Funds from a cold in pregnancy

We treat a cold in pregnancy: the best folk remedies

The common cold seems such a harmless "hindrance" that many simply ignore its symptoms - nasal congestion, shortness of breath, unintentional headaches, increased lacrimation.But doctors classify it as an inflammatory disease and claim that treatment should be mandatory!Especially attentive to their own health should be pregnant women - any inflammatory process should be controlled by the lady herself and the doctor, including a common cold (rhinitis).

Features of rhinitis during pregnancy

In medicine, three types of rhinitis are differentiated during pregnancy:
  • viral- the disease begins due to infection, often combined with a cold / flu;
  • hormone- there is an inadequate response of the body to hormonal changes;
  • allergic- the cause of appearance can be absolutely any external stimulus, even if it was previously perceived as absolutely normal.

Important: only a doctor will be able to determine the true cause of the rhinitis, so a pregnant woman needs to undergo examination with an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) - this will guarantee the appointment of a competent, safe and effective treatment.

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A woman should not experiment and choose drugs that relieve nasal congestion and facilitate breathing -they can harm the developing body in the womb. It is advisable to use folk remedies that only act locally.

Safe folk remedies

How quickly to cure a runny nose when pregnant with folk remedies? In general, it is recommended to actively use the representatives of the flora to treat the common cold, but it is necessary to remember - in no case do not begin therapy without a preliminary examination. Such a warning is due to the fact thatIn the case of an allergic rhinitis, some plants can aggravate the situation and cause an even greater negative reaction of the body.Absolutely all methods of treating a common cold during pregnancy from the category of traditional medicine can be divided conditionally as follows: drops in the nose, inhalation and non-standard treatment.

Recipes of drops

Well-known from childhood recipes of drops from the cold with the use of onion juice and garlic during pregnancy can not be used - they can cause a persistent allergic reaction (even if previously such was not and the common cold does not have an allergic etiology), provoke an increase in the arterial pressure. But absolutely safe, but at the same time effective in the treatment of rhinitis will be the following recipes from the common cold at home:
  1. Kalanchoe.This flower grows in almost every home, so you can get the medicine at any time. It is necessary to take a sheet of Kalanchoe, wash it and "get" juice - this can be done with a teaspoon (just squash the leaf on plate and then collect the resulting juice into a pipette) or by grinding the sheet on a grater / in a blender and squeezing the juice out formed mass. Drip of Kalanchoe juice can often, with every case of congestion and difficulty breathing.Pay attention: almost immediately after instillation begins a numerous sneezing - stock up with handkerchiefs / napkins.
  2. Aloe. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and thereforet have a therapeutic effect even in viral cold. It is necessary to take a part of the leaf and get juice from it in any convenient way. Bury a few drops (2-3) in each hole, but do not overdo it - enough three of these procedures for 24 hours.
  3. Pharmaceutical camomile.It will take a decoction of this medicinal plant, which has both anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. Take 100 grams of dry starting material (chamomile flowers), pour boiling water (liter) and soak in the thermos for 4-6 hours. A strained broth can be instilled in 3-4 drops (for each nasal passage) the maximum number of times per day - for example, every hour.
  4. Carrot and / or apple juice.Traditional medicine generally attributes these means to miraculous properties, which is debatable. But they can not do any harm, therefore it is possible to dig in a carrot and / or apple juice a few drops (up to 5-8) in each nasal passage with any frequency.Note: you can not mix these two juices for instilling the nose, such a cocktail is best taken orally (inside) - and tasty, and useful.Quickly cure a cold and runny nose will help other folk remedies, such as mustard powder and drops from onions.

Do not use vasoconstrictive drops to relieve the condition - the effect of these medicines spreads to the entire body, which can lead to a malnutrition of the fetus. Pregnant women can actively use inhalations, which will provide free breathing and therapeutic effect.

Recipes for inhalation

The "grandfather's" method of inhalation with a teapot or a wide dish is ideal for pregnant women

Pregnant women can carry out inhalations only in the absence of hyperthermia (fever).You can use a professional nebulizer, but in the absence of such equipment, the procedure inhalation is possible - "grandfather's" way with a teapot or a wide dish, no one canceled. Before you begin to inhale, you should observe several rules for pregnant women:

  • the maximum permissible duration of inhalation is 7 minutes;
  • with difficulty breathing, therapeutic couples should enter the body through the nose;
  • It is possible to inhalate only in breaks between meals - not earlier than 60 minutes after eating;
  • for half an hour the pregnant woman should be warm - you can not go out into the street or into a well-ventilated room;
  • breathing should be even.

