Treatment of sinusitis with peroxide of hydrogen by neumyvakinu

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Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment by Neumyvakin: Feedback

Everyone knows a drug such as hydrogen peroxide. It is widely used to treat wounds and scratches in order to avoid infection with the infection. But this drug has other uses. For example, many people today are trying to treat hydrogen peroxide with Neumyvakin. To the surprise of many, this remedy is struggling with many health problems. Therefore, it is worth discussing in more detail why and how to use this tool.

Professor Neumyvakin and H2O2

The professor behind him has a lot of work and a huge number of experiments that helped to bring new methods of treatment to medicine. One of them is the use of H2O2, which he tried on himself. After he was able to identify the properties of this drug and its effect on the body, treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin acquired nationwide approval. The professor continues to use this tool as a preventive measure. Also, his supporters are treated with peroxide and achieve the desired health effect.

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What is treated with H2O2

The active use of this method began with the successful treatment of cardiovascular diseases. After that, the professor studied the remaining areas where hydrogen peroxide can help. In this list, bronchitis, allergy, emphysema. Also, it fights against fungal lesions, viral and bacterial infections. Stimulates the immune system and prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis. It is capable of destroying cancer cells, curing leukemia and clearing blood vessels, removing fat from the walls. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide on Neumyvakin will help to cope with almost any disease.

Are there any contraindications and cautions?

This drug has virtually no contraindications. The most important thing is to know the dosage that helps to cope with the disease. The only ban on the use of H2O2 is personal intolerance. Such adverse reactions as rashes, fatigue and drowsiness, symptoms reminiscent of colds, and sometimes diarrhea can be listed here. But this intolerance can occur only in 2% of patients.

In addition, if a person has undergone an operation to replace organs, this self-treatment should be ruled out, since there may be difficulties with tissue compatibility.

When they begin treatment with hydrogen peroxide on Neumyvakin, many talk about the occurrence of a small burning sensation in the stomach. Do not be afraid of this and stop taking the drug, as this is a natural reaction. At the same time, it is necessary to temporarily reduce the dose until the body gets used to H2O2.

During therapy it is permissible to take only phytopreparations and medicines made on the basis of H2O2 at a time, says Professor Neumyvakin. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide and simultaneous intake of other medications are incompatible. Between such methods should be intervals of at least half an hour.

External application

For treatment, 3% peroxide is needed. Two teaspoons should be diluted in 50 ml of purified water. The product is used as a compress, as well as for rinsing and grinding. Suitable for skin rashes, for the treatment of pain in various areas of our body. The composition treats headaches, flu, multiple sclerosis. To instill and wash the nasal canals, a mixture of peroxide (10-15 drops) and water (1 tbsp.) Is made. l.) on one nostril. After a while, the dosage changes, and one dice is injected with a syringe. The procedure is performed twice a day in the mornings and evenings. If a person is sick, this action is carried out more often.

Intravenous injections

Another application that Ivan Neumyvakin suggested was the treatment with intravenous hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to connect 200 ml of saline with 2 ml of peroxide. The solution can be replaced with distilled water. Put the dropper at a low speed, 60 drops per minute. But the amount of medication you need to increase gradually. The first day is taken only 100 ml, the other day 150 ml, from the third to the seventh day already a full portion - 200 ml. In the early days of intravenous treatment, some people experience a temperature increase, which is normal. Such changes are due to the fact that the medicine kills the pathogenic flora, which causes these anomalies. It is worth noting that this method is approved only abroad. In Russia it is not legalized.

Internal application

A 3% solution is also used for this method. You need to start with a small dose: 1-2 tablespoons - just one drop of H2O2. Take it three times a day before meals. You should start eating only after half an hour or two hours before a meal. Every day it is necessary to increase the rate by one drop. Go to the tenth day and stop for a couple of days. After that, resume treatment immediately with 10 drops (this is the norm, which can not be further increased). The duration of this course remains on personal preference. It is important to periodically take breaks for three, five days.

