Folk Remedies

Abnormal lichen: signs and treatment at home

Peregrine lichen refers to the category of rare skin diseases. The main feature of microbes, which are its causative agents, is considered active reproduction under the influence of heat. Because of this nuance, the disease manifests itself only in the summer. Often this form of lichen is called a "sun fungus".Treatment of the disease is not difficult, but you need to start the course as early as possible. Otherwise, there will be a chronic form. You can get rid of the dis...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Plantain large: useful properties and contraindications, instructions for use

Plantain is a plant of the genus of perennial and annual grasses, distributed in subtropical and temperate zones on wastelands, along roads, on sands and meadows and numbering more than 250 different species. The flowering period is May-August, the fruits ripen in September-October. Contents of the article: Collection, storage, storage Useful properties From which diseases Folk recipes Contraindications to use Collect, harvests, stor...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Folk remedies for treating joints with burdock at home

Joints are mobile joints of bones, allowing the skeleton to move. There are exactly 187 of them in the body, each of which performs an individual function. Epiphyses form joints, the surface of which is equipped with cartilage. Filled synovial fluid articular cavity is between the joint surfaces of bones. One of the main elements of the structure is the joint bag. Contents of the article: The causes of the disease The healing properties of How to app...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

How to Cook a Portolac Garden - therapeutic properties of a plant

Portulac orchard( Portulaca oleracea) - unpretentious annual, belonging to the family of portolac. In the literature there are other names of the grass: a sandwich, a dandur, a flea and a sausage. Another name widely used in the people - mats. Content of the article: Background of the story External data Procurement for future use Ancient Russian prescriptions for health Luxury chemical composition Assistant of all trades Unrecognized...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Milk mushroom: useful properties and contraindications, reviews about folk remedies

Milk fungus consists of a group of bacteria and microorganisms of the genus zoogloea. It looks like white balls that can grow up to 6 cm. With regular consumption of milk, fermented with it, it is possible to keep good health and look great. What is useful? Nutritional value and caloric value of Is there any harm and contraindications? Methods of application in folk medicine Reviews of the milk fungus Than useful? The composition of milk fungus, in...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Effective treatment of a cyst of a tooth in house conditions

A tooth cyst is a disease of a dental character, characterized by the appearance of a neoplasm in the form of a rounded cavity, inside which there is a liquid, quite often - in the form of pus. The cyst is usually located near the upper root part of the tooth. For a long period of time, the cyst may not cause any discomfort and pain. But, nevertheless, this does not mean that it does not pose a threat to a healthy tooth. There is an explanation: after some time the cavity o...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Causes and treatment of an abscess on the gums at home

An abscess on the gum contributes to the formation of cavities with inflammation in tissues in which pus accumulates, due to melted tissue areas. Flux provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and painful sensations. When initial pathological signs of ulcer formation appear, it is required to immediately seek help from the dentist to prevent the pus coming out, leading to serious diseases of the oral cavity. Contents of the article: The main causes of ...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Useful properties and contra-indications of berries and red currant leaves

Red currant is one of the most useful berries that came to us from Western Europe. There it was grown as a medicinal plant, as well as later, in Russia. In our time, people call this berry "porechkoy", and you can meet it with every lover of gardening. Useful properties of What helps to cure What helps to cure Usage in folk medicine Prescriptions for infusions In cosmetology During pregnancy Contraindications As a...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Useful properties and contraindications of red and yellow cherries for the human body

This delicious and beautiful berry appears in the spring in the forefront. She opens the berry season, loudly declaring: "Eat me after the winter-spring avitaminosis! You will not regret it! " Tempting offer! Should I listen to him? Doctors and nutritionists say it's worth it. 10 facts about the use of 1. Cherry is a low-calorie berry . One hundred grams contains 50 kcal. This is a bit, but because nutritionists with both hands vote for this berry. After all, ...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

What cures the grass bear ears - use and contraindications

Bearberry, or bear ears - an evergreen shrub spread in the middle belt with round red fruits, similar to the fruit of cowberry. The medicinal plant is widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract and kidney. How to properly prepare recipes for the recovery of the body, we will discuss below. General description General description Asparagus extract from cystitis For rheumatism Natural energizer Curative tea for ...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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