Bruised foot: what to do?


  • 1What to do with a foot injury?
    • 1.1Signs and Symptoms
    • 1.2How to distinguish the bruise of the foot from a fracture?
    • 1.3Bruised foot and sprain
    • 1.4Home remedies for foot injury and sprain
  • 2Bruised foot: treatment, symptoms and first aid
    • 2.1Symptoms
    • 2.2How to distinguish a fracture from a foot injury
    • 2.3First aid
    • 2.4Swelling of the foot: what to do
    • 2.5Home Treatment
    • 2.6How many heals
  • 3Contusion of foot
    • 3.1Symptoms of foot injuries
    • 3.2Types of foot injuries
    • 3.3Injury and further recovery procedures
    • 3.4Child's foot injury
    • 3.5Consequences of a foot injury
  • 4Bruised foot: symptoms and treatment at home
    • 4.1Existing varieties of foot injuries
    • 4.2Main symptoms
    • 4.3How to provide first aid
    • 4.4Features of treatment
    • 4.5Treatment with folk methods
  • 5What to do with a foot injury?
    • 5.1Precautions for walking
    • 5.2What is a bruised foot in the foot?
    • 5.3What is the difference between a bruise and a fracture?
    • 5.4How quickly to cure a bruise?
    • 5.5The five most effective medicines that help in the treatment of bruises
    • 5.6Contusion as a result of inattention
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Bruised foot: symptoms and treatment
    • 6.1Symptoms of a foot injury
    • 6.2First aid for foot injury
    • 6.3Contusion of soft tissues in foot injuries
    • 6.4Contusion of foot bone
    • 6.5Foot injury in children
    • 6.6Treatment of foot injuries
    • 6.7How to remove a tumor with a foot injury?

What to do with a foot injury?

One of the most common domestic injuries on the limbs is a foot injury. The man stumbled and fell awkwardly, jerked his leg, got an unexpected kick on his leg, or hit a blunt object.

Most often, athletes, mobile children, women of fashion in high-heeled shoes are exposed to such unpleasantness. But you can get unpleasant symptoms of a bruise as a result of squeezing the foot or ankle, inaccurate handling of weights.

Injury of the foot is damage to the toes, soft tissues from the back or sole of the foot, heel or bone.Symptoms manifest immediately with a strong pain syndrome.

Signs and Symptoms

Signs of injury:

  • after a sharp short-term painful sensation, the pain gradually subsides, becomes aching;
  • After a few minutes, soft tissue swelling may appear;
  • the formation of a bruise is possible - evidence of an internal hemorrhage of small vessels.

With a strong bruise of the heel, there is a feeling of heaviness, stiffness, numbness of varying degrees of localization, soreness, edema. A bone injury is a closed mechanical trauma without disturbing the integrity of the bone tissue. As the localization of swelling and pain is increased, the limitation of motor function.

Associated Damage:

  • stretching or breaking the integrity (rupture) of tendons and ligaments;
  • damage to the nail plates;
  • dislocation or fracture of the foot.

They may not be detected immediately, nevertheless they will require close attention and serious treatment.

With improper diagnosis, unqualified self-treatment, sometimes additional connective or bone tissue is formed, irritation of nerve fibers.

When a finger injury is not immediately detected damage to the subungual tissue. Dystrophic pathology of bones becomes a serious complication. Then the treatment stretches for 2-4 weeks or more.

Sometimes it is necessary in the field to inspect and take emergency measures by domestic means.

How to distinguish the bruise of the foot from a fracture?

With a bruise on the spot of impact, a hematoma (a buildup of fluid or coagulated blood) is formed, the tissues swell, limb mobility remains, albeit limited.

At all similarity of signs of a bruise and fracture it is necessary to know:

  1. With a fracture, the pain does not subside for several hours and even intensifies.
  2. Appears and very quickly increases the swelling of the damaged area.
  3. Because of severe pain, it is impossible not only to proceed on foot, but in general to show motor activity.
  4. Especially dangerous is a bone fracture.
  5. The length of the foot can change, and the edema becomes stronger and acquires a cyanotic shade.

If the toe is fractured with a displacement, its deformation is noticeable. An attempt to stir them causes severe pain.

To reduce painful sensations and accelerate the healing of injured foot can be timely and competent application of measures. It is best to go to the emergency room. But if there is no such possibility, it will be necessary to help the victim at home.

First aid for a foot injury in the people is well known. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, we will provide complete rest to the damaged foot.


  1. The foot should be placed in the most comfortable position and apply a cold compress, even ice wrapped in fabric. No ice - "craftsmen" get a frozen chicken from the refrigerator. Apply cold many times for 20 minutes with a five-minute break.
  2. With abrasions, scratches, treat the wounds with an antiseptic agent (iodine, zelenka, hydrogen peroxide, celandine juice or aloe) and apply a bandage, best of all with a fixing elastic bandage. Bandage should be tight, evenly, so as not to squeeze the blood vessels and not to disturb the blood circulation.
  3. With severe pain, take an anesthetic tablet.