Properties of hydrogen peroxide

Our body can produce this element by itself, but because of the wrong way of life this quantity is not enough for cells. But for proper functioning we need H2O2. Here are some of the processes in which it takes part:

  • It participates in bioenergetic formations: heat in cells, mineral salts, vitamins.
  • Fighting free radicals.
  • Normalizes the composition of the blood and cleans it.
  • Destroys toxins and destroys viruses, fungi, parasites.
  • Saturates tissues with oxygen.
  • Normalizes the condition of the digestive tract.
  • Accelerates the regeneration of tissues.
  • Improves mental activity.

How does the body act H2O2

Each person's reaction to H2O2 is very different. But, as Professor Neumyvakin is convinced, the treatment with hydrogen peroxide is due to the enzyme catalase, which everyone has in the body, but in different amounts. It separates water from molecular oxygen. Much depends on the food we eat - fatty, fried, smoked, chemical and salty. Because of this, our tissues remain completely without oxygen. When H2O2 starts to enter cells, it's unusual for them. That is why at first you may feel unwell. This period is better to wait a little and resume taking the medication on the second day, and the dose can be temporarily reduced by half until the severe malaise ends. Also, dizziness is possible for the first time, Dr. Neumyvakin warns. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide in the right doses is completely safe, so the first symptoms of recovery should not be afraid.

What is important to consider

Before proceeding to treatment with peroxide, it is necessary to perform cleansing of the large intestine. If possible, it is desirable to clean the liver. This is necessary for the result to make itself felt as soon as possible, and also for the treatment to be more effective. Changes in the body can be seen if treated for a long period. In this case, you need to compare your condition three or six months ago. Over time, even serious diseases can recede.

Can I give children

Some doubt that this method of treatment is suitable for children. But they need this drug, says Dr. Neumyvakin. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide in this case requires only a reduction in dosage. If the baby is less than five years old, he is given a tablespoon of water with a droplet of H2O2. Children from 5 to 10 can give up to five drops, from 10 to 14 years, the maximum rate - at a time 8 drops per two tablespoons of water.

Treatment of genyantritis

As it turned out, treatment can be performed in several ways. The choice of method depends on the type of disease. The use of the drug through the nose is beneficial not only for colds, Neumyvakin is convinced. Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide has a healing effect. To do this, dilute 10-15 drops in a spoonful of water. This is one serving for one nostril. After 10 seconds, the liquid will start to appear, from which you need to get rid of it. The head is tilted to one shoulder and the upper nostril is clamped with a finger, blowing the mucus from the lower one. Repeat to the other side. Do not drink for 15 minutes.

Treatment of toothache

Very often, toothache can hurt us. To eliminate it you need to take hydroperitic tablets. You will need two tablets, which should be diluted in half a glass of water. A ready-made medicine needs to rinse your mouth, while trying to withstand as long as possible. The mixture should be spit and repeat the rinse several more times.

Treatment of skin cancer

According to Neumyvakin, the treatment of skin cancer with hydrogen peroxide is quite possible. As you know, in the early stages of surgery to remove the tumor. The professor says: if you regularly use H2O2, the tumor will be eradicated even without the help of surgery.

Treatment of fungus

It is known that the manifestation of the fungus on the nails is not just cosmetic troubles. With the wrong therapy, it does not just go away, but begins to expand. The professor is confident that it is possible to treat the fungus with hydrogen peroxide. Neumyvakin gives recommendations on how to start the procedure. To start the nails should be steamed. For this, a solution is prepared from a liter of heated water and a teaspoon of soda food. Also prepared in advance is a wadded disk, from which a piece is cut in the form of a nail. After the nails are steamed, you need to apply a prepared cotton wool (well soaked in peroxide) to the affected area. The procedure is performed twice a day. On the feet compresses should be kept for up to an hour, on the hands - about 15 minutes.

Positive reviews

Since this technique is not new, many have already tried on their own treatment with hydrogen peroxide (Neumyvakin). Reviews say that there are people who have really benefited from these procedures. People suffering from heartburn, were able to get rid of this illness on the fourth day. Such results, of course, inspire, and the course continues for a much longer period. People claim that during this time they did not suffer from respiratory diseases even during the off-season. In addition, some gradually recovered and got rid of a constant sense of fatigue, began to get enough sleep, cheerfulness appeared. Other people were able to get rid of chronic rhinosinusitis and headaches. The effect was immediately noticed. Therefore, in minor diseases the result is positive.

