What can you eat with rheumatoid arthritis? Principles of diet, therapeutic nutrition


  • 1Principles and rules of a diet for rheumatoid arthritis
  • 2Diet for arthritis: principles of therapeutic nutrition
    • 2.1What can not be used for arthritis?
    • 2.2Products for arthritis
    • 2.3Diet for arthritis and arthrosis
    • 2.4How to replace nightshade vegetables?
  • 3Diet for arthritis: products in the treatment of disease
    • 3.1What is arthritis?
    • 3.2General principles of nutrition
    • 3.3With gouty
    • 3.4In psoriatic
    • 3.5Permitted products
    • 3.6The diet menu
    • 3.7What you can not eat with arthritis
    • 3.8Popular Diets
  • 4Diet for rheumatoid arthritis
    • 4.1General principles of a diet for rheumatoid arthritis
    • 4.2Diet for rheumatoid arthritis - menu, options

Principles and rules of a diet for rheumatoid arthritis

Diet with rheumatoid arthritis is designed to reduce the manifestation of exacerbations. Its main principles are based on the reduction in caloric intake and consumption of salt. The menu includes vitamins and minerals rich in products.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease of autoimmune origin, accompanied by defeat of the musculoskeletal system.

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Patients are concerned about severe joint pain, stiffness of movements and the appearance of tumors. Doctors, rheumatologists after the appointment appoint appropriate treatment, recommend a special diet for rheumatoid arthritis.

Nutrition by its rules helps relieve pain and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Scientific studies have shown that a diet with rheumatoid arthritis joints helps reduce fatigue and manifestations of the disease.

With properly selected nutrition, tumors of the extremities decrease, morning pains and exacerbations decrease.

The main principle of such a diet is the elimination of products that cause allergies.

The following principles apply to the diet:

  • diet for rheumatoid arthritis is prescribed depending on the existing manifestations of the disease, the phase of exacerbation and the degree of damage to the joints;
  • with exacerbation of arthritis, the daily dose of carbohydrates is reduced to 300 grams, all sweetness, honey and jam fall under the ban;
  • all dishes should be boiled, stewed or baked without vegetable oil;
  • proteins should be of animal origin, more than 80 grams per day to use them is not recommended;
  • Fats can be eaten at the rate of 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight;
  • most of the diet should be vegetarian dishes, eggs, lactic acid foods and boiled meat with fish;
  • the amount of salt should not exceed 5 grams per day, it is allowed to add only ready-made meals.

The arthritis diet is based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables

All products that cause an exacerbation are excluded from the menu. Under the ban most often fall milk, citrus, cereals, tomatoes with potatoes and pork meat.

The list is made individually for each patient by the attending physician, can be supplemented with other dishes or drinks.

The daily calorific value of food should not exceed 1800 kcal.

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis mainly consists of vegetarian dishes and lactic acid drinks. It is allowed to eat fruits, low-fat meat and juices.

All fatty, spicy or smoked dishes are completely excluded from the diet.

Only such food can reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of the disease and helps get rid of pain.

The following products are banned:

  1. alcoholic beverages, including energy and non-alcoholic beer;
  2. fatty broths;
  3. all smoked meat and sausages;
  4. spicy seasonings, spices;
  5. strong tea with coffee;
  6. carbonated drinks;
  7. butter, lard;
  8. semi-finished products;
  9. canned fish, mushrooms, stews;
  10. chocolate, any sweets and jams;
  11. cholesterol-rich foods;
  12. citrus.

Under the ban fall fats, pastries and all sweets

To exclude certain products, it is necessary to pass allergy tests.

You can independently analyze your diet and determine those dishes, after eating which the condition worsens.

Each patient has its own peculiarities of the organism, so self-medication should not be dealt with. Only a doctor can choose an exemplary menu and prescribe medications for the treatment of arthritis.

The rules of the therapeutic diet for rheumatoid arthritis assume 5-6 meals a day and limit the amount of liquid drunk to 1 liter per day.

The daily menu should consist of dishes rich in vitamins and mineral compounds: calcium, potassium and iron.

To ensure the daily requirement for vitamin C, it is recommended to eat fruits, vegetables, drink juices and decoction from hips.

