Lumbarization of s1 vertebra - extra vertebra in lumbar region


  • 1What is the lumbarization of S1 vertebra: the causes of the development of the pathological process and the methods of its treatment
    • 1.1general information
    • 1.2Causes of pathological process development
    • 1.3Clinical signs
    • 1.4Classification
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Effective methods of treatment
    • 1.7Prophylactic recommendations
  • 2How is lumbarization of the S1 vertebra manifested and treated?
    • 2.1Because of what there is a lumbarization
    • 2.2Signs of pathology
    • 2.3Therapeutic events
  • 3Abnormal mobility of the sacral vertebra is bad
    • 3.1How does lumbarization look like on X-ray
    • 3.2Causes of lumbarization
    • 3.3Types of pathology
    • 3.4Consequences of lumbarization
    • 3.5Symptoms of lumbarization of the vertebra S1
    • 3.6Treatment of lumbarization S1
    • 3.7Physiotherapy with lumbarization
    • 3.8Orthopedic corsets
    • 3.9Surgery
  • 4What is Lumbarization?
    • 4.1What is pathology?
    • 4.2Causes of lumbarization
    • 4.3Symptoms of the disease
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Methods of treatment
    • 4.6Possible complications
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Lumbarization
    • 5.1Anatomy
  • 6How to diagnose and treat vertebra S1 lumbarization?
    • 6.1Classification of pathology
    • 6.2Causes of the disease
    • 6.3Symptoms of lumbarization
    • 6.4Diagnostics
    • 6.5Treatment of anomalies
    • 6.6Complications

What is the lumbarization of S1 vertebra: the causes of the development of the pathological process and the methods of its treatment

Lumbarization of the S1 vertebra is a pathological process characterized by a loss of the first sacral vertebra of communication with the sacrum, which leads to the formation of an abnormal sixth vertebra in the lumbar region (L6). In this case, the number of vertebrae in the sacral region decreases, leads to various ailments, severe pain.

Most often, the lumbarization of the S1 vertebra is a congenital disorder that can not manifest itself at all (it is diagnosed accidentally), sometimes it does not appear throughout the life of a person.

Usually, the pathological process proceeds without complications, but the presence of negative factors increases the risk of negative changes, for example, scoliosis.

The frequency of diagnosing lumbarization is 3% of the total mass of patients complaining of back pain.

general information

Scientists to date have identified almost all the anomalies of the development of the spine, because it is the support of our body, responsible for its mobility.

Among the anomalies of the spine, lumbarization of the S1 vertebra can be distinguished (code according to ICD-10 M43).

The pathological process is an abnormal congenital condition, in which an additional lumbar vertebra is formed.

The sacrum is the lower part of the spine, this zone can withstand large loads daily, it is designed to connect the spine to the pelvis.

In the ordinary state, all the sacral vertebrae are immovable, connected by a special connective tissue (syndesmosis, analogues of intervertebral discs, only their structure is much stronger).

The anatomical structure allows supporting the rest of the spine.

In the process of development in some people, the sacral vertebra (the uppermost one) does not coalesce with the rest, forms a separate bone (lumbarization).


The increase in the length of the lumbar region can lead to the "slipping" of the additional vertebra during the lifting of heavy objects, the process is accompanied by an acute pain syndrome.


Also, the pathological process breaks the structure of the spine, scoliosis is formed.

Causes of pathological process development

The reasons for the appearance of lumbarization are not known to specialists, but scientists distinguish many theories that explain the formation of an abnormal additional lumbar vertebra:

  • the course of viral, infectious diseases in the period of fetal development (infection, toxicosis in a lady in position);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • influence on the mother's body of toxic substances, abuse during pregnancy with liquor, drugs;
  • the age of the mother is thirty years and older;
  • the presence of several fruits;
  • Reception in the first trimester of bearing a child of contraceptive medicines;
  • the course of gynecological diseases in the mother, the presence of disruption of the endocrine system.

Lumbarization often occurs without visible signs, so many people do not know about the existence of the problem. Only in some cases, pathology causes discomfort in the back.

According to statistical data, about 60% of adolescents diagnosed with scoliosis suffer from lumbarization, sacralisation (the opposite defect, in which the fusion of the fifth lumbar vertebra is observed with a sacrum).

Planning a child is a responsible and important process. A woman should prepare for the conception: six months before the important date, doctors are recommended to normalize nutrition, to give up harmful habits, not to take any funds, to undergo a series of studies.