What can be used as a remedy:

  • garlic and onions- the advisability of using them should be consulted with a doctor, but their oils perfectly restore free breathing;
  • decoction of thyme / chamomile / sage- you need to choose one thing and prepare a decoction (strong, based on a tablespoon of dry source on half a cup of water);
  • essential oils of tea tree / eucalyptus.

Other folk methods from the common cold

Effective washing of the nose can be effective - it will help get rid of stuffiness, make accumulated mucus more liquid and contribute to its quickest release.Washing can be done to pregnant women without fear for the health of the unborn child - they have an exclusively local effect.To rinse nasal passages follows broths of a camomile of a chemist's, a sage, a thyme or usual salt water (1 table spoon on a glass of warm water).

An asterisk can be used in pregnancy, but make sure there are no allergic reactions

Many pregnant women with a cold (regardless of its etiology) actively use the famous Vietnamese balm "Asterisk"- it is enough to grease them with the wings of the nose, put a strip on the area under the nose and the stuffiness disappears. But keep in mind: in the "Zvezdochka" there are essential oils of cloves / eucalyptus / anise and other plants, which can provoke the strongest allergic reaction, up to Quincke's edema.

Coryza a month does not pass, what to do with it and what means, it becomes clear after reading the article.

What to do, when the cough and runny nose do not pass for a long time, you can learn from this article.

The child does not have a runny nose for a long time, what to do with this is indicated here in the article:

It will be correct if before applying "Zvezdochki" a woman will conduct an allergy test - just inhale the fragrance of the balm and wait 5-10 minutes. If the body reacts adequately, there are no shortness of breath and heart palpitations, then you can start the procedure safely.
To remove the inflammation and clear the nasal passages from the accumulated mucus will help and thermal procedures: Put on the area of ​​the nose bridge and maxillary sinuses pouches with heated salt / buckwheat, use "The blue lamp." But remember a few rules:

  • during pregnancy, heating is prohibited at elevated body temperature and arterial pressure;
  • the duration of the procedure is a maximum of 10 minutes, it is better to limit 5-7;
  • categorically it is forbidden to soar feet in mustard, to do any compresses - this can provoke miscarriage and / or premature birth.

Treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women should not be limited to the procedures just described - the body is significantly weakened, it will be necessary to support it and restore the functionality of the immune system. system.

To help immunity you need to drink broth of dogrose (if there are no problems with the kidneys), tea with raspberries, milk with honey. To quickly get rid of rhinitis, it is worth taking walks in the fresh air, fully eating.

Possible complications

Runny nose during pregnancy can lead to serious complications

Ignore the symptoms of rhinitis is not worth it - it not only disrupts the habitual rhythm of life and provokes insomnia / headaches, but it can lead to various complications. To such it is possible to carry:

  • development of symptoms of sinusitis and sinusitis- inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses. Often lingering rhinitis turns into a chronic form, provokes sinusitis, frontal - these diseases will require more serious treatment;
  • appearance of otitis symptoms- Inflammation of the ears;
  • increased peripheral lymph nodes.

But after the birth of the child should pay attention to the fact that he also can get sick. And if the baby has a wet cough, it is worth knowing what measures to treat it is necessary to take. What is the treatment for a wet cough in a baby, you can find out by reading this article.


This video tells how to properly treat pregnant:

Rhinitis is a hotbed of inflammation, which during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences for the health of the woman, and for the development of the fetus. By the folk methods listed, you can literally get rid of symptoms not only from a few days ago, but also qualitatively, fully cure the inflammatory process.

Folk and remedies for the common cold in pregnancy

Rhinitis during pregnancy is normal and fairly common phenomenon, because the body of a woman during this period is particularly weakened. Treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women is complicated by the fact that at this time the list of permitted drugs is significantly reduced. Funds from the common cold during pregnancy can be prescribed only by a specialist, while he must consider the timing of the pregnancy, the stage of the disease and the state of health of a woman.

What drugs for the cold can you do with pregnancy?

