Compress of burdock for the treatment of joints


  • 1Treatment of burdock joints
    • 1.1Burdock root for the treatment of joints
    • 1.2Burdock leaves for the treatment of joints
  • 2Folk remedies for treating joints with burdock at home
    • 2.1Causes of the disease
    • 2.2Healing properties
    • 2.3How to apply the leaf to a sore spot
    • 2.4What helps compresses
  • 3How can you cure the joints with burdock?
    • 3.1The use of burdock in the treatment of articular pathologies
    • 3.2Compresses from medicinal plants
    • 3.3External application of ointment and broth from burdock
    • 3.4Medicines for oral use
  • 4Treatment with burdock knee arthrosis: top 5 recipes
    • 4.1Useful properties of burdock
    • 4.2Recipes from burdock
    • 4.3Compresses
    • 4.4Homemade infusions
    • 4.5Quick help for pain symptoms in the joints
    • 4.6Recipes from burdock for oral use
  • 5Treatment of diseases of the joints with burdock, the use of burdock in medicine from arthrosis and folk remedies
    • 5.1Therapeutic properties of burdock
    • 5.2Application of medical burdock
    • 5.3Treatment of joint arthrosis with burdock folk methods
    • 5.4Not only tops, but roots ...
    • 5.5Contraindications
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Treatment of burdock joints

Decoctions, infusions and compresses from burdock will help reduce the swelling of the surrounding joint of the tissues and stop the pain. Various folk remedies from this plant eliminate the inflammatory process.

Using them, you will increase the defenses of the weakened organism and significantly increase the resistance to the disease. The main thing to know is how to properly use burdock to treat joints.

Burdock root for the treatment of joints

To treat burdock joints of the feet and hands, it is best to use a decoction of the root. Especially well cope with this remedy with rheumatism. To prepare the broth you need:

  1. Peel the cleaned root (on a fine grater).
  2. 10 grams of raw material pour 200 ml of water.
  3. Cool and drain the mixture.

Such a therapeutic broth is taken 20 ml 4 times a day.

For the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint of burdock, you can make a powder. For this:

  1. The root of the plant must be cleaned.
  2. Grind in a coffee grinder.
  3. Dry under direct sunlight (leave for about 30-120 minutes). Store this tool in tightly closed containers in a dark place.

For arthrosis, take 5 g of this powder 3 times a day. To do this, pour 70 grams of water. For the treatment of joints, burdock powder can also be used with honey (in a ratio of 1 to 1).

From the root of burdock, you can make a very useful therapeutic ointment. Do it according to this recipe:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the rhizomes of the plant.
  2. Mix it with any vegetable oil (in a ratio of 2 to 1).
  3. The resulting mixture put it in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Obtained ointment from burdock can be used to treat the knee and shoulder joint. But, so that it does not lose its medicinal properties, at times it is better to prepare a small amount of it (for 3-4 applications). Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Burdock leaves for the treatment of joints

The therapeutic effect on the various joints is not only the root, but also the leaves of burdock. It is best to make compresses from them. But, in order for such treatment of the joints with burdock to have a positive effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the leaves:

  1. Do it in the spring. Collect the young leaflets.
  2. Well wash them to remove all dirt and dust from them, and then pat them with a paper towel.
  3. After that, you need to cut the leaves into thin long strips resembling noodles, and put them in a clean glass jar, covering it with a plastic lid.
  4. Capacity should be placed in the sun.

After some time, the contents will turn into a green mushy mixture with an unpleasant odor and mold. The formation of such an unpleasant odor indicates that the drug is ready.

When severe arthritic pain occurs, you need to wrap gruel from the leaves in gauze and apply such a compress to the joint. It should be removed only after the gauze bandage has dried completely.

