Cough in the baby for two weeks

Than to cure at the child a dry cough? Already two weeks does not pass.



Doctors in our time, too, are not all qualified specialists. Especially children's. My mother pediatrician taught me how to treat children) She ran to her advice. Now the best doctor in the district.
All the same to the doctor reduce. Is the throat sore or not? Is there a temperature? It is necessary to indicate everything. Even folk remedies have many factors. The first question is what makes him cough? Maybe the truth is a reaction to tobacco smoke or an allergy to something that may very well be. Concede to the allergist just in case!
And give him something softening. If there is no temperature, and if it is cold, then warm milk with the addition of a teaspoonful of oil (not the sunflower oil) and a spoonful of honey mix and give a drink)
At least they wrote how old he was. For each age individually.

Denipipia4 Denipipia4

Dr. Mom!

Sergey Panasenko,

Breathing exercises. For Tolkachev, for example. There are other methods.

instagram viewer

Rose kate

Inhalations: potatoes, travecil, inhalipt

$ vetiK ****)))

bring the child for 10 minutes into the bathroom and turn on the hot water, so that the cough was wet)) then buy the inhaler and breathe


the doctor showed the child or self?


Do not joke with such a cough.
Focal pneumonia manifests itself in a dry cough. The temperature can only rise slightly.
I do not frighten, I just flew to the intensive care unit, passed three weeks with such pneumonia and a dry cough.
Lead to a doctor better.
Recover soon!


medicine coughing !!!

Catherine Chichigina

if there is a nebulizer at home, then you can buy a pulmicort, and if not, prednisolone-novacoin-water 1 irrigate the larynx


What is a cough? It is a protective reaction of the body, by means of which it is cleansed of all foreign matter that fell into respiratory tract, so the reasons for which a dry cough in a child may be completely different. Firstly, these are various viral infections that cause inflammation of the upper and lower divisions of the respiratory tract (ARVI, inflammation of the trachea, larynx, whooping cough, etc.).
Secondly, cough can be a reaction to the allergen (tobacco smoke, medical products, household chemicals, dust, etc.) )
Thirdly, it is often associated with getting into the respiratory tract of various objects, food. A constant mild morning cough can talk about a simple cleansing of the respiratory tract from the assembled for the night formations, or may accompany a chronic illness.
In conventional bronchitis and tracheitis, the main task is to get rid of phlegm, and with pharyngitis - to calm cough.

N ...

Folk remedy: In a white radish cut a groove, pour honey and leave for the night. The resulting juice with honey can be taken the next day. And what do the doctors say? With this do not joke.

Igor Mn.

Well you found found where to ask.. Here you are [removed censor] sovetuyut.
However, already advised.
If you value the health of the child - ask the doctors, but it is not known from whom.
If there is no familiar good pediatrician, then for example here:


and the doctor did not try to ask, it certainly will help


lazolvan, sopelka, and in general only the doctor can tell or say


Afiget child 2 weeks suffers. and my mother thinks everything, I need to see a doctor


I started my first child. Now only to the doctor !!!

darya boletus

Smear on whooping cough, hand over, if antibiotics are not drunk. If you think that the vaccination against whooping cough excludes this disease, then you are deeply mistaken. DTP vaccinations only give the course of the disease in a weakened form.

Cough does not pass 2 weeks - what to do?

What to do when the cough does not pass for 2 weeks, directly depends on many factors, but the main one is the correctness of the diagnosis. A usual cough caused by a cold or flu should subside within 7-10 days. If this did not happen, then the treatment was not selected correctly. The reason for this is most often the faulty diagnosis, or its absence at all. After all, admit, not all of us after the first sneeze run to the doctor.

Why does the coughing last 2 weeks or more?

The fact that coughing for two weeks does not go wrong with the mistakes in the treatment. Usually with colds, we try to knock down the fever as soon as possible and cope with a runny nose and cough. But after all, all these symptoms are not the disease itself, but the reaction to it of the organism! And the nature of these symptoms is quite logical: at a temperature of 37-38 degrees, bacteria lose the ability to multiply and perish.