Here are the basic rules of nutrition:

  • Once a week, you need to do a fasting day, using only apples, salads or cottage cheese with yogurt;
  • most of the diet should be green vegetables and plant products;
  • be sure to add to the dishes vegetable or olive oil;
  • 3-4 times a week you need to eat fish: herring, trout, sturgeon, salmon or anchovies;
  • every day, the menu should include cottage cheese, other lactic products;
  • it is recommended to eat 1 egg or egg yolk every other day;
  • allowed nuts, seeds, any soy products;
  • Sweets with sugar, white bread and pastries, sandwiches are forbidden.

The menu should be vegetables, dairy products and fish

From porridges it is better to boil buckwheat, millet and oats. Bread can only be eaten black, with the addition of bran or seeds. Fruits and berries need to choose unsweetened, with the smallest content of sucrose. The use of potatoes should be limited, other vegetables can be eaten every day.

Diet with rheumatoid arthritis brings the best result when combined with folk methods and home recipes of herbal decoctions.

A good result is the use of ginger, hot pepper, garlic and apple cider vinegar.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies and nutrition can reduce edema and tumors, increase joint mobility.

Here are the most effective folk recipes:

  1. 60 grams of ground ginger root is added daily to all dishes, mixed with porridges and salads. In addition, we apply ginger powder to the affected and swollen joints. We rub with slow movements, from above necessarily we warm.
  2. We cook ginger tea. Pour 2 glasses of water 1 spoon of ground ginger root, cook for 40 minutes after boiling. We add a little honey, we drink an hour after eating.
  3. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic a day to get rid of tumors.
  4. Add red or black hot pepper to salads. It strengthens the immune system, reduces the appearance of redness.

Recipes with ginger make the diet more effective

Adherence to the principles of diet and healthy lifestyle will help reduce the manifestations of the disease, reduce pain. Adhere to the rules of therapeutic nutrition will have to constantly, so it is important to diversify the menu, enter into it all the products allowed by doctors.

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A source: https://liqmed.ru/article/dieta-pri-revmatoidnom-artrite/

Diet for arthritis: principles of therapeutic nutrition

A diet for joint arthritis involves the consumption of foods that contribute to the improvement of cartilage and the removal of their inflammation.

Strangely enough, the diet for arthritis is very specific: you must completely abandon all nightshade vegetables.

And then the arthritis will retreat for a long time.

What can not be used for arthritis?

Let's start with what you can not use for arthritis:

Strong tea and coffee

Excess caffeine in the body leads to the elution of calcium from the bones. This contributes to the development of arthritis and aggravates its course.

Meat and meat by-products

Nutrition for joint arthritis completely prohibits the consumption of red meat of large and small cattle. The composition of animal products includes arachidonic acid.

In the human body, it is split into eicosanoids (mediators with a wide range of biological activity). These mediators provoke inflammation of the joints.

Also, when consuming a large number of meat products that contain purine bases, are violated metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the final product of this metabolism is isolated - the urinary acid.

A large excess of uric acid leads to its accumulation in tissues and joints. The deposition of urate crystals in the joints leads to gouty arthritis.


With alcohol, the body receives dopamine and adrenaline, which increase inflammation in the joints and aggravate the course of the disease.

This causes swelling, as the level of potassium decreases. The liquid begins to accumulate in the periarthric bag, and inside it the pressure increases.

With alcohol intoxication, the cartilage tissue of the joint becomes thin.


Black chocolate in small amounts is very useful, but chocolate with different additives, especially containing a large amount of sugar, will help increase excess weight. That as a result will lead to deformation of the joints.


Excess salt in the body leads to water retention, which causes an increase in blood pressure and development of edema.

French fries, crisps, crackers, margarine and cakes

At the heart of all these products are trans fats, which disrupt the metabolism and contribute to weight gain, which loads the joints.

You can say that the products that are banned in arthritis, in general, not much. And to use them it is forbidden only at an acute attack of an arthritis when the illness is in a stage of an exacerbation.

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During the remission period, the diet can be disregarded, but even in these periods, vegetable dishes should predominate in the diet of the patient.

In addition, the principles of healthy nutrition are useful absolutely for all people, sick or healthy.