There are other methods of treating joints with burdock leaves. So, from them you can prepare a medicinal decoction. It will be especially useful if you add a few burdock flowers to it. To make it:

  1. Mix 500 ml of water with 40 g of leaves (fresh) and 10 g of flowers.
  2. Simmer the mixture for about 5 minutes.

With the resulting broth, you can make lotions. With deforming arthrosis and gout it can be added to the bath.

Curative wrap with burdock

Another popular folk method of treating knee (and any other) joints with burdock is curative wrapping. To make it, you need:

  1. 50 g of the root of the plant (crushed) add in 10 liters of water.
  2. Thoroughly mix and cool mixture.
  3. After this, a white sheet is dipped into such water, squeezed out slightly and wrapped by the patient.

You can use several sheets because it is very important that between the legs the patient also has a tissue with a healing mixture and the legs do not touch each other. You can remove everything in 1 hours. The wrapping can be done once a day.

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Folk remedies for treating joints with burdock at home

Joints are the mobile joints of bones, allowing the skeleton to move.

There are exactly 187 of them in the body, each of which performs an individual function.

Epiphyses form joints, the surface of which is equipped with cartilage. Filled synovial fluid articular cavity is between the joint surfaces of bones. One of the main elements of the structure is the joint bag.

Nature knows a person better than himself and has provided all the conditions necessary for a comfortable life.

She calculated everything in such a way that the organs should not lose their rhythm of action.

But sometimes there are blunders.

Even such an organ as the joint, at times, malfunctions and does not work.

Problems lead people to find solutions.

They find it in the treatment of burdock - a way that is recommended by tens of thousands of people who understand it.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the appearance of diseases in the human body are abounding, in the locomotor apparatus their frequency is overshooting. Each disease is a signal of the body, calling for urgent deactivation of the existing malfunction.

Here are a number of the most common causes of the appearance of joint diseases:

  • inflammation,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • gradual diseases of joints and tissues,
  • allergy,
  • infection,
  • failures in the hematopoietic system,
  • malfunctions in the nervous and endocrine systems,
  • disruption of internal organs.

Doctors share the diseases of the formulations depending on the species on:

  • arthritis,
  • periarthritis,
  • arthropathy,
  • articular ankylosis,
  • arthrosis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • osteoarthritis.

Treatment with burdock has positive properties, but only if properly applied. Use it wisely, and soon the patient will recover.

Healing properties

A plant, known literally, to every human being - burdock contains many names in its arsenal, among which:

  • pincushion,
  • doggirl,
  • brlleyvnik,
  • the grandfather.

Burdock is a two-year-old plant. He has a large consumption of nutrients (what are the useful roots of burdock, dandelion and couch grass is written in this article). During the first year, the plant is juicy, and on the second - it becomes much stale.

It grows on all continents, except Africa. Flowering occurs in the summer - in July and August. To prepare a medicinal product, it is better to collect a plant for the young, so that the stem is not so developed.

For this purpose only a burdock is one year old. And, this treatment concerns both roots and leaves. Burdock is grown in vegetable gardens and consumes its leaves for food, filling them with salads.

Roots are used for making many dishes. The plant is excavated from the ground, then washed. Dry it should not be in the street, but in the room, best of all, in the oven.

Burdock is a recognized leader in the treatment of joint diseases (useful properties of burdock and burdock are described here). He copes with the regulation of the exchange of water and salts, removes unnecessary salts from the joints. During the reception of broths of burdock root, then a lot of uric acid is released.

The broth can be safely called a diuretic. The use of burdock specifically for this function is not forbidden.


Burdock is valuable in that anyone can go and break it without much effort. After doing this, cut the leaves and tightly fill them with a jar.


Place it in a warm place, preferably on a sunny window. In the pot - porridge with a specific smell.

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It is necessary to wait until mold is formed. The resulting mixture in the form of compresses are applied to the joints, which you are aching. They should calm down after two or three compresses, which are replaced every half hour.

The root of an annual burdock is juicy. Previously, it produced coffee drinks. Till now bread is baked from it (for the benefit of baking from amaranth flour read on this page).

