Beet juice with genyantritis

Use of beet juice in the treatment of genyantritis

Beetroot juiceWith the development of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses caused by an infectious or catarrhal disease, methods of traditional medicine are actively applied. Beet juice, which has a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, is considered to be an effective tool in the treatment of sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis with beet juice was known many years ago, but this method is widely used now.Beet juice for preparation of drops in the nose and solutions for washing the nasopharynx with sinusitis are used for both adults and children. Treatment with beet juice is usually used as an additional method to basic therapy.Beetroot is rich in such substances as:
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements.

Thanks to this useful composition, beet juice increases the regenerative processes in the tissues of the body, which allows you to quickly cure maxillary sinusitis and restore the nasal mucosa damaged by the disease.

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How to treat?

Inflammatory process in the nasal cavityThe use of fresh juices in the treatment of sinusitis is considered the most effective method by which you can eliminate the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. It is recommended to use only fresh juice for self-preparation of medicines - drops and solutions. Drip the nose 3 times a day on a pipette in each nostril adult and 3 drops of children.

Burying the juice can cause irritation to the mucosa, which usually manifests by burning and itching in the nose. To avoid this, it is desirable to dilute the beet juice with saline or ordinary water, which must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature.


Beetroot contains mineral substances, organic acids, proteins and sugars, stimulates metabolism, positively influences hemopoiesis

As is known, as a result of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, a large amount of mucus is formed, and mucus edema also occurs. This phenomenon significantly complicates the fight against bacterial infection in the nasal cavity, which can spread to other organs. It is for this reason that it is advisable to wash the nose with a bactericide, which can use beet juice from sinusitis. It exerts a liquefying effect on the mucus, allowing it to be withdrawn from the nasal passages and improve nasal breathing, and also relieves inflammation.

Beet juice is a wonderful alternative to hormonal, antibacterial and other antiseptic drugs, while it does not have harmful effects on the body. The use of raw, boiled or baked vegetables in the treatment of sinusitis has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • cheapness of the product;
  • its absolute safety;
  • absence of contraindications to use;
  • the possibility of treating children and pregnant women;
  • its availability;
  • does not develop addiction.

Using this useful root crop, it is possible to cure the disease at the initial stage of its development, avoiding complications and thus eliminating the use of antibiotics and the puncture of the maxillary sinuses.

Known therapies

There are many different recipes for the preparation of medicines based on beet juice from sinusitis. You can use these methods of treatment:

  1. Grate the raw beets, squeeze the juice, dilute with water or saline and drip into the nose. You can also use carrots for making drops, which is considered no less effective against sinusitis.We squeeze beet juice

    Beetroot rubbed on the grater and squeezes the juice through gauze

  2. In the same way squeeze the grated beets, dilute with water 1: 1, to get a glass of diluted solution, and add a spoonful of honey. Use as a drop or a solution for rinsing the nasopharynx.
  3. Wash medium size beets and bake in the oven for half an hour. Prepare the juice in a traditional way and drip into each nostril for 8 drops of adults and 3 children for a week. After instillation of a medicine it is necessary to warm up a nose, using a heating pad or a bag of salt. The juice of the boiled beet is not to be diluted with water.
  4. You can treat diseases of the nose and fermented juice, for this you need to leave it for a day in a warm place. It is also not necessary to dilute it, you can drip in your nose 3 times a day. Fermented beets do not lose their useful properties, it only exerts a softer effect on the mucous membrane of the nose.

This natural medicine, obtained at home, can be used to prepare tampons in the nose. It is enough to moisten the cotton swabs in the solution and lay in the nasal passages for 15 minutes. Perform this treatment procedure should be 3 times a day. Excellent this method of treatment is combined with the use of homeopathic remedies, which should be prescribed only by a specialist.

Feedback on the treatment of sinusitis: a review of the means

Sinusitis or sinusitis is an inflammation in the maxillary sinuses of the nose, which often appears as a complication in acute rhinitis.

