Polyps in the uterus, what it is, how it is treated: symptoms, treatment, removal

Many women are facing problems with the appearance of polyps in the uterus. Today we are talking about what it is - polyps in the uterus, what are the causes of their occurrence, how to treat and whether it is necessary to remove these benign formations.

Polyp in the uterus is a benign neoplasm that locates in the cervix and grows in its lumen. The polyp is similar to an ordinary wart that forms not on the surface of the skin, but in the cervical canal of the uterus. The number of polyps can vary from one to several.


Polyps in the uterus: the causes of the emergence of

The most probable reasons for their proliferation are scientists consider hormonal disorders, immune system disorders, frequent stresses and changes in the body caused by the age of the woman.

Clinical manifestations in the occurrence of these mushroom-like growths on the cervix are most often absent.

In the event that a secondary infection or polyps are associated with the transformation of the cervix, painful sensations of a traumatic character, the development of bleeding and the appearance of serous discharge may occur.

The fourth part of all neck changes, which are not of a malignant nature, belongs to polyps. We are talking about pseudo-erosions and erosions, papillomas, pointed kandilomas, erythroplasty and leukoplakia.

In connection with the threat of their malignancy, it is important for every woman to remember about the annual preventive examination. This will allow time to detect the existing polyp or other tumor and eliminate it.

According to statistics, polyps account for 4% of the total weight of all gynecological diseases. The age at which a woman first meets this benign growth is, on average, 45 years and older, which is associated with her entry into the postmenopausal period. But sometimes they are found even in childhood in girls who have not reached the age of 9.As for the threat of transformation of education into a cancer tumor, it equates to 1.5% of all cases of the disease.

Risk factors for the occurrence of uterine polyps

What is the true cause of the appearance of the polyp has so far not been clearly established by physicians.

Therefore, scientists warn only about the likely risk factors that can trigger the growth of education:

No. Risk Factor
1 Diseases of the genital area in a woman that cause hormonal failure in the body. The most dangerous in this regard are ovarian cysts, their dysfunction, myoma and endometriosis.
2 Hormonal outbreaks( pregnancy) and fading due to age( menopause).
3 Psycho-emotional tension, frequent depression, stressful situations, chronic fatigue. All these conditions lead to malfunctions in the immune system, which means that they can provoke sprouting.
4 Damage to the cervix of a mechanical nature. This can happen both during the passage of gynecological examinations( hysteroscopy, therapeutic scraping, etc.), and because of inflammatory processes( endocervicitis).In addition, the neck can be injured during labor or during an abortion.
5 Up to 70% of all polyps are found in the presence of such accompanying pathologies as: erosion, cervicitis, leukoplakia, colpitis atrophic, endometrial polyps and pseudo-erosion.
6 Sprouting may appear on the background of a sexually transmitted infection, as well as in violation of the microflora of the vagina. Dangerous in this regard, such diseases as: herpes, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia. Also, the infection can be of a mixed type.

Polyp uterus, symptoms of

How polyps manifest themselves? When a polyp is small or it is single, the symptomatology is usually completely absent. A woman learns that she has a neoplasm only in the doctor's office at a scheduled visit. Clinical signs of the disease are manifested only in the case when inflammation develops or the polyp is infected as a result of the resulting injury.

In this case, the following symptoms may start to worry:

  1. Increased amount of whites.
  2. Appearance of pain, drawing character. They tend to increase by the time of the next menstruation. More often pains arise in the presence of large polyps. They can also disturb a woman during intimacy.
  3. The appearance of blood in the discharge, not associated with the menstrual cycle. A similar symptom is observed with trauma of sprawl.

In addition, there is a link between polyps and infertility, which is found in women of childbearing age. This occurs because of hormonal failure, and because of the polyp overlapping the entrance to the cervical canal. Education leads to failure of the established menstrual cycle. Menstruation becomes longer and more abundant, due to the increase in the level of estrogen and the thickening of the uterine mucous layer.

Can the polyps of the uterus lead to oncology?

The most urgent question for a woman with polyps: can they lead to cancer? It can happen, but the probability of malignancy is not high and does not exceed 2%.If the process of degeneration starts, the polyp passes through several stages:

  1. Cervical epithelial tissue proliferation( hyperplasia);
  2. Conversion of one epithelial layer to another( metaplasia);
  3. The appearance of precancerous cells in the metaplastic layer, which tend to transform into cancer cells( in the presence of provocative factors);
  4. Fertility of education.