The burdock has been thoroughly studied by doctors who have stated its harmlessness. It is rich in biologically active components. Often it is used in cosmetology, using as an ingredient for some drugs.

They are used to prevent baldness, since the plant affects the necessary areas of the head.

But use it only mixed with linseed oil.

Without it, burdock (that heals) can not have any effect on the roots of the hair, like butter without burdock.

Burdock causes appetite with its bitterness, due to which substances positively influence the mucous membrane. It is effective in diseases of the digestive system, for cleaning the intestines. Burdock is a dermatologist's favorite. Heals rashes, furunculosis and allergic reactions.

How to apply the leaf to a sore spot

The burdock leaves must not be older than one year before use. Dampen the plant with cool water, so that it lasts longer the useful properties needed for the treatment of joints.

Which side is it necessary to apply the plant to the aching joint?

This fact is very important in the context of treatment. The napping surface is capable of securing the right amount of medicinal properties. Therefore, apply it to the place of discomfort followed by a softer side.


After doing the procedure, you need to tie the sheet with a medical bandage to ease the patient's condition.


Next morning, use an ointment created from a pre-boiled mug. Apply the right side, then he will be your most faithful and efficient assistant in the treatment of joints.

What helps compresses

Burdock is treated with joint arthrosis.

More often - the knee joint.

Apply fresh leaves to the diseased part of the body, fixing with a bandage applied to the cellophane layer for thermal insulation.

The number of leaves can reach up to ten if you want effective treatment, but not more. The fleecy side should be lowered to the joint. You can grease leaves with vegetable or linseed oil for best effect.

In folk medicine, there is another way to treat joints with burdock. Squeeze out the juice from the leaves. You can do it in any convenient way. The main thing is the result.

The juice will turn dense if not diluted with water. Dampen the resulting mixture with gauze and roll the diseased joint. On top of the film and another layer of gauze, but this time dry (to fix heat).

In this method, there is some complexity. For efficiency, it is recommended to change the juice of burdock every day. If you do not do this, you will not get any result. The juice will lose its properties in a day, and after the expiration of them, it will become completely useless.

Burdock roots (medicinal properties and contraindications) are used for a special tincture, the method of preparation of which is very simple.

It is necessary to grind the roots, add a spoon to two hundred grams of boiling water, and then give this broth to stand for a while.

Use tincture should be ten times a day on a teaspoon.

It will help you with joint arthrosis and other diseases. It will remove excess uric acid, fill the body with the necessary nutrients for the treatment of the disease.


It is recommended to treat the broths of burdock roots and its leaves simultaneously. Diseases will quickly recede, not surviving the onslaught of natural remedies, generously planted in burdock by nature itself.


Make an additional powder. It is done in a coffee grinder. Leave it on the solar window for an hour, then move the powder to a dark place. You can store it in plastic dishes.

Take half a teaspoon every day, washing with water from a glass. Repeat for two weeks or a month. Depends on the condition of the joint. The worse it is, the longer the treatment period.

To make the broth, take one tablespoon of burdock and a liter of clean water passed through the meat grinder. Place the crushed roots in it.

Cook the resulting healing mass over low heat. Let her brew for about an hour. Eat a glass five times a day, be sure after eating, so that it is better absorbed.

Take decoctions in the morning, adding a tablespoon of honey. Decoction, tincture and honey, taken together, forms a powerful remedy.

People know how to treat burdock while watching a video. Want to be healthy - be sure to take a few minutes to learn about the mass of the beneficial properties of the medicinal plant.

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How can you cure the joints with burdock?

In folk medicine burdock for joints has been used for thousands of years. This unique medicinal plant effectively helps relieve exacerbation of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Burdock in the treatment of joint diseases can be used in many ways.

Representatives of alternative medicine make from this plant ointments, compresses and decoctions for external use.

Also from burdock you can prepare natural medications for oral administration, which return joint mobility and health.

