. When a stuffy nose is laid, it is difficult for a person to breathe, and this gives him a lot of inconvenience. Solve this problem with the help of effective and not very expensive means. Many may think that cheap drugs a priori can not have a positive effect, but this is absolutely wrong.How does the analog of the bioparox for children look like in this article.Treatment of rhinitis in adultsW...

  • 12-Jul-2018
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Solutions for inhalation by a nebulizer with a cold

Inhalation by a nebulizer with a cold: prescription solutionsIn the treatment of rhinitis, many physiological procedures aimed at restoring the function of the nasopharynx are considered effective.Inhalations of a nebulizer in the common cold are one of these physiotherapy procedures, widely used in the treatment of diseases in children and adults.What are the types of nebulizers?A nebulizer with a cold in children can be used immediately after the birth of a child, but it can only be done by...

  • 14-Jul-2018
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How to cause a runny nose quickly

How to cause a cold?Answers:no oneidiocy of course)), extreme, but safe for health, compared with cold balconies and other:water pour into the nose (you may need salt), release through the throat, some part will remain insideAfter some time, very quickly there will be a runny nose, and the real one. I do not know what's going on with the water, apparently all this slime in the sinuses shifts and freezes)))This "side effect" of the procedure for getting rid of the common cold is Jala Neti, if ...

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Good drops from the common cold to adults

Advise good drops from the coldAnswers:Salaam AleikumRhinitis is an intensified discharge of mucus from the nose. With his help, the nose is cleaned of viruses. Therefore, one should not suppress the runny nose, but help the body to clear faster - and the rhinitis will pass by itself.1. Wash your nose with salt water, Aquamaris or sea from Dolphin.A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, 1 / 4-1 / 3 teaspoon of table salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of plea...

  • 15-Jul-2018
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How to cure a runny nose at home

How to treat a runny nose at home correctly Inhalation Chronic rhinitis Each of us has an idea of ​​what a cold is, and more than once experienced the discomfort caused by the manifestation of this symptom.At first glance rhinitis seems something quite harmless, however, do not be mistaken, because even a simple cold coryza can provoke the development of serious complications.Especially cautious should be treated self-management of cold in the home, as often such therapy is not the most adequ...

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Inhalation in pregnancy from colds

Inhalation during pregnancySelf-medication during pregnancy is very dangerous and extremely undesirable. Even such a simple procedure as inhalation should occur after consultation with the doctor. Because the process itself is not as terrible as the medications that you will use for inhalation.The state of pregnancy is accompanied by the suppression of immunity, and most future mothers can not avoid a runny nose or cough during this period. Use of medications during pregnancy is highly undesi...

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Nasal warming with a cold

Is it possible to heat the nose with salt in case of a strong runny nose?Many people ask themselves: is it possible to warm the nose with salt in the cold and how effective is this procedure? There are a huge number of different ways that help to quickly and effectively get rid of even a strong cold. Before starting treatment, you should always consult a doctor who can advise the best and the most suitable means to help effectively get rid of colds, and tell you how best to conduct this or th...

  • 18-Aug-2018
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Coryza and sneezing

How to cure for a cold and sneezing?Runny nose is a common phenomenon that occurs in people of any age, which also affects the entire body. In addition, the appearance of the common cold can be caused by many factors that it is important to know to implement the correct treatment of a person.The mucous membrane and vascular system are in close interrelation, therefore, according to experts, for successful treatment should be affected by the entire body.As a rule, a runny nose and sneezing are...

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Than to treat a strong rhinitis

How to treat a bad cold?Nasal congestion and discharge from the maxillary sinuses are considered one of the most unpleasant symptoms of infection or allergy. Before treating a bad cold, you need to find out the exact reasons for its occurrence. It is also important to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process and to conduct laboratory tests on the response to histamines.What should I do if I have a bad cold?First, you need to find out what factors triggered the appearance of t...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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