Inflammation of symptoms in adults without fever

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults without fever

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is a very insidious disease. And it affects everyone: people aged, children, young guys and girls. This disease has an infectious nature (although it is not transmitted from person to person) and is accompanied by inflammation of the lung tissue.

Usually pneumonia occurs after hypothermia and is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process.

Everyone knows that the main symptoms of pneumonia are high fever (38-39 degrees), excessive sweating, coughing and shortness of breath, acute pain in the chest. However, in recent times, there is an increasing frequency without temperature or latent pneumonia. It is especially dangerous, since it is quite difficult even for an experienced doctor to diagnose this disease.

  • Often, the sick do not even turn to the medical institution, writing off their poor state of health for an ordinary cold. At this time, the general condition of the patient is aggravated. If you do not take care of yourself in time, the ending of such a story can end sadly.
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  • In order that the irreparable does not happen, it is necessary to determine as soon as possible that the patient has pneumonia. Pneumonia without temperature can be caused by several factors. In most cases, the disease proceeds in this way in people with weakened immunity. Therefore, adults need to keep a close eye on the diet and include in it vitamin-rich fruit, more out in the fresh air and tempered.


Monitor your health - to pneumonia, uncomplicated temperatures can cause pockets of infection: sick tonsils, teeth, or lymph nodes. Also often this diagnosis is put to people who are fond of uncontrolled intake of antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor.

Most often without a temperature inflammation of the lungs occurs if a person tries to heal a cold or carries it "on his feet."The constant intake of antibiotics no longer has any effect on the virus, but the tablets knock down the temperature, and it becomes more difficult to diagnose.

Inflammation of the lungs in this case can be diagnosed by a patient's prolonged cough. However, there are clinical cases when he is absent (or "drowned out" by means of cough - tablets, medicines). If you are faced with this particular patient, pay close attention to the appearance of a person. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature are also reflected in appearance, that is, pneumonia is accompanied by a pallor of the face and a painful blush on the cheeks.

Changing and breathing - it becomes jerky, accompanied by a small whistle. A man loses his appetite and refuses his favorite dishes. Even a slight physical load is not tolerated well: dyspnea appears, pulse and heart rate increase. In especially difficult cases, there is a tachycardia.

It can happen that an adult has a slight temperature for a long time - 37 degrees.This indicates an inflammatory process in the body, so you should immediately show yourself to the doctor.

It is almost impossible to diagnose pneumonia without the help of the patient himself. The signs of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature directly depend on the general condition of the patient.


An adult feels in his condition that something is wrong with him, and he must tell the doctor about it. It should be more responsive to their health, and then the disease will not go into a chronic form.

Native patients should alert the following symptoms, which also indicate pneumonia - excessive weakness, severe breathing (possible difficulty with inhalation or exhalation), excessive sweating, unreasonable and constant thirst, pain and aches in everything body. By the way,the latent inflammation of the lungs is also characterized by the absence of movement of one side of the chest during inspiration or exhalation.

If you have found several of these symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that is adequate to the condition of a person.


It is very important in time to identify pneumonia in the patient. Otherwise, sclerotized areas are formed on the lung tissue. They are not able to participate in gas exchange, so the working part of the lungs is reduced, and this does not have the best effect on the quality of a person's later life. Other complications of the course of the disease are possible, some of which can lead to death.

Therefore, as soon as you have a suspicion of pneumonia, call an ambulance or a doctor at home. Drink more and do not take any medicine, so that the doctor had a complete picture of the disease.The doctor must necessarily listen to the patient and assign him medical research. X-rays can help determine if the patient has pneumonia, and show complications from the disease.Only after this can be diagnosed - pneumonia.

If pneumonia was diagnosed on time, complications do not occur, and doctors make favorable predictions. Usually after three to four weeks of effective treatment a person completely recovers. Pneumonia without temperature is a very unpredictable process, so you should take care of your health and take care of every ailment.


Signs of pneumonia in an adult

Inflammation of the lungs, which in medicine is called pneumonia, is almost always an infectious disease that affects lung tissue. Manifestations of the disease are similar to those of many infections, but they have some typical features. The earlier the primary symptoms of pneumonia are detected, the faster it will be possible to place an accurate diagnosis, and then begin treatment. How to identify inflammation of the lungs at home and thereby timely identify a dangerous disease?