The treatment of the injury will last up to 14 days.

At home, we advise you to apply a cold compress in the first days, then move to warm compresses to accelerate the resolution of the hematoma and gradually get rid of the pain.

Warm compress prepared from heated cooking or sea salt, covered in linen or linen pouch. According to grandmother's observations, salt draws on itself a painful energy, accelerates the healing process.

Pharmacology offers many painkillers, anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, creams ("Dimexin "Heparin "Lyoton"), which help quickly remove the edema and eliminate pain.

Gel "Pantogor" is gaining popularity, active substances and antioxidants of which act on certain receptors, quickly regenerate tissues and restore working capacity.

The gel, with the help of special fillers, affects certain receptors responsible for regeneration and tissue performance.

There is a "re-recording" of information from the injury to the state of the norm. As a result, the process of recovery begins, a return to the "health point".

At the same time, you can start first a light, then a deeper foot massage to restore the motor activity of the joints and fingers.

Injury of the fingers is the most common injury, especially in summer. Promotes this with shoes with open toes and high heels. "Stumbled, fell, sharp pain swelling, discoloration - a common pattern.

Often, the nail plate is damaged. It is important not to miss the rupture of the capsule and intra-articular fracture.

In trauma to the sole of the foot, bruising is less common, but there is numbness, a feeling of heaviness, and a restriction of the motor function (hypertensive ischemic syndrome).

Bruised foot and sprain

Quite a common phenomenon. Most often, this happens if you have jerked your leg with physical exertion or uncomfortable shoes.

Stretch syndromes:

  • pain in the ankle area;
  • edema of soft tissues and hematoma;
  • stiffness when trying to walk.

How to treat? If you exclude fracture and tissue rupture, then you will resort to the following algorithm:

  1. Lay the victim so that the injured leg is higher than the level of the heart, give her peace.
  2. Put a cold compress, which will reduce the edema and soften the pain.
  3. With unbearable pain, take an analgesic pill.
  4. Correctly apply the fixing bandage with a flexible bandage. But if it is not at hand, then with any cloth.

How to properly put an armband on the ankle:

  • Apply the bandage after resting in a horizontal position for at least 15 minutes;
  • we begin to bandage from fingers to heel and ankle;
  • Do not allow folds and twists;
  • untwist the bandage outward to see the area of ​​damage, avoiding overgrowth, capable of squeezing tissues and blood vessels;
  • apply a bandage somewhat higher and lower than the affected area (15 cm) from the fingers to the heel and the middle of the ankle.

Bandage is needed only with active movement. At rest, the bandage should be removed, making an easy massage.

Different models of orthosis are used for prevention, treatment, with irreversible changes in the joints.

If after 30 minutes. the leg begins to grow dull or pulsing under the bandage, which means it is too tight. It should be immediately removed, lie down, lift the leg and hold a light massage to restore blood flow.

If in the house there are cooling preparations such as Chlorethyl, they can be used as first aid only in the first hours instead of ice or cold compresses. Of course, you have to spare your foot from unnecessary workload.

On the second day, start making warming compresses with ointments, which contain snake or bee venom.

They have anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain and eliminate swelling (Diclofinac, Finalgon, Bystrumgel, Apizatron with bee venom, Capsicum and others).

In the process of rehabilitation, when inflammation, pain and swelling are not so acute, it is recommended to apply such warming preparations from the grandmother's arsenal, as camphor and other vegetable oils.

They activate blood circulation and accelerate the regeneration (repair) of damaged ligaments.

Home remedies for foot injury and sprain

Traditional medicine has repeatedly proved its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases and injuries. Home methods and methods are checked by long-term, if not centuries-old experience, available. Preparations can be prepared by yourself.

So, if you are convinced that there is no fracture, tears, open deep wounds, try to perform a number of simple manipulations:

  1. Prepare a mixture of grated raw potatoes with fresh or sauerkraut, grated onions, sugar and clay, dilute with yogurt or child's urine, apply the appliance for the whole night.
  2. Mix onion gruel with salt or sea salt, lay evenly on a napkin, fix the compress on your foot for 5-6 hours, repeat a few days.
  3. The same effect will be fromCompress from crushed leaves of fresh wormwood.
  4. Has proved its effectivenessdecibel: brew 2 tbsp. spoons in a glass of boiling water, insist, make compresses for 4-5 hours.
  5. A common remedy in the village still remainsmashed into a slurry and well-warmed in animal fat, garlicwith the addition of eucalyptus leaves. Rubbing this ointment, you can significantly speed up healing and relieve inflammation when stretching ligaments.
  6. Repeat until relief comescold compress of garlic paste.
  7. Well-known in the people of the bodyguard. It has a pronounced resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. Drachuns know well how to reduce bruises with it. It is necessary to prepare a gruel from a powder of water spaghetti with water or vegetable oil, to make an application to the damaged place.
  8. It is good to have a reliable remedy for bruises and sprains for future use.Take 10 cloves of garlic a liter of apple cider vinegar, 100 grams of vodkaand we insist in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain, add 15-20 drops of eucalyptus oil, mix. Use as a compress as needed.

