Catarrhal otitis in the child

How to treat catarrhal otitis in children

Catarrhal otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. Very often he is exposed to children, because they have a short and wide ear tube - bacteria get into it more easily and infections develop faster. Basically, catarrhal otitis develops against the background of catarrhal or viral diseases, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes, the presence of discharge from the nose, an increase in tonsils and adenoids.

The child has an earache

Symptoms of catarrhal (middle) otitis can be easily recognized - the child can be capricious, his temperature rises, he starts fiddling with a sick ear or applying a palm to it, when you touch the ear canal, feels pain and begins cry.

If you understand that the child has an earache, then go to the doctor as soon as possible, since the otitis should be treated only under the supervision of Laura. With proper treatment there are no complications, the inflammation goes away, the tympanic membrane is quickly restored. Incorrect treatment can lead to the development of purulent otitis, a decrease in hearing, the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Otitis often occurs in young children as a complication after a cold.

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Treatment of catarrhal otitis

In the treatment of catarrhal otitis doctors prescribe drops in the ear and in the nose, warming compresses, antipyretic (if the child has a fever) and in some cases, physiotherapy (warming up and blue lamp). Catarrhal otitis can be cured without an antibiotic, it is prescribed mainly with purulent otitis - when pus and fluid flows out of the ear, and also to children under two years old. Do not self-medicate, as improper treatment can lead to serious hearing problems.

The most important in the treatment of otitis is the parallel treatment of the common cold, as it is often the cause of pain in the ears. Therefore, before burying drops in the ears, it is necessary to cleanse the nose of the secretions, rinsing it with sea water, then to drip vasoconstrictive drops into both nostrils to remove the swelling from the mucous membranes. After that, you can drip drops in your ears. Children with catarrhal otitis are mostly prescribed otipax drops - they relieve pain and inflammation. They need to be dripped three times a day.

To properly drip drops into the ears, you need to put the baby on the bed in the position on the side. After dripping one ear, you need to plug your ear canal with a cotton tow, wait 3 minutes for the drops to penetrate deeper. Then you should drip the second ear (if it also hurts) and also wait 3 minutes. After this, the child can get out of bed. Fleece from the ears should be removed after 15-20 minutes. Do not keep the fleece in your ear for a long time - it should dry up.

If the pain in the ear is strong and the baby cries, you can give him an antipyretic drug "Nurofen which has an analgesic effect. So you alleviate the suffering of the child.

During the treatment of otitis should not bathe the child, and in the first weeks after recovery is recommended during the adoption water procedures caulk the ear with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil to protect it from water ingress.

Acute middle catarrhal otitis: why it arises and how to treat

Acute middle catarrhal otitis is a disease involving the tympanic membrane, auditory tube and mastoid process in the inflammatory process. The disease is dangerous due to the development of serious complications, such as hearing loss or even complete deafness. Acute otitis media is characterized by its developmental causes, certain symptoms and methods of treatment.

Factors causing the disease

The causative agents of the infection are bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. In addition, the average catarrhal otitis can have not only bacterial origin, because it is caused by both bending and viruses.Especially the development of the inflammatory process affects children under the age of 7, which is due to anatomical featurestheir body.

The likelihood of a pathological process increases in the presence of diseases of the nose, proliferation of adenoids, allergic rhinitis. Infection from the nasal cavity during sneezing or smokying quickly penetrates into the middle ear. It is not excluded and external penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through the auditory canal. This happens extremely rarely, when ear traumas are experienced, when the eardrum ruptures.

With influenza, measles, scarlet fever, infection becomes possible through the blood. As a rule, otitis media does not appear as an independent disease, it manifests itself in the form of complications of other ailments.

When immunity is weakened, it is difficult for a child's organism to resist infection. That is why chronic catarrhal otitis can develop many times in chronic diseases - diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, as well as hypothermia. Experts argue that often in children and adults, an inflammatory process develops in the middle ear cavity with an incorrect nosebleed. Not all people know that you can not blow your nose with two nostrils at the same time, you need to do this one by one.

If a child prone to allergic rhinitis, mucus constantly forming in the sinuses of the nose, can easily get into the ear. Sneezing and coughing also lead to increased pressure in the nasopharynx, so mucus can penetrate into the ear cavity.