Contradictory feedback

But not all people were brought relief by treatment with hydrogen peroxide (Neumyvakin). Reviews of such people say that, taking this method of H2O2, they could not notice positive improvements in their body. Others noticed a very weak effect. There are people who do not risk trying out such a dubious method and prefer traditional treatment, turning to the hospital.


The use of H2O2 is not a panacea, and Neumyvakin himself admits this. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is an auxiliary. It can be combined with many drugs from the underlying illness of the patient. However, it should be said that official medicine finds this method of treatment absurd and does not advise using this tool differently than described in the instruction.

Hydrogen peroxide at a genyantritis: features of treatment

A vial with hydrogen peroxide is one of the most popular and versatile drugs found in a home medicine cabinet. The versatility of this fluid is not only in the effectiveness of wound treatment, but also in the treatment of sinusitis.

Application of peroxide in genyantritis

Genyantritis is a common disease that affects the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinusitis). The inflammatory process can affect one or both of the maxillary sinuses. When the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses is inflamed, a person begins to feel a strong headache, the temperature rises. At the initial stage of the disease, treatment at home is possible. Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective ways. Hydrogen peroxide has a disinfecting property, killing virtually any pathogenic microflora of the body. Therefore, instillation in the nose of peroxide in sinusitis, rhinitis will bring considerable relief. Applying this remedy several times you can completely get rid of purulent masses, accumulated in the nasal sinuses.

Dosage and methods of administration

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with peroxide occurs by instillation and washing. To instill a pharmacy solution of hydrogen peroxide must be diluted with warm boiled water: add 2 teaspoons of peroxide to 2 tablespoons of water. In each nostril, drip 1 complete solution pipette. After 15-30 seconds after instillation, pus and mucus will start to come out of the nose, which must be blown out.

To rid the nose of accumulated pus, you first have to tilt your head to one shoulder, pinch your upper nostril with your finger and blow everything out of your lower nostril. Then tilt the head to the other shoulder and repeat the manipulation. After washing the nose with peroxide, it is not recommended to eat or drink for 15 minutes.

Burial of hydrogen peroxide helps not only to get rid of pus and cold, but also from a headache that is caused by the pressure of mucus accumulated in the maxillary sinuses.

To wash the nasal sinuses with hydrogen peroxide, you must first clean the nose. This will improve the effectiveness of the procedure. The rinse solution should be less concentrated than for the instillation. In a half cup of warm boiled water add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Washing is done by douche in turn to each nostril. Keep your head above the sink. A few minutes after the procedure, drip into the nose of any nasal drops. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide from sinusitis is an effective and time-tested remedy. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that treatment at home is possible in the early stages of the disease course. Otherwise, consult a doctor.

Hydrogen peroxide from the common cold and flu, its features

Do not always want to resort to the treatment of the common cold with medications, preparations for nasal lavage or drops. For example, Sanorin with eucalyptus (cf. instructions for use), is dangerous in pregnancy, and can only be used under the supervision of a doctor. Luckily, there are a large number of treatments at home.

In 1938, German researchers used hydrogen peroxide from the common cold and colds, and achieved significant success. However, their findings were ignored.

Medical fact:antibiotics are useless for the treatment of influenza or a cold caused by a virus.

Knowledgeable people have been using hydrogen peroxide for many years to treat cold symptoms.

It is important to begin treatment as soon as the first symptoms of the common cold appear. However, treatment of the common cold with this folk remedy at home can not be done if you have a perforation of the tympanic membrane.

  • If you use hydrogen peroxide at the first sign of a cold, usually only one procedure is required.
  • If you missed the time and developed a chronic runny nose, you may need to repeat the instillation of peroxide two or more times for two hours.

