Thai ointments for joints


  • 1Thai balms - the famous ointments for joints
  • 2Thai balm for joints in pain: reviews and reviews
    • 2.1Thai white balm: I am MONG KAU
    • 2.2Thai yellow balm: I AM MONG SUD PAY
    • 2.3Thai green balsam: I am MONG CHINA
    • 2.4Thai red balsam: I am MONG COURT PRIK
    • 2.5Black Thai Balm: I'm MON DAM
  • 3Ointment from Thailand: properties, composition, application
    • 3.1Features of Thai balsams
    • 3.2Product Features
    • 3.3Ointment composition
    • 3.4Application
    • 3.5Types of ointments from Thailand
    • 3.6Warming and anesthetizing balms
    • 3.7Ointments that enhance blood circulation and remove swelling
    • 3.8Medicinal ointments from Thailand white
    • 3.9How to apply balms from Thailand?
    • 3.10Cost
    • 3.11Customer Reviews
  • 4Thai ointments and balsams: a color gamut of effects
    • 4.1Balsams from Thailand: what are their features?
    • 4.2Balsams from Thailand: tender care of nature
    • 4.3Ointments from Thailand: a description of the types of medicinal products
    • 4.4Features of the composition of Thai ointments

Thai balms - the famous ointments for joints

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We are often asked questions-what is the difference between differentThai balsams. In this article I will try to answer all questions.

In Thai traditional medicine there is a huge number of variationsThai balms, they are also called ointments for joints. But basically they can be divided into the following categories by increasing the useful properties:

white balm, yellow balm, green balm, red and black balm.

In tourist pharmacies you can find pink and lemon, but they are sold only there, which pushes on certain thoughts.

Also in Thailand is distributed "Tiger Balsam" - but this is Singapore balsam, so we will not touch it in this article, as it is aboutTHAI BALSAMA.

What are the differences and what exactlyThai balsamDo you need it?

On the streets, markets, pharmacies and tourist shops sold a large number of different types of balsams. The price range is amazing.

If you want to buy a therapeutic balm that will not only cool the skin and slightly anesthetize, do not buy the cheapest balms! They are made of low-quality raw materials with the addition of dyes and chemical components.

Harm they will not bring, but they are not of much use. True, many use them, enjoy and have a temporary effect. But after using more expensive and quality balms they see the difference not only in price.

Basically, balsams differ in color, but regardless of the color of the balm there are different variations- Each manufacturer adds its own herbs and their composition affects the additional qualities of Thai balms.

And so, let's start with the "weak" Thai balsam.

Thai white balm (I am MONG KAU)

This balm is the mildest - it is used for massage in almost all massage parlors Thailand, because it can be used by people even with the most sensitive skin, small children and To old people.

This balm has a relaxing and soothing effect. It happens in different variations, with lemongrass (or with citronella oil), it repels insects and soothes irritations on the skin.

Thai white balm with essential lotus oil facilitates muscle pain, stress, the effects of insect bites, colds, runny nose, sore throat, headaches. Balsam is ideal for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children of any age.

Balm Ya Mong WHITEhelps even from insomnia, if slightly smeared between the eyebrows.

Thai yellow balm (I MONG SUD PAY)

This balm is already more powerful. It is used for rubbing joints and muscles. Thais widely use this balm for massage with muscle aches.

With headaches and cold catch rubbed into the temples, neck and occipital bone, and also applied to the outer surface of the nose.

This causes intense blood flow, gives a slight feeling of warmth. There are already more variations.

Thai yellow balsam is with turmeric and numerous kinds of wild and ordinary ginger.

Thai yellow balmbased on Zingiber cassumunar is effective in the treatment of stretch marks and muscle pains, bruises, swelling and inflammation.

Relieves muscle spasms, inflammation, itching and burning with insect bites, as well as suppresses fungal infection between the fingers and toes.

Eliminates dizziness in seasickness and motion sickness in motor vehicles.

Ginger Thai Balmalso refers to yellow, but in the composition of more ginger, it cleans and reduces pores, eliminates inflammatory reactions. Eliminates cellulite. It alleviates muscle pain in rheumatism, arthritis and sprains.

Eliminates puffiness, inflammation, poor mobility of the joints and spine. It is used as a warming, absorbent for swelling, joint, rheumatic and muscle pain.

Ginger Thai Balmalso used for massage with hot pouches. It protects the skin from burns, enhances the healing effect, penetrates deep layers of the skin and better manifests its healing properties.

Thai green balsam (I AM MONG CHINA)

This balm has a pronounced cooling effect, although it causes opposite sensations. Effective with injuries and stretching in the first day after the injury.

This is the best tool for people involved in extreme sports (boxing, skateboarding, martial arts, skiing), where there are high risks of getting various bruises.

Helps with chondrosis, sprains. A good local analgesic, restores blood circulation, has anti-inflammatory properties. Good for sun and thermal burns.

