What antibiotics are better for bronchitis

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Antibiotics for bronchitis in children and adults

Bronchitis is a common disease that in recent years has been chronic in the population, and the signs of bronchitis in adults vary and depend on many factors.

Before the treatment of bronchitis it is necessary to find out the cause that caused the disease. Unfortunately, antibiotics for adults are prescribed empirically in adults, and in some states their purpose is completely inappropriate.

It is known that bronchitis without antibiotics is easily treated if the inflammation has a viral origin, since the virus is not treated with antibacterial agents.

If you take antibiotics during ARVI - this only interferes with the body's defense mechanisms to fight the virus, they depress the immune system system, lead to the development of dysbacteriosis, allergies, develop the resistance of microorganisms to the drug.
Depending on the type of bronchitis the doctor is prescribed the appropriate treatment:

Types of bronchitis

  • Acute bronchitis

It is an inflammatory process in the bronchi that occurs most often against the background of Orvi, the flu. With a normal immune response, the body can cope with the virus and in this case antibiotics are not shown. But with the accession of a bacterial infection - pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, with a severe course of acute bronchitis without antibiotics is indispensable. Symptoms of acute bronchitis: purulent sputum (yellow or green) with a strong cough, temperature 37.5-38.5C, chest pain. The doctor prescribes expectorants, mucolytic agents for improving the excretion of sputum (bromhexine, lazolvan, chest collection), showing inhalation. With a dry, painful, unproductive cough, the anticancer preparations are shown (Sinekod, Libexin). Well helps therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, vibrating massage. With timely and adequate treatment, the disease passes quickly, residual phenomena in the form of a cough may persist for 3-4 weeks after the illness.

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  • Chronical bronchitis

If the number of days of illness in two years exceeds three months, such bronchitis is considered chronic. It is distinguished by the presence of a strong cough with mucus. This can be due to smoking (see. lung cancer and smoking), occupational hazard, allergic reaction and respiratory tract infections.

Separately stands out atypical forms of bronchitis. Mycoplasmal and chlamydial bronchitis are special types of inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, which are caused by such atypical pathogens as chlamydia and mycoplasma. Recently, these bronchitis have become more often diagnosed. Mycoplasmal and chlamydial bronchitis and pneumonia develop slowly, are accompanied by intoxication, have a recurrent and protracted nature, are difficult to treat. In patients other than cough, there is a high body temperature, chills, muscle aches.

Which antibiotic is better

The table provides a choice of treatment depending on the type of bronchitis:

Types of bronchitis additional characteristics Treatment choice
Acute bronchitis Viral etiology Expectorants,
Bed rest
Abundant drink
Bronchitis without antibiotics
Chronic uncomplicated bronchitis Less than 4 exacerbations per year Aminopenicillins
Chronic complicated bronchitis More than 4 relapses per year, the patient's age is more than 65 years Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav
Chronic bronchitis with concomitant diseases The presence of chronic diseases, diabetes, kidney, heart failure Fluoroquinolones (in resistant flora, contraindicated in children)
Chlamydia bronchitis It develops in children and in adults with weakened immunity Tetracyclines
Mycoplasma bronchitis It develops in children and in adults with weakened immunity Macrolides
  • Aminopenicillins - first-line drugs
Antibiotics for bronchitis in adultsThis is Amoxicilin (average price 50-100 rubles.), Amoxiclav (average price 250-280 rubles), Augmentin (price 120-180 rub.), Arlette (price 240-260 rubles). Such antibiotics destroy the bacterial cell walls, acting only on microbes, without harming the body. The disadvantage is that penicillins very often cause allergic reactions in patients.
  • Macrolides - second-line drugs

Azithromycin (Sumamed price 540-560 rub. Azithromycin, Azitrox, Hemomycin, Z-factor, Azitrus 140 rub., Azicid, Azitral), Midekamycin (Macropen price 220-230 rubles.). Violate the production of protein in the cells of bacteria, so the microbes stop multiplying.

  • Fluoroquinolones - appointed with inefficiency, allergic reactions to the first 2 rows

Levofloxacin (price 430-670 rub.), Ofloksatsin (price 30 - 170 rubles.), Moxifloxacin (Avelox price 1100-1200 rub.). Quite expensive drugs, refer to antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, are contraindicated to children, cause dysbacteriosis, are considered to be preparations of the reserve.