Manifestation of the disease

Right-sided or left-sided acute middle catarrhal otitis can be recognized by such characteristic symptoms:

  • sensation of noise, fullness and pain in the ears;
  • hearing loss;
  • congestion.
At the initial stage of the inflammatory process, the pain is insignificant, sometimes the patient may not even feel it, but eventually it becomes more and more pulsating. Often the pain gives to the temporal, occipital, parietal part of the head, sometimes even it is felt in the jaw area. Painful sensations are greatly enhanced by swallowing, sucking, blowing, sneezing.

When otitis, the body of a sick person is weakened, so a secondary infection is often attached. When acute otitis media is complicated by other infections, the body temperature may increase and the general condition of an adult or child may worsen.The otolaryngologist sees the reddening and inflammation of the tympanic membrane when examining the ear canal.

How is treatment carried out?

The main goal of the treatment is to restore the permeability of the auditory tube more quickly. To do this, you can drip vasoconstrictive drugs in the nose, with the elimination of edema in the nasopharynx, the permeability of the auditory tube will improve. With left or right-sided middle acute catarrhal otitis, when a patient has a fever, he is recommended to observe a strict bed rest. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, pain in the ear should be immediately eliminated.

As an analgesic, such substances can be used:

  • alcohol 70%;
  • carbolic glycerol;
  • novocaine.

In the pharmacy, you can buy special drops - Otinum or Otipax. If the pain increases, and there is no painkiller at hand, the patient's condition can be improved if alcohol is dripped into the ear or sterile oil - vaseline, olive oil. Before you enter the drug into the ear canal, it needs to be heated, for this, the vial with the container should be lowered into a glass with warm water. Drops poured into the ear canal, 5-6 per each. During the procedure, you should lie on your side, the patient with an ear up and lie down for 10 minutes. In case of acute bilateral bilateral catarrhal otitis, one ear should first be dripped, wait time, and turn to the other side to instill the next ear canal.

A good effect is provided by warming compresses, heaters, blue lamps, UHF. At elevated temperature, thermal procedures are contraindicated, they can only aggravate the inflammatory process. In this case, first you need to take antipyretics - analgin, paracetamol, aspirin, and then warm up the affected ear.

It is important to abandon the independent treatment of otitis, especially if the disease has occurred in the child. Incorrect actions can only cause serious complications.

Acute catarrhal otitis: causes and symptoms

  • Symptoms and risks

What is acute catarrhal otitis? It is an inflammation that affects the middle ear. Because of the affected area, it is also called acute catarrhal otitis media. Very often, this disease occurs against the background of already existing diseases, such as sinusitis, diabetes, SARS, etc.

Diseases of the middle ear can be divided into four main forms, namely:

  1. acute catarrhal otitis;
  2. chronic catarrhal otitis;
  3. acute purulent otitis;
  4. chronic purulent otitis media.

The main causes of catarrhal otitis:

  • Obstacles to the normal functioning of the auditory (eustachian) tube: adenoids, nasopharyngeal cancer, congenital or acquired dysfunction of the eustachian tube (eg, cleft palate, etc.).
  • Infections of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Damage caused by pressure: travel by plane or diving.
  • Allergy.
  • Bacterial or viral infections of the middle ear.

As a rule, the acute catarrhal process of the middle ear arises in the nasopharynx and Eustachian tube, from where it spreads into the middle ear, which in the normal state is an aseptic cavity. In the process of coughing and sneezing, as well as when blowing out mucus with both nostrils, and not each nostril alternately, there is a difference in pressure. Because of her infection can penetrate into the ear canal.

Symptoms of ailment

  • The earliest symptoms of this disorder are a feeling of congestion in one or both ears and pulsating tinnitus, but without pain and hearing changes.
  • Most of us experience this "mild" stage of acute catarrhal otitis along with the symptoms of colds and permanent nasal congestion. As soon as the runny nose passes, the symptoms of ear inflammation also disappear if the local treatment for the nares and nasopharynx has been successful.
  • With further development of inflammation, there is pain in the ears.
  • The hearing is deteriorating.
  • The temperature rises, nausea and dizziness may appear.

These symptoms can be more pronounced when swallowing and during coughing and sneezing. When viewed, the tympanic membrane may appear pink or even red.

Is the otitis is contagious? No, acute catarrhal otitis is not contagious. A person with otitis can travel, although it is better to avoid flying on an airplane, since this can cause unpleasant sensations in the patient ear. At the expiration of pus from the ear can also not swim.