Clinical signs

Excess vertebra in the lumbar department is not so easy to suspect. In some situations, specific research is required. Pain sensations are formed only against the background of pinching of nerve endings in the lumbar region, disrupting the normal process of blood circulation in the tissues.

Depending on the localization of discomfort, physicians divide the lumbarization of S1 into several forms:

  • lumbar.Pain sensations are localized not only in the lumbar zone, but also spread throughout the spine. Often unpleasant sensations are aching, may decrease after using anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of traumatization of the coccyx, the abnormally located vertebra may shift, the patient will feel acute pain in the affected area;
  • ischial.Unpleasant sensations extend to the buttock, throughout the sciatic nerve, and not localized only in the lumbar region. Often, discomfort is accompanied by a violation of the sensitivity of the epidermis, with damage to nerve endings, there are problems with mobility of the lumbar spine.

On a note!If any of the above symptoms appear, visit the doctor immediately. The doctor will find out the cause of discomfort and prescribe the necessary therapeutic course.


Depending on the nature of the vertebral lobe, the lumbarization of S1 is divided into two types:

  • incomplete separation.In this situation, the upper vertebra of the sacrum is a full segment, which belongs to the lumbar region;
  • complete separation.There are "ruptures" of some parts of the vertebra that allows to keep its connection with the sacrum. In such a situation, the patient complains of pain in the area of ​​the anomalous structure of the spine, experiences partial immobility in the zone of the lumbar region.

There is also another classification of lumbarization S1:

  • one-sided.There is a one-sided separation, the anomalous vertebra on one side is similar to the lumbar vertebra, on the other - to the sacral vertebra;
  • two-sided.There is a complete separation, there is a similarity of the abnormal vertebra with the last lumbar or first sacral.


If there is a suspicion of S1 lumbarization, the presence of pain in the lumbar region, the doctor appoints a number of diagnostic manipulations:

  • external examination of the patient is performed to determine the signs of lordosis;
  • the doctor reveals the presence of limited movements;
  • when lumbing S1 jumping, climbing the stairs causes discomfort, according to these signs, the physician can determine the presence of pathology;
  • X-rays in two projections, which allows to identify the presence of an abnormal lumbar vertebra;
  • confirm the diagnosis by CT, MRI (manipulations indicate the state of the tissue adjacent to the vertebra).

Effective methods of treatment

Since the lumbarization of S1 is a congenital disease, the therapy is based on the elimination of symptoms, it is not yet possible to influence the ailment in other ways.

The pathological process is incurable, surgical intervention is shown only at advanced stages of the disease, when the patient suffers from acute pain attacks, the mobility of the lumbar region is limited.

The main methods of treatment of lumbarization S1 include:

  • carrying out of medical gymnastics. Manipulation allows to strengthen the muscular corset, to increase the amplitude of movements, to reduce the severity of the pain syndrome;
  • massage, acupuncture. The procedures trigger blood circulation, metabolic processes, reduce discomfort, positively influence the patient's well-being;
  • intake of NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, vitamin B group. Specific medicinal products are chosen by the doctor, given the clinical picture, the severity of discomfort.

Self-management therapy can lead to aggravation of the situation, so consult a doctor and start the correct treatment.

Prophylactic recommendations

The presence of an additional vertebra does not have specific preventive recommendations against the background that pathology is congenital, it is difficult to identify.

Doctors advise a pregnant woman to comply with the following recommendations:

  • give up your addictions;
  • during pregnancy planning, consult a doctor, go through specific studies, cure gynecological diseases, infectious diseases;
  • Do not take medication throughout pregnancy (only after first consulting with doctor), refuse to lift weights, observe a special diet, do exercises for ladies in position;
  • if you have been diagnosed with an ailment, do not sit for long, exercise carefully, it is strictly forbidden to lift weights. Visit your doctor regularly to prevent complications.

Lumbarization of S1 in most cases does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient, but if complications arise, visit the doctor, start adequate therapy. During pregnancy planning, follow the recommendations of a specialist.

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How is lumbarization of the S1 vertebra manifested and treated?

Lumbarization of the s1 vertebra is a congenital anomaly due to which the upper sacral vertebra is completely or partially detached and becomes an additional element of the lumbar region.

It is considered the main cause of scoliosis, can contribute to the development of radiculitis and osteochondrosis. In certain cases, lumbarization has no significant symptoms and remains undetected.