  • Cephalosporins

Cefazolin (10-12 rubles a bottle for 1 injection), Ceftriaxone (17-50 rubles per bottle for 1 in.), Cefalexin (capsules 40-50 rubles. for 16 pcs.), Cefixim (Suprax, Panzef, Ixim).

What is the best antibiotic for bronchitis?

This is the one to which the causative agent of the disease is most sensitive. How to determine this, and what antibiotics to drink with bronchitis? The most correct choice of a drug will be after the result of bacterial culture of phlegm on sensitivity to antibacterial agents. The disadvantage of such an analysis is the duration of the result, as well as the fact that the analysis is not done because of savings in reagents or lack of laboratories. Most often, the doctor prescribes a broad spectrum antibiotic according to the standard of treatment.

Antibiotics for children

The use of antimicrobial agents in children with colds is unacceptable, their administration is justified only in case of complication development:

  • This may be the case when after the flu virus, ARVI after 4-5 days, the deterioration of the general condition of the child, the rise of high fever, a wet cough with purulent sputum. In this case, call a doctor.
  • The safest and most effective drugs that can be prescribed for children are aminopenicillins and macrolides. Cephalosporins and macrolides are prescribed if there is an allergy to penicillins.
  • During and after taking antibiotics, the child should take probiotic drugs in between using antibiotics, and at the end course of treatment continue the use of Bifiform, Rio Flora Immuno, Acipola, Bifidumbacterin, Linex for another 2-4 weeks. a complete list of probiotics, analogues of Linesque).

The main rules for taking antibiotics

  • Continuity of the course of treatment. The doctor evaluates the patient's condition and determines the duration of therapy, usually enough 5-7 days, with macrolide treatment - 5 days.
  • Take exactly the time. It is necessary to observe the frequency of reception and maintain the same time intervals (24, 12, 8, 6 hours), that is, if an antibiotic is prescribed 3 times a day, then it is taken every 8 hours. This is necessary to maintain a constant concentration of the drug in the blood. Some antibiotics should be drunk 1 time per day (every 24 hours), others 2 (every 12 hours), some three (8 hours).
  • Monitor the effect of the antibiotic. If there is no improvement within 72 hours, then the causative agent to this antibacterial agent is stable and should be changed.
  • Continue treatment 2-3 days after the obvious improvement, recovery (see, for example, 11 rules for the correct intake of antibiotics).

For any malaise, cough, temperature, always consult a doctor. Distinguish manifestations of diseases, differentiate the disease, which drug should be chosen better for bronchitis and how to correctly take it, only a specialist can do it. Trust doctors, then you will not have to deal with the situation of complications from untimely or incorrect treatment, as well as with unreasonable intake of medications.


Antibiotics for bronchitis

The thunderstorm of the autumn-spring period is bronchitis. Often it begins with a common cold and other respiratory diseases - sore throat or sinusitis. How to treat bronchitis correctly, only the doctor will say. Many people avoid using strong medicines and are treated with folk remedies. Often this is the reason for the transition of manifestations of bronchitis in the chronic course of the disease. Antibiotics for bronchitis should not be taken alone - be sure to contact your doctor.

Scheme of treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia with antibiotics

Treatment of inflammation of the respiratory tract is carried out in a hospital or outpatient. Light bronchitis is successfully eliminated at home, chronic or acute manifestations require hospitalization. Bronchitis and pneumonia are insidious diseases, so do not self-medicate. For adults and children, doctors prescribe different antibiotics and apply different healing procedures. Thus, antibiotics for bronchitis and the treatment regimen depend on:

  • age;
  • having a tendency to allergies;
  • the nature of the disease (acute, chronic);
  • type of pathogen;
  • parameters of the drugs used (speed and spectrum of action, toxicity).
Lungs of the patient with bronchitis

Antibiotics powerfully affect the human body, and their thoughtless use can harm, not help. For example, the use of strong drugs in the prevention of bronchitis can have the opposite effect. The constant intake of antibiotics inhibits immunity, promotes the emergence of dysbiosis, adaptation of strains of the disease to the drugs used. Therefore, it can not be said that antibiotics are the best remedy for bronchitis. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis with antibiotics is prescribed in the case of:

  • if there is a high temperature (more than 38 degrees), which lasts longer than 3 days;
  • purulent sputum;
  • protracted nature of the disease - treatment for longer than a month does not bring recovery.
  • manifesting severe symptoms during exacerbation.
  • if the analysis of sputum revealed pathogens, bacterial or atypical nature.