This disease has an infectious nature, since it develops after entering the body of a bacterium or virus.

The choice of method of treatment depends on which microorganism triggered the inflammatory process. The most common cause is influenza or ARVI.

Uncomplicated form of viral genyantritis usually lasts no more than 10 days, during this period, the immune system is able to cope with the infection on its own, after which the person recovers.

As for viral sinusitis, it lasts much longer, and is often accompanied by all sorts of complications. To avoid severe disease, it is necessary to begin treatment from the very first day.

There are many different methods of treating the disease, among which most of the people's funds are occupied. You can also see the healing recipes on the video. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe Tavanik or other antibiotics.

Treatment of sinusitis with juice of beetroot

Treatment of sinusitis with juice of beetrootBeet juice is considered the most common remedy for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases, which has numerous positive reviews.

During sinusitis it is used both in pure form and mixed with various natural ingredients, herbs. Juice from beet practically has no contraindications.

If during treatment the patient feels a slight burning sensation due to weak blood vessels in the nose, the juice is slightly diluted with boiled water.

Treatment is carried out by the following train. Beet juice is buried in each area of ​​the nasal passage three drops four times a day. In addition, it is recommended to use warming and washing the nasal cavity with a brine solution. Before this, we recommend to know whether it is possible to warm the nose in case of genyantritis

Similarly diluted juice from beets is instilled.

  1. Also with genyantritis another national recipe is used. Beet juice and honey are mixed in a ratio of 8 to 1. The resulting mixture is digested into the nasal passages two drops three times a day. On the fifth day, treatment should be discontinued and, if necessary, changed to another mode of therapy.
  2. If beet juice is fermented, it is also used to treat sinusitis. It is dripped in the nose for two or three drops throughout the day.
  3. Beets are thoroughly washed, dried and whole baked in the oven for half an hour. Next, the vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater, the gruel is placed in gauze and the beet juice is squeezed out. Such a medicine can be buried in each nostril eight drops at bedtime. The course of treatment is a week.

To enhance the effect of treatment of sinusitis with eggs or pouches with warmed croup, warming lasts no more than half an hour.

Ways of heating can be seen on the video.

Treatment of sinusitis with onion juice

Treatment of sinusitis with onion juiceAn effective method is treatment of sinusitis onions, which has no less good reviews. The easiest way is to crush a fresh onion, wrap the mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze the resulting consistency to each nostril during inspiration.

At this moment it is better to close your eyes, so as not to cause tear. This method of treatment, which is available in video clips, is used three times a day.

  1. Treat sinusitis with the help of drops of potatoes, onions and honey, which are mixed in the same ratio. Bury the medicine three times a day, two drops in each nasal passage.
  2. Effective is a medicine from onions and garlic. The onion is finely chopped, mixed with two cloves of garlic and poured with vegetable oil. The mixture should be infused for at least two weeks.
  3. With the use of onions, a special ointment is prepared from the disease. For this mix honey, aloe juice, onion, cyclamen, Kalanchoe with Vishnevsky ointment. The resulting homogeneous mass is dipped with twisted cotton swabs, which are placed in the nose for 30 minutes. The duration of the course of treatment is at least 20 days. It is important to observe regularity and conduct therapy on a daily basis.
  4. To prepare a natural medicine, take a fresh onion, alcohol and a small piece of soap. Onions are crushed, put on gauze and squeezed onion juice. The soap is ground with a grater. A tablespoon of juice and soap is mixed, the resulting mixture is heated on low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed, it is important to regularly stir the consistency. The mass is mixed with a tablespoon of alcohol and a mixture of 4 cm long sticks is made from the mixture.

After cooling, the medical sticks are inserted into the nostrils and held until the patient feels that it is time to remove them. During the procedure, they are removed to allow the patient to blow his nose.

Thus, onions with genyantritis helps to cure the disease for one to two weeks. Sometimes purulent clusters and mucus come out immediately, after one or two treatment sessions.

