Than to treat a runny nose at thoracal feeding

Features of treatment of a cold in breastfeeding

Unpleasant, but familiar to all ailment - a runny nose - can appear for various reasons and have a different origin. It is worthwhile for a person to pick up a respiratory virus or to meet on their way allergens - and there are reddened eyes, swollen face, flowing from the nose. Sometimes it also hurts your throat. This disease does not spare any adults or children, and it is vulnerable to such an easily vulnerable layer of society as nursing mothers. How to cure a cold and at the same time not to harm breastfeeding? Sparing medicines and folk recipes will come to the aid.

What folk remedies for coryza in adults exist, is indicated in this article.

What to do if there is a cold

Than to treat?Rhinitis- a disease that normally lasts from 5 to 14 days and is easily treatable.It does not threaten the health of the mother and child, but if it is started, it can cause complications such as sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis and even sore throat, while the throat can be sore and everything is accompanied by a runny nose. That's why you can not rely on the "pass itself" and ignore the doctor's prescription, because the drug treatment harms lactation much less than viruses, the carrier of which inevitably becomes every patient human. Interrupt feeding for a cold is not necessary, but some time you will have to follow a special regime.

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The video tells about the treatment of a cold in breastfeeding:

Than to treat a strong rhinitis at pregnancy, it is possible to learn or find out from the given article.

Since absolutely everything that the lactating woman takes inside gets into the organism of her baby along with the milk, then the treatment should be selected accordingly. The first thing to do is show the doctor. Only he can name the real cause of rhinitis and determine the treatment. For this, allergic tests and blood tests can be prescribed. If the malaise is caused by a viral infection, and the condition of the mother does not cause fears (there is not too much fever, headaches), then the doctor will advise you to manage the traditional methods of treatment.

How does the albucid look like in the common cold in children is indicated in the article.

  • Abundant drink. This is the first and main principle of recovery in any ARVI. During illness, the body loses a lot of fluid that comes out with sweat and urine, so its amount must be constantly replenished. For this purpose, suitable mineral water, juices, teas, herbal infusions. In addition, the liquid will not allow the mucous membranes of the nose to dry out, which is very important, since slime is an additional barrier for microbes.
  • Warming up. This, at first glance, primitive procedure, is actually very effective. Heat causes increased blood circulation in the heated area, prevents the spread of bacteria, helps to cleanse the nasal passages. For warming, you can use any convenient and helpful tool - a hard-boiled chicken egg, heated in a frying pan large salt, potatoes "in uniform familiar to many since childhood, a blue lamp and even a roasted round stone form. The main principle of the procedure is not to harm, that is not to overdo it with treatment. Heat should be pleasant, not burning.
  • Parry of the feet and palms- Another famous home manipulation. Its carrying does not require special efforts - to collect in a basin a little hot water and to lower in it legs it is possible even during feeding. As the water cools, add hot water. The procedure will be more effective if a mustard powder is poured into the basin. You can only hover legs at normal body temperature.
  • Rinsing of the nose. The best means for this is salted boiled water (, a teaspoon per glass of water), but you can also use infusions of chamomile, streaks, thyme, mother-and-stepmother. To carry out manipulation it is necessary to collect a small amount of solution in the syringe, tilt the head to the side on the washbasin, and with a gentle pressure direct the stream into the upper nostril. When the solution starts to flow out of the other nostril, blow your nose. Repeat the same with the second nostril.

What to do when watery eyes and a runny nose are indicated in this article.

  • Aromatherapy. The ability of certain essential oils to strengthen the immune system and neutralize viruses can help in the treatment of the common cold. Nursing mum will suit the oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, citrus, chamomile, basil, cloves, lavender, patchouli, cypress, mint, anise, thyme, conifers, thyme. For one aromalamp, 3-4 drops of oil are sufficient.

What to do when the pershit in the throat and runny nose, you can learn from this article.

  • Inhalationwith the use of gifts of nature: garlic, onion, mashed potatoes. Inhalation of warm vapors will help to relieve manifestations of the disease.

How to use a spray from an allergic rhinitis, you can learn from the article.

  • Nasal instigationjuice of aloe or calanchoe. Both these plants have a disinfectant and moisturizing effect, which is very useful for rhinitis. To prepare the infusion, you must tear off the oldest (lower) leaf of the plant and squeeze out all the juice from it. Then dilute it with boiled water at room temperature in the proportion: and the resulting solution to dig in the nose three times a day for 3-4 drops.

Therapeutic properties are possessed by plants not younger than two years, and they can only be used fresh - the next day the mixture is no longer suitable for use.

How inhalation occurs during pregnancy with a common cold is indicated in the article.

If the problem has arisen because of an allergy, then the initial task of the doctor is to determine the irritant. To do this, you may have to pass skin tests, which will help determine the substance that caused a protective reaction of the body. Until there is a suspicion of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to exclude from the treatment herbal decoctions and essential oils - they can strengthen the symptoms of the disease.

Medication intervention

If within three to four days "natural" treatment does not give a visible result, the symptoms intensify, to them high fever, cough, chills, nursing mother will have to resort to medication preparations. What can be applied in this situation? The main rule of doctors - that you can baby, you can and his mother, so the first to fight the disease come soft-action drugs.

