Coughing for a child more than a month

Prolonged cough in the child has been almost 2 months what to do ??


Daria Gomzyakova

We had almost the same, very long coughed! Scared too, horrible: with pertussis and all sorts of nastiness. Doctors said that everything was fine, just had a slightly reddish throat. We went to the LOR, as always the adenoids (well, I think everyone puts it), in the end it turned out that this is just a form of such a cold, after which a cough for a long time keeps, it turned out that this is not only in our country, but also in some other children in our area, h. and a group of children. garden. So everything went by itself, thank God.
Do not wind yourself ahead of time, ask other mothers, maybe their children have the same symptoms. Most importantly, do not worry, kids are also worried about this!!! Good luck to you!))

Sofia Scriptsova

X-ray the lungs. A cough lasting 2 months may be a signal to pneumonia, bronchitis. Unfortunately, not all doctors know how to listen to the lungs in human terms. A red throat indicates a viral infection. If you stop treatment it will only get worse.

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And the allergist was? M. b. "elementary" reaction to anything that is in the apartment (or in the group of d / garden).


the immune system in a child of this age is not weakened - it has not yet been properly formed.
check the moisture level in the apartment: perhaps too dry air irritates the baby's mucosa. buy a humidifier - and you will get rid of a lot of problems.

Lena Demchenko

This is whooping cough. Treatment. Hospitalization is subject to: patients with severe forms; patients with life-threatening complications (impaired cerebral circulation and respiratory rhythm); patients with moderately severe forms with a nonsmooth course, an unfavorable premorbid background, exacerbation of chronic diseases; children of early age.

According to epidemiological indications, children from closed children's institutions (regardless of the severity of the disease) and family foci are hospitalized. In the department for patients with pertussis, antiepidemic measures must be strictly observed in order to prevent the emergence of nosocomial infections.

The sparing mode (reduction of negative psychoemotional loads) with obligatory individual walks.

Diet - enriched with vitamins, corresponding to age. In severe forms of patients it is recommended to feed more often and in smaller portions; after vomiting of children докармливают.

Etiotropic therapy. In the case of mild and moderate forms, erythromycin, roxithromycin (rulid), azitromycin (sumamed), augmentin, bacampi-cillin in age dosages for 5-7 days; with severe forms of the disease and the impossibility of taking medications through the mouth (repeated vomiting, infants age, etc. ) antibiotics are prescribed intramuscularly (gentamicin, ampicillin, etc.).

Lyubov Lyubovich

An easy form of pertussis-paracottis. The same theme 12-year-old daughter was ill one cough a month was discharged, now it is doth again. And the son of 3-year-old began to cough after two weeks were diagnosed with whooping cough, because the suffocating cough began 3-5 months later get sick. The daughter was vaccinated with DPT therefore it was easily transferred, and the son has contraindications while to vaccinations here we got.

Yojik v tumane

consultation pulmonologist and infectiologist. let exclude pertussis.

Tatyana Lobova

Keep your nose clean. Most likely the mucus on the back wall flows and tickles the throat, that's the cough from here. Nose can be washed after kindergarten with baby soap. Teach your child to do it and no infections are not terrible.
And so that the cough does not embarrass you, you can drink 2 days of licorice syrup. Coughing can still 2 weeks, it's intrepid. Stimulates immunity. But not more than 2 weeks.

Elena Davidenko

Descend or go to the phthisiatrist, exclude a tuberculosis.


Give blood for antibodies to whooping cough (now many cases of the disease), hand over to
chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae - they are the cause of prolonged bronchitis and pneumonia


This duration of coughing indicates a chronic form. To calm you can do an x-ray. Analyzes: blood, urine.
Hand over smears from the pharynx and nose. To address to the lung specialist. And do not forget that children often suffer from a neurological cough, and the child has an adaptation, which can take place psychologically.

A child coughs a month - what to do?

