Discharge from the ear with otitis

Inflammation of the middle ear: symptoms and stages

Unpleasant and extremely painful manifestations of ear diseases are classified according to many signs, one of which is the location of foci of infection.

Consider the possible types of otitis and examine in detail the symptoms of the middle ear.

Types of otitis

  • Outer, when the inflammation is localized directly in the auditory canal. Most often, it is diffuse, when the whole surface of the passage is damaged or in the form of a furuncle, if some limited part is inflamed. Otitis externa is relatively easy to treat, as the discharge of secretions is not difficult, and access to the affected area is open.
  • Average- develops in the next compartment of the hearing aid - the drum cavity. Its name, as it is easy to guess, is due to the location of the tympanic membrane, which will delay the outflow of purulent discharge, which will complicate the treatment. The average otitis counts in a variety of varieties, some of which will be discussed later. Treatment of otitis media involves a whole range of activities. Also, it is fraught with possible complications, so do not delay or neglect treatment.
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  • InteriorOtitis or labyrinthitis is formed even further and is almost always a consequence of untreated or rapidly progressing otitis media. The characteristic signs of labyrinthitis will be dizziness and hearing loss. The pain sensations are slightly smoothed out, and they may disappear altogether, so this inflammation is so dangerous: the patient considers this sign a guaranteed cure and may stop treatment. That is why it is very important not to engage in self-medication, but to seek qualified help from a doctor - an otolaryngologist.

    The scheme - the structure of the ear

The causes of inflammation can have a different nature, so the main three groups of causative agents of otitis.

From this article, you can find out how to effectively treat otitis media.

Classification of inflammatory processes

  1. BacterialOtitis: is caused most often by numerous representatives of the family of streptococcal and staphylococcal cultures. Often observed on the general background of the weakening of the body after the diseases and during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Treatment is carried out exclusively with the help of antibiotics, and an accurate characterization of the species will give an expanded smear of purulent discharge, if any.
  2. ViralOtitis: it develops due to ingestion of the influenza virus or herpes into the auditory cavity. In this case, special antiviral drugs and additional funds are prescribed. Often, viral otitis is a complication of SARS, so in the season of colds it is advisable to follow preventive measures. In case of illnesses, you can not tolerate influenza and SARS on your feet and refuse to take medication. A frequent reason is self-withdrawal of medications after first improvement during illness.
  3. Fungalthe nature of inflammation manifests itself when the fungus enters the body. The second name of fungal otitis is otomycosis. The main cause of the disease - non-compliance with basic rules of hygiene. Fungus enters the ear with unwashed hands, foreign objects and common diseases of the fungal organism. Often the disease is provoked by a dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics or postoperative conditions. Treatment is carried out with special preparations of general and local action, an additional immunostimulation of the body, as well as physiological procedures: washing the ear cavity and eliminating the external body fungus.

What signs of external otitis media can be indicated in this article.

The video describes the symptoms of inflammation of the middle ear:

What antibiotics can be used for otitis is available from the article.

Apparently, "our enemies" have a lot of "enemies and most of them are quiet live in our body and do not exert their harmful influence in unfavorable for them conditions.

The best prevention of ear inflammatory processes (as well as many other diseases) will be maintaining a high level of immunity and careful compliance with individual hygiene.

How is the possible infection

  • Water entering the auditory canal. Usually this requires another provoking factor - damage to the skin of the inner surface of the ear canal. This can be scratches and microcracks caused by sloppy cleaning or foreign objects.
  • Complication after a disease. This is especially pronounced in childhood, but it can also disturb an adult. The most common side effects appear after other ENT diseases: sinusitis, sinusitis, angina, bronchitis.
  • Foreign object in the ear. Children often accidentally shove small parts into the nose or ear. Self-extracting is fraught with damage to the drum septum, so it's better to seek qualified help. In adults, a foreign object can be accidentally caught, for example, during a strong wind or a specific job. Extract it yourself also can not fail, so medical advice is recommended.

How does acute catarrhal otitis look, you can find from the article.

Specificity of pediatric otitis will be quite simple diagnosis and treatment. The main requirement is the inadmissibility of self-medication by folk remedies and the independent prescription of medications on the principle: someone helped.

The video describes the symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the middle ear:

What kind of drops for otitis in adults is best used, is indicated in the article.

Symptoms of otitis media of the middle ear

  1. Sharp or shooting pain in the ear. Older children can independently identify a symptom, and in the case of infancy, the disease gives a sharp change in behavior. The kid reaches for the ear, cries and refuses to eat and pacifier. An accurate diagnosis can be made only by a doctor, and the task of parents is to provide timely advice and treatment.
  2. Discharge from the ear canal(not necessary). Any discharge from the ear should alert the parents, even if it is a matter of conventional sulfur, only in larger quantities.
  3. Frequently observedthe appearance of an unpleasant odor from the auricle. With an average otitis discharge from the ear may not be, but the smell will appear.
  4. Temperature increasechildren can be caused by a variety of reasons, but if the above symptoms are present, then this is a serious reason to suspect otitis.