Even if a woman can conceive a child, the polyp often becomes a provocateur of spontaneous miscarriage. This is due to the fact that the cervix is ​​constantly reflexively irritated by the existing education. Another complication during pregnancy with the background of the existing polyp, is the low location of the placenta, as well as the failure of the cervix and the isthmus of the uterus.

Also, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gynecologist if there are one or more of the following:

  1. A woman of childbearing age does not get pregnant;
  2. During periods between menstruation, brown discharge is observed;
  3. After an intimate affinity or during it, a woman has pain and bloody discharge;
  4. Menses last more than 6 days, periodically there are uterine bleeding;
  5. Menstruation is meager, smearing.

A symptom that should definitely alert the woman during the menopause is the spotting and heavy bleeding. In this case, their duration or frequency does not play a role. Even if this happens once, you should always contact the doctor.

Similar discharge may be the first sign of either hypoplasia or cancer. The danger is the emerging bleeding in a woman over 45 years after a prolonged absence of menstruation( after menopause).

With a polyp in the uterus, can I get pregnant?

To conceive a child, having a polyp in the uterus is possible, especially if the education is not too large. It is not an obstacle to pregnancy, but it can disrupt its course. When a polyp has an impressive size, it can block the entrance to the neck and interfere with the passage of a fertilized egg along it. In addition, multiple endometrial polyps, malignancy, can lead to infertility.

Is it possible to give birth with a polyp in the uterus?

When the formation is detected after the fertilization has been performed, it is not necessary to get rid of the child. However, the management of such pregnant women has a certain tactic.

  1. First, it is shown more often the passage of an ultrasound examination, which will give information on the rate of growth of the polyp, its effect on the course of pregnancy.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to donate blood to biochemistry and to do an analysis on hormones.
  3. Third, a woman should not miss visits to a doctor, since he does not only track the maturation of the fetus, but also the dynamics of growth in education.
  4. Fourthly, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe a polyp removal even during pregnancy.

But if there are no additional threats( malignancy, bleeding, severe pain and neck rupture during the child's release), then you can give birth with neoplasm.

Polyp in the uterus, what is dangerous and should it be removed?

Often after polyps are found in the uterus, the question of their removal is raised. This is due to the fact that they pose a certain danger to women's health, among them:

No. Complications Comments
1 Development of uterine bleeding Over time, the polyp, if left untreated, will acquire its own vessels. However, its walls are not too dense, in comparison with other human organs. As a result of the trauma of education, a woman periodically bleeds between menstruation. Sometimes the allocation is very slight, which even goes undetected. However, even small hemorrhage threatens the development of anemia. In addition, large polyps can lead to severe bleeding, which can not stop on their own.
2 The inability to conceive a child The more formations and the larger their size, the more serious the problems with the possibility of becoming pregnant. After all, a fertilized egg will not be able to penetrate into the uterine cavity and gain a foothold on its endometrium. The polyp in this case is a mechanical obstacle in its path and requires removal.
3 Complications of bearing a fetus When a woman can get pregnant, but she has a polyp, it threatens miscarriage, detachment of the placenta. In addition, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases.
4 Formation of foci of chronic infection If it enters the uterine cavity of the pathological agent, it will begin its action in the region of the location of the polyp. This is due to the inability of the polyp shell to resist the infection.
5 Malignancy of There can be a sharp degeneration of the cells of education into malignant cells. Most often this happens with polyps of the adenomatous type. Fouling of the build-up complicates therapy, contributes to the destruction of nearby tissues, increases the risk of uterine bleeding and poses a direct threat to the life of a woman.

In connection with such formidable complications, many gynecologists recommend removing all formations immediately after their detection.

What is the diagnosis of polyps in the uterus, ways?

There are several ways to determine the formations on the cervix, among them:

No. Diagnostic method Comment
1 Inspection of the vagina by the gynecologist Even during this standard procedure, which is carried out with the help of mirrors, the doctor can see the protruding formations. Most often they have a bright red or pink color. The form of polypous formations is round or giddy. The cervix is ​​hypertrophied and thickened. In the case when the polyp is keratinized and externally covered with multilayer epithelium, its color may be white. About the violation of blood circulation in the growth is indicated by its purple or burgundy color. The structure of the lesion is soft or supple.
2 Cervicoscopy and colposcopy Cervicoscopy is an instrumental examination of the cervix using a hysteroscope. The video camera allows you to see even the smallest polyps, the necrosis that exists surrounding the formation of the ulcer or the inflammatory process. This diagnostic technique allows us to determine the structure of the growths. To disprove or confirm a possible cancerous degeneration, the doctor performs a biopsy and fractional curettage of the uterine wall during the examination procedure. The material is then examined under a microscope. If the polyp is miniature, it can be removed during the biopsy. Colposcopy allows you to assess the condition of the neck with a colposcope.
3 Ultrasound diagnosis When a woman is diagnosed with polyps on the cervix, there is always a risk of their occurrence in the endometrium. To detect them, ultrasound is performed, which is able to give information about the thickness of the endometrial layer and its structure. In addition, additional information on the condition of the tubes and ovaries will be obtained.

