Drops for eyes Artelak: instructions for use

Comfort of the eyes is very important, because it is through them that we get more than ninety percent of information about the world around us. It is provided by the lacrimal film, which performs a protective function.

The film itself consists of a lipid, watery and mucinic layer. Normally, they are in a state of dynamic equilibrium, and the film is updated. But recently there has been a tendency to thinning the tear film in many people because of prolonged work at the computer or other strong visual loads. This is manifested by such symptoms as burning, dryness, redness, fatigue and irritation, "sand in the eyes." In this case, dry eye syndrome is often diagnosed.

Currently, there are many drugs to relieve the condition with dry eye syndrome. One of the often recommended medications for doctors is Artelak.

In this article we will look at the peculiarities of the eye drops of Artelak, tell about the indications and contraindications in their application, as well as about possible side effects and much more.

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  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Artelak - these are eye drops, the action of which is aimed at moistening the eyes. This solution has the properties of natural tears. It lubricates, softens the epithelium of the cornea, which provides protection from the negative effects of external factors.

Drops of Artelak can be used in the complex therapy of many eye diseases that occur with insufficient production of tear fluid.

Composition of the preparation:

  • The main active substance: hypromellose (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose).
  • Auxiliary components: disodium edetate, cetrimide, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sorbitol, water.

There are no preservatives in the composition. The main component of eye drops is contained in a person's tear, so this drug provides a moisturizing, soothing and firming effect. Using Artelak eliminates the use of soft contact lenses. Those who wear hard contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them before applying the drug and wear them again only after fifteen to thirty minutes.

It must be remembered that these eye drops are not suitable for long-term use.The use of eye drops with dry eye syndrome is a symptomatic treatment and does not relieve the underlying disease.Artelak should be stored in a dark place at room temperature. Until the opening, the shelf life is two years.After opening, the drug should be used in six weeks.Do not use drops if the vial is damaged or if the exact date of opening the vial is unknown.

There are analogues: Systemin-Ultra, Katinorm, Okulokhel, Hilo-Chest.

Pharmacological action and group

Artelak is a moisturizing ophthalmic product intended for topical use. It lubricates and softens the mucous eye, protects the epithelium of the cornea. Due to the high viscosity of the droplets, the duration of their contact with the cornea is ensured.

The composition of the drops includes hypromelose, which is partially hydroxypropylated and methylated cellulose.
Normally, the cornea is sufficiently moist, thanks to the mucin entering into the tear film.This substance forms a hydrophilic surface, absorbed in the cornea.

In the presence of dry eye syndrome and with a deficiency in mucin production, dryness of the cornea occurs, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: itching, sensation of sand in the eyes, irritation and hyperemia.

Gipromeloza, which is a part of the drops of Artelak, moisturizes the cornea due to its ability adsorb the fluid and reduce its surface tension, thereby increasing the density of lacrimal liquid.With the use of this drug, evaporation of the liquid from the surface of the eye decreases, and the symptoms of dryness of the cornea decrease.

The use of the drug Artelak improves the state of the cornea within three to five days from the start of use, a marked improvement or complete cure usually occurs in two to three weeks.

Indications and contraindications in use

Artelac is prescribed to reduce the severity of symptoms of dry eyes (irritation, itching, a sensation of sand and pain in the eyes).
This drug is recommended for dry eye, which is caused by mucine production and tear production in various diseases, as well as incomplete closure of the eyelids.In addition, the drops are suitable for additional moisturizing of the cornea when wearing hard contact lenses.

Scheme of application of drops of Artelak a doctor is selected by an ophthalmologist individually for each patient. Basically, Artelak needs to drip into the conjunctival sac one drop a few times a day. After instillation, you need to move your eyes to maximize the distribution of the solution.

It must be remembered that before using this drug, you need to remove soft contact lenses. You can put them back in fifteen to thirty minutes.This drug is contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to the drug components. It is not recommended for children.After instilling drops, you should refrain from driving the car until you restore clear vision.


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Eye drops Bestoxol - how to properly take and when this drug is prescribed is discussed in this article.

Ciprofloxacin drops: instructions for use http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-dlya-glaz-ciprofloksacin.html


It must be remembered that the drug can not be used simultaneously with ophthalmic agents, including metal salts.

In pregnancy

Eye drops Artelak do not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and child development.This drug does not penetrate into breast milk, so it can be used by women even during lactation (breastfeeding).

To small children

Artelak can not be used for instillation in the eyes of young children, since there is not enough The number of clinical data that would confirm the use of the drug in this age group.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Complications after the application of eye drops Artelak are very rare.But we should not rule out the appearance of such unpleasant sensations as burning, lacrimation, the feeling of a foreign body, itching, burning and pain in the eyes.

Immediately after instillation of drops, a brief blurring of vision is possible.

In case of an overdose, this drug does not require special therapy. If after instillation of a large amount of solution marked development of pronounced side effects, then the eyes should be clean water and, if necessary, consult a specialist.


Indementacin: eye drops

Dexa-Gentamicin ointment ophthalmic - the features of the application are described in this article.

Eye Drops Dexamethasone http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kogda-ispolzuyutsya-glaznye-kapli-deksametazon.html




The action of Artelak is aimed at moisturizing the eyes. Drops have the properties of natural tear fluid, so they are prescribed for the treatment of many eye diseases, accompanied by a deficiency in the production of natural tears.

The effect of the use of drops is visible within three to five days after the start of use.

This instruction to drops for the eyes of Artelak is simplified, so before using this medication the drug should be consulted with a doctor and familiarized with the approved manufacturer instructions.

Remember that the use of eye drops with dry eyes is symptomatic treatment and does not eliminate the underlying disease.