How to remove sulfur fuses in the ears, you can find out by reading the article.

In children, the disease is quite common, but it passes relatively quickly. It is important to know that the faster you contact a doctor, the greater the chances of getting rid of antibiotics and complex treatment. Emergency methods will be antipyretic drugs and analgesic turundochki with boric alcohol or special ear drops. Apply them only a short time to ease the pain, and not use for self-treatment.

On the video - the symptoms of inflammation of the middle ear in the baby:

What antibiotics are used for otitis media in children are indicated in the article.

Warmings of the ear canal cause a temporary sense of relief, but without prior consultation and clarification of the nature of otitis media can be extremely dangerous.The patient should be protected from drafts and low temperatures, but independent heating can provoke the progress of the disease and the transition of catarrhal otitis to the purulent stage.

In adults, the symptoms of otitis are identical to manifestations of the disease in children. First of all there is a sharp pain in the ear area, the simplest diagnosis: a little pressure on the outer ledge near the ear canal. If there is a sharp pain syndrome, then the matter is in the otitis. Treatment of adult patients occurs depending on the pathogens of infection and the symptoms that appear. Often in order to cure otitis, it is necessary to remove the infection of the nasopharynx or tonsillitis.

How is treatment at home for ear inflammation, you can learn from this article.

Stages of

The disease is characterized not only by the above symptoms, but also by three stages of development.

  • Acute formCatarrhal otitis is extremely painful. Unpleasant sensations intensify towards evening, causing unbearable discomfort. Sharp movements of the head, coughing and sneezing provoke shooting pain, giving away to the field of the temple or teeth. The hearing decreases and the temperature rises.
  • Purulent formotitis should be immediately followed by catarrhal. Allocations of pus accumulate in the cavity behind the tympanic membrane. Often to remove excreta, the doctor produces a small puncture of the tympanic membrane. If this is not done, it can break through on its own.

How is treated inflamed adenoids in children, indicated in the article.

The video tells about the acute form of otitis media:

The process of regeneration occurs after the destruction of infection and complex treatment. Purulent discharge is removed naturally, the internal surface is gradually restored, as is the damage to the tympanic membrane. The final manifestations of otitis occur after about 10 days in children and two to three weeks in adults. At the same time, gradual restoration of hearing can be observed.

What folk remedies for the ingested ear are most often used, is indicated in this article.

Skip the occurrence of otitis is quite difficult: the disease itself will give a signal in the form of a strong shooting pain.

At the slightest suspicion on an otitis of any localization it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor. Timely treatment significantly increases the chances of getting rid of otitis without the use of antibiotics and strong medications. Otitis in children and adults has the same nature and symptoms. Children's ear diseases develop more rapidly, but also go much faster. Prophylaxis of otitis of different complexity will consist in hardening and vitaminization of organisms, timely treatment of infectious diseases of different localization.


Why does the ear flow and how can this be treated?

Flowing ear than curing? Often such a question is asked by people who do not know what their ear disease is, what the consequences may be.

So why does the ear flow and how to treat it? First you need to establish the disease itself, and this will help only the doctor. In any case, if it flows from the ear, this is the first sign of inflammation. But why there was inflammation, it is necessary to find out the doctor. Most often, discharge from the ear can be due to complications after such transferred respiratory diseases as angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. The reason can be in otitis.

Diseases that can cause this symptom

The most common reasons include:

  • otitis;
  • mastoiditis;
  • purulent furuncles;
  • allergy;
  • cholesteatoma cyst;
  • trauma of the tympanic membrane;
  • craniocerebral trauma.

What does the nature of liquid secretions indicate?

The composition and color of the discharge can be assumed to be a disease. So, if the liquid secretions are transparent, then, most likely, the patient suffers from an allergy, which is in the form of an exacerbation. Also, a clear liquid can indicate the onset of an illness called otitis. If from the ears runs a whitish-yellow liquid, then this is a signal about inflammation of the organ. Purulent discharge testifies to serious diseases, in the presence of allocated pus it is necessary to undergo an urgent examination. If the discharge is bloody, then it indicates any injury to the ear or tympanic membrane and even a tumor of the middle and outer ear.

What measures should be taken in the first place for secretions from the ear?

If the septicemia is purulent and there is still an increase in body temperature, then there is no attempt at self-medication. You can only hurt yourself even more. After all, various ailments of the ears are treated differently. If the allocation is non-hectic and not accompanied by a rise in body temperature, this is not an excuse to postpone the visit to a specialist and engage in self-medication. After all, if the treatment is wrong, the disease can begin to progress.Hence follows the conclusion: to treat sick ears without the appointment of a doctor is strictly prohibited.