Products for arthritis

At first glance, it seems that the diet for arthritis is not so important, but it is only at first glance.

Diet experts say that there are products that can prevent inflammation and destruction of cartilage tissue.

Products for arthritis should contain vitamins, calcium, potassium and manganese. Therefore, products from the list below are considered useful.

A fish

First of all, varieties containing omega-3 fatty acids are useful:

  • trout;
  • mackerel;
  • salmon;
  • herring;

You need to consume them as often as possible, three to four servings (150 g each) per day. Especially useful is salmon, which occupies the first line of the rating for the content of omega-3 acids. Also salmon contains vitamin D3, which for the bone system is simply irreplaceable.

Linseed oil

In order to prevent arthritis, it is useful to take 2-3 tablespoons of linseed oil a day.

Orange vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants

Experts advise in arthritis to include in the diet any fish dish in combination with bright vegetables. These include:

  1. broccoli;
  2. leaf salad;
  3. carrot;
  4. papaya;
  5. ginger;
  6. pumpkin.

Bright orange and green vegetables are very useful for arthritis. Special studies were conducted, which confirmed the fact of their usefulness. According to these results, vegetables and fruits reduce the risk of exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis.

Leaf cabbage is rich in calcium, which bones need. Many people consider milk to be a source of calcium. In fact, it is much more in leafy cabbage. In addition to calcium, cabbage contains copper (for the formation of collagen), manganese (to restore cartilaginous tissue).

Broccoli is useful to people with joint pathology, especially those who have arthrosis. Broccoli is a source of sulforaphane - a substance that has an anti-cancer and antibacterial effect.

It is found in large quantities in cabbage family vegetables. Consequently, the vegetable is very useful for joint diseases. In addition, broccoli is a valuable source of calcium, vitamins, A and C.

Ginger effectively eliminates swelling and pain in arthritis. It suppresses the production of СОX-2 enzymes, which provokes joint diseases. The effect of ginger is similar to the action of NSAIDs, however, not so much, of course, but as an auxiliary for the treatment of arthritis is indispensable.

Useful fruits include:

  • sharon (a kind of persimmon);
  • persimmon;
  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • lemons;
  • pineapples;
  • mango;
  • apricots;
  • melon;
  • apples;
  • kumquat (small tangerine).

Among the fruits, the leader is papaya. Its advantage is that it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

As shown by the latest research, it is vitamin C that prevents the development of arthritis. In papaya, there is more vitamin C twice than in lemons and oranges.

In addition, papaya contains a large amount of carotene, which is very useful for joints.

Green apples are indispensable products for arthritis. They contribute to the production of collagen. And after all collagen makes a basis of a cartilaginous tissue which degrades at diseases of joints. It is necessary to eat at least one apple every day.

Of course, in apples there is no collagen, but they contain flavonoid - quercetin, which is responsible for the color of the fruit and is involved in the formation of collagen in the body.

But to receive this useful substance in the body, you need to consume apples with skin and do not subject them to heat treatment.


Almonds contain a large amount of vitamin E, which helps strengthen the outer membrane of the bags of the joint. Almonds effectively neutralize the effect of free radicals. When allergic to almonds, it can be replaced with peanuts or sunflower seeds.

Black beans

Black beans contain a large number of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which neutralize the action of free radicals and inhibit the production of cyclooxygenase (COX-2). Also, the bean contains manganese, which is useful for joints.

Diet for arthritis and arthrosis

Nutrition for arthritis and arthrosis excludes consumption of vegetables from the Solanaceae family. Why is that? After all, the family of nightshade includes all the favorites: eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers (Bulgarian, chili, paprika, cayenne).

And the fact is that these vegetables should be avoided only by people who suffer from rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.

Seasonal vegetables contain natural chemical compounds - alkaloids, which are pesticides and fungicides.

As a rule, these chemical compounds concentrate mainly in the leaves and stems of solanaceous plants. The fruits of these plants contain their scanty concentration.

In other words, the concentration of these alkaloids in the products of Solanaceae is insignificant and can not cause harm to human health.

However, if a person has abnormalities in the immune system, GI immune diseases character, allergic diseases, it is sensitive to these small doses of pesticides and fungicides.

