Gymnastics for the spine: Exercises lfk


  • 1Lfk for the spine: exercises and procedures
    • 1.1A few simple rules
    • 1.2Neck
    • 1.3Thoracic department
    • 1.4Lumbosacral Department
    • 1.5Fracture of the spine
    • 1.6Protrusions
    • 1.7Scoliosis
  • 2Three sets of exercises LFK varying degrees of complexity
    • 2.1What is exercise therapy
    • 2.2Types of exercise therapy
    • 2.3Three complexes for a back of different complexity
    • 2.4With exacerbation of osteochondrosis
    • 2.5When the symptoms began to subside
    • 2.6Exercises for rehabilitation
    • 2.7Recommendations for the exercise of exercise therapy
  • 3Strengthen and heal our spine with the help of gymnastics
    • 3.1Photo gallery «Exercises for the morning»
    • 3.2Neck
    • 3.3Photo gallery «Exercises for the neck»
    • 3.4Thoracic department
    • 3.5Photo gallery «Exercises for the thoracic department»
    • 3.6Lumbar section
    • 3.7Photo gallery «Exercises for the waist»
    • 3.8Stretching of the spine
    • 3.9Photo gallery «Exercises on stretching»
    • 3.10"Therapeutic exercises Bubnovsky"
  • 4Lfk for the spine - effective exercises
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Preventive exercises for the lfk for the spine
    • 4.2When are exercises of physiotherapy needed?
    • 4.3Lfk with osteochondrosis of the spine
    • 4.4Lfk with protrusion of the spine
  • 5Exercises for the back (LFK), their benefits and the rules of prescribing by a doctor
    • 5.1Indications for exercise LFK
    • 5.2We recommend that you study:
    • 5.3In addition, we recommend:
    • 5.4Exercises with the initial position - lying on the back
    • 5.5Exercises with the initial position - lying on the stomach
    • 5.6Contraindications for exercise therapy
  • 6Exercises for the thoracic spine (exercise therapy, gymnastics, gymnastics)
    • 6.1What is the benefit of regular gymnastics for the thoracic department?
    • 6.2Who should perform exercise therapy for the thoracic department, even if there are no diseases?
    • 6.3Indications: at what diseases are prescribed LFK for the thoracic department? (list)
    • 6.4Contraindications
    • 6.5Exercises for the thoracic spine: a list
    • 6.6What ready-made complexes have exercises for the thoracic department?
    • 6.7Exercises for the thoracic spine (video)

Lfk for the spine: exercises and procedures

You can maintain your health in various ways. One of them is exercise therapy, in other words, exercise therapy. In this article I want to talk about how you can help your spine with a set of exercises.

A few simple rules

First of all it is very important to say that exercise therapy for the spine should not bring painful people sensations and cause too much tension in the muscles, as this can gyms.

The fact is that this is a physical exercise, not strength training. You also need to know what to start better with simple exercises and do them a couple of times in several approaches. Only with time you can increase the number of loads.

To avoid even small pain during the session, the body must be warmed up. You can do this in a hot bath or with a steamed towel. Another very important periodicity of all exercises.

So, exercise therapy for the spine should become a habit, especially when the question concerns people with chronic forms of the disease. The more regular the classes, the better the result and well-being of the patient.

However, do not be scared, because even a daily lesson for as little as 10-20 minutes can bring excellent results.

A small nuance: if a person has pain from time to time, at such times it is better not to conduct classes and postpone for a certain period. And, of course, the ideal option - on any questionable issue to consult a doctor who, by the way, can prescribe the exercise of exercise therapy for the spine.


Very rarely a person has problems with the whole spine. Most often this is a certain part of it can bother the patient. That's it's best to train.

So, now we will talk about what should be the exercise therapy for the cervical spine. Here it is worth saying that it is also important to know your problem.

After all, you can just train the mobility of the vertebrae, and you can devote lessons to the relief of pain. That's exactly what will be discussed.


So, the complex for relaxing the muscles and reducing pain will consist of 5 simple exercises, which, however, will give excellent results.


The first exercise: in the sitting position, you must put your palm on the forehead and make the head incline forward, with your hand as if opposing it.

Continue for 10 seconds, then 10 seconds to rest. Ideal number of approaches: 10.

This exercise is good because it ensures the correct position of the head and develops the mobility of the vertebrae.

The second exercise: in order to strengthen the lateral muscles of the neck, you must also put a hand in the sitting position, but not on the forehead, but on the temple, counteracting the movement of the head with the hand. Again, do ten approaches for 10 seconds with the same number of respites.

The third exercise: in the standing or sitting position, lower your arms along the trunk. You need to lift your shoulders as high as possible, holding them in such a tense position for about 15 seconds, gradually lowering them. A breather: 10 seconds, the number of approaches: 10 times.

The fourth exercise: in the prone position, you need to massage the part between the occiput bone and the soft part of it, where the muscles are.

Do this about 3-4 minutes, without fear of pressing on this area.


You need to do this to reduce pain, and also to cope with a headache.