What are the medical methods of treatment?

So, you have visited the doctor and you have been diagnosed. Based on the disease itself and its degree, the patient can be assigned:

  • disinfection and clean ear canal;
  • antibiotics;
  • ear drops;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery.

Antibiotics are most often prescribed for otitis. The most effective antibiotics in the treatment are suprax, levofloxacin, cefuroxime axetil. Usually the course of antibiotic treatment is 7-10 days.

It is advisable, if there is such an opportunity, every day to visit the office of the ENT doctor, to do the cleaning of the ears. With the help of microinstruments and special ear suction, the auditory canal outside is cleaned of excreta. This is done to ensure that medications that affect locally are delivered faster to the skin and to the mucous membrane. Accordingly, the treatment will be faster. If it flows from the ears as a result of otitis and other infectious inflammations, then mandatory prescribed antibacterial drops. Very effective in the treatment of such drops as normax, otofa.

If this is a symptom of the appearance of furuncles of the external auditory canal, then under sterile conditions perform their autopsy under local anesthesia, and then prescribed painkillers and antibacterial medicines.

Is it possible to treat the discharge with folk remedies?

Depending on the nature of the disease manifested by such a symptom, treatment is quite possible with folk methods, but only with the permission of the doctor. Folk remedies give good results in treatment.

Perhaps, the most popular and effective recipe for secretions from the ear is aloe juice.

To prepare the juice, cut the leaf of the plant and squeeze it. But squeezed juice in its pure form in the ear is not buried, since it very dry the skin and causes irritation. Aloe juice should be diluted at a rate of 1/1. The diluted juice of aloe with water is instilled into the ear canal once a day for 2-3 drops in each.

To cope with the disease will help and tincture of propolis. You can buy already ready 20% alcohol tincture, and you can even cook it yourself. The home-made alcoholic tincture of propolis is made as follows. Take 100 g of propolis and fill it with 96% alcohol. Tincture should be infused for 10 days. At the end of the time, the refined sunflower oil is added to the prepared tincture at the rate of 40 g of oil per 10 g of tincture. Tincture can simply be buried in sick ears, and you can pawn tampons. The time of the procedure is one day. Then the tampons are pulled out of their ears and they take a break for 12 hours. So the course of treatment is not less than 20 days.

Coping with purulent discharge from the ears will help the melted wax. It is necessary to take the melted wax and apply a thin layer of it on a fabric of flax. Then the fabric is folded with a funnel and inserted into the sore ear with a narrow end. The wide end needs to be set on fire. But as soon as the tissue burns to the ear, the procedure should be quickly stopped. The procedure may seem dangerous, but the effect of it will pleasantly surprise you.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = HMyO6qrzDTg

Aromatherapy also works wonders. She can stop the discharge in a few days. To perform the procedure you need to equip with chamomile oil and boiling water. So, take 5 drops of camomile oil and add to 500 ml of boiling water. As soon as the composition cools, they can wash their ears. You can try to add a few drops of lavender to warmed up olive oil. Such a compound is buried by sick ears and inserted into them cotton swabs.


What to do with otitis?

Answering the question what to do with otitis, it should be recalled: the infection of the ear caused by the infection can affect its outer part (auditory meatus), and the inner ear, but most often the inflammatory process occurs precisely in the middle ear, that is, in the tympanic cavity and auditory tube.

Otitis media is one of the most common (especially in children) ear diseases. It is accompanied by severe pain and is fraught with very dangerous complications, so you should know what to do with otitis.

What should I do if my ear hurts? Recommendations of otolaryngologists

ENT doctors divide otitis into acute and chronic, that is, short-term or long-term, and also on catarrhal and purulent - depending on whether there is secretions from the sore ear and which exactly. It should be borne in mind that in any case, the main cause of inflammation of the middle ear is a bacterial infection (in the form of Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, hemophilic rod, etc.), as well as rhinoviruses that affect the nasopharynx, and then fall into ear cavity. The main way of penetration of these infections into the ear is through the auditory (Eustachian) tube, which connects the inflamed nasopharynx with the ear cavity.

What should I do if my child has otitis media? When a child has an earache, one must go to an otolaryngologist, and if the doctor reveals an inflammation of the middle ear, the recommendations will be as follows. It is necessary to inject a turunda (twisted from a sterile bandage or cotton wicks), moistened with boric alcohol (3% alcohol solution of boric acid) into the ear canal, and change it every three hours. Also, for wetting turundas, a solution of furacil in alcohol or a mixture of 70% alcohol with glycerin (:) can be used.

The warming up of the ear with a blue lamp, as well as warming compresses in the ear help: help with vodka or half-diluted medical alcohol. At the same time, the auricle should not be covered with a moistened napkin: the compress is applied around it and behind the ear, on top is put a compress paper or any thin film, and everything is "warmed up" with a bandage or cap. The time of action of such a compress is at least two hours.