The patient may complain of pain in the lumbar region, giving to the buttocks and hips.

The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray examination.

The disease is treated with conservative methods - special exercises, wearing a corset, massage, physiotherapy procedures.

In severe cases, an operation is prescribed. should consider the anomaly and understand what it is.

Because of what there is a lumbarization

The causes of the disease are not established. Provoking factors are violations of intrauterine fetal development caused by infections and poisonings.

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The risk group for the birth of a child with pathology includes women over 30 who have genetic diseases that use alcohol or hormonal drugs.

The frequency of occurrence can not be determined, which is associated with the possibility of an asymptomatic course of pathology. Lumbarization is the cause of pain syndrome in 2% of patients.

The sacrum is the base of the spine. He has the greatest burden from the proper departments. It is fastened with large bones, forming a pelvic ring.

The vertebrae of the sacral region are welded together by means of connective tissue. This provides strong support for other departments of the spinal column.

In 2% of people, the upper part of the sacral region does not fuse with others, but becomes a separate bone. Diagnosed as total and incomplete lumbarization.


With complete separation, S6 becomes a full element of the lumbar region. When partial there is a connection with other elements of the sacrum, the variants of the anomaly may be different.


Depending on the type of pathological changes and their impact on the functions of the musculoskeletal system, distinguish between lumbarization:

  • bilateral;
  • one-sided.

Both types are bony, cartilaginous and mixed. The presence of the pain syndrome is typical for the joint type of the disease. In other cases, the disease is asymptomatic.

Separation of the sacrum is accompanied by deformation of the spine. Axis shift contributes to the onset of scoliosis.

Because of the extension of the lumbar spine, the extra vertebra may shift when wearing weights.

Signs of pathology

Back pain occurs at an early age, they are acute. Unpleasant symptoms are worse when lifting heaviness, falling or jumping. There are 2 types of lumbarization:

In the latter case, aching pains appear in the corresponding spine. Perhaps a spontaneous occurrence of an attack.

The unpleasant sensations are renewed with increasing loads. A characteristic manifestation of lumbarization is the spread of pain to the buttocks and thighs.

The cause of sciatica syndrome is the compression of nerve endings.

When the patient is examined, the lumbar flexure becomes stronger or disappears. The mobility of the spine in various directions is reduced. When palpation, slight pain in the lower back is observed. The pain point is located in the area of ​​the 5th vertebra.

The symptom of Lasega is positive - pain intensifies when raising a straightened leg. Unpleasant sensations appear when in a standing position and disappear during rest. Pain is observed when you descend the stairs, while lifting does not cause any problems.

Diagnosis is carried out with the help of X-ray examination in several projections.

The picture shows an additional element in the lumbar region. The size of the lower vertebra decreases, the bone process is shortened.

With a unilateral lesion, a gap appears in the upper part of the sacrum.


If there is any doubt, the patient is prescribed CT or MRI. In the presence of neurological disorders, a consultation of a specialist is shown.


When there are signs of scoliosis, an X-ray examination is performed according to a special scheme.

Therapeutic events

With the latent course of the disease, treatment is not prescribed. The patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for the timely detection of signs of scoliosis.

To treat lumbarization begin when there are signs of deformity of the spine and severe pain syndrome. Prophylaxis of scoliosis in this pathology is:

  • performing special exercises;
  • the passage of physiotherapy procedures;
  • wearing a corset.

The patient should avoid heavy loads and sleep on a hard mattress.

Surgical intervention is prescribed with ineffectiveness of conservative treatment and persistent pain. During the operation, the processes of the last lumbar vertebra are removed. The element itself is fixed with the help of a metal construction.

The prognosis for recovery is favorable. With proper treatment, the patient's work capacity is restored. However, the ban on doing hard physical work will last for life.

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Abnormal mobility of the sacral vertebra is bad

Congenital malformation of the spine, sacralization, leads to an abnormal fusion between the extreme vertebrae of the lumbar and sacral parts.

How does lumbarization look like on X-ray

On X-ray, the s1 lumbarization looks like an extra sixth vertebra in the lumbar region, which should not normally be.

The sacral department is the most strengthened of all, since it is in the sacrum that the anatomical center of gravity of the body is located, and in it there are always increased loads:

  • bone tissue in the sacral vertebrae - the most dense;
  • intervertebral disks, consisting of a strong fibrous tissue, form immovable joints with vertebrae - syndesmosis;
  • gaps between the sacral vertebrae, in comparison with others, should not be.