The same goes for viruses. With the help of a cold the human body cleans the nasal passage, washing off new bacteria from the mucous membrane, well, coughing serves for the removal of the products of vital activity of pathogenic microbes and mucus from the lower parts of the organs respiration. That's why, when a dry cough does not pass for 2 weeks, you should take not antitussive medicines, but mucolytics. They contribute to the dilution of phlegm and make the cough moist. When the bronchi are cleared - the cough will stop by itself, without the use of medication. This will avoid such serious complications as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Also, one should not forget that drinking with colds should be abundant, otherwise the body will not have the opportunity to produce mucus, remove toxins and metabolic products. Incidentally, it is the excessively dry air in the room and the lack of fluid in the body with an increased external temperature most often caused by coughing in children. It may not be associated with a cold at all, being a reaction of sensitive mucous nasopharynx to climatic conditions.

In addition to colds and complications on its background, the reason that an adult can not cough for 2 weeks may be such factors:

  • allergy;
  • smoking;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • presence of benign and malignant tumors in respiratory organs;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • defeat of pulmonary structures.

Than to cure if it does not pass 2 weeks?

The first thing that should be done with a prolonged cough is to consult a doctor. Only after the true cause of this symptom is identified, it will be possible to talk about treatment. Do it yourself is very difficult: to recognize pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, or pneumonia without special manipulation is impossible. In addition, often the cause of coughing may be an allergy, a reaction to medications, or chemicals. It has long been noted that many drugs used in the therapy of heart disease cause a cough as a side effect. Also, the cause of a protracted cough may be osteochondrosis or cramping of the neck muscles. There are cases when a cough provokes excessive emotional stress and stress. Agree, it is better to entrust diagnostics to professionals.

If you are sure that the cough is caused by a cold, we can recommend such ways of fighting it:

  • bed rest and copious drinking;
  • cleanliness in the room, good air humidity;
  • reduced temperature in the patient's room;
  • peace;
  • if necessary - the reception of expectorant medicines, antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

Under these conditions, the body is much easier to cope with a bacterial and viral infection on its own. But it is worth remembering that this is possible only if there is enough good immunity.

Prolonged cough without fever

Many people pay attention to cough only if it is accompanied by fever. In the remaining cases, the symptom is not serious, they are waiting for an unpleasant phenomenon to pass by itself. They do not even think about going to the hospital, and a long cough without temperature persists for months.

The frivolous attitude to a signal of an organism in most cases comes to an end pitiful enough:

  • The underlying disease that caused the cough and was not treated for a long time, grows into a severe form.
  • The patient begins to show additional ailments, caused by a permanent weakening of the body's immune system.
  • Treatment requires large financial costs.
  • The patient falls out of active life for a long time.
  • Often the neglected form of the underlying ailment that caused a cough without temperature, because of untimely medical care, can not be cured completely. A person for a lifetime gets a chronic illness.

The severe consequences of ignoring a prolonged cough without fever are explained by the fact that often it is a companion of quite serious and dangerous processes occurring in the body. They can affect various organs, as well as worsen the state of the immune system as a whole.

Prolonged cough, chest pain without fever due to chronic bronchitis

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract often serve as a sign of ailments, not necessarily having a sharp form. A prolonged cough (more than a month) without a temperature is very often observed with chronic bronchitis. Its main features are:

  • Parallel appearance of painful sensations in the chest.
  • Gain in windy and damp weather.
  • Allocating abundant sputum.

Prolonged disregard of the symptom and lack of adequate treatment of the underlying disease can lead to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Long cough without fever with tuberculosis

In addition to protracted bronchitis, there is a more serious respiratory disease, which can be evidenced by bronchospasm, which do not give rest for a long time. A prolonged cough (3 weeks) without fever can be a sign of such a terrible ailment as tuberculosis. The symptom that accompanies this disease has the following characteristics:

  • It may be dry or with a small amount of sputum.
  • Has a metallic sound.
  • It manifests itself mainly in the morning hours, after the patient got out of bed.
  • Individual seizures can be quite long.

The danger of ignoring a prolonged cough without the temperature caused by tuberculosis is that during reflex spasms, which are becoming more intense, respiratory organs can be injured and pulmonary bleeding. The main disease in the absence of adequate treatment will progress, growing into a more severe form.

Constant cough without temperature in smokers

Reflex spastic exhalations, which last for a long time, can be caused not only directly by diseases of the bronchi or lungs. Often they develop due to the presence of a harmful habit - nicotine addiction, which provokes the beginning of the development of various pathological processes in the respiratory organs.

If the cough lasts 3 weeks (no temperature), while a person has a long experience of a smoker, it is worth paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Are there any signs of any infectious diseases.
  • Does cough appear most often in the mornings, after physical exertion (even fast walking), with sudden inhalations.
  • Are bronchospasm accompanied by the release of dense clots of mucus.