In the presence of a cold - and it happens in almost 95% of cases of otitis in children, so that the child can breathe nose, should be dripped for 1-2 drops in each nasal passage drops such as Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Nazivin and etc. - at least three times a day. Children up to a year do not use such drops!

Be sure to bury in the ear special drops (which before use should be warmed to body temperature). Drops of Otypax and Anauran, apart from the removal of inflammation, quickly relieve pain (due to the pain medication contained in the preparation). Otypax can be used in infants, the standard dosage is 4 drops 2-3 times a day. Anauran is used only after the child has completed one year. It is recommended to instill 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day for 3-7 days.

Drops for the ears Otisol (contain benzocaine and phenylephrine) reduce the swelling of the ear tissues and anesthetize (the drug contains benzocaine and phenylephrine). The solution is administered with a pipette, the dosage is as follows: children 6-12 months - one drop three times a day, -6 years - 2 drops, 6-12 years - 3 drops three times during the day. Adults and children over 12 years should drip three times a day for 4 drops. Otisol is not prescribed for the perforation of the tympanic membrane, and children up to 6 months. Doctors recommend after instillation for some time to cover the ear canal with a cotton swab.

What else should I do if my ear hurts? The aforementioned ear drops contribute to the relief of pain, in addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used, for example, Ibufen junior or Ibufen D. These are preparations in the form of a suspension for use in pediatric practice. For example, the standard dose of Ibufen D is for children under 1-3 years - 100 mg (3 times a day), 4-6 years - 150 mg, 7-9 years - 200 mg, 10-12 years - 300 mg three times a day. Preparations of the NSAID group are not recommended for more than five consecutive days.

And what if the ear hurts when you have otitis in adults? Yes, the same thing, only drops of Otypax or Anuaran need to drip 4 drops to four times during the day. During pregnancy, these drugs should be prescribed by a doctor and only in those cases when the benefit to the mother far exceeds the possible threats to the fetus.

Also adults, as soon as the ear begins to ache, you can apply drops of Cholics (Kholina salicylate, Otinum, Brotinum) - 3-4 drops three times a day. These drops stop pain and relieve inflammation. But with purulent otitis with damage to the tympanic membrane, it is counter-indicative (why - read below).

Among the analgesics taken internally with otitis media, the most commonly used NSAIDs are Ibuprofen, Ibuprom, Nurofen, and others.

What to do with purulent otitis?

Almost a third of cases of otitis media have a purulent character, when purulent exudate is formed in the middle ear cavity, which begins to ooze out of the ear. What to do with purulent otitis?

It is necessary to treat the auditory passage with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), furacilin or rivanol; to put in the ear canal turundas with a solution of dioxidine (,%), 2% solution of silver nitrate, hydrocortisone.

In this way, the ear should be instilled with a 2% solution of carbolic alcohol mixed with glycerin (2-3 drops each thrice a day), as well as antibacterial ear drops Tsipromed, Otofa and Normaks, which do not have ototoxic effect. Zipromed (,% ear drops containing ciprofloxacin) can be used only after 15 years - five drops three times a day; Pregnant and lactating women, the drug is contraindicated.

Otof drops contain antibiotic rifamycin; adults are recommended to dig in 5 drops in the ear (3 times a day), children - 3 drops twice a day. In the composition of Normax drops there is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic norfloxacin; the drug is prescribed for 2-3 drops in the ear 4-6 once a day, in severe cases, dig in the inflamed ear every three hours until the intensity of the discharge is reduced pus. These drops can not be used in the treatment of purulent otitis in children under 12 years and women during pregnancy.

A few words about what an ototoxic effect is, and why it is contraindicated to use in purulent Otitis with perforation of the eardrum such drops for the ears, like Otinum, Otizol, Garazon, Sofraks, Polidex. Among the side effects of these drugs is their ability to affect the hair cells of the cochlea, ampulla and otolith receptors, as well as fibers of the auditory nerve, resulting in the development of sensorineural hearing loss up to irreversible loss hearing. Such actions are exerted by the active substances of these drugs - bactericidal antibiotics of the group aminoglycosides (Streptomycin, Neomycin, Gramycidin, Gentamicin, Amikacin), as well as salicylic acid and its salt. The latter include drops of Otinum, Otisol; aminoglycosites contain drops Garazon (gentamicin), Sofraks (gramicidin), Polidexa (neomycin).

What to do with purulent otitis for systemic infection control? In clinical otolaryngology, it is mandatory to take 6-7 days to take antibacterial drugs for treatment of acute inflammation of the middle ear in children of the first two years of life, as well as in adult patients with reduced immunity. Children after two years and adults, antibiotics are prescribed only with a significant increase in temperature indicators (+ 38 ° C and above), headaches and other signs of infectious intoxication - after two days from the beginning of the manifestation of typical symptoms of acute otitis.

