Inflammation of the shoulder joint: symptoms and treatment of tendons and ligaments of the shoulder

Shoulder tendons connect the bones of the shoulder, chest and scapula to a single knot. Bunches and tendons of the shoulder are involved in any movements of the hands, so they always work under stress. Elementary inflammation of the shoulder joint affects the entire activity of the human body. Painful sensations, stiffness of movements in the shoulders quickly reduce a person's working capacity, ability to self-service and cause great suffering.

Inflammation of the shoulder joint - arthritis, often affects people after 50 years of age - men and women who have sustained injuries and have chronic diseases.

Today we will consider the causes, symptoms and treatment of inflammation in the shoulder joint region. See the videos and gymnastics for the shoulder of Dr. Evdokimenko.


Why inflamed shoulder joint: causes

upper end of the humeral head has a spherical shape. It is inserted into the articular cavity of the scapula. The pit deepens and "adapts" to the shape due to the cartilaginous surface. The layer of their cartilaginous fabric softens the blows, allows to withstand the load on the upper limbs.

Joint articulation spherical, circular movements of the hands are limited only from above by the acromial process of the scapula. Therefore, when the arm is raised and raised above the level of the articular cavity, the angle of the scapula is connected to the motion. He steps aside and forward.

The joint is covered with a dense articular bag( capsule).The internal synovial membrane produces a fluid to feed the cartilage surfaces.

An important feature is the practical absence of its own dense ligaments in the shoulder joint. It is strengthened by the muscles of the shoulder girdle and their ligamentous apparatus. This makes it possible to provide high mobility in the joint, but, on the other hand, puts at risk the injuries, becomes the cause of dislocations.

Another feature is the presence of one more junction( acromioclavicular), located anteriorly. Through it to the movements connect the clavicle and the upper part of the chest. The acromial process and the end of the clavicle are also covered with hyaline cartilage. Movements here are possible only with strong waving hands.

Inflammation, or arthritis of the shoulder joint may have various causes. Accordingly, treatment should be coordinated with the impact of the main damaging factors.

  1. Suppuration or purulent arthritis is the cause of infection in the inside of the articular bag from the outside with an open penetrating wound or with blood, a lymph out of the existing chronic foci( with lymphadenitis, bone osteomyelitis).The most frequent pathogens of the infectious process are staphylo- and streptococci, pneumococci.
  2. Osteoarthritis is a form of inflammation that is transitional to osteoarthritis. Inflammation occurs against a background of degenerative changes in the tissues of bone surfaces and cartilage, loss of elasticity of the tendons. The destruction is more characteristic for the acromial-clavicular junction, occurs in old age.
  3. Posttraumatic arthritis occurs after strokes, bruises, muscle and ligament rupture, bone fractures. A significant role is played by ruptures of the muscles of the shoulder girdle during sports competitions, with a sudden increase in gravity by a jerk. The chronic traumatization of the joint is important when working with vibrating instruments with an emphasis on the shoulder( such as a jackhammer), in servicemen as a result of recoil of the rifle barrel. A rupture of ligaments is accompanied by dislocations in visitors to fitness clubs when trying to perform exercises from yoga.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis affects adolescents and young adults. At the heart of inflammation is the reaction of the immune nature to the joint's own tissues( synovial membrane).There are always symmetrical changes on both sides. At the same time, small joints of the hands and spine suffer.

Inflammation of the shoulder joint: symptoms

Clinical manifestations of symptoms of inflammation of the shoulder joint differ, depending on the specific cause.

  1. Pain in the shoulder joint.
  2. Severe pain at the height of the disease is always present.
  3. If both joints are affected, the disease is called polyarthritis.

At the initial stage, a person experiences soreness in the shoulder in front or behind, weakness in the arm. As the pathology develops, the pain becomes intense and does not allow you to move your arm. The shoulder becomes hot to the touch, possibly redness of the skin, swelling, fever.

In osteoarthritis, a faint click appears inside the joint when trying to move the hand.

Symptoms of purulent arthritis .When the suppuration process:

  1. , the body temperature rises to high figures;
  2. the patient has chills, sweating;
  3. signs of general intoxication( headaches, weakness);
  4. pressing on the joint area and passive movements are sharply painful;
  5. joint swelling, hot to the touch.

Tenderness when pressing on the front wall indicates an isolated lesion of the acromioclavicular joint.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis .Disease is a systemic disease, many joints on both sides are affected. The most pronounced deformity in the metacarpophalangeal joints on the hands. Usually they become inflamed first.