The fact that the sixth vertebra, which appeared in the lumbar region, "got lost" from the sacrum, also says the specificity of its anatomy: it is lower and broader, and its spinous process is short.

Causes of lumbarization

The cause of lumbarization is the inadequacy of osteogenesis - a smaller number of ossification points.

This leads to a slowing of the adhesion.

At sacralization, on the contrary, the osteogenesis is excessive, and the rate of fusion of ossification nuclei is increased.

Many pediatricians do not consider lumbarization as a pathology in children up to a certain age on the grounds that in children the process of ossification can take place up to adolescence.

Types of pathology

Lumbarization can be complete and incomplete:

  • for a complete L. the vertebrae S1 and S2 are completely separated;
  • for an incomplete L. between the vertebrae, individual communication sites are preserved.

Incomplete form is more favorable and rarely leads to instability of the lumbosacral department, since the lack of vertebral connection is eliminated by the formation of osteophytes, which attach them reliably to each other - spondylosis. In this case, periodic pain symptoms in the form of aching pain can also be observed. Movement in the lumbosacral area becomes limited.

Incomplete lumbarization in the adolescent period usually ends with spondylosis in adulthood, and then the symptoms characteristic of spondylosis can appear for the first time. The very same lumbarization usually goes unnoticed.

Complete L. In the adolescent period, it can already signal itself under dynamic loads. Acute neurologic symptoms first appear at the age of 20 - 25 years, and usually they coincide in time either with active movements or with the lifting of heavy objects.

The localization of pain lumbarization is lumbar and ischial.

Consequences of lumbarization

Lumbarization is rarely treated if there are no external clinical manifestations. At the same time, to ignore such a defect in the absence of symptoms still can not, because the consequences of lumbarization can be:

  1. Early development of rapidly progressing childhood scoliosis.
  2. Spondylolisthesis (displacement of the vertebra S1), which in turn leads to a violation of the natural bends of the spine:
    • an increase in sacral kyphosis (displacement of the sacrum back);
    • an increase in compensatory lumbar lordosis.

Thus biomechanics and stability of the spine with S1 lumbarization are at stake.

Symptoms of lumbarization of the vertebra S1

People with congenital, liberated sacral vertebrae develop early the following symptoms:

Aching pain in the sacrum (the cause is the pressure of S1 on the sacrum due to the displaced center of gravity).

Pain symptom of the type of sciatica, with a lumbago in the lower limbs:

  • This phenomenon occurs because of the increased stress in the sacral region, transmitted to the pear-shaped muscle, because of what it infringes the sciatic nerve emerging from the caudal opening.
  • Also, sciatica syndrome resulting from compression of the nerve spinal roots with the free vertebra S1 can cause sciatica in lumbarization.

The appearance of pain coincides:

  • with lifting weights;
  • jumping with a landing on knees bent at the knees;
  • by sitting, sitting for a long time;
  • turns, slopes;
  • walking (thus there is an intermittent claudication characteristic for the displacement of the vertebrae).

When the vertebra S1 is lumbed, a chronic myofascial syndrome in the lumbar and gluteal muscles (spasms and muscle pains) can occur.

The lumbar form of L. manifested mainly by aching lumbar and paravertebral pains - lumbar region. Rarely, with neuromuscular syndrome, lumbago can be shot in the lower back.

The ischial form of L. most often reflected in mixed symptoms of ischialgia:

  • from moderate pains to piercing the gluteal region and the lower limb from the side where the infringement of the spine has occurred.

Treatment of lumbarization S1

Such drugs are prescribed:

  • Nonsteroidal inhibitors of inflammatory factors:
    • diclofenac, movalis, ibuprofen, nimelid, etc.
  • Miorelaxates (sirdalud, baclofen, etc.)

The physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out:

  • Massage, exercise therapy.
  • Electrophoresis or phonophoresis with novocaine.
  • Exercise therapy.

Physiotherapy with lumbarization

  • Therapeutic exercises in this pathology are specific, and should be conducted only according to the appointment of a rehabilitologist.
  • To perform therapeutic gymnastics is necessary mainly in a horizontal position, as vertical inclinations and turns can provoke spodilisthesis and the transition of the disease to an unstable form.
  • Gender special control should be taken children with lumbarization:
    • With signs of scoliosis, exercise therapy can be supplemented with corrective gymnastics, which eliminates the curvature in the lumbosacral section.