Green balsam has an intense effect on muscles and joints, relieves spasms and muscle tension. It is also used to relieve itching and inflammation from insect bites and perfectly neutralizes their poisons.

One of the subspecies-Thai green balm withextract of CLINACANTHUS NUTANS (BURM.F.) LINDAU.

Among other things, this balm has antiviral activity, Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f.

) Lindau effectively fights against inflammations and skin irritations, allergic reactions, as well as with viruses and infections, including Herpes infection.

Helps with swelling and inflammation, rash and skin diseases, has strong antibacterial properties. It removes muscle spasms, swelling, itching and inflammation with an insect bite, disinfects and speeds up the process of tissue regeneration.

In Southeast Asia, the juice of this plant is used for snake bite, bite of scorpions and other poisonous insects, since it has intoxicating properties.

Thai red balsam (I AM MONG COURT PRIK)

A year ago I considered this balm strongest in action. It contains red pepper. It has a pronounced warming effect, so it can not be used in cases where heat is contraindicated, for example, in the first day after the injury.

It is used for rubbing joints and muscles.

Thais widely use this balm for therapeutic massage for pain in the joints, as well as for faster bone splicing in fractures.

With headaches and cold, rubbing in the temples, neck and occipital bone, rub the chest and back for the night.

Red Thai balm has an intense effect on muscles and joints, relieves spasms and muscle tension, has a strong warming effect. Removes the capillary mesh. Relieves menstrual pain and pain in the stomach (apply to the skin of the stomach).

If the legs are frozen, the red balm will warm them in a few minutes and help to avoid colds.

Calms the pulling pains in the lower abdomen in women, for this it is sufficient to apply a small amount of balm to the skin of the abdomen and to the waist.

Red Thai balsamwith galangalheals the joints and improves the condition with neuralgia, osteochondrosis and pinching of nerves.

Black Thai balsam (I'm MON MONUMENT)

I met this balm a year ago-in some pharmacies he was christened royal and I understand why. He is the most healing of all. I tried 3 different manufacturers, 2 out of 3 turned out to be about the same quality, the third frankly disappointed.

Some believe that the stronger the balsam burns, the better. I do not share this opinion. To me, the main thing is that there should be a result from the application.

The third balm was recommended to me by a familiar masseur, he just said that he is the strongest of all in fact, he is the most burning in fact.

After the first application I had an allergic rash.

I'm hypersensitive to chemistry, if in the composition of chemical components, my skin reacts instantly.

What happened to my skin after that balm-the enemy will not! I gave this balm to the same masseur and decided not to contact him any more (with balm).

Photo with a pink and yellow box - just this balm, with which it is better not to communicate hypersensitive people.

Next, we will talk about the correct Thai balms based on black sesame.Balsam with black sesameis intended for the treatment of joint pains and musculoskeletal diseases.

It is a multi-component natural Ayurvedic remedy for joint and muscle pain. Promotes the removal of pain and inflammation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and sports injuries.

This dosage form contributes to faster and deeper penetration of components to the source of pain and inflammation than the usual ointment and provides a quick distraction, anti-inflammatory and analgesic act.

Gandhapura taila (essential oil of Gaultheria Essential Oil) and Sarala are important active ingredients and are widely known for their analgesic properties.

The anti-inflammatory effect of balm reduces inflammation, swelling and discomfort caused by pain in the joints, improves the condition of veins with varicose extension.Balsam with black sesametraditional means of treatment of polyarthritis, deposition of salts in the joints.

Sesame oil, which is a part of this balm contains such minerals as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, silicic acid and calcium, as well as a number of microelements.

Sesame oil is rich in linolenic acid; its lecithin component beneficially affects the endocrine glands, but most of all on the nerves and brain cells.

It softens dry skin, improves its structure and prevents its premature aging, cures arthritis and gout.

This balm can also be applied right after the injury, excellent results! I somehow left a finger in the iron gate when closing the door. The finger cracked and instantly swelled. I immediately applied a black balm.

After 10 minutes the infernal pain subsided, the swelling subsided. The finger reacted to the touch for 3 more days. Usually in such cases the nail blackens and disappears.

With this balm the nail remained in place, the color did not change. Only with the growth of the nail appeared a white strip in the form of a rainbow 3 mm wide.

For me this is an indicative result.

Separately I want to mention Thai liquid balsams. They quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, restoring and removing inflammation. They also come in different colors. The main properties correspond to the properties of a traditional Thai balsam in color.

But there are exceptions. One of themThai yellow balm in a liquid form based on natural oils and herbs withan extract of Orchids.

The Orchid extract, which is part of the composition, promotes intensive moisturizing of the skin, has a beneficial effect for stimulating microcirculation, normalizes and restores skin breathing, effectively promotes the elimination of toxic substances, and also nourishes the skin with useful minerals. E

fructose oil of Orchids in a special way affects the processes of accelerating cell regeneration, stops inflammatory processes and reactions, effectively removes various irritations and soothes the skin. It has a very pleasant, floral fragrance, improves mood and improves vitality.