Treatment for uterine polyps: symptomatic and surgical

How to treat a polyp in the uterus? Such a neoplasm requires complex treatment, it includes medical therapy, which reduces to the symptomatic reception of drugs, to the removal of polyps and their prevention.

With regard to symptomatic treatment, it is necessary to eliminate manifestations of the disease.

So, in the presence of severe pain in the lower abdomen, the patient can be recommended such medications:

  1. Analgin;
  2. Paracetamol;
  3. Diclofenac;
  4. Ibuprofen.

Take any of these pain medications for a long time should not be, as this threatens serious problems with the digestive tract and liver. Therefore, they are prescribed only for relief of pain until the moment of polyp removal.

If a woman has spotting, then she needs to wash away using antiseptic drugs. Will help to protect from infection: Collargol, Septadine, Potassium permanganate. This is also only symptomatic treatment, which is advisable to apply only before surgery.

Removal of the uterus polyp can be performed by various methods( cryodestruction, laser removal, curettage, dissection of the leg with the help of an electro-loop or resectoscope, twisting the leg of the polyp).

Surgical intervention is the main method of getting a woman out of a neoplasm, since even hormone therapy is not capable of removing it from the body. With the help of hormones, you can only stop the growth of the polyp.

To achieve a stable remission of the disease, it is necessary not only to eliminate the cause of build-up, but also to perform some post-surgical measures. To get rid of the cause of the appearance of the polyp, antibacterial, hormonal therapy, correction of the immune status or operation on the ovaries can be prescribed. Posthirurgical measures are reduced to cauterization of the attachment site of a polyp with chemical preparations, electrical impulses or a laser. It is also important not to let injuries of healthy tissues, which became possible due to modern methods of therapy.

Removal of

One of the modern methods for eliminating outgrowths is hysteroscopy and subsequent curettage and polypectomy. No less important is the follow-up of the procedure for studying the material that has been removed.

Sometimes doctors use separate methods of removing outgrowth: diagnostic scraping and laser treatment.

The tactics of treating a disease are determined by multiple factors. So, the number of years a woman lives, the presence of concomitant diseases, the size, the structure and type of the build-up, the reasons for its appearance play a role.

Operation is extremely necessary when: a woman has a fibrous type polyp.

The patient is diagnosed with a fibrous-fibrous formation, which unambiguously arises from hormonal disturbances. After removal of such growths, treatment with hormonal preparations is necessarily indicated.

The woman is diagnosed with adenomatous polyps, which threaten to develop into a cancerous tumor, and also if the patient is at the stage of climacteric changes in the body. In this case, even removal of the uterus, epididymis and ovaries can be prescribed.


When a woman has been assigned a polyp removal, she should find a clinic where hysteroscopy is practiced, there is equipment for the procedure and there is a doctor with the necessary knowledge, skills and professional skills.

This modern method of surgical intervention will eliminate the build-up and at the same time minimize the number of possible complications after the operation. The whole procedure is performed under the visual control of the operating doctor, which makes it as gentle as possible.

The optimal time for performing hysteroscopy is up to 10 days after the completion of another menstruation. This allows you to better consider the tumor and the cavity on which it is located.

Preparation for intervention begins 6 hours before the event. A woman at this time should give up eating and drinking. This is done for the purpose that after the operation, the patient does not experience nausea and vomiting.

To remove growths, doctors are most often taken after performing general anesthesia. The operation is rarely performed under local anesthesia. To begin with, the surgeon enters the hysteroscope into the uterine cavity, which is a thin tube capable of excellent bending. At its end is a miniature video camera that broadcasts everything that happens to the one located in the operating monitor. The uterus is carefully examined with the help of this device, the polyp is determined and visualized, its size is specified. After that, the build-up is removed. For this purpose, a hysteroscope is also used, since it is equipped with a special toolkit. Cut fabrics must be sent to the laboratory for examination.