Orthopedic corsets

Orthopedic corsets should be worn with a free sacral vertebra in such cases:

  • Attacks of lumbago and sciatica.
  • Displacement of vertebra S1, especially unstable.
  • Children's scoliosis, which arose on the basis of lumbarization:
    • At a scoliosis of 3rd degree the child it is required individually made corset.
  • In some cases, prolonged wearing of a corset with incomplete lumbarization can be prescribed for children with two purposes:
    • correction of scoliosis;
    • the attainment of natural cohesion, possible in childhood.
  • Prevention of bias at elevated loads.


Surgical treatment for lumbarization is prescribed for intolerable pains or with broken stability of the spine.

The operating method of spondylodesis is used, the purpose of which is the fusion of the vertebrae by artificial means:

  • The vertebrae S1 and S2 are fixed with metal plates.
  • The lumbosacral region is immobilized by means of a rigid corset.

If natural fusion of the vertebrae is impossible, then S1 is fixed directly to the sacrum, and an artificial disc is placed between S1 and S2.

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What is Lumbarization?

Lumbarization of S1 vertebra is a term that denotes an innate abnormality in the development of the spinal column. The first sacral vertebra (sacral, S1) is not combined with the sacral section and more resembles the extra lumbar vertebra.

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Many patients do not worry about the disease and remain unnoticed for many years. Some people turn to the doctor with complaints about pain in the lower back or gluteal region, violations of posture.

Treatment in most cases is conservative, surgery can rarely be required.

What is pathology?

The sacral part of the spine is a fused bone. The sacrum is the lower part, it carries a heavy load upon movement.

In a healthy person, the lumbar vertebrae are connected with each other by syndesmoses - strong connective tissue formations that provide immobility to the department.

In a small percentage of people, one vertebra is not attached to the rest because of a wrong development. There are several variants of this pathology:

  • one-sided or bilateral lumbarization;
  • complete or partial.

Anatomically, this vertebra does not differ in structure from healthy. The difference is that it is not attached to the sacral bone and has a small amplitude of motion. If he almost completely fuses with the sacral department, the diagnosis is still confirmed.

Sacralization is the opposite pathology, in which the last lumbar vertebra fuses with the sacrum. Both diseases occur rarely, but lead to similar changes in posture (scoliosis).

Causes of lumbarization

The exact cause of the development of pathology could not be clarified. It occurs during the period of intrauterine development and is not associated with the influence of environmental factors.

Presumably, the causes of lumbarization can be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • complications of intrauterine infections;
  • the mother's age is more than 30 years;
  • taking alcohol and some drugs in the first trimester.

Lumbarization is not more than 2% of the diagnoses that patients put on back pain. The exact incidence of this pathology among the population can not be tracked, because it often occurs asymptomatically.

Lumbarization and sacralization are two opposite phenomena that can lead to similar complications

Symptoms of the disease

The main clinical sign of the disease is a pain syndrome. The first symptoms are most often manifested in the age of 20 to 25 years on the background of physical activity, lifting weights or playing sports.

There are 2 main forms of lumbarization:

In the lumbar form, pain occurs in the lumbar region and extends along the spinal column. A separate name for an acute pain attack ("lumbago") in the lower back is lumbago.

Pain can also occur on the lower limbs and buttocks. The attack occurs after physical exertion, weight lifting, falling and other mechanical injuries of the sacral department.

The sciatic form can be diagnosed by the symptom of Lasega. The patient lies on her back and tries to lift her even foot up. With lumbarization, this exercise is accompanied by pain in the gluteal region and on the back of the thigh.

There are also common signs characteristic of the two forms of the disease:

  • when jumping and landing on the heels there is a sharp pain in the lower back;
  • discomfort passes if you take a recumbent position;
  • When moving along the steps or up the mountain, the pain decreases, and when it descends, it increases.

The palpation method can determine the pathology of lumbar lordosis. This term characterizes the natural bending of the spine in the lumbar region. In patients diagnosed with lumbarization, lordosis is either increased or insufficient.

In the healthy sacral region, all the vertebrae are fused together, and with lumbarization, the upper vertebrae


The only informative method of diagnosis is radiography. With complete lumbarization, the shadow of an additional mobile vertebra is distinctly visible on the photographs. The lower lumbar vertebra is deformed: it is shortened, the length of the spinous process is also less than the norm.

