Tincture of propolis from cough

Tincture of propolis from cough

Propolis from cough is an affordable and effective remedy. You can buy it from sellers of honey in its pure form or as an extract in the pharmacy. With the help of this tool, cough is cured quickly, but it is recommended to use it in combination with medications, especially with bronchitis or pneumonia. There are several recipes with its use.

Propolis tincture application for coughing

Tincture of propolis from a cough is sold in a pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself at home. There are two ways to do this:

  • The first recipe presupposes the heating of the bee products in a water bath. Take twenty grams of propolis and thoroughly grind it with a knife. Put a glass of alcohol on a water bath and heat up to thirty degrees. Add the ground ingredient and mix thoroughly. Hold the mixture on fire for ten more minutes. Pour it into a dark container, close the lid tightly and leave to stand for two days.
  • Twenty grams of the product finely cut with a knife and pour a glass of vodka or alcohol. Pour the mixture into a dark bottle, seal it and leave it for at least two weeks.
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Tincture of propolis with a cough, the application of which gives a quick effect, can be used in several ways. With laryngitis and sore throat, twenty drops of infusion are diluted in a glass of warm water and rinses the throat. With a strong paroxysmal symptom, this remedy is taken internally. In order to bring down his bitterness, you can drip alcohol tincture on a refiner and quickly eat, or dilute ten drops of the drug in a tablespoon of warm sweetened water.

With bronchitis and pneumonia, compresses with tincture are shown. It is diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, soaked gauze and applied to the back and chest for twenty to thirty minutes. With a strong unbearable burning sensation, the compress is immediately removed.

Propolis for cough application in its pure form

Use this product beekeeping can and in its purest form. Cope with a different cough, it does not help, but it will relieve the first symptoms of a cold in the form of a stuffy nose and throat. Put a small piece of the drug in your mouth and keep it there for as long as possible. Lightly bite his teeth from time to time.

Propolis from cough recipe with milk and honey

To prepare this medicine you will need a pharmacy or self-made tincture. Boil a glass of milk and cool slightly. Add ten to fifteen drops of infusion. The taste of alcohol in milk can be smashed with honey.

Propolis as taken when coughing with oil

Ghee is good in itself for bronchitis and upper respiratory tract diseases. Propolis from coughs, used together with this remedy, helps. Take half a kilogram of butter and melt in a water bath. Interfere seventy-five grams of bee products, and simmer on low heat for at least twenty minutes, stirring constantly. Add three to four tablespoons of honey to the medicine. Take at least three weeks a day on a tablespoon.

Propolis helps with cough and in combination with St. John's wort

Pour a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of St. John's wort, insist fifteen minutes, then strain. Add ten drops of alcohol tincture to the broth and rinse the throat. Repeat the procedure several times a day, and the bacteria that multiply in the airway will disappear.

Contraindications of use

Before you drink propolis when you cough, read the contraindications for taking this remedy:

  • Allergic reactions to bee stings. This product of beekeeping contains a poison in its composition.
  • Allergic reactions to honey.
  • Dermatitis, skin lesions, open wounds and ulcers (only with external application of the product in the form of compress or rubbing).


How to use propolis from cough

Bees make a useful resinous product, which is an excellent antibiotic.When propolis is used for cough, bronchitis, or angina for adults and children, this healing property is primarily taken into account.The use of this natural product has a positive effect in the first days of treatment. Store a useful product in the autumn, from one hive you can extract it to 100 g. The medicinal substance can be purchased ready-made in a pharmacy or on the market, it should be stored in a dry, closed glass container.

What is useful propolis

The composition of this medicinal product of beekeeping includes various essential oils, flavonoids, phenols, amino acids and vitamins, so use it with caution. First, use a small amount of propolis to determine the reaction of the body. If the patient's state of health does not worsen, then you can continue treatment.

In the composition there are essential oils, on which the smell and bitter taste depend. There are also tar, flower pollen and wax, the amount of which determines the color of propolis. Use both a pure product and its alcohol tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

With extreme caution, people who are prone to allergic reactions, suffering from asthma, eczema or urticaria should treat this drug.

Very often, this bee product is used in the treatment of colds of the upper respiratory tract. Particularly accurately apply propolis in the treatment of children: if the child is allergic to honey, then it is necessary to consult with a doctor.