If a prolonged cough without temperature in a smoker is accompanied by similar symptoms, then there is a high probability that an unpleasant phenomenon is caused by the constant inhalation of tobacco smoke.

The only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without temperature in this case is to stop smoking. All other methods (inhalations, mint or eucalyptus sweets, softening the throat of the rinse) may slightly weaken the intensity of reflex spasms, but they will not be able to completely rid themselves of them.

Just as it is impossible without abandoning the harmful habit and stop the pathological processes that began in the respiratory system. After all, very often a prolonged cough in smokers develops into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which threatens with serious consequences for health.

Prolonged cough without fever with heart disease

Continuous reflex spasms of the diaphragm can be caused not only by pathological processes occurring directly in the respiratory organs. If, for example, a cough lasts 2 weeks without a temperature, then it is worth paying attention to other sensations and signs:

  • A symptom without temperature, accompanied by the separation of mucus and blood clots, will indicate a possible failure of the right ventricle of the heart, which appeared against the background of atrial fibrillation. The prolonged course of this disease causes stagnation in the lungs. As a consequence, there is a thromboembolic syndrome that causes bronchospasm.
  • A sharp dry cough, accompanied by pain, not only in the heart area, but in the entire chest can be a sign of pericarditis or rheumatism. The absence of treatment of these diseases for a long time is fraught with the onset of heart attacks.
  • A prolonged, exhausting and loud cough without temperature, which occurs after a person's stay for some time in a supine position, may indicate a heart failure of the left ventricle. It is accompanied by a strong choking. Coughing in this case brings noticeable relief.
  • A prolonged dry cough without fever can be a symptom of a strong increase in the size of the left atrium. An unpleasant phenomenon can be accompanied by weakness and abundant sweating.
  • In children, a prolonged cough without fever can indicate the presence of congenital heart disease. This disease is fraught with various complications. However, a child can outgrow it.

Prolonged cough without fever in allergic reactions

Supersensitivity of the organism to various stimuli can also cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. The unpleasant symptom arising from the action of allergens can be quite long. He pursues a person until the patient's contact with the provocateur is excluded. If the cough lasts two weeks (without the temperature), then it will not be superfluous to visit the hospital and take tests to identify various intolerances.

For an unpleasant symptom caused by an allergy, the following course is characteristic:

  • Appearance after contact with a specific stimulus.
  • Absence of such signs of painful conditions, such as: fever, fever, pain, weakness.
  • Possible presence of itching, runny nose, sneezing.
  • Absence of phlegm.

A prolonged cough without fever can be evidence of an allergic reaction of the body to such common things as:

  • Pollen of plants.
  • Food.
  • Wool.
  • Frost.
  • The sun.
  • Cosmetical tools.
  • Household chemical products.

The reasons for the development of allergies and the occurrence of a prolonged cough without temperature, can be:

  • Excessive hygiene, which reduces the protective function of the immune system.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Food saturated with chemical elements.

Unfortunately, drugs that treat allergies do not exist. Therefore, the only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without temperature is to completely exclude contact with the stimulus that causes intolerance.

Of course, the general knowledge of the causes of reflux airway spasms is not enough to independently diagnose and prescribe treatment. Only a doctor can correctly understand why an unpleasant symptom arose, analyze all available clinical picture and identify a disease that causes an unpleasant long-term cough without temperature. Only after this, the specialist appoints the optimal treatment regimen, which will help the patient in the shortest time to get rid of an unpleasant symptom and the underlying ailment.

Why does the child not have a dry cough for a long time, what should I do?

Many parents notice that their child after treatment of a certain viral disease still continues to cough. This symptom, although not so dangerous, requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the pathology can develop into a more serious disease and cause a number of complications. Why does not the cough go away?

When he tortured a cough with phlegm, what to do will tell this article.


Factors affecting the formation of a protracted cough, there are many. To determine the cause is very important, since without this criterion it is simply impossible to prescribe effective therapy, and to eliminate this unpleasant symptom.

If 1-2-3 weeks do not pass

When the cough disturbs the baby for 2 h. weeks, this may indicate the presence of:

  • influenza;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Of course, in medicine, there are other serious pathologies that result in a prolonged and intense cough. The child's organism can sometimes not overcome the main disease independently, therefore, it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor.

From this article you can find out how to treat bronchitis and coughing with an adult.