In adults

What antibiotics to drink in adults with bronchitis? A specific treatment regimen is used based on the severity of the disease, its course and the age of the patient. With bronchitis of acute type, drugs of penicillin group are prescribed - Amoxicillin, Erythromycin. With chronic it is possible to use Amoxiclav, Augmentin. If this group of drugs does not help, they switch to the use of Rovamycin, Sumamed and others.

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults

For the elderly, Flemoxin, Azithromycin, Suprax, Ceftriaxone are prescribed. If sputum analysis was not performed, then a wide range of antibiotics are preferred: Ampicillin, Streptocillin, Tetracycin, etc. After the analysis, the doctor prescribes directed drugs. The decision on what antibiotics to take when bronchitis in adults is taken by the attending physician. In any case, the following treatment principles should be adhered to:

  1. Drugs are taken strictly according to the instructions (dosage, schedule) at regular intervals.
  2. It is unacceptable to skip the reception of tablets.
  3. If the symptoms of bronchitis have disappeared - you can not arbitrarily stop treatment.


Unlike adults, the treatment of bronchitis in children with antibiotics is extremely undesirable and dangerous. It is allowed to use drugs only if there is a suspicion of an infectious type of disease. Children should take penicillin group drugs. For children with asthma, the use of azithromycin, erythromycin is allowed. In the rest the treatment scheme of the child is standard and is aimed at eliminating symptoms. Assign:

  • bed rest, child care;
  • drugs to reduce temperature;
  • means for eliminating cough and sore throat;
  • application of traditional medicine.
Antibiotics for bronchitis in children

Groups of antibacterials of new generation

Penicillins (oxacillin, ampicillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin). The group of drugs includes such as "Amoxiclav", "Augmentin", "Panklav", etc. They have a bactericidal effect, they affect the formation of the protein wall of a harmful bacterium, as a result of which it dies. Preparations with it are considered the safest. The only negative is the ability to excite allergic reactions. If the disease is started and the drugs with penicillin do not have the proper effect, then they switch to strong drugs.

Macrolides. An extensive group of drugs, which include erythromycin, oleandomycin, midecamycin, dirithromycin, telithromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin. The brightest representatives of macrolides on the pharmacological market are preparations "Erythromycin", "Claricin", "Sumamed". The mechanism of action is directed to the disturbance of the vital activity of the microbial cell. In terms of safety, macrolides are less harmful than tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, more dangerous than penicillins, but they are good for people who are allergic. In combination with penicillins reduce their effectiveness.

Fluoroquinolones (pefloxacin, lomefloxacin, sparfloxacin, hemifloxacin, moxifloxacin). On the market, the drugs are presented by "Afelox", "Afenoxin", and medications that are of the same name with the main active substance, for example, "Moxifloxacin". This group is used as a medicine for bronchitis. It is prescribed only if the previous two groups of antibiotics did not affect the causative agent of the disease.

Cephalosporins (active substances - cephalexin, cefaclor, cefoperazone, cefepime). According to the type of pathogen, the patient is prescribed "Cefalexin", "Cefuroxime axetil", "Cefotaxime". Limited to the effect on some pathogens. For example, such antibiotics absolutely do not affect pneumococci, chlamydia, microplasmas, listeria. Preparations of the first generation are practically not absorbed into the blood, and therefore are administered in the form of injections.

Which antibiotics are the most effective?

Amoxicillin. Form release - capsules and granules. Adults take 500 mg (1-2 capsules) 3 times a day, if the bronchitis in severe form is doubled to 1000 mg. The child is prescribed from 100 to 250 mg per day, depending on the age. To facilitate admission for children, a suspension is prepared - in half a glass of water, the antibiotic is diluted and shaken. The method of intake is only oral, by injection the drug is not administered.