Fifth exercise: massage the place of attachment of the neck muscle to the shoulder blades. To do this, the area from above and the center of the blades should be intensively massaged for 3-4 minutes. It is important to say that in the beginning there may be pain, but in time they will simply disappear.

Thoracic department

The following disease can also help exercise therapy: osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

For this, you can also choose a set of effective exercises.

It will be aimed at improving the mobility of the thoracic spine, as well as the return of the possibility of deep breathing.

Exercise one: you need to sit on a chair with a strong high back. First, the man bends forward, stretching as much as possible, then deviates backwards. Exercise is best to repeat 3-5 times.

Exercise two: you need a roller with a diameter of about 10 cm, if there is not one, you can wrap the towel on the rolling pin.

This device is placed under the thoracic area, the person lies on his back, tucking his hands behind his head. The patient must first bend, then lift the torso. Do this about 3-4 times.

To train the different parts of the thoracic spine, the roller needs to be moved.

Exercise is the third, with the assistant: the assistant should massage the area between the shoulder blades a little.


Then the patient with force pulls them together, holding some time in this position, then relaxes.


At the same time the assistant pushes the shoulder blades, as if helping them to divide to the maximum.

Lumbosacral Department

There are also exercises for exercise therapy of the lumbosacral spine. So, you can just train this area, and you can stretch the spine a little to ease pressure on the tissues in the problem areas of the back.

Exercise one: lying on his back with slightly bent legs, a person must stretch the muscles of the abdomen, while not holding his breath. This is done approximately 10-15 times. This exercise helps to bend a little to the spine.

Exercise two: you need to take a support, kneel before her, put your head on it and bend the back up and down, pulling the muscles. In the upper and lower position, stay for about 10 seconds, but do not allow pain in the back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise three: you need to open the door and hang on it on outstretched arms, bending at the same time your knees. So you need to hang for at least a minute, after the exercises rest for 10 minutes. Do a couple of approaches a day. This exercise perfectly stretches the muscles and relieves pressure on the vertebrae.

Exercise four: you need to hang on the crossbar on your right hands, turning your body to the right, then to the left.

At the same time should not strain the neck, shoulders, everything should be at maximum relaxed.

This is also a stretching exercise, which can be repeated several times a day. To hang so it is necessary for three or four minutes.

Fracture of the spine

LFK for the spine will be needed in the event that a person has a compression fracture.

However, it is important to say that all the exercises should be prescribed by a doctor, it is highly discouraged to help yourself, because such behavior can even worsen the situation.

It is also necessary to recall that the rehabilitation and recovery period will be very long.


So, the first period of exercise therapy for a fracture of the spine lasts approximately the first two weeks, when the load is minimal, and exercises for a healthy person will seem childish in general. All movements will be carried out in the supine position.


The second period of rehabilitation - 3-6 weeks after injury, the exercises are performed lying on the back and stomach. The third period is the second month after trauma to the spine. You can already do the exercises, standing on all fours. The fourth period, the last one, is the third month after the injury: exercises are added in the standing position, also exercises with the ball.


LFK is also prescribed for protrusion of the spine. This is one of the most common forms of degeneration of the spine, which is observed in almost 80% of people. It is important to note that this is the initial stage of a hernia, so the problem must be effectively combated.

Help in this therapeutic exercise. However, the lessons will not be comprehensive, you need to train exactly the area where the problem exists. The most common options are protrusions of the lumbar region, and protrusions of cervical and thoracic disks are also possible.

Again, it is important to say that this is the situation when the treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and he also develops a set of useful exercises that will suit this person.

Only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired results and not to harm yourself.


If a person has scoliosis, LFK for the spine will also help. Exercises here should not be aimed at stretching the back, this can somewhat worsen the patient's condition. Classes are held in different positions.

Position "standing walking on the spot while maintaining a level posture; raising hands up, standing on toes and just on full foot.

Position "lying on the back pull the elbow of the right hand to the left knee and vice versa; alternately pulling the knees to the chest.


Position "lying on the stomach the boat - you need to bend upwards, fixing for a couple of seconds in this position. To return to the starting position very slowly. Leaning on your hands, raise your legs as high as possible.


A source: http://.ru/article/136333/lfk-dlya-pozvonochnika-uprajneniya-i-protseduryi

Three sets of exercises LFK varying degrees of complexity

Exercises of exercise therapy are designed to strengthen weakened muscles for some reason. Most important for today is exercise therapy for the back, since the spine is the most common site of pathological changes. And it is these changes that greatly spoil the life of a person.

What is exercise therapy

Therapeutic physical culture is a large group of special physical exercises, the purpose of which is to help restore the tone of any muscle groups.

From the point of view of anatomy and physics, the most vulnerable point in the human body is the back and the spine: from the sacrum to the neck.

Therefore, the most relevant for today is therapeutic exercises for the back.

Neurological departments often receive people who can not unwind. Once they were stuck in the back, and on their own they can not straighten up. This is due to the pinching of some nerve due to the fact that the muscular corset of the waist can not provide adequate protection to the spine.