The use of burdock in the treatment of articular pathologies

Burdock (a burdock otherwise) is a two-year-old herbaceous plant of the Astro family, distinguished by its broad, shalovid-pointed leaves.

In nature, there are about 20 species of mugs.

Virtually all varieties of this crop belong to medicinal plants and are used in the fight against a variety of diseases.

In the manufacture of medicinal potions, representatives of alternative medicine use different parts of burdock. Healing properties are characteristic not only for the leaves, but also for the inflorescences and roots of the plant.


All parts of the burdock are distinguished by an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and restorative effect.


The plant has the ability to excrete salts and restore metabolic processes in the tissues of the body.

The therapeutic properties of burdock are explained by the presence in its composition of a whole complex of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the state of connective tissues in the human body. These include:

  • fatty acids (palmitic and stearic);
  • tannins;
  • essential oils, carotenes;
  • protein;
  • inulin;
  • sitosterol;
  • stigmasterol, etc.

The natural components that make up the burdock, relieve the inflammatory process and painful manifestations in the joints, contribute to their strengthening and rapid recovery.

Natural medicines prepared with burdock are no less effective than expensive medicines pharmacy products, however, unlike the latter, they do not have a side effect on the body rights.

Medicines based on burdock have virtually no contraindications.

Abstain from their external use follows people who have an individual intolerance of the ingredients they contain.

Internal use of burdock is contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency, pregnant and breast feeding women.

For the treatment of joints, it is necessary to take raw materials growing in forests, on fields and river banks.

Traditional healers advise to use in the summer and early autumn fresh burdock. For the winter it should be dried to be able to treat sick joints at any time of the year.

Compresses from medicinal plants

Treatment of the joints with burdock is carried out in different ways. Relieve pain and relieve inflammation in the knee joint will help compresses based on this plant. For their preparation take:

  • fresh leaves of burdock - 5 pcs .;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
  • capacity with boiling water of 1 liter;
  • food film;
  • a piece of woolen cloth.

Leaves must be rinsed under cold running water and dried, then stacked, making sure that they are located velvety side down.

On the resulting hill of mugs for 30 seconds put a pot of boiling water.

The patient's knee joint is treated with vegetable oil, covered with warmed leaves (they should be applied smoothly to the skin) and wrapped in food film.


The top of the problem area is wrapped in a warm cloth. Make a compress of burdock preferably in the evening, leaving it for the whole night. The procedure is recommended to be repeated every day until the disappearance of painful manifestations in the knee.


In the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint and rheumatism, you can use the prescription for which you need to take:

  • 1 large burdock leaf;
  • 10 ml of vodka;
  • food film;
  • woolen cloth.

A fresh leaf of burdock should be crushed slightly with fingers until the juice comes out on its surface.

The sick knee is treated with vodka, covered with burdock, then carefully wrapped with a film and a warm cloth. The compress is removed after 8-10 hours.

To cure sick joints, the procedure should be conducted daily for at least 14 days.

To get rid of pain in the joints will help the recipe, which counts more than one century. He will need fresh burdock leaves.

They should be washed, wiped and finely chopped with a knife, then placed on the bottom of a glass jar and tightly closed.

The container should be placed in a sunny place and wait until the surface of the crushed leaves is covered with mold. After this, the medicine is mixed with a wooden spoon and treatment is started.

To restore health to the joints, the thick slurry is applied to the problem area and covered with waxed paper and woolen cloth. Therapeutic composition should be applied to the knee joint for 2-3 hours. Usually one use of the drug is enough to stop pain in the joints.

The medicine has an unpleasant smell, but it is highly effective, so you can use it even with a severe pain syndrome. It also helps to get rid of the pain in the back and neck.

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External application of ointment and broth from burdock

With joint pains, folk healers use ointment from burdock, which can be obtained at home. For its preparation it is necessary to take:

  • fresh burdock roots;
  • olive oil.