Preparation of tinctures from propolis

It is very useful to use a real sticky substance that is sold in solid form, it perfectly helps to fight with a cough. It is necessary to take 20 g of this substance and grind it. Pour 100 ml of vodka into a container and heat it in a water bath to about 30 °. Then propolis is poured into it, stir well and heat for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

The final mixture is poured into a dark glass container and insisted for about 24 hours. If coughing is a problem, then in a glass of warm milk you must dissolve half a teaspoon of the product. To drink it it is necessary before each reception of nutrition within 5 days.

You can pour 40 g of ground propolis with a glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for about 2 weeks. This tincture of propolis from cough is used in the morning and evening for 20 drops, treatment lasts about 15 days. Children can drip the tincture on a piece of sugar and allow to dissolve, so they will not feel the bitter taste of the medicine.

For treatment of cough apply alcohol and tincture of propolis, it is useful to drink it with milk, it will soften the taste and accelerate recovery. It is necessary to boil the milk and cool it to the condition that you can drink it. For ¾ cup of milk, add ¼ liqueur. Drink such a medicine in a hot form, immediately after eating.

When treating children, alcohol tincture can be used only after reaching the age of 1 year. Then in a glass of warm milk drip so many droplets of tincture, how old the child. After the first reception of such a remedy, parents must necessarily follow the condition of the small patient. If they find redness of the skin, swelling of the mucosa or other manifestations of an allergic reaction, then stop cough treatment with propolis.

Especially good is the mixture of milk with the tincture of this medicinal product, if the treatment starts at an early stage of the disease. In this case, after a day, the child's well-being significantly improves. Disappear irritation of the respiratory tract and dry cough, the baby breathes quietly and sleeps well. But if the patient has a fever or a suffocating cough, self-medication should be avoided, you should see a doctor.

You can prepare a tincture based on oil, for this recipe it is necessary to take sea-buckthorn, vaseline or peach. You can also use badger or goat fat. It will take half a cup of oil, which must be heated in a water bath, then add 30 g of ground propolis to it, the mixture is poured on a small fire for about 10 minutes. The cooled mixture is poured into glassware, apply 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, washed down with warm tea. Especially useful is a medicine for children, for taste they can mix tincture with a small amount of any honey.

Other methods of treatment

There is another recipe, it will require 1 kg of melted butter and 150 g of ground propolis. The mixture is heated on a water bath for about 20 minutes, you can add a little bit of any honey for taste. Such a medicine should be taken 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon, the treatment lasts about 2 weeks. Children under 3 years of age are given 1/3 teaspoonfuls at a time, and over 6 years - 1 teaspoonful. You can drink it with hot milk or tea, and store it better in the refrigerator.

If the cough is very strong, propolis with oil can be used as a warming compress. The mixture should be slightly heated and rubbed into her chest, without touching the heart area. Then the patient should be wrapped up with a warm kerchief and a blanket, to keep such a compress about 2 hours.

You can treat a cough with inhalation, for this, about 350 g of hot water should be poured into the container and 50 g of propolis added to it. The mixture should simmer for about 15 minutes. Then the container is removed from the fire, bent over it and covered with a towel. Inhale steam should be about 5 minutes 2 times a day. Such raw materials can be used for inhalations many times, up to 10 times.

For children it is possible to prepare at home lollipops from a cough from propolis: from this resinous product roll a small ball and dip it into honey or sugar syrup. The child will dissolve such a curative candy, due to its analgesic properties, it will soothe the sore throat and cough. With the same purpose, you can simply chew a natural product for 20 minutes to 4 times a day.


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Treatment of cough with propolis has a good therapeutic effect already in the first days of its administration.

With caution should be taken described tinctures in the presence of diseases of the stomach, kidneys or liver. Such patients are allowed only external application or in the form of inhalations. Contraindicated tinctures on the basis of alcohol to pregnant and lactating women.


Benefits of using propolis from cough and recipes from it

Propolis from a cough used for a long time and this tool showed how effective it is, safe, and most importantly useful for an adult, and for children.Propolis from a cough helps literally in a few days to get rid of this unpleasant disease, and also strengthens the body and saturates it with useful trace elements and vitamins.

What is the use of propolis?