The first signs of pneumonia

Specialists can not say with accuracy which symptoms associated with pneumonia can be attributed to strictly specific ones. The initial manifestations of the disease are similar to other inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract, and signs of inflammation of the lungs in an adult strongly depend on age, immunity and type pneumonia. Symptoms of acute, chronic, aspiration, bilateral or focal lung inflammation vary greatly. However, it is possible to suspect the development of the disease by the characteristic features of its usual manifestations:

  • Cough, chest pain. At the very beginning of the disease, a dry obsessive cough is observed, but sometimes it can be rare and mild. As the inflammatory process develops, the cough becomes moist, with a mucous sputum of yellow-green or "rusty" color. During coughing attacks and with deep breaths, the patient has a stabbing pain in the chest, later back pain may be added to her.
  • Shortness of breath, lack of air. With pneumonia, bacterial microorganisms disrupt the work of the alveoli - the branching of the lung tissue. They cease to participate in the process of breathing, and this leads to a lack of oxygen. The patient's breathing becomes shallow, superficial and rapid, he has shortness of breath.
  • Heat. In ordinary cases, in the early stages of pneumonia, the temperature jumps dramatically to 38-39 ° C. Before this, the patient often has a prolonged chill. When primary diagnosis of the disease, this sign of inflammation of the lung in an adult is given special attention. With a pulmonary infection, the temperature constantly rises, then falls, then rises to the previous high value.
  • Pronounced weakness, rapid fatigue. Infectious pathogens that have affected the lungs secrete toxins that poison the body and cause a state of general weakness. It is supplemented by dizziness, headache, confusion, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances. If intoxication continues to develop, the patient has additional disorders: gastrointestinal disorders, tachycardia, joint and bone pain.

Symptoms of pneumonia without fever and cough

Knowledge of how pneumonia manifests itself in adults will help to detect the disease at the mildest stage of development. However, the clinical picture of pneumonia can be atypical. Certain forms of the disease have a mild course and develop without symptoms such as cough and temperature, which greatly complicates the diagnosis.

With the latent nature of pneumonia, the patient often has subfebrile fever, in which the level temperature for a long time is maintained within 37-3, ° C, but sometimes there are no temperature changes at all. However, even with a slow flow of the disease can not develop completely asymptomatic. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults without fever and cough are manifested as:

  • white coating on the tongue, dry mouth;
  • heart palpitations;
  • a painful complexion, a one-sided blush on the cheek (appears on the side covered by the inflammatory process);
  • increased sweating;
  • weakness, lethargy.

Diagnostic Methods

At the initial examination the doctor conducts a questioning of the patient to obtain information about the possible causes of the disease. The specialist then analyzes the existing symptoms, revealing specific signs of pneumonia in an adult: examining the chest and listening to the lungs. Even with obvious symptoms of pneumonia, the specialist may need additional diagnostic data:

  • analysis of blood and urine;
  • sputum analysis, which allows to determine the sensitivity of the causative agent of pneumonia to antibiotics;
  • X-ray of the chest - with pneumonia, the photo shows characteristic darkening;
  • pulse oximetry, helping to assess the degree of respiratory failure;
  • bronchoscopy - examination of the bronchi with the help of special equipment;
  • computed tomography of the lungs.

For the treatment of pneumonia, the patient can be prescribed antibacterial agents (more often pills, but in severe cases - injections), antitussives, detoxification, antipyretic, immunostimulating therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures. To prevent possible complications, the doctor can prescribe a special diet or diet.

Danger of disease

The consequences of pneumonia in adults, arising from untimely or inadequate treatment, can be most unpredictable. Common pulmonary complications of the disease - acute respiratory failure, pulmonary edema, abscess (purulent inflammation) or gangrene of the lung, empyema of the pleura and pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes covering lungs).

In addition, pneumonia can cause the development of meningitis, severe cardiac pathologies (pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis), infectious-toxic shock and sepsis (blood poisoning). The risk of these dangerous complications increases significantly with neglected forms of inflammation lungs, whose treatment was started too late, and in conditions of improperly conducted therapy.

Pneumonia in women has a lighter flow pattern. Experts have revealed that in men the risk of developing severe complications of the disease is much higher. Studies show that the probability of a fatal outcome is more than about 30%. Scientists suggest that this is due to the characteristics of the female immune system, which is more actively protected from bacteria.