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The aroma of orchids promotes relaxation, eliminates insomnia, soothes the nervous system, increases efficiency, improves well-being.

Similarly to the sub-species of liquid Thai balsams can be attributedmedicinal tincturePuseima. Tincture of medicinal Thai herbs and powdered skin of a snake on coconut oil gently resolves varicose veins, bruises and black bruises after injuries. Have

improves the condition of the feet of diabetics and treats fungal infections of nails and skin, helps to eliminate dandruff and get rid of the fungus in the ears. Accelerates the healing of wounds, eczema and other skin diseases, including psoriasis.

There is still a wonderful thing called-traditional Thai analgesic.Its beauty is that it is released in the form of a lotion. It is not as fatty as balsams and oils, quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks.

It is used for headaches, colds, swollen muscles, spleen, radiculitis, pain in the joints, edema of the legs and varicose veins, as well as for rapid recovery after injuries and fractures (causes an intensive flow of blood, it quickly resorbs hematomas). Effectively relieves muscle pain, itching and swelling from insect bites.

With headaches and colds, rub in whiskey, neck and occipital bone, and also on the outer surface of the nose. Causes an intense flow of blood, warms.

I am very pleased with its composition: derris scandens, Indian berry (anamirta Cocculus), Phlai (Zingiber cassumunar), temple tree (cliancanthus nutans), cryptolepis buchanani, turmeric aromatic, rhinanacanthus nasutus, sea holly (acanthus ebracteatus), turmeric (Curcuma Longa), cinnamon, menthol, camphor, borneol, eucalyptus oil, mint oil and Thai medicinal herbs.

Whichever of the balms you choose, before use, test for tolerability on a small area of ​​the skin. Avoid contact with eyes and store in a dark place inaccessible to children. After use, close the lid tightly, otherwise the essential oils will quickly evaporate.

A source:

Thai balm for joints in pain: reviews and reviews

In traditional medicine in Thailand, there are many different balms and ointments that effectively help with joint diseases.

All these medicines can be divided into groups:

  • white,
  • yellow,
  • green,
  • red,
  • black balm.

In the Thai pharmacies there is lemon and pink balm, the means are sold only in this country. In Thailand, also popular is the "Tiger Balsam" from Singapore. It is important to know how Thai balsams affect the human body, and what means should be chosen.

Thai balsams can be sold at very different prices in pharmacies and stores, but caution should be taken to select this medicine.

Do not buy cheap balsams, because they do not sufficiently cool the skin and do not anesthetize it. Inexpensive facilities are created from raw materials of poor quality with the addition of harmful chemicals and dyes.

However, it is worth noting that many people use cheap Thai balms for the joints, which have a temporary effect. After applying better balms, the condition of the joints and bones becomes much better.

In most cases, the means differ in color, but regardless of this, the balm is performed in different variations.

Thai white balm: I am MONG KAU

This balm is considered the most mild, it is used during massage in almost all Thai salons, because it is suitable for children, people with sensitive skin and the elderly.

Balm has a calming and relaxing effect. It is produced in different versions, for example with lemongrass, or with citronella oil, it repels insects, and also reduces irritation on the body.

The tool has the following properties:

  1. reduces the level of stress,
  2. eliminates pain in the muscles,
  3. Removes symptoms of colds and runny nose,
  4. eliminates sore throats and headaches,
  5. fights insect bites.

Balsam can be used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in children. Ya Mong WHITE also normalizes sleep, if you spread it between the eyebrows at night.

Thai yellow balm: I AM MONG SUD PAY

It is a powerful therapeutic balm that needs to rub muscles and joints. Thais often seek help with this remedy for the treatment of joints.

With headache and cold, the product is rubbed into the back of the head, whiskey and neck, and also on top of the nose. This stimulates the flow of blood, which gives a feeling of warmth. Yellow Thai balsam can be with turmeric or various varieties of ginger or its wild variation.

The yellow agent based on Zingiber cassumunar is effective when:

  • stretching and muscle pain,
  • bruises,
  • inflammations,
  • edema.

Thai yellow balm removes muscle itching, burning and itching with insect bites, suppresses a fungal infection between the toes and hands. In addition, dizziness is eliminated in seasickness and prolonged driving on transport.

Ginger Thai balsam refers to the yellow group, but in the facility a larger amount of ginger, which reduces and cleanses the pores, eliminating inflammatory reactions. The product has the following qualities:

  1. removes cellulite,
  2. facilitates pain in the muscles with rheumatism, arthritis and sprains,
  3. fights with swelling and inflammation,
  4. improves mobility of the spine and joints.

In addition, ginger balm is widely used for massage with heated bags. The substance is characterized by:

  • protection of the skin from burns,
  • penetration into deep subcutaneous layers and the provision of therapeutic action.