How to be treated with hydrogen peroxide? Here's what you need to do:

  • Lay down on your side and drop 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ear. You can feel that something in your ear is bubbling and crackling. Lie on your side for ten minutes, then turn over to the other side and dip peroxide into the other ear.
  • How to gargle with hydrogen peroxide? Dissolve the hydroperite tablet in a glass of water. With angina or flu, rinse the throat with this solution twice a day. This will quickly relieve the pain and perspiration in the throat. The solution should not be swallowed. For this reason, you should never allow a child to gargle with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Rinsing of the nose with this drug is not carried out, but instillation of hydrogen peroxide into the nose will help not only with the common cold, but also with sinusitis, viral and allergic rhinitis. Dilute the pharmacy solution of peroxide with warm water in the proportion:. Drip 1-2 drops of solution into each nasal passage. After this procedure, the discharge will begin to appear from the nose, they need to be completely bleached. Just do not do it too vigorously. After digging do not eat for 10 - 15 minutes.

Catarrh and other methods of applying hydrogen peroxide

First of all, make sure that as a remedy for rhinitis, cold and flu, use a standard 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, which you can buy at a grocery store or pharmacy. Do not use more concentrated solutions.

Treatment of a cold with peroxide of hydrogen will not allow it to develop into a genyantritis. But if you let the disease to "drift" and the signs of sinusitis have already appeared, drip the peroxide in the nose (2 drops on a teaspoon of water).

This will save you from the headache that usually arises from the pressure of the mucus that accumulates in the sinuses.


Do not drip undiluted hydrogen peroxide in your nose! Otherwise, burn the mucous membrane and only worsen your health.

Other uses of hydrogen peroxide:

  • Do not spend a lot of money on tooth whiteners. Add 20 drops of peroxide to a quarter of a glass of water and rinse for two minutes. Then spit the liquid and rinse the mouth with water. Teeth will turn white within a few weeks.
  • The above recipe is also suitable if you have a toothache. Rinse should be repeated every half hour. This will reduce pain and prevent infection from entering the root canal. Root canals are the main breeding ground for microbes, because there is no blood supply (ie the immune system can not reach the "pests").

Remember that antibiotics are absolutely ineffective against colds and flu viruses, so do not use them for these ailments. However, sinusitis and pulmonary diseases (bronchitis and pneumonia) are examples of bacterial infections that respond to antibiotics.

If you feel any of the symptoms described below, you may be suffering from a bacterial infection, rather than a cold virus. In this case, consult a doctor immediately:

  • Fever and fever to 3, degrees.
  • Ear pain.
  • Pain around the eyes and forehead.
  • Green or yellow discharge from the nose.
  • Shortness of breath or a constant uncontrolled cough.
  • Cough with the discharge of green and yellow phlegm.

If you have a cold, then medical care is usually not required. Rest and use of hydrogen peroxide will help the body to quickly regain strength.


Unconventional treatment: in the nose of hydrogen peroxide from the common cold and sinusitis

It is known that German scientists suggested to drip into the nose hydrogen peroxide in the first half of the twentieth century. But they did not get support and response in professional circles. Therefore, since then, the remedy has not been used for a long time.

Nevertheless, doctors have long known that antibiotics are useless in the fight against colds. But, digging into the nose of hydrogen peroxide, it is much easier to cure infectious diseases. It will improve immunity and protect the body from bacteria and fungi of various origins.

Consider how to correctly apply the tool and whether it is shown to everyone.

Hydrogen peroxide - what is it?

It is a liquid without color and odor, with a taste of metal. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the forms of oxygen, in the form of peroxide. It easily dissolves in water, ether, and alcohol. Highly concentrated peroxide can cause skin burns. At home use only a small concentration - 3%, although it can be up to 98%.

When hydrogen peroxide enters the body, it breaks up into atomic oxygen and water. When used correctly, atomic oxygen effectively fights harmful microbes. Especially successful will be treatment if there is a large amount of vitamin C in the body. Therefore, when using peroxide from the common cold, it is desirable in parallel to eat many foods with a high content of vitamin C.

Where is hydrogen peroxide used?

Most of all, it is used in the treatment of wounds for disinfection. When you hit the affected skin, a chemical reaction occurs, oxygen is released, helping to rid it of dirt, bacteria and pus. The resulting foam helps stop bleeding and blood clots. In addition, pain in the treatment of hydrogen peroxide does not happen at all, which, of course, is important when it comes to treating the skin of a child.