Sometimes young mothers, faced with such a phenomenon as a protracted cough in children, do not know how to treat it. The confusion of parents leads also to the fact that, in the presence of parents, the temperature does not always rise; The cough is not of an infectious origin. Quite often, pediatricians also have difficulty in establishing the cause of its appearance. What is a protracted cough?

Quite often, you can hear a complaint from moms about the fact that their child coughs for a month, and they just do not know what to do and how to deal with it, because The treatment prescribed by a pediatrician does not bring results.

By lingering understand a cough that does not go more than 3 weeks. At the same time, his character is usually dry, i.e. After coughing, the child does not feel relief and a fit of coughing is repeated again.

How to get ahead of the cause of a protracted cough?

Before you start treatment for a protracted cough in children, you need to determine its cause accurately. The most common reason that a child coughs for a month is:

  • localized infection (otitis media, subacute sinusitis);
  • allergic diseases (asthma);
  • increased activity of the respiratory tract during the recovery period (the body tries to get rid of the infection by separating the sputum);
  • presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • gastroesophageal reflux (the transition of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus)

This situation, when a child coughs for more than a month, even at night, and there is no temperature, should not be left without parents' attention hoping that the cough will pass by itself.

Treatment of a protracted cough depends, first of all, on the cause of its appearance, i.e. Before proceeding to the therapeutic process, the physician must establish the cause exactly. So, in the first place, allergic reactions are excluded, for which a special sample is prescribed.

If the presence of such a cough is caused by an infection, then the appropriate drugs are used.

Most often appointed, so-called expectorant drugs that promote the excretion of phlegm, which irritates the bronchi, causes a cough. An example of such may be Ambroxol, Carbocysteine. In addition, the mother herself is able to alleviate the condition of the baby, giving him more warm drink and conducting inhalations using baking soda.

In cases where cough is not associated with a violation of sputum discharge, the doctor prescribes antitussives: Tusuprex, Butamirate. However, it is worth remembering that all medications should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor who indicates both the multiplicity and the dosage of admission.

The child does not cough for the second month, what should I do?


Olya Epifanova

To hand over the tank of the passe from the throat, the nose and the tank of expectoration of phlegm, go to the allergist, treat the intestines after antibiotics, carefully follow recommendations of the doctor, because it is strange that you generally prescribed antibiotics, in general, you need a good pediatrician and your problem.


It is necessary to go to the phthisiatrician, necessarily, it may well be tuberculosis. I wish health to you and your child.

Irina Vladimirovna

And the analysis on allergoproby did not hand over?


Feed the baby healthy food, and antibiotics and all sorts of cough medicine - in the trash. Literature: G. Shelton "Orthotrophy".

Liliya Akhmetgalieva

To hand over the general analysis of a blood, the biochemical analysis, to hand over a sputum general and on VK, will consult at the allergist and the phthisiatrist. If you do not find anything wrong, take the child to the sea and give for the night on the tip of a spoon of melted pig fat (I know by my children).


All means for coughing can be conditionally divided into three main groups: the so-called mucolytics - funds, liquefying phlegm, expectorant - enhancing cough and soothing (* antitussive) - reducing activity cough center. In addition, some drugs have a combined effect - both mucolytic and expectorant.

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to hand over blood and necessarily to make a roentgen of lungs or at least a roentgenography


Age of the child what?
FIND HAPPENS NORMAL, maybe even paid, DOCTOR - you'll wait a little longer - and a tuberculosis patient will appear in your family.
You than two months thought? The child needs to be urgently hospitalized and put droppers - otherwise you will lose it or ruin his health finally!

Tatyanka Belozerova (Baikova)

Descend or go to the allergist, make allergoproby if all is normal-check up the child on presence of foreign bodies in bronchuses and trachea

Irina Kobzar

Do not write nonsense! doctors can not diagnose... Now here is a plumber, Uncle Vanya or a teenager concerned with the problems of masturbation will diagnose... themselves write after the treatment the child was well, and then fell ill on the new. or do you think that once you have been treated for a lifetime of all diseases? what particular examinations have you conducted?


