Moisturizing drops for the eyes: what are and why

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Our eyes are constantly subjected to various loads. Bright light, cold, wind, sun, heat, radiation from the monitor, reading small text - these factors cause irritation, lead to discomfort, rezi, redness. What can be done to improve the overall condition? The simplest and at the same time the right solution is the use of special drugs. Moisturizing drops for the eyes quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, relieve fatigue. More details about the principles of their action and indications for use further.


  • 1Areas of use
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Vasoconstrictive
    • 3.2From allergies
    • 3.3Mineral (vitamin)
    • 3.4Moisturizers
    • 3.5For those who wear lenses
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Areas of use

Moisturizing solutions for the eyes are used in the following cases:

  • long work for the PC, which results in the syndrome of "dry eye there is redness, lacrimation;
  • long stay behind the wheel;
  • exposure to air conditioning, smoke, wind, very bright light;
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  • ophthalmic diseases, accompanied by violation of the processes of tear fluid formation (this is dry keratoconjunctivitis and insufficient tearing);
  • constant wearing of contact lenses;
  • diseases that cause damage to the contact of the eyelid and the cornea;
  • postoperative period.

Please note that the preparations have a certain composition and application characteristics. What does it mean? Mostly, self-medication is not desirable.

Moisturizing drops ("dry tear") should appoint an ophthalmologist - there are a lot of preparations, and all of them have a certain spectrum of action.

Features of preparations

Moisturizing drops for the eyes increase the water layer of the tear film and mucinous membrane, moisturize the cornea, increase the viscosity of the tear.The refractivity of light is improved, and the visual pathway is normalized. Some drugs have additional properties - it all depends on their composition.

The viscosity of most eye drops in this category is high. Some drugs have a similar natural tear fluid formulation, contain natural polysaccharides.The main contraindication to the use of moisturizing drops for the eyes is the individual intolerance of the constituent components.During lactation, during pregnancy in childhood use of the drug is not recommended.

Moisturizing drops for children and pregnant women are not recommended, but these are not absolute contraindications - check with a doctor.

List of drugs

Let's give a list of eye drops that differ among themselves according to the type of use.


Vasoconstrictors are used for reddening of the protein, its inflammation as a result of fatigue, lack of sleep. The main active substance is alpha-adrenomimetic.Eye solutions of this category relieve symptoms without affecting the cause of their appearance. Vasoconstrictive drops are not used to treat the eyes, moreover, they are not recommended for longer than five days.The basic preparations:

  • Vizin.
  • Octilia.
  • Naphthysine.
  • Okumil.

Vesicles are a good symptomatic, but not a remedy. Do not use them for more than five days.

From allergies

Antihistamine drops reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions during periods of exacerbations. They can be hormonal and nonhormonal.The active substances of such solutions block histamine, thereby reducing redness and inflammation. Property, plant and equipment:

  • Cromohexal.
  • Allergodyl.
  • Alomide.
  • Opatanol.
  • Azelastine.
  • Ketotifen.
  • Olopatadine.
  • Patanol.
  • Histimet.

Mineral (vitamin)

Mineral solutions for the eyes have a composition close to the natural tear, perfectly moisturize the cornea and restore visual acuity, relieve fatigue, redness.The drugs provide supportive action and are recommended for people working at the computer. Most Popular:

  • Riboflavin.
  • Taufon.
  • Taurine.
  • Vitamin A.

Vitamin (or mineral) drops are the main supporting drug for people working at the computer.


Used to treat the "dry eye" syndrome. Basic moisturizing drops of a wide spectrum of action:

  • Defisle.
  • Balarpan-NV.
  • Bestoksol.
  • Teardrop.
  • Restasis.
  • Adelon.
  • Lacrisifi.
  • The oxial.
  • Taufon.
  • Ottagel.

For those who wear lenses

Contact lenses cause corneal discomfort.Therefore, if you constantly wear them, use drops to eliminate dryness and activate the restorative processes in the tissues.

People who constantly wear contact lenses should use moisturizing drops.

The main names are:

  • Artelak.
  • Blink.
  • Blink Contact.
  • Systein.
  • Ottolik.
  • Thealosis.
  • Hilo-chest of drawers.
  • Innox.

Recommendations for use

The main recommendations for the application of moisturizing drops for the eyes:

  1. Self-treatment is dangerous to health.Before using any medication, consult a doctor. Probably, the ophthalmologist will appoint or nominate to you at once some preparations and will paint the scheme or plan of their reception.
  2. Keep the drugs in compliance with the recommendations in the instructions.
  3. Do not replace the designated drops with analogues. Yes, the main active substances can be similar, but the pharmacology will differ.
  4. It is recommended to store open vials in the refrigerator, but before burying the solution will need to be warmed in the hand - otherwise it will not be absorbed well.
  5. Do not touch the tip of the bottle (dropper) with your hands.
  6. The lenses are removed before instillation, they can be worn back only after 20 minutes.

And remember - eye drops are designed for individual use. One bottle of different people can not be used.


Drops for eyes Emoxipine

Read about the drug Sulfacil Sodium in this article.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid




Moisturizing drops for the eyes help with irritation, swelling, allergies, redness. They are presented in a wide range - and each drug has its own purpose. There are drops for people who wear contact lenses, with the effect of "artificial tears antihistamines and so on. Note that vasoconstrictive drugs can not be used for a long time.

Also read about such medications as Potassium Iodide and Dorzopt.