Thus, the bruise of the foot, weighed down by the sprain of the ligaments, swelling, sharp pain - a trauma that is quite common at any time of the year. She lies in wait on a sports ground, a bad road, ice, moving games, falls.

In most cases, it can be handled at home, unless we exclude fractures, ligament ruptures. Then surgical intervention is required. In all other cases, you can do without hospitalization. Success is in our hands.

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Bruised foot: treatment, symptoms and first aid

The most common injury is a bruised foot.

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Such a pathology is characterized by soft tissue damage around the bones, without serious disruption of their functions and structure.

Such an injury is quite easy: just get a weak blow, fall or drop something on the foot and get a bruise.

With a bruise, as a rule, damage occurs in the foot of the superficial blood and lymph vessels. In addition to this, muscle, ligament or tendon can be affected.

Due to the fact that the human foot is one of the most functional in terms of movement patterns, it is this part of the body that is most vulnerable to injury.

The most common causes of soft tissue damage include:

  • Beat on the foot with a solid object;
  • Strike against a hard surface;
  • Prolonged squeezing;
  • Fall and unsuccessful landing on the foot.

Children constitute a special risk group: leading an active lifestyle, young people most often face provoking factors. Such a trauma is classified according to where the blow occurred:

  1. Bruising of toes. This mutilation also occurs against the background of ordinary causes;
  2. Injury of the tissues of the back side and sole of the foot.


The signs of this trauma are typical of others:

  • The appearance of pain in the damaged area. It occurs at the time of injury and persists for a short time. Trying to move, the victim can complain that he is sick to attack. If you try to palpate the bruised surface, then the sensation of pain will intensify. Pain also intensifies against the background of pathological reflex muscle contraction;
  • Education of edema. This symptom appears after a few minutes after hitting the foot. The skin becomes blue in the place of damage. In addition, edema has a destructive effect: increasing in its volume, swelling compresses adjacent areas, causing a destructive effect;
  • Bruises of the foot are accompanied by a violation of the structure of the vessels: a bruise is formed. The volume of the hematoma depends on the degree of vascular damage;
  • The place of the bruise is rapidly heated. This is explained by the strong inflow of blood to the place from the impact;
  • Restrictions in motor function;
  • By damaging the passing nerve fibers, the victim can observe the numbness of part or the entire foot.

How to distinguish a fracture from a foot injury

With a fracture and a bruised foot, there are both common and distinctive features. Among the common manifestations are:

  1. The appearance of pain at the time of injury;
  2. Formation of edema at the site of injury;
  3. The presence of hemorrhages.

Distinctive features of these injuries:

  • With a fracture, there is an external deformation of the bone: it may be in an unnatural position for it. When the bruise, the bones remain in place;
  • With a fracture, there is a sound of crunching directly during the violation of the integrity of the bone. The bruise is not accompanied by sounds;
  • After a fracture, bone crepitus should follow. Especially it is audible at a palpation of the amazed or struck tissues;
  • Especially easy to distinguish if the fracture is open. In this case, a gross violation of the skin, with visible bone fragments and heavy bleeding, is observed. A bruise is a closed soft tissue injury.

First aid

Timely implementation of a number of measures with a foot injury contributes to facilitating the current clinical picture and in the future will provide short-term rehabilitation. First aid actions include:

  1. Call for an ambulance;
  2. Give the victim peace. A damaged limb should be placed in such a position that the person will feel the least pain;
  3. To the place of damage, it is necessary to attach the ice wrapped in cloth. If the injury occurred at home and there is no ice - attach a bottle of cold water, a piece of frozen meat or frozen vegetables to the leg. The effect of cold temperature relieves pain and stops the development of edema;
  4. In case the child bruises his foot, and the children have a threshold of pain sensitivity lower, he should give a pill of anesthetic;
  5. The stop must be fixed. For this, an elastic bandage is suitable. It must be remembered that you can not over tighten the fabric excessively. Such fixation will reduce the degree of edema development;
  6. In order that the inflammatory fluid does not accumulate in the place of injury, it is necessary to give the leg a higher position above the heart.

Despite the distinctive differences in contusion from the fracture, it is important to diagnose the affected foot.

A closed fracture may be hidden under the shadow of a severe bruise.

In hospital conditions, the doctor will prescribe a checkup, carry out differential diagnosis, diagnose and prescribe a specific therapy.

Swelling of the foot: what to do

If the foot is actively swelling, this is normal and should not be frightened. Development of edema accompanies all trauma.