To obtain the best therapeutic effect, complex therapy with all the above methods is recommended.

Before this, you need to make potato inhalation, after which the instillation is done. The procedure is carried out before bedtime.

Horse chestnut in the treatment of sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis with the help of chestnut is used even in official medicine. Therapy uses flowers, leaves, bark, fruits of a deciduous plant.

Chestnut contains in large quantities:

  • Phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium;
  • Essential oils;
  • Flavonoids, tannins;
  • Vitamins B and K;
  • Antioxidants and biologically active substances.
Horse chestnut in the treatment of sinusitisUseful plant substances normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, reduce the viscosity of the blood, prevent the formation of thrombi, normalize the tone of the veins and the process of filling them with blood. Due to the presence of bactericidal, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory characteristics, the chestnut heals from the sinusitis of both easy and neglected stage.

It is important to consider that the chestnut in the treatment is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, liver, peptic ulcer, blood clotting and low blood pressure. Before you begin treatment with folk remedies, you need to consult with your doctor to avoid complications and side effects. You can also get more information on the video.

In acute and chronic sinusitis, both internal and external medicines from chestnut are used. For the preparation of medicinal preparations, fruits from the tree are collected, and certain rules must be followed.

  1. The ideal option is if the mature chestnut is collected in warm weather during the first autumn days.
  2. Nuts are collected in the forest, garden or park area, away from major highways and plants.
  3. The collected chestnut is thoroughly washed and dried, then transferred to a bag or any hermetically sealed container, then placed in the freezer. Here the chestnut is usually kept until the spring months.
  4. Also, the nuts are stored in dry cool cellars. However, in this case, before preparing the medicine, the chestnut is soaked in the liquid for two days.

An effective remedy for sinusitis are the sticks of chestnut, the recipe of which can be found on the video. To do this, the chestnut is soaked in boiling water and left until it swells. After the brown peel is scraped off, and small sticks are cut from the white pulp. The resulting turunda is placed on the toothpick, neatly inserted into the nostril and aged for five minutes. Then the procedure is repeated from the second nostril.

After this procedure, the patient strongly strengthens the runny nose, mucous membranes are actively allocated from the nose and frequent sneezing occurs. Due to this, the paranasal sinuses are completely cleared, breathing is facilitated and headaches disappear. The acute form of sinusitis is usually cured after four such treatment procedures that need to be done every other day.

If too often used turundas, it can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of:

  • Difficulties in getting mucus from the nasal passage, which causes chronic sinusitis;
  • Atrophy of the mucous membranes of the nose and a decrease in the immune system;
  • Spread inflammation to another area;
  • The development of meningitis and general sepsis of blood.

Essential oil from horse chestnut helps to get rid of the inflammatory process. The liquid penetrates into the nasal cavity, settles on the mucous membranes and removes the inflammatory focus. Also, due to mucolytic properties, stagnant phenomena in the maxillary sinuses are removed. Essential oils from the common cold with sinusitis are generally effective, and it concerns not only chestnut.

In acute and chronic sinusitis, chestnut oil is used for steam inhalation and for adding to the aroma lamp for the purpose of aromatherapy. You can buy essential oils in any pharmacy or specialized store.

It should be borne in mind that steam inhalation is contraindicated in the case of purulent sinusitis, since heating enhances the inflammatory process and spreads pus to nearby organs. Cold inhalation can be performed in any form of the disease.

  1. For steam inhalation, one and a half liters of boiling water is poured into the pelvis, four drops of chestnut oil are added to the water. The head is covered with a terry towel, the patient bends over the pelvis and inhales outgoing hot steam for 20 minutes. At the time of inhalation, the eyes are closed to avoid irritation of the mucous eyes.
  2. Cold inhalation is carried out by slow and deep inhalation of essential oil for 10 minutes. The odor can be inhaled directly from the vial, also the oil is applied to the aromatic stone or moistened with cotton cloth.
  3. In addition, essential oil from chestnut is used during medical massage. To do this, 10 drops of chestnut oil is mixed with 40 ml of flaxseed, olive, sunflower, almond or other oil.