Thai green balsam: I am MONG CHINA

This agent has a pronounced cooling effect, while producing the opposite sensation. Balm is used for injuries and sprains in the first days after injury.

The product is indispensable for people who are engaged in extreme sports (skateboard, skis, boxing, martial arts), where there is a high probability of obtaining various injuries.

The therapeutic effect is noticeable with stretches and chondroses. The remedy is a good local analgesic, and also:

  1. restores blood concentration,
  2. has anti-inflammatory properties,
  3. eliminates the effects of solar and thermal burns.

Green balm intensively affects the joints and muscles, relieves stress and muscle spasms. It can be used to relieve inflammation after insect bites, as the agent neutralizes poisons.

One of the subspecies of Thai green balm is CLINACANTHUS NUTANS (BURM.F.) LINDAU. Balm differs in such properties:

  • fights against viruses and infections, including, Herpes infection,
  • eliminates inflammation and skin irritation,
  • reduces allergic reactions,
  • removes swelling, itching, muscle spasms with insect bites,
  • accelerates the regeneration of tissues.

Thai red balsam: I am MONG COURT PRIK

Thai red balsam includes red pepper, which has a warming effect, so it can not be used in the first days after the injury.

Red balsam is often used for rubbing muscles and joints. Thais do therapeutic massage with balm for joint pains and for quick splicing of bones.

The remedy is rubbed into the skin for colds and headaches, it is about the neck, the occipital bone and temples. Also, the balm can be used by spreading on the back and chest, leaving it for the night.

Balm has a pronounced effect on the joints and muscles. It relieves spasms, tension, showing a warming effect.

If a person gets hypothermia of the feet, then the balm warms them in a matter of minutes, which helps to avoid colds.

In addition, Thai remedies show positive results with pulling pains in the lower abdomen in women, for this purpose, apply a little balm on the abdomen and waist.

Red balm from Thailand with galangal promotes the healing of joints, improving the condition with the following violations:

  1. neuralgia,
  2. osteochondrosis,
  3. pinching of nerves.

Black Thai Balm: I'm MON DAM

Black Thai balsam is often called royal, which is due to its high medicinal properties.

Most people believe that a strong burning of balsam indicates its effectiveness. However, this does not always correspond to reality.

It is necessary to carefully monitor your condition after using the balm. Often people complain of an allergic rash and other unpleasant consequences of using balsams that are characterized by severe burning.

In hypersensitive people, in many cases there is a reaction to the chemical components of the balm.

The opinion of the masseuse is often not competent in the application of this or that kind of remedy.

Therefore, it is best to discuss the use of Thai balsams with a competent doctor.

There is a separate category of useful Thai balsams based on black sesame. A remedy with black sesame is needed to treat pain in the muscles, joints, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

This is a natural multicomponent Ayurvedic remedy against pain of joints and muscles. The substance helps reduce the inflammatory process in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as sports injuries.

Such a dosage form provides an opportunity for rapid and deep penetration of components to a source of inflammation and pain, which can not be said about a conventional ointment. Thus, it turns out:

  • distracting,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • analgesic effect.

Gandhapura taila (essential oil Gaultheria Gaultheria), as well as Sarala are important active ingredients and are traditionally popular due to analgesic qualities.

The anti-inflammatory effect of balm quickly leads to the disappearance of puffiness, inflammation and unpleasant sensations, which are caused by joint pain.

Significantly improves the condition of the veins with their varicose enlargement.

Balsam, which contains black sesame, is a traditional remedy for:

  1. polyarthritis,
  2. deposits of salts in the joints.

Sesame oil, which is part of this balm, contains:

  • iron,
  • magnesium,
  • copper,
  • phosphorus,
  • calcium,
  • silicic acid,
  • a large number of microelements.

In sesame oil is linolenic acid, the lecithin component is useful for the endocrine gland, brain cells and nerves. Sesame oil has such effects:

  1. softens the skin,
  2. improves skin condition, preventing its aging,
  3. fights against gout and arthritis.

Balm is most effectively applied immediately after injuries, it brings the maximum results. The product quickly removes puffiness. Many people claim that even the most severe pains subsided in 5-10 minutes.

The effectiveness of balsam is especially evident in nail injuries. If you apply the product on the nail plate immediately after the injury, then the nail will not change color in time, and it will not fall off.

It is worth mentioning Thai liquid balm. Such drugs quickly fall into the deeper skin, removing the inflammatory process. Balsams of this variety come in a variety of colors. Their main characteristics correspond to the characteristics of ordinary Thai balsams.

Nevertheless, there are exceptions. One of them is a yellow Thai balsam in a liquid form based on natural herbs and oil with an extract of Orchids. This extract has special qualities:

  • intensive moisturizing of the skin,
  • participates in the stimulation of microcirculation,
  • restores and normalizes the respiration of the skin,
  • promotes the removal of toxic substances,
  • nourishes the skin with essential minerals.