He may have reactions from the intestine or the immune system, which provokes acute inflammatory processes. Therefore, people suffering from rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, which develop due to disturbances in the immune system, should avoid solanaceous vegetables in their diet. With all other types of arthritis, these vegetables are not prohibited.

Modern studies have shown that the relationship between nightshade vegetables and arthritis is observed in 90% of patients with rheumatoid and psoriatic forms.

It was also found that the alkaloids contained in the potato peel are capable of causing irritation of the intestine in its autoimmune diseases.

In addition, alkaloids in solanaceous vegetables suppress the synthesis of the cholinesterase enzyme, which contributes to the regulation of muscle flexibility. As a result, muscle spasms, pain, joint aches, muscle stiffness and inflammation are observed.

A solonin alkaloid, contained in potatoes and tomatoes, is able to accumulate in the body and appears in the blood during stress, provoking inflammatory processes in people sensitive to it. This happens with excessive consumption of potatoes for food.

Also, solanaceous vegetables contain saponins and lectins, which are contraindicated for persons prone to irritation of the intestine, stomach and esophagus. They can cause heartburn.

How to replace nightshade vegetables?

It is well known that nightshade vegetables contain many important nutrients. In addition, they are very tasty and give an indispensable flavor to many dishes. But if a person notices that nightshade vegetables cause him painful conditions or aggravate them, then these vegetables should be replaced:

  1. Tomatoes can be substituted for red cabbage, beets, mushrooms. Of fruits, a full replacement of tomatoes can make plums and red grapes.
  2. Tomato sauce or lecho sauce (with peppers and tomatoes) can be replaced with seasonings, marinade, mustard, horseradish, ginger, sauerkraut.
  3. Potatoes can be substituted for sweet potatoes (sweet potato), turnips, parsnips, carrots, cauliflower.
  4. Instead of the Bulgarian pepper, consume radish, green and red onions, daikon, celery.

If a person can not refuse potatoes and tomatoes, then to reduce the amount of alkaloids consumed, one should adhere to certain rules:

  • Do not eat green or sprouted tubers, carefully peel potatoes;
  • do not consume green (unripe) nightshade vegetables;
  • Serve suntanned vegetables with high-quality heat treatment to reduce their negative impact on the joints.

And in conclusion I want to say that the health of every person is in his own hands. If you notice that after eating the nightshade vegetables, your condition worsens, then try not to eat them for several weeks (from 2 to 4).

Then again, little by little, you can enter them into the diet, for example, every 3-4 days. At this time, watch your health and listen to your feelings.

Only man himself is able to choose the best diet for arthritis, if we take into account the individual characteristics of his organism.

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A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/pitanie/dieta-pri-artrite.html

Diet for arthritis: products in the treatment of disease

The concept of arthritis is the collective designation of a variety of pathologies leading to joint deformation.

They arise for various reasons, are accompanied by different symptoms, require different treatment and have different predictions. With any form of arthritis, a patient needs treatment throughout his life.

Diet for arthritis is an obligatory measure of complex therapy, improving the quality of life of the patient, which contributes to the prolongation of the periods of remission.

What is arthritis?

Systemic inflammatory disease, accompanied by pain during movement, deformation and restriction of joint mobility, is called arthritis. There are many types of this pathology.

The defeat of one or more joints is called monoarthritis or polyarthritis. The causes of the disease may be defects of the immune system, metabolic disorders, infectious infections, hereditary predisposition.

Cure arthritis is impossible, medications only reduce pain and slow its development.

Strict adherence to the norms of nutrition is an indispensable condition for the well-being of the patient.

The diet should limit the intake of foods that provoke pathological processes, provided that a complete set of vital nutrients is introduced.

Nutrition for rheumatoid arthritis is based on the phase and form of the disease, physiological needs, the presence of complications, medications taken. The diet should help:

  • reducing the load on the joints;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process, allergic reactions;
  • strengthening of bone tissue, connective structures;
  • alleviation of symptoms of pathology.

General principles of nutrition

Nutrition for arthritis and arthrosis should be fractional, frequent, gentle for the organs of the digestive tract. Fish and meat dishes must be cooked, put out, bake.