The procedure does not take much time. Its average duration is from 10 minutes to half an hour, which depends on the state of the uterine endometrium. If the woman is diagnosed with a polyp on the leg, then it is "untwisted".The place of attachment of the built-up edge, which is called a bed, must be processed. It is cauterized by laser, cold or electrocoagulation. Thus, the doctor achieves complete destruction of the diseased tissues and prevents its re-formation.

Scraping the uterine cavity of

It is known that up to 30% of polyps have the property to arise again. Therefore, doctors are so serious about the operation to remove the polyp in the uterus. To exclude the possibility of relapse, it is necessary to as little as possible injure surrounding tissues and carefully coagulate the bed of the built-up edge. Conventional diagnostic curettage carries the risk that the leg of the lesion can be left, as the doctor does not have the ability to visualize. Therefore, scraping with hysteroscopy is a priority. However, not all clinics have the equipment and trained doctors for this. In this regard, scraping is still practiced, although they try to move away from it.

Modern medicine recognizes scraping as an absolutely ineffective method. This is due to the fact that hysteroscopy allows you to separate the build-up, to pinch its leg, and then to perform the scraping. And it is done only in order to obtain epithelial cells for further research on their malignancy.

Curettage is often an emergency measure that is performed in order to stop the bleeding that opens up against the background of the existing polyp. But the goal in this case is not the removal of the build-up, but only the hemostasis, which is caused by the unexpectedness of the bleeding that has arisen. This procedure goes like this: the neck widens into a metal loop, called the curette. Then, the polyps are scraped off the uterine walls. The received materials are sent for laboratory study. This procedure necessarily requires general anesthesia.

Laser removal

To remove a polyp with a laser, a sick woman will have to go to Moscow. At the moment, such a procedure is conducted only in the capital, but in the near future it will reach all cities of the country.

The laser manages to remove the formed built-up edge by sight, without traumatizing nearby tissues. After such intervention, there will be no scar left on the neck, and the woman will not lose the opportunity to reproduce. Therefore, such a method of removing neoplasms is a priority for those women who plan to give birth to a child.

In addition, laser removal does not require hospitalization of the patient. The whole procedure does not take more than 180 minutes and does not require the care of a woman to a sick leave.

In addition, there is the possibility of a thorough diagnosis with a mini-hysteroscopy. This procedure does not require the introduction of anesthesia and does not injure the cervix. After the doctor assesses the woman's health, he will determine the most appropriate treatment tactics. The equipment for office hysteroscopy allows to reveal any pathological process occurring in the uterus( myoma, synechia, hypoplasia).

Removing the polyp using a laser at this time is the most effective and safe procedure. It allows you to get rid of the formation layer by layer, since the doctor is able to clearly control the depth to which the laser beam penetrates. This makes the recovery period much shorter, does not allow you to open up to bleeding, does not affect the possibility of future conception. Completely recover after such an intervention a woman will succeed after six months.

A routine examination by the doctor should occur no later than one week after removal of the build-up. The doctor will appoint the woman the necessary restorative therapy, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. First of all, further treatment results from the cause that led to the formation of the polyp.

Recommendations of doctors about the treatment of polyp in the uterus

What to do after removing the polyp in the uterus

What you need to know about the consequences after the operation to remove the polyps in the uterus? The consequences after removal of the polyp from the body largely depend on the type of intervention.

However, it is necessary to go to the doctor if:

  1. Bleeding has opened;
  2. Allocations have an unpleasant smell, darkened;
  3. Body temperature starts to rise;
  4. There are severe pains in the abdomen.

If a scraping has been performed, a woman may experience:

  1. Perforation of the uterine wall due to poor expansion or at high looseness. If a large area is perforated, it must be sutured.
  2. Inflammation of the uterus, which begins on the background of an untreated infection or in violation of sanitary norms during surgery.
  3. Hematometer, which is accompanied by severe pain and lack of bloody discharge after surgery.

What are vaginal discharge after removal of the uterine polyps?