The presence of a cough for 2 weeks may indicate an untreated cold. As a rule, this symptom is accompanied by the departure of thick sputum. Therapy should be aimed at dilution and removal of mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract. But there are cases when coughing takes 2 years, in this case, urgently seek medical attention.

If the month does not pass

Provoke a protracted cough can bacteria such as mycoplasma and pneumocysts. Often these microorganisms unite and affect the child's body with a double force. As a result, his body temperature rises, he sweats heavily, and cough catches him at night, preventing sleep.

The reason for a protracted cough for more than 4 weeks may be hiding in the presence of fungi - Candida. But this is very rare. Breasts suffer from this symptom due to cytomegalovirus. The most dangerous terrible cause of an aging cough is tuberculosis. But in children, he is also rarely diagnosed, because most often small patients are grafted from this insidious disease.

For what reason there is a dry paroxysmal cough at night and before bedtime, is told in the article.

The video tells what to do with a child for a long time does not go through a dry cough:

If there is one of the presented reasons, this negatively affects the quality of life of the baby. If the examination is incorrect, the child may develop pneumonia.

What to do

Treatment of a protracted cough should be of a complex nature. Often to combat the disease can involve medication, folk treatment, gymnastics, massage. The treatment plan can be made only by the attending physician.

When the viscous mucus in the nasopharynx causes a cough, it is worth reading this article.

The disease does not recede

If the cough does not go away, the first thing to do is to settle the cough center, which affects the child's poor health at night.For these purposes, the baby should be given an antitussive medication, according to the age of the patient.Such treatment has a calming effect and brings the child considerable relief. The duration of therapy should be as long as it takes to eliminate all the symptoms of the disease.

If dry cough should be eliminated in older children, then for these purposes the pediatrician prescribes lollipops or lozenges for resorption.

When the sore throat, cough, but no temperature, it is worth reading this article, in order to understand what to do.

In addition, alternative methods can overcome dry cough. With their regular use it is possible to alleviate the condition of the baby. Popular are:

  1. Natural buckwheat honey - take in the amount of a dessert spoon for resorption.
  2. Warm raspberry tea - allows for a long time to eliminate the dry, excruciating cough.

If accompanied with phlegm

In the treatment of wet (wet) cough in children, it is very important to achieve an effect in which sputum evacuation will be easy. When using medicines, it is worth using mucolytics. Their goal - the formation of the necessary amount of mucus. Also it is necessary to take expectorant medications, to which include Doctor Mom, Pectusin, Solutan.

Medicines based on herbs should be used with extreme caution, because there is the possibility of forming allergies. Synthetic drugs are more effective and help reduce the viscosity of even very dense sputum.

What to do when a child has a runny nose without a cough and fever, you can learn from this article.

To use antitussive medicines for the treatment of wet cough is prohibited. If you suppress a cough, then this only complicates the disease, because the result of treatment will be subsidence of sputum.

The duration of drug treatment depends on how fast the recovery phase comes. As a rule, this is the period when the baby can cough up independently at the time of active movements.

In infants, the sputum is much more active if the breasts and backs are rubbed with neat massaging movements.With this external effect on the lungs and bronchi, it is possible to achieve rapid mucus clearance in infants during the allergy period.

Does not pass or take place at grudnichka

During treatment of infants, the room in which it is located should be well moistened. For these purposes, it is worth using wet towels, which should be placed on batteries. The necessary level of humidity can be achieved with a special device. His work is aimed at fixing and creating a given humidity in the room.

Than to treat a dry cough at the adult and what medicines thus to apply, it is possible to learn from article.

The medication used to treat cough in children should facilitate the sputum liquefaction and release it to the outside.All medications used should have an expectorant effect and the ability to reduce the density of sputum in the bronchi.If coughing in a baby is not accompanied by a rise in temperature, then it is worth using medicines based on natural ingredients: plantain, honey, althea, essential oils. The best in this case drugs are Gedelix and Prospan.

How to cure cough with teething, you can learn from the article.

The video tells what to do if the baby does not get cough:

If it does not pass after a cold

When treating post-infection cough, it is worth using plant-based extracts. Also, inhalation, warming, compresses and therapeutic gymnastics have a positive effect on wet cough. Such drugs have an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic effect. In addition, it is possible to reduce the mucosal edema.

This article describes how to treat asthmatic cough.

The healing effect is provided by warming compresses based on lard, badger fat, ointments with a warming effect, which contain essential oils. It is necessary to treat the area of ​​the chest or foot selected composition, wrap waxed paper and put on warm socks

After pneumonia

If there is a lingering cough after pneumonia, then treatment should be aimed at relieving or completely eliminating cough. Make it real only in the case of a painful, dry cough that adversely affects the immunity of the child.