In acute purulent otitis, the most effective antibiotics, according to most doctors of this specialization, are Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin. Amoxicillin (Amin, Amoxylat, Ospamox, Flemoxin solutab, etc.) give children 2-5 years, 25 g three times a day, children 5-10 years - 5 grams three times a day (after eating). Dosage for adults - on, g three times a day. The recommended dosage of Clarithromycin for adults and children over 12 years is 5 g twice a day, and the duration of administration is 5 days.

What should I do if my ears are stuffed with otitis?

Inflammatory process with otitis middle ear extends to the tympanic cavity and tympanic membrane. The mucous membrane of the cavity thickens, the resulting serous exudate accumulates in the auditory tube, covering the tympanic membrane. Because of this, the flow of air into the cavity of the middle ear decreases or stops completely, the pressure in the cavity falls, and the eardrum retracts. This is expressed in a symptom such as ear budding.

What should I do if my ears are stuffed with otitis? Treat otitis media. If the otitis catarrhal and the integrity of the membrane was not disturbed, then the treatment (described above) leads to elimination of inflammation, restoration of air passage through the auditory tube and return of the tympanic membrane to normal state. The ears "postpone and the person can hear everything again.

When the otitis is purulent, the pus accumulates in the tympanic cavity and blocks the flow of air, which leads to the laying of the ear. The volume of purulent discharge increases, their outflow is complicated, and as a result, the pressure on the inflamed eardrum increases. As a result, this leads to its perforation.

Adequate therapy destroys the infection, relieves the symptoms of otitis, and the tympanic membrane grows. But, as ENT doctors mark, the sick ear can still remain for some time (up to a half-moon). There are no additional measures in this case, since in most cases hearing is normal.

If the ear is laid too long, then the doctor to whom you refer with this problem will perform an otoscopy and find out the cause. Most likely, this is due to too large scars on the tympanic membrane, and these scars prevent it from moving, and, therefore, transmit sound vibrations. To solve this problem, physiotherapy procedures such as UHF, electrophoresis and tube quartz of the ear cavity are prescribed.

What can not be done with otitis?

Pay attention to what can not be done with otitis:

  • to small children (up to two years old) not to bury boric alcohol in the ear;
  • Do not flaunt simultaneously through both nostrils: only alternately, while closing one nostril;
  • With purulent secretions from the ear, no way can the warm ear be heated;
  • in the case of perforation of the tympanic membrane with purulent otitis, you should not use such drops in the ear, like Otinum, Otisol, Garazon, Sofrax, Polidex (for reasons - see. section What to do with purulent otitis?).

Given that the inflammation of the middle ear can be complicated by otitis media of the inner ear (labyrinthitis), inflammation of the tissues of the mastoid process (mastoiditis), meningitis and an abscess of the brain, treatment of this disease should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, but to know what to do with otitis and what drugs should be used, useful.


Ear washing in otitis: why should I wash the inflamed ears

Washing the ear with otitis is a known way to wash out pus from the ear, which is inflamed in the otitis. This method of ear cleaning is extremely necessary if pus actively accumulates in the ear canal.

Non-washing in time accumulating pus in the future can lead to very serious consequences, for example, to rupture of the tympanic membrane. It is also necessary to get rid of pus directly and before instill special ear drops into the ears, so that the medicine can freely enter the ear canal.

In advanced or untimely detected cases, paracentesis (a cut of the tympanic membrane) or a shunting of the tympanic membrane is performed to remove pus from the ears.

Treatment of otitis is a difficult process and often quite protracted.

This disease can be transferred to a chronic form with wrong treatment, which means that without surgery it is hardly possible to get by.

To understand what can provoke an otitisum, it is necessary to know, at least some possible reasons of its occurrence.

In medicine, the classification of otitis in the localization of the inflammatory process is distinguished:

  • average;
  • outer;
  • interior.

Depending on the type of otitis, the causes of its occurrence are also distinguished:

  • Average otitis media(the most common) can be caused by infections falling into the ear from the nasopharynx or nose, after human influenza, ARVI, etc. Also, otitis media can be a direct consequence of such a disease as sinusitis.
  • External otitis mediacan provoke allergic reactions, as well as fungi or staphylococcus entering the auditory canal.
  • Concerningotitis media, then its appearance is preceded by traumas, bacterial and viral infections, as well as tuberculosis and otitis media of the middle ear.

It is worth noting that, after improper washing of the nose, pain in the ear may occur. To get rid of this, it is necessary to drip the vasodilating drops into the nostril on the side of the diseased ear. Can I wash my ear with otitis? The answer is unequivocal: no, you can not.

Given that the main cause causing otitis, are infections, then ear washing with otitis can be called truly an invaluable and useful antiseptic procedure capable of washing the entire pus accumulating in the ear - a place where live and actively multiply bacteria. That is why the washing is given such special attention. Having ascertained, for what it is necessary to wash the ears with otitis, one can proceed to the question of what to wash the sick inflamed ears.

