Causes and treatment of an abscess on the gums at home

An abscess on the gum contributes to the formation of cavities with inflammation in tissues in which pus accumulates, due to melted tissue areas.

Flux provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and painful sensations.

When initial pathological signs of ulcer formation appear, it is required to immediately seek help from the dentist to prevent the pus coming out, leading to serious diseases of the oral cavity.

Contents of the article:
  • The main causes of
  • Symptoms of abscesses
  • Pre-medical measures
  • Possible complications
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

The main causes of

The factors that trigger the development of abscesses on the gums are:

  • Not compliance with oral hygiene.
  • Damage to the tooth.
  • Gum injuries - chemical and thermal burns, mechanical damage to the stitched tooth, seal, tooth crown or prosthesis.
  • Colds of the oral cavity.
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  • Decreased body immunity.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity - periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontitis.

The cause of pus are pathogenic microbes - streptococci and staphylococci, which get through the damaged mucous membrane of the mouth in human tissue. The causative agents of abscesses can also be pseudomonas, intestinal rods and pneumococcus.

In the absence of regular regular hygiene on the gums appear pathogenic bacteria, provoking inflammatory processes.

Remember! Abscesses on the gums may appear even with baby teeth in children, therefore it is recommended to conduct regular examination of the oral cavity of the baby at the dentist and to perform timely treatment as soon as necessary.

Symptoms of abscesses

You can recognize the suppuration of the gums by the following characteristic features:

  • toothache with proliferation throughout the jaw, which is enhanced by palpation of pathological formation and is especially pronounced in the night;
  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • disturbances in the process of swallowing, chewing food, speech due to increased pain;
  • general weakness of the person and rapid fatigue;
  • cavity formation on the gum;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills;
  • the occurrence of fever at night.

Some time after the first symptoms appear on the gums, you can notice a white abscess with pus inside. Painful sensations intensify, the general condition of a person worsens and an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity arises.

The course of pathology largely depends on the defenses of the body and the virulence of bacteria.

Unpleasant sensations continue until the moment of swelling of the cheek. As a result, the abscess can penetrate outside through the cheek or break through on the gum.

Pain sensations do not pass even after taking medications with analgesic effect.

Gum abscesses can range from small to huge size, contributing to the deformation of the facial form. Ulcers require urgent dental intervention to prevent the penetration of pus inside and the occurrence of contamination of blood, life-threatening.

Before-care measures

Before consulting a dentist to improve the condition, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  • rinsing the oral cavity with antiseptics - a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin, chlorhexedin, and also decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort;
  • to reduce pain and swelling will help to cool the gums;
  • use of a sufficient amount of liquid to prevent intoxication of the body;
  • inclusion in the diet of food with sparing mechanical and temperature properties;
  • with significant pain can use a drug with analgesic effect - Paracetomol, Analgin, Ketonol.

Urgent treatment for a specialist requires the following alarming symptoms:

  • Prolonged and significant increase in body temperature.
  • Strengthening of pain.
  • Severe redness of the area around the wound.
  • Abundant discharge of purulent maintenance.
  • Intensification of intoxication symptoms - muscle and headaches, temperature.

Important! Sometimes abscesses can open spontaneously. But this does not mean that the problem is solved. You should consult a dentist anyway.

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Possible complications of

Prolonged absence of treatment can lead to complications that threaten the health and life of the patient:

  • development of periodontitis;
  • tooth loss;
  • occurrence of thrombophlebitis and phlebitis in the presence of pus in the veins of the face;
  • jaw deformation;
  • change of facial features;
  • development of thrombosis of the sinuses of the skull;
  • occurrence of periostitis and phlegmon;
  • spread of infection to neighboring areas - mediastinum, orbit;
  • infection by infection of the skull base;
  • increases the risk of sepsis and osteomyelitis.

Remember! Throughout the treatment of gingival abscess, it is recommended to strengthen oral hygiene to reduce pathogens and stop infectious development.

General recommendations

To reduce the likelihood of transition gaps on the gums in a complicated form of treatment should be carried out by a specialist.

