Eating with stomach ulcer

Contents of
  • Features of nutrition for the noodles
  • What you can not eat
  • What dishes and products can you eat
  • Features of composition and indications for the purpose of table options №1
  • How to eat after the operation?
  • How to create a menu yourself?
  • Video on topic

Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease that affects the superficial layers of the mucous membrane and passes to the muscle. The disease begins with inflammation( gastritis), goes through an erosion stage, often combined with inflammation( duodenitis) or duodenal ulcer.

Medicine uses the term "peptic ulcer disease", which implies all combinations and disorders of the functions of the initial part of the gastrointestinal tract( GIT).In the treatment of a significant role played by diet with gastric ulcer. With the right combination of dietary options with the regimen and medicines, it is possible to achieve scarring of ulcers, to prevent complications and seasonal exacerbations.

Features of nutrition for peanuts

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With food, a person receives the basic ingredients, from which the body subsequently builds and renews cells, synthesizes hormones and the most important biological substances, energy for life. In the stomach food is crushed, partially absorbed into the blood, processed by gastric juice, moves to the exit into the intestine. Whichever function of the body is not considered, it is provided only on condition of its integrity and full-fledged work.

Nutrition in gastric ulcer, on the one hand, should not reduce the supply of essential amino acids, trace elements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, on the other - to ensure maximum shaking of the ulcerous surface, to enable the recovery of the epithelial cover in the affected area.

To do this, dietary nutrition requires compliance with the rules:

  • the patient must eat with gastric ulcer often( 6-8 times), but in half, do not allow prolonged interruptions, fasting or overeating;
  • , since most of the acidity is increased, it is necessary to exclude from the products all those with a sodic stimulating effect( cabbage, mushrooms, spinach, radish and turnip, spicy seasonings), and also having acid reaction( sour and salted vegetables, kefir), it is necessary to eat alkaline products forbinding of an unnecessary acid( all dishes based on milk);
  • for protection from mechanical irritation, there are 2 options: dishes are rubbed to the consistency of liquid gruel;Crushing is used, but not wiping;
  • is not allowed to receive hot or too cold( frozen dishes), the optimum temperature should approach 38 degrees;
  • limits the salt content to 10 g per day;
  • all dishes are cooked in a boiled form or steamed, categorically prohibited roasting, smoking, quenching in soups, baking in the oven is allowed, but patients should not eat hard crusts;
  • despite the restrictions, the list of products for the day menu should provide the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, a strict selection and knowledge of the composition allows meeting the requirements.

All the features of the diet for patients with peptic ulcer take into account table number 1.In the classification of diets, it is intended for peptic ulcer disease, it has variants 1a, 1b, which are shown in acute stage and are calculated on days before complete cessation of abdominal pain in patients, restoration of GIT function.

It is allowed with decaying exacerbation of the ulcer, but you should choose a drink 1-2.5% fat with a production date not earlier than yesterday.

What can not be eaten?

In connection with the mismatch of the basic nutritional requirements for peptic ulcer, it is prohibited:

What can I eat with heartburn?
  • rich meat, fish broth;
  • mushroom soup, cabbage soup with cabbage, beets, okroshka;
  • fried fish and meat;
  • animal fat, lard;
  • fatty goose meat, ducks, offal;
  • dishes from untreated, raw vegetables;
  • snacks with spicy seasonings, pickles;
  • canned foods;
  • sausage products;
  • porridge of millet, barley and barley cereals, legumes;
  • buns, cakes, puff pastry cookies;
  • black rye bread;
  • ice cream and cold drinks;
  • alcohol, kvass, carbonated water.

What foods and foods can be eaten?

When making the menu, the condition is taken into consideration that products with gastric ulcer, as much as possible meet the requirements of the diet, fit the composition and properties, are well digested, do not require additional effort from the stomach and intestines. We will list the recommended products for the menu and the possible dishes from them.

Bakery products are recommended only from wheat flour, in dried form, without crusts. The first dishes can be prepared on the basis of low-fat meat broth, vegetable broth. Add grated cereals, egg, sour cream. Dairy soups, vegetable, mucous soups-mashed potatoes are allowed. For filling, butter is used.

Meat and poultry products of low-fat kinds are allowed boiled meat products in the form of meatballs, meatballs, steamed chops, casseroles, soufflé

Fish are also twisted, cooked steamed or boiled, the doctor decides when the patient can allow lump dishes. Porridges must be prepared on water, diluted with milk to maximize the boiling state, wiped. Groats of manna, oat, rice, buckwheat are allowed.

