Lumbago: symptoms and treatment of the disease at home

Lumbago is more likely to occur suddenly with little physical effort or an awkward inclination. Acute pain forces a person to stop in a forced position, in which the pain is less pronounced.

Additional manifestations confirming lumbago - puffiness and muscle tension in the affected area, numbness in the lower limbs. More common in men( 30 years of age and older), women are less likely.

Article Content:
  • Possible Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • General Recommendations of
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

Possible causes

The appearance of lumbago can be associated with spinal pathologies( osteochondrosis). The main reasons are:

  • overvoltage of the waist region;
  • supercooling;
  • hernia of the spine;
  • displacement of vertebrae;
  • injury;
  • congenital vertebrae anomalies;

To provoke the appearance of lumbago can tumors, rheumatism, some infectious diseases.

Characteristic symptoms of

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The disease is characterized by:

  • appearance in the back of sharp pain( pulsating, tearing, shooting), the intensity of which gradually builds up, amplifies with any movement, can give to the thigh or buttock;
  • after the onset of pain a person stops in a pose, which at that time is comfortable( although the movements are accompanied by pain, the ability to move remains);
  • is reflexively due to pain, a spasm of the muscles of the waist is observed, sometimes muscles of the thigh, buttocks are strained.

General recommendations of

The patient is recommended to observe peace( lying on his back, legs bent at the knee and hip joints are on the roll of the folded blanket).The surface of the bed should be flat to relieve tension from the muscles of the back and reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome.

When using medicines prescribe:

  • analgesics( Aspirin) and antispasmodics;
  • vitamins of group B( for improvement of metabolic processes in nerve fibers);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Ibuprofen, Nurofen) for analgesia and reducing inflammation.

Simultaneously prescribe ointments that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and irritating effects. For greater effect apply reflexotherapy and diet, preventing fluid retention in the body.

Symptoms of schizophrenia and treatment at home in adults and children.

You can read about the causes and treatment of scoliosis in this article.

How to treat folk remedies?

In the treatment of lumbago at home, traditional medicine methods are used. These are the drugs used inside and outside:

Components Dosage Method of application
Grass of sweet clover, field horsetail, marigold flowers, plantain leaf In equal parts Mix herbs( 2 tbsp.) With boiling water( 1/2 l) in a thermos from the evening. Drink half a month daily for 1/3 stack.x 3 times.
Birch buds, dandelion root, peppermint, poplar buds In equal parts Raw materials to grind, 3 tbsp.l.pour boiling water( 100 ml), boil for 30 minutes, add butter unsalted( 75 g) or pork internal fat to hot broth. Stir until it cools. Rub the affected areas 6 times a day, wrapping something warm.
Dough from rye flour
5 g Lubricate the lower back with turpentine and apply a flat cake of dough to the affected area. Top cover with an oilcloth, put a layer of cotton wool and leave for an hour. Repeat 3 days.
Cabbage leaf 1 Scald the leaf with boiling water, apply to a sore spot.
Oak bark
Aspen bark
Birch bark
50 g
100 g
100 g
Finely chop the bark, pour boiling water( 1 l), simmer for 30 minutes.on low heat. Cool, strain, drink ½ cup.х 4 р.Daily.
Aloe leaf
½ kg
½ kg
½ l
Add honey and Cahors to the aloe through the meat grinder, insist for a week, take 1 tsp every day.x 3 times.
Radish black 1 pc. Grated radish is applied to a napkin and applied to a sore spot, covered with parchment paper from above and warmly wrapped. Hold while you can suffer burning.
Birch leaves fresh Attach to the affected area, cover with oilcloth on top and heat wrap, Leave for an hour, repeat 3 times a day.

Traditional methods of treatment are safe, medicinal plants contain substances that are able to normalize the metabolic processes at a complex action, are effective in the treatment of lumbago.

What is not recommended?

Do not perform sudden movements. In the treatment of lumbago, thermal procedures can not be applied:

  • bath or sauna;
  • hot water bottle;
  • mustard plasters;
  • warm bath;

Warming causes vasodilation, increased swelling and leads to even more compression of the nerve roots, causing the pain intensity to increase.

In the acute period it is forbidden:

  • to hang on the crossbar or the bar( the condition will only worsen when the hernia is caused by the disease);
  • do massage ( it promotes the formation of edema in the spasms due to increased circulation);
  • warming ointments ( they reduce pain, but increase the flow of blood to the nerve that is trapped).

Possible causes of apnea and treatment at home.

Is it possible to cure keratoma with the help of folk remedies? Read in this article.

How can I help my baby with colic? Folk methods - http: // narodnye-sredstva /zhkt/ koliki-u-novorozhdennyh.html

Prevention measures

The main enemy for the spine is a sedentary lifestyle. The prevention of lumbago should be started in 30-40 years. Simple rules help to maintain the spine in a healthy state:

  • position on the side during sleep promotes unloading of the spine;
  • the height of the cushion should be equal to the width of the shoulder;
  • it is recommended to have an anatomical back of the working chair( to reduce the load on the spine, prevent the recurrence of lumbago);
  • seat in the car should be comfortable, for long trips you should use a massage cape( to relieve muscle tension);
  • when lifting weights it is necessary to bend the legs in the lap and straighten the back, wear the weights to be evenly distributed on each hand;
  • it is necessary to avoid hypothermia.

After the treatment the circulation improves, the intervertebral space increases, the load on the spine decreases. With a restorative course appoint physioprocedures, hydromassage, acupuncture.