Essential oils of orchids participate in the regeneration process of cells, stopping inflammation and effectively removing irritations.

The orchid fragrance has the following effects:

  1. reduces the activity of the nervous system,
  2. struggles with insomnia,
  3. increases working capacity,
  4. improves overall health,
  5. promotes deep relaxation.

To the subtype of Thai liquid balsams also include the medicinal tincture of Puseim. This tool, consisting of medicinal herbs, snake-skin powder in coconut oil, gently but effectively fights against:

  • varicose veins,
  • hematomas,
  • black bruises after injuries.

Significantly improves the condition of the feet of people with diabetes, treats fungal skin and nail lesions, as well as eliminates dandruff and ear lobes.

The therapeutic tincture of Puseim also has the following characteristics:

  1. acceleration of wound healing,
  2. treatment of eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
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Traditionally, in Thailand, a special lotion, which is an effective analgesic, is popular. Its dignity is that it has a convenient form of release. Lotion is not greasy, unlike butter or balm, it is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces.

Thai lotion is used for the following diseases:

  • cold,
  • migraine,
  • muscle swelling,
  • spleen,
  • radiculitis,
  • joint pain,
  • swelling of the legs, varicose veins,

The remedy is also used to quickly recover from fractures and injuries, as lotion stimulates active blood circulation and resolves hematomas.

The lotion is also known for quickly removing muscle pain, as well as swelling and itching after insect bites.

If there are headaches and a cold, then lotion is advised to rub in the neck, whiskey and neck, and also on the surface of the nose. The product has a warming effect, stimulating the flow of blood.

Composition of Thai lotion:

  1. derris scandens, Indian berry (anamirta Cocculus),
  2. Phlai (Zingiber cassumunar),
  3. cinnamon, temple tree (cliancanthus nutans),
  4. cryptolepis buchanani,
  5. menthol, turmeric flavor,
  6. camphor, rhinanacanthus nasutus,
  7. sea ​​holly (acanthus ebracteatus), turmeric (turmeric turmeric),
  8. borneol,
  9. Eucalyptus oil, mint oil, Thai herbs.

Whatever balm is not used, it is important to check for individual tolerance, spreading a small patch of skin on it. Avoid contact with eyes and store in a dark place out of the reach of children.

After applying any balm, it is necessary to close the lid tightly, otherwise the essential oils evaporate and the therapeutic effect will be significantly reduced.

A source:

Ointment from Thailand: properties, composition, application

Ointment from Thailand has a wide range of applications. What it does not save! These are bruises, osteochondrosis, muscle stretching, pinching of the nerve and so on. Balsams, depending on the composition and application area, are separated by color.

Features of Thai balsams

Ointment from Thailand is unique. It gives an opportunity to improve your body. Has a tremendous effect in the treatment of many diseases.

The healing qualities of the product are approved not only by ordinary people, but also by scientists who have carefully studied its effects on the human body. They once again confirmed the miraculous effect of Thai balsams.

This is confirmed by the demand for ointments from Thailand, which is increasing every year.

These products can be used not only by adults, but also by children to treat a variety of diseases.

The products contain a special and very useful composition for the person, due to which ointments eliminate edema, promote faster healing of wounds and bruises. They have a warming effect.

Soften the skin and prevent premature loss of moisture. Thai balsam not only treats, but also heals the body. Has a mild sedative effect.

Product Features

Ointment from Thailand is characterized by unique healing properties, it is:

  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • warming feature;
  • cooling of damaged tissues;
  • acceleration of resorption by hematoma;
  • easy soothing effect;
  • anti-edematous effect;
  • anesthetic and anti-inflammatory result;
  • disinfecting quality;
  • acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • Antifungal effect, which helps fight against diseases of the skin and nails.

These and other qualities of the product distinguish it among the others, make it special. But, despite all the positive qualities of the ointment, before using it, you should get a doctor's advice.

Ointment composition

Ointment from Thailand is completely natural. Depending on the manufacturer and species, it can have a different composition. Almost all such products contain components such as eucalyptus and menthol.

As a rule, still add lavender and aloe, as well as ginger and turmeric. In the composition of many balms there are camphor oil, beeswax, peppermint, clove oil and acacia oil.

These components can be supplemented with herbal extracts and other natural ingredients.

All the above substances are taken in a certain ratio. Together they create a unique and unique product, characterized by high efficiency.


They have extensive use of ointments from Thailand for joints. First of all, they help with various back pain, muscle tissue.

Effective when stretching. Promote rapid healing of injuries, bruises and bruises. Dissolve hematomas. Remove redness after bite of insects.

With fracture, bone splice is accelerated.

Thai balm can easily cure rheumatism, arthrosis, sciatica, arthritis. Good for gout, neuralgia and osteochondrosis.

Has a positive effect in polyarthritis, salt deposits in the joints. Helps to remove pain in the head and back. Eliminates nasal congestion.