Burdock roots are washed, dried and passed on a meat grinder, after which the juice is squeezed out of the resulting gruel with the help of gauze. The resulting juice of burdock is mixed with olive oil in the proportion: and, placing in a glass container, put in the refrigerator.

Under the influence of cold, the medicine should thicken, after which it is possible to start treatment. Natural ointment should be lubricated problem areas 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days.

It stops pain, relieves inflammation, restores joints mobility.

If there is no way to make fresh juice of burdock, it will help to replace natural extracts of burdock root, sold in pharmacies.


For the treatment of articular pathologies, it is necessary to mix 2 tsp. extract with 1 tsp. olive oil.


The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the diseased areas according to the same scheme as in the case of using an ointment of fresh juice.

Some healers conduct burdock treatment with a decoction obtained from its inflorescences and leaves.

For its preparation, you can take both fresh and dry vegetable raw materials.

Decoction of burdock helps relieve the condition of a person suffering from deforming arthrosis, gout and rheumatism.

To get a healing decoction, you need 40 grams of leaves and inflorescences of the mug, pour boiling water and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. The product must be cooled to 40 ° C and filtered. In it, you need to moisten a lot of cotton cloth and apply to a sore spot for half an hour.

When the disease affects the lower limbs, the broth can be used to prepare warm foot baths.

Keep your feet in the container with the drug should be 15-20 minutes.

To improve the well-being, use a decoction of burdock in the form of compresses or baths during the week, repeating the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Medicines for oral use

Burdock with arthrosis of the knee joint and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are used not only outside but also inside. For medicinal purposes, a powder made from rhizomes of thistles can be used.

You can make it by chopping fresh burdock root in a coffee grinder. Kashitsu, resulting from these actions, you need to lay a thin layer on a piece of waxed paper and place under direct sunlight.

When the moisture evaporates, the ground rhizomes are placed in a glass container and put in a dark place.

To relieve the knees from pain, therapeutic powder is taken in 1/3 tsp. thrice a day, with plenty of water. Use this tool should be at least 2 months.

An effective remedy for arthritis and arthrosis is decoction from the roots of thistles, intended for internal use. For its preparation 1 tbsp.

fresh or dry vegetable raw materials are poured, l of water, brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 30 minutes. After this, the agent is insisted for 1 hour and filtered. Take it you need to 100 ml 4-5 times a day.


Observing this method of application every day, the patient will be able to forget about his illness in 4-6 weeks and return to a full-fledged way of life.


A universal remedy for joint diseases is tincture of burdock, cooked on vodka with the addition of honey. Get the remedy as follows: the powder of burdock roots is mixed with honey, keeping the ratio:. After that, 5 tablespoons.

of the resulting composition is dissolved in 1 liter of vodka and, placing in a glass container, is insisted in a dark place for 7 days. Ready medicine is taken by 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Continue therapy until the final disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, folk methods of combating articular pathologies can be combined with the use of medicines, physiotherapy and massage.

The specialist will tell the patient the most effective folk way of treating his illness and explain how to apply the medicine from burdock to achieve a quick recovery.

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Treatment with burdock knee arthrosis: top 5 recipes

Folk techniques, as an auxiliary, are used in the treatment of many diseases.

So, medicamentous treatment of arthrosis can be supplemented with folk remedies.

Treatment with burdock knee arthrosis, in combination with physiotherapy and medications, will eliminate the problems associated with the disease.

Useful properties of burdock

In folk recipes, the burdock is considered one of the most popular plants. The leaves, root and juice of the plant are used. In pharmacy chains, you can buy extract and oil, as well as the roots of the plant in dried form.

The medicinal plant contains the following components that are useful for the human body:

  • polysaccharides, which are converted into fructose, getting into the body;
  • fatty, saturated acids;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins with minerals;
  • oil;
  • tannins;
  • lactone (biologically active substance, beneficial effect on the heart muscle).