Video: How to recognize pneumonia in an adult

From the offered video materials you can learn about what signs of the development of pneumonia in the adult appear the very first. Experts in the field of pulmonology and physiotherapy tell how pneumonia is diagnosed, what medicines and funds are used to treat it, what kind of complications can develop in a patient in severe cases.

Signs of pneumonia in adults without fever. Symptoms of pneumonia without fever

Pneumonia is a serious infectious disease. Under normal conditions, it can have a fairly pronounced clinical course, but certain factors can strongly lubricate the main manifestations of the disease.

Pneumonia in adults: symptoms, signs, causes in normal conditions

This disease occurs due to the development of microflora in the lung tissue and its gradual destruction. The beginning of such a pathological process is capable of getting into the body of a wide variety of infections.

Another factor contributing to the development of pneumonia, is a local or general decrease in immunity.

Among the main symptoms of this disease, it is necessary to note primarily a rise in temperature body, a strong cough, the occurrence of dyspnea with the least physical exertion, poor general state of health.

Pneumonia in adults: symptoms, causes, types in unusual conditions

There are two main reasons why the clinical manifestations of the inflammatory process in the lungs will differ from the classics. Among them it is necessary to note the following:

  • decreased immunity;
  • uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents.

Both of these causes can significantly change the clinical picture of pneumonia.

Incorrect use of antibiotics

To date, the uncontrolled use of antimicrobials has become a real problem for society. The fact is that this circumstance gradually leads to the formation of resistance to an antibacterial agent in infection. As a result, the antimicrobial drug simply ceases to have a sufficient effect on pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, the independent reception of such drugs can significantly reduce the severity of the main clinical manifestations of the disease. For example, pneumonia occurs in children and adults. Without a temperature reaching high enough values, few will immediately become worried and make a decision to consult a doctor. As a result, the disease will proceed in a latent form, and the patient will not receive rational treatment. This will lead to the gradual involvement in the pathological process of new and new areas of lung tissue. As a result, the patient will have other, more health-threatening clinical manifestations. The main signs of pneumonia in adults without temperature are the increase in dyspnea, the appearance of blood veins in escaping coughing sputum, as well as pain in the chest, arising from involvement in the pathological process pleura.

Now doctors are trying to limit the independent reception of antibacterial drugs by patients. One of the main ways was the issuance of such drugs only by prescription.

On the decrease of immunity

The clinical picture of inflammation of the lungs can vary greatly not only under the influence of antibacterial agents, but also in the conditions of reducing the protective properties of the body. As a result, typical first signs of pneumonia in adults may not be present. As a result, the patient does not immediately notice a serious problem. Signs of pneumonia in adults without a temperature in such conditions are expressed in the appearance of a painful blush on the side of the lesion of the lung tissue. Especially high diagnostic value this symptom has in the case of isolated lesions of one lung.

The increase in temperature in this case is not observed for the reason that the defenses of the body are depleted. At the same time, hyperthermia is the most important factor of defense. The fact is that in conditions of elevated temperature, pathogenic bacteria are much more difficult to grow and multiply. As a result, they are gradually destroyed by white blood cells.

Additional signs

Symptoms of pneumonia without temperature in adults are quite diverse. First of all, we are talking about the appearance of a painful blush. This symptom is especially well distinguished if the patient has unilateral pneumonia without temperature. Signs of bilateral pneumonia are noticeable worse, as the blush will be located on both cheeks.

In addition, a patient with pneumonia, which is not treated rationally, has a pale complexion. When breathing, there may be a lag in the excursion of the half of the chest in which the inflammatory process is taking place. Naturally, such signs of pneumonia in adults without a temperature are well detected only in cases with one-sided pathology. Thus the second cheek can be paler than usual.

There are a few other signs that pneumonia develops in children and adults. Without a temperature, people often do not pay attention to the soreness in the chest, which increases with every breath. This approach is dangerous in that you can skip a serious pathology. So, when there are painful sensations in the chest, intensifying during inspiration, it is better to consult a specialist so that he excludes the inflammatory process in the lung tissue.

When should shortness of breath make you think?

Symptoms of pneumonia without temperature in adults, as you can already see, are quite diverse. One of the manifestations of the disease is shortness of breath. Normally, it can occur in any person after certain physical exertion. In the event that dyspnea appears at rest, one of the reasons may be an inflammatory process that occurs in the lung tissue. In this case, despite the lack of motor activity, without rational antibacterial therapy, dyspnea gradually only increases.

