Black radish with honey from cough recipe

A radish recipe with honey from a cough

The recipe for black radish with honey has been popular since ancient times. Radish in its composition has a large amount of iron, potassium, essential oils, and therefore is one of the best bactericidal and anti-inflammatory drugs. Cough can be cured with radish juice, it should be added honey.

Useful properties of black radish

Traditional healers use root crops for the treatment of a common cold, sore throat, bronchitis, and sinusitis. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. It has a specific bitter taste, because it contains a large amount of essential oil. For a day you can use no more than 50 grams of black radish.

Juice is valued for cleansing the biliary tract, relieves stagnation of bile. Therefore, it must be used to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys. Radish is one of the effective diuretic drugs.

Preparation of medicinal product with radish and honey from cough

It is necessary to choose already a ripe black radish, young not so effective. If correctly to prepare a medicine from a radish, it is possible to notice after three days of relief, with the help of its cough becomes productive and soft. It is necessary to insist 24 hours. For cooking, take a ripe black radish, add to it 4 tablespoons of lime honey. Wait until the juice starts to stand out. In a day you need to drink at least 100 grams of this syrup.

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Root should be natural, without chemicals, so that the treatment will help, not harm. Some use green radish, if the black has not yet ripened. It is also useful, it contains a sufficient amount of useful substances.

There are a large number of radish recipes with honey:

1. The root is cut off from the root crop. The lower part, where the tail is, does not need to be touched. Then in the middle a groove is made, there it is necessary to put a tablespoon of honey. Cover with a cut portion. Black radish is placed in a deep plate so that juice can accumulate in it, which is then used for treatment. To increase the amount of juice, you need to make holes at the edges.

2. Peel the black radish, cut into small pieces, add to the plate, add honey. When the juice appears, you need to use it on a tablespoon three times a day.

3. Efficient and a recipe for radish juice with honey. You need to make a deepening in the root, pour a pinch of salt, add a tablespoon of vodka, honey - three tablespoons. This juice can not be drunk inside, it is used as an external means by which to rub the chest, the back of the child. This remedy has the same effect as the mustard that warms the ointment.

If a black radish is introduced into the diet, this will be the best preventative against viral infections, coughing. To get rid of the bitterness of radish, you need to take salted water and soak in it pre-grated root crop. So the bitter essential oils will come out of it.

When can not I use black radish with honey from cough?

It is proved that the root crop negatively affects the central nervous system, can cause a depressive state. But this happens only if a person often abuses a radish. It is forbidden to use self-prepared recipes with black radish for inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the pancreas. Pregnant women are often recommended to use black radish for warming compresses. But the recipe for vodka and salt is contraindicated. Care must also be taken to take it inside.

It must be remembered that radish essential oils for a long time accumulate in the body, they are difficult to remove. If the pregnant woman exceeds the dosage, abuses the radish, everything can end in miscarriage, premature birth, because of the increased tone of the uterus.

Compress from cough with honey and radish

Care must be given to coughing in small children. At them he is not always a symptom of the disease, but can be a protective reaction, removes from the body a large number of viruses, bacteria, in this way clears the airway. If a cough accompanies a cold, it is recommended to drink black radish juice with honey on a teaspoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. Doctors advise using a white radish to treat children, it is useful and does not harm like a black radish.

Black radish and honey are effective ways to treat

It is proved that a black radish can cure a strong cough that accompanies laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. The drug has an antimicrobial effect on the body. To do this, you need to find the right treatment for yourself:

1. Traditional cure for radish cough. To do this, you need to make a hole in which to put honey, so the juice will form. Especially useful in the morning. If the cough is dry, sputum does not go away for a long time, you need to drink juice up to 5 times a day.

2. Radish with honey in its pure form. It is necessary to grate the radish, add honey and use this remedy 20 grams before eating. This is the best cough remedy that accompanies the common cold.

3. To quickly prepare syrup from radish and honey, you need to thoroughly clean the root, then grate. Take gauze and squeeze out juice from it. The remedy will be ready after the honey has completely dissolved.

