Milk with a mineral water from a cough recipe

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Treatment of cough with mineral water "Borjomi"

In the treatment of many diseases, in addition to medicines, natural remedies are widely used, including mineral waters. For example, Borjomi is often used for cough, especially when it is considered necessary to moisten the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.This water is one of the most popular, which is due to its useful compounds. To achieve a high therapeutic effect with a dry cough, the mineral water is mixed with milk. It is known that milk warms the body well, and also feeds it with useful substances, contributing to the strengthening of weakened immunity.

Features of the preparation and use of the medicinal product

Mineral water "Borjomi" thanks to its alkaline composition well moisturizes and soothes mucous, eliminating irritations in the throat. Using a mineral water with milk from a cough, you can reduce the intensity of coughing attacks and improve the process of sputum discharge, facilitating the patient's condition. To small children to give such medicinal product it is possible only after consultation of the doctor.
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To prepare an effective medicine, it is important to adhere to the right proportions. There are several simple methods that allow you to overcome this sign of colds:

  1. Take milk and mineral water in the same proportions - one glass, heat to a temperature of 40 degrees and mix. Drink the prepared preparation three times before eating.
  2. Use the same amount of ingredients, but release the gas from the water. Such treatment, above all, is indicated for young children. To get water without gas, it is necessary to pour it into a glass or a cup and stir with a spoon for several minutes.Then mix with warmed milk, to improve the taste and improve the medicinal properties, you can add a spoonful of honey.
  3. If the patient besides the cough is also worried about the pain in the throat, add a little butter to the milk with Borjomi.

Unfortunately, having found out in oneself or your child a cough, it is not always possible for Borjomi to be in the nearest store, in such cases it can be replaced by any alkaline mineral water. And sometimes even a mineral water is replaced with ordinary soda, adding half a teaspoon to a glass of warm milk.

Borjomi can be replaced with soda. For a glass of warm milk, you need to add soda and butter to taste. Drink with a cough for the night.

There are some unpleasant moments when using milk from Borjomi against coughing - there is a breakdown in the activity of the digestive system, therefore, it is only possible to use such a medicine for those people who know the reaction of their organism to such products, especially when combination. Treatment with this folk remedy can be effective only at the initial stage of development of diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough. Very often, experts recommend using inhalations using Borjomi or other alkaline mineral water.

Mineral water for coughing

It's no secret that water is the first medicine for various colds. Once the virus enters the human body, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx respond first. They begin to struggle with the "enemy as a result of which a secret begins to be developed. And then water comes to our aid. Washing the nose with saline allows you to quickly remove excess mucus from the body and prevent them from draining into the lower respiratory tract. This helps prevent such unpleasant diseases as bronchitis and pneumonia.

One of the unpleasant symptoms of ARI and ARVI is a cough. And in his treatment, we also can not do without a faithful assistant. Water for coughing is used both in the form of drinking and in inhalations. Especially often doctors advise to use the dry non-productive act "Borjomi". Its alkaline composition very well helps to dilute sputum, soften and soothe the laryngeal mucosa. Drinking warm mineral water helps to reduce coughing attacks and facilitates the escape of secretions.

Mineral water with milk in the treatment of cough

Known for our great-grandmothers as a traditional medicine is a drink, like an alkaline mineral water half-full with homemade milk. To prepare this useful drink, you must first bring the milk to a boil. Mineral water must be removed from the gas. To do this, leave it for two hours in an open container and stir occasionally. When the milk is slightly cool (up to 50 degrees), mix it with warm mineral water. Do not boil the mineral water. At high temperatures, all useful substances are destroyed in it.

The received drink eat before meals three times a day. For adults, the norm is 100-150 ml, children need to reduce it by half.

Inhalations with mineral water for coughing

Even before the invention of cold medicines, people used inhalation as a treatment. The most harmless substance for this procedure, even in children, is water in the treatment of cough. Useful substances in the mineral water during evaporation affect the affected areas of the mucosa. It contributes to its hydration, removal of irritation, dilution of sputum. Also, these minerals and trace elements have a good anti-inflammatory effect. It is best to use alkaline mineral water in inhalations for the treatment of cough. Prefer the product in a glass bottle. And it is better for inhalations to buy mineral water in a pharmacy.

Rules for inhalation with water for coughing

In anticipation of the procedure, all gas must be removed. It is best to leave an open bottle of mineral water for at least 6-8 hours. But if you do not have that much time, you can pour it into open dishes and stir frequently. So the gas will be out in two hours.

If you use a nebulizer, then fill the water with a syringe in the amount, according to the instructions to it. Do not inhale the steam for more than 5 minutes. For young children, the procedure should be shorter.

If there is no special inhaler, you can use a conventional saucepan. Heat the mineral water in it, but do not bring it to a boil. It should not be scorching hot. The optimum temperature is about 50 degrees. Inhale evaporation by covering yourself with a towel or a blanket.

Conduct inhalation with water when coughing can be up to 7 times a day. The frequency of the procedure affects the speed of obtaining a positive effect.

How does Borjomi help cough?