Why exactly back exercises are so necessary? See for yourself:

  • Hands - they always do something, move. Even a meal - you hold a spoon in your hands. In general, the hand moves too much so that the muscles can be so strongly atrophied.
  • Legs - as a person walks, their muscles also constantly train.
  • Remains the case. To maintain the direct position of the body, the muscles of the back and the press should be evenly developed, in a tone and get a good blood supply. If these conditions are violated (say, with a sedentary lifestyle), the musculature weakens and can no longer perform its functions.
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So, for example, the longest muscle of the back, running along the spine, constantly undergoes a load. During a long and immobile sitting, blood flow to her, which reduces her ability, is difficult.

So gradually, depending on our bad habits, the muscles of the body lose the ability to reduce the compression of the spine, the intervertebral cartilages are erased, and the spinal nerves are clamped. This causes pain and limited mobility.

Types of exercise therapy

Gymnastics for strengthening the back muscles is not the only form of exercise therapy. First of all, exercise is designed to restore the muscle tone of any part of the body. For example, after prolonged wearing of gypsum and forced immobility, muscular rehabilitation is required.

The most vulnerable part of the spine is the neck, because the vertebrae here are the smallest and fragile. It holds a head whose mass can reach 2 or more kg. Imagine - most of the day the muscles of the neck hold this weight. Titanic work that we do not notice.

And add to this a long sitting, with your head tilted to one side or with your neck forward. Under such conditions, blood supply is not only hampered, but the load is distributed unevenly. Some muscles are loaded more than others and can not stand.

So it is necessary and therapeutic exercises for the neck.

As a result, the classification of physical exercises can be based on the following:

  1. Training of target muscle groups: gymnastics for the muscles of the back, arms, legs, etc.
  2. Prevention or treatment of various diseases: for example, for the patient back, etc.

These are all conditional classifications. Often, to achieve several goals, the same exercises are used.

Three complexes for a back of different complexity

Any disease has several periods. For example, the manifestation of osteochondrosis of the spine can be divided into 2 stages. An acute period, and then there is a decrease in the severity of symptoms and the stage of rehabilitation. And at each stage of their exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back.

With exacerbation of osteochondrosis

Depending on the severity of diseases of the back, special exercises will be different. And they differ in their complexity and load.

To perform the exercises should be started only after the acute pain is removed.

For example, the primary set of exercises can be as follows:

  1. We lay down on a soft and warm mat, we throw our feet on a thick roller. We squeeze and unclench the palms and feet. We do 10 simultaneous compressions.
  2. Push the roller back, put your feet on the floor. The left leg was bent at the knee, putting the foot on the floor. The right leg remains straight. Take the right leg 10 times sideways.
  3. Again, put your feet on the roller, the starting position - hands along the trunk. Raise each hand up one at a time, as if you are floating on your back - 10 strokes for each hand.
  4. Now do exercise number 2, but for the other leg.
  5. And again, feet on the platen, bend your arms in the elbows, keep the palms of your hands at the shoulders. Describe the circle in the horizontal plane with your elbows. That is, draw simultaneously with both elbows 10 circles above yourself. Circles try to draw smooth.
  6. Legs are still on the platen, bent at the knees. Straighten each leg in turn. 10 times for each leg.
  7. Now a more complex exercise that can cause pain in an acute period, be careful. The roller was removed, legs bent at the knees. Alternately, each leg is pulled by the knee to the chest. 10 times.
  8. From the same initial position - turn your knees to the side, trying to touch each knee of the floor. Do not allow sharp pain.
  9. At the end of the complex breathe by inflating and blowing the stomach - 10 breaths and exhalations.

These exercises are suitable for daily use. You see that a very weak load is used for treatment. But it is enough to help a person.

When the acute period is over, you can do a more serious exercise complex exercise therapy.

When the symptoms began to subside

When the symptoms are not so strong, you can gradually increase the load. But listen to your body - if you do something painful (acute pain) - reduce the amplitude of motion. This will definitely help.

  1. Lying on the back with arms stretched out along the body, we raise our head and at the same time strain the press. This is a lighter version of lifting the trunk from a prone position. We repeat the motion 10 times.
  2. We rely on the shoulder blades, hands along the body, legs bend at the knees. We raise the pelvis 10 times. Do not strongly bend it to the ceiling, just raise it by 10-15 cm. A large amplitude can hurt you at this stage.
  3. Straighten lying on your back, tense your buttocks and relax them. Try to achieve maximum tension. This is a static exercise.
  4. We lay, legs bent at the knees, alternately hands touch the knees crosswise, slightly lifting the head and body above the floor. 10 times for each hand.
  5. We put a big roller under the knees (you can have an ottoman). From this position it is necessary to lift the pelvis above the floor - again by 10-15 cm.
  6. We got on our knees and arms, back with a wheel (arched upwards). They sat with their backs on their heels and stood back. So 10 times.
  7. Now we are in the same position as in Exercise 6 - we bend our back up, we lower it back to the forward position. So 10 times. In this exercise, the longest muscle and other muscles of the spine work well.