What to do when a child has a dry wheezing cough, you can find out by reading the article.

Therapy includes the following medicines:

  • antitussives- Suspend the cough reflex;
  • expectorant- reduce the density of phlegm and remove it out of the respiratory tract;
  • mucolytic- facilitate the output of sputum, liquefying it.

All the methods of treatment presented are considered very effective in eliminating a protracted cough in a child. But, despite this, they can only be used after agreeing all the actions with the doctor. Remember that you will achieve maximum effect only if you eliminate the cause of cough formation.

Why does not a dry cough go away? Causes of dry cough in children and adults

Coughing is a reflex, just like breathing itself. And his appearance indicates that there was some kind of pathogen - allergic, infectious, viral, that is, the cause of dry cough, serious or not, which causes irritation in the respiratory tract and causes the body to clear them of the - allergen, infection, virus or foreign body.

Cough itself is not a disease, it is a symptom of over 50 different diseases or allergic manifestations, from common cold to tuberculosis, oncology, bronchial asthma or heart disease. Most often, a dry cough lasts for several days, moving into productive, moist with sputum, but can sometimes be prolonged. The duration of dry cough is divided into:

  • Acute - which after a few days passes into the wet or passes
  • Prolonged - which lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months
  • Chronic - which lasts more than 3 months.

Let's see why the dry cough does not last a long time, which diseases are the cause of dry cough.

The main causes of dry cough associated with the respiratory system

The most common causes of dry cough are inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are caused by viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

In this case, a strong organism with a strong immune system cope on its own, and if the immune response the virus or infection is weakened, then antibiotics or antiviral drugs come in for ARVI and influenza.

When parainfluenza and the flu should always consult a doctor, as these are very insidious diseases, which recently become very aggressive, leading to a mass of complications. How to distinguish the flu from ARVI read in our article.

If during the acute respiratory viral infection, flu or other infectious disease, a dry cough does not last for a long time, it can be caused by:

  • firstly, because the immune system in a person is significantly weakened
  • Secondly, that there are provoking factors that affect the duration of dry cough, they include: smoking and drinking alcohol, very dry air in the room and taking in insufficient amounts of fluids for cold or viral disease.
  • thirdly, the attachment of a secondary infection or complication after a viral disease, when bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, pharyngitis develops, etc.

Diseases of the pleura and lungs can also be accompanied by a dry, painful cough - pneumonia, pleurisy. Most often there is a high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain.

Atypical forms of pneumonia

It should also be borne in mind that a prolonged cough can be a consequence of mycoplasma and chlamydia, these pathogens microorganisms can cause atypical pneumonia, bronchitis, which can occur for a long time, periodically recur. To differentiate the pathogen that caused pneumonia or bronchitis, you can take a blood test using ELISA.

Pertussis, measles, false croup

Pertussis can cause dry cough in children, and in adults. Pertussis is considered to be a childhood infectious disease, although vaccinations have reduced cases of whooping cough among children, but they occur, in addition, weakened adults also sometimes recorded cases of whooping cough. With this disease, a convulsive cough is so severe that it often leads to vomiting. In this case, you should take antitussive remedies for dry cough, such as Sinekod, Libeksin, Bronholitin, and others.

In addition to pertussis, among childhood diseases characterized by a strong dry cough, measles and false groats can be identified. Measles, other than cough, is also characterized by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes (see Fig. symptoms of measles in children). With false croup, the vocal cords, larynx, trachea and bronchi are involved in the inflammation process, so it is characterized by a barking cough. This disease is more likely to affect children under 3 years old.


Tuberculosis is a formidable disease that has also been epidemic in recent years, not only among low-income as it is commonly believed, but also among the wealthy strata of the population, with the development of favorable factors for its progression. Constant nervous tension, stressful situations, lack of adequate nutrition and good rest, fascination various depleting diets, can lead to the development of tuberculosis even among businessmen and high social status.

By 20-30 years it is believed that each person is infected with a stick of Koch, but a strong immune system copes with it. It is only necessary to weaken the body and mycobacterium tuberculosis can become more active and cause pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary forms.

As for the dry cough, it can be caused by tuberculosis of the lungs, bronchi or trachea, larynx. It begins with a dry, unproductive cough, obtrusive coughing, weakness, while body temperature rarely is more than 3, -3, most often it rises to low-grade figures and only in the evening.