Nevertheless, this phenomenon can cause discomfort and partially disrupt the structure of neighboring tissues.

For the first few hours to remove the tumor should take such actions:

  • Apply ice for 10-15 minutes;
  • Wrap the tight bandage around the foot.

In the future, swelling of the foot can be removed with the help of ointments and compresses. The next day you can use warming compresses and such means as "Fastum-gel" or "Finalgon". They also relieve pain.

Home Treatment

The following folk remedies are effective:

  1. Mixing of aloe and river sand. Proportions: 100 and 200 grams, respectively. The substance is insisted for 24 hours. To smear it is necessary 2-3 times a day;
  2. Vinegar. Two spoons of liquid are mixed with one liter of water. In the resulting solution, the cloth is wetted and applied to the bruise;
  3. Heating and heating compresses from water, vodka and salt;
  4. At home, massage is recommended.

How many heals

The duration of the full cure of the injury depends on the site of the lesion, the type of injury and the extent of the damage to the soft tissues. On average, the injury heals in 2 weeks. With proper treatment - for a week.

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Contusion of foot

Ankle injury today is included in the list of common. The likelihood of obtaining such damage is extremely high. The explanation is simple - a stop is considered an important element in the movement.

It accounts for most of the load when walking, getting a bruised foot is not difficult. A small shock or an incorrect movement is enough to form a hematoma.

Depending on the strength of the impact with a bruise, the hematoma grows to large sizes.

The bruise of the foot is encountered in everyday life no less than in professional athletes. The provoking factors are the impact of the foot, falling on the foot, an unsuccessful jump.

Symptoms of foot injuries

As a rule, the bruise of the foot is accompanied by painful sensations, symptoms that appear immediately. Consider the signs to be able to distinguish between soft tissue damage and fracture of the foot bone. The damage depends on the subsequent treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The first thing a person will feel is a strong pain syndrome, a violation of the motor activity of the foot. It occurs because of the susceptibility of muscles to a sharp contraction.

Perhaps there will be a rupture of the vessels, a bruise and bruise will appear on the site of the impact. Formed within the first 15 minutes after the injury of the legs, accompanied by the formation of swelling of the skin.

In the following time, the patient continues to experience no longer acute but dull, aching pain in the area of ​​the injury. The appearance of a sensation of heat at the site of the impact localization means that the blood flow to the location of the damage began.

If the bruise has fallen on the sole of the foot, the bruise occurs 2-3 days after receiving the shock or is not formed at all, the symptoms are not characteristic for the bruising of the soles of the foot.

If the pain does not go away, you should contact a traumatologist to do an x-ray, determine the extent of the injury.

Types of foot injuries

There are a number of major types of foot damage, depending on the location of the injury:

  • Injury of the rear of the foot;
  • Bruised fingers;
  • Contusion of soft soles;
  • A bruised bone of the foot.

The bruise of the rear often meets with open abrasions and cuts. The skin on this side is thin, easily assembled accordion, considered a vulnerable part.

With this type of injury, bruises and bruises often appear, the vessels passing along the foot are located close to the skin.

In medical practice, the common cause of a foot injury is a blow with a blunt object.

Injury of the fingers is the most common reason for contacting an injured item, according to statistics of health workers. It is manifested by severe pain and restriction of motor function.

The phenomenon is directly related to the fact that, taking a step, the weight of the body and the load falls on the toe part, causing the injured part of the finger to work.

Injury of the finger leads to the formation of bruising, the bruise is localized under the fingernail.

A bruise of the soft tissues of the sole happens when the foot is struck or jammed with a heavy object. There are no more frequent bruises. Either small hematomas, or do without damage. Such traumas are more difficult than others to recover and treat.

Damage to the bone of the foot is called a professional injury to athletes. People who are keen on playing sports, where the legs are involved, most often get injuries to the foot bone. This is an insidious kind of bruise, often creating confusion with a fracture of the foot - two injuries have similar symptoms.

Remember, with an ankle fracture, a person is overtaken with lightning pain with any movement of the foot, and with a bruise bone pain can manifest itself gradually, as the swelling and formation of a hematoma, various sizes. Each type of injury reveals individual treatment.

Injury and further recovery procedures

To ease the pain, to exclude further negative consequences, it is required to study and be able to Apply rules that allow you to render first aid on time, if a person from your environment received a bruise.

What is to be done with a foot injury:

  1. Keep the victim completely at rest. This will help reduce the pain that occurs when moving a sick leg part.
  2. Put a cold to the injury site. Cold compress will help short-term pain relief, help to avoid bruising. Every 20 minutes, change the compress to a cold one or simply put it aside for 5 minutes.
  3. To prevent hyperthermia (blood flow to the bruise), arrange a damaged leg on the hill. So the blood will begin to circulate in a normal rhythm.

