Cough broth

Traditional medicine (syrups, infusions, decoctions) from a cough

Traditional medicine for coughing was used by our ancestors. People gathered particles about the benefits of certain plants and products and passed them on to their descendants. Today, traditional cough medicine is still popular. Effective recipes not only help to quickly get rid of an unpleasant and painful symptom, but also are inexpensive for the cost of ingredients. With their help, you can cure both dry and wet cough, as well as get rid of the main symptoms of the diseases that are the cause of its occurrence.

Folk medicine dry cough recipes

The table below contains recipes that can help you cope with a wet symptom. It is worth noting that most often it develops for colds, early flu, laryngitis and tracheitis. Often a similar symptom occurs in heavy smokers.

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Main Ingredients

Cooking method

Dosing and Administration

Decoction for rinsing with chamomile and soda.

One and a half teaspoons of soda, a tablespoon of dried chamomile, a glass of water.

Chamomile flowers pour boiling water and allow the composition to brew for fifteen minutes. In a lightly cooled broth, add soda and mix it thoroughly.

Gargle with such a decoction can be four or five times a day. Decoction of chamomile can be cooked with a margin, and add soda to it immediately before rinsing.

Radish juice with honey

One medium-sized black radish, about two or three tablespoons of honey, is preferably linden.

Traditional medicine against coughing involves the use of radish juice with honey. Wash the roots thoroughly and cut off the top. Do not rush to throw it away. Make a root in the root cavity with a knife. In the resulting hole, place the honey and cover the radish with a cut top. A few hours later it will be useful juice. It must be drained into a small container. After that, the radish can be filled with honey again.

Take radish juice with honey from a cough for a tablespoon three to four times a day after meals.

Decoction of oregano and linden

Two tablespoons of oregano leaves, one tablespoon of linden, three hundred milliliters of water.

Traditional medicine, the cough drugs of which are extremely effective, involves both gargling with this decoction and its ingestion. Dried ingredients must be poured into a ceramic container and poured with boiling water. Infuse the broth under a tight lid for at least fifteen minutes. After this, it must be gently filtered.

Take such a decoction from the cough inside a tablespoon every hour.

Glow your throat with this composition at least three times a day.

Herbal decoction with a dry cough

One tablespoon of St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother and peppermint, four hundred milliliters of water.

This broth is better to make in a thermos. Leaves should be mixed and poured into a ceramic container, then pour steep boiling water. Insist this broth should be about twenty minutes.

The filtered composition should be taken on a tablespoon every hour. He well removes night attacks of cough.

Milk with honey and butter

A glass of milk, a tablespoon of honey, a small layer of butter.

Boil a glass of milk and melt the butter in it. Wait until the mixture cools down a little, and add honey to it. If it is sugared, heat it in a microwave or in a water bath.

Take such a means of traditional medicine from a cough preferably at night. After that, you should take cover with a blanket.

Traditional medicine recipes from a cough productive

A wet symptom accompanies such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, and SARS. In the table below, there are several effective recipes of traditional medicine that successfully help him cope.


Main Ingredients

Cooking method

Dosing and Administration

Infusion of turnips with honey

Two turnips, half a liter of water, two tablespoons of honey.

Traditional medicine, the cough drugs of which are often made from plant components, involves the use of insect rep, diluted with honey. Two medium-sized root vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into small cubes. After this, pour hot water and leave to infuse for several hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and honey is added to it.

Take infusion of turnip two tablespoons before meals four times a day.

Badger fat

Liquid badger fat and special tablets in capsules.

Badger fat is rubbed the area of ​​the chest and back, as well as feet before bed. Capsules are taken orally.

Rubbing should be done at night, and take the capsules according to the instructions.

Milk with figs

Half a liter of milk, two medium-sized dried or fresh fig fruits.

Milk and figs should be placed in a small saucepan, brought to a boil and simmer on low heat for twenty minutes. After that, lightly cool and strain.

Take it inside the glass three times a day.

Decoction of plantain and mint

A liter of water, half a cup of dried leaves of plantain, a tablespoon of dried mint.

Brew all ingredients in the thermos and let the broth steep for half an hour.

Take it every two hours. In order to soften the taste of the broth, you can mix it with a little honey.

Remember that no matter how good folk medicine is, the remedy for cough, made according to its recipes is not a panacea. It should be taken in conjunction with medication and prescribed by a doctor.