Thanks to active ingredients, the plant has remarkable, useful properties, and has the following effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesic action;
  • antibacterial;
  • lowers the level of sugar in the blood;
  • can be used as a diuretic;
  • antipyretic effect;
  • as a laxative;
  • helps with allergic reactions, eliminating itching;
  • helps in restoring the acidity of the stomach.

From various parts of the plant are prepared decoctions and infusions, helping in the treatment of diseases of various types.

Depending on the type of plant, it is used at different times. Of the one-year-old variety, medicinal preparations are prepared with the onset of autumn. Biennial varieties are recommended for use in warmer seasons.

Before we tell how to treat burdock knee joints with the development of arthrosis, we will understand what constitutes a disease. Articular arthrosis refers to chronic diseases, and is accompanied by destruction of cartilage of tissue, damage to nearby tissues.

Arthrosis develops gradually, and destructive articular processes occur with the following sequence:

  • there is a failure of the supply of cartilaginous tissue;
  • the amount of synovial fluid of the knee (natural lubricant) decreases;
  • The cartilage of joints is thinned, and gradually destroyed;
  • there is a deposition of salts on the bone.

These changes lead to deformation of the joints. Treatment depends on the degree of development and progression of the disease.

Recipes from burdock

Treatment of knee joints with burdock, in combination with other medical procedures, gives a good result. You can try the following folk recipes, which help in the complex treatment of arthrosis.


Compress from burdock on the knee joint will relieve the pain, and at the same time will serve as a preventative for arthrosis. The number of sheets of the plant should not exceed 10 pieces. Apply fresh leaves to the affected area with a fleecy side.

We offer several effective compresses with a plant that help with arthrosis of the knee:

The leaves are medium in size (5 pieces), butter (vegetable) Spread the problem place with oil, and let the leaves burn with boiling water. Apply the leaves to the problem area on top of the problem area, top with polyethylene. Fix the wrap with a scarf
Large sheet, cologne Sheet knead until the appearance of liquid, then soak with cologne. Put on a sick site, close the top with cellophane, lock with a soft scarf or cloth. Compress leave for the night
Burdock leaf, garlic, honey Sheet steaming. Prepare the gruel from honey with garlic, and put on the inside of the sheet. Top with a plastic bag and secure with a scarf. You can leave the bandage for the night
Burdock leaf, honey Honey we put on the sheet, and we put the bandage on the problem site, fix it

Instead of polyethylene bags, for home compresses, you can take a special paper with a layer of paraffin (compressor paper) applied.

Homemade infusions

From burdock with arthrosis of the knee joint, you can prepare infusions. Use any of the suggested options:

Components Preparation
The roots of the plant in a crushed form (1 h. l.), boiling water (200 ml) Roots are poured in boiling water and insisted for an hour. Take within 5 days (1 tsp)
Burdock roots (crushed), honey. The components are taken in equal proportions. Vodka (glass) Mix the roots of the plant with honey, then pour the vodka. The resulting mixture is infused for a week. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times per day
Roots (crushed) 1 tbsp. l., water boiling (, l) Roots with water, then leave it on fire (for half an hour). Ready to insist for an hour. Use infusion 5 times a day for ½ cup

Burdock can be used in powder form. Try the following recipe:

  1. take roots and wash well;
  2. dry and clean parts of plants;
  3. clean, peeled roots to grind to the state of the powder (use a coffee grinder);
  4. leave the resulting composition dried (half an hour), preferably under sunlight;
  5. Dried, crushed pieces pour into glass containers for storage.

The resulting agent based on burdock can be used for joint arthrosis in 1 / 3h. l. powdery composition, diluted with warm water, (1/3 cup).

Such a therapeutic drink should be used 3 times a day. The resulting mixture can be combined with honey (ratio:), and apply to 1 tbsp. l. (3 times during the day).

Quick help for pain symptoms in the joints

Burdock can be used as a quick help with strong joint pain. To do this, the leaves of the plant are washed well, and dried with a paper towel.