The timely provision of first aid will greatly simplify the further healing, the forthcoming rehabilitation. The nature of the treatment depends on the size of the edema (decreased or increased).

If the blow was not strong, it is quite possible to cope, applying the treatment of folk methods at home. There are a lot of folk methods for reducing pain in damaged tissues, which have a healing effect. The following are known and effective tools.

Before treating a victim with folk remedies, it is worth consulting with a doctor - even a minor blow can lead to serious injury. The doctor will determine the degree of damage. In the absence of a serious injury, ask the doctor for permission to use folk medicine.

  1. Tincture of the leaves of aloe, sugar is acceptable to treat a bruise.
  2. Lotion of leaves of linden, celandine and wormwood will help remove swelling.
  3. It is advised to apply a compress of onion purée to the site of the bruise to exclude the appearance of the tumor.
  4. The place of injury can be rubbed with ointment - a mixture of garlic and apple cider vinegar.

Folk methods are aimed at accelerating the resorption of the hematoma formed from the resulting injury, reducing soft tissue edema. Folk remedies should be considered as additional help to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Isolate methods of treatment and recovery after a foot injury. If the damage is not extensive, there are no serious hemorrhages, the treatment is carried out conservatively, without surgical intervention.

After first aid is prescribed to comply with bed rest until the fall of swelling and pain. Then it is worth to visit a doctor.

The physician will conduct a primary examination, determine whether there is or are no serious injuries in the form of ligament rupture, joint damage.

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If necessary, appoint an X-ray.

After manual palpation, a fixation bandage fixing the foot is prescribed and not allowing movement.

It will be possible to provide complete rest to the damaged ligaments, inflamed muscles. The bandage is applied for several days.

The physician prescribes exercise therapy and physiotherapy procedures one week after the removal of the bandage. In the coming period, it is possible to gradually load the leg.

In the practice of physical therapy, the instructor helps to make soft, smooth movements of the left, right foot. Exercises help relax the inflamed muscle, restore elasticity of ligaments.

If there is a noticeable decrease in edema, they start using warming ointments to relieve muscle spasm and warm up muscles after a long time in a static position.

By this time no apparent pain is noted. The recovery phase begins. Damaged tissues heal, restore the work of the muscle.

It is allowed to make the first sure steps without bandages, with the support of the full foot.

After the course of treatment for pain and motor dysfunction there is no trace.

Child's foot injury

Children often get injuries to their feet. Symptoms are identical to the symptoms of an injury in an adult, treatment is not different.

Children, due to elastic muscles and elastic ligaments, rarely have serious injuries, accompanied by swollen and bruised skin.

More often parents bring children who have soft tissue damage and muscle spasms. Injuries children receive when moving games, jumping, running.

If the child has a swelling or a large bruise has formed, providing first aid and having provided a foot rest, having fixed with a scarf or a scarf, it is necessary to take the kid on reception to traumatologist.

Remember, if you ignore the symptoms, do not treat a bruise, there is a risk in the future to leave the child with a childhood trauma, which, perhaps, will make itself felt in sports.

Consequences of a foot injury

Any injury that does not receive treatment on time is subsequently manifested by damage to the organ, including the foot. Avoiding the sad consequences, a person must respond in time to such moments.

If you long ignore the signs of a bruise, you find a high risk of hemarthrosis formation, when blood accumulates in the joint. The pathology is accompanied by a bursting pain in the joint filled with blood.

In a joint, a fluid called an exudate that causes inflammation can accumulate. The process is called a synovitis. Treatment will take longer than a bruised foot.

Diseases appear on the left or right foot, depending on the site of the injury.

A severe consequence is posttraumatic arthrosis, which occurs when a cartilage injury of the lower leg is started. Arthrosis is a serious disease requiring compulsory medical supervision.

If a person is given first aid, a leg is fixed, but no other actions were taken, after removal fixing bandage is likely the development of trophic disorders associated with a long ankle in one position. To treat the trauma using the LFK course is the most correct decision.

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Bruised foot: symptoms and treatment at home

One of the most common domestic injuries is the bruise of the foot. It can be obtained without leaving home, for example, in case of accidental fall, short sharp squeezing or strong impact with a heavy object.

Most often this kind of injury is diagnosed in children, sportsmen and fans of an active way of life. Such an injury can be obtained because of inattention or careless handling of household items.

Therefore, every person should know how to treat the bruise of the foot, as well as how to provide first aid in this trauma.

Existing varieties of foot injuries

Most often, people come across bruises of toes. For example, a similar problem is not uncommon for sportsmen, in particular, for footballers who train without special footwear.

In such cases, the symptoms are pronounced, since during the rolling from the heel to the toe, there is a significant increase in the force load.

Often a bruise of the toes of the feet is diagnosed along with another, more dangerous injury - bone fracture.

When mechanical action, for example, when it strikes, falls or squeezes, a soft tissue injury can occur. In this case, the symptoms manifest themselves with varying pain intensity.