Well done, now more severe exercises, when the pain subsided!

Exercises for rehabilitation

At this stage, when pain is gone, you need to gradually strengthen the muscles of the spine, so that they stand the usual load for your life.

The main goals are the press, the longest muscle of the spine (all its parts), the muscles of the cortex.

The complex is as follows:

  1. Raising the body lying. You have already done lifting your head, now from the same position try to tear off the upper back from the floor. Knees should be thrown on the ottoman.
  2. From the prone position, alternately lift the straight legs. In time, you can lift both feet. Loosen the loin to the floor. At first it can cause pain, so first you have to work each leg separately.
  3. Raising legs from a vertical position. You need to hang on the gym wall or use a bar or special stops. Legs do not need to be kept straight, in your case it's enough to raise your legs bent at the knees. Just try to touch the knees of your chest.
  4. Very effective exercises in exercise therapy is rolling on a round back to and fro. Grab your knees and roll. But do it on the rug, as riding hard on the hard surface is not the most pleasant experience. You can lean slightly sideways to get a longer trajectory and stretch more muscles.
  5. Hyperextension and reverse hyperextension are the best exercises for strengthening the back. The usual hyperextension should be done in parallel with the strengthening of the press. This is the guarantee of the health of the waist.
  6. Exercises for stretching the legs and lower back are also an obligatory part of exercise therapy. To do this, stand up straight, fix the lower back and try to reach the floor with your hands. If this works well for you, grab your legs with your hands and stretch closer to your legs. When doing the exercise, try to keep the bend in the lower back, which is characteristic for proper posture.

Exercises, as already said, a lot. We need to regularly perform them and monitor their feelings.

Recommendations for the exercise of exercise therapy

Here are some simple tips to help you recover faster:

  • Do not do anything through pain. But, do not immediately abandon the exercise, if it causes soreness. Reduce the amplitude of the movements and conduct the experiment. As a result, you will know exactly at what stage the pain arises and where you need to stop.
  • Do not work with burdening. Hyperextension and lifting the torso on the press in your case can not be done with extra weight.
  • With osteochondrosis, it is useful to simply hang on a horizontal bar, this stretches the spine.
  • Avoid drafts during class, as you do on the floor. Cold is the enemy for the back, not only for osteochondrosis, but for other diseases.

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Strengthen and heal our spine with the help of gymnastics

page »LFK, yoga and massages» Strengthen and heal our spine with the help of gymnastics

So what is the use of gymnastics for the spine?With the help of the simplest exercises, the muscular corset is strengthened, metabolic processes in the whole body are improved.

As a result, the spine can cope with the daily load from the vertical position.

This is an excellent prevention of such unpleasant ailments with serious consequences for the back, like osteochondrosis, hernia, compression of intervertebral discs, scoliosis and others.

A warm-up for the spine is useful at any age, like a child, a teenager, an adult, or an old man. And if you are 20 years still lazy, then after 30 people already feel the changes in their body. Starts to hurt back, pull muscles, the first symptoms of osteochondrosis appear.

Most people spend all day sitting in the office, or even worse doing heavy physical labor. After all, none of these types of work does not benefit the spine.

Perhaps you do not have the time, desire or financial opportunity to visit the gym, pool. But each of us has 15-20 minutes for morning exercises.

Believe me, your back will thank you so much.

So, physical education for the spine in the morning is necessary for a quick and gentle awakening of the body, the launch of all processes.

There are some rules, adhering to which, classes will be most effective for your body.

First of all, morning exercises should become the rule, a daily tradition. Only then you can really feel the benefit.

Exercise should be done gently, slowly. Do not forget, you do not train muscles, you bring the spine to a natural working state. The set of exercises for the spine should be varied.

Gymnastics for strengthening the back should consist of such common exercises:

  • Slopes - you can choose the most convenient for you, performing both sitting and standing. The main thing is to reach the floor with your hands, without bending your knees.
  • Pulling - any position will do, but if you chose a lying position, you should gradually get up and stretch in all directions, up and down. This is important for the development of plasticity and flexibility of the spine. Very effective for a patient with scoliosis or osteochondrosis to hang a couple of minutes on a horizontal bar. Such an exercise helps to normalize the distance between vertebrae, the height of the discs, stretching the spine.
  • Rotational movements - accelerate blood circulation in the back, prevent stagnation. It is necessary to make circular motions alternately in each department, to turn the body (head, trunk).
  • Rocking the body - take the embryo posture and swing your back on the floor. Very effective and useful exercise for the spine. Even helps to fix minor disks of disks, compression.

These were general recommendations on how to strengthen the spine with the help of morning exercises. Next, we will consider separately the exercises for each department.

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Do not forget, if you have serious problems with your back, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.

Do not try to restore your back on your own, because depending on the ailment the simplest movements can do much harm.

Photo gallery «Exercises for the morning»

Skating on the floorOnline for gymnasticsShorting the back on the horizontal bar


The cervical region is very mobile in itself, responsible for all rotational movements of the head. But the wrong way of life (for example, to bury oneself in the phone, bending the neck for an extended period of time) causes various unpleasant feelings with age.