Washing with otitis: with what means to wash the ear

We have already found out how useful washing with purulent otitis is. Now it's time to talk about the means of washing the sore ear.

But before that I want to emphasize that washing should be carried out exclusively by ENT doctors or directly affected, but after special training.

Categorically it is not recommended to wash your ears at home without first consulting a doctor.

So, what can you wash your ear with purulent otitis? One of the first tools that experts assign is hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is considered to be relatively painless and effective in combating various infections that enter the skin of the ear canal. Most often, hydrogen peroxide is used to treat purulent otitis media of the middle and outer ear.

An invaluable benefit is the miracle-peroxide and for softening sulfuric ear plugs.

It is important to know

Use hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of otitis in the home can be completely free, but only after the appointment of the solution ENT-doctor. You can get such a remedy with a disinfecting effect in any pharmacy. The main thing is to correctly apply peroxide and not abuse its medicinal properties.

As a rule, peroxide of 3% concentration is used to treat purulent otitis (it is not necessary to dilute such solution with water).

The procedure for washing the ear with peroxide is carried out as follows: in a special syringe for washing the ears type preheated hydrogen peroxide, then remove the needle from the syringe and gently instill in the ear a solution (1 ml). When peroxide passes through the ear canal, it can be "poured" from the ear, and instead of the old portion, you need to pour in a new peroxide. Such a therapeutic procedure helps to clear the "clogged" ear from pus and pathogens. How to treat an ear in the home is a fairly common question, but be careful and do not harm self-medication.

If cleaning of the ears is necessary immediately before instillation of the patient ear, then peroxide should be used so: to moisten the cotton wool solution (or cotton swab) and with it to clear the auditory passage from purulent excretions.

Another way to cleanse pus and germs is to rinse the ear with warm vodka. For this, it is necessary to wash the inflamed ear for 3 days each morning. You can wash your ear with vodka the same way as peroxide. Half sick with otitis, with the help of the vodka washing procedure, it was possible to achieve a positive effect in the treatment: stop the leakage of pus from the diseased ear.


Washing the ear is only an auxiliary means of treating otitis. Only one washing will not be enough. A whole complex of drugs and a course of physiotherapy are needed. Only a combination of all the means can lead to a speedy recovery without surgery and serious complications.

Physiotherapy with otitis: which procedures are the most effective

Physiotherapy in otitis is an important stage in the treatment of the disease. The purpose of this procedure is regression of the inflammatory process or its stabilization.

If the phase of otitis is inactive, then physioprocedures can help to completely eliminate painful inflammation syndromes.

Physiotherapy in otitis is considered one of the safest remedies for this disease.

The advantage of hardware treatment (physiotherapy) is the possibility of using such a method of treatment as independently, and in a complex way; in combination with the course of antibiotic therapy and the use of various special ointments and drops.

There are many kinds of physiotherapy procedures, but it is worth mentioning at least the most basic ones.

For example, doctors often appoint doctorsphototherapy (light therapy). To such procedure carry first of all a method «the Blue lamp». This is a fairly effective and popular way to eliminate pain in the sore ear. Treatment of the so-called "Blue Lamp" is safe enough, but there is one important contraindication: it is not recommended to resort to this method of treatment if the otitis has passed into the purulent stage. That is, if the purulent discharge begins to go from the ear, then the procedure of the "Blue Lamp" is postponed for a while.

Another physiotherapeutic treatment for otitis media isuse of ultraviolet rays. They are known to kill bacteria and have some kind of immunostimulating action. Therefore, the use of ultraviolet therapy will affect the inflamed ear as an anti-inflammatory and restorative. Sometimes, for the purpose of destroying bacteria and viruses, apply "tube-quartz" (for the nasal cavity) and the local UFO pharynx.

This is far from a complete list of all existing physiotherapeutic methods of otitis treatment. Physiotherapy with otitis has many variations and varieties, but each of the procedures should be selected for the patient individually.

Factors affecting the choice of ENT specialist physiotherapy:

  • duration and stage of the disease;
  • severity of the course of the disease;
  • sex and age of the patient;
  • medical history and anamnesis of patients;
  • features of the pathology of the disease;
  • psychophysical state, etc.

Taking into account all the features of the patient and his illness, in particular, the specialist should choose the right and complex treatment.

Do not self-medicate without visiting a pre-otolaryngologist. It is the doctor who can tell how to wash the ears at home. Keep in mind that without consulting an experienced doctor to use these or other drugs, or to attend any physiotherapy procedures is not recommended. After all, you yourself will not make a correct diagnosis and do not determine the severity of the ailment, and also you can rinse your ear incorrectly.

For example, not everyone knows that heating or dripping ears with purulent otitis is strictly prohibited, this is only exacerbate the situation and lead to serious complications with subsequent surgical intervention. Only a qualified specialist will be able to give you good medical advice, and with the help of correct, timely and complex treatment will put you on your feet in the shortest possible time.