Vegetables( carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkins) are made with puree soups, vegetarian soups, puddings with grits, cooked on water or steamed, are used in the form of souffle, mashed potatoes, puddings. Dairy products are very valuable for patients with peptic ulcer.

Fresh milk contains enough proteins, vitamins, fats, has alkaline effect. Therefore, cream is recommended, one-day kefir, non-acid curd. If patients are concerned about rumbling and bloating, dieticians advise still not to abandon milk dishes, and try to take milk in a warm form, drink it in small sips, add to tea.

Slow reception of milk through a cocktail tube helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms

For snacks are suitable: salads prepared from boiled vegetables, jellied fish without seasonings, boiled sausage( milk, diet).Eggs can boil soft( no more than two per day), make steam omelettes. Sweets must be eaten in the form of compotes of non-acid berries and fruits, baked apples, jellies from sweet berries, jelly. You can add sugar, some honey.

In drinking it is recommended, in addition to broths of herbs and loose tea, to include fresh juices from sweet berries and fruits. Fats are added in the form of creamy and refined vegetable oil in ready meals. To address the question of what can be eaten with a stomach ulcer specific patient, you need to take into account the stage of the disease, the duration of the exacerbation, concomitant disorders of the digestive system.

Features of the composition and indications for prescribing table variants №1

Proper nutrition in peptic ulcer of the stomach should correspond to the severity of the patient's condition, allow the gradual recovery of the full load on the stomach, and contribute to adaptation to new products. Therefore, the diet provides for a phased expansion through the use of options for table number 1.

Table number 1a - recommended at the beginning of treatment( in the first 10 days).Usually the patient is in the hospital at that time, so he is distracted from domestic temptations. The composition of foods and dishes provides for maximum gastric isolation, minimal impact of food chemicals on the area of ​​the ulcer.

Only liquid porridges on water or milk are allowed, rubbed and boiled to mucus( forbidden foods with buckwheat at this stage include buckwheat), milk soups, steamed soufflé meat. Not every day in the menu includes one egg soft-boiled or in a steam omelette.

Drinking milk, jelly from oats, sweet berries, broth of wild rose. The daily volume of food is not more than 2.5 kg, caloric content is reduced to 2000-2200 kcal. The variant allows to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to 200 g( half the norm), proteins to 80 g. Salt is excluded.

Table No. 1b - appointed 7-10 days after the start of treatment, after diet 1a. To the liquid and mucous dishes are added vegetables in the form of puree, meat and fish steamed meatballs, meatballs. Buckwheat porridge is allowed. In rice, oat milk porridge add sugar or a teaspoon of honey. Creamy butter is filled with ready-made meals. Not shown pasta.

As a part of the diet, the amount of carbohydrates is brought to normal( 400 g), the protein rises to 100 g. The volume of food per day increases to 2.5-3 kg, and the energy intensity is 3000 kcal.

Table No. 1- provides the final version of the device. How long the recommended patient will be recommended is determined by the doctor based on the dynamics of health indicators. All dietary requirements are met. Remain rubbed dishes, scrolls from meat and fish. Casseroles, milk vermicelli or noodles, wiped fresh vegetables and apples are limited.

To drink, in addition to jelly, daily kefir is added. The total volume of food is brought up to 3-3.5 kg, energy intensity up to 3200 kcal. In the daily composition, carbohydrates can be increased to 450 g, the protein remains within 100 g, fats increase to 100-110 g. 10 g of salt are allowed.

Even when a persistent remission is achieved in the diet of a patient with peptic ulcer there should not be:

  • tomatoes;
  • unprocessed onions and garlic;
  • sharp seasonings;
  • strong tea and coffee, drinks from cranberries.

It is better to refrain from citrus, soups with sorrel.

How to eat after the surgery?

When the ulcerative process, perforation of the ulcers in the abdominal cavity with the development of peritonitis, suspicion of malignancy( degeneration into a cancerous tumor), doctors offer surgical treatment. It consists in a greater or lesser amount of removal of the stomach( resection) and the connection of the remaining stump with the intestine.

It is clear that after the operation the stomach can no longer perform the functions of a healthy organ. The food will not be quickly digested enough to enter the small intestine. One of the expected complications is dumping syndrome. To help prevent it, you must follow a diet.