The warming effect of such ointments is used by athletes in preparing the muscles for training.

The product helps with numbness and paralysis due to the warming effect and stimulation of the circulatory process. It is involved in the therapy of joints in the elderly. It alleviates the symptoms of colds. Often used for massage.

Ointments can not be applied to sensitive areas of the skin and mucous membranes. In these places they can cause a burn.

It is forbidden to take the balsam inside, and if it gets into the eyes, they should be washed immediately with a large amount of water.

Each time after applying the ointment hand should be thoroughly washed with soap.

Essential contraindications balms from Thailand do not have. The exception is the individual intolerance of substances contained in the product, and an allergic reaction to them. In any case, carefully read the instructions before using the ointment.

Types of ointments from Thailand

Thai balsam can be of different colors. The agent of each shade has its own smell and individual composition. There are several types of product, these are:

  • Green ointment from Thailand. The use of the drug occurs with muscle pain and tension, and even with spasm and itching from mosquito bites. Apply with burn, chondrosis and stretching. Indication for use is radiculitis, bruises and fractures. Balm is used during colds.
  • Yellow product. Stimulates blood circulation. Removes pain syndrome of muscle tissue, joints. Effective in varicose veins. It is used for pain in the head. With a cold, the ointment is rubbed into the neck, the temporal region, the wings of the nose and the back of the head.
  • Black balm. In its qualities is similar to the yellow version. Contains sesame seeds. Used for bruises and injuries, as well as for the removal of pain in the lower back. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Red ointment. Characterized by warming properties. It is widely used for articular pathologies. Indications for its use are bruises and fractures. Relieves the general condition with pain in the head and cold.
  • Blue product. Ointment has a light and pleasant aroma. Has anti-edematous effect. Cools and anesthetizes. Strengthens blood vessels.
  • White ointment. The most searing. Has a strong warming effect. Eliminates traces of insect bites. It is used for colds.

Still there is a balm orange, cow, pink and tiger ointment from Thailand.

Also, the funds are divided into conditional groups, this is:

  • ointments with analgesic and warming effect (red, tiger);
  • products that can remove pain, but without warming up (green and black ointments);
  • balms, stimulating blood circulation and removing swelling, resorbing bruises (yellow and blue);
  • remedies for itching and irritation of the skin (white and tiger white balm).

The shade of the drug indicates the severity of a property. Hints at the scope of the remedy.

Warming and anesthetizing balms

To warming up and anesthetizing products is ointment with scorpion venom from Thailand (black), tiger and green.

Black balm contains, in addition to hundreds of extracts of medicinal plants, even the poison of scorpion and coconut oil. It is endowed with antitumour, analgesic and decongesting qualities. Has no warming effect. It is used to treat the intervertebral hernia. Economically consumed.

The green ointment contains medicinal plants and useful oils. Can both cool and warm the body. Removes bruises, bruises and burns.

It is used for ligament rupture, pain in the muscles and joints. It is used for headaches and cold symptoms.

Eliminates the itching that occurs after an insect bite.

Tiger balm. Is the most popular of all of the above. It can be white and red. The first rescues from mosquitoes, the second has a warming effect. Heals injuries of the muscles and joints. Relieves pain of a different genesis. Used for colds.

Ointments that enhance blood circulation and remove swelling

This category includes yellow and blue. Both drugs stimulate blood circulation. Remove pain in the muscles and varicose veins.

Helps with dizziness and motion sickness. Eliminate pain in the head. They save from itching after a bite of insects. Effective against fungal infection.

Yellow ointment copes well with chondroznymi pains.

These drugs should not be applied in large quantities. When applying to the skin of the face, use caution. Preparations of blue and yellow color are very cold. They have a pleasant aroma. Must be applied strictly according to the instructions.

Medicinal ointments from Thailand white

White balm refers to classic Thai medicines. Removes pain syndrome, itching of insect bites, fights against colds. It alleviates the symptoms of the common cold and sore throat.

Apply it to your face with extreme caution. Helps with insomnia. In this case, the drug is applied in the interval between the eyebrows.

Ointment is suitable for both adult treatment and therapy of children, starting from three years.

The product is indicated for neurological jamming, for massage and joint diseases. It helps with sunburn. Stimulates blood circulation in the affected area. It is softer than other balms, as it contains ginger, cloves, mint and lemongrass.

The agent does not impose on mucous membranes and purulent open wounds. It first heats up strongly, and then gradually cools.

How to apply balms from Thailand?

Black ointment from Thailand, as well as other similar preparations, is rubbed into the skin. After that, the balm begins to act, removing discomfort in the damaged area.

At pains in a head a little ointments rub in whiskey and a field of a nape. With joint and muscle ailments, the drug is applied a thin layer on the problem area. Do this procedure should be up to four times a day and preferably at night.