This may be lack of mobility, stiffness, muscle pain. Therefore, you need to start the exercises to strengthen the spine from the neck. When the doctor prescribes the treatment of osteochondrosis in the cervical department - gymnastics is one of its main components.

So, further exercises for the spine at home (neck area):

  • We put the forehead on the palm of the hand. At this point, strain all the muscles. We are delayed for 10 seconds. Repeat is recommended 3-5 times. Further the same, but we press the occipital part.
  • We press right whisk on the right hand, the same on the other side. During exercise, we strain the muscles of the neck. Press down for about 10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
  • Trying to press his chin to his chest, but slowly and as if overcoming the resistance. 3-5 times.
  • Head straight, gradually turn the head in one direction, as far as the muscles will allow, then in the other direction. 5 times.
  • Head down and turn five times in each direction.
  • Head back, turn our head five times to the left and right, while trying to touch the shoulder with each ear.

Here are such simple simple isometric exercises for the neck and spine. Isometry - resisting resistance.

This is the ideal physical exercise of exercise therapy for the spine, since in a matter of seconds the muscles are involved in work, as in long training.

They also allow to work out the muscular corset of the back.

Photo gallery «Exercises for the neck»

Head inclinations to the right and to the leftExercises with pain in the cervical region Heads forward and backward

Thoracic department

Therapeutic exercises for the spine in the thoracic department are represented by a variety of different exercises. Below we describe the most effective exercises for the spine (performed in the position of statics or dynamics).

The thoracic department very often suffers from pain due to osteochondrosis and muscle spasms. Therefore, the best option for restoring the spine is morning exercise.

So, charging for strengthening the thoracic region:

  • Tightly cling to the wall with the back of the body, join the hands in front of you and gradually, without sudden movements, raise your hands up, touching the ears. So stand a minute and lower your relaxed arms.
  • Lie on the floor, hands to pull forward and lift the body, bent lower back. Look forward, head as high as possible. Hold for a while and go down.
  • We lay on our stomachs, bend in the lower back, hands behind the head. To rise it is necessary as it is possible above, to be late for 30 seconds and smoothly to fall downwards. This is also an exercise for the flexibility of the spine. The main smoothness, no jerks, and a healthy spine you are provided.
  • Different types of bars (isometric exercises) - the most effective exercises for the back. Enough to begin to stand for 1-2 minutes, how much power. All muscles of the back, buttocks, legs, arms are involved. But the thoracic department is best worked out, as the deepest muscles are strained. It is they who keep our vertebrae in the right position.

Photo gallery «Exercises for the thoracic department»

Complex training from the lathWhat muscles work with the bar Undertake the trunk

Lumbar section

Exercises for the lumbar spine are no less diverse.

Therapeutic physical training should be directed to the development of the lumbar including, because it often suffers almost every second. How many times have we heard the expression "torn the lower back".

And in fact the truth, the waist suffers first of all at lifting weights, sharp movements. Therefore, gymnastics for the lumbar spine are important.

With stronger muscles, our body can at times more easily cope with daily life and force majeure. Treatment of already existing diseases is also accompanied by gymnastics, as this is the most effective and effective way to restore the spine.

Exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine:

  • Lie on your stomach, hands in the sides. The legs are bent at 90 degrees, slightly dilute them and lift them simultaneously upwards. Lock for 30 seconds and lower to the starting position.
  • Lie on your stomach, legs straight and slowly lift them simultaneously to the waist 30 degrees. Now we make scissors with straight legs, slowly lowering them downwards. This exercise very effectively works on the muscles of the waist.
  • Lie on your back. Bend the legs in the knees, lift the body until a straight line is formed. 10-15 times.
  • Similar to the previous one, but with straight legs. Lean against shoulders and heels, trying to give the body an arc shape.

Gymnastics for the lumbar spine is more difficult than the thoracic and cervical divisions, it will take a little more effort, but health deserves our efforts.

When exercise is performed, it is very important to monitor the pace.

After all, any sudden movements, incorrectly performed, pass from useful to discharge - harmful exercises for the spine.

Photo gallery «Exercises for the waist»

Gymnastics for low back painComplex exercises for the loinsWhat muscles work in the exercise

Stretching of the spine

After you have made a complex for each department of the spine, you need to stretch it. This is the most pleasant part in the normalization of the condition in the back, which relaxes and pulls the muscles around the vertebrae, makes the back more flexible. How to make the spine flexible:

  • Lie on your back, hands under your shoulders and bend back in the lower back, the supports on your hands. At this point, straightened spine. Repeat about 10 times.
  • The legs bend, and you try to reach out to them with the crown. Exercise perfectly pulls and relaxes your back.
  • You have to stand in front of the wall face. Pull your arms up, look at them and reach out. Then put the brush on the wall, straightening his hands, and touch her chest and chin. If you do not feel like the back is stretching, move away and repeat the same thing. Then touch in the same position one by one with each cheek against the wall.
  • Hang on the bar, or the Swedish wall a couple of minutes - many doctors recommend how effective treatment of compression in the discs.