Pain in the shoulders begins in the morning, in the daytime they decrease. They do not change under load. Last for years. Typical is the morning stiffness when moving around the body.

After injury to .If the fact of the injury is confirmed, then the examination of the patient reveals:

  1. bruising as a consequence of trauma;
  2. pathological mobility in fracture;
  3. joint displacement compared with healthy;
  4. sharp pain when palpation of the muscles, which indicates its rupture or damage to the tendons.

With deforming arthritis .The deforming arthrosoarthritis manifests itself as clinical symptoms that increase gradually. This indicates a primary lesion of the cartilaginous surfaces, and the inflammation of the joint joins in the far-gone stage of the disease:

  1. for a long time, pains are of moderate intensity;
  2. patients use the affected hand, do not lose their ability to work;
  3. suspicion of a sluggish current inflammation occurs in the presence of a modified form, "protrusion" of articular surfaces;
  4. frequent cases of dislocations.

Diagnostics and Research Features

Shoulder joint of large size. It is clearly visible in x-ray studies. According to the roentgenogram, the physician identifies:

  1. degree of destruction of bone articulations;
  2. presence or absence of cartilaginous tissue;
  3. available dislocations, bone fractures;
  4. ruptures of large muscles;
  5. the amount of fluid in the joint cavity.

If necessary, resort to ultrasound studies, magnetic resonance scanning.

Blood tests( shift of leukocyte formula, ESR value, presence of c-reactive protein, altered globulin composition, rheumatoid factor) help determine the type of inflammation.

Inflammation of the shoulder joint: treatment of the shoulder

Purulent arthritis is treated only in the hospital. High doses of antibiotics are required. If necessary, they are administered intraosseously. If you miss the start of therapy, sepsis is possible with the spread of inflammation to the bone tissue.

Puncture of the joint allows pumping accumulated pus, enter directly into the cavity of the joint bag anti-inflammatory drugs. A tight bandage is applied to the joint to ensure complete rest. If necessary, puncture is repeated every other day.

Operative treatment consists in opening the articular bag, removing pus and then rinsing the joint.

In other forms:

  1. completely eliminates the load on the joint;
  2. for the purpose of anesthesia is prescribed by Ketorol , Midokalm , do Novocain blockade ;
  3. for the removal of the inflammation process non-steroidal agents are used in tablets, injections, ointments( Meloksikam , Diclonate , Melbeck , Nimesulide );
  4. for restoring the hyaline coating of cartilage, the group of chondroprotective agents proved to be very successful;
  5. vitamin complexes help to provide healing;
  6. with persistent pain intra-articular injections of steroid hormones are offered.

After removal of the pain syndrome, physiotherapeutic treatment is shown:

  1. electrophoresis,
  2. laser,
  3. mud applications,
  4. ozocerite,
  5. massage.

Therapeutic gymnastics allows you to develop a joint, restore the volume of movements.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the doctor prescribes a maintenance dosage of the drugs for a long time.

People who have undergone other forms should:

  1. monitor the load on the joints, stop the strength exercises;
  2. beware of hypothermia and injuries;
  3. master the technique of self-massage and conduct it regularly;
  4. to exclude from food sharp and fried dishes, limit sweets( this will reduce the body's allergism, allow you to follow the weight, and obese people are more prone to injury due to their clumsiness).

You can not get rid of arthritis of the shoulder joint with the remedies offered by folk medicine. At some stage they even harm. Therefore, if there are pains during movement and at rest, it is necessary to appear to the specialist-traumatologist.

How to treat a shoulder joint at home from inflammation

Yet we will cite some folk remedies for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints. To use or not the given means - let the doctor tell you. It is understood that these methods of treatment are not basic and do not replace medical treatment with medications and procedures.

If you are already receiving treatment from a doctor, or the case is not acute, you can try several folk recipes:

  1. Take in equal parts a leaf of a birch warty, a flower of a thorn, flowers of an elderberry black, a grass of a neetle dioecious.1 tablespoon of the collection to boil 7-10 minutes in 1 glass of water, drain. Drink 1-2 glasses in the morning with gout, arthritis.
  2. Take in equal parts the roots of a steamed apiary, the roots of a medicinal herb, the herb of nightshade is sweet-bitter, the bark of a willow is white.1 tablespoon of the collection pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, insist 30 minutes, drain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 1 hour after eating with rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Pour 4 tablespoons of dry, finely chopped rhizomes of crocheted wheatgrass 5 glasses of water, boil until the volume decreases by a quarter. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
  4. Pour 6 g of powdered roots and herbs of dandelion medicinal with 1 glass of water, boil 10 minutes, infuse for 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Fresh dandelion grass is also used externally for compresses.
  5. Mix in equal parts elderberry flowers, nettle leaf, parsley root and willow root. Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped raw material 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool at room temperature and strain. Drink 2 glasses a day.
  6. Mix in equal parts elderberry flowers, linden flowers, goldenrod grass and St. John's wort. Pour 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink 2 glasses a day.
  7. Take on 3 parts of lime flowers of heart-shaped and elderberry flowers, 1 part of horse chestnut fruit.1 tablespoon of the collection pour 1 glass of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, insist 15 minutes, drain. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day. It is used for arthritis, gout.
  8. Pour 10 grams of dry crushed herbs of spring primrose in 1 glass of boiling water, infuse for 15-20 minutes. Drink 0.25-0.5 cup 3-4 times a day. Fresh grass is useful to use in salads, soups, okroshke.
  9. Mix in equal parts grasses of Ledum, clover grass, burdock roots, juniper berries, grass roots, hop cones and thyme grass. Fill up the bottle with raw materials, pour vodka. Infuse 10 days in a dark place. Use for grinding.
  10. Pour 50 grams of bird cherry bark with a glass of vodka. Infuse 2 weeks. Rub into the lumbar region and the affected joints 2 times a day.
  11. Pour 7 g of dry milled nettle grass with dioecious 1 glass of boiling water, infuse for 15-20 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  12. Pour 3-5 g of dry currant black leaf 1 cup of boiling water, infuse for 10-20 minutes. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

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Pain in the shoulders, treatment - why shoulders ache, how to treat pain in the shoulder joints of

Dr. Evdokimenko.

The most common diseases of the shoulder joints: humeropathy periarthritis, arthrosis, arthritis. A chamber from the cervical spine to the arm. Treatment of these diseases. Videos with gymnastics for the treatment of shoulder joints can be viewed below.

Gymnastics for shoulder treatment, exercises for the treatment of shoulder pain

Dr. Evdokimenko.

This video presents a set of exercises for the treatment of pain in the shoulder or shoulders. Exercises from this video are useful:

  1. for the treatment of humeroparous periarthritis and capsulitis;
  2. for the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint;
  3. to improve mobility of the shoulder after a long-term injury to the hand;
  4. with restriction of mobility in the hand after operations on the mammary gland;
  5. with pain in the shoulders, caused by a violation of blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

Contraindications to curative gymnastics. For all their usefulness, these exercises can not be performed:

  1. with fresh shoulder injuries, shoulder joint dislocations and sprains of the shoulder;
  2. for chronic and habitual dislocations of the shoulder;
  3. at elevated body temperature( above 37.5 degrees);at a flu, ORVI and an angina - it is necessary to wait for convalescence and to wait for 3-4 more days;
  4. in the first 2-3 months after operations on the mammary gland;
  5. at least 3 months after neck surgery;
  6. at least 3 months after shoulder surgery;in the future - only in consultation with the operating surgeon.

Warning! If a particular exercise causes severe pain, then it is contraindicated to you or you are doing it wrong. In this case, it is best not to do it, or at least postpone it before consulting your doctor.

Exercise rules :

You need to do exercises daily, 1-2 times a day, for at least 3-4 weeks. Carrying out the exercises, be careful not to allow sharp pain.

Although moderate, tolerable pain caused by stretching the tendons, when performing these exercises are almost inevitable. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Increase the load and increase the mobility of the hands to gradually.

And remember that even with the correct performance of gymnastics, the improvement does not come at once. In the first 2 weeks of training, pain in the joints may even increase slightly, but after 3 to 4 weeks you will feel a clear improvement in your health.

I wish you the will and perseverance necessary to return the former ease of movement!

Advanced, slightly more extensive set of exercises for the treatment of shoulder joints( text only) can be viewed below.

Exercises for the treatment of humeroparous periarthritis and restoring the mobility of the shoulder joint

Shoulder-bladder periarthritis is an inflammation of the tendon of the shoulder. Other names of this disease are capsulitis, "frozen shoulder".

One of the methods of treatment of humeropathy periarthritis is special therapeutic gymnastics.
Below is a set of exercises for the treatment of the aching shoulder .

Exercise 1. Sitting on a chair. Put your hands on the waist. Elbows spread apart. Maintaining the original position, very , slowly and smoothly , make a circular motion with your shoulders: about one minute in a circle forward and then one minute in a circle backward.