If you have cold symptoms, you can do inhalation with balm. In this case, useful substances will fall on the tonsils and chest. If there is a runny nose, then the product from Thailand is rubbed into the skin, next to the nasal sinuses.

To eliminate varicose veins use ointments of green and yellow flowers. They are applied to the legs by sliding movements from the bottom up.

Regardless of which balm for treatment was chosen, ointments are applied only externally. Avoid contact with eyes, damaged skin and mucous membranes.


Ointments from Thailand for joints are quite inexpensive. The price of therapeutic green and yellow balsams fluctuates around 200 rubles for 200 g, and the tiger product is 200 rubles for 20 g. Black Thai ointment costs about 100 rubles per 100 g. For the same amount you can buy red balm.

The product is difficult to buy in Russia. As a rule, balsams are sold in Thailand and only in a pharmacy. It is not recommended to purchase such products in the markets and from unknown persons. There are people who specially bring ointments from Thailand to order.

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Customer Reviews

Ointments from Thailand reviews are predominantly positive. These people use balm all the time. They use it for colds, when they are troubled by a sore throat and cough.

Some users prefer red balsam. They say that he cleans up the swelling, bruises and bruises well. Actively apply it for discomfort in the back area, as well as with radiculitis.

The ointment helps with a headache.

Some have removed white balm allergic dermatitis, as well as the consequences of insect bites. These people note that the ointment removes swelling of the feet.

Ladies use it during pregnancy. Black ointment effectively removes tumors with bruises and sprains.

The drug is absorbed immediately and quickly eliminates pain.

There are people who have not approached such products. They note that balm only distracts from pain, due to a slight soothing effect and cooling, and does not affect the cause of the disease at all. These people were forced to look for an alternative to this ointment.

A source: http://.ru/article/307058/maz-iz-taylanda-svoystva-sostav-primenenie

Thai ointments and balsams: a color gamut of effects

Fantastic, amazingly beautiful country Thailand with picturesque landscapes and unique nature gives the world the opportunity not only to spend an unforgettable vacation in one of the most beautiful corners of the world, but also to get rid of many diseases.

Moreover, in this case it is not at all about the glorified Thai massage techniques, but about the traditional means that will help to restore an excellent state of health without leaving home.

Hard to believe? It is worth getting acquainted with amazing products called Thai balsams.

Do they really have healing properties?

Many are well aware of the Thai folk medicine, which is distinguished by its uniqueness and allows to improve not only the body, but also the human soul.

Traditional Thai balsams are little known to the inhabitants of our state, but those who managed to use them, undoubtedly, felt a tremendous effect.

Stunning results and healing properties of products such as Thai balsams are not confirmed only by ordinary users, but also by scientists from all over the world, as a result of numerous research. Balm from Thailand, thanks to its flawless characteristics and miraculous effect, wide popularity in the territory of many countries, and the demand for this product is swift increases.

Balsams from Thailand: what are their features?

Thai balsams are unique products that have become the pride of every Thai. Specially created and possessing various properties of ointments can be used not only by adults, but also by children, which allows you to quickly cope with a wide variety of ailments.

This type of funds is endowed with a huge number of qualities that are incredibly useful for the human body.

Specially created substances can be used to remove edema, or as an effective heating product.

In addition, ointments from Thailand perfectly soften the skin, and saturate with the necessary moisture.

Use these compounds for quite a long time. Thais used them in ancient times. They knew that there are few natural products that would have as many multifunctional properties as Thai ointments.

If a tourist is looking for a product that would have an excellent health, as well as a curative and even a mild soothing effect, then an ointment from Thailand will be able to satisfy these wishes.

Perhaps foreigners will be surprised that such substances can save a lot of diseases.

They produce natural Thai ointments according to old recipes, which were passed from the older to the younger generation.

Balsams from Thailand: tender care of nature

Thai ointments - this is a whole set of different products, with a variety of color shades, ranging from white to saturated black. The beauty of nature pleases the human race with a variety of colors and each of them is reflected in popular ointments from Thailand.

All funds are delineated into several product categories:

- cooling; - warming;

- Neutral.

In addition, among such formulations, one can also find warming-cooling substances.

As a rule, popular oils from Thailand include oils that have a rich menthol flavor, or possess the smell of herbs, but the collection of these medicinal substances includes products with orange notes, as well as other tender smells.

Balms from Thailand have proved themselves well in getting rid of problems associated with the musculoskeletal system.

Also, they perfectly help with varicose veins, eliminate the unpleasant itching that arose after mosquito bites and other insects, help to fight against colds, skin diseases and even eliminate headaches pain.

Ointments from Thailand: a description of the types of medicinal products

White Thai BalmIf someone is "friendly with a cold" and wants to have a unique tool at hand that will instantly get rid of a cold, eliminate itching, pain in the throat, then there is nothing better than white Thai balm.

This tool will eliminate muscle tension and even relieve stress. White Thai balsam has a relative "softness in comparison with the rest, and its properties are more sparing.