The drug for the common cold during pregnancy can be used only for the purpose of a specialist, strictly observing the recommended dosage and course of treatment. Vasoconstrictors are strong enough and effective if you need to remove swelling and eliminate nasal congestion. However, you should know that these drugs top the list of prohibited substances for use by pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the drug can cause narrowing of the vessels not only in the nasopharynx, but also in the pelvic organs. As a result of instillation of the nose with vasoconstrictive drops, placental circulation may be impaired, which is dangerous for the child's life.

That is why it is preliminary important to know what remedy for a cold in pregnancy can be applied to a future mother. In some cases, when there is a long nasal congestion, because this condition also harms the child, specialists can prescribe vasoconstrictive drops, namely:

  • Nazivin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Pharmazoline;
  • Nasik Spray.

They can drip their nose for a few days. If possible, it is better to do without them.

Pinosol - an effective remedy for the common cold in pregnancy, made on the basis of natural ingredients. Future mums in the treatment of rhinitis are prescribed and other natural remedies, such as Euphorbium Compositum spray and Evamenol ointment. A good effect is the washing of the nasopharynx with saline solutions, for this you can use Aquamaris, Dolphin, Salin, Humer.

Folk remedies for the treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Many forget that not only medicines, but also folk medicine can be effective in treating the common cold. Especially it is necessary to recollect about folk remedies for a cold in pregnancy.

Instead of saline solution for washing the nasopharynx, you can use a decoction of chamomile or sage, these herbs remove the inflammatory process. A good therapeutic effect is onion-garlic inhalations, these funds contain essential oils that can kill germs. Having breathed such evaporation, even the use of antibiotics will not be necessary.

Onions and garlic should be finely chopped, placed in a small bowl, pour a little water and put it around the house. You can also make a steam inhalation: pour onion and garlic with boiling water and breathe for a few minutes. Despite the fact that many drugs are dangerous in pregnancy, a runny nose can not be allowed to run.

Folk remedies for a cold in pregnancy

Folk remedies for the common cold in pregnancy are mostly juice and herbal medicinal herbs, used as drops for instillation or solutions for washing the nose.

Runny nose during pregnancy is best treated with folk proven methods - as they say, by "grandmother's" recipes. However, any procedures based on traditional medicine, the expectant mother should always be discussed with the treating doctor in order to avoid undesirable consequences, in particular, the appearance of allergies to some natural Ingredients.

As natural drops you can try apple or carrot juice. The procedure for instilling a nose with fresh juice should be done three times a day, using 6-7 drops for each nasal passage. With a strong runny nose, soda-tannin drops with a softening effect can be used. For their preparation 1 h. A spoonful of black tea should be brewed in a glass of boiling water, and then evaporated for 15 minutes. The broth filter, add to it 1 h. spoon of baking soda. Bury the nose with this solution with a pipette three times a day for 10 drops in each nasal passage. To instill a nose with a strong cold, a Kalanchoe plant is used that has a powerful antimicrobial effect. Drops are made from a crushed plant with the addition of a small amount of boiled water into the resulting slurry. Treatment is carried out for a week, by digesting the liquid three times a day, a few drops into each nasal passage.

Garlic drops are very effective in viral cold. For their preparation use a clove of garlic, which must be crushed thoroughly, poured with cooled boiled water, insist for half an hour, and then dig in the received liquid into both nostrils. To raise the immunity used beet juice, diluted in equal proportions with boiled water. The solution should be insisted for 2 hours, then strain and bury in the nose on a whole pipette in each nostril twice a day.

Kalanchoe from a cold in pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy is effectively treated with the help of a long-proven folk prescription - drops from a medicinal plant Kalanchoe. This plant has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, as well as wound-healing properties. In the Kalanchoe juice contains a number of useful macro- and microelements (iron, copper, calcium, silicon, magnesium and others), polysaccharides, vitamin C, tannins, flavonoids, various enzymes and organic acid. Kalanchoe greatly facilitates the condition with nasal congestion and helps quickly get rid of the annoying cold. In addition, the plant strengthens the immune system, preventing the emergence of new colds.

Kalanchoe from a cold in pregnancy is used in the form of freshly prepared drops from the leaves of this amazing plant. First, the leaves must be crushed, then squeeze the juice and dilute it with 1 teaspoon of boiled water. Then the solution should be poured into a glass container and applied as drops, digging in the nose three times a day for a week. Freshly prepared Kalanchoe juice can also be used to wipe the nasal passages. Usually, this remedy is used for a beginning cold. Thus, the swelling of the mucosa decreases, and the discharge from the nose decreases significantly.