Amoxicillin from bronchitis

Sumamed. It is used for bronchitis and pneumonia. It is not used by patients with liver and kidney dysfunction. Produced by tablets, capsules, powder for suspensions. Dosage for adults - 500 mg per day, course 3-5 days. Children dose determined by weight - 5-30 mg of medicine per 1 kg. More accurate and correct dosage will be told only by a specialist, do not neglect medical opinion.

Sumamed in bronchitis in adults

Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin. They are positioned as antibiotics for chronic bronchitis in adults (over 18 years of age). Highly effective in pneumonia, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, infections of various etiologies. The use of this antibiotic is accompanied by a plentiful drink. Avoid direct contact with ultraviolet light of any origin. The form of release - tablets. Dosage - 1-2 times a day for 500 mg.

Good antibiotics for bronchitis

Cefazolin. Produced by powder for the preparation of infusions and injections. Methods of administration - only intravenously and intramuscularly. For adults, 3-4 injections per day for 0.25-1 g Therapeutic course - 7-10 days. The child's dose is determined proportionally to the weight of the child - 25-50 mg per 1 kg. Stabbing - 3-4 times a day. If patients have renal dysfunction, dosage adjustment is performed.

Antibiotic Cefazolin

Side effects

Antibiotics because of their nature have an extensive list of side effects. From the gastrointestinal tract - is diarrhea, vomiting, dysbiosis, constipation, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, flatulence, dry mouth. From the urogenital organs - itching, impotence, kidney failure, blood in the urine. On the part of the locomotor system - dizziness, arthritis, muscle weakness, numbness of the limbs, paralysis. Skin reactions are hives, itching, allergic reactions.


What antibiotics should I take with bronchitis?

kakie antibiotiti prinimatBronchitis can appear in children and adults, most often it is chronic. Only with the help of antibiotics can the disease be cured and recover faster. Viral bronchitis is treated without antibiotics, because with the help of them you can not kill the virus. If antibiotics are ascribed, you should remember that they can depress the immune system, lead to dysbiosis, allergic reactions, bacteria can develop resistance to the drug.

Features of treatment of different forms of bronchitis

Acute bronchitis, which appeared due to an infectious disease, the virus, it does not need to be treated with antibiotics. When a person has strong immunity, pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci can be destroyed in two weeks.

When the body is weak, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs. In acute bronchitis a person has a strong cough, severe pain in the chest, the body temperature rises, everything can end with severe complications - pneumonia or bronchial asthma.

The use of antibiotics in bronchitis

The most commonly assigned groups are:

1. Aminopenicillin, for example, Arlet, Amoxiclav. With the help of them you can get rid of bacteria that have settled on the walls of the bronchi, they are practical, they have no side effects. Caution to the penicillin group should be treated with allergies, often they may have different reactions.

2. Macrolides, they include Sumamed, Macropenus. They do not allow the reproduction of microbes, stop the production of protein.

3. Fluoroquinolones group - Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin. They act quickly, but negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis may appear.

4. Cephalosporins - in this group are popular Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone. With the help of them you can destroy those microorganisms that can not destroy the antibiotics of the penicillin group. Very rarely can cause allergies, are normally tolerated by the patient.

The use of antibiotics in adults with bronchitis

First, it is recommended to use antibiotics, which actively fight infectious disease, this is the best antibacterial agent, they include - Azithromycin, Flemoxin.

Often adults are prescribed antibiotics of the cephalasporin group - Cefepim, Suprax. The mild stages of the disease are treated with the help of tablets, the neglected form of bronchitis is treated with injections.

If a person has bronchitis caused by a virus, you need to use Kipferon, Vifron with expectorants-Lazolvanom, ACTS. In cases of dyspnea, antibiotics are combined with drugs that will help extend the bronchi - Euphyllinum, Salbutamol. It is advised to take vitamins, so you can strengthen the body.

If previously does not conduct a special analysis for sensitivity to antibiotics, drugs of the penicillin group, most often Augmentin, are prescribed. It is important to pass bacterial culture, so it will be possible to cure the disease more quickly.

Sumamed can quickly be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, it can immediately destroy the bacteria. This antibiotic is drunk no more than three days. This type of antibiotic patient normally tolerates, seldom can there be pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea. Care must be taken for it, because it can provoke activation of Candida fungus, because of this, thrush of the oral cavity, intestines, external genital organs may develop. Sumamed negatively affects the hepatic work, negatively affects the nervous system.