Oats: The best recipes for coughing

In folk medicine, to successfully combat a cough, it is often used such a simple remedy available in every home as oats. Some people are very surprised to learn that this common and inexpensive cereal can be used not only for cooking various culinary dishes, but also for medicinal purposes. However, indeed, oats from the cough saves quite effectively and quickly. It promotes the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract, relieves fever, which is often a companion of sharp spastic exhalations, softens the sore throat.

Folk remedies and cereals made from this cereal help to strengthen the human immune system. That's why on the use of dishes and broths from this product during various diseases that cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, so doctors insist.

Oats: cough cures decoction

Miraculous means from this cereal, helping to get rid of the sharp spastic exhalations, are prepared very simply. There are several of the most effective recipes recommended by folk medicine. Here is one of them:

  • Pour a glass of milk into a pot of clay and pour out a handful of oats.
  • Place the container in the oven for 2 hours.
  • Remove the pot and allow the contents to cool.
  • A patient suffering from an unpleasant symptom should eat the entire oats broth from cough throughout the day in small portions.
  • If a person has intolerance to dairy products, then the remedy can be cooked on ordinary boiled water.

It happens that the patient (most often a small child) refuses to eat unsweetened oatmeal all day long. Do not immediately exclude this folk remedy from the diet, since it is possible to brew oats from a cough in a more delicious way:

  • Half a cup of cereals boil in half a liter of milk.
  • Drain the liquid into a separate container, it will be used to prepare the national cough medicine.
  • Thickness can be eaten by anyone.
  • In the milk put 2 tablespoons of honey, preferably a flower.
  • Take a decoction of oats should be before eating 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

At the first manifestations of cough or the onset of fever, you should start to include in your diet porridge from this medicinal cereal. The increased consumption of such a dish will not give rise to unpleasant symptoms of cold and viral diseases.

Cough Oats: A Recipe for Inhalations

It helps this cereal plant to fight with reflex spasms of the respiratory tract not only when ingested. With the help of a decoction of oats, you can do steam heating. For inhalation it is necessary:

  • Cook in a saucepan of ordinary oatmeal.
  • Remove the container from fire.
  • Cover your head with a towel, rug or blanket.
  • To breathe 5-7 minutes by the ferry emanating from the oats.
  • If inhalation from a cough is performed by a child, then the time should be reduced by half.

It should be remembered that cough treatment with oats with the help of a steam procedure can not be carried out by patients who have elevated body temperature.

It is also important that cough treatment should be done after a mandatory visit to the doctor. After all, only in this way can one be sure of the correctness and effectiveness of the means used to combat reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Of course, the use of oats does not harm the body even without the advice of a medic. However, the neglected underlying disease that causes a cough can, in case of its incorrect treatment, grow into a severe form and cause irreparable harm to the health.

Effective recipes with chamomile from cough: infusions, decoctions, teas

This medicinal plant is not only beautiful, but also useful. It helps in the treatment of such ailment as a cough. Annual refers to the family of astroves. For medicinal purposes use chamomile medicinal or pharmacy. The plant grows near roads, on high grassy slopes. Leaflets in the medicinal daisy are small and similar to dill. A distinctive feature of the medicinal species is the curved bottom of the basket, in the shape of bowls. It blooms from May to June, the flowers of the pharmacy are small, have a light, soothing scent.

Useful properties of chamomile

Medicinal chamomile is a useful plant for the whole organism. Herbs have a unique ingredient due to their medicinal qualities. It contains essential oil, a variety of proteins, the substance of bitterness and mucus.

Phytotherapeutic properties: y

  • Sedative and sedative effect for the nervous system.
  • Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect.
  • Vasodilator action.
  • Reduces the processes of fermentation.
  • Has a cosmetic effect.

How does chamomile help when coughing

Infusion, tea or decoction from the plant since ancient times in folk medicine was used for coughing. Healing components of flowers help to cope with the manifestations of dry and wet cough. With a dry cough, the infusion effectively soothes the throat and has an antiseptic effect. When coughing up, the chamomile, in combination with other medicinal plants, helps to liquefy and eliminate sputum from the respiratory tract. Topical application of herbs when other medications are contraindicated. Assign infusions and teas during pregnancy, to small children, with complex therapy of respiratory organs.