To prepare a solution used as a droplet, you can mix in equal proportions juice two equally effective medicinal plants - aloe and calanchoe, and also to add bow. Decoction of Kalanchoe has a softer effect. With inflammatory and catarrhal diseases, the juice of this curative plant is added to the fresh broth of St. John's Wort and Melissa, and then taken inwards. A mixture of juice from Kalanchoe with honey bees has an excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-catarrh action.

Aloe from a cold in pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can be cured with the help of long-proven recipes of folk medicine, in particular, through the use of various medicinal plants. For example, aloe (popularly called "century") has unique healing properties and often Used in the recipes of traditional medicine as a means with a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action.

Aloe is an excellent biostimulator. It contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, about 20 amino acids, and also a whole complex of useful microelements. Aloe juice helps to reduce toxic substances in the body, has bactericidal and restoring properties, accelerates the healing of wounds.

Aloe from the common cold in pregnancy is used in the form of freshly squeezed juice, which has the greatest nutritional and curative value. Before use, the aloe leaf should be thoroughly rinsed, wrapped in tissue paper and "sent" for a couple of days in the refrigerator. Thus, useful substances are activated in the leaflet, and the level of treatment will be much higher. It should be noted that when choosing an aloe leaf for treatment, it is necessary to give preference to one that has a rather fleshy appearance and a slightly dried tip. A three-year-old aloe plant contains much more antioxidants, vitamins and minerals than in a young one.

To prepare tincture from aloe, it is necessary to crush a leaf of an aloe in a blender or on a grater. The resulting mass should be put in a small container, and then pour alcohol and stand for 10 days. With a cold and cold, such a tincture of aloe will help restore strength. In the autumn-winter season, this remedy can be used as an effective preventive agent. Pregnant should be used tincture for instillation of the nose, previously diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 1. With abundant discharge from the nose, it is sufficient to use 2 drops in each nasal passage. If you overdo it with the use of this solution, you can cause dryness of the mucosa or get a burn of internal sinuses.

Aloe from the rhinitis during pregnancy acts instantly after it gets into the nose. Under the influence of such a natural antibiotic, toxins are neutralized, so that the infection stops multiplying. After procedures of instillation of the nose with fresh aloe juice, the edema of the nasal passages disappears, the nasal congestion disappears, the nasal breathing becomes more free. However, it is worth remembering that the excessive use of juice or an extract of aloe can cause burning or irritation of the mucosa.

A good effect is a mixture for instillation, made from fresh juice of aloe, lemon juice and honey. You can use a gauze swab dipped in a solution of aloe, dog rose, eucalyptus and honey. It should be poured into the nostrils for a few minutes. Runny nose and nasal congestion from the use of this drug are quite fast. When using aloe, it is necessary to remember that its excessive amount can provoke muscle contractions of the uterus. Therefore, before using this plant in order to get rid of the common cold, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.

Onion from the cold in pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy, you can try to cure the old proven methods, which used in their practice, even our great-grandmothers. Recipes of traditional medicine, which use natural natural ingredients, are among the most effective and safe. This also applies to onions, whose useful properties are known long ago. It's all about the phytoncids that are present in this vegetable. These volatile substances have a harmful effect on pathogens and bacteria. In addition, onions contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, saponins, pantothenic acid, organic acids. This amazing vegetable contains biologically active and nitrogenous substances, mineral salts (iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus), essential oil, phytin, sulfur-containing compounds, as well as cellulose and bactericidal crystalline substance. Onions have antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, wound-healing, restorative action. It effectively destroys the infection and stimulates immunity.

It is proved that only a small piece of onion during chewing is capable of killing all microbes in the oral cavity. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, the onion will help to cope with the first symptoms of colds and acute respiratory infections, including a runny nose.

The onion from the cold in pregnancy is used at the initial stages of the onset of this cold symptom. Moreover, this vegetable can be used both in raw form and for inhalation. One of the most common and simplest uses for onions is inhalation in pairs. To do this, chop the onions, pour boiling water, and then inhale the vapors soaked in biofetoncids. The result will not take long to wait - just a few such procedures to ensure that the future mother felt a significant relief.

A large fresh bulb can be crushed, spread on a flat surface and inhaled the allocated onion pairs until the odor is exhausted. For greater benefit, the onion is recommended to be mixed during the procedure.