With one-sided lumbarization, the vertebra does not completely separate from the sacrum, and this is seen on the x-ray. On the right or left in the sacral bone, a gap is visible, which should normally not exist. For the diagnosis of scoliosis, a complete radiographic examination of the spine is performed.

Methods of treatment

Treatment is indicated only in cases when the disease is accompanied by a pain syndrome or leads to the development of scoliosis.

Children and adolescents during the formation of the spine are periodically examined, in order to notice anomalies in time.


If, in the presence of an additional lumbar vertebra, the remaining departments develop and function normally, such patients can live in normal mode.


The scheme of therapy is selected by the physician based on the type of lumbarization and concomitant complications. Basically, all methods are aimed at relieving pain and supporting the spine during its formation:

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  • massotherapy;
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound exposure);
  • special physical training;
  • wearing a fixing corset.

All patients are contraindicated in excessive physical activity, playing sports, falling. It is recommended to sleep on a hard mattress so as not to provoke mobility of the abnormal vertebra.

In some cases, an operation is performed to restore the last sacral vertebra.

It is fixed with rigid metal structures, and pathological growths from the last lumbar vertebra are also removed.

Surgical intervention is necessary only when the pain syndrome can not be managed with conservative methods.

Lumbarization is not a reason to limit mobility and an active lifestyle.

The patient is recovered both after the operation and during non-invasive treatment. The only limitation is the lifting of heavy objects.

The patient will have to watch his whole life so as not to raise more than the permissible weight.

Possible complications

The sacrum must not be in vain one solid bone and carry a huge load. If the first lumbar vertebra is excessively mobile, this can lead to a number of complications:

  • displacement (slippage) of the vertebrae to the side with loads, as a result of which it presses on the sacrum and causes pain;
  • deformations of the spinal column (lumbarization in 60% of cases accompanies scoliosis);
  • lumbago - characteristic shooting pain in the lower back;
  • spondileza - a disease of the spinal column, which manifests itself in the sprouting of spine-like bony outgrowths along the edges of the vertebrae.

In other cases, the disease is asymptomatic. Patients may experience periodic pain in the lumbar region, but they quickly pass, so it is not possible to diagnose the disease.

Lumbarization is a rare congenital phenomenon, in which the upper sacral vertebra is separated from the sacral bone and resembles an additional lumbar vertebra.

Pathology manifests a characteristic pain, and an accurate diagnosis can be made based on the results of X-ray photographs. The disease does not affect the patient's capacity, and he can live a full life.


The danger is that lumbarization can cause scoliosis in childhood and adolescence


A source:


Lumbarization- congenital anomaly, in which the first sacral vertebra is partially or completely separated from the sacrum and "turns" into an additional (sixth) lumbar vertebra.

Lumbarization is one of the reasons for the formation of scoliosis, can provoke the development of lumbago and early osteochondrosis. In a number of cases, lumbarization is not manifested and remains unidentified.

Patients with lumbarization may complain of pain in the lumbar region and along the vertebral column or pain in the gluteal region, irradiating the posterior surface of the limbs. To confirm the diagnosis, radiography is performed.

Treatment of lumbarization is usually conservative: physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, corsetting. In certain cases, operations are performed. In the absence of pain and secondary pathological conditions (scoliosis, osteochondrosis) treatment is not required. = w17Yj-aUy30

Lumbarization is a congenital malformation of the spine, accompanied by the formation of an additional lumbar vertebra, which is formed from the superior sacral vertebra, not fused into a single bone with the rest of the sacrum. The etiology of lumbarization is not exactly established. It is assumed that the cause of the development of lumbarization may become infection and intoxication during the period of intrauterine development (intrauterine infections, toxicosis of pregnant women, etc.). Among the risk factors include hereditary predisposition, the age of the mother is 30 years and older, alcohol abuse in the first trimester of pregnancy, contraception and gynecological diseases of the mother.

The incidence is unknown, since lumbarization in a number of cases is asymptomatic and is not diagnosed. Lumbarization is the reason for contacting doctors about 2% of the total number of back pain cases.

According to some researchers, more than 60% of adolescents with dysplastic scoliosis are diagnosed signs of lumbarization or sacralisation (the opposite pathology is the fusion of the fifth lumbar vertebra with sacrum).

Treatment of lumbarization is performed by orthopedists and vertebrologists.


The sacrum is the lower part, the "base" of the spinal column. He takes on the burden of the upper parts of the spine and connects with the pelvic bones, closing the pelvic ring in his back.