Photo gallery «Exercises on stretching»

Vis on the Evminov boardExercise for stretching the spineMan pulls his back Loading ...

"Therapeutic exercises Bubnovsky"

How to make the spine flexible? In the next video you can see Bubnovsky's unique technique for treating the spine.

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Lfk for the spine - effective exercises

Most often, the pain in the back is associated with the jamming of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. This is due to the wear of the intervertebral discs due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Muscles and ligaments responsible for maintaining the spinal column, sharply lose their activity. Blood circulation and metabolism of the spine also worsens. As a result, the vertebrae sag, pinching the nerve roots. There is pain.

To solve this problem it is possible with the help of LFK for the spine: it is necessary to perform special exercises of physiotherapy exercises every day.

Preventive exercises for the lfk for the spine

Health of the spine is the health of the whole organism.

Imagine only that almost all the loads fall on the spinal column: lifting weights, walking (especially on heels), running, etc.

That is why it is necessary to maintain the activity of muscles and ligaments, not to allow metabolic disorders. For prevention, the following exercises will be required:

    1) Exercises for stretching. Stretching the spine is necessary in order to help relax the nervous branches of the spinal cord.
    2) Increased mobility of the spine. Active muscles and ligaments, a flexible spinal column reduce the risk of back pain.
    3) Exercises to strengthen the spine. The goal is to increase the activity of muscles and ligaments supporting the spine in an upright position. Thanks to this support, the back will be easier to cope with daily loads.

When are exercises of physiotherapy needed?

LFK for the spine allows you to solve several problems at once:

    1. Decrease in pressure on the intervertebral discs, respectively, reducing painful sensations (exercises for straightening the spine).
    2. Strengthening the muscles and ligaments supporting the spinal column.
    3. Acceleration of metabolism, due to which the healthy bone and cartilaginous tissue in the spine grows faster.
    4. Stimulation of blood flow, as a result of which the tissues of the vertebral area are cleared of toxins and toxins.
    5.Ispravnenie spine in the case of violation of posture.
    6. Restoration of the spinal column (lfk after the operation on the spine).

Depending on the purpose, physical fitness may be:

  • Treatment (lfk with diseases of the spine);
  • tonic;
  • training.
    4) But with any complex, the main goal is to increase blood circulation in the spine. When using exercise therapy, remember that it is designed to restore the spinal column and prevent a number of diseases, but not for quick treatment. ЛФК at a fracture of a backbone assumes long-term extension. To get rid of problems with the spine, you need a long time. We offer several complexes.

Lfk with osteochondrosis of the spine

Each exercise should be performed in three to four approaches, gradually increasing the load. Perform regularly, controlling their feelings. "Through force" do not need to do.

I.p. Lying on my back.

    1) Hands stretch over your head and stretch them up. Hold in this position for 10 seconds. Relax. Then reach out with each hand individually, delaying for 10 seconds.
    2) Pull each leg down one by one.
    3) Put your hands along the body. At the same time, raise the head and legs, lingering in this position for 10 seconds.
    4) Raise each leg and pull on yourself without bending. Then - both.
    5) Tighten each leg, bent at the knee, to the chin. Then - both.
    6) Keep your feet on the floor, as close to your hips. Slowly lift the hips to the maximum possible height. Hold in this position for 10 seconds. And just as slowly lower it.

I.p. Lying on my stomach.

    1) Put your chin in your arms and raise them at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds.
    2) The legs are spread out slightly to the sides, hands to put behind the head. Turn the housing first to the left, then to the right.
    4) Get on your knees, leaning on your hands. At the same time, raise the left arm and right leg. We return to the starting position and change.

These exercises are also used in lfk for the cervical spine.

Lfk with protrusion of the spine

At the initial stage in the acute period, the following exercises are recommended:

I.p. Lying on my back.

    1) Flexion and extension of fingers and toes.
    2) Bend the left leg in the knee. The right leg is bent and unbent, sliding with a heel on the floor. After 10 repetitions, change the leg.
    3) Put the roller under the feet. Hands alternately lift up.
    4) The left leg is bent at the knee, the right one is maximally set aside. After 10 repetitions, change the leg.
    5) Bend the legs in the knees, alternately pull them to the stomach.
    6) Diaphragmatic breathing.

Exercises should be done regularly, not hurrying up, gradually increasing the load.

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Exercises for the back (LFK), their benefits and the rules of prescribing by a doctor

A huge number of negative consequences develops because of insufficient motor activity in people's lives. One of the main things is pain in the back area.

To prevent diseases of the spine, you need to spend time on exercises for the back of the exercise therapy. It will be very useful for people of any age.

You will be interested in:Myositis of the back muscles: symptoms and treatment, how to treat muscle inflammation?

Previously, we already described a set of exercises for the back at home, we recommend that you read the material again.

Pain in the back area is manifested with a lack of motor activity.

Indications for exercise LFK

Do not forget that any set of therapeutic exercises should be approved by a specialist.