How to do inhalations for children with a cough and runny nose, you can learn from this article.

  1. Vibrocil, Pinosol- soft and effective drops in the nose on the basis of essential oils and herbs. Do not contain vasoconstrictor components, and therefore are completely safe for the child. According to moms, these drops quickly clear the nasal passages and facilitate breathing.
  2. Galazolin, Naphthysine, Tizin, Nazivin- Vasoconstrictor drugs, the use of which is not recommended during lactation, but it is permissible if the mother has serious difficulties with nasal breathing. Bury them not more than three days.
  3. Nasal Sprays Aquamaris, Marimer, Salin, Euphorbiumcompositum, based on natural components, remarkably moisturize, wash and disinfect the nasal passages.
  4. Viburkol- rectal suppositories to reduce temperature. Good that at the very beginning of the disease they can be put every 15-20 minutes, after which act according to the instructions. Unfortunately, the testimonials indicate that they will not help to bring down a very high temperature - in this case you will have to turn to stronger medications.
  5. If the infection has spread to the throat (this happens in most cases) come in handyStrepsils, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, and for local throat treatment - Lugol.
  6. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen- Optimal drugs to reduce temperature. A nursing mother can take them in an adult dosage. The patient's testimonies indicate that these are the safest and most effective medicines that help to quickly reduce heat.
  7. Antibiotics of penicillin group(Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav) - are allowed in the most extreme cases, for example, when the runny nose has already passed into the stage of purulent sinusitis. About whether it is worth in this case to continue to breastfeed or temporarily transfer the child to artificial feeding with the subsequent restoration of lactation, can only tell the doctor.

How to protect the child?

This is perhaps the first question that a nursing mother asks herself, starting to "sniff" with her nose. And it is quite appropriate - constant contact significantly increases the risk of infecting the baby.At the first signs of ill health a woman should start wearing a gauze dressing, which must be changed every 2 hours.Before you take the baby in your arms, you should wash your hands with soap and water. The main care for the child for the period of illness is better to entrust to assistants, because the patient herself also needs rest and rest.

From the article you can learn how to cure a cold in one day.

In addition to individual cases, which are certainly negotiated with a doctor, a runny nose and a cold do not require interruption or complete cessation of feeding. The caring nature has provided and turned the disease for good, so breast milk contains antibodies that help the baby develop immunity to the causative agent of the disease.

The best means of prevention - frequent airing the room and daily wet cleaning without the use of chemicals.

The article shows how to cure a cold in a newborn baby.

In no case should you not express and boil milk - so it loses not only all its useful properties, but also the taste qualities. If all of the above precautions are taken, the mother's malaise will not do any harm to the child.

Runny nose in a nursing mother

The woman's body after birth is weakened, and it's easy to give up to various acute respiratory diseases. Mom should take approved in this period tonic and immunity-enhancing medications, be sure to pay attention that the composition does not include alcohol. Runny nose in a nursing mother should be treated with drops that can be used by the baby, because everything, that takes the mother, enters the baby's body with milk and needs to make sure that it does not hurt baby.

Coryza during breastfeeding can be prevented by preventive drops, such as Humer, Quix, Aquamaris, i.e. those that drip us babies.

Treatment of cold in lactation

Coryza, cough, fever are signs that mom is sick. If preventive methods have not helped and medical treatment is needed, the question arises as to how to cure a cold in lactation. In this case, you need to use Delufen - it can be used by children, even from an infant. As a remedy for the common cold for feeding, Euphorbium Compositum can be used - it is a good homeopathic remedy. But it is worth remembering that Euphorbium is a vasoconstrictor. It helps very well, but it is better to consult a doctor and a pediatrician about the possibility and duration of its use.

It can be used as drops from the cold in lactation and to wash the nose such a remedy for the common cold for nursing: dilute chlorophyllite with water, rinse the nose, after the procedure lubricate the oil solution deep inside nostrils.

So, than to treat a runny nose to a nursing mother? Pinosol, Bioparox, Vibrocil, Rinazolinum, Deluphen, Euphorbium Compositum.

Treatment of a runny nose in a nursing mother, if not miss the moment of onset of the disease, occurs in 1-2 days. The main thing: washing the nose should be regular. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors - wash your nose, then drip.

But to cure a runny nose when lactating and to choose the right remedy for a cold for nursing, it is better to consult a supervising physician, especially in the first months of breastfeeding. Frequent airing, rest, regular washing of the nose and proper selection of the drug will also help cope with the common cold in the shortest possible time.

Colds with breastfeeding: all that every mother should know

Each year, every person faces colds. It is impossible to avoid this and breastfeeding moms. Colds with breastfeeding cause a lot of problems associated not only with the poor health of women, but also with the complexity of treating the disease. After all, the choice of drugs in this period is very limited.

Mother's milk is a reliable protection of the baby from various infections, so when the first symptoms of a cold are discovered, the mother should remain calm.Since the disease from mother to child during feeding is rarely transmitted, the question arises in the correct choice of drugs that do not have harmful effects on the baby's body.