Often appointed Augmentin, it does not allow bacteria to actively develop, you can use it in the form of suspension, powder, tablets. With the help of it you can stop the inflammatory process. Please note that often the side effect of this drug is dysbiosis, liver disease, urticaria, nausea, in severe cases, Quincke's edema.

Antibiotics for bronchitis in children

Children are often advised to take the drug from allergies, in addition to antibiotics, to strengthen the immune system. Especially effective and safe is Umkalor. With the help of it it is possible to cure the disease to the end, it is recommended to take it after taking a strong antibiotic, with the help of Umcalor it is possible to increase immunity and to protect in the future from relapse.

After the child has drunk a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to clear the intestinal microflora, so you can protect yourself from dysbiosis.

Antibiotics for pregnant women with bronchitis

Often during pregnancy, a woman can develop bronchitis. This is due to the fact that the immune system is weakened, it can not fully protect a woman from viruses, infections. First, the woman weakens, then the body temperature rises. After, her begins to disturb the dry cough, a large amount of sputum is released. Pay attention that you need to treat the disease as soon as possible, it can negatively affect the health of the child.

Often during pregnancy, sputum is not practically eliminated from the pulmonary system, the diaphragm does not move fully, it is elevated. When a large amount of sputum accumulates in the bronchi, the disease can worsen, it harms the child.

If the bronchitis is acute, it does not affect the condition of the fetus, and the chronic can infect it. Therefore, during pregnancy, bronchitis is treated with antibiotics. The most commonly chosen penicillin, they do not harm the future child, like other groups. From the second trimester, bronchitis can be treated with cephalosporin.

It is allowed in case of acute bronchitis of a pregnant woman to use Bioporox, it is often used for inhalations. With the help of it, it is possible to remove the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, while it does not affect the placenta.

Thus, bronchitis does not always need to be treated with antibiotics, so use them only when necessary. Self-medication can not be dealt with, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Consider your individual tolerability to avoid side effects.


Tell me please, what antibiotics can I drink with bronchitis?



Dear Yulia! In general, bronchitis is not treated with antibiotics. It's a viral disease, and antibiotics do not work for viruses. It is recommended abundant warm drink, vitamins, distractions (mustards + soar legs), if the temperature is not higher than 37.5. BUT! With a protracted process, against a background of weakened immunity, microbial infection is often activated (that's why the flu is often complicated by otitis, pneumonia, ) and for its prevention often prescribed antimicrobial drugs (not only antibiotics, but also sulfonamides, etc.). Therefore, if the process is delayed and you feel that the immunity can not cope, appoint macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin), semi-synthetic penicillins (Flemoxin), sulfonamides or combination preparations. Often they give side effects in the form of dysbiosis and candidiasis. Therefore, in addition, after the course of a / b, probiotics (Linnex, Bifikol, Dufalac) and antifungal drugs (Nystatin - an old drug, is now more often used Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole). Certainly, for the selection of the right, suitable for you therapy, you need an examination of a therapist!! But in extreme cases.. . Raise immunity and do not be ill!


you can like Beyptol to drink

Evgeniy Tyunin

do not try to drink antibiotics without a doctor's prescription


better to you to the doctor

Galina Kurushina

only on the advice of a doctor! For one and ask about Nystatin.

Nastya !!

itself I am or be interested in the given questions (the bronchitis somewhere hvatanula (((I wait for reception of the doctor and to you I advise. it is better not to drink these tablets on your own. otherwise you can bring more time than good.

Natalia Bolotnikova

the doctor will prompt)))))))))

Which antibiotic is better for bronchitis use?


Mom Choli

to which the microflora is sensitive

Raushan Nurgalieva

Give phlegm to sensitivity

Analgin Aspirinovich Trigande

The one that the doctor will appoint. Antibiotics do not drink without prescription.

Oksana Mazur

Before taking an antibiotic for bronchitis, it is necessary to pass an analysis for the sensitivity of the isolated microflora. This will accurately determine the causative agent of the disease and choose the most effective antibiotic in the fight against it.
Bronchitis can be treated with antibacterial agents in its acute and chronic form. These types of diseases make up only 10-20% of the total number of cases of bronchitis. MAKE THE CONCLUSION ..


With bronchitis duchshe use a therapist, it will be safer.

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