Runny nose during pregnancy is well treated with the help of home-made drops of onions. To do this, take a piece of onion and grate it on a fine grater. The resulting squeeze to squeeze, add a little vegetable oil in it and dig in the nasal passages 2 drops at night. You can repeat the procedure in the morning. Such a solution "pierces" the stuffy nose almost immediately, thus facilitating the state of the future mother.

To treat rhinitis in pregnant women, you can use another prescription drops: 2 tbsp. Spoon the chopped onion with warm water (50 ml), and add half of the mixture to the mixture teaspoon of honey, insist for half an hour, then dig in the nasal passages of 3-5 drops in each.

The nasal mucosa can be treated with a special remedy made from onions. Half the bulbs should be grated on a fine grater and poured with vegetable oil. Stir the mixture for 6-8 hours, and then strain. With the help of a gauze tampon, it is possible to process nasal passages 2-3 times a day.

Severe nasal obstruction interferes with the full breathing of the pregnant woman, so it is so important to unlock the nasal passages as quickly as possible. For this purpose, you can use a piece of a bulb that you just need to chew properly in your mouth for a couple of minutes. This procedure will allow ventilating phytocidal vapors nasal passages from the inside. In this case, there is no need to swallow onions, it is enough to chew it and spit it. If necessary, rinse your mouth with water. Then repeat the procedure by taking another piece of the bulb and repeating the manipulation. In total for the procedure it is enough to use a quarter of a bulb.

Effective folk remedy with a strong cold in pregnancy - inhalation in pairs of onions. Fresh bulb should be grinded well, and then the resulting mixture must be stirred and simultaneously inhale the secreted onion pairs that have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. This procedure should be done twice a day.

Runny nose during pregnancy is well treated with the help of essential oils. Mixed in the same amount of oil from peppermint and eucalyptus must be diluted with a few drops of boiled water, and then apply the liquid on the nasal mucosa. Essential oils perfectly remove the edema, do not give the mucous to dry out, and also have a pronounced antiseptic effect.

Runny nose in pregnancy - treatment with folk remedies at home | Folk recipes for the treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Many women literally panic when they notice a runny nose during pregnancy. Phytotherapy will help you regain good health and do not harm the child. Do not immediately blame your immunity in all and terribly worry about the health of the future baby. These experiences cause more harm to the child than the illness itself.

In addition, a runny nose in expectant mothers is quite an adequate reaction of the body. After all, not only that in a female body there was a foreign body in the form of the future kid, so the hormonal system completely rebuilds its activity. Therefore, very often rhinitis in pregnant women is due to this factor, rather than the common cold and before use any medications, you need to start with the safest - folk remedies mecdicin.

Treatment of vasomotor runny nose folk remedies at home

Coryza in pregnant women was called vasomotor rhinitis. It is caused by perestroikas that pass in the body, which provokes swelling of the mucosa. Usually, such a runny nose appears already in the second trimester. But, mainly, completely it passes only after the termination of childbirth. This kind of rhinitis does not require special treatment in pregnancy, however, to alleviate this condition, you can use the folk methods described below.

1. First of all, use a nasal drop of pregnancy to treat a runny nose. When a girl is pregnant, it is sometimes difficult for her to conduct any difficult procedures, therefore, the easiest way to choose high-quality drops. However, it is better to try to avoid this method if your overall condition is quite normal. And if, however, you decided to use the drops, get Nazivin and Otrivin, and other drops with a similar composition. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of dripping drops, so as not to make yourself worse.

2. It is important to drink plenty of water, namely, twice as much as you usually drink. After all, every day, along with the mucus is lost up to two liters of liquid available, respectively, this loss is important to fill. It is better to drink green tea and herbal tea, as well as milk with honey. Incredibly rich in vitamins folk remedies: decoction of wild rose and common, lemon tea.

3. Procedures for getting rid of a cold in pregnancy. First of all, thermal procedures will help. Wear warm socks made of wool, and sleep in them. Nasal sinuses, warmed with boiled eggs and sand in a bag.

4. Create for yourself the most comfortable and comfortable conditions, for which, initially, ventilate your room.

5. Carry out a massage of the sinuses of the nose. Massage the index fingers of the point at the base of the nostrils. To do this, use warming ointments Dr. Mom, or, years-tested balm "Asterisk". Ointments should be applied to the bridge of the nose, or, from outside the corners of the nostrils. Also, suitable for applying whiskey ointment and those places on your face where you feel obvious discomfort.