In the diet should be a lot of vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products.

Use of salt and sugar should be limited, depending on the type of disease, the fluid intake varies.

Chicken meat, eggs, fish are considered to be irreplaceable sources of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, but while they are allergenic products, provoking the formation of uric acid and stones in kidney. Under certain conditions, they can be excluded from the diet of the patient.The diet for arthritis does not include tomatoes, eggplant and other nightshade.

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Many products provoke the development of the disease, cause inflammation, contribute to a decrease in bone mass, thinning of the cartilaginous tissue, the formation of edema.

Among them - fatty, fried foods, canned food, sausages, alcohol, carbonated drinks, trans fats in the form of chips, margarine, baked goods.

Their use in any form of arthritis is prohibited.

Treatment of severe systemic irreversible disease - rheumatoid arthritis - often requires a restriction of mobility, compliance with bed rest.

Correction of nutrition at the active stage of pathology is necessary to reduce the excess weight of the patient, prevention of puffiness, suppression of pain syndrome, prevention of osteoporosis, leveling of side effects of treatment.

The energy value of the diet in the acute phase is limited by a decrease in the intake of all types of macronutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water.

The daily calorie content of dishes is reduced to , 00 kcal by replacing digestible carbohydrates - sugar and flour products - on carbohydrates slow - vegetables, fruits, berries, porridges.

Sugar in the diet should not exceed 20 grams per day.

To prevent the formation of edema, fluid intake decreases to, l per day, up to 2-3 g - salt intake.

To reduce the likelihood of the inflammatory process, the number of proteins should not be more than 70 g, only half of them - of animal origin.

The amount of fats also decreases - only 60 grams per day, while the proportion of animal fats should be less than half.

To remove excess fluid, salt, prevent osteoporosis, the body needs manganese, potassium and calcium.The diet includes potassium-rich pumpkin, raisins, dried apricots, prunes and sources of calcium - cheese, cottage cheese, walnuts.

Restriction of protein products, fats and carbohydrates are replenished with micronutrients - vitamins, mineral complexes, enzymes. Well enriched diet, help in the fight against inflammation ascorbic acid, rutin, vitamin P.

In the phase of remission, the patient's diet should be full, with a caloric intake of 2400 calories per day. In the diet include: proteins - 100 grams, carbohydrates - 250 g, fat - 70 g.

The daily intake of liquid - up to 1 liter, salt - 3-5 g. In the menu, low-fat fish, dietary meat is added.

The vegetable component of the diet after the end of the exacerbation phase should still not include solanaceous.

With gouty

The cause of the disease is the accumulation in the body of excess uric acid, which contributes to the development of inflammatory processes and gouty growths in the joints.

Urine acid substances are formed by purine bases, which enter the body with food, but are excreted by the kidneys.

The excess of them can be explained by malnutrition or kidney failure.

Some foods can provoke the inhibition of kidney function.

For example, oxalic acid, containing poorly water soluble oxalates of calcium and magnesium, promotes the formation of oxalate stones that settle in the kidneys and slow down the withdrawal of uric acid. Refractory fats also prevent their rapid utilization.

The concentration of uric acid in the blood can be reduced by reducing the intake of carbohydrates and protein products that form uric acid during decay.

But the most dangerous supplier of purine bases are red meat, offal, some varieties of fish.

Excess formation of uric acid occurs during antitumor therapy.

Diet for gout and arthritis eliminates meat and fish dishes containing purines, limits the amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

To prevent urolithiasis in the diet include products that alkalinize urine, low in salt.

The energy value of the diet is , 00 kcal / day, while the use of:

  • dietary varieties of meat, poultry - 3 times a week for 150 g;
  • low-fat fish - 3 times a week for 180 g;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetables;
  • bread from flour 1 and 2 grades;
  • juices, broths, slightly alkaline non-carbonated mineral water.

With a gout to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood, it is recommended to conduct vegetarian days off, excluding consumption of meat and fish dishes.

In the period of remission unloading is desirable twice a week, during an exacerbation - every other day.

Soups and salads containing sorrel, rhubarb for vegetarian meals are prohibited.

In psoriatic

About 20% of patients with psoriasis have complications in the form of joint damage - psoriatic arthritis.