In this case, the swelling may be localized or blurred. Very often with a strong injury, locomotor natural functionality is disrupted.

Therefore, to exclude deformation of the bone, it is required to make an X-ray image.

A bruise of the foot bone can be obtained if the fall is unsuccessful, during a sports game or when it strikes against a solid object.

With this closed mechanical injury, there are no significant bone disorders. The main symptoms of this damage include severe pain and swelling.

Often, there is also a hematoma, which is a consequence of hemorrhages.

Main symptoms

You can get injured at any time of the year and at any age. But to navigate in the event, you need to know the symptoms of a foot injury. The main sign is acute pain.

It comes immediately after the fall or impact.

It is worth noting that the pain in this type of injury is gradually diminishing, and some time later become quite tolerant.

Also, with a foot injury, mandatory symptoms are edema and hematoma. They appear gradually, after a certain time after getting the injury. Hematoma appears due to rupture of the vessels that are inside the tissue.

Initially, it is small, but after a few days, its dimensions increase significantly.

It is worth noting that this process is very typical for trauma to the foot, but if you take the necessary measures in time to prevent the development of the hematoma, its dimensions will be much smaller.

With a foot injury, a person feels discomfort for a long time while walking.

Sometimes it is difficult for him not only to move normally, but also to wear his shoes, which he will not be able to wear due to the swelling of his leg.

Doctors recommend observance of bed rest during this period - it is not necessary to disturb the injured leg, otherwise the healing will take much longer.

How to provide first aid

First aid in case of injury is to ensure rest for the injured person. For this he must sit, for example, on the sofa. It is very important in the first minutes after getting a bruise to attach to the sore spot for 10-20 minutes. Ice or a bottle of water taken from the refrigerator.

Cold will prevent the intensive development of edema and significantly reduce pain. However, it is important to remember that people suffering from diabetes mild cold compresses are contraindicated.

In order to ensure the outflow of blood, one must try to arrange the diseased leg in such a way that it is above the body.

Applying heat, massage procedures, a hot shower or a warming compress are contraindicated in case of a foot injury.

If, during injury, a person's skin is damaged, they should be treated with iodine or hydrogen peroxide, first, if necessary, washing the wound with clean water. With a strong pain syndrome, you can take "Ketorol" or "Analgin."

Children are recommended drugs, the dosage of which corresponds to their age: Efferalgan, Nurofen or Panadol. Local anesthesia is carried out with "Ibuprofen" or "Diclofenac" ointments.

Features of treatment

If a person knows what to do with a foot injury, and his injury is insignificant, it can be cured independently at home.

But if the trauma is complicated and, moreover, if it was received by a child, an elderly person or a patient suffering from a serious chronic illness, then self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

In the clinic, the patient must undergo all necessary examination procedures.

Initially, an experienced surgeon conducts a visual examination and determines the severity of injury by palpation.

The patient is necessarily sent to the X-ray, and according to the results of the picture the physicians diagnose and prescribe the treatment.

Very often in the hospital patients are offered procedures of magnetotherapy or electrophoresis using therapeutic solutions.

Treatment with folk methods

To cure the bruise of the foot, treatment only by folk remedies will not be enough. However, they help well in combination with traditional methods of treatment. Nevertheless, to be sure of their effectiveness, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist.

Good results are brought by compresses made from onions. For their preparation, it is necessary to clean the onion, finely chop it with a knife or grate it on a fine grater, lay it on a bandage and attach it to a sore spot for one day.

To succeed, the procedure must be carried out 3-4 times.

To get the hematoma quickly, you can apply to it a special ointment, made from aloe vera and sugar.

For this, it is required to crush the aloe (2-3 leaves) and add to this mush sugar (200 g). After this, the mixture should be well mixed and leave to infuse for 2-3 days.

After this time, the product must be filtered, thereby getting rid of excess fluid. The resulting composition can be lubricated with hematoma.

However, the best remedy for any injury or injury is prevention.

To relieve yourself of unpleasant symptoms, you should be extremely careful with heavy objects, be attentive, engaged in sports or a household, and also to observe security measures, working on production.

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What to do with a foot injury?

Abstract of the article:

To date, a foot injury in the foot area is common, since the legs are the main parts of the body that are most used day to day.

To get a trauma to the foot is not difficult, the most frequent cases are accidentally falling on the leg object or getting a foot when moving in any pits.

What is a bruised foot in the foot and what to do with a bruise, you will learn in our article.

Precautions for walking

Some people ask themselves: Is it possible to somehow protect ourselves from cases of getting bruises in the foot? The answer to this question is very simple: of course you can.

If you are a busy person and spend more time on work or just spend more time on the street, you can easily shield yourself from cases of getting bruises, dressingshoes made of solid material, such as:

  1. Bull's skin.
  2. Kirza.
  3. Tamped wool.
  4. Rubber (rubber material with various impurities).

If you wear such shoes, you can forget about this trouble forever. Even if a heavy object falls on your foot, the hard material will extinguish the impact of the object, which can cause injury.