Exercise 2. Sitting on a chair. Put your hands on the waist. Elbows spread apart. Keeping the starting position, very slowly and smoothly follow the movement of the shoulders to the limit forward. Then - to the limit back. Repeat the shoulders back and forth 5-6 times.

Exercise 3. Sitting. Get a sick hand behind your back, as far as possible. At the back, grasp the sick arm with a healthy hand behind the wrist and pull the sick arm to the opposite buttock, as far as possible without pain - only to the sensation of muscle tension. In the extreme position, hold your hands for 7-10 seconds, then inhale as much as possible to strain the patient's hand and hold this voltage for 10-12 seconds.

Then exhale, and on exhalation relax the sore arm. While the sick arm is relaxed, gently push the with a healthy hand a few inches further( towards the buttocks on the healthy side) - again until you feel a slightly painful muscle tension. Again, fix the reached position for 7-10 seconds. Then again perform the stage of the tension of the sick arm and its subsequent relaxation. In just one approach, 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation of a sick hand are performed.

Exercise 4. Sitting. Place the hand of the sick hand on the opposite shoulder, press the elbow of the sick hand to the body. With a healthy hand, grasp the elbow of a sick hand. Now smoothly and gently pull the elbow of a sick hand up. In this case, the elbow of a sick hand should not detach from the body, it seems to slip over the chest. And the palm of a sick hand slides on a healthy shoulder, as if skirting it.

Pulling the elbow of a sick hand as high as possible without pain, but before feeling the tension of the muscles, hold the reached position for 10-15 seconds. Then inhale as much as possible to strain the sick arm, as if giving a sick hand resistance to movement. The tension lasts 7-10 seconds, after which the patient's arm needs to be relaxed, and with a healthy hand, one must keep the elbow of the sick arm slightly higher, to the sensation of an easy soreness and muscle tension.

Again, fix the position for 10-15 seconds, then again repeat the stage of tension of the sick arm and its subsequent relaxation. Each time, move the elbow of a sick hand at least 1 - further up. Repeat the entire procedure 5-6 times.

Exercise 5. This exercise should be done for those patients who have a severe limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint and the hand is poorly set aside. Exercise is carried out in two versions: simplified and standard. The first days should be made a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you completely without problems, you need to go to the standard implementation of the exercise.

The simplified version of is performed on the floor, lying on the back. The patient's hand is straightened at the elbow, is set aside and lies on the floor with the palm up. Without changing the general position of the hand, raise it above the floor by 2, and strongly strain the entire arm. Keep your arm straightened at the elbow, and your palm facing upward. Hold the voltage for 7-10 seconds, then lower your hand and completely relax it for 10-15 seconds.

Then inhale, inhale again slightly raise your arm 2-3 cm from the floor, and strain it strongly. Hold the voltage for 7-10 seconds. On exhalation, lower your hand again and completely relax it for 10-15 seconds. Perform 4-5 cycles of stress-relaxation of the affected arm. Alternating tension-relaxation will allow gradually to stretch the tendons of the diseased shoulder.

Standard Exercise Option: This is about the same as simplified, but lying on the couch( or on the bed).Shoulder of a sick arm should be located on the very edge of the sofa( or bed), straightened at the elbow, the hand is sideways and slightly hanging down. The palm still looks up.

Do not change the position of the hand, strongly strain your hand. Hold the tension in your hand for 7-10 seconds, then relax your hand and let it free, under the influence of gravity, to fall down to a sensation of tension( but not pain).Keep your arm straightened at the elbow and your palm up. Allow the relaxed arm to hang freely for 10-15 seconds, then inhale, lift your arm slightly( 2-3 cm from the previously reached position) and strain it again. Hold the voltage for 7-10 seconds.

Then, on exhalation, relax your hand again and let it fall freely downward by gravity a few centimeters down. Perform 4-5 such cycles of stress-relaxation of a sick hand.

Exercise 6. This exercise should be done for those patients who have a strong rotational limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, that is, the arm rotates poorly in the shoulder joint. Like the previous exercise, it is performed in two versions: simplified and standard. The first days should be made a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without problems, you need to go to the standard implementation of the exercise.

The simplified version of is performed on the floor, lying on the back. The patient's arm is bent both in the shoulder, and at the elbow at about an angle of 90 °, unfolded palm upward. The part of the arm from the elbow to the palm is relaxed and, if possible, lies flat on the floor. Without changing the position of the hand, strain the patient's hand severely, lifting the palm one or two inches from the floor, and hold the voltage for 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, completely relax your hand and let it lie back on the floor.