The disease is treated with highly toxic anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hormonal, antitumor drugs and physiotherapy.

The purpose of the diet are: normalization of metabolic processes, the removal of toxins, maintaining an alkaline environment that prevents the exacerbation of the disease.

Nutrition for arthritis of the knee joint should reduce the load and pain sensations by reducing the body weight of the patient.

For this, digestible carbohydrates are replaced by complex ones, supplied with vegetables and fruits.

Vegetable food is needed to strengthen the motility of the digestive tract, normalize metabolism, metabolism, acid-base balance in the body.

When taking medication, taking dietary meat and fish is mandatory. At any stage of the disease are shown dairy products, vegetables, vegetable oils, alkaline non-carbonated mineral water.

With an exacerbation, the amount of protein is reduced to 80 g, carbohydrates to 250 g.The use of meat and fish is limited, broths on their basis are completely excluded.

During remission, the caloric content of the diet should be at the level of 2500 kcal, the energy balance of the products is as follows:

  1. proteins - 90 g, in the majority of plant origin;
  2. fats - 100 g, a third must be plant;
  3. carbohydrates - 350 - 400 g;
  4. liquid -2 l, s;
  5. salt - up to 12 g.

Permitted products

With any kind of ailment it is recommended to include in the diet a lot of vegetables in raw, stewed and baked form (exception - solanaceous), dairy products, low-fat fish species - trout, tuna, sturgeon, cod, salmon, bread with bran, crackers. Show vegetable oils, lean meat - rabbit, chicken, turkey. There are individual recommendations:

Types of Arthritis Permitted products
Rheumatoid Porridge buckwheat, lentils, cod liver oil, cod liver oil, apple, carrot juice, cowberry, cranberry, papaya, zucchini, beetroot
Gouty Potatoes, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, white fennel, macaroni, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds
Psoriatic Pumpkin seeds, legumes, almonds, ginger, hazelnuts, walnuts.

The diet menu

Depending on the type and form of the disease, the menu of the arthritis diet includes the allowed products in an amount due to the required energy value.

Nutrition for arthritis should be frequent, so between the basic techniques you need to make snacks, consisting of fresh and baked fruit, sour-milk drinks, dietary fruit desserts.

The basis for making up the menu is shown in the table:

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Vegetable broth, ripe banana, light green tea Salad of cucumber and celery, vegetable soup with onions and barley, green apple with peel Stewed cabbage, boiled salmon, yogurt
Tuesday Vegetable stew, bunch of grapes, broth of wild rose Vegetable soup from potatoes, celery, millet, boiled chicken breast, peach Cottage cheese, cracker, a glass of yogurt
Wednesday Milk buckwheat soup, bread with bran, weak black tea Soup puree from potato and cabbage broccoli, fish baked in foil, compote of fresh apples Cottage cheese casserole, dried fruit compote
Thursday Fruit mix with raisins and yogurt, rose hips Salad of cucumber and celery with lemon juice, fish soup, stewed beans Baked potatoes, raisins, a glass of yogurt
Friday Omelet of two egg proteins, cucumber salad, green tea Beetroot soup with carrots and potatoes, steamed fish cutlets, cranberry morses Braised rabbit, burger
Saturday Cottage cheese casserole, broth of wild rose Fish soup with cod, potatoes, braised beans, compote of fresh apple Vegetable stew, bread with bran, yoghurt
Sunday Buckwheat porridge, boiled egg without yolk, green tea Salad from fresh cabbage, vegetable soup from a potato, a celery and millet, fish cutlets, an apple compote Turkey stew, low-fat kefir

What you can not eat with arthritis

With any form of arthritis, one should forget about alcohol, marinated, salted, smoked, spicy seasonings.

Exclude the egg yolk, buns, meat and fish canned food, trans fats, sauces, spices, strong tea, coffee.