4. A strong dry or wet cough can be cured with this recipe: take 1 root of black radish, honey - two teaspoons, raspberry - a tablespoon. Raspberry mixed with honey, add grated radish. Insist 6 hours. Use three times a day at least one teaspoon. In no case can you abuse the black radish, it can lead to intoxication of the body.

So, black radish with honey is the best medicine for cough, in spite of this you should use it very carefully, so as not to harm the body. It is important when taking into account how you individually carry the root, all contraindications.

Recipes from cough with radish and honey

With colds, everyone tries to be treated with their proven methods, some - using medicines, others - folk methods. However, the recipe "Radish with honey from a cough" is still very popular and with this effective method. Healing properties of its natural components are known for a long time and are successfully applied throughout the world. About the useful properties of honey is said and written already very much. One has only to say that it must be of high quality, bought from a trusted seller or purchased from a store. For this recipe, honey fake is perfect, but if it is not, you can use the one that is at hand.

What is useful radish?

It starts with the fact that black radish is used to treat a very wide range of diseases: jaundice, genitourinary disorders, skin, kidney and gallbladder diseases and many others. But the most widely used radish is when coughing as a remedy that helps to get rid of it. This root vegetable contains a variety of essential oils, vitamins A, D, C, it also contains many trace elements, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. The sulfur in the radish has an expectorant effect, it helps to remove sputum from the lungs. Phytoncides help in the fight against bacteria and viruses, their action is similar to antibiotics. Thus, radish, like honey, stimulates immunity, fights inflammation and bacteria.

There are a lot of radish varieties, this root crop can be black, white, brown, red, purple, green. For treatment of a cough it is better to use a black radish. It will help with cough of various origins: tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and even such diseases as angina, whooping cough, pneumonia and tuberculosis are treated with radish. Black radish, though it has a sharp and bitter taste, but is full of useful ingredients as much as possible. Its antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating effect is expressed most strongly, in comparison with radish of other varieties, it is higher than that of garlic or onions, which have long and firmly earned universal recognition.

Recipes "radish with honey from cough"

  1. Take an average root and rinse it thoroughly.
  2. Cut off the top of the radish, which will then be used as a lid.
  3. Take a thin and sharp knife to remove a part of the radish pulp in the form of a groove, keeping the thickness on the sides about 3 centimeters. If you cut too much, the vegetable will not give enough juice.
  4. In the resulting deepening, put 2 teaspoons of honey. If the fruit is large, then you can use a little more honey, if small - less. The main thing is to remember that honey should not fill the whole cavity, you need space for juice, which will be allocated by radish. Take the cut off top and cover it with a vegetable.

Now it remains to insist the medicine. It should wait about 12 hours, so it is more convenient to prepare this recipe in the evening, in order to start treatment in the morning with the resulting mixture of honey and juice. One radish is enough for a period of about 3 days, as long as the juice from the root is allocated. As necessary, you can add honey. Then you need to prepare the medicine using a fresh root.

Application of juice from radish and honey

Taking radish juice with honey from a cough is necessary 3 to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of the condition. It is advisable to use the medicine before eating. For adults, a tablespoon is used if the treatment is intended for a child under 12 years - a teaspoon, but not more than 4 times a day. Children usually take a sweet drug with pleasure, but it is worthwhile to check the child's reaction to such treatment, first giving only a few drops and gradually increasing the dose.

It should be noted that expectorant effect will help with "wet" cough and "dry" only if the sputum is not viscous, not thick. If it is poorly separated, the cough may become heavier and the treatment will be ineffective. Therefore, when using radish with honey, as in the case of other drugs and drugs with a similar effect, it is worthwhile to use a sufficient amount of liquid and, if possible, increase the air humidity up to 40-60%.

Do not use this method of treatment for longer than 21 days for adults and 7 days for children. "Wet" cough usually goes faster, in a few days, and the notorious "dry or, as it is called, "barking" cough is treated in children about a week.