The dried parts of the plant should be finely chopped and put in a glass container. The container is exposed to the sun's rays, so that a mixture with an unpleasant odor is formed.

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It is necessary to wait for the moment when mold forms in the glass container. Mash from a burdock with mold can be used to create a compress.

Such an unusual compress is used for first aid in cases of severe joint pain.


When treating diseases of the knee joint, you can use self-prepared ointment from burdock.


Preparing the ointment as follows:

  1. the crushed root of the plant (80 g) is filled with a glass of vegetable oil (unrefined);
  2. the resulting mixture is left to insist (day);
  3. after a day, the mixture is cooked on a small fire for 15 minutes, then filtered.

The resulting home ointment is cooled, and then stored in the refrigerator.

Recipes from burdock for oral use

To get rid of the pain caused by arthrosis of the knee, you can use the burdock not only externally, but also prepare the means for internal use.

The mobility of the joints is affected by the deposition of salts. The following, suggested recipes based on burdock will help to remove excess salt deposits, and at the same time help in the complex treatment of arthrosis:

  1. crushed burdock roots (1 tbsp. l.) You need to pour 1 cup of cold, boiled water. Infuse the lid and leave in this form for the night. You need to drink infusion in the morning before eating 1/3 cup;
  2. The following recipe helps to get rid of salt articular deposits. To perform the recipe, you need to collect the May leaves. Leaves should be so much that when squeezed out, it turns out that juice. To the juice add honey (ratio:), and a glass of vodka. The resulting composition is divided into 2 parts. One part is used for morning intake (before meals) for 1 tbsp. l. (3 times a day). The rest is taken in the same way as the first, but after six months. It is advisable to drink the second part of the infusion closer to the beginning of autumn. The composition is stored in the refrigerator.

Burdock when used in folk recipes, has some contraindications for use:

  • when carrying a child and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance of the plant as a part of folk remedies;
  • with frequent colitis;
  • allergic reactions.

One should also take into account such a moment as the diuretic property of burdock. With prolonged use of infusions from the plant, potassium is washed out from the body with sodium.

Folk remedies based on burdock can be used for arthrosis of the knee joint, as an independent treatment, and when combined with medications.

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Treatment of diseases of the joints with burdock, the use of burdock in medicine from arthrosis and folk remedies

Burdock or burdock from the family of Compositae has long established itself in folk medicine as a powerful remedy for a variety of ailments. Its healing properties have spread to many spectra of various diseases.

A powerful additional preventive treatment is a roadside burdock for the therapy of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Medicines made on its basis, have proven themselves in the treatment of diseases such as arthrosis of the elbows and ankles, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis.

Certainly, burdock has curative properties, however it is far from magical and it is worthwhile to understand that its application in the form of independent treatment will not give the expected result.

Only complex therapy in conjunction with exercise therapy, physiotherapy, medication and other treatments will helpto eliminate the problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Not only in folk medicine burdock is recognized as an effective medicinal plant, during various studies, the strength of the properties of the burdock was recognized by scientists who actively apply its properties in pharmacology.

Therapeutic properties of burdock

The burdock is popular due to its painkillers, diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic properties. Has an anti-allergic effect, relieves itching on the skin, and also affects its improvement. Actively used in dermatology.

The mug isa good natural antiseptic, has an antimicrobial effect. Has moderate laxative properties.

Burdock oil, obtained from the seeds of the plant, is successfully used for hair care.

The burdock consists of:

  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • palmitic acid;
  • tannins;
  • stearic acid;

Application of medical burdock

In nature, you can find burdock throughout Europe and Asia, also in North America. It grows on the roadside, near the banks of reservoirs, even in garbage dumps.

In our region the burdock was brought by Russian soldiers during the war in 1812.

If the plant is annual, then it should be applied for therapeutic purposes in the autumn. A biennial plant can be used in any warm season.