Relaxation lasts about 10 seconds, then strain your hand again and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds, lifting your palm again by 1-2 cm. Then repeat the relaxation of the hand again. Perform 4-5 cycles of stress-relaxation of the affected arm. Alternating tension-relaxation will allow gradually to stretch the tendons of the "rotating cuff" of the diseased shoulder.

Standard Exercise Option: Performed approximately the same as a simplified one, but lying on the couch( or on the bed).Shoulder of a sick arm should be located closer to the edge of the sofa( or bed).The patient's arm is bent both in the shoulder, and at the elbow at about an angle of 90 °, unfolded palm upward. The part of the arm from elbow to palm is relaxed and hangs freely. Do not change the position of the arm, severely strain the patient's hand and keep the voltage 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, relax the hand and give the arm from the elbow to the palm freely, gravity drop down.

Relaxation lasts about 15 seconds, then strain your hand again and keep the voltage 10-15 seconds. Then again, repeat the relaxation of the hand( again for 10-15 seconds).Perform the reception 3-4 times, letting the hand with each time go lower, turning around its axis.

Exercise 7. This exercise should also be done for those patients who have a strong rotational limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, that is, the arm rotates poorly in the shoulder joint. Like the two previous exercises, it is done in a simplified and standard way. The first days should be made a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without problems, you need to go to the standard implementation of the exercise.

The simplified version of is performed on the floor, lying on the back. The aching arm is bent both in the shoulder and in the elbow at an angle of approximately 90 °, but is now deployed with the palm down.

Do not change the position of the hand, strongly tense your arm, lifting the brush 1-2 cm from the floor, and keep the voltage 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, completely relax your hand. Relaxation lasts about 10 seconds, then strain your hand again and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds, lifting the brush again 1-2 cm. Then repeat the relaxation of the hand again.

Perform 4-5 cycles of stress-relaxation of a sick arm. Alternating tension-relaxation will allow gradually to stretch the tendons of the "rotating cuff" of the diseased shoulder.

The standard version of the exercise: It's about the same as simplified, but lying on the couch( or on the bed).As in Exercise 6, the shoulder of the sick arm is closer to the edge of the sofa;the diseased arm is bent both in the shoulder and elbow at an angle of approximately 90 °, but is now deployed with the palm down. The part of the arm from elbow to palm is relaxed and hangs freely.

Do not change the position of the hand, strongly strain your hand, and keep the voltage 10-15 seconds. Then completely relax the hand, giving the arm from elbow to palm freely, under the influence of gravity, to fall down. Relaxation lasts about 10 seconds, then strain your hand again for 10-15 seconds. Then again, repeat the relaxation of the hand( 10-15 seconds).Perform the reception 3-4 times, letting the hand with each time go lower, turning around its axis.

Exercise 8. Standing beside the chair, lean forward, with a healthy hand lean against the chair. Lower the patient's hand, and let it hang freely for 10-20 seconds. Then start light pendulum-like "jiggling" movements of the patient with a relaxed hand in different directions: forwards and backwards, then in a circle - clockwise and counterclockwise. Gradually increase the amplitude of movements, but do it, not allowing obvious painful sensations. Perform these movements for 3-5 minutes.

Exercise 9. Face the wall. Raise your aching arm as much as you can without pain. Select at the top on the wall a point that you can not easily reach with a sick hand - about 10 - higher than the place you get your fingers now.

Now, fingering the wall, start moving slowly to the coveted point. Naturally, it is necessary to reach for the hand, and not at the expense of lifting on myshochkah. And, as always, the main rule - during the exercise, do not allow pain. Drag your hand slowly, gradually. And observe the rule of alternating tension with relaxation: for about 20 seconds we actively stretch, then for 10 seconds we slightly relax our hand( but not lowering it strongly down).Again we stretch, then again slightly relax the hand. And so several times.

Carrying out the exercise daily, for 2-3 minutes a day, you will gradually significantly increase the amount of movement in the sick arm.

Warning!- While doing the exercise, you do not need to see the hand with your eyes, pushing your head too hard. In people with an "unstable" cervical spine, throwing back the head can lead to dizziness and even loss of consciousness - due to a violation of blood flow in the basilar artery!

Source of publication:

  1. http: // vospalenie-plechevogo-sustava
  2. http: // article19_5.htm
  3. Herbalist: golden recipes of folk medicine / Comp. A. Markov.- M.: Eksmo;The Forum, 2007. - 928 p.