The product contains a huge amount of antibacterial substances. Propolis has a lot of properties, namely:

  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing.
Many centuries ago, people used this drug not only with cough, but also directly for the treatment of colds. The therapeutic effect of this substance was officially proven only seventy years ago. And since that time, propolis is a cough remedy, the use of which is recommended both by folk medicine and traditional medicine. To date, there are a huge number of recipes that are basically propolis.

Sometimes there may be controversy over the best way to use propolis to fight a cough. There is an opinion that the natural substance, which is extracted by beekeepers, helps better. Such a bee product can be found on sale in a solid form and sold it by weight. Of course, in this version the substance is really very effective, but you can not always buy it.

For a long time pharmacists have been manufacturing propolis solution, which is not only useful for the human body, but also very well heals. Typically, a 10% solution of alcohol is used, which doctors recommend to have in every home. When a person suffers from angina, a cough or a cold, then the tincture of propolis is dissolved in the required proportion for treatment and is used as a fairly effective treatment.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

Do not think that propolis is a completely innocuous substance that can be used in any quantity. When using a cough remedy, one must be very careful and strictly follow the recipe of one or another method. This substance of natural origin contains many compounds of various kinds: esters, phenols, resin acids, vitamins, a lot of amino acids. In this regard, propolis is one of the potent drugs.

At the beginning of treatment, you need to take a minimum dose of this substance to see what kind of reaction the body will be. Then the dose gradually increases. Some people may develop irritations on the oral mucosa, sometimes diarrhea occurs, and overall health becomes much worse.

If you notice such symptoms, then it is better to give up propolis treatment. If there are no protests from the body, then the reception of propolis can continue. Literally for 3-4 days, the dosage is brought to the one indicated in the prescription, and then the treatment continues strictly according to the prescription you have chosen. With extreme caution propolis should be used for people who suffer from asthma, eczema.

Propolis with milk

Most experts come to the opinion that propolis for cough is best served with milk. Thanks to milk, the drug acts more gently on the human body. At the same time, the taste becomes more pleasant, and the effect increases.

To make a tincture of milk with propolis, you must first boil a small amount of milk (about half a glass) and leave it to cool slightly. You need to drink medicine hot. Then add the alcohol solution of propolis to the milk. Three parts of hot milk are taken only one part propolis.

Drink this medicine only after eating and after that for at least thirty minutes, you can not eat anything: no food, no drink. Some doctors recommend taking the medicine one hour before a meal.

Propolis from cough for children

In order to cure cough in children with propolis, the medicine should be prepared independently. To do this, buy a 10% solution of the substance. The difference between treating a child and an adult is only in dosage.

Before the child turns 14, you need to prepare the medicine according to the following principle: take a glass of warm water or milk and add as many drops of propolis to it as your years to kid.

If the child has not turned a year, then experts recommend using propolis to treat a cough in the form of a compress, which is superimposed on the nose. You can lubricate the nasal sinuses of the baby with a special cotton swab. Take propolis inside only after the child turns a year.

If you give the medicine for the first time, then carefully follow the reaction. Examine the mucous membranes and skin for a rash or other signs of an allergic reaction. If there are none, then we can safely continue the treatment of cough with propolis.

What is the course of treatment with propolis?

Take the medicine with propolis in a strict dosage and not more than three times a day. Reception should be done only half an hour after a meal or an hour before it. Such a schedule is observed throughout the entire course of cough treatment with propolis.

Watch for the effect of this method of treatment. If after five days you do not notice any improvement, then, most likely, you need to change the tactics of treatment and use another means.

In addition, do not neglect the advice of a doctor, perhaps the cause of your cough is more serious and propolis can not cope with it.

If you believe statistics, the bee product helps in almost 90% of all cases of coughing. In addition, with the help of this substance as a whole, one can cure colds and inflammatory processes, quickly and effectively strengthen the immune system.

Propolis and butter against coughing

Propolis is also considered to be effective with butter.

Of course, to prepare such a medicine you will need to spend a little time. But such a remedy can be used during colds not only for internal use, but also for outdoor use.

Buy fresh propolis and take about 15 grams of the substance. It will take another 100 grams of quality fresh butter. Put propolis in the freezer for an hour, and then grind it on the smallest grater. In frozen form, propolis very well rubs.

Next, melt the cooked butter in a small bowl and pour propolis there. Thoroughly mix and place on a water bath for thirty minutes. From time to time, stir the future medicine and remove the foam from it. Then do not wait for the mixture to cool, and strain it through several layers of gauze. Only then wait until the medicine has cooled down, and put it in the refrigerator.


Propolis with oil against cough can be used from two years. Children 2-3 years - on the third part of a teaspoon, 4-5 - half teaspoon, after 6 years - on a teaspoon of medicine. Adults take a teaspoon of propolis with butter. Drink specialists recommend hot milk, tea. In addition, this product can be diluted in milk and drink as follows.

A similar drug can also lubricate the nasal sinuses, using a cotton swab for this. It is best to do this immediately before bed and first need to cleanse the nose of mucus with the help of warm water.

Propolis is a substance that brings tremendous benefits to the human body.

In its composition there are various kinds of enzymes, esters, minerals, acids and vitamins, which kill the infection in the body and relieve the cold and the influence of bacteria. The bee product is used to treat both adults and children, quite often even very small.


So, propolis has a lot of incredibly useful properties, namely:

  • kills infection and germs;
  • is an excellent antiseptic;
  • helps to heal wounds;
  • strengthens and supports immunity;
  • quality natural antioxidant.

Use the cough remedy in any form: mixed with other ingredients, in the form of tincture or even in pure form. Choose the recipe that you like best and get rid of a cough in a few days.


How to treat the throat (cough, tonsillitis) with propolis tincture? And can I drink it (diluted with water)?



here - [the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

Vitaliy Polishchuk

Type in the search engine "Tentorium" there all the answers for the bee production.


The tincture of propolis is designed for rinsing. it has a tanning and bacteriostatic effect. on the cough is not affected. there is no sense in drinking it. although they drink the same tincture of hawthorn, they are treated))).

Universal Loneliness

A teaspoon of tincture is added to a glass of hot milk. Then it can be drunk. And just so I do not accept in any.

Old Varyag

Better with vodka - the vagina will be.


the first wiping away from the wax that they throw you out to sell as propolis to and there is not much, secondly, it does not split into an organ. and you need to insist on alcohol. diluted with water, they smear wounds and drink only if you have an ulcer.

I'm purple

Rinse with a hard throat. But why drink? Do not treat your stomach.

Anna Lebedeva

about propolis I do not know, but if the throat hurts, then you need to rinse it 3 times a day with MIRAMISTIN! 100% result!

lily of vigur

cauterization of inflamed glands from personal experience, health


Rinse with water, and drink with warm milk. 1 hour l. tinctures on 1st. water (milk).

Audi V8

Diluted with raspberry jam

Igor Brunovsky

You can rinse your throat with a solution of soda - 1 teaspoon per glass of water and rinse your nose with the same solution, soak your feet, do various inhalations.


Cherry field, cherry blister. Its red fruits help to remove
tonsillitis. To do this, you need to weld cherry leaves and apply
they are to the tumor for 5-6 days, and the mush from the fruit smears swelling until it
will not fall off. Harvest cherries when they ripen and turn red - in

Vasily Ivanovich

go to the doctor, you need to treat antibiotics, it's already the 21st century, and you all want to cure yourself with what "folk"

Galina Blinkova

tincture of propolis are treated many diseases including t. and catarrhal and can be taken with hot water and milk for the night, I always use a tincture of propolis, I insist on alcohol 10 gr. Propolis to chop and pour 100 gr. alcohol 70% and 10 days to insist in a dark place every day shaking propolis to buy from beekeepers. 20 drops of this tincture can be taken on water or hot milk for colds unless there is an allergy to bee products. Health to you!


you can drink, it will not be worse.

Northern woman

You correctly do that rinse your throat with a tincture of propolis, but buy more glycerin, mix in equal parts of the two components, shake and rinse the throat, it very softens and keeps the microflora tonsils. This recipe was advised to me by a familiar doctor-ENT, better I did not come across a rinse, try it, sell it in pharmacies, in the same jars as propolis tincture. Get well.

Mila Spb.

Gargle, do not dilute.


you can drink hot tea with added tincture, you can just one tincture 3 times a day for 25-50gr. for an adult. Children 1year-8 drops in tea (treated the child for pneumonia)

LuSy Vozhennikova

try or taste a chlorophyllite rr alcohol, to me helps or assists, the instruction carefully esteem.

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