This precaution is due to the fact that the spine can already be affected by a disease, and it is very vulnerable to any unbearable strain.

Self-medication sometimes leads to a deterioration in overall well-being and progression of pathology.

We advise you to pay attention to the gymnastics for the spine of Norbekov on our portal.

Any set of therapeutic exercises should be approved by a specialist.

Another rule LFK - is the choice of the complex, taking into account the specificity of the disease. Each ailment, reflected on the spine, is manifested in different ways in all people, and therefore the complex of exercises is developed uniquely.

We recommend that you study:

  • Complex for strengthening the muscles and stretching the back
  • Evminov's prophylaxis for back health

Suitable gymnastics for the spine help to significantly improve posture and normalize the flexibility of the spine. These complexes are usually conducted at a slow pace with a repetition rate of 8-10 times and necessarily lying down.

Suitable exercises help to significantly improve posture and normalize the flexibility of the spine.

The state of health of the spine affects the overall health of the human body. Any load is primarily reflected on the spine.


So, it is required to constantly maintain ligaments with muscles in a healthy and efficient state, and also to monitor the correctness of metabolic processes.


As a preventive measure for injuries to a healthy person, the following complex of therapeutic exercises is perfect:

  • Exercises for stretching. They are performed to relax the nerves that are in the spinal cord.

Exercises for stretching are performed to relax the nerves that are in the spinal cord.

  • Exercises aimed at increasing mobility in the column of the spine.

Exercises to increase mobility in the column of the spine.

  • Exercises aimed at strengthening the spinal column. They increase the activity of the muscles with the ligaments, which are responsible for the location of the spine vertically. Thus, people are better able to cope with everyday loads of varying degrees.

Exercises increase the activity of the muscles with ligaments

In addition, we recommend:

  • Secrets of therapeutic massage in scoliosis of the spine
  • What exercises of yoga are useful for the spine and joints?

Each of these exercises is performed in several approaches with a gradual increase in the load. The result will only be with regular classes, but it is not recommended to conduct exercises by force.

Exercises with the initial position - lying on the back

  • Hands are pulled over your head, they need to be pulled up and held in this position for a few seconds, and then - relax. Then you need to pull each hand alternately.
  • The same stretching, but kicking down alternately.
  • Place your hands along the trunk and take turns lifting up your head, then your legs, if possible, for a few seconds.
  • Raising each leg, without bending, alternately and stretching them.
  • Pulling in turn the left and right legs, bent at the knees, to the chin.
  • Put the feet close to the hips and gradually lift the hips to the maximum distance from the floor, holding this position for a few seconds. To lower it is necessary also slowly.

Raise the hips to the maximum distance from the floor, holding this position for a few seconds

Exercises with the initial position - lying on the stomach

  • The chin should be placed on the arms bent at the elbows. Next - raise your hands and hold in this position for a few seconds.
  • Legs are slightly divorced, and hands are put on the back of the head. From this position, it is necessary to rotate the housing as far as possible to the right and to the left.
  • Exercise "cat".

Exercise cat

  • The starting position is the rack on the knees. Raise simultaneously the opposite arm and leg in turn, returning after each rise to its original position.

Contraindications for exercise therapy

The main contraindication is the lack of doctor's recommendations. If you do not know the cause of back pain and refusal to visit a specialist and diagnose exercises for the backbone of exercise therapy will only harm and aggravate the course of the disease.

At the first consultation with an orthopedic doctor it is important to accurately describe to him all the ailments and discomforts.

At the first consultation with an orthopedic doctor it is important to accurately describe to him all the ailments and discomforts. These problems may require additional medical treatment simultaneously with the right complex of exercise therapy.

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Exercises for the thoracic spine (exercise therapy, gymnastics, gymnastics)

Therapeutic physical culture complexes for the thoracic spine are used not only to treat existing diseases of the back, but also to prevent their occurrence. The advantage of therapeutic gymnastics is the opportunity to practice it at home.

There are also specific exercises that are used not to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and stabilize the spine, but to restore it. For example, as a rehabilitation home after surgery on the back.

What is the benefit of regular gymnastics for the thoracic department?

The thoracic spine is the most durable and physically resistant segment. Nevertheless, the diseases of this part of the spine are not uncommon. It is rather difficult to treat them with physical education.

It's all about his immobility: for this segment of the back, not many effective exercises have been developed, just because of minimal mobility. But they are still available and help to effectively combat various diseases.

Warm-up of the thoracic spine

First, charging with an emphasis on the thoracic area allows to strengthen the muscular corset of the back as a whole, which is extremely useful. The trained muscular corset distributes the lion's share of the load from the spine, thereby facilitating its burden.

Secondly, exercise therapy is useful and that there is a stretching of the muscular and ligamentous tissues, because of which the mobility of the spinal column increases. The developed musculo-ligamentous apparatus is a good insurance against the occurrence of various diseases, including degenerative-dystrophic ones.