Normally, all the sacral vertebrae are immovably connected to each other by syndesmosis - connective tissue sites (stronger and stiffer analogs of the intervertebral discs).

Such a connection allows to provide reliable support of other parts of the spinal column.

Approximately 1% of people in the process of development of the upper sacral vertebra do not fuse with the others, but form a separate bone - this pathology is called lumbarization. Perhaps both bilateral and one-sided, both complete and partial separation.

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With complete separation, S6 is a complete lumbar vertebra.

With incomplete separation, the partial connection of S6 with the rest of the sacral vertebrae is preserved, the variants of the structure may vary - from almost complete fusion to fixation in a small area.

Depending on the nature of the anatomical changes and the features of the effect on the dynamic and static functions of the spine, one-sided and two-sided lumbarization is distinguished.

Both unilateral and bilateral forms of lumbarization can be bone, cartilaginous and articular.


The development of pain syndrome is characteristic only for the articular form of lumbarization, in other forms the course is usually asymptomatic.


With lumbarization, the functionality of the lumbar region is weakened, the sacrum is displaced posteriorly, which leads to a redistribution of the center of gravity.

With one-sided lumbarization, the vertical axis of the spine is broken, resulting in scoliosis.

Because of the increase in the length of the lumbar region with lumbarization, it is possible to "slip" - the shift additional lumbar vertebra during weight lifting, accompanied by the development of pain syndrome.

Disruption of the axis of the spinal column due to lumbarization causes secondary changes in the soft tissues of the back. Due to increased load, the blood supply to the spine worsens.

The pressure of the sixth lumbar vertebra on the sacrum can lead to the development of a sciatic syndrome.

Because of a disturbance in the normal anatomical structure of the lower lumbar and upper calcaneous region, lumbarization may involve the infringement of the nerve roots by the spinous processes S1 or L5.

Usually, back pain with lumbarization appears at a young age (20-25 years).

At the same time, many patients with lumbarization note that the pain syndrome first arose sharply, against the background of heavy lifting, falling on straightened legs, jumping or lateral torso of the trunk. There are two clinical forms of lumbarization: lumbar and sciatic.

In the lumbar form of the lumbarization of patients, aching pain in the lower back and along the spine. Possible acute pain attack - lumbago. Pain usually disappears after taking anti-inflammatory drugs (nise, diclofenac).

Renewal of the pain syndrome, as a rule, is associated with additional traumatization: increased load, lifting a heavy object, falling, etc.

A characteristic feature of the sciatic form of lumbarization is the irradiation of pain in the buttocks and lower limbs. In some cases, patients with lumbarization are diagnosed with a violation of skin sensitivity in the region of the hip or lower back.


The cause of the development of the sciatic form of lumbarization is compression of the sciatic nerve.


When examining patients with lumbarization, an increase or a flattening of the lumbar lordosis is revealed. The mobility of the spine in the lateral and anteroposterior direction is usually limited. When palpation, moderate or minor pain occurs in the lower parts of the spine.

The maximum painful point is determined from the side of the V lumbar vertebra. For a sciatic form of lumbarization, a positive Lasega symptom is characteristic (pain intensification in the region buttocks and the back of the thigh when trying to raise a straightened leg in a prone position back).

A specific sign of lumbarization is the pain in the lumbar region that occurs when jumping on the heels in a position with bent knees.

In addition, with lumbarization there is an increase in pain in the standing position and a decrease in the prone position, as well as pain when descending the stairs, while lifting does not cause unpleasant sensations.

To confirm the diagnosis of lumbarization, a radiograph of the spine is performed in two projections. On the X-ray patterns of patients with lumbarization, a shadow of an additional vertebra in the lumbar region is revealed.

The height of the lower lumbar vertebra is reduced, the spinous process is shortened. With one-sided lumbarization in a direct projection from the left or right side, a visible crevice in the upper sacrum is determined.


In doubtful cases, patients with lumbarization are referred to an MRI or CT of the spine. With neurological disorders, appoint a consultation of a neurologist.


If suspected of scoliosis, an appropriate X-ray examination is carried out, followed by a description of the pictures using a special technique.

With asymptomatic lumbarization, therapy is not indicated, if detected in childhood and adolescence, observation is recommended for the timely detection of scoliotic deformity of the spine.

Treatment is required only with the formation of scoliosis or with the onset of pain syndrome.

Usually, with lumbarization, conservative therapy is performed: lumbar massage, physiotherapy (electrophoresis with novocaine, ultrasound, paraffin applications), exercise therapy, corsetting.