But do not relax, if you are on your foot will fall a weight no speech can not be about the muffled blow. In this case, you can get rid of fractures or even worse, the fragmentation of the phalanx of the toes. Always be prepared for the worst, even if you know 100% that nothing will happen.

What is a bruised foot in the foot?

In most cases, a person who has received a bruise does not immediately notice it, as damaged tissue after a strong impact is in shock. This means that they are constantly heated, and under such conditions the pain is not felt, there is only a slight discomfort and swelling.

People notice the bruise only the next day, when they wake up in the morning to work, feel a strong pain in the foot. Their first thought is a crack in the bone or grated corn.

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They immediately panic: "What to do? "How to be !?". Do not worry, the symptoms of cracks in the bones are quite different from the symptoms of bruises.

You can also mistake a bruise with internal tissue damage, in most cases it happens.

Damage to the tissue occursbecause of the heavy load on the foot, under which there are any solid objects or protuberances. So than the bruise differs from the fracture, we'll tell you now.

What is the difference between a bruise and a fracture?

With a foot injury there is a slight swelling and in some cases, if the damage is already strong, then it is accompanied by strong hematomas. But this does not prevent to step on the foot, it is onlyto put ice or rub the swollen area with ointment, as the pain instantly passes.

In case of a fracture, the above actions can not be performed, since with the slightest movement of the foot, or when the swollen foot is touched, there is a severe noisy pain. The area of ​​the fracture swells 2 to 3 times more than with a bruise. At the same time, no ointments will help, you need to use painkillers in order to at least slightly reduce the pain.

There is also a swelling of the foot, and as for the movement or the onset of a damaged leg on any surface, it will be very painful for you, so it's better to immobilize your leg.

How quickly to cure a bruise?

If you suddenly, waking up in the morning, noticed that when walking you have a sore foot and the skin has acquired a bardic color, it means that you have a real bruise. Some people confuse him with pain with flat feet, but this is completely different.

The first thing you need isto recognize the brunt of a bruise, that is, whether a large portion of the foot is swollen. For this, just swipe two fingers over the damaged area.

Where there is a tumor you will understand right away. After that, try to press.

If the pain is tolerable, then you can do with a massage, if you press a very strong pain, then you already need to apply ice and smear the foot with special ointments.

Do not ignore any damage, they can develop into more serious diseases.

For example, in some cases, if the bruises of the feet or other parts of the body are not treated, they can develop into cancer.

As the cells die, and with this process, the formation of cancer cells is enhanced.

It is not recommended to treat contusions yourself at home. Consult an expert before taking any measures to treat injuries. Wrong treatment is the main cause of various complications.

The five most effective medicines that help in the treatment of bruises

  1. Fastum Gel- the most common medical tool for the treatment of bruises and sprains. It helps even with very severe injuries.
  2. Indowozin- Gel for the removal of pain with bruises, instant action after applying it to a sore spot. It removes the tumor and cools the focus of pain.
  3. Menovazine- alcohol, which removes the hematoma and swelling. In use, consult with your doctor.
  4. Heparin ointment- a special ointment for the treatment of severe bruises, the heparin substance, when absorbed into the skin, dilates the blood vessels, which improves blood circulation in the damaged area. Removes edema, bruises, pain and swelling.
  5. Traxivasin- An anti-inflammatory ointment that instantly relieves swelling.

Contusion as a result of inattention

Many people had such a situation, at a very unexpected moment get a bruised foot. You did not think, because of what it happens? Absolutely in all cases a person receives a foot injuryinattentivelyand haste.

He is distracted by something of interest to him and at this moment he strikes something. Or, hurrying to the bus and catching up with him, at the moment when he starts to go, hit the door or the seat.

What to do with a foot injury in the area of ​​the foot at such a moment very few people know, you just need to immobilize your leg so that the pain passes. Bruises in such cases speak of your excessive haste. Be attentive and the frequency of getting the injury will be reduced to a minimum.

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Bruised foot: symptoms and treatment

Everyone can face such trouble as a bruised foot. In this article, we will describe in detail all the symptoms, tell you about the methods of treatment and types of damage.

Symptoms of a foot injury

As a rule, signs of a foot injury always appear immediately:

  • sharp pain;
  • swelling and swelling;
  • marked growth of the tumor;
  • hemorrhage;
  • pain intensifies and becomes permanent.

When the bruise of the foot is accompanied by unbearably severe pain, the normal work of the muscle tissues may also be disturbed because of their unnatural cuts.

Hemorrhage into soft tissues contributes to their densification and even shortening of muscle tissues, ligaments and tendons, also violating the elasticity.

The degree of severity of the hematoma may depend on the strength of the stroke and vary from a minor bruise to a serious hemorrhage.