Also, gymnastics is useful for back pain. Regular exercise relieves pain, especially if it is caused by muscle spasm or degenerative lesions.
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Who should perform exercise therapy for the thoracic department, even if there are no diseases?

If absolutely to simplify, therapeutic physical training for a thoracal department is necessary without an exception to all, not having contraindications to its or her application. Even the most trained people need to be recharged for the thoracic department, since they often ignore it, preferring to train other muscle groups.

Given that the thoracic region is the midpoint of the musculoskeletal system, it can not be ignored. The trained muscles of the legs and arms do not compensate for the atrophy (weakness) of the muscular corset of this segment.

Exercises for pain in the upper back

Training is needed and sports lovers who are eager to increase their endurance. And most importantly - training allows you to prevent the development of severe diseases of the thoracic spine. Including you can protect yourself in advance from scoliosis or osteochondrosis.

You will not receive 100% protection, however, the risks of developing such diseases will decrease many times, which is especially important for people at risk of such pathologies.
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Indications: at what diseases are prescribed LFK for the thoracic department? (list)

The list of diseases in which it is effective to perform exercise therapy is impressive:

  1. Osteochondrosis and spondylosis (especially exercises with a stick to stretch the back).
  2. Classical scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis.
  3. Hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs.
  4. During the rehabilitation period after the compression fracture of the vertebral column.
  5. Pathological kyphosis. Also, exercises help in the fight against pathological lordosis of other segments of the spine.
  6. Spondylarthrosis and ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease).

Exercises for thoracic kyphosis

Of course, in itself therapeutic exercise, although useful for the described diseases, but not sufficient for a full cure. It simply needs to be supplemented with other methods of treatment (for example, drug therapy).

In addition, gymnastics is recommended to combine with physiotherapy and massage procedures. It is desirable to avoid manual therapy - it is effective only in individual cases, and usually just traumatizes the spinal column.
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Despite the benefits of therapeutic exercise for the thoracic spine, it can be used only in the absence of contraindications. And they are available, and their list is quite impressive.

Banal warm-up of the thoracic department

Contraindications to the LFK for the thoracic department:

  • the presence of pronounced inflammatory phenomena in the spine (first stop them, then you can do gymnastics);
  • absence of an accurate diagnosis - without knowledge of their pathology, exercise therapy should not be practiced;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms of any localization or benign neoplasms in the region of the spinal column;
  • elevated temperature (above 3, degrees), general weakness, influenza state (runny nose, cough);
  • the presence of acute dizziness or severe headaches - physical education can only worsen their course;
  • presence of congenital defects or anomalies in the structure of the spinal column (exercise therapy is allowed only after examination by several doctors);
  • the presence of severely flowing pathologies of connective tissue, exacerbation of arthritis or arthrosis (including psoriatic arthritis).

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Exercises for the thoracic spine: a list

There are several dozen exercises for the thoracic spine, but for the most part they repeat themselves (differing only in details). Also not all of them are effective. Therefore, it makes sense to describe only the best and safest in the exercise exercises.

Effective exercises for the thoracic department

The best exercises for the thoracic department:

  1. Lie on your back. A soft roller with a diameter of 8-10 centimeters should be placed under the lower third of the tocal segment. Raise the upper body, holding your hands behind your head.
  2. Sit on a chair and rest your upper back on it. Bend back so that the maximum load falls on the thoracic area. Next you need to lean forward and repeat everything again.
  3. Similar to the previous exercise, but you need to get your hands behind your head and back at the entrance, then rest on your exhalation with the shoulder blades on the back of the chair.
  4. Be level. Brushes should be put on the shoulders, after which the right shoulder should be lowered and simultaneously lifted the left one. The head should follow exactly the descending shoulder.
  5. Stand on all fours, bend your back as much as possible and stay in the accepted position for 4 seconds, keeping your head straight.
  6. Lie on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor and then as much as possible bend back, trying to tear the body off the floor.
  7. Become straight, put your hands down, legs should be together. Pull your arms up in exhalation, then bend back and take the deepest breath. After that, the hands must be lowered and bent forward, simultaneously rounding the back and lowering the shoulders with the head (on exhalation).

Recommended number of repetitions for all: from 4 to 10.
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What ready-made complexes have exercises for the thoracic department?

If your attending physician is not able to independently choose a training program, and you yourself do not know or do not venture to make it, you can use the ready-made complexes of exercise therapy. For their creation are well-known people from the medical sphere, and the complexes themselves are characterized by high efficiency and safety.

Exercise for the thoracic stool

Before using them, you should always consult a doctor about the limitations and contraindications.

Ready-made complexes LFK for a thoracal department:

  • complex Shishonina - is intended more for the cervical region, but during the exercises part of the thoracic section is also involved;
  • complex Bubnovsky - used primarily for the treatment of protrusions and intervertebral hernias, but can be used in other diseases;
  • complex Alexander Bonin - used to treat the lumbar and thoracic spine, the most preferable option;
  • the Shilov complex - is more a warm-up than a full gymnastic complex, therefore it is recommended to use along with other types of exercise therapy.

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Exercises for the thoracic spine (video)

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