Tuberculosis can be the cause of dry cough in adults, as well as in children, which is especially dangerous, as tuberculosis today is not the tuberculosis that was 40 years ago. Now a large number of drug-resistant forms of this terrible disease are registered, which require a longer and expensive treatment, and in combination with other chronic illnesses in the patient or HIV infection lead to lethal outcome.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis

are also frequent causes of dry cough. With pharyngitis, the mucous pharynx is involved in the inflammatory process, and with laryngitis, the mucous larynx is involved. Both these diseases are both acute and chronic, cough while it is dry, barking, exhausting, intensifying at night. With frequent inhalation of dusty air, dry, cold, and also in the presence of irritating gases and vapors in the air, tracheitis can develop - both acute and chronic. There is also a painful dry cough.

Diseases of ENT organs

Against the backdrop of various diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, or chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, the appearance of night dry cough is due to the syndrome of postnasal swelling. When these diseases acquire a chronic course, not infrequently, the mucus that is separated from the nasal sinuses begins to flow down the back wall of the pharynx, it irritates the cough receptors in the tracheobronchial tree. This cough may seem productive and moist, since nasal mucus is released during cough, but this cough should be considered dry.

Oncological diseases of respiratory organs

Cancer of the bronchi, lungs, trachea, throat cancer, and mediastinal organs (organs located between the sternum and the spine - the heart, bronchi, aorta, etc.). If the dry cough does not persist for a long time, it worries both day and night, as soon as possible, turn to doctor, blood test, X-ray of lungs, according to indications, MRI of mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy, oncolikers. With any chronic cough it is necessary to find out the exact cause of its appearance, for today the oncological tension is getting stronger, cancer appears even in young people, and everyone knows that the timely detection of cancer increases the chances of recovery or significant prolongation of life.

Only on the basis of the examination the doctor can not establish the cause of a protracted cough - this is not possible, therefore it is necessary to pass the tests and pass several examinations according to the indications - blood test, sputum, spirography, spirometry, X-ray, bronchoscopy, bodipletizmography, tussography, MRI, CT.

Causes of dry cough, not associated with inflammatory processes of the respiratory system

Allergic cough

In recent decades, the number of people suffering from various allergic reactions has increased significantly among the Russian population, especially in children. Almost all children today have any allergic reactions, if not food allergy, so allergy to dust, wool, pollen, ticks, etc. Pollinosis - a seasonal allergy to the pollen of flowering plants, which appears in spring and summer, has a hay fever very a large number of people, it is manifested by sneezing, runny nose, tearing, itching mucous and dry allergic cough.

Bronchial asthma

a very common disease, characterized by a chronic, painful dry cough and attacks of suffocation. This disease can not be considered only a disease of the bronchi, it is a serious pathology, which is associated with a general violation of immunity, nervous system and allergy.

The impact of toxic substances in everyday life

household chemicals containing chlorine, washing powders, etc., the presence of cities in the air, megacities of the abundance of exhaust gases, leads to the emergence of an allergic dry cough. Also pay attention to when you started a dry cough, it may be somehow connected with the purchase of new furniture, new repairs, purchase of household appliances. Modern industry, especially the production of plastic, furniture, building materials, even children's toys, often uses abundance toxic chemicals that can irritate mucous nasopharynx, bronchi, causing chronic chemical poisoning. If there are a lot of such products in the room, they are new and exude a smell - this can be the cause of a dry cough.

Glistular invasion

Occasionally, cases of ascariasis are recorded, during which, during the migration of the ascarid larvae along a small circle of circulation, they linger in the lung tissue, causing a superficial dry cough. Getting into the lungs, the trachea and the bronchi, they cause irritation of the cough receptors, the migration phase with ascariasis is 8-14 days (see Fig. ascarids-symptoms and treatment).

Professional dry cough

The reason for its appearance may be related to work in harmful production, where in the air a mass of suspensions of toxic substances that cause dry cough in the workers is formed. Workers of the stone-working and coal-mining industry often develop silicosis of the lungs. Also among occupational diseases that cause dry cough is the disease of American farmers or fibrosing alveolitis, where dry cough is only a debut of pathology, the outcome of which is a severe respiratory failure.

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract provoke a dry reflex cough without temperature, it happens after eating with diverticula of the esophagus, esophagus-tracheal fistula, reflux-esophagitis.