To achieve a good result and quickly overcome the listed problems, you need to use this Thai ointment during the massage, or inhale its vapors.

Green Thai BalsamThis product has cooling properties. It is absorbed rather slowly and has a very stable effect.

Thai green balsam will be a wonderful tool for those who have pain in the muscles. This compound is also an excellent substance that improves blood flow and removes all kinds of inflammation.

Thai green balsam - this is the kind of remedy that every person, who enjoys extreme sports, should have.

Blue Thai OintmentAn irreplaceable remedy for injuries, swelling, bruises, and bruises. This product contains menthol, which can have an amazing cooling effect.

Blue Thai ointment excellently showed itself in the fight against varicose veins.

The constant use of this composition leads to the strengthening of the vascular walls and significantly improves blood flow.

Orange Thai ointmentActs as an excellent warming agent, which provides an opportunity to eliminate spasms, pain in the back area, and also relieves inflammation. Such balms from Thailand will become a powerful weapon in the fight against such a problem as the intervertebral hernia, as they improve the flow of blood and eliminate pain.

Pink Thai ointmentA wonderful tool that can cure colds, as it has anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the product can be used as an antipyretic. Raziratsya it is better just before bed.

Can be used in the treatment of children.

Yellow Thai BalmThe best solution is to purchase this Thai ointment for massage and grinding joints, as well as "overloaded" muscles.

She copes well with hematomas and will become a rescuer for fractures, as she works excellently to accelerate bone growth.

Thai yellow balsam can be safely called a universal product, as it excellently manifested itself in the fight against infectious diseases and arthrosis ailments, with violations in the functioning of the respiratory system and stretching. Yellow Thai balsams can also be used for rheumatic pain.

Red Thai BalmI fell in love with many thanks to the excellent warming qualities. It will become indispensable when rubbing joints.

Thanks to the properties embedded in the red Thai balsam, it can be applied even when massaging muscles. This substance provides excellent therapeutic results with severe headaches, helps to cure colds.

Red Thai balm is a real salvation for those women who are hard at carrying the menstrual cycle. He will help and suffering polyarthritis. Such a balm from Thailand must be every elderly person.

The composition will perfectly cope with the sudden pain and eliminate those problems that have been tormented for a long time.

Black Thai Balm
With this tool you need to be very careful, since this ointment is the most powerful action.

Thai black balm can cause not very comfortable sensations, but it will be an amazing means to get rid of edema and even forget about unbearable pain.

He will perfectly cope with the tumor. Another Thai black balsam is often used to get rid of problems associated with the musculoskeletal system.

Properly selected components of the ointment penetrate deeply into the focus of pain, allowing you to feel relief after the first use.

Tiger Balm from Thailand
Another tool that managed to win the favor of the inhabitants of many countries of the world, which should be paid attention.

It is a question of tiger balm of Thailand, which will quickly get rid of a cold and a headache and cope with bruises, which in turn makes the composition an effective remedy for colds.

Tiger balm from Thailand is created with the use of extracts of medicinal herbs and other plants. It has excellent results and will be a highly effective solution for everyone when dealing with health problems.

Features of the composition of Thai ointments

Some natural balms from Thailand may differ in momentary effect and more pronounced result, others ointments do not show themselves much at first, or they have very weak or absolutely neutral impact. That is why, when choosing the option for yourself and your family, it is worth taking into account those problems that you would like to eliminate with the help of the purchased products.

Any kind of offered balms from Thailand has natural properties, viscous and dense structure. In addition, they are endowed with a characteristic odor transmitted by spices and numerous herbs.

What is the basis of Thai balsams?

The production of natural medicinal products uses a variety of plants, but the most important still remain:

- menthol and eucalyptus; - lavender and aloe;

- turmeric and ginger.

The squeeze of these plants, as well as camphor oil, became the basis of Thai health products. In addition, they contain beeswax. It is worth noting that each balsam uses a specific set of ingredients taken in a certain proportion.

How to choose and not make mistakes with Thai balsam?

As the given production has in the structure the diversified ingredients, choosing means, It is necessary to familiarize with their list in order to understand, it will help to eliminate the ones available in a particular case problems or not.

If the patient picks up the ointment for warming up, then it's better to pay attention to those products, which includes ginger.

If you want to buy Thai balsam, endowed with a soothing effect, it is better to give preference to those options that contain mint.

It is very important to purchase drugs from a trusted supplier who can not only provide competent advice, but also a quality product. In any country in the world there are unscrupulous sellers who sell substances of incomprehensible production.

What is the price of health?

Many refuse to even listen to the virtues of Thai ointments, because they think that they have a very high cost. But this is not so. Balms from Thailand are quite accessible to everyone.

Their cost in online stores is in the range of 350 rubles (white) to 700 (black, consisting of 108 components).

Such a cost, considering the naturalness of the product and its high efficiency, will seem like a mere penny.

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