However, this symptom does not always indicate that pneumonia develops without temperature. Signs of the same type can also occur in cardiac pathology, when the patient gradually develops stagnant phenomena. Identify the exact cause of dyspnea with this help radiography chest organs.

It must also be remembered that young patients should pay special attention to dyspnea at rest, since in the overwhelming majority of cases they have no expressed cardiac pathology.

What should I do first?

In the event that there are typical first signs of pneumonia in adults, you should immediately turn to a specialist - doctors, therapist or pulmonologist. They will conduct a general examination, including auscultation of the lungs. Based on the results of the primary diagnostic measures, the doctor will decide whether it is necessary to perform an X-ray examination of the chest organs. If the doctor suspects something and sends the patient to such a survey, then in no case should you refuse. After radiography, the doctor will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe rational treatment.

What is the danger of pneumonia without temperature?

This disease, if it occurs without hyperthermia, is very insidious. The fact is that, in itself, even under the condition of timely rational treatment, pneumonia is very, very dangerous. If, with inflammation of the lung tissue, antibiotic therapy is not performed, then there is a real danger that the disease will lead to the most disastrous consequences. But not only this should frighten pneumonia without temperature. Such a disease is also dangerous because the patient, most likely, has weakened immunity, or he recently took certain antibacterial drugs. In both cases, one usually has to use one of the most modern antimicrobial agents. In a situation with reduced immunity, it is a matter of the fact that the body itself does not have the strength to resist infection. In the second situation, the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to one or another form of antibiotics has already been developed.

How to reduce the risk of pneumonia?

First of all, you must avoid serious hypothermia. The fact is that with a significant decrease in temperature in this or that area of ​​the human body, the level of local immunity decreases. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms have an excellent opportunity to multiply unhindered, hitting more and more sections of lung tissue.

In addition, it is very important to take antibacterial drugs strictly according to the recommendations of doctors. At the same time, it is necessary to stop using them when the signs of an infectious disease cease to make themselves felt, but only after the completion of a full course of treatment. Otherwise, a number of pathogens will persist. The next time the use of this same antibiotic will have a much more modest success, and will have to change the drug.

Another important point is the support of immunity. In order for it to be normal, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of physical activity, to eat properly and in sufficient quantities, to give the proper time to sleep and ordinary rest.

About laboratory research

They are carried out in the event that there are signs of pneumonia in adults. Without temperature or with hyperthermia, this disease occurs - laboratory tests are necessary. First of all, we are talking, of course, about a general analysis of blood. This study allows you to assess how pronounced the infectious process is in the lung tissue. In this case, doctors are most interested in the number of leukocytes, as well as the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. The fact that the process has an infectious etiology will be said to increase the level of white blood cells (more than 9 * 109 / L). The fact that there is inflammation in the body will be indicated by an increased level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Often, the doctor does not assign a usual general blood test, but a study with a formula that allows the doctor to determine which type of microorganisms triggered the development of pathology. With an increased level of neutrophils, we can talk about bacterial pneumonia, and with an increase in the number of lymphocytes - about the viral etiology of this disease.

Is there pneumonia without fever? Pneumonia without fever and cough

Pneumonia is a very dangerous disease, which can lead to complications and disruptions in the work, in the first place, the cardiovascular system. In the presence of such signs as cough, shortness of breath, weakness and high fever, it is not difficult to suspect the presence of such a disease in your presence and to consult a doctor in time.

Does it happen without a fever? It turns out that in some cases this is quite possible. This pneumonia is also called quiet or hidden.

Than the disease is dangerous

To detect this pathology, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis, the usual listening to the lungs does not reveal latent pneumonia. In addition, even an experienced doctor can not always put the right diagnosis in a disease that is not accompanied by fever and cough, which often leads to disastrous consequences.

Particularly dangerous is pneumonia in children without temperature, since a young child is not yet able to explain his feelings. Therefore, it is desirable for everyone to know the main symptoms of this disease.

Main Risk Factors

Pneumonia without temperature often occurs in people with reduced immunity. The reason for reducing the protective forces of the body may be the presence of a source of chronic infection, such as, for example, inflamed tonsils or untreated teeth. A person with reduced immunity may not even suspect that he has pneumonia without fever, symptoms may be absent for several days. The main sign in this case is shortness of breath. When you try to take a deep breath, a person feels dizzy.

