Scars and scars on the face: cream, ointment, remedy how to get rid and how to prevent skin defect

In almost every case, the appearance of scars or scars on the body, and even more so on the face, always upsets a person, especially women. And, probably, anyone would pay dearly for getting rid of defects on the skin.

That for one person the former damage to the skin they represent an exclusively cosmetic problem, the other one also delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning and pain. How to get rid of scars and scars? What kind of pharmacological drugs can help in such cases?

Everyone knows that injured skin cells or internal organs are necessarily replaced with a connective tissue. On the surface of the skin it looks like a normal scar or scar. The size and type of the scar depend, first of all, on how you treat your cut, and also on how deep it is, with even edges or not.

To which doctor should I apply? If a person has a scar or scar, from which he wants to get rid, first of all, you need to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will advise the medicines shown with different types of scars. In addition to medical treatment, it is possible to remove formations on the skin in a cosmetology room, and in some cases - surgically.

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What are the scars and scars on the body?

Scars on the skin can be atrophic, normotrophic, hypertrophic or keloid. This classification is important when choosing a method for removing cicatricial changes. Some of them can be eliminated with various ointments, creams and gels, and to get rid of others, you may need a combination of hardware cosmetology techniques with the use of external treatment.

In most cases, normotrophic scars are well suited for treatment with antiplatelet drugs, and hypertrophic, atrophic and keloid scars are more difficult. Also important is the age of the scar: fresh scars are much easier to remove than the old ones.

In this article we will review the most effective and popular drugs for the treatment of scars in children and adults, familiarize ourselves with the main indications and contraindications to their use and the principles of their action. Keep in mind that the choice of such drugs for external use should be performed by a doctor. Observing all his recommendations, you can avoid mistakes and quickly get rid of ugly marks on the skin.

The first thing we'll talk about is how to prevent the formation of defects on the skin.

How to prevent the formation of scars and scars

Surgeons provide a set of recommendations for preventing the formation of scars and scars after suffering injuries and cuts.

  1. Be sure to perform a good initial wound treatment. To do this, use hydrogen peroxide( well removes foreign particles from the wound, dirt, impurities).Hydrogen peroxide, decomposing, releases pure oxygen, which kills pathogenic microbes. Use also iodine, alcohol, brilliant greens, vodka - everything that is at hand.
  2. Maintain the wound moist with ointments containing antibiotics.
  3. Never peel the crust from a healing wound. This will only lead to an increase in the scar or scar that will remain after the healing of the wound and prolong the healing time.
  4. If the cut is large( especially on the face), always seal the surgeon's stitches. Do not be afraid of short-term pain. Your winnings will be clean skin or a very small scar. If it is impossible to suture, tie up the wound so that you pull off its edges. This will help a faster healing of the wound, reduce the size of the scar in the future and limit the possibility of getting into the wound of microorganisms.
  5. If you have a scar or scar after the wound, try to cover it from the sun's rays. Scars contain less pigment, and they lose the ability to form a protective tan. Therefore, against the background of the surrounding skin, scars will always stand out with their whiteness.
  6. To reduce the amount of old scars, use vitamin E. Lubricate the scar daily for a month and it will decrease significantly in size. Vitamin E also promotes the fastest healing of the wound and reduces the size of the scar that will appear after healing.

Of the medicines that have appeared recently, attention deserves:

  1. Dermatix is a silicone gel intended for the treatment of scars and scars;
  2. Kelofibraza - cream( Germany);
  3. Kontraktubeks is a gel for the treatment of pathological scars. Its use leads to a reduction in skin deformity, subsidence of pain and smoothing of the scar relative to healthy skin. It is Kontraktubeks who are looking for people who want to solve problems with scars and scars.

In recent years, the technique of removing scars with a laser has become widespread: the laser beam penetrates to a precisely defined depth and gradually evaporates scar tissue. The procedure is fast enough and bloodless. In most cases, one procedure is sufficient to remove most of the scars.

Ointments and creams from scars and scars when appointed?

Ointments from scars and scars can be prescribed in such clinical cases:

  1. preventive measures to prevent the development of scars after surgical operations;
  2. normotrophic scars, representing a cosmetic problem;
  3. atrophic scars caused by poorly healing boils, chicken pox, or severe forms of acne;
  4. stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden discharge of excess weight;
  5. hypertrophic scars;
  6. keloid scars;
  7. contractures tendons after injuries;
  8. ankyloses, causing limitations in joint mobility;
  9. Dupuytren's contracture.