A patient with lumbarization is recommended to limit physical activity, not to lift weights and sleep on a hard bed.

Surgical treatment of lumbarization is indicated in case of persistent pain syndrome and inefficiency of conservative therapy.

During the operation, the enlarged outgrowths of the V lumbar vertebra are removed, and the vertebra is fixed using a bone graft or metal structures.

The prognosis for both conservative and operative treatment is favorable.

With adequate therapy, the absence of secondary changes (early osteochondrosis) and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, the ability to work with lumbarization is fully restored, but contraindications to the performance of heavy physical labor persist throughout life patient.

A source:

How to diagnose and treat vertebra S1 lumbarization?

Lumbarization of the S1 vertebra is a pathology in which the first sacral vertebra (S1) loses its connection with the sacrum and forms an abnormal sixth vertebra (L6) in the lumbar region. In this case, the number of vertebrae in the sacral region decreases.

Therefore, lumbarization, like sacralization, is called a "transitional lumbosacral vertebra".

Pathology is observed only in rare cases. It is diagnosed in% of people experiencing back pain.

Classification of pathology

By the nature of the vertebra from the sacrum, the lumbarization of the S1 vertebra is divided into:

  • full - the vertebra is completely detached from the sacral region and is a full-length lumbar vertebra;
  • incomplete - from the sacrum, only certain parts of the vertebra are split off.

By the nature of anatomical changes, the anomaly can be:

  • one-sided - one side of the vertebra S1 is similar to the first sacral vertebra, and the second - to the fifth lumbar vertebra;
  • bilateral - the vertebra is completely similar to the first sacral vertebra or with the last lumbar vertebra.

Also, bone, cartilaginous and articular lumbarization is distinguished.

In the place of the appearance of pain, the pathology can be lumbar and ischial.

Causes of the disease

Lumbarization of the S1 vertebra is a congenital disease.

Its causes are not known exactly, but it is assumed that it develops as a result of:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • infections and intoxication during embryonic development;
  • alcohol abuse during pregnancy;
  • reception of contraceptives;
  • gynecological diseases of the mother.

Symptoms of lumbarization

In many people, the disease does not manifest itself in any way and often remains undiagnosed.

But sometimes in the lumbar region there are pains (only with the joint form of the disease) as a result of:

  • secondary changes in soft tissues;
  • malfunctions in blood circulation in the spine;
  • infringement of the nerve root;
  • pressure of the vertebra S1 on the sacrum.

Basically, the pain appears at the age of 20-25 years when lifting weights, during a jump or torso of the trunk.

Depending on the form of the manifestation of the disease, pain may be of a different nature.

In the lumbar form of pain occur in the lumbar region and along the spine. Usually they are aching and disappear after taking anti-inflammatory drugs. If there is additional trauma to the spinal column, the pain becomes acute.


With a sciatic form, the pain syndrome passes to the buttocks and legs due to a pinch of the sciatic nerve.


A characteristic sign of lumbarization is the occurrence of pain during a jump on the heels with bent knees.


To detect anomalies, use an X-ray. If it is not possible to establish the diagnosis accurately, the patient is referred to a computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of anomalies

Treat orthopedic lumbarization and vertebrologists, but only with the appearance of clinical signs of the disease.

If the disease is diagnosed in adolescence or adolescence, then an observation is established over the patient in order to reveal the development of scoliosis and start treatment in time.

To relieve pain, anti-inflammatory and pain medication (diclofenac, nise) is used.

Physiotherapy methods are also used:

  • electrophoresis with the introduction of novocaine;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • paraffin applications;
  • massage;
  • exercise therapy;
  • corsetotherapy.

Heavy physical work is contraindicated in patients.

In severe pain syndrome, surgical intervention is recommended. During the operation, the enlarged processes are removed, the vertebra is fixed in the sacral region and an artificial intervertebral disc is inserted.


Often, the extra lumbar vertebrae lifts heavily in the direction of the weight lifts and begins to press on the sacrum with a spinous process, causing pain.

Lumbarization of the S1 vertebra often weakens the functionality of the lumbar region, displaces the sacrum back, leads to redistribution of the center severity, resulting in a curved vertebral column, which causes the development of lumbago, spondylosis, scoliosis and osteochondrosis.

In 60% of cases, patients diagnosed with "dysplastic scoliosis" find lumbarization of the S1 vertebra.

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