In elderly people, pneumonia without fever and cough can manifest as pain in the chest, which is not always localized in the lungs. Such pain is sometimes similar to muscle pain, so people sometimes go to the doctor with complaints about stretching the muscles.

The most susceptible to this disease are people with a busy life schedule, who work hard without rest and suffer from diseases on their feet.

A good standard of living and adequate nutrition help the body cope with inflammation on its own, but with This is the replacement of affected lungs with connective tissue, and this can cause respiratory insufficiency.

Another cause of the disease is uncontrolled use of antibiotics. With prolonged use of such drugs, the body becomes accustomed to them, which leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Due to prolonged use of antitussive drugs, pneumonia can develop without temperature and cough. Such drugs suppress the process of sputum discharge from the lungs, which leads to the accumulation of pathogenic flora in the body.

Features of the course of the disease

Sometimes pneumonia happens without a temperature, but is accompanied by a cough. Most often this happens after a long cold, when the person's condition has improved, wheezing in the lungs is not audible, but a small cough persists.

Should be alerted, when such signs occur:
  • Cough with abundant or poor sputum lasts more than two weeks;
  • increased weakness, decreased appetite, a constant sense of thirst;
  • a painful blush. Red spots can appear only on one cheek, from the side of the inflamed lung;
  • obstructed, wheezing, which is accompanied by pain in the lower part of the chest. When breathing, the asymmetry of the chest movement is noticeable. Rapid breathing is one of the main symptoms of this disease. The fact is that when the disease develops, the area of ​​a healthy lung becomes smaller, the patient lacks oxygen and compensates this lack with frequent breathing;
  • with minimal physical exertion, a person sweats profusely and throws it into fever;
  • there are painful sensations in the chest when the body turns.


The identification and diagnosis of such a disease requires vast medical experience and basic knowledge symptomatology, as pneumonia in adults without a temperature with listening to the lungs is often not is revealed.

To diagnose a doctor, the doctor should ask the patient for complaints, perform an examination of the chest, paying special attention to the symmetry of her movement during inspiration and expiration. Then rattling and listening to the lungs are performed (with inflammation dry and wet wheezing, dull sound in problem areas).

To diagnose this form of the disease requires a general analysis of blood, urine, as well as sputum analysis.

In order to clarify which area of ​​the lung is affected, determine the size of the inflammation focus, and identify possible complications, an X-ray examination is performed. The X-ray diffraction pattern is performed in two projections. The presence of a limited darkening of the lung tissue is the main sign of this pathology.

Unfortunately, sometimes radiographic research is not informative. In this situation, resort to a more accurate method of research - computed tomography of the lungs. Use this method in such cases:

  • The roentgenogram does not allow to reveal the center of an inflammation at presence at the person of all signs of a pneumonia;
  • with recurrence of the disease (more than 3 times), in the event that the focus of inflammation is in the same lobe of the lungs;
  • if the results of the X-ray examination do not match the clinical manifestations of the disease.

In some cases, you may need a bronchoscopy. The study is carried out using a flexible tube with a camera at the end. The tube through the nose is inserted into the lumen of the bronchi. Bronchoscopy is necessary for complicated forms of pneumonia.

Signs of latent pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in children without fever is accompanied by slightly different symptoms than in adults. Parents should be alerted by constant drowsiness and sluggishness of the baby, tearfulness without reason, poor appetite, excessive sweating, blueing of the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath.

In the presence of such signs it is necessary to immediately show the child to the pediatrician, who will conduct the necessary studies and make an accurate diagnosis.


After a complete preliminary examination and conducting all the studies, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If you have pneumonia without temperature, self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

For the treatment of pneumonia, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action are usually prescribed. Very often a combination of two antibacterial drugs is required. The course of treatment is at least 7-10 days.

If pneumonia without fever is accompanied by a cough, expectorant and thinning medications are prescribed at the "ACE" Lazolvan Bromhexine ". In patients without cough or with a dry cough, there is no need to use such remedies.

If a person suffers from shortness of breath, it is necessary to use bronchodilators. Inhalation with nebulizer is useful.

In severe forms of pneumonia, immunomodulatory therapy is required, the administration of multivitamins.

10 days after the start of treatment, an X-ray examination is repeated. In case of threat of complications or deterioration of a person's condition, pictures can be taken earlier. Since there is a risk of decomposition of the lungs during a prolonged course of the disease, it is necessary to visit the phthisiatrician.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment can only be an addition to the main treatment, but not a substitute for it. If you have pneumonia without fever, treatment with any folk remedies is possible only if you are not allergic to them.