The maximum preservation of functioning tissues with a large curvature ulcer provides a longitudinal version of gastric resection

Features of the diet after gastrectomy to the already listed requirements add:

  • restriction of products with "light" carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed( sweets, adding sugar and honey to tea, milk porridge);
  • decrease in the volume of one-time food intake, so as not to overload the rest of the stomach: at a time you can drink no more than 200 ml of kefir or compote, drinks after other dishes can not drink immediately, you need to wait 30 to 60 minutes;
  • is most serious about diet compliance in the first 2-3 months after surgery, this period is needed by the digestive system to adapt to new conditions.

Diets for diet plan for the first day - lack of food, limited drinking. From the second day of appointment in accordance with dietary table number 1a. Kissel and cereals without added sugar. From the tenth day, the transition to a diet number 1b with a restriction of carbohydrates, then table number 1.The rubbed food is stored in the menu for the first 2-3 months. Then it is possible to switch to the "unswept" version.

After 3-4 months of postoperative period, the patient is allowed to go to the diet table number 5 and fulfill his requirements for the rest of his life. It provides for a wider range of products than table number 1 due to vegetables and fruits, salads, pasta, cereals. But there are requirements for culinary processing, restriction of animal fats, a ban on salty foods, condiments, technology of roasting.

Vegetables for the first dish are first boiled, then ground or crushed in a blender and returned to the soup

. How to make a menu yourself?

We present the menu for stomach ulcers for a week in accordance with the instructions of table number 1 with six meals a day. Independently, you can vary the diet by choosing the most suitable dish for each day. Recommendations for a breakfast at 8.00:

  • One egg, boiled soft-boiled, oatmeal porridge, light green tea with sugar.
  • Fresh cottage cheese( 150 g), dressed with teaspoonful sour cream, you can add sugar, sweet drink from chicory, dried white bread and butter.
  • Omelet made from two eggs, steamed, rice porridge. Green tea with sugar.
  • Porridge from cereals "Hercules" in diluted milk, loose tea with a sandwich of dry white bread, smeared with honey.
  • Boiled buckwheat on water with a teaspoon of oil, tea with milk.
  • Puree from cottage cheese and a banana, dressed with cream, tea with chamomile and honey.
  • Mashed potatoes with the addition of boiled carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil, green tea with milk.

Options for a snack at 11.00:

  • Cottage cheese slices with fresh berries.
  • Apple baked in the oven.
  • Tea with honey and white dried bread.
  • Banana puree. Oatmeal with sugar.
  • Berry jelly.
  • Steamed oat flakes with raisins.

The lunch menu at 14.00.For the first course:

  • Chicken broth with croutons. Milk soup with vermicelli. Vegetable soup with potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini.
  • Mucous barley soup filled with egg. Soup from sea fish with mashed oatmeal. Soup puree from buckwheat with carrots.
  • Meat broth with potatoes and carrots in a grated kind.

On the second:

  • Meatballs with vermicelli. Rice-wheat porridge from pumpkin in diluted milk with honey.
  • Puree from potatoes and zucchini, fish meatballs. Rice semi-liquid porridge with steam cutlets. Liquid mashed potatoes, chicken breast. Boiled cod fillet with mashed buckwheat.
  • Milk sausages with boiled rice, grated with boiled carrots.

Suitable for compote dried fruits, raisins, prunes. Recommended kisel from raspberries, tea with melissa, chamomile, broth of wild rose.

In hospitals and sanatoriums, the number of necessary useful ingredients is calculated by the dieter or by a doctor, a nutritionist

. Options for a snack at 17.00:

  • Dry biscuits with tea.
  • Baked apple.
  • Milk with dried toast.
  • Juice made from sweet berries.
  • Banana. Sweet chicory drink with gelatin.
  • Mousse made of non-acid berries or fruits.

Menu for dinner 19.00:

  • Puree from potatoes and carrots, fish meatballs. Cottage cheese casserole with honey, soft boiled egg.
  • Liquid milk vermicelli with sugar.
  • Pasta with cottage cheese. Fish stewed with carrots and potatoes. Rice boiled rice with fish steamed meatballs.
  • Bleached buckwheat porridge with milk, chicken zrazy.
Before going to bed with peptic ulcer, you can drink a glass of warm milk or one-day kefir.

During the treatment period, we advise you in advance to consult about home preparation and processing technology. Observance of the basic principles makes it possible to accelerate recovery, avoid the autumn-spring exacerbation.