The resulting mixture massaging movements are applied to the highest point of the nasolabial sulcus, points above the eyebrows, upper parietal points, massage of each point is carried out for five minutes. The exact location of the points can be seen on the video. The procedure is carried out three times in knocking for ten days.

Decoctions of dry leaves of chestnut due to their medicinal qualities contribute to a rapid stop of the inflammatory process. To prepare the medicine, take three tablespoons of dry leaves of chestnut, pour them a half liters of boiling water and cook with a water bath for 15 minutes.

Steam inhalation is carried out for 20 minutes, while the steam is not cooled down.

Black radish in the treatment of genyantritis

Black radish in the treatment of genyantritisSuch a remedy with the use of radish juice and pulp is quite effective and tested by many patients.

A small black radish is crushed, two tablespoons of warm honey and 150 g of flour are added to the resulting puree with juice. The ingredients are mixed until a warm, sticky dough is obtained. A small flat cake is made from it, which is applied to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. To prevent the radish from getting into the eyes, the patient is placed on a high pillow and cotton pads are used for protection.

Despite the burning, you need to withstand the compress for 20 minutes. If a small burn occurs at the site of application, the skin is wiped with damp cotton balls and smeared with Panthenol ointment or the Rescuer.

As a rule, one procedure is enough to make the patient feel relief. After the procedure, mucus will begin to actively stand out from the nose, as a result of which the maxillary sinuses are cleared of purulent clusters and the inflammation stops.

Since radish or honey in some cases can cause an allergic reaction, before treatment it is necessary to take any antihistamine drug for preventive purposes.

After the procedure, the nasal passages are washed with a solution of furacilin or decoction of chamomile.

Treatment of sinusitis with herbs

Herbs in the treatment of sinusitis are quite potent means, which should pay attention. As the reviews of patients, herbal therapy perfectly cleanses the nasal sinuses and removes the inflammatory process.

  1. To prepare medicinal infusion, used herbs such as St. John's wort, Swamp Swine, Drugstore. Each collection is placed separately in boiling water and insisted for several hours. After that, all herbs are mixed and a common powerful medicine is formed. The resulting liquid is digested three times a day, five drops into each nostril.
  2. Also, such herbs as plantain, melissa, mint, lemon grass can be used. Charges are similar to the previous recipe, they are insisted separately, filtered and mixed. The medicine is buried in the nose three times a day for five drops.
  3. For ingestion use a decoction of sage, turn, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, lavender, eucalyptus. Herbs are thoroughly mixed, three tablespoons of the collection and two liters of boiling water are added to the container. The mixture is closed with a lid and infused for 30 minutes. Broth filter and take 100 g every three hours. The same mixture can be used for inhalation.
celandineIf the genyantritis is accompanied by severe headaches, several drops of cyclamen juice are instilled in each nostril. It is important that the patient is lying on his back. After a while, it will begin to sneeze violently, mucous and purulent congestions will be released from the nasal cavity. In some cases, sweating may increase and the temperature may rise. In a few days, therapy can be repeated.

A good remedy for treating sinusitis is a plant such as celandine. For therapy use fresh squeezed juice, which before use is placed in a glass container and left in a dark room until the top layer of juice completely becomes colorless and transparent.

The resulting transparent liquid is gently drained into a separate bowl and buried three times a day for three drops. In a week the disease should completely recede.

Sometimes use for treatment and fresh juice celandine, but you should be careful and strict dosage, because the plant is considered caustic and poisonous. The juice is carefully inserted into each nostril.

Meanwhile, if the fluid accidentally falls into the throat, it will not do any harm to the patient because of the small dose of the poisonous substance.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs

When the form of genyantritis is started, the doctor can prescribe the treatment of sinusitis with the help of antibiotics. Medications are usually taken in the form of tablets or injected into the nose. In severe cases, strong medicines are used, which are injected intramuscularly or intravenously.