Acceptance of certain medicines

as a rule, ACE inhibitors, which are used to lower blood pressure and treat other cardiovascular diseases. In 20% of patients, these medicines cause a dry cough, if after discontinuation of the drug it disappears, therefore, this cough was a side effect of the drug taken.

Cardiovascular diseases, heart failure may also be the cause of dry cough

The cause of allergies, a provoker of allergic reactions can be established with the help of tests, which will be directed by an allergist. It is worth taking seriously any manifestations of allergy, as it is not just a dry cough, runny nose or a rash, with a strong an allergic reaction can occur anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, which without timely medical care can be deadly.

At the child 2-nd week wet cough (Lazolvan, + nasmore, there is no temperature and was not, the theater ...


Ekaterina Semenova

When my daughter was 1 year 3 months, I was hospitalized with obstructive bronchitis, but even in the hospital there were no antibiotics. But it's bronchitis, and, for example, pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. The need for antibiotic therapy should still be decided by the doctor you trust. We almost from birth stopped going to the polyclinic, we appeal to "their" recommended doctors. From the experience of curing your child: inhalation mineral water Essentuki 17 + lazolvan (often 5-6 times a day), erespal, abundant warm drink.


With a cold, do not give Lazolvan if coughing from the snot! Try syrup althea (it's safe), if the throat is RED. To loru it is necessary.


we also did not want to switch to antibiotics at first, there was bronchitis in the child and cough, then it was so weak that they decided not to test fate and began to treat it with antibiotics. I myself had very few pneumonia in my infancy! And nothing, treated with antibiotics. Now they are much weaker than those old. The main thing after the treatment is to give for the intestines-Linex or Bactisubtil.


I confess I struggled to avoid antibiotics as much as I could. Our pediatrician is a good, very caring woman, an experienced doctor, but antibiotics for her are something like icons - where necessary and where they do not need to be prescribed. So I first established an accurate diagnosis with her (to exclude, for example, pneumonia or some other such nightmare), and if it was ARI (flu, cold, etc.) ) treated herself: bed rest, at a very high temperature - a shot of analgin with dimedrol (in exceptional cases and only once!), paracetamol candles, wiping with vodka or vinegar (all diluted!), lime decoction, honey, raspberries, abundant warm drink. No wonder they say that the flu, if it is treated - passes for 7 days, and if not treated - for a week. The main thing is to keep the child in bed, not to strain, not to load, to feed light diet food. I add: I do not trust much advertised money. That is, I'm not saying that these are bad drugs, but this is not a panacea. Cough is well treated by inhalation. They can be done in the traditional way: over a bowl with a mixture under a towel, or it can be done in another way (my accountant taught me): we must take the old rubber heating pad, repeatedly "run-around" in the case (so that there is no smell and vapor of rubber), pour in there hot infusion of herbs against colds and breathe. The warmer itself lies on the chest and heats the bronchi. We breathe into the rubber bezel - the healing steam goes for its intended purpose. And there are no unpleasant sensations inevitable with classical inhalation: sweat, face hot, the child is afraid to suffocate, afraid of being held by his head, etc. Children even like this inhalation - my son asked me - "let's get some hot" Only the hot-water bottle should be repeatedly used! Otherwise, there will be harm, not good. At classical inhalations used the elementary agent - the welded potato clearings - perfectly helps or assists at a bronchitis! The spout was warmed with hot salt, which she poured into a clean cotton sock. It is possible and to weld a boiled egg, only not hot!


I also do not give antibiotics again, because they kill immunity. I cough, if there is no temperature, warming up, or putting a vodka compress on overnight, or I'm warming myself with a blue lamp. For expectoration I give licorice syrup or Doctor Mom. But if pneumonia starts, then antibiotics can not be avoided.

Alice. M

I do not give antibiotics only if the case is really very serious and for another in any way, but this is for all the lives of children seldom occur, heal more actively the runny nose and cough too will pass, they are connected between by yourself

Polina Rostov

Bronchitis is treated without antibiotics - doom the child to a chronic disease for life, and even worse - for complications. Courageous you are a woman - so risk your child's health, still its wherever it went, but a child ???

Angel in the flesh

do inhalations, they are very good at both the coryza and cough, if the cough is prolonged and this Bronchitis then antibiotics are needed (my opinion) otherwise there will be complications in the form of pneumonia or bronchitis will pass into chronicle

The baby has a cough without temperature, what should I do? How to treat?