If the above recipe seems too complicated, and the treatment needs to start faster, there are several more simple and quick, but no less effective ways to prepare a cough remedy for radish and honey:

  1. Take the same black radish, but a larger vegetable. Peel it and cut into small pieces, add about 3-4 tablespoons of honey. The juice will be released faster, you will only have to squeeze it and the medicine is ready.
  2. There is also an economical way of preparing the medicine according to this recipe. You need to take three small vegetables, wash and clean them, then cut into small cubes or cubes, place in a container, for example, a pot, jar, plastic container and pour honey. After 10-12 hours the juice will be much, to use the same way as in other cases. The plus of this method is that the vegetable does not dry out, being in a closed container.
  3. In a similar way, you can prepare a medicine from ARI, only close the jar tightly with a lid, and cover with a napkin or gauze, insist 1-2 days. With viral diseases and with usual cough apply 1-2 teaspoons a day.
  4. You can rub the radish on a grater and immediately squeeze out the allocated juice, mix it with honey in the proportion of 100 gr. honey for 200 ml of juice.
This recipe is useful for many pregnant women, because most drugs are prohibited during this period, as they can harm the fetus. This recipe does not contain any potentially dangerous ingredients, if there is no allergy to its components in the future mother. However, here you can find a way out by replacing honey with sugar. It is only necessary to remember that the essential oils contained in the radish can lead to an increase in tone of the uterus, so do not use the drug more than 3 times a day, the duration should be limited to 3-4 days.

Again, with allergies to honey, you can bake a root crop. To do this, you need a medium-sized vegetable to wash, peel, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and put in a container for baking (a pot perfectly suits). Closing the lid, we send it to the oven and at a temperature of 100-120 degrees bake about 2 hours. We get out of the oven and set to cool. When the radish has cooled sufficiently, it is necessary to drain the juice through a fine sieve or gauze, the flesh will no longer be needed. Drink 1-2 teaspoons three times a day. Still good allies of radish and honey in the fight against cough will be carrots and beets. Mix 100 gr. carrot or beet juice and 100 gr. juice of radish, add one tablespoon of honey. Such a medicine you can drink 6-7 times a day for one teaspoon, and at night drink two spoons. Keep it in a glass jar.

Can I use other kinds of radish

Despite the fact that the black radish with honey from cough helps better, do not forget that there are many varieties of this vegetable and they all have useful properties.Red radish, perhaps, even better suits a child, because its juice is more pleasant to taste, not so bitter and harsh.


Red radish also contains many components that help support immunity and fight viruses and bacteria. And experts say that this vegetable quickly helps with coughing in a child, so it is in demand, it is worthwhile to prepare a medicine from it, as well as from black radish. If you only have a very popular now green radish, grate the fruit on the grater, add 2 tablespoons of honey and insist 2 days. This bactericide has slightly lower bactericidal properties, but its use is also effective in treating cough of various origins.

Adults can use a radish pack. Cotton towels must be soaked with vegetable oil, and then with radish juice, the oil will reduce the burning sensation. Apply this towel to the breast area, avoiding the heart area. Cover with waxed paper (you can use paper for baking), and then - with a wool product (a scarf or scarf will be useful here) and leave for about an hour. The compress should tingle a little, if the pain is palpable, remove it earlier, avoiding the skin burn. When the compress is removed, wipe the place of its application and lubricate with panthenol-based or moisturizing cream. Do not use such a remedy for young children, their skin is too sensitive.

Despite the safety of this method of treatment, it is worth consulting with a doctor, especially if it is you have stomach problems, because the radish juice is quite saturated and can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.


If you have arrhythmia or other cardiac arrhythmias, hepatitis, gout and kidney disease, you should be sure to consult with a specialist before using any medicines prepared with using radish. Do not exceed these doses, this can lead to a disruption in the liver. Especially it is dangerous if juice of a radish combine with alcohol, therefore during treatment refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages. Like pharmaceuticals, traditional medicine is effective if applied according to all rules and taking into account individual characteristics.

Black radish with honey from cough: recipe and reviews

The native land of black radish is Asia. This vegetable from there spread to North America and all of Europe. Its healing properties have been known since ancient times. According to the myth that has come down to us, Apollo said that a radish costs as much gold as it weighs. It is not for nothing that our ancestors revered it. For example, in Kievan Rus, this vegetable, now almost neglected, was very appreciated and a huge number of sayings were written about it. Since those years, people know that the juice of this vegetable helps cure gout, purulent wounds, in addition, reduce the pain in the muscles. This helps the black radish with honey from cough and cold.