Why does the child flow out of the ear?

What should I do if my baby is running out of my ear? Such a symptom may well appear with a cold. The presence of this kind of secretion means that in the middle ear there is some inflammation. By the nature of excreta in the home, without much difficulty, you can determine whether this is catarrhal or purulent. In folk medicine, there are several methods of treatment of discharge. These methods are based on the use of medicinal herbs.

In the event that the baby flows from the ear, it means that there is inflammation, in other words, it is otitis. It is not necessary that the allocation will be accompanied by exceptionally painful sensations. Fluid or pus, pre-breaking the eardrum, may well flow out without manifesting any other symptoms.

If too much fluid is released from the ear during the night, then in the morning the parents can find out that the baby's pillow case has become wet. In addition to its characteristic color (green or cloudy), purulent discharge is also characterized by an unpleasant odor (usually a yellow liquid). In addition to this, crusts may appear in the ear.

Treatment of such symptoms is markedly different. As for general procedures suitable for both a child with normal catarrhal discharge and a baby, which is observed purulent discharge from the ear, among them there is a washing of the auricle with peroxide of hydrogen or saline solution. It is permissible, as an alternative, to use decoctions from medicinal plants, for example marigolds, for washing. Such broths will help to quickly and painlessly remove inflammation.

Presence of a purulent discharge from the ears of a child is an important signal, so you should consult your doctor. Most often, pus from the ear emerges during sleep of the patient. Allotments have a yellow-green color.

In the event that during the discharge from the ear of any liquid the baby continues to remain calm, not capricious and does not bother anything in general, it does not mean that the situation can not be control. It is possible that the child is actively developing chronic purulent otitis media.

The causes of pus from the ears

Bacteria or viruses are the main pathogens of inflammation in the middle ear. They can get into the ear due to such a disease as tuberculosis. In addition, inflammation can also appear after meningitis, measles, bruises or sepsis.

Pus begins to flow through the eardrum breakthrough. During this period, the child will feel relief. However, in spite of the fact that the pain can leave for a while, all the same it is absolutely necessary to ask for help from a doctor and find out the causes of the pain.

The main symptoms of acute purulent otitis media

To the manifestations of acute purulent otitis media can include such symptoms:
  1. Crying with pain in the ears of babies. For children under 2 years of age, frequent crying is characteristic. Especially often it is manifested at night. At the same time, at the moment of crying, the baby can touch his head in the place where he has painful sensations.
  2. Complaints from older children. Older children themselves can say in which place they have unpleasant feelings, so that the parent can understand that his child's ears hurt.
  3. Among the most common symptoms of acute purulent otitis media, the child should be given pain that occurs when pressing on the cartilage that closes the ear canal.
  4. Possible increase in body temperature up to 39 ° C.
  5. The consequence of the accumulation of pus in the tympanic membrane is a hearing disorder in the child.

It should be noted that many cases are known where acute purulent otitis media passes without symptoms characteristic of it. In this case, diagnosing the disease becomes almost impossible, since those symptoms that are present can easily be confused with the signs of other diseases. The diagnosis should be addressed solely by the attending physician.

Treatment of purulent discharge from the ear

Parents should try to protect the child from possible infectious diseases, which are especially active in the cold season. As a rule, against their background, the symptoms of suppurative otitis media can appear.

In order to facilitate the state of the child, parents will have to help the baby on their own before the doctor's arrival. First of all, you need to clean the ear canal. To do this, the ear conch of the baby should be pulled back. Allocations are cleaned by rotational movements. To clear the ear from purulent clusters, you should arm with cotton buds and a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

After the pus is completely removed from the ear, in no case should the eye be buried with drops, oil or juices. When you go to a medical institution, in addition to drops for the ear, the baby will be prescribed drops for the nose. Recently, instead of drops, sprays are actively used. Due to the active effect on the mucous membrane, edema is removed, thus making it possible to breathe freely.

It should be noted that if you have pus in your ears, you will need to carry out antibacterial therapy. What medication will be used for such treatment? This can be determined exclusively by the attending physician of the baby. In addition, only he determines the dose of the drug and the period of its use.

To alleviate the condition of the baby while the ear is flowing, and it is possible to eliminate the discharge only during complex treatment. At this time, the general condition of the child is restored, the swelling of the inflamed auditory tube is removed and respiration is restored.


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The recovery period after the illness can last up to several months. In order for the child to recover as soon as possible, it should be isolated from sick children and adults, if any, in his environment. It is necessary to reduce the physical activity of the child.

Transparent liquid from the ear

What to do if the liquid flows from the ear and is transparent? When the acute phase of the disease passes, do not stop the treatment of the ear, because otherwise you can start the disease. In addition, the treatment that the doctor will appoint a doctor, it is recommended to use turuns from gauze. Pre-it should be soaked in a solution of boric acid, then put on the sick ear dry and warm compress.

