Botulism in the jam

Contents of
  • What is botulism?
  • Can botulism be in jam
  • How Botulotoxin gets in jam or jam
  • Symptomatic of disease
  • First aid after consuming an infected jam
  • Botulism prevention
  • Related videos

Botulism is an acute infectious disease that is accompanied by a botulotoxin damage to the nervous system. Many have heard of this dangerous disease and know that it occurs among canned home-cooked products: vegetables, mushrooms, meat and fish dishes.

But is botulism a question of jam, tormenting many sweethearts? It is worthwhile to understand in detail and understand what this infection can be, where it lives and how to protect yourself from infection.

What is botulism?

Many have heard of this disease, but few people understand what it is. Botulism is a dangerous disease caused by the ingress of Clostridium botulinum into the body and the release of toxins. In the world, seven varieties of this infection are known, but only 3 strains are capable of causing a serious disease: A, B and E.

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Clostridia spores are found in the soil and when formed into the airless medium they form vegetative forms that produce poison. When exposed to a high temperature( about 100 degrees) for 20 minutes, toxins and vegetative forms die safely, which can not be said about disputes.

Even with prolonged boiling for more than 5 hours, spores can not be destroyed. This can be achieved if the boiling point is at least 120 degrees, and the time required from 30 minutes. At home, it is impossible to achieve such a temperature regime.

Can there be botulism in jam

Many housewives, who preserve stocks for the winter, are wondering if botulism is a jam. Unfortunately, it is possible to give an answer that will not please any person. In the event that berries, fruits and other fruits harvested from the ground are disputed by Clostridium botulinum and have been poorly washed, there is a high probability that jam or jam will be deadly for eating.

Remember! Botulism is not found among canned products of factory origin.

But it's worth noting one feature. If a can of jam is rolled with a tin lid, anaerobic conditions are created inside the jar, in which the spores turn into vegetative forms that produce botulinum toxins.

But if containers with canned food were covered with capron lids, then botulism can not be infected, since under normal conditions, spores do not pose any danger to humans.

The causative agent is quite stable in the external environment

As botulotoxin falls into jam or jam

There is botulism not only in pickles, but also found in sweet foods. But how do spores get inside the jar? In fact, it's all about the conditions in which clostridium lives, that is, the purity of the products and containers used. In other words, the infection lives in the soil. It is possible to get to the table if the berries are cleaned from contamination or the cans are washed.

If the lid on the jar is swollen - this will indicate a poor quality of food. Unfortunately, poisonous products do not manifest themselves in any way: jam does not change taste, color or smell. If there are doubts, can there be botulism in this or that jam jar, then you can boil it for 20 minutes, because the poison is completely neutralized.

Symptoms of the disease

The first manifestations of the disease are nonspecific and may resemble a food poisoning clinic. The following symptoms start to be painful:

  • severe abdominal pain localized in the navel;
  • diarrhea( the number of times does not exceed 10 per 24 hours);
  • multiple vomiting;
  • headache, fatigue malaise;
  • increase in body temperature to 40 degrees.

After 10-12 hours the body temperature drops to normal. Diarrhea is replaced by a persistent constipation. Do not think that everything is good. It is urgent to see a doctor.

After a while, following gastrointestinal symptoms, neurological manifestations of

The most common of these are:

The first signs of botulism in a person
  • double vision, fog, the inability to view small figures, read anything;
  • omission of one or two eyelids, dilated pupils, strabismus, involuntary oscillatory movements of the eyes, insufficient convergence;
  • in patients marked by severe weakness, apathetic condition, dizziness, there is no facial expression( amemia);
  • occurs paralysis of the occipital muscles and the back muscles of the neck, under which the head always tilts back. To keep her in the right position, the sick help themselves with their hands;
  • relaxation of the intercostal muscles causes a breathing disorder in which it becomes superficial.

There are other symptoms of the pathology: dry skin and mucous membranes, the tongue gets a bright pink color. There is a change in the voice, a foreign object appears in the throat.

First aid after consuming contaminated jam

When the first symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance. Before the brigade arrives, it is necessary to perform a number of activities aimed at reducing the level of toxin in the body.

  • Rinsing the stomach at home is not difficult. To do this, drink at least 2 liters of clean water and induce vomiting by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue. Do not throw away vomit, they should be taken to the laboratory for analysis. The washing procedure is performed until the patient breaks clean water. Rinsing of the stomach in a patient who is unconscious is strictly prohibited!
  • Absorbent substances are taken after the stomach is washed. The most common sorbents are activated carbon, white coal, Enterosgel, Enterodez.
  • Conduction of mechanical ventilation and indirect heart massage under the condition of paralysis of the muscles of the respiratory system.

Do not perform the following actions:

  • take pain medication;
  • applying a warm water bottle to the stomach;
  • use carbonated drinks and sweet water;
  • induce vomiting in children less than 5 years old.

Unfortunately, very often people who get sick with botulism die. The outcome of the disease directly depends on what measures will be taken before the arrival of an ambulance and after hospitalization.

The first symptoms of the disease require immediate intervention of qualified medical personnel

Botulism prevention

To protect yourself and loved ones from possible infection with botulism, you must follow simple rules:

  • thoroughly wash all products before beginning their conservation;
  • it is necessary to observe the conservation rules: before use, cans and lids should also be well washed and sterilized;
  • use only proven recipes for preparing meals for the winter;
  • because of the inability to create the necessary temperature conditions at home, it is best to refrain from making home canning, in particular meat, mushrooms, vegetables;
  • is by no means recommended to purchase canned food from the hands. It is also recommended to pay attention to the expiry date and conditions for storage of goods of factory production;
  • cans whose lids are swollen must be destroyed. They are not intended for subsequent use in conservation;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, when it is elementary to wash hands before eating.

These measures will not help 100% protect against botulism, but help to reduce the risk of contracting a deadly disease to a minimum.