Side effects and contraindications

Each drug for the treatment of scars and scars may have its contraindications, which depend on the ingredients that make up its composition. That is why his appointment should be performed only by a doctor. But all ointments from scars and scars have a number of common contraindications:

  1. individual intolerance of the drug components;
  2. presence of an open wound surface in the rumen area;
  3. presence of ulcerative or necrotic or purulent processes in the rumen area;
  4. presence of allergic reactions( rashes) in the rumen area;
  5. presence of oncological neoplasms in the rumen area;
  6. finding of a scar near the eye area or mucous membranes;
  7. application of other drugs to the rumen area( to avoid side reactions caused by drug interactions).

Some of the drugs for the treatment of scars and scars should not be used during pregnancy or lactation and have age limits for the purpose.

In most cases, ointments, creams and gels from scars and scars do not penetrate into the blood and do not have a systemic effect on the body. Their side effects are often expressed in the form of local reactions:

  1. burning;
  2. rashes( urticaria, vesicles);
  3. redness;
  4. contact dermatitis;
  5. eczema;
  6. itching.

Such adverse reactions appear rarely and often occur if the rules for use are not observed or because of hypersensitivity to the drug components. They can be eliminated by following all the doctor's recommendations for applying the ointment or replacing it with another.

Remedies for scars and scars, the most popular

To scale up the effectiveness of various ointments, creams and gels from scars and scars, there has not been extensive scientific research. But dermatologists and their patients are distinguished by several indisputable "favorites".In this article, we will review exactly such drugs from scars and scars.

Kontraktubeks - gel

Gel Kontraktubeks is produced by the German company "MerzPharma" in tubes of 10, 20 or 50 g. It is a gel-like mass of light brown color, which has a neutral smell.

The gel of Kontraktubeks includes such active components:

  1. allantoin;
  2. Extract of Onion Serae;
  3. sodium heparin.

Due to their complex effects this drug contributes:

  1. dissolution of the upper stratum corneum on the rumen;
  2. accelerates the formation of healthy skin cells;
  3. improving blood circulation;
  4. water retention in tissues;
  5. softening of hard scar tissue;
  6. slowing the growth of fibroblasts( connective tissue cells, of which the scar is made up);
  7. elimination of allergic and inflammatory reactions in the scar area.

Gel Kontraktubeks can be prescribed to treat fresh scars and prevent their formation( after complete healing of the wound surface).In such cases, it is applied to the scar area with light rubbing movements 2-3 times a day. The treatment of such scars is usually about 4 weeks.

To eliminate the old scars, the Kontraktubeks gel is used for longer courses( 3 to 6 months).The agent is applied to the scar area 2-3 times a day, and at the last application( before bedtime) an airtight bandage( for example, from a polyethylene bag) is applied to the rumen area.

The effectiveness of this remedy against scars and scars largely depends on the regularity of its use: the drug should be applied to the area of ​​damage daily and several times a day. To enhance the effect, the gel can be used after skinning or in combination with physiotherapy. During treatment with this remedy, direct sunlight, cold and intense massage should be avoided on the scar area.

Kontraktubeks can be administered to children and adults( including pregnant and lactating women).The only contraindication to its use is the intolerance of the components of the drug.

Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra - Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra

Silicone gels Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra are manufactured by the Dutch company Rofil Medical Aesthetics in tubes of 15 g. After applying to the skin they form an airtight silicone film that promotes faster resorption of the rumen.

Zeraderm Ultra is an advanced version of the Zeraderm gel. The gel Zeraderm includes polysiloxane( high molecular weight silicone compound), and the composition Zeraderm Ultra is supplemented with coenzyme Q10, ultraviolet filter with SPF 15 and vitamins K and E.

Active components of Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels are promoted by:

  1. to create an airtight film made of polysiloxane, which promotes saturation with moisture, softening, resorption and flattening of scar tissue and enhancing local oxygen exchange;
  2. elimination of inflammatory reactions in capillaries;
  3. eliminating itching or burning in the area of ​​the scar;
  4. accelerates cell renewal in the tissues of the rumen;
  5. elimination of persistent or postoperative erythema( vitamin K in Zeraderm Ultra);
  6. protects tissues from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays( UV-filter in Zeraderm Ultra).

The application of these gels can begin immediately after wound healing. The agent is applied in a thin layer on the cleared area of ​​the scar 2 times a day with soft rubbing movements. The duration of treatment depends on the type of skin, age and structure of the scar and can range from 2-3 weeks to several months.

Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels can be given to children and adults and are well tolerated by most patients. These remedies for scarring can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra - Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra

Silicone gels Dermatix and Dermatrix Ultra are produced by Dutch company ICN Pharmaceuticals Holland BV in tubes of 6 and 15 g. They are a transparent gel-like odorless mass that after drying forms an airtight silicone film on the surface of the scar.

The Dermaticks gel contains polysiloxane and silicon dioxide, and the Dermatix Ultra formula is supplemented with vitamin C ether. These substances provide:

  1. the formation of an airtight film that saturates scar tissue with moisture, softens them and speeds up their resorption;
  2. elimination of unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the scar( itching, burning);
  3. Reduces redness and pigmentation.

These gels can be applied to the scar immediately after wound healing. Before use, the scar area is cleaned and thoroughly dried. On the rumen area, a thin layer of gel is applied by soft massaging movements, which dries quickly( after 4-5 minutes).Two applications are made per day. The duration of treatment depends on the age of the rumen, its structure and is usually at least 2 months. If necessary, the course of therapy is prolonged.

Gel Dermatrix and Dermatix Ultra are well tolerated by most patients and can be administered to children and adults. Drugs can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Adverse reactions are extremely rare.


Kelo-cote gel and spray is manufactured by American company Advanced Bio-Techologies in tubes of 6, 15 and 60 g or in aerosol bottles of 50 and 100 ml. They consist of the same substances, forming on the skin an airtight film.

Active components of gel and spray Kelo-cote are polysiloxane and silicone dioxide. Due to their properties, this drug has such effects on scars and scars:

  1. preserves the water balance in scar tissue and the elasticity of the skin adjacent to the rumen;
  2. makes the scar more flat, soft and smooth;
  3. eliminates itching and burning in the area of ​​the scar;
  4. activates the synthesis of collagen;
  5. inhibits the growth of fibroblasts.

The gel or spray is applied to clean and dry skin 1 or 2 times a day. After the preparation dries on the skin, you can apply sunscreen or make-up. The duration of application is about 2-3 months, and if necessary, the course of therapy can be prolonged.

Kelo-cote gel and spray are generally well tolerated by all patients and can be administered to both children and adults. Adverse reactions in this drug are very rare. If necessary, Kelo-cote can be given to pregnant and lactating women.


Gel Mederma is produced by the German company Merz Pharma in tubes of 20 g. It is a transparent gel-like mass with a specific odor.

Composition of this remedy for scars and scars includes such active components:

  1. tsepalin( or extract of onion Seraye);
  2. allantoin.

Due to their complex effect, Mederma gel has such actions:

  1. stimulates the production of collagen;
  2. accelerates the renewal of skin cells;
  3. accelerates dissolution of scar tissue;
  4. inhibits the formation of fibroblasts;
  5. retains moisture in the tissues of the rumen and skin;
  6. improves blood circulation;
  7. helps to eliminate blood clots;
  8. eliminates inflammation;
  9. has antibacterial action.

Gel Mederma can be used only to treat "young" scars( not more than 1 year):

  1. stretch marks;
  2. cosmetic scars after acne, removal of tumors and tattoos;
  3. scars after thermal or chemical burns;
  4. of postoperative scars;
  5. scars, left after aggressive cosmetic procedures( mechanical, chemical and laser peelings).

The gel is applied to the cleansed and dried tissues of the rumen 3-4 times a day and rubbed with zigzag and pressure moves for 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed. Duration of treatment is determined individually and can be from 3 to 6 months or more.

The drug can be used to treat adults and is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. In the United States, the Mesoderm gel is already being produced softer for children, but in Russia it has not yet appeared on sale.

In most cases, this drug is well brought by patients. Sometimes there may be allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching, rashes, tingling and feelings of raspiraniya.


Kelofibraz cream is produced by German concern SandozPharmaceut GMBH in tubes of 25 and 50 g. It has a pleasant fresh fragrance, is well absorbed, does not leave a scurf on the scar and moisturizes the skin well.

In the composition of this remedy from scars and scars lead such active components:

  1. urea;
  2. sodium heparin;
  3. D-camphor.

Due to the action of the active components, the cream of the gel has the following effect:

  1. regulates skin moisture;
  2. increases the elasticity, softens and moistens the coarse areas of the rumen;
  3. improves blood circulation in the rumen area;
  4. stimulates regeneration processes;
  5. smooths and smooths the protruding parts of the rumen;
  6. reduces tissue swelling;
  7. eliminates blood clots;
  8. accelerates the resorption of scar tissue;
  9. has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Cream Kelofibraza can be used for treatment and prevention of scarring and stretch marks.