Acute catarrhal otitis in the child: symptoms and risk factors

Inflammation of the middle ear in children is accompanied by signs or symptoms of ear infection:

  • protrusion of the tympanic membrane, accompanied by pain;
  • or perforation of the tympanic membrane, often with drainage of pus.

Acute catarrhal otitis in a child is most common in infants and preschool children.Almost all children will have one or more attacks of acute catarrhal otitis before the age of 6 years.

  • The Eustachian tube is shorter in children than in adults. Due to this circumstance it is easier for bacteria and viruses to penetrate into it.
  • Children up to 6 weeks of age tend to have ear infections due to the presence of various bacteria in the middle ear.

Bottling is a risk factor for catarrhal otitis in children.

  • Breastfeeding instills immunity to the baby, which helps prevent acute otitis media of the middle ear.
  • The position of the baby during breastfeeding is better for proper operation of the auditory tube than when feeding from a bottle.
  • If the baby is on artificial feeding, keep it while eating, not allowing the baby to lie with the bottle.
  • The child should not fall asleep while holding a bottle in his mouth. In addition to increasing the chances of developing acute catarrhal otitis in a child, finding milk in the mouth during sleep increases the chances of caries.

Upper respiratory tract infections are among the main causes of acute otitis media.Children in pre-school children's institutions often become infected with colds, often followed by ear inflammation.

  • Tobacco smoke and other irritants increase the likelihood of otitis media.
  • Children with wolf mouth or Down syndrome are predisposed to ear diseases.
  • Children who have been diagnosed with acute otitis media before 6 months of age subsequently suffer often from ear infections.

Symptoms of catarrhal otitis in a child:

  • Small children with otitis can become irritable, fussy, eat or sleep badly.
  • Teenagers can complain of pain and a feeling of stuffiness in the ear.
  • Fever can occur in toddlers, preschoolers and schoolchildren.

These symptoms are often accompanied by signs of an upper respiratory tract infection, such as a runny nose or cough.

Accumulation of pus in the middle ear causes pain and extinguishes the swings of the eardrum (therefore, during the illness, hearing is often reduced). Severe ear infections can trigger a ruptured eardrum. The hole formed in this case, usually heals due to timely treatment. Therefore, with the first symptoms of otitis, you need to consult a doctor without delay, so as not to lead to unpleasant and traumatic complications.

The acute otitis media is treated most often with antibiotics. Standard course of treatment - from7thup to 10 days.

  • Breasts, as well as toddlers, without severe symptoms or with an uncertain diagnosis, can be treated without antibiotics.
  • Even after successful treatment, many children in the middle ear have a small amount of fluid. This can lead to temporary hearing loss for up to 3-6 weeks. In most small patients, the fluid eventually disappears on its own.
  • If the child has a convex eardrum, and he experiences severe pain, the doctor can recommend mirinotomy (surgical incision of the tympanic membrane) to release pus. The tympanic membrane is restored within 7 days.

Acute otitis media - medium, purulent, catarrhal, acute otitis in children, treatment

Acute otitis media

This disease is a local manifestation of inflammatory-infectious process, which covers three airborne components of the middle ear, which include: mastoid process, tympanum and auditory trumpet.

According to statistics, the frequency of acute otitis media reaches 25-30% of the total number of ear diseases, and this indicates its wide prevalence. Most often this disease occurs in children under 5 years old, a good proportion of otitis occurs in the elderly and in adolescents under 14 years. The acute otitis media is caused by pathogenic microorganisms of various species, including microbes, fungal flora and viruses. A trigger mechanism in the development of otitis becomes an acute respiratory-viral infection, influenza.

Acute purulent otitis media

Purulent acute otitis is an acute purulent inflammation located on the mucosa of the tympanic cavity, and if it is rapidly developing and there is no treatment, then in the catarrhal inflammation other parts of the middle ear. This disease is the most common disease of the middle ear, which proceeds in a mild or acute form and causes a severe inflammatory reaction of the whole organism. But with any form of the disease, the otitis leaves after itself an adhesive process, which is accompanied by an almost incurable hearing loss, into a chronic form and quite often into a progressive form that leads to hearing loss, and can also lead to very heavy complications. For the most part, acute purulent otitis occurs in children under 3 years of age. Its distinctive feature at the present time is not an acute onset and a lingering course, in childhood there is a tendency to be re-coded.