Treatment should include complex procedures:

  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • Opening of the abscess.
  • Physiotherapy.

Complex treatment of abscesses with medical preparations is to use the following:

  • antibacterial - Amoxicillin, Metranidazole, Tetracycline;
  • antiseptic;
  • enzymatic;
  • anti-inflammatory, mainly gels and ointments of local action - Holisal, Metrogil Denta, Asepta, Kamistad, Miramistin;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins;
  • sorbents;
  • immunomodulators.

At the initial stage, remove unpleasant symptoms and normalize drainage through the lumen of the pocket or a point incision of the gum tissue in the lesion site.

Intervention is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor cleans the abscess cavity of pus, treats with antiseptic solutions.

With extensive suppuration, drainage is established - a sterile gauze bandage moistened in physiological saline. One end of the gauze is placed in the cavity, the other - is out, a special bandage is applied from above.

The patient is recommended to rinse the oral cavity every day with decoction of medicinal herbs or salt water.

An experienced doctor can determine an abscess at the first examination and open an abscess.

Before the dissection procedure, the abscess should ripen to reduce the likelihood of a residue in the tissues of the pus, resulting in a relapse of the pathology after a short period of time.

At the next stage of treatment, the doctor relieves the patient of periodontal pockets by forming muco-superfine flaps, removing granulomatous tissue and smoothing the root surface. As a result, the flap is attached in the initial position by performing several stitches.

After the intervention of the dentist, the pain syndrome may persist for some time. For rapid healing, physiotherapy is performed, pain medications and iontophoresis are prescribed.

Remember! Even a small abscess on the gums can lead to serious complications and requires attention and timely treatment.

How to treat folk remedies?

Folk remedies against abscesses on the gums can alleviate unpleasant symptoms - inflammation, pain, swelling, but not completely eliminate the causes of the appearance of pathology.

The most effective folk recipes based on natural ingredients are the following:

  • Pine needles is poured in cool water and brought to a boil. The therapeutic mass is boiled for half an hour on low heat and is used for rinses in order to strengthen the gums and disinfect the oral cavity.
  • Effective curative compresses for gums .For their preparation, it is necessary to mix lime blossoms and oak bark in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is poured with water, insisted for 30 minutes and carefully filtered.
  • Chamomile and St. John's wort mix in a 1: 2 ratio in porcelain capacity. The therapeutic mass is poured with boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and held for about 30-40 minutes. At the end, the product is carefully filtered and used to rinse the mouth.
  • For the removal of the painful syndrome, effectively, the preparation prepared by infusion under a tight lid for 4 hours 6 tablespoons of dry herb plants of a turnip filled with 1 liter of water and boiled for no more than 5 minutes over low heat. The medium is filtered and applied to the mouth rinses .
  • Purity and drug balm in the same ratio - 2 tablespoons thoroughly crushed and mixed, poured boiled water and infused for 4 hours. At the end, the product is filtered and used to rinse the mouth in the morning and evening.
  • A small piece of gauze or cotton swab is recommended to be moistened in fir oil and applied to the affected area up to 3 times during the day.
  • diluted freshly squeezed horseradish juice in the same room temperature as the room temperature. The resulting healing solution is used to rinse the mouth 4-5 times a day.

What is not recommended?

To reduce the risk of deterioration and well-being, the following actions can not be performed:

  • Use antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and strong painkillers without prescribing a specialist.
  • Self-squeezing out pus at home.
  • To heat the abscess, this will lead to more suppuration.

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Prevention measures

To prevent the development of abscesses on the gums, the following rules should be observed:

  • Timely treatment of carious teeth.
  • Compliance with oral hygiene - brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, using dental floss, rinsing your mouth after each meal.
  • Daily sanitation of gums.
  • Regular preventive examination at the dentist.
  • Timely treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis when observing the first alarming signs.

When the initial characteristic symptoms of an abscess formation on the gums appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent deterioration of the condition and the transition of pathology to a more serious form.

Only an experienced dentist will be able to advise effective folk recipes for the removal of unpleasant abscess symptoms on the gum and correctly carry out the necessary medical measures.