The liquid is treated with many diseases in various forms, including those associated with hormonal, immune disorders and metabolism. In addition to dig in the nose of hydrogen peroxide, it is treated:

  • teeth;
  • infection;
  • skin diseases;
  • respiratory system;
  • CAS diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the psyche;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • diabetes.

Even chickenpox can be treated well, in which the liquid is smeared with vesicles and rinses the mouth. When bleeding into the nose, hydrogen peroxide is not buried, but wet tampons and insert the nostrils.

In 1998, American scientists proved that, getting into the blood, hydrogen peroxide promotes the saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen. But, naturally, this procedure should be conducted by an experienced physician.

When to start treatment

It is best to start treatment as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. Then complications can be avoided, and the disease will be defeated at the very embryo. However, if you do not pay attention to the symptoms, then in a few days the active phase will come. Then the disease will resist for several days, or even more.

How to test hydrogen peroxide

Before treating with hydrogen peroxide, you need to know exactly its concentration. At home, as mentioned, only 3% solution is suitable. It can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. If you are worried about whether the product is not dangerous to health, you can try to apply a couple of drops on an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin, where it is the thinnest. If redness in this place is not observed, then the substance has the correct concentration, and they can be safely used, since peroxide is safe.

Rinsing the nose with hydrogen peroxide

This treatment is used most often. To conduct it in a hundred milliliters of warm water, which was previously boiled, add three drops of liquid. Rinsing of the nose with hydrogen peroxide should be done at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The prepared solution is drawn in by the nose and spit through the mouth. It is easier to remove mucus, and at the same time, disinfection is carried out. But if you can not do this, you can just rinse your throat and nose. However, do not swallow the solution.


With the chronic form of the common cold, washing with one wash will not work. Then it should be buried with hydrogen peroxide in the form of a solution. But in this case a more concentrated agent is used. Fifteen drops are added to one tablespoon and digested using a pipette. Be ready for the fact that in a few seconds the mucus starts to come out of the nose, which should be removed. But do not overdo it! In addition, after this procedure, you can not eat food earlier than in twenty minutes.

This instillation will not only help with the common cold. It will perfectly cope with a headache if its cause is stuffiness in the nose. This will help to cope with the problem not only with the common cold, caused by a cold, but also in its allergic form.

Many parents, after trying the method on themselves, are wondering whether it is possible to apply hydrogen peroxide to the nose to children.

Hydrogen peroxide for children

It is advisable to consult with a good pediatrician before taking. It should be taken into account that in children the mucosa is very thin and tender, if you decide on the use of the drug, then the concentration should be the most miserable. However, in this case, there will be no benefit from such treatment. In addition, the child may accidentally swallow the liquid. And this is fraught with the appearance of a burn in the stomach and esophagus, the appearance of allergies, digestive disorders and so on.

It is known that when snot appear, it indicates the presence of infection within the body. The fact is that they are caused by the activity of the immune system, which thus resists penetration of the infection. That's why the cold is best for children to not treat. But in order to feel better, you can wash your nose with saline or sea water.


Hydrogen peroxide to drip into the nose is not recommended (as well as doing washing with it) if the runny nose has passed into a severe form. Also, it should be abandoned when intolerance of the individual and anomalies associated with anatomical features.

This type of treatment is highly undesirable for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Peroxide of hydrogen is completely forbidden after transplantation of any organ, because oxidative processes in this case are amplified, and there can be problems with compatibility of organs.

If after you have tried the treatment with hydrogen peroxide, an allergic reaction has appeared, you should immediately stop this method. Allergies can occur in the form of lacrimation, sneezing, stuffiness in the nose, itching or burning. Even worse, if there is weakness, dizziness, nausea.

To treatment with hydrogen peroxide did not cause harm to the body, but it only benefited him, it is necessary Strictly adhere to all recommendations for concentration when using it and the rules of the method itself treatment.

A recognized expert in the medical application of hydrogen peroxide is Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. He used the liquid himself, treated her other people and wrote more than one book, where he justified the medicinal properties of peroxide and explained how to apply it correctly.

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