As a warm dry compress, a normal piece of wool or a large salt can be burned in a frying pan. The compress itself should be applied not on the ear itself, but on the area behind it. The duration of the use of the compress depends on how long the salt or some other means taken for warming up the ear will remain warm.

That at night the ears do not freeze, you should put a headscarf on the baby's head. It is necessary to ensure that the area behind the ears is also closed from possible draft or cold.

Preventive maintenance of diseases of ears

To prevent a possible appearance of the disease, it is necessary to prevent viral infectious diseases and keep the ear canals clean. It is good to conduct quenching procedures.

At the first symptoms of diseases of the ears, you must immediately go to a medical facility.


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Parents should ensure that foreign objects do not get into your ears. It is necessary to use a minimum of cotton buds. To clean the ears, it is enough to apply soap and warm water.


How to treat purulent otitis depending on the stages of the disease

Purulent otitis, as a rule, develops as a result of infectious inflammation.

It is dangerous for its complications, since it occurs in the inner cavity of the ear, where independent access to external processing is impossible.

Therefore, the exact answer to the question of how to treat purulent otitis can only be given by a doctor.

In the development of purulent otitis usually distinguish three stages:

  • The first stage: inflammation develops in the cavity of the ear, causing swelling of the mucous membrane with the formation of mucus, pus. At this moment, the person feels severe pain in the ear and in the surrounding areas (jaw, head, nasal congestion, pressure on the eyes can be felt). This stage is usually characterized by an increase in temperature, a decrease in appetite, the appearance of weakness. Symptoms grow with the arrival of evening and night time.
  • The second stage: the purulent mass is released from the ear by melting the tympanic membrane. After relieving tension inside the ear cavity, pain and a decrease in temperature occur. Self-induced suppuration can lead to significant damage to the tympanic membrane. Therefore, the procedure for puncturing the tympanic membrane is often used to reduce the size of her injury. This procedure is also prescribed in the event that the otitis media of the middle ear develops rapidly, which creates a threat of pus penetration into the brain.
  • The third stagecharacterized by a decrease in inflammation and recovery of the body. At this time, you can not stop the prescribed treatment. In case of refusal of treatment due to improvement of well-being, a repeated exacerbation may occur, as the infection will not be completely eliminated.

Diagnosis of the disease is conducted to determine how to treat purulent otitis, depending on the stage of development and the causative agent of the infection.

It includes the following indicators:

  • otoscopy (the presence of pus, the integrity of the tympanic membrane);
  • blood test;
  • sowing of excreta for the determination of the pathogen;
  • hearing research.

For the treatment of purulent otitis media the following medicamentous methods are used:

  • antibiotics are taken orally, intramuscularly, injected into the ear cavity through the tympanic membrane;
  • hormonal drugs are used to reduce swelling;
  • antihistamines to exclude the development of allergic reactions;
  • anesthetics;
  • antipyretics, if the temperature during otitis is kept for a long time.

In some cases, when there is a risk of serious complications or they have already occurred, surgical operations are carried out. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to start treatment on time, especially if the purulent otitis is diagnosed in the child.

How to treat acute diffuse otitis

Acute diffuse otitis is expressed in the inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous layers of the outer ear.

Causes of this ailment may be damage to the skin of the ear canal caused by:

  • injuries;
  • unsuccessful manipulations in the conduct of hygiene procedures;
  • ingress of foreign bodies;
  • burns;
  • chemical substances.

External diffuse otitis occurs when infection of the damaged skin with bacteria or fungi.

Acute diffuse otitis, as a rule, can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • pronounced edema of the external ear;
  • the presence of a furuncle at the site of injury;
  • heat;
  • painful sensations;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Depending on the nature of the infection, it is determined how to treat acute purulent otitis.

Various methods of treatment are used, such as:

  • medicamentous;
  • physiotherapy;
  • treatment with folk remedies;
  • surgical intervention.

Than to treat acute otitis with the help of medicines:

  • antibiotics in the form of ear drops or ointments;
  • antibacterial agents orally;
  • antifungal preparations in the form of ointments;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • hormonal preparations.

Physiotherapy includes the use of UFO and UHF.

If the boil is large and there is no pus out, then with a surgical operation such a boil is opened and cleaned of purulent contents.

Than to treat acute otitis with the help of folk remedies:

  • cleansing of the ear canal with the help of tampons soaked in chamomile broth or leek;
  • the introduction into the ear of turund, soaked in infusions and juice of herbs, such as leaves of nightshade, plantain, mint;
  • inclusion in food products in which there is ascorbic acid (oranges, lemons, hawthorn, dogrose).

How to treat acute otitis depends on many factors. In order for the treatment to be effective, a doctor's consultation is necessary.



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