In the treatment of cough, the mineral water of Borjomi can help. Due to the alkaline composition, it is able to moisten and soothe the mucous, eliminating irritations in the throat. To strengthen the healing effect, folk medicine advises drinking Borjomi with milk.

"Borjomi" with a cough

Traditional medicine recommends using Borjomi with a dry cough. Mineral waters on alkaline basis soothe the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, promote the production of sputum. It is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand, since cough can be a symptom of such a serious disease as tuberculosis. It is necessary to realize that folk methods of treatment are just auxiliary measures, which in no way will replace the basic therapy.

When coughing, it is useful to use Borjomi without gases and milk. Mineral water must be poured into a small container and wait until the gases come out. To accelerate the process from time to time, stir the liquid. After that, the water should be slightly heated to a temperature of 30 - 32oC. It is better to use a water bath. Do not put mineral water in the microwave, because water can lose useful substances.

Milk must be boiled, cooled to a temperature of 50oC, and then mixed with Borjomi in the following proportions:. The mixture is consumed 1/3 cup before meals three times a day. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add honey to it in a small amount. With acute pain in the throat, the presence of a feeling of dryness in the mixture add a little cocoa butter or butter. "Borjomi" can be replaced with another alkaline mineral water or simply add a small amount of baking soda (5 mg per 1 cup) to warm milk.

Benefits and harms of "Borjomi" with milk

Taking "Borjomi" with milk, you can reduce the intensity of coughing attacks and improve the processes of sputum discharge, facilitating the condition. Mineral water allows you to create an alkaline environment in which the pathogenic microflora is killed. Thus, the reception of a warm mineral water accelerates the healing process. "Borjomi" with milk can be used for inhalation. To prepare the liquid, the same proportions are used - mineral water with milk 1 to 1. A warm drink should be poured into the inhaler and breathed for 5-7 minutes several times a day.

It should be borne in mind that mineral water with milk when ingested can cause indigestion. In young children, this remedy can be used only after consulting a doctor. Mineral water is contraindicated in diseases of the lungs, accompanied by an increase in temperature, with violations of cardiac activity. It is undesirable to use it for diabetes, migraine, gout and arthritis.

Milk with burgers from cough: a recipe with mineral water

Everyone knows how many beneficial properties mineral water has. To date, there are many varieties of the drink, which are extracted from curative sources.

Milk and Borjomi from cough are a proven and effective remedy known for centuries.

This recipe from the arsenal of alternative medicine perfectly reduces the symptoms of bronchitis and other diseases of the human respiratory system.

"Borjomi" from a cough with milk: medicinal qualities of a drink

"Borjomi" is mineral water, which differs from analogues with a special alkaline composition. Thanks to its properties, "Borjomi" when coughing, moisturizes the respiratory tract well, eliminating the causes of coughing attacks, namely, throat irritation.

Milk, especially in hot form, in folk medicine is always used for different types of cough. Especially the product helps with dry cough, as pain in the throat decreases.

Milk with "Borjomi" from cough is a remedy that gives the following curative effects:

  • improves the process of spitting and dilution of sputum,
  • effectively eliminates spasms,
  • warms up and calms the throat,
  • makes the cough more effective.

What is the recipe for traditional medicine?

The most famous recipe for making alkaline drink:

  1. a glass of milk,
  2. a glass of mineral water "Borjomi"
  3. butter or honey to taste, but not more than a small spoon.
Before mixing the ingredients, the mineral water must be freed from the gas and have room temperature.

Milk should be boiled and cooled to 50 degrees, then add water. This is an ideal treatment, especially if you add a spoonful of natural honey or small pieces of butter.

It is oil that softens the throat and removes the feeling of tightness. Traditional healers also recommend adding a little cocoa butter to the drink.

Thus, a unique drink with healing properties is created.

In turn, natural honey significantly improves the taste of this drink. The result is an original and useful drink.

Benefits of medicinal drink for children

Doctors often recommend this drink to children for the treatment of throat and sputum. For children, the recipe is the same as for adults: the gas is released from the water, heated to room temperature and mixed with hot milk, while the proportions should be equal.

Traditional medicine indicates the usefulness of inhalations with such a combination of components. A warm drink can be poured into the inhaler and allowed to breathe no more than 8 minutes.

Steam inhalations for coughing procedures can be done several times a day.

Tips for use

Before using a remedy, you should consult your doctor. If he approved the use of folk remedies, it is possible to treat the following diseases:

  • tracheitis,
  • bronchitis,
  • coughing and others.

To achieve a pronounced positive effect in a short time, you must strictly observe the proportions of all components. Best if they are equal. "Borjomi" when coughing with milk is best taken several times a day in the amount of a third of the glass. The remedy is used before meals.

Keep the drink should not be long. Otherwise, it will lose its useful properties. Traditional medicine recommends making a fresh portion of the drug immediately before its use. By the way, when you cough, there is another recipe, which, though not tasteful, is milk with a cough onion.

Such a drink is an effective remedy that is used both in folk medicine and in official medicine. However, it is always necessary to remember that self-treatment can lead to a negative result. Before using alkaline drink, it is important to undergo a medical examination.

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