Acute Otitis in Children

This disease is an inflammation of the middle ear, it is the auditory tube, the tympanum and the air-bearing cell systems in the mastoid process. Acute otitis has become the most common disease in pediatrics, since it accounts for one-fourth of all ear diseases. The most common acute otitis patients are 1-2 years old, and in children up to 3 years old otitis occur up to 90% of cases. Moreover, many children with secondary otitis have been ill repeatedly, for example, 20% of children during the first year of their lives have already transferred otitis media. It should be noted that this disease can be of bacterial origin.

Therefore, the correct orientation in the origin of this middle ear disease is very important. And when prescribing drugs for treatment, you need to know the activity of different antibacterial drugs, relative to the most common pathogens. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the frequent sowing of strains that are resistant to antibiotics. After all, the microflora with the average otitis is very diverse, but the cocci flora prevails in this respect.

Acute catarrhal otitis

Acute catarrhal otitis is an acute inflammation of the middle ear, which is not limited to the tympanic cavity, but begins to involve in the inflammatory process the auditory tube and all cells of the mastoid process, that is, the entire cavity of the middle ear. The causative agents of this disease are streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and other microorganisms. The main reasons for its development are reduced resistance of the body, that is, lowered immunity, cooling of the body, kidney disease, infectious diseases, rickets, beriberi, diabetes mellitus and etc.

In most cases, bacteria enter the middle ear from the nasal cavity through the auditory tube during the appearance of acute otitis or during exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is influenza, SARS and etc. The main factors that contribute to the spread of infection are incorrect blooming, coughing, sneezing, increased pressure in the nasopharynx from which the infected mucus overcomes the barrier, which becomes auditory trumpet. All the pathological processes of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and the nose, these are adenoid glands that cover the mouth of the auditory tubes, begin maintain inflammation in the middle ear and thereby promote frequent relapse, as well as the transition of the disease to a chronic form, often in children.

Treatment of acute otitis media

The most important thing in the treatment of otitis is the restoration of the patency of the auditory tube, which is easy to achieve using vasoconstrictive drugs in the nose, as well as using standard physiotherapeutic procedures. And if this does not work, then a simple blowing of the ears through the nose is prescribed. This procedure can be started from 3-4 years, for older children with a unilateral process, a catheterization of the auditory tube is prescribed. When catarrhal acute otitis antibiotics are not used. As for the medical treatment of acute otitis media, antibiotics are usually prescribed, which manifest their activity against pneumococcus, hemophilic rods. In addition, drugs should have the ability to overcome the resistance of pathogens to antibiotics. The concentration of the antibiotic is determined by the doctor, taking into account the stage of inflammation.

Catarrhal otitis in children - treatment

According to statistics, almost half of children even before the age of one year endure such a disease as catarrhal otitis, or inflammation of the tympanic membrane. Catarrhal otitis in children gives parents great anxiety, because a very small child can not explain what it hurts. The kid refuses to eat, constantly cries, squeals, can pull the ears, often such a state is accompanied by a rise in temperature. Treatment of this disease should be carried out under the compulsory supervision of a doctor, but folk remedies can alleviate the condition of crumbs.

How to treat catarrhal otitis in children?

If you suspect that your child has an earache, you should immediately call a pediatrician at home. If the diagnosis of acute catarrhal otitis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe the treatment and give recommendations that must be strictly observed. Self-medication in this situation can lead to complications, including meningeal syndrome, which is accompanied by vomiting, convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Almost always the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, as well as local treatment, which we will now consider. Usually recovery after acute catarrhal otitis occurs in one to two weeks.

Local treatment of catarrhal otitis

To alleviate the symptoms of tympanic inflammation, half-alcohol and vodka compresses can be applied that are applied to the child's head until

The thermal effect is on average 3-4 hours.

In addition, ear drops are successfully used in the treatment of catarrhal otitis, for example, such as Otipax. To instill ear drops are used cotton wool, which are inserted into the affected ear, and on top of the cotton wool applied medicine. Drops should be applied 3-4 times a day.

Modern doctors consider inexpedient the use of boric alcohol in the treatment of catarrhal otitis in small children, as it irritates the skin of the ear canal, causing the pain in the ear only amplified.

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