Do x-rays of the lungs, pneumonia may not be heard by doctors. If everything is okay for the allergist, August is the season for the allergy sufferer.


To address it is necessary in an urgent order to infektsionistu, he and will appoint or nominate necessary analyzes. It would be nice to donate blood from the vein to Askaridoz. Do not be ill!

What if the child does not get a cough?

Alas, most children get sick and cough from time to time, moreover, they can cough for a long time, so many parents face this problem. And you need to know what to do if the child does not get cough.

There is no single universal method for solving this problem, since cough occurs for various reasons. So, first of all, it is necessary to understand the causes of cough causing to have in the arsenal of methods of its treatment only medically substantiated and effective means.

Why does the child not get a cough?

To get an answer to this question, you need a doctor: only a professional can accurately establish etiology of long-term coughing, that is, diagnose the disease, the symptom of which he is an. From this will depend on the treatment, which can be symptomatic (relief and easing of coughing) or etiological (elimination of the cause of coughing).

From the physiological and medical point of view, cough (in Latin - tussis) is a reflex reaction of the cough center of the brain in response to signals of irritated receptors respiratory tract. And such sensitive nerve endings are present not only in the nasopharynx or bronchial tubes, but also in the diaphragm zone, in the outer shell of the heart (pericardium), in the esophagus and even in the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Among the causes of prolonged cough in children pediatricians include: protracted respiratory infections, chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis, pharyngitis (including atrophic), tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, adenoiditis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory mycoplasmosis or chlamydia, the presence of cytomegalovirus, respiratory allergies (allergic pharyngitis and tracheitis, eosinophilic bronchitis and bronchial asthma).

In infants, persistent coughing during feeding can be caused by oropharyngeal or esophageal dysphagia - a violation of the swallowing reflex and the passage of food into the esophagus.

A cough that does not go away for a long time may indicate problems with the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), bronchiectasis, lack of left ventricle of the heart, gastroesophageal reflux, tuberculosis, intestinal dysbiosis or the presence in the child worms. Finally, it is possible that a prolonged dry cough in a child is one of clinical symptoms of papillomatosis or cyst of the larynx, as well as the initial stage of inheritance cystic fibrosis.

Now you obviously have a clear idea of ​​what to do if the child does not have a cough? Quite right, go to a good doctor and examine the baby. Moreover, one must be prepared for the fact that an otolaryngologist, an allergist, a pulmonologist or a gastroenterologist can be brought to the examination.

It should be noted that, according to pediatricians, only one case of long-term coughing in children of ten is not associated with infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract such as ARVI, tonsillitis or bronchitis.

If the child does not get cough: possible treatment options

As can be seen from all of the above, coughing is different - and not only in the sense of its cause. The "quantity and quality" of cough may vary in a wide range of features of the manifestation of this symptom: dry and with phlegm, with wheezing and whistling, leading almost to vomiting and having the appearance of a lung Coughing ...

What if the child does not get cough due to infectious inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract? In such cases, it is necessary to use drugs with mucolytic and enveloping effects, so that dry cough (as doctors say, unproductive) has become wet (productive). For very young children (up to 2, years), this is enough: a sputum coughs out the child and, thereby, the factor annoying the cough receptors will disappear. That is, the cough will pass. Older children, taking into account the often occurring spasm of the bronchi, are prescribed mukokinetic (expectorant) and bronchodilator funds. But with a very strong (before vomiting) debilitating cough, you may need drugs that block the receptors of the Tension zone of the respiratory tract or the cough center.

In case of prolonged dry cough, Ambroxol is recommended in children (other trade names are Ambrobe, Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Ambrolitic, etc.) or Acetylcysteine ​​(ACTS, Acystein, Acestad).