All selections that may appear after an operation aimed at removing polyps have been divided into several categories:

No. Allocations Comments
1 Allotments corresponding to the physiological norm If a low-traumatic intervention has been selected, the excreta is either absent or lasts no longer than 2 days. After the curettage, they can disturb a woman up to a crescent. They should be sticky, have a red tint, their volume does not exceed 50 ml per day. Most often they stop completely on day 5 after the intervention.
2 Bleeding that can occur as a result of damage to the uterine vessels of the It has a red color, without unpleasant odor. If clots are found, it may be the blood accumulated in the uterine cavity and not released immediately after the operation. Normally, such secretions can be observed for several more days. When fresh blood does not stop standing for more than five days, you should consult your doctor.
3 Purulent discharge is observed when bacterial infection of is attached. Over time, they become cloudy, may acquire a green tint or turn yellow. Often there is an increase in body temperature, there are pains in the lower abdomen. In this case, urgent treatment with antibacterial agents is necessary.
4 Festering discharges are observed if clostridia penetrate into the uterine cavity. They give the discharge a frothy appearance, make them more viscous, the odor becomes extremely unpleasant. In this case, you also need a timely call to the doctor.

What kind of treatment after removal of the polyp in the uterus is possible?

When the intervention is performed using a hysteroscope, complications are unlikely. This procedure is considered to be sufficiently safe and less traumatic. Nevertheless, the reason for the proliferation of the polyp has to be clarified. This will determine the further treatment tactics.

The first three days, after the intervention, a woman should take an anesthetic drug - No-shpu. The number of receptions per day is three. This will relax the uterine muscles and avoid the hematometer( blood accumulation due to cervical spasm).

Since the cause of development of the growths often becomes the existing inflammation, the doctors practice the appointment of anti-inflammatory postoperative treatment with short courses.

When the results of the histology are ready, they should be sure to find out and find out from the doctor the need for further treatment. As a rule, they come 10 days after sending.

When polyps are formed due to hormonal imbalance, then a woman needs to undergo a course of hormone therapy. At the same time, gestagens are appointed( Utrozhestan, Dyufaston, Norkolut).Of contraceptives, women are prescribed Jeannine, Regulon, Dimia, Yarina, Jess.

Without prior consultation with a gynecologist, the use of homeopathic and folk remedies is contraindicated.

More details should be given to some points of rehabilitation therapy practiced by modern doctors. So, antibacterial treatment can last up to 10 days( the minimum period is 2 days).Sometimes such a course is not recommended to pass at all.

In this matter the decision is made by the doctor. As a rule, it is based on the following considerations:

  1. Does the woman have chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Naturally, getting rid of them is better before the intervention. If this does not happen, then there is a risk of getting pathogens into the existing wound. This can lead to the development of serious complications, which means it is advisable to pass an antibacterial course after the operation.
  2. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs can be caused by the need to get rid of the cause of the formation of polyps. In this case, this is done to avoid re-growth.
  3. Almost always necessary antibacterial therapy after curettage, the intersection of the legs of the polyp with a scalpel or loop. This is due to the high traumatic nature of these methods and avoids possible infectious inflammation.
  4. Hormone therapy after surgery is prescribed if there is an imbalance of hormones in the body of a woman. This is due to the fact that in the absence of adequate treatment the polyp will be formed again, and the performed intervention will prove ineffective.
  5. Women can be prescribed not only anesthetics, but also sedatives. This is especially true for serious tissue damage. To relieve pain, women are offered analgin, ibuprofen, paracetamol. With severe pain, dexalgin is prescribed. Remove stress and accelerate the recovery process will help decoction of herbs( valerian, mint, lemon balm).
  6. The restorative therapy will help to stimulate the recovery process. For this, a woman needs to take vitamin-mineral complexes with a priority on vitamin A and C.
  7. In addition, a woman should pay attention to her diet. Correctly composed diet will reduce the likelihood of complications and will promote a speedy recovery.

Therefore it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

  1. To increase caloric content( due to low-fat meat and fish);
  2. Include fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  3. Do not consume salty and spicy food;
  4. Completely eliminate alcohol.

It is important that the diet is formulated in conjunction with the treating doctor.

From physiotherapy procedures, attention should be paid to electrophoresis, magnetotherapy and ultrasound treatment. These procedures will prevent the formation of adhesions and accelerate recovery.

What can not be done to a woman after surgery?

After the build-up is removed, the woman is not recommended for three weeks:

  1. To visit saunas and baths, take a hot bath. This is due to the fact that overheating can provoke bleeding. All personal care procedures should be carried out in the shower.
  2. It is forbidden to be treated with aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, as this increases the risk of bleeding.
  3. One month you can not play sports and lift weights.
  4. Intimate hygiene should be particularly careful.
  5. At least a month you can not have sex and do syringing.

Well, we with you and considered all possible methods of treating polyps in the uterus before and after their removal.

Source of publication: the editorial of the blog article by Irina Zaitseva http: //irinazaytseva.ru/ polipy-v-matke-chto-eto-takoe-i-kak-lechitsya.html