Also, the herb is used for treatment in the form of compresses, decoctions, teas. With the advent of modern home inhalers, the plant began to be actively used for inhalation. Procedures for inhalation with grass help to cope with angina, reduce pain in throat diseases, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Popular recipes from chamomile for cough

One of the known and simple ways of using chamomile for coughing is rinsing. For an adult, one art. a spoonful of medicinal herbs or flowers is steamed with a glass of boiling water. The solution is rinsed three to four times a day. Infusion helps to soften the throat and destroy viruses and bacteria.

The second popular method for use is inhalation. For preparation of means for inhalation 1 tbsp. A spoonful of flowers is poured over 500 grams of boiling water. The infusion should be poured on the water bath for thirty minutes, then drain. Inhalations with chamomile do 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes. You can do inhalations without using a special device. To do this, just breathe over the container with infusion.

For ingestion, the grass is brewed with the calculation of 1 tablespoon of flowers per 200 ml of boiling, purified water. Chamomile is poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour in a closed container. Drink infusion should be 3 times a day for 1/4 cup.

Cough oats

Oats are successfully used not only for making delicious cereals or biscuits, but also as a medicine that can help with many pathologies.In folk medicine, this remedy is valued for a diaphoretic, antipyretic and diuretic effect. Oats with milk from cough are often used, since this mixture accelerates the recovery of the patient.

Advantages of milk and oats

It's not a secret that both milk and oats are themselves extremely useful for human products. Boiled and moderately hot milk helps to soften the walls of the sore throat, removing the unpleasant sensations in it. And it also improves the phlegm withdrawal, making the cough wet.

Oats are very useful, so it is equally used in both raw and cooked or preheated form. It is proved that when taken internally it helps to lower the temperature. In addition, it has a diuretic effect and envelops the gastric walls, protecting them from damage. Oats differ quite a high nutritional value, so it is recommended to use it during the recovery period after infectious diseases.

One of the undeniable advantages of milk and oats is the almost complete safety of these ingredients, so they can be used not only to treat adults, but also to get rid of children coughing. If the patient does not tolerate milk because of an allergy, then it can be replaced with water. If there is no oat, then instead of it you can use barley.

Recipes for coughing

To treat cough, you can prepare oat milk, which, thanks to its pleasant taste, is sure to please all people, regardless of their age. The recipe for its preparation is very simple, so many people prefer to be treated in this way. In pottery, you must pour a glass of milk mixed with a handful of oats. Then the vessel should be placed in the oven and leave it to languish there for about an hour. The received medicine should be drunk during the day in small portions.

You can cook oatmeal, adding enough milk to it, so that it is not excessively dry. Then you need to merge the resulting broth into a separate bowl, mixing it with half a glass of fresh lime honey. Take this drug when you cough, you need a quarter of an hour before eating on a spoonful of the dining room 5 times a day.

With a dry compulsive cough, it is necessary to mix a half-liter of oat grains in a large container with a couple of liters of milk, and then place this mixture for three hours in a water bath. When this period is over, you can strain the broth and drink it in half a glass 5 times a day, about half an hour before the meal.

When coughing, a positive effect is given by inhalation. It is recommended to breathe over hot porridge, cooked from oats with milk, for about ten minutes. This procedure will help to soften the cough without harming your health.

Sweetheads, especially children, will be happy to treat a cough with a drink made from oats and raisins. For its preparation, a liter of cold boiled water is mixed with a couple tablespoons of oats and raisins. Then this mixture must be heated in the oven until about half of the liquid evaporates. The resulting broth must be filtered, squeezed and cooled, and then add a spoonful of honey and mix thoroughly. It is recommended to take a therapeutic drink on a tablespoon several times a day.

Recipes from the heat

If the patient is concerned not only with cough, but also with fever, then it is possible to prepare a medicine from oats. To do this, add 40 grams of oat straw to a liter of boiling water. This mixture should be infused for a couple of hours, after which it can be taken half the glass about 3 times a day.

A good soup, prepared from oats. A glass of grains should be thoroughly rinsed, and then pour a liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be cooked until the water evaporates, and then cool. In a warm medicine, you need to add a couple tablespoons of honey and mix. This remedy is recommended to drink three times a day for half a glass.

Oats and milk have been used for a long time to get rid of cough with various pathologies. Before you start using these drugs, you need to consult a competent doctor and get the diagnosis.

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