The drug is applied a thin layer on cicatricial changes 2-4 times a day and rubbed with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. For "young" scars, the remedy is applied 2 times a day, and with older or hardened scars, more frequent application of the drug( 3-4 times) and making compresses with cream overnight is required.

Kelofibraza can be administered to adults and children over the age of one year. It is not recommended to prescribe a drug for the treatment of scarring on the face of young children, pregnant and lactating mothers. This remedy for scars and scarring rarely causes side reactions.

Fermenthol - gel

Gel Fermentkol is produced by JSC NPK "High Technologies"( Russia) in tubes of 20 g. The same product is available in the form of sets for electrophoresis( 2 bottles with dry powder of 4 grams).

The gel is a transparent mass consisting of an enzyme composition of 9 collagenolytic proteases derived from the digestive organs of marine invertebrates( crabs, etc.).Due to their properties the drug cleaves some amino acids that enter into keloid and hypertrophic scars and makes them more elastic, flat and less noticeable. In passing, Fermenkol eliminates itching and pain in the scar area.

The gel is applied a thin layer on the previously cleaned and dried area of ​​the rumen 2 times a day. The product is not rubbed into the skin and allowed to dry by itself. Duration of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, no earlier than 15 days, the course of therapy can be repeated.

Gel Fermenkol can be administered to adults and children of any age. Its use is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to collagenase and hypotrophic and atrophic scars.

The drug rarely causes side effects in the form of redness, burning or itching in the scar area. They are quickly eliminated on their own immediately after the abolition of Fermenkol.

Scargard - Scarguard

Liquid Scarguard is a liquid consisting of silicone, hydrocortisone and vitamin E. The product is applied to the rumen area with a special brush and after drying forms a film on it, which acts as a compressive bandage.

Active components of the drug promote the activation of collagen synthesis and faster softening and resorption of the scar. The Scarguard cream is applied to the cleared and dried area of ​​the rumen 1-2 times a day for 30 days. After drying on the skin, you can apply sunscreen or make-up. If necessary, the course of treatment can be prolonged up to 6 months.

Scarguard liquid cream can be used to treat and prevent any type of scars and rarely has side effects. The drug can be given to adults and children over 2 years. Its use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Scar Esthetic - Scar Esthetique

The Scar Esthetique ® cream is manufactured by the American company ScarHeal in tubes of 4 and 10 g. It contains silicone and 23 active ingredients( onion extract, coenzyme Q10, arnica, bisabolol, shea butter, vitamins A and C,palmitoyl tetrapeptide, palmitoyl oligopeptide, beta-carotene, chitosan, etc.).

Due to the influence of active components, softening and smoothing of scar tissues occurs, the appearance of the scar improves and the production of collagen is activated. Cream Scar Esthetique ® can be used to treat post-burn, post-operative and post-traumatic scars of various types and eliminate stretch marks.

The cream is applied to the cleansed and dry area of ​​the rumen 3-4 times a day with gentle massaging movements. The duration of treatment is determined individually and can be 3-4 months.

Scar Esthetique cream can be prescribed for the treatment of adults. In rare cases, the drug causes adverse reactions in the form of rashes and redness, which are eliminated after its cancellation.

Regiwasil - RejuvaSil

Removal of postoperative scars and scars on the face and teleGel RejuvaSil is manufactured by American company ScarHeal in tubes of 4, 10, 15 and 30 ml. The composition of this remedy from the scars includes not only silicone, but also additional active components: Emu oil, squalene and vitamin C. These substances make this remedy against scars more effective than conventional silicone gels from scars.

The RejuvaSil gel is applied a thin layer on the cleansed and dried scar 2-3 times a day, the scar area is slightly massaged and left to dry completely. After that, sunscreen or make-up can be applied to the skin. The duration of the course of treatment is at least 2-3 months and can be prolonged depending on the age of cicatricial changes.

The drug can be given to adults, pregnant and nursing mothers. When there are side effects in the form of redness and rash, its use should be discontinued.

The choice of ointments from scars and scars should be performed by a dermatologist, who can take into account all indications and contraindications and evaluate the likely efficacy of the drug.

In some cases, complex treatment with cosmetic procedures and the use of external medicines may be recommended to eliminate scar tissue. This approach to the treatment of scars and scars will save not only your money, but also save you from unnecessary waste of time and undesirable side effects of the drug. Remember this and be healthy!


  1. Editorial office of the website https: // mazi-ot-shramov-i-rubcov-obzor-preparatov /
  2. Illegov GN Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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