From burdock makeoils, tinctures, powders and extracts. Use seeds, leaves and roots.

Preparations created on the basis of burdock have analgesic effect.

Treatment of joint arthrosis with burdock folk methods

In folk medicine, the properties of burdock have long been used for medicinal purposes.

Especially burdock has well proved itself in the treatment of arthrosis in the knee joint.

Its properties are used not only as prevention of problems with the knee, but also in a variety of other diseases of the joints of the musculoskeletal system.


Diseases of the joints affect different age generation. Agrimonyhelps to remove uric acid from the body, which is delayed with excess in the joints of a man, promotes the accelerated regeneration of tissues in the joints, and also speeds up the process of metabolism.


One of the frequent problems in the musculoskeletal system is arthrosis of the knee joint, and the most common method treatment of the disease from arthrosis, is the application of burdock leaves on a diseased knee and warming it overnight with a woolen scarf.

Compresses that are fixed with polyethylene are most effective. To achieve the best results, the leaves of the plant can be mildly mashed to allow the juice to be poured, and rub the knee with alcohol or vodka for more intensive circulation.

How to use: take five or six leaves of burdock stacked on a pile side of the plantthe vegetable oil is appliedor oil sabelnik, fix the damaged joint and insulate.

There is a second similar method of combating arthrosis in the knee joint, but more painstaking and complicated in its application. The basis of the method consists in alternating the additional components used in conjunction with the burdock.

  • Day one - we grease the burdock leaves with simple cologne, fix the knee and warm it;
  • Day two - first on the sheet we impose natural honey, and after lubricating with cologne also fix and warm the knee joint;
  • Day Three - In the role of the lubricant is Vishnevsky's ointment and the plant adds a consistency of garlic squeezed under the press, after which we apply the mixture on the knee;

On the fifth day the range of procedures closes, and the therapy of the knee joint begins to repeat according to the program of the first day.

The full course of treatment of the knee passesfrom one and a half to two months. Compresses are best done at night and keep the bandage all night.

Not only tops, but roots ...

The root of this plant is also a powerful tool for the treatment of knee arthrosis and other joint diseases. As a rule, tinctures and powders are made from the roots, which help in the removal of inflammation in the knee cartilage.

Tincture for the treatment of joints is quite simple. The root of the thistle is ground, where one tablespoon of ground root is poured in the proportion of 200 g. boiling water.

Such a mixture enriches the body with various minerals and nutrients, helping to derive various slags from the body, in parallel removing uric acid from the joints and promoting a faster recovery.

Apply this mixtureone tablespoon five times a dayfor a month.

Decoction of burdock - for half a liter of water one tablespoon of crushed roots is taken, the mixture is boiled for half an hour and let the broth steep for an hour after cooking. Drink follows five times a day half a glass of liquid.

In conjunction with the tincture, you can also use powder from the roots of burdock.

The root should be ground in a coffee grinder, after the resulting powder put under the direct rays of the sun for thirty minutes.


The ready mix should be stored in a glass container in a dark place. Apply this mass in an amount of 1/3 teaspoon with 1/3 cup water, three times a day.


With this treatment, arthrosis will gradually recede, most importantly, observe proportions and systematic application.


Treatment with a burdock is practicallyhas no contraindications. The only drawback may be the personal intolerance of the substances contained in this plant. Therefore, before use, especially orally, you should consult your doctor.

It is not recommended to use as a method of treatment during pregnancy and lactation.

Burdock is a unique plant with healing properties that helps to get rid of not only from arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but from a variety of different pathologies organism.

Burdock showed high results in such pathologies as:

  • rheumatism;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • gout;
  • treatment of wounds, burns, various ulcers;
  • Skin diseases.

Ointment based on burdocksuccessfully applied in alopecia.

It should be understood that arthrosis of the knee joint is a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system. You should never engage in self-medication and first of all you need to know the exact diagnosis. Therefore, before any use of such therapy, be sure to consult a doctor.

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