It is useful to use honey, as well as large doses of garlic or onions.
Instead of the usual hot drinks, it is good to drink infusions from the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, hips, elderberry, linden flowers, raspberry.

At the stage of recovery is useful infusion of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, plantain, calendula flowers, thyme, licorice. A tablespoon of a mixture of plants is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. Then the medicine should be filtered and taken on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. This remedy strengthens the immune system, regains strength.

Lifestyle during illness

Pneumonia without temperature requires bed rest. No smoking. The volume of liquid used should be no less than -3 liters per day. Food should be rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, especially A, B and C.

Many will benefit from breathing exercises. The simplest exercise is inflating balloons. Before you start, you should consult your doctor. In some conditions, breathing exercises are contraindicated.

What can not be done

In no case do not self-medicate with antibacterial drugs (you can use them only after the sputum is examined for sensitivity to a particular series of antibiotics).

Do not heat the chest and body as a whole. You can not take hot baths, bathe in a sauna or a sauna. Do not use antitussive and expectorant drugs without the advice of a doctor.

Do not engage in the usual activities, even if you have pneumonia without temperature. Symptoms of the disease may not be pronounced, but even in this case you can not lead an active lifestyle and give your body increased physical activity.

For the prevention of pneumonia, it is necessary to strengthen the body's immunity and defenses, to eat fully and regularly exercise.

At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, because the inappropriate treatment of such a disease can be fatal.

Inflammation of the lungs - symptoms without fever

To believe that sometimes inflammation of the lungs can occur without the main symptom - temperature - is quite difficult. After all, everyone is well aware that pneumonia is a serious, complex disease that can not be missed even with a strong desire.

Can there be pneumonia without temperature?

Unfortunately, such a phenomenon is not an invention. Moreover, he has a scientific name - asymptomatic pneumonia. This form of the disease is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. Due to the absence of symptoms, the disease can not be diagnosed for a long time, developing at full speed.

Most often, asymptomatic pneumonia occurs in toddlers, but from time to time, adults also have to be treated for this ailment. The main causes of inflammation of the lungs without temperature and accompanying symptoms are the following:

  • weakened immunity;
  • abuse of medicines (especially antibiotics);
  • excessive use of alcohol;
  • depressive state;
  • suppression of cough.

Negatively health is affected by an overly fast modern way of life. Best of all, whether there is inflammation of the lungs without a temperature, know the hardworking employees of large companies and firms. At them an asymptomatic pneumonia develops because of constant stay in stuffy premises with dried by working electronics and air against the background of light colds and viral infections.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults without fever

In fact, even in asymptomatic pneumonia, there are some signs. The only problem is that many patients do not take them seriously at all. Take, for example, a cough. When he is too loud, coming directly from the lungs, there is no doubt that the symptom is caused by pneumonia. But with a weak cough to turn to a specialist in most people, even thoughts do not arise. And in vain!

Light cough reflexes are considered to be the most dangerous symptoms of lung inflammation occurring without fever. Cough is a protective reaction of the body, with the help of which it tries to get rid of the infection hiding in the airways. The more reflexes are weaker, the less essential the defense.

It is important to note that inflammation of the lungs without temperature, but with a cough can be considered quite common. Sometimes it is with cough reflexes, untreated after a cold or a viral infection, pneumonia begins. In this case, the cough can be different: dry, with sputum, too strong or vice versa, barely noticeable.

Dyspnoea is another sign of asymptomatic pneumonia in adults. This phenomenon can be the result of blood stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation or a sign of intoxication. Increasing dyspnea over time is very dangerous, because it is easy to develop lung edema against its background.

There are other signs of pneumonia, which occurs without temperature in adults:

  • unnatural pallor of the skin;
  • general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the chest;
  • the formation of an unhealthy blush;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness;
  • slight wheezing in the chest;
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • severe headaches;
  • semi-fainting condition;
  • sweating;
  • heat;
  • strong thirst.

There is one method that allows you to determine the inflammation of the lungs without temperature visually. To do this, take a deep breath and exhale quietly. If the inflammation really develops in the lungs, one part of the sternum will fall more slowly than the other. This is due to the fact that the inflamed lung can not work at full strength.

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