It is painful to make a puncture with genyantritis

Is it painful to make a puncture with genyantritis?


Masha Titova

I was done somehow, then only 12 years ago it was
It is horrible, of course, to hear how a bone breaks through and how it crunches, but it does not hurt to do it, the sensations seem to be pressing on your nose or have recently been hit on it, no pain, no be afraid))) Calm down and everything will be fine))) By the way, the doctor advised me to keep my hands on the chair, straight to grab for the fingers to press, then it's psychologically easier to survive)))) Good luck !!!


If the doctor's life is not successful, it will hurt)))


and it's painful and scary! it's honest!


I saw how they do it. Nothing wrong with that. can be a little unpleasant

Anna Tropinkina

Yes, not painfully disgusting sooner, everything will be fine! When I inserted a needle with an anesthetic in the nose, I saw myself in the mirror and I cried, it just did not take off.


It's not deadly and not scary, the main thing is not to wind yourself, it's painful, but then it will be easier, but you can suffer 5 minutes, even necessary, for yourself, for your lover. Everything will be fine, do not be afraid, and do not close your eyes, otherwise you will be left alone with your fear, it is better to use a distracting maneuver, for example: with a fingernail, push hard on your finger, and it will not hurt so much and not so fearfully. Good luck to you.

instagram viewer


I, too, have been suffering for a week with sinusitis, I did not get a puncture.. was cured literally in two days... dripping the isofra and lubricating the nose with the wind. I myself am amazed before this vashche perished five days from a purulent mucus and a headache


along the way it does not hurt, but the fact that it will happen again and more than once is a fact.

Olga Loskutova

Not painful, but unpleasant... But if the doctor said that it is necessary - do not refuse, the consequences can be much more unpleasant than this procedure. If cured well, without leading to a process chronicling, you may never again have to face this problem.


With a genyantritis in the hospital the last thing! If you just make a puncture - then consider that there you have already registered! People then make these punctures 10 times... .
Try folk techniques.. .

Do this kind of ointment. Very well helps + rinse constantly nose with sea water or "Malavite". I use it from time to time.

We make ourselves a very simple ointment, which has saved more than one hundred people.

In an enamel bowl pour one glass of lean oil, throw there wax, the size of a matchbox and put on a small fire to wax melted. From the previously hard-boiled eggs, we take out the yolk, take from it a half, crush it with a fork on a saucer and with fingers gradually throw in a bowl with hot melted boiling wax. (In a bowl on fire, lean oil will boil, and you will hear lumbago. Here at this moment and throw! But not all at once, but gradually. With the first crumbs of eggs, the contents will foam. Keep a rag in your hand. If the wax is yellow, (and this means the best for the ointment), the entire contents of the bowl can be in one second (overboard). Pick up the bowl with a rag, remove it from the fire for a while, let it overdrive away and all this keep stirring. And so raea three. Everything - the ointment is ready! It remains only to strain it. I do this through nylon tulle, folded in half. Wax is whimsical and gauze does not help here. And the tulle remains, even after repeated use, as a new one. In a glass container, this ointment is stored in the refrigerator for up to ten months.

Monthly antritis before this means is unlikely to stand

Melt in a table spoon, and immediately poured into the pipette ointment dripping nose in the most terrible sinusitis. Do not be afraid, as long as you run to the bed to lie down and drip, the ointment will already cool down and not be hot at all. On the contrary, it can immediately, and freeze, until you choose a comfortable pose. In this case, start overwriting again. Monthly maxillary sinusitis is enough to drip two times in a row with an interval of one hour. Breaks, flies all at once! Do not forget that the ointment pulls on itself pus with tremendous force.

I still use this way to treat sinusitis!
15 drops of eucalyptus oil a teaspoon of honey and freshly brewed tea that's all mixed up and dripped into your nose! The result is excellent minutes after 15 I went from the nose mucus and breathe easily became! and so I drip 4 times a day! !

Ekaterina Trush

I treated the genyantritis with Cinnabsin and managed to avoid the puncture. I treated them the first time and the result surpassed all expectations. For three days it became easier, all the muck from the sinuses came out.

Puncture in sinusitis: why not be afraid to do a puncture

Symptoms of sinusitis in the form of headaches, nasal breathing disorders, discharge from the nose affect not only the quality of life - this disease is fraught with serious consequences.