Vegetable, giving strength

People in ancient times noticed the ability of this vegetable to maintain strength in the body. Radish in Ancient Egypt fed the workers so that they remained healthy and able-bodied. It increased the efficiency of people who built pyramids. In Russia, black radish juice with honey was used during the Great Lent, while this vegetable supported the strength of all the fasting.

Information about the useful properties of the vegetable has come down to us from the sources of the Middle Ages. At the present moment, it is practically not used for food, although the useful properties of the plant are known and can be successfully used today.

Biologists about radish

This is a two-year-old medicinal plant that belongs to the family of crucifers. Within 1 year after planting, the plant forms a core root (weighing 2-3 kg) and leaves. A stalk stem, reaching a height of 60 cm, with seeds and a flower, appears on the 2nd year of growth. For medical purposes, seeds and roots are used. They are harvested only in August. Root crops are used fresh.

Properties of black radish with honey

On our body it has a restorative, immunostimulating effect.

Its juice has a positive effect for bronchitis, cough, laryngitis, as well as for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and colds. In this case, an excellent remedy for colds is honey along with this remedy.

The use of black radish with honey is due to the fact that these products are natural antibiotics. They contain in their composition a complete table of Mendeleyev. A mixture of these products is a natural and natural medicine that was given to us by nature itself.

Black radish in the content of phytoncides is not inferior to onions and horseradish.

Together with honey, it also has an antimicrobial effect. In addition, this tasty natural remedy has an anti-inflammatory and antitussive effect.

Black radish with honey from cough is prepared very simply. To begin with, it must be washed, then cut out the middle. The vegetable should be filled with honey, only not completely. In this form, we leave everything for the night. Since the morning you can use the juice formed overnight.

Before using even such a seemingly safe means, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all contraindications to use. We will talk about this further.


In the article above we briefly considered how to prepare this remedy. Now consider the question of how to make radish with honey, more. To prepare the medicine you need to take a medium-sized radish, wash it under running water. Cut the middle with a sharp knife so that a depression is formed in its center.

In the middle we add a spoonful of honey. In this case, do not fill the hole to the top, since the released juice will pour out if the "capacity" is not enough.

Vegetable "put" can be in a jar or glass - it depends on its original size. Most often, a half-liter jar is used for this, because the radish in it is very stable and there is no risk that the juice that is formed will spill. Although it can be placed in a regular plate or cup.

Leave the vegetable indoors, while you can cover the cavity with a cut hat. Very soon, the radish will start to start the juice - after about 4-5 hours. And it is he who is an effective cough suppressant.

One vegetable can be used for several days, while do not forget to periodically add honey to the middle. It is advisable to do this at night.

Treatment with black radish with honey is possible for different diseases. The remedy can be used for bronchitis, cough, cold and flu, pain and sore throat, general weakness, whooping cough. It facilitates breathing, and also liquefies phlegm.

Radish can be taken in medium size, thoroughly cleaned, finely grated, add a little honey, mix. Remove to a warm place (before the appearance of juice), then strain it and apply for treatment.

Mode of application

This very effective tool is easy to use. Children are given three times a day on a teaspoon of this substance. And adults black radish with honey from coughing helps if it is taken three times a day on a tablespoon. Use it always after eating.

This remedy takes at least 10 days, if there are no contraindications to its use. Children are very fond of this unusual medicine, because it is sweet and quite pleasant. In addition, it is absolutely natural.

This drug mix is ​​very good to use from cough along with other remedies - the effect will be much better.

When coughing, colds, children can be given milk with cocoa butter and honey, although it can also be used by adults. Cocoa butter softens and envelops the sore throat, while calming cough. To make this drink, you need to boil a glass of milk, add cocoa butter and a little honey to taste. To use such "medicine" is necessary warm, it is desirable to drink it at night and several times during the day.