Dosage of syrup Ambroxol for children under 2 years - on, ml 2 times a day; 2-5 years - on, ml three times a day; after 5 years - 2-3 times a day for 5 ml. Assigned to laryngitis, tracheitis and pneumonia Acetylcysteine ​​is also suitable for treating cough in cystic fibrosis. The instructions to this drug indicate that it can be used from the age of two, but pediatricians recommend this drug only after 12 years (100-200 mg three times a day). And if the doctor has prescribed a course of antibiotics simultaneously, then Acetylcysteine ​​should be taken two hours after them.

To relieve coughing attacks with viscous, hard-to-cough, phlegm, doctors can recommend combined preparations of Guaifenesin (Tussin) or Ascoril. Guaifenesin can not be used until two years of age. A single dose is, -5 ml (every 4 hours), the maximum daily dose is 20 ml; for children 6-12 years the dosage is doubled. Taking this medicine a child should give more drink. Ascoril is prescribed up to 6 years for 5 ml three times a day, children 6-12 years - 5-10 ml. At use It is necessary to consider, that both these agents raise sputum production, therefore at productive cough they can not be applied.

What should I do if my child does not get cough with phlegm?

To facilitate the excretion of phlegm in wet cough, plant-based products containing the root althea (Altea syrup), licorice root, mother-and-stepmother leaves and plantain, sweet clover, angelica, angelica, thyme (thyme). Of these medicinal plants are prepared decoctions from the calculation: one tablespoon of dry raw materials per 250 ml of water (boil 10 minutes and 20 minutes to insist under the lid). Take them after meals - 50-100 liters twice a day.

Well-known Pertussin (taken on a tea or dessert spoon three times a day) contains an extract thyme, which has antimicrobial properties, and it helps with a dry cough - as an expectorant and softening. Medicinal product of plant origin Bronchipret also contains thyme (essential oil), and still the extract is pinched, due to which it helps to remove a secret accumulating in the bronchi. Drops Bronchitis can be taken from three months (10-15 drops three times a day, after meals). After a year, the dosage is 10 drops plus one drop for each year of life.

Ammonia-anise drops have not lost their effectiveness in facilitating the expectoration of phlegm, which should take children over 12 years - 10-12 drops (previously diluted in a tablespoon of water) 3-4 times in the course of the day.

Do not forget about the inhalation of fermented alkaline mineral water or ordinary baking soda (500 ml of boiling water - a tablespoon), as well as inhalations with infusion of eucalyptus leaves and pine buds (a glass of boiling water - a dining room a spoon).

What if the child does not get a cough, leading him to vomiting and not giving a normal sleep? It is for such situations that the medicines of the mucoregulatory principle of action, which affect the cough center, are intended. For example, syrup from cough Sinekod (Butamirat) is recommended for children: 3-6 years - 5 ml of the drug three times a day, 6-12 years - 10 ml, over 12 years - 15 ml three times a day. For children under 3 years of age, use of syrup is contraindicated. A single dose of Sinecode in drops (4 doses per day): children from 2 months to a year - 10 drops, 1-3 years - 15, and older than 3 years - 25 drops. Newborns up to 2 months of this drug is contraindicated. Receiving Sinecoda can cause side effects (headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching of the skin and urticaria).

What if the child does not have a cough of an allergic nature?

A child allergist who identified a specific allergen that causes respiratory allergies in a child, apparently, recommended this allergen (cat, parrots, fish, new woolen carpet, etc.) to remove from apartments. And, of course, I prescribed an antihistamine. It is best if it is a last-generation remedy that does not give excessive drowsiness and does not dry out the mucous membranes (for example, Erius or Cytisin). Preparations of this group are appointed individually - depending on the intensity of manifestation of respiratory allergic symptoms.

Cough of allergic origin is removed with the help of inhaled corticosteroids (Beclomethasone, Beclazon, Budesonide, etc.), the purpose of which is entirely within the competence of the attending physician.

We tried to imagine although part of what to do if the child does not get cough. With the number of possible causes of prolonged cough, parents should not risk the health of children - seek medical help in a timely manner.

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