Eye drops Tobrex: instructions for use, description and purpose

Eye drops and ointments used to kill bacteria during the treatment of infectious diseases form a whole list of medicines needed in ophthalmology.The emergence of bacterial eye infections today is not uncommon, so the development of new drugs to combat them is necessary. So, one of the most widely used are eye drops Tobrex.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Application
    • 3.1Indications
    • 3.2Contraindications
    • 3.3In pregnancy
    • 3.4To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Analogues
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Description of the preparation

Solution for instillation in the eye Tobrex, widely used in ophthalmology, is a liquid (colorless or with a slight yellow tint) with the concentration of the main active substance tobramycin in,%.Also included in the drops are purified water, benzalkonium chloride, sulfuric and boric acids, tyloxapol, sodium sulfate. It is used as an antibiotic and is sold through pharmacy chains in plastic bottles for five milliliters according to the prescription of the doctor in charge.

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Tobrex is a broad-spectrum antibiotic

It is also available in the form of a solution for injection intravenously and as an ophthalmic ointment.The shelf life of the unpublished medicine is three years, after the opening - one month.

Antibiotics of any kind and form of release can in no case be purchased and used without the indication of the attending physician. This is due to the ability of bacteria to adapt to new habitat conditions, as well as the consequences that arise from improper treatment with drugs of this type.

Pharmacological action and group

Tobrex represents a group of drugs like aminoglycosides.The principle of its action depends on the concentration of the active substance. Thus, the lower blocks the synthesis of proteins of microorganisms, high - promotes the rapid death of bacteria due to disruption of the work of their cytoplasmic membranes. The medication is effective when it is necessary to destroy both positive and negative bacteria-infectious agents.

Absorption of components is rather low, so they can quickly accumulate in the tissues of the eye. Therefore, abuse of the drug should not be avoided in order to avoid an increased risk of side effects.


The solution for instillation of Toxx is applied only externally. Dosage is usually determined by the attending physician. It depends on the severity of the infection. As a rule, one or two drops are instilled in the conjunctival sac to six times a day (every four hours). In case of acute manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to repeat the instillation every hour. As the condition improves and the inflammatory processes are removed, the dosage is reduced.Before performing the instillation procedures, contact lenses (if any) must be removed. They can be worn only fifteen minutes after the application of the drops.

Before undertaking the instillation, you should thoroughly wash your hands, face and eyes, take a comfortable position, slightly throwing your head back. In order to prevent the spread of infection and re-infection, it is impossible to touch the flask to the skin or mucous membrane.

During the treatment period it is necessary to observe the basic rules of hand and eye hygiene and not allow the use of general bedding and hygiene items. Touching your hands against your eyes is also highly discouraged.


The drug is used in the treatment of complex lungs and acute infectious diseases to destroy a bacterial flora sensitive to the composition. Actively used when:

  • Blepharitis;
  • Conjunctivitis (at bacterial infection);
  • Keratoconjunctivitis (including in complex neglected forms);
  • Keratita;
  • Iridocyclitis.

Tobrex is often included in complex preventive therapy after surgery to prevent the emergence of bacterial infections.


The main contraindication to the use of Tobrex solution is an individual intolerance to the composition of the drug and antibiotics of this group.The use of drops can be limited in cases of abnormal kidney and urinary system. Also, with caution, it should be used for hearing impairment, parkinsonism and myasthenia gravis.

It is possible to enhance the ototoxic effect when combined with furosemide and antibiotics.In the treatment of muscle relaxants, there is often an increase in the relaxing muscle action.

We also recommend that you read the instructions for eye drops SIGNITSEF.

The use of Tobrex together with Furosimide may cause side effects

In pregnancy

Tobrex is a strong drug, therefore it is rarely used in pregnancy.In this case, the condition should be met, in which the risk of harm is justified and the potential benefit of treatment exceeds it. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding. In this case, therapy should be under close supervision of the attending physician.

To small children

With pediatrics, Tobrix of all forms of release is rarely used. This is associated with a greater risk of serious side effects and harm from the components of the drug.There are no precise data on its effect, which have been obtained empirically.Therefore, if you need to use the medication, you need constant monitoring of the doctor.

Uncontrolled use of an antibiotic can worsen the patient's health and cause superinfection.

Possible complications caused by the drug

When using the antibiotic, allergic reactions, including local ones, are possible: skin itching, redness, peeling, swelling and abundant lacrimation.An overdose of the solution can cause erythema, acne keratitis, pain, itching. To eliminate these problems, as a rule, a symptomatic type of therapy is used.

Long-term use of the drug can cause resistance of microorganisms to the antibiotic, as well as to their excessive growth and the occurrence of fungal infections.

Redness is a side effect of the drug Tobrex

During therapy, visual acuity can be reduced. In this regard, it is necessary to abandon the activities that require high concentration of attention, as well as from the management of vehicles.

Rarely, the following side effects are possible:

  • Dlumbar pain, systematic dizziness;
  • Chronic fatigue, lethargy, weakness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Anemia;
  • Thrombocytopenia;
  • Hypokalemia.


Drugs of a similar effect are also released only on prescription.These include Froksal in the form of an ophthalmic ointment and a solution for instillation, Levomycetin, Tobrop.

Floksal - analogue Tobrex

The search and use of analogues are justified in the event of pronounced side effects and allergic reactions to the Tobrex composition. Only qualified doctors can select them.



In order to cure an infection of the organs of vision, it is necessary to correctly establish its origin and nature. If its causative agents are pathogenic bacteria, their type should also be determined. According to these parameters, medicines for treatment are selected, including Tobrex. It refers to those antibiotic ophthalmic medicines that have a wide spectrum of action and are capable of destroying many microorganisms of different strains.