It should also be noted that if you plan to give the radish juice to children, you should consult a specialist. Doctors radish with honey usually do not prescribe, do not prescribe for coughing. But this remedy is one of the methods of treatment that our grandmothers used.

Black radish with honey from cough

And now we summarize the above information. So, take a large black radish, wash it carefully and cut off the top. Use a small knife or spoon in the vegetable to make a groove. In it, put the honey, then cover the top of the radish, like a lid. After 4 hours the cavity will be filled with juice, which can already be used.

Black radish with honey: recipe 2

Wash and clean the radish from the peel. Peeled vegetables cut into small cubes (about 1 centimeter) and folded into a glass jar of suitable size. Add a couple of spoons of honey and mix well. Cover and let stand for 8 hours. When the specified time passes, the product is ready for use.

Ready juice should be given to the child several times a day by a teaspoonful. Honey makes it pleasant to taste and sweet, therefore, you do not need to persuade your child to drink the next spoonful of medicine.

Thus, one fruit can be used for three days, then it can be thrown out and take a new one if necessary. Every day, do not forget to report a little honey. As already mentioned above, it is better to do this in the evening. During the night, the juice will be enough.


Radish with honey is contraindicated to apply for allergies to any of these products. This remedy should not be taken with individual intolerance. Radish is contraindicated in gastritis with high acidity, as well as in duodenal ulcers or stomach during the exacerbation stage. In addition, it can not be used in acute pancreatitis. It is contraindicated in people who have recently had a heart attack.

It must be remembered that before using one or another medication, including traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult a specialist beforehand. Only he can correctly choose the right dosage for you and tell you about the method of application that is suitable for you.

Effective folk remedy: radish with honey from cough

One of the main symptoms manifested in colds is a cough. It arises as a protective reaction of the body caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which facilitates purification from sputum.

It is worth considering that it is necessary to cure not the cough, but the disease that provoked it. Reduce the patient's discomfort, associated with sore throat and cough, possibly both medically and folk remedies. In the first case, after the diagnosis is made, the doctor must choose all the necessary drugs that will facilitate the departure of sputum. But there are cases when the use of medicines is impossible, for example, in early childhood, with allergies to drugs, during the bearing of a child. When using folk remedies, one must look at the individual tolerability of the components that are included in teas or tinctures. In addition, for example, radish with honey during pregnancy is not recommended.

Traditional medicine in fighting cough

As already mentioned, there are cases when drug treatment is unacceptable. It is then worth turning to folk medicine. From generation to generation, many recipes were handed over, fairly simple, safe and effective. For example, warm milk with honey, warm water with a fig or freshly squeezed onion juice with honey for gargling. But the most effective means will be a radish with honey from a cough. It contains many components that have health benefits: microelements (phosphorus, iron, potassium) and vitamin C. But essential oils, present in radish, can have both a negative and a positive effect on the body, depending on the daily rate. Another ability of this vegetable is increased appetite due to increased secretions of gastric juice. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that a radish with honey from a cough is not suitable for people with inflammatory diseases of the intestine and stomach. The main active component, which is part of the radish, is essential oil. It is it, getting into the lungs, contributes to the liquefaction of mucus and its escape.

Recipes for home cough medicine

When treating a cough regardless of the age of the sick, the radish with honey will always help. The recipe for this remedy is simple enough and includes only two ingredients: radish and honey. To make a potion in a washed vegetable, make a notch, fill it with natural honey and put it for four hours in a dark place. When the secreted juice is mixed with honey, the mixture should be taken one spoon three times a day. One root can be used for a long time, almost a few days. To do this, daily remove the edges of the radish deepening and add more honey. There is another version of the recipe, as is used radish with honey from cough with sore throat. For this purpose, the root crop is baked in the oven for two hours (preferably in foil to avoid loss of juice), and then cleansed of the peel, and the pulp and juice are mixed with honey.