Why is a woman particularly prone to feeding?a cold?

As is known, during the period of breastfeeding a woman is especially susceptible to colds. This circumstance can be explained by several reasons. First of all, they should be attributed to the increased activity of the upper respiratory tract, since the production of milk can be carried out only with the necessary amount of oxygen. That is why the upper respiratory tract of a nursing woman becomes especially susceptible to various viruses and infections. In addition, after giving birth, the mother's body becomes weakened and vulnerable.

How to behave to mum at cold?

The mask must be changed every 4 hours

Colds during feeding cause anxiety, which leads mom to confusion. To avoid many unpleasant moments associated with improper actions, it is important to adhere to such behavior: about the time of illness not to wean the baby from the breast, which will lead to a decrease in immunity child. This should not be done either in the case of a baby's illness, or at the time of fighting his body with a virus.

  1. It is not necessary to express the milk in a bottle, it is better to continue feeding from the chest.
  2. It is forbidden to take such antiviral drugs as ColdFly, Aspirin, Flukold, Teraflu and the like.
  3. Do not boil breast milk at all.
  4. Mom it is desirable to wear a protective mask, at the same time it needs to be changed every 4 hours.

Correct actions of the mother with cold for the time of breastfeeding will avoid many complications, as well as increase the protective forces of the child's body.In the case of a mother's disease, through the milk, the child is given pathogens, to which antibodies are produced in the baby's body. Therefore, experts argue that with each subsequent cold at the child will flow much easier or not at all.

Treatment of colds

You can treat colds with breastfeeding in many ways, depending on the symptoms present. Often folk remedies help to recover, but at the same time relief comes later than with treatment with medicines. Currently, there are a lot of drugs for colds, but it is important to remember that not all of them are safe for children.

Means for sore throat

A woman with sore throat during a cold during feeding should eliminate the inflammatory process with antiseptic agents of local action. For these purposes, it is recommended to gargle with the broths of medicinal herbs, iodine and soda solution, which have an antiseptic effect.

Assuming the development of angina, it is better to see a specialist. Usually, doctors prescribe such drugs as Hexoral, Iodinon, Strepsils, fairly effective and harmless. You can also lubricate the sore throat with Lugol's solution.

Means for coughing

If you have a cough for your nursing mother, you must drink medicines aimed at eliminating it. As expectorants, you can use Ambroskol, Dr. Mom, Lazolvan, who are also assigned to infants. Effective are also considered syrups and tablets, which include plant extracts - plantain, licorice root, anise, thyme. To this group belong Bronhikum, Thoracic Elixir, Gedelix, Doctor Mom.

It should be remembered that the use of drugs containing bromhexine from colds lactation is strictly forbidden, as this component can cause many complications in child.

Throughout the period of the disease it is useful to drink a lot of liquid, because it moisturizes the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, promotes liquefaction and excretion of sputum. But you need to carefully drink tea with raspberries, with lemon and honey, because these foods are strong allergens.

Remedies for the cold

Vasoconstrictive drops during breastfeeding can not be used for more than 3 days

For a cold at the time of lactation, the most effective and safe are herbal preparations, for example, Pinosol. If you need to moisturize the nasal mucosa, you can use Aquamaris, Salin. To remove puffiness of the mucous membrane, to get rid of stuffy nose and to facilitate breathing, you can use Nafazoline, Tetrisolin, Oxymetazoline.

Vasoconstrictors in the treatment of colds during feeding can be used for no more than 3 days. As folk remedies for cleansing the nasal sinuses from accumulated mucus, aloe, calanchoe, sea salt and honey are often used.

Means that reduce temperature

With an increase in body temperature above 38.5 degrees, you can drink paracetamol. It is considered harmless for the baby with breastfeeding

High temperature, more than 38, 5, must be knocked down using a tablet of paracetamol. This remedy is considered the safest for the baby.If the temperature does not reach this mark, do not use antipyretic agents, because the elevated temperature is a protective reaction of the body to the infection that has entered into it and is considered a natural process.

It is better to normalize it with the help of abundant drinking and rubbing the body with a solution of vinegar. At high temperatures, ibuprofen can also be used.

Use of antibiotics

All antibiotics differ in the ability to accumulate in breast milk and the effects on the child's body. Strictly contraindicated antibiotics for colds during breastfeeding is tetracycline and sulfamilamides, causing side effects that disrupt the normal development of internal organs of the baby. In addition, their reception may be accompanied by bleeding and toxic lesions.

This group of antibiotics, like macrolides, is considered less dangerous, but a woman should be taken very cautiously during lactation, and it is better to refuse them altogether. In the case of the appointment of these funds, the child is prescribed in parallel drugs from dysbiosis, but, nevertheless, allergic manifestations are possible.

The most suitable for the treatment of colds in a nursing mother are penicillin, aminoglycosides and cephalosporins. In this case, it is necessary to abandon self-medication, the drug and its dosage should appoint a specialist.

Cold during pregnancy or breastfeeding is a very unpleasant and dangerous process, but with proper treatment it is possible to avoid many complications with the health of the child and the mother herself.Regardless of the chosen method of treatment, it is important to adhere to the principle: safety for the child.

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