Prohibited by-products (liver, brains, stomachs, heart), fatty meats and fish, red meat. Each form of the disease has individual contraindications:

Types of Arthritis Prohibited products
Rheumatoid Pork, some types of cereals (corn, oats, wheat), tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, potatoes, whole milk, cocoa, citrus fruits
Gouty Red meat, seafood, turnips, radish, lettuce, spinach, sorrel, lentils, peas, corn, mushrooms in any form, dried fruits
Psoriatic Semolina, peeled rice, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, blueberries, plums, cranberries, currants, strawberries, strawberries, coconut

Popular Diets

Nutritionists have developed many regimens for the treatment of arthritis.

Some of them emphasize the rigid rejection of potentially dangerous products for a long time, others - on a full balance of nutrition with the prevalence of allowed products. Among the most famous diets are Scandinavian, 40-day rice, Donga diet, Norman Childers diet:

  • A 40-day rice diet with arthritis of the fingers increases the mobility of the joints by removing salt deposits. 2 tablespoons of cereals are poured, l of water and infused for a day. Then the rice is washed, filled with fresh water and it takes another 6 days. Every day the next portion is prepared. After 6 days from the first portion of rice cooked porridge and eaten for breakfast. She is being replaced by another serving, and so every day.
  • Donga diet is intended for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, effective during exacerbations. Lasts for 10 weeks, during which the ration of the patient completely excludes meat in any form, milk, tomatoes, peppers, citrus, egg yolk, vinegar, spices, foods with chemical additives, chocolate. After the first week the patient feels relief.
  • The diet of Norman Childers is based on the assertion that the nightshade cultures contain a large number of alkaloids, which adversely affect articular cartilage. To exclude potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines and peppers from the ration, according to Childers, is necessary for a month, after which the patient's well-being significantly improves. Long-term practice has proved the effectiveness of this method.
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A source: http://sovets.net/16030-dieta-pri-artrite.html

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis

During many diseases, the quality of the diet has an almost the same effect on the state of the organism as the treatment with medical preparations.

To lead to a state of remission rheumatoid arthritis without proper nutrition is impossible - medical remedies will eliminate the symptoms of the disease only for a short time, and then the pain will return.

The exact cause of this disease has not been established.

Factors causing an exacerbation: the introduction of infection, trauma, osteoarthritis, allergy, treatment with certain medications, metabolic disorders, stress factors and the like.

That is, autoimmune reactions - macrophages begin to attack the protein structures produced by the ligamentous apparatus of joints against a background of reduced immunity.

General principles of a diet for rheumatoid arthritis

Since one of the causes of an exacerbation of the disease is an allergy, it is necessary to exclude from the menu products that are allergens for a particular patient.

There is a whole list of foods that can not be eaten with allergies:

  1. milk;
  2. citrus;
  3. cereals: wheat, corn, rye, oatmeal;
  4. pork;
  5. Solanaceae: eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes;
  6. chocolate…

But it is very likely that this food is harmless, but other products cause an allergic reaction in a particular case. To check the reaction of your own organism, analyze the food that preceded the deterioration of the condition, and for a week exclude any dish from the diet.

Then it is introduced for 1-2 days and again analyze their own sensations. There are no changes, so it's worth testing another product.

One of the best diets for exacerbating inflammatory processes in the joints is the Mediterranean. The daily menu for 80% consists of plant foods - fruits and vegetables, the remaining 20% ​​- nuts and sea fish.

This food is not suitable for everyone, some try to go on a vegetarian diet, where the ratio of lactic acid and plant products is 50/50.

  1. Fruits and vegetables with joint diseases are needed because they contain a certain biological phytochemical complex, which has an analgesic effect. Potassium and vitamin C are replenished from vegetables. Most potassium is found in potatoes and bananas, vitamin C in the currant, citrus, cherry, greens.
  2. In rheumatoid arthritis, it is important to observe not only the diet and diet, but also the technology of cooking.

Treatment of the disease for a long time - even express therapy by special means continues at least 2 months, all this time the digestive and other organic systems are exposed to increased load.

For example, the use of nonsteroidal drugs adversely affects the state of the gastric mucosa, corticosteroids have a depressing effect on the hematopoietic system.

Excretion of medicinal products from the body is an increased burden on the kidneys and liver.

That is why, from the therapeutic diet, food that strengthens the secretory function of the digestive organs is excluded: solid fats, spices, strong tea, coffee, alcohol... You should give up fried - cooking technology: cooking, stewing, baking in foil ...