Aseptic processes of inflammation can occur in the areas of the foot injury, which cause the formation of bone and connective tissues.

In addition to ruptures of blood vessels and bruising, bruising can cause destructive changes and irritation of nerve fibers.

The main symptoms of the bruise persist up to 2-3 days, and the affected nerve fibers are restored to two weeks. By the end of the second week, the bruise of the foot passes, leaving no consequences.

First aid for foot injury

If an accident has occurred with you or someone with your eyes, leading to a bruise of the foot, you should follow simple rules and provide first aid. Minimize complications and relieve the pain can be, providing complete peace of the leg: you need to lie down or sit down.

A cold compress or ice should be applied to the bruised place.

Cold water, snow, packing of frozen food, a bottle of water from a refrigerator, etc., will do.

Apply cold for 20 minutes with a 5-minute break. The affected foot should be lifted slightly to create blood outflow from it.

Timely and properly rendered first aid with a foot injury at home will play a decisive role in the rapid recovery.

Contusion of soft tissues in foot injuries

Soft tissues are the skin and subcutaneous fat layers with blood vessels and nerve endings. Contusion of soft tissues can occur as a result of mechanical impact in the form of impact, fall, foot movement, etc.

Blood on impact can penetrate from damaged vessels into soft tissues, resulting in a bruise or bruise. With the accumulation of blood in the tissues develops a hematoma.

With severe damage, the blood sometimes penetrates into the joints.

The duration of hemorrhage from small vessels with a foot foot injury can last up to 15 minutes, and from large to several hours or more.

If the plantar part of the foot is damaged, hematomas form inside and are imperceptible from the side.

Tissues with fissured hematomas undergo hypertensive ischemic syndrome.

With a soft tissue injury of the foot, the affected person suffers the following symptoms:

  • numbness of the foot;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • limited motion.

When a large area of ​​soft tissues is damaged, trophoneurotic disorder and dystrophic bone pathologies can be developed that are difficult to treat.

Contusion of foot bone

The bruise of the foot bone with the tumor is familiar to many professional athletes. It can occur when strikes against different objects and when falling.

This closed mechanical damage is accompanied by a slight disruption of the structure of the bones. The victim feels sharp pain and has swelling.

Hemorrhage in the soft tissue leading to a hematoma can begin.

Only a doctor can distinguish the bruise of the bone of the foot from the fracture. In the first case, the mobility of the foot does not appear immediately, but after the development of edema and hematoma.

With a fracture, there is a sharp pain that does not allow to step on the foot and restricting movement.

X-ray or MRI can accurately establish the diagnosis.

Foot injury in children

All children are usually very mobile, and many of them like to play in inappropriate places: on construction sites or in abandoned houses.

What to do with a foot injury in a child every parent should know, since an accident can occur at any time.

Most often, children get bruises of soft and muscle tissues, in which instantly or two days later appears swelling. With a strong contusion, hemorrhages and hematomas occur.

When there is a sharp and intense pain, increasing during movement, thickening and changing the shape of the foot, it is urgent to take the child to traumatology for examination by a specialist.

Treatment of foot injuries

Treatment of foot contusions at home can be conservative, and surgical intervention is resorted only to severe bleeding in soft tissues.

After an accident, the victim must immediately provide first aid and, if necessary, be taken to the hospital. The doctor after a preliminary examination and palpation can perform immobilization: he puts a tight bandage on the foot, which should limit the mobility of the foot.

In the absence of complications, the doctor prescribes suitable ointments, but not warming up (they will only intensify the pain). Optimum suitable such painkillers, such as Fastum gel, Voltaren and Nurofen. They have a cooling effect, so they are especially useful for primary treatment.

A few days later, when the puffiness drops slightly, warming ointments are used to treat the feet. Pain by this time will be in time to weaken and the process of recovery begins. The gel or ointment is rubbed gently without massage movements that can exacerbate the pain syndrome.

With severe pain in the first days after injury, you can take painkillers. The imposed bandage is removed after a few days, after about a week you can begin to gradually load your foot. After 2-3 weeks, the victim does not feel any discomfort.

In addition to drug treatment, you can resort to therapy on the basis of folk recipes.

To accelerate the regenerative processes, it is possible to apply to the affected area the crushed leaves of aloe and use lotions with decoctions of marigold, celandine or yarrow: moisten the bandage and attach to the site of the injury on the foot. These recipes have no contraindications, so you can safely start using them.

How to remove a tumor with a foot injury?

In order to prevent the foot from becoming swollen, it is necessary to apply a compress as quickly as possible - we have already mentioned this.

But what if the swelling has already appeared? Doctors in such cases prescribe anti-inflammatory ointments and gels that accelerate blood flow and prevent hematoma: ibuprofenovaja and heparin ointment, and also troxevasin. Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as UHF and electrophoresis, can help.

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