Applicator Kuznetsova: what is it and how to use it

Applicator Kuznetsova - an unconventional tool that has a reflexotherapeutic effect on the body.

This invention has a fairly simple design: a flexible surface with a large number of spines capable of curing many diseases.

Applicator Kuznetsova helps with ailments in the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, and also musculoskeletal systems of the body.


  • 1Functions of the applicator Kuznetsov
  • 2History of creation
  • 3At what diseases prescribe the treatment with an applicator
  • 4How to use it correctly
  • 5Contraindications
  • 6Varieties
  • 7Positive and negative sides

Functions of the applicator Kuznetsov

It has been scientifically proven that the applicator is capable of:

  1. To relieve muscle pain.
  2. Normalize mobility in osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  3. Improve sleep.
  4. To suppress the pain of the back caused by the osteochondrosis of the spine.
  5. Restore working capacity after heavy physical exertion.
  6. Increase the elasticity of the skin.
  7. Improve microcirculatory and venous blood flow.
  8. To counteract the negative effects of stress.
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History of creation

This device has an interesting history of creation. Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov is the inventor of the miracle apparatus. He lived and worked as a music teacher in the capital of the Southern Urals - Chelyabinsk. Once in the fight against cockroaches, Ivan Ivanovich poisoned himself with a highly toxic remedy. After that, the doctors announced that Kuznetsov had no hope of recovery. This prompted Ivan Ivanovich to start studying Chinese medicine and get carried away with acupuncture.

Until the moment when the "Applicator Kuznetsov" was recognized as a truly effective tool that could save many ailments, the Chelyabinsk inventor went through a long thorny path. He achieved that the device became available to all Soviet people. This means people use to this day.

At what diseases prescribe the treatment with an applicator

The range of diseases in which this device is used is quite wide. Many diseases have nothing in common, but the technique of using this unconventional means is the same, that for the treatment of osteoarthrosis, that for weight loss.

The main rule of use: apply to a problem site.

The applicator will help:

  • get rid of headaches;
  • from pain in the joints;
  • eliminate erectile dysfunction;
  • to cope with insomnia;
  • get rid of flat feet;
  • eliminate pain in the thoracic, cervical spine or lower back;
  • to cope with vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • relax;
  • increase tone;
  • reduce meteorological dependence;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • to make prevention of ARI;
  • to alleviate menopausal syndrome;
  • reduce some areas with fat deposits;
  • develop small motor skills in children.
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How to use it correctly

In the official instructions for use, Kuznetsov's applicator is referred to as an acupuncture treatment-and-prophylactic massager.

To conduct a massage in this unconventional way, you need to create a cozy atmosphere for yourself. The procedure is in a sitting or lying position.

How to use this device, for sure, there are no special questions. However, you need to familiarize yourself with therules:

  1. First, you need to understand what kind of disease you want to cure, based on this, to determine the location to which the device will locally impact.
  2. To enhance the effect of the applicator Kuznetsova under it, you can put something soft, like pads or yourself to make soft rollers of towels. This will increase the contact between the applicator and the surface of the body.
  3. From the sitting position, the device is applied to the necessary area, then the patient, pressing the device, takes a comfortable lying position. Under the pressure of their own body mass, massage is performed.
  4. Miracle means can be used while driving. To do this, it is fixed with straps or a bandage. In the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made applicator with fixing clasps.
  5. Children are recommended to use mats with a close distance between the needles mm, this will reduce soreness, but the older the person becomes, the greater the distance between the spikes. It can reach up to 7 mm.
  6. The procedure is performed half an hour before meals or 2 hours after eating.
  7. The urinary bladder and intestine should be emptied.
  8. Use this unit from 5 minutes to half an hour. It all depends on your disease. To eliminate fatigue last 10 minutes, and to relieve pain, you can extend the procedure to 30 minutes. The body will tell you about the effectiveness, when the body will have a pleasant warmth.
  9. Treatment procedure is carried out by courses. The average duration is 2 weeks, with several approaches a day. After the end of treatment, you should definitely take a break, also about 2 weeks. It is important to follow this instruction and not abuse it.
  10. The tolerability of this non-drug product in all people is individual. First time a person needs to understand what response the body gives. Someone experiences a rush of strength and vigor, while others, on the contrary, can get tired and fall asleep. This will help determine the time of day for using the applicator. If you become more cheerful, use this remedy in the morning, if you fall asleep, respectively, better perform the procedure before going to bed.
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Despite the fact that this is not a drug, there are a number of limitations to its use.

Applicator Kuznetsova can not be used when:

  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • heart failure;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin disease;
  • presence of warts and moles at the site of application;
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • myocardial infarction.
It is important to observe the rule of personal use, as with acupuncture massage on the skin can be formed barely noticeable bruising. If one person uses the Kuznetsov applicator, then the device should not be disinfected. In another case, the applicator is treated with hydrogen peroxide or any other disinfectant.


All applicators have the same effect regardless of differences in appearance of the product. These devices for healing differ in shape, nature of impact and size.

In form, it can be belts, cushions, rugs and insoles.

The universal size is 12x47 cm, but there are other sizes: 1, x23 cm, as well as 5x18cm and 6x18 cm. For comfortable wearing with a mini-mat 3x8cm is created, it is also called "First Aid".

Correct pick up your device will help color:

  1. For people with sensitive skin, a green applicator with blunt spines was created.
  2. The blue applicator spikers are sharper, they are designed for people with moderate skin sensitivity.
  3. The mat has a yellow color on the spikes are magnets, due to which the effect of acupuncture massage is enhanced.
  4. But for yoga, an orange mat is suitable.

Positive and negative sides


  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • efficiency;
  • compactness;
  • security.


  • It is inadmissible to use for a number of diseases;
  • sometimes the procedure is painful.

The effectiveness of treatment with an applicator Kuznetsova scientifically proven. But, if you have any ailments that discomfort you and prevent you from enjoying life, it is important to understand that this remedy is not a panacea for all diseases. In such cases, it serves only as an adjunct to the main treatment that the doctor should prescribe.

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