Hormonal drugs increase the leaching of calcium from the body, which provokes the development of osteoporosis of the osseous system and joints.

Therefore, the menu necessarily introduces leafy greens, sour-milk products, sometimes soy.

If possible, unload damaged joints. To do this, you must follow a diet not only in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, but also completely switch to proper nutrition.

There should be small portions, 4-5 times a day, so as not to recover.

In the acute stage, to reduce the calorie content of meals - at this time, motor activity is limited, and excess weight - this is the load. An increase in body weight can cause a pronounced deformation of the joints of the lower limbs.

It is desirable to completely exclude from the diet:

  1. alcohol is a very caloric drink, which also stimulates a sense of appetite.
  2. baking;
  3. fatty meals;
  4. refined carbohydrates - sweets, ice cream, goodies with dyes and taste improvers;
In inflammatory diseases of the joints, salt begins to be deposited in them, forming osteophytes - bone protrusions. In most cases, these are salts of uric acid, which are formed during the breakdown of purines - substances that enter the body with food.

A large number of purines are found in meat - especially in pork and lamb, in some types of fatty fish, in by-products, in canned foods... These products are excluded from the diet for rheumatoid arthritis, but high content of purines and in some products of vegetable origin: sorrel, spinach, beets. They also have to be excluded from the daily menu when the disease worsens.

The stress factor negatively affects the general condition, negative emotions are capable of provoking an aggravation of rheumatoid arthritis. Emotional instability during eating disrupts the absorption process, useful substances are not absorbed.

There are always things to be done in a relaxed environment, one should not be distracted by extraneous matters - reading, watching the broadcasts, the food should be thoroughly chewed.

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis - menu, options

It is impossible to say exactly what exactly this diet should be adhered to with inflammation of the joints, caused by rheumatoid factor. What you can eat and what can not, depends largely on the clinical picture, the nature of the treatment, the condition of the patient and his anamnesis.

Several options for diet in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Full refusal of salt.

  1. For breakfast: buckwheat porridge, eggs omelet, tea, baked apple.
  2. Lunch: vegetable soup, vermicelli with lean beef (boiled fish), compote.
  3. Dinner: carrot-beef patties, potatoes or vermicelli, weak tea with lemon.
  4. Snack - kefir.

Mediterranean diet. You can stick to it all your life.

The ration includes cereal dishes, pasta, lots of vegetables and fruits, olive oil, legumes and nuts. The maximum is close to a vegetarian diet.

  • Gluten-free diet is suitable for those who have an autoimmune reaction against the background of the inflammatory process in the joints caused diabetes mellitus. From the diet, products with a gluten protein are completely excluded - it is found in wheat, rye, barley and other cereals. This food is not suitable for everyone - the lack of useful substances that are present in the gluten-containing foods can trigger an exacerbation of the disease.
  • In the USSR, the diet was designated as a table. For patients with rheumatoid arthritis, table # 10 was more often targeted.

Approximate menu - table number 10:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal porridge boiled on the water, with a small piece of boiled chicken, sauerkraut - a handful, weak coffee without milk.
  2. Snack - jelly from berries.
  3. Lunch: vegetarian borsch, boiled potatoes with a piece of boiled fish, compote of dried fruits.
  4. Afternoon snack: broth of wild rose and unsweetened dried biscuit or baked apple.
  5. Dinner: cottage cheese, pilaf, berry juice.
  6. Before going to bed - kefir.

One of the best diets is Scandinavian, salt-free. This variant of nutrition is designed for 3-4 months.

In the first 10 days of the diet, decoctions of potatoes, parsley, herbal teas, vegetable broths and a minimum of low calorie foods are used. Within 2-3 months the diet consists of berries and vegetables, drilling rice, soy products, vegetables and nuts.

Then the way out of the diet begins - in the day menu fish and sour-milk products are introduced.

Nutrition for rheumatoid arthritis can lead to both an exacerbation and provide a sustained remission of the disease, but there are no clear recommendations how to make a diet. Patients choose a diet, analyzing their own feelings, based on the recommendations of the treating doctor.

A source: http://jointcare.ru/artrit/revmatoidnyj/dieta-pri-revmatoidnom-artrite