Application of radish in the treatment of other ailments

The radish is used with honey from cough, and also with sore throats and to help during ARVI children who parents do not want to give medicines without urgent need. From radish juice is squeezed out, which is mixed with honey (you can also mix with sugar if there is an allergy to honey), keeping the proportion one to one. Therapeutic drink should be consumed on a quarter cup to six times a day. Radish juice with honey is used for rubbing during colds. To prepare such a substance, mix the root juice, honey and vodka in equal proportions. In the treatment of diseases with the use of radish, a good supplement will be herbal teas, warming compresses and hot foot baths.

Black radish with honey from cough: a recipe for children and adults

Radish with honey from cough - a recipe for children since ancient times was indispensable among the people.Currently, such recipes of folk remedies are forgotten, but they are not inferior in terms of their curative qualities to modern drugs, and sometimes even are more effective and less harmful, since they consist entirely of natural components.

It is the naturalness of the medicine that is very important in the choice of cough for the child. Radish is not in vain chosen as the main ingredient in the cough recipes.

In addition to vitamins A and D, microelements (enriched with calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron), radish in a large amount of sulfur, which, as is known, has a macro-fluidizing and expectorant action.

Moreover, in the radish, especially in black, contain substances that can perform antiviral actions and fight with all sorts of bacteria. The root of the radish is of different varieties (black, green, white, and so on), any kind can be used to prepare the medicine for the child. However, one should know that the black radish is the most enriched type necessary for quality treatment of substances. It is this vegetable that is used for the treatment of very neglected coughs, pneumonia, bronchitis, and sometimes even diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough.

How to prepare a folk remedy for cough based on radish and honey

First you need to choose the "right" radish. Root should be large, even and preferably round.

The last requirement for a vegetable is due to the convenience of preparing the medicine. So, picking up a suitable root crop, go directly to the implementation of the recipe - radishes with honey from coughing to children. Under running water, rinse the vegetable thoroughly from the clotted earth and other dirt, then pat the radish with a paper towel. Cut off the top where the tops were. Cut must be so that then this tip could play the role of a lid. Further, with a thin knife, cut out the middle so that the walls remain on-3 cm. The resulting container is filled with honey until the middle. On a large root crop an average of 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Honey can choose any of their available homes, but the best in this case will be fake. Close the lid and put the radish in a dark place for about 10 hours. This time will suffice, that the root juice let out juice which actually is necessary to us. The same vegetable can be used several times (2-3 days), look at the amount of juice allocated. Then you need to take a fresh vegetable.

Mode of application

Black radish from coughing to children under 6 years old is given by 1 teaspoon before meals 5 times a day. Children from 6 years and older - 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day also before meals. The medicine tastes very sweet, so there is no problem in persuading a child to accept it. The course of treatment for adults is no more than 3 weeks, for children under 6 years - not more than 1 week. Repeated treatment can be done after a month's break.

Express recipes of folk remedy for cough

Sometimes it is required to start treatment immediately, and there is simply no way to wait for the root to let the juice go. In this case, the radish is washed, peeled and cut into small pieces.

Spread the sliced ​​vegetable in a clean enamel bowl and top with honey, about 5 tablespoons. The juice will separate for 30 minutes. After this, it must be filtered and taken as described above. An even simpler way: rub the radish on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice using a clean gauze and add honey to it. Half a cup of juice will need 50 grams. honey.

The last recipe can be made with carrot juice. To do this, you need to take carrot juice and radish juice for ½ cup and add there 2 tablespoons of honey. Every hour for 2 days, put on a tablespoon of medicine. For young children, the recommended initial dose is 2-3 drops.

Since honey is a strong allergen, you should first make sure that the body's response will be normal. If there are no allergic symptoms during the day, you can increase the dosage by 1-2 drops to 1 full teaspoonful.

If an allergy occurs, replace honey with sugar. The remedy will not be so effective, but still effective and natural.


During pregnancy, it can be taken only with very great care. The high content of essential oils in radish juice can lead to a strong tone of the uterus, as they are very slowly removed from the body.


Therefore, if your pregnancy is accompanied by a periodical tone, then you better not take this folk remedy for a cough. Also, this medication is not recommended for people diagnosed with gastritis, stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, as components of radish juice can strongly irritate the mucosa of the digestive organs. Another group of patients who should not use this root vegetable as a medicine for coughing are people suffering from arrhythmia.

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