Most often in the treatment of such antibacterial drugs as:

  • Antibiotic Macropen, active ingredient of which is midekamycin. Such a medicine can help with bacterial sinusitis, even if it is caused by mycoplasmas and chlamydia. A large dosage of the drug can cure an infection of any severity. They accept Macrople since three years.
  • The antibiotic Zitrolide Forte contains macrolide azithromycin, which is effective against any pathogen of antritis or other ENT disease. Especially such a drug is effective in the treatment of mixed infection. It can be taken only by adult patients.
  • Antibiotic group of penicillins Augmentin is effective due to the activity of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Acid, in turn, suppresses the active substances that secrete bacteria. The medicine is used for the chronic form of sinusitis.
  • Tavanic is a member of the fluoroquinolones group. The active ingredient is levofloxacin. Due to this substance, Tavanik can treat a neglected form of sinusitis. Also, Tavanik removes most of the known bacteria. This medication can be treated only by adults.
  • The strongest antibiotic is Suprax, the active substance of which is part of the group of cephalosporins. However, such a drug is not used in the treatment of chronic sinusitis, since bacteria are able to develop resistance to it.

In addition, it is recommended to use antibacterial sprays and nasal drops Bioparox, Isofra or Polidex. As an independent agent they are ineffective in the treatment of severe forms of sinusitis, but can be a good addition for Tavanic antibiotics, Macroben, Augmentin and other medications.

Some drops include not only antibiotics, but also substances that narrow the blood vessels, as well as glucocorticosteroids. This allows you to quickly get rid of stuffiness in the nose, reduce the focus of inflammation and remove the main symptoms of the disease.

It should be borne in mind that Tavanic, sprays, drops and other antibiotics can cause side effects in the form of rash, allergic reaction, dry mouth, pressure spikes, bowel disorder. In this regard, it is important to conduct therapy under the supervision of the attending physician.

The video in this article will fix everything read.

Beetroot juice with a cold and its medicinal properties

Beetroot juice with a cold is an effective and safe folk remedy.Every once in my life I encountered a runny nose and its unpleasant symptoms, which I want to quickly get rid of.

Exhausted by abundant secretions from the nasopharynx, patients often make a choice in favor of vasoconstrictors, which do not cure the common cold, but only stop its symptoms. In this case, the disease continues to develop and a simple rhinitis can subsequently give complications in the form of, for example, sinusitis.

Most often, the question of how to treat the common cold with folk remedies arises in women during lactation, the parents of babies, and also in the case of a cold in pregnant women, because in such cases the drug should be the most safe, not addictive and have as few contraindications as possible.

In rhinitis, folk remedies are most often used, such as:

  • Aloe juice from the common cold.
  • The Kalanchoe juice is from the cold.
  • Sea buckthorn oil in children with cold.
  • Beetroot juice with a cold.

Here we will dwell on the treatment of the common cold with the help of beet juice. Since ancient times, this root is actively used to treat various ailments, including colds.

The most useful is the beet, which has a cylindrical shape, and its pulp has a rich maroon color. The juice of such beets will help alleviate nasal breathing, remove the swelling of the nasopharynx and significantly reduce the secretion of mucus.

To make beetroot juice for use in a runny nose, you can use a juicer or an ordinary grater. It is necessary to clean the vegetable from contamination, and then gently cut off a thin layer of peel from it, and only then proceed to squeeze the juice.

Use with a cold can beet juice as a raw root, and boiled or even baked. Directly before use beet juice from the common cold should be held for several hours in the refrigerator, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 (the concentration depends on the severity of the disease, in this case it is indicated for adults in an average ratio).

Treatment of a cold in children with the help of beet juice: reception schemes

Often a runny nose in children is treated with the help of beet juice with the addition of carrot juice.Beet juice in children's rhinitis should be used cautiously, as various allergic manifestations are possible. Before you start this treatment, you need to consult with your doctor.

When treating a common cold in children