Often children develop a cough without fever. He can appear for various reasons, most often colds, then with the help of a cough the child gets rid of the microbes that have accumulated in the throat, thoracic region. When influenza, cold cough is accompanied by fever, it says that the body with all the strength is protected from the disease. If a child has a sudden and dry cough, while the body temperature is not increased, it can talk about other serious diseases.

Causes of cough without temperature

If a child has an infectious, catarrhal disease that affects the trachea, bronchi, lungs, there is a cough of the cold, high fever, the child is weakened. When the disease begins to heal, the symptoms go away. The cough can remain for another two weeks, then disappears.

If a child has a sudden paroxysmal cough without a cold, temperatures and it is impossible to heal, you need to carefully examine the child, this is the first symptom of a serious illness.

Most often such a cough can be a symptom of bronchial asthma, it worsens at night, after a hard day. In this situation, it is important to pay attention to how often asthma attacks the child, how many times a day, a month.

Cough without fever in a child can be triggered by an allergic reaction to pollen of different plant species, house dust mites, products nutrition, cosmetics, household chemistry, because of this irritated bronchi, become hypersensitive, so children are disturbed by a strong dry cough. Allergy can be removed with the help of antihistamines, other drugs will be ineffective.

Sometimes, a cough that is not accompanied by fever can talk about an infectious disease - cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, whooping cough, fungi, paracoids also often leads to irritation bronchi. In some children, the state of health may be exacerbated by tuberculosis, but this disease most often occurs with increased body temperature. In order to know exactly about the disease, the child must necessarily pass all the laboratory tests, based on them will be selected effective treatment.

Note that if your child begins to cough badly after a stressful situation, then he has a cough appears due to psychogenic causes, it occurs in the form of seizures, can last a minute, and sometimes whole day.

Dangerous is a cough without fever, which is characteristic of laryngitis, the child suffers suffocation, it is necessary to consult a therapist. In infancy, cough is physiological in nature, with the help of its children cleanse the respiratory tract from dust, food that enters the respiratory tract. Sometimes a cough can appear when the child has his first teeth.

In cases when the cough is prolonged, it is not moistened, thus there is no runny nose, temperature, It is necessary to undergo a full course of examination, so that the disease does not develop into a chronic one with different complications.

Treatment of cough in a child without fever

1. Give the child as much warm water as possible, preferably alkaline. Also, if your child does not have allergies, you can give milk with the addition of soda, it is also good to add honey, butter.

2. If the cough is severe, while the temperature does not rise, you can conduct steam inhalations - recommend breathing nal potatoes, which is cooked, you can use different types of herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.

3. Compresses are an effective remedy. So the sputum will be formed faster and blood circulation will improve in the chest area, you can use honey, boiled potatoes, vegetable oil. It should be applied to the baby's chest, it should be able to withstand it for at least two hours, it is best that she sleeps, wrap it, it should get warm well.

4. Watch the air in the room, it should be moist, give up various types of irritants - smells of perfume, tobacco, various cosmetic products, household chemicals. Do a wet cleaning, wipe off the dust.

5. Abundant drink for the child. It should be varied, compote, if it's winter, you can use frozen, dried fruits. In a season it is good to prepare compotes with fresh fruits, they contain a large amount of vitamins, which will help the child, quickly recover. Prepare broths for cough, you can use mother-and-stepmother, thyme, nettle, thermopsis, oregano. Pay attention, children of allergic people are not allowed to take various herbs, this will only further aggravate the disease and lead to bronchospasm, Quinck's swelling, anaphylactic shock. Cough can be cured with tea with honey and lemon.

Medication for cough without temperature

Drugs can be prescribed for dry cough, which will help make it productive, moist. Effectively treated with Delsim, Tusupreksa, Libexin. Pay attention, these drugs can not be taken into account, they can lead to serious consequences.

If the child has a wet cough without temperature, you need to reduce the sputum, this is suitable for treatment of ATSTS, Bromheksinom, Ambroxol, Mukaltin. This group of drugs also leads to side effects on the child's body, may be impaired work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, in children often after taking these funds, there is nausea, vomiting.

When a child is often sick, you need to think about strengthening his immune system, so accustom him to the sport, he should move as much as possible, exercise, it is important that the food is balanced and rich in vitamins.

So, cough without fever is most often due to an allergic reaction, bronchial asthma, less laryngitis, so do not run it, it is necessary to immediately treat, until it has developed into a chronic form, before this it is necessary to undergo a full course of examination for confirmation diagnosis.

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