In the above methods of treating the common cold there is nothing super complicated, it is important only to follow these tips and take care of the most valuable that you have - to health.

Folk recipes for the treatment of viral cold in pregnancy

Many people think that a common rhinitis is such nonsense, you can even call it a disease with a stretch! How to treat rhinitis in expectant mothers? You can treat with drops, but you can not heal. The one who thinks so is not right. Serious disease becomes a cold when it is a sign of a cold during pregnancy.

Wherever chemistry is powerless, old good folk remedies can help. They can be very effective, while the future baby is not exposed to any danger.

1. Inhalation from a cold in pregnancy. Usually, warming the nose in the absence of temperature dilutes mucus, which causes its rapid removal from the body.

2. Warming at a cold. Usually gauze bags with any grass inside or salt are made. It is heated to the maximum acceptable temperature for the body, and the effect is almost the same as for inhalation.

3. Flushing the nose with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile) or special solutions (there are free sales in any of the pharmacies) that also gives good effect. You can wash the nose and sinuses with saline solutions.

Drops in the home treatment of the common cold in pregnancy

To drip a nose at a cold. Here the choice is the widest. You can use pharmacological agents - vasoconstrictive drops, antiviral, homeopathic means, etc., but there you have to be especially careful, because they can have their own way of reflecting on health child. As for folk remedies for the common cold, there are plenty of options.

1. Menthol oil. It should be digested into each nostril, three to five drops twice a day, while simultaneously lubricating the forehead, the back of the head, whiskey, and the wings of the nose with oil. This remedy very well helps with only a nasal cold.

2. Significantly ease the condition you can a house plant, such as Kalanchoe. It is enough to brush two or three times a day with juice squeezed from the fresh leaf of this plant, or bury three to five drops of this juice in each nostril.

3. For the cold the next tincture is also good (it is insisted for twenty-one days, so it is best to cook it in advance). We take a hundred grams of sunflower oil and mix with one tablespoon of pre-chopped ledum. We insist it in a dark place, shaken daily, then filtered, squeezed, and dig in one drop three to four times a day, use no more than a week.

4. You can drip with the oils of coniferous trees, you can decoction chamomile, rosehip, you can even infuse with honey.

5. A wand-help from a cold in pregnancy can often become ordinary juice, carrot or apple. Prepare fresh juice and pipette it into the nasal cavity, 6-8 drops in each nostril. It is recommended to carry out the instillation procedure 3-4 times a day. The juice can be replaced with herbal infusions.

6. Safe drops from the cold in pregnancy are easily prepared from soda and tea. A teaspoon of boiling water is required for a teaspoon of tea leaves. To prepare the preparation, it is necessary to evaporate the tea leaves for a quarter of an hour, and then strain it through a folded several times cheesecloth or fine strainer. In the resulting broth, add a teaspoon of ordinary baking soda, and apply the prepared preparation for instilling the nose several times a day. With the help of folk remedies, you can quickly cope with the disease without fearing the condition of the fetus.

Principles of home cure for the common cold in pregnant women folk remedies

It can not be said that the rhinitis during pregnancy does not need to be treated. No! Everything depends only on what conclusions the doctors come to, what diagnosis they will put. Only competent people are able to correctly identify the cause and prescribe a treatment that will bring a minimum of harm to you and your baby. In the early stages of pregnancy, you should try to limit yourself from all possible diseases, because this is the period when the foundations of the foundations in the organism of your unborn child are laid. Now the technology has reached such a level that they can provide producers of medicines with absolutely any necessary materials for work. Pharmacological companies, in turn, produce quite a lot of drugs that are safe for the body of a woman and her baby. Therefore, a runny nose in pregnant women can be easily cured both with the help of "pharmacy" drugs, and with the help of folk remedies.

Folk remedies must be selected individually, so that there is no allergy and personal dislike of women for any component that is part of the composition. Try to make less concentrated drops or infusions for washing, because the woman's body is very sensitive. And most likely you will not cause any harm to folk remedies of the baby's body, but you can completely cover your nose mucosa.

How can a future mother get rid of a cold? You can how many people want to list different drugs and folk methods, but, nevertheless, the fact remains that there is nothing better than prevention. Preventing the disease is always easier than exposing the body to stress, and for pregnant women this is especially important.

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