At the started form when traditional methods do not help or assist, the puncture at a genyantritis becomes.

Puncture in sinusitis has only one contraindication - if there is no possibility for a natural outflow of a purulent secretion from the nasal sinuses.

If there are no septic discharge in the maxillary sinuses or the patient has a large amount of purulent discharge from the nose that go out on his own, puncture with maxillary sinusitis is not justified. The patient can well use other, more traditional ways of treatment - treatment of a genyantritis with antibiotics or by means of drops, a spray. But what if the pus does not go out alone in case of genyantritis?

Puncture in genyantritis is recommended depending on the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

Indications for puncture with genyantritis are as follows:

  • When traditional methods of treatment did not give therapeutic effect and the patient's condition only worsened.
  • When the congestion of the nose is accompanied by severe headaches, amplified by tilting the head forward.
  • When an unpleasant smell comes from the patient's nose.

If these conditions are accompanied by a body temperature above 38 C on the background of a stuffy nose that does not pass, the only way out is surgical intervention. Before doing the procedure, it does not hurt to take an X-ray reading that confirms or refutes the absence of pus in the anastomosis.

It is worth noting

A fairly common misconception about the puncture in genyantritis is that after this procedure, it is not possible to get rid of sinusitis and any obstruction should be treated only with a puncture of the nose.

Puncture involves not only stretching a purulent secretion from the nasal sinuses, this procedure is accompanied by introduction of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents that help restore normal nasal breathing. If the time does not turn for help and do not stop the inflammatory process, the disease will go into a chronic form. In the future, this threatens the curvature of the nasal septum, the development of sensitivity to dust, gas.

Puncture with genyantritis helps to achieve recovery, but this method is recommended to be addressed in case of incapacity of traditional therapy.

How do puncture in genyantritis - the sequence of actions and what happens after the puncture

How do puncture for maxillary sinusitis?

The puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed by an otolaryngologist in a stationary setting under general anesthesia. Do it not only for adults, but for children in the case of impotence of traditional methods of treatment. Special preparation does not require this procedure.

Sequence of actions for puncture:

  • A cotton swab is moistened with an anesthetic.
  • This tampon is injected into the nasal sinus, which is planned to be punctured so as not to feel pain.
  • The doctor-otolaryngologist makes a special needle puncture the maxillary sinus through the middle or lower nasal passage.
  • After a puncture, a purulent secret is sucked off with a syringe, which accumulated in the sinus.
  • After drawing out the pus, the sinus is washed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.

It is important to know

To pus during the outflow did not get into the respiratory organs, when puncturing it is necessary to sit, opening your mouth and tilting your head forward.

After a sinus puncture in the genyantritis, the pus departs, the pressure on the nasal sinus walls decreases and the patient becomes easier to breathe. As a result, pain syndrome passes, body temperature decreases, puffiness passes, respiration through the nose is restored.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, the puncture of the nose with sinusitis is sometimes done for diagnosis, to exclude the disease or to reveal the contents of the sinuses and to introduce the drug.

Painfulness of a puncture at a genyantritis - the truth or a myth

On a question, whether it is painful to do a puncture at a genyantritis, it is possible to answer unequivocally - is not present!

Nowadays, with the availability of new technologies and anesthetics, this procedure is practically painless.

Of course, there is not much pleasant in this, but the painful sensations in this procedure are felt at the stage of filling the nasal sinus with medicinal solution for rinsing.

The effectiveness of puncture of the nose with genyantritis is manifested in the fact that after the procedure the dosage of antibiotics intake and the duration of treatment course are reduced. Also, this procedure is not very traumatic.

The consequences of sinusitis are possible only if the procedure is performed by an inexperienced specialist.

Puncture of the nose with sinusitis has its contraindications, among them:

  • a serious condition of the body;
  • deformity of the paranasal sinuses or their formation;
  • infectious processes in the acute phase.

It is important to know

Children at an early age are also contraindicated in puncture.

After the puncture of the nose in sinusitis is carried out, it is necessary to conduct a radiography, which will show the presence or absence of pus in the nasal sinuses. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash the nasal passages with medicinal solutions for half a year. To do this, a solution of furacilin or manganese is suitable.

Do not interfere with the joint rinsing of the nose, gargling with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents. After a puncture of a nose the doctor can recommend national methods of treatment of a genyantritis.


Is it painful to make a puncture in the genyantritis, how does it happen? What happens if you do not do it?


Ekaterina Serova

it is better not to do it at all, otherwise you will always have to pierce ..

Anyutka Protsak

Yes, it is better not to make a puncture, you need to try to cure it with such methods, but now you will always make a puncture

Marina Tishunina

The first two answers-the myth, the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses have natural openings, if the sinus infection is serous (not purulent), then the inflammatory separable easily with conservative treatment leaves the sinus, with the condition that a natural hole of normal size, there is an anatomical feature, when this hole is narrow by nature, then inflammatory exudate should be withdrawn by means of sinus puncture, with purulent sinus inflammation it is often required so called a puncture, purulent discharge thick and can not leave the sinus independently, if this is not done, the acute maxillary sinusitis often passes into chronic. The procedure is not pleasant, but painful it is not called.

Max Snow

If the doctor recommends, then you need to do this. It does not hurt at all. a little uncomfortable when they start rinsing and the liquid comes out through the nose. Make a local frost.

Ekaterina Petrova

the doctor recommends that you do this.

Is it painful to remove the tonsils and puncture the sinusitis? a?



Glands now no one removes, this is nonsense. They are needed if there is no serious damage. And not complicated sinusitis (even with the transition to pansinusitis), it is completely treated with washes (with antibiotics similar to bioparox)

Mom Choli

for the last 100 years there is no statistically reliable data on death from pain shock when removing glands and puncturing the maxillary sinusitis of at least one person ...


a puncture of a genyantritis does not give a guarantee, that then all will not begin again. dad pierced, but to sense, again and goes with a runny nose.. .
And glands delete, anything similar. they say to someone unpleasant, someone hurts. from the doctor depends

Cat Jones

with anesthesia - tolerant

Dmitry Sokolov

Judging by the way you ask that of course bolnooooo... yr

Masha the Beetle

my opinion is - to me personally, the glands in children were pretty painful to remove

and from punctures at a genyantritis I have refused, tk people speak what is it even more painfully and more terribly than to delete tonsils


about tonsils I do not know, haha ​​did not try)
about the puncture. depends on the doctor. if she does a competent anesthesia, then it does not hurt at all. a little unpleasant. I was helped by a puncture - already a year without relapses. the main thing is to have a rhinitis


Pro glands
I was deleted for 7 years, I remember when they removed it with a large syringe, they pricked it directly into the gland and cut it out, it's sick, but tolerable
but after... I could not eat or drink for a week, it hurt a lot
then another thrombus came off, the bloody thing is this whole thing
If you give the doctor a decent amount, everything will be fine, they will make the most painless
If for no reason, it will be very bad. I was with a girl who had tonsils removed, but she paid nothing to anyone.
She was going crazy. She tore blood and roared, and she was very hurt. She began to bleed heavily, drove several times then to the operating room (I do not know what they were doing)

About a genyantritis
I had a very neglected stage and pierced without an analgesic
Unpleasant, but not painful
Then pierced with anesthetic-also. Not painful, but not nice
Of course it depends on the doctor! All people love money, money stimulates a person
Give the doctor money, he will be afraid of you

Tell or say pozhalusta painfully do or make punctures at a genyantritis?


Vasily Kolomiets

Do not make a puncture.
First try to flush the Cuckoo method. It's not very pleasant, but if you keep yourself in hand, and understand how it works, everything will go smoothly. The point is that a special solution is poured into one nostril, which comes out of the other under pressure. In this case, the patient must either pronounce the sounds "Ku-ku" thus closing the nasopharynx with the tongue, or he simply closes the nasopharynx, pressing the root of the tongue upwards.
Health to you! Get right!


not painful, there cartilage, but och. unpleasantly


Painfully. And yet - there is a probability of return, so the daughter of one friend was ...


First sprinkle in the nose anesthetic spray and only then make a puncture. It does not hurt. Literally within 1-2 hours the puncture site overgrew.

Angelica Seppenen

It does not hurt, it's not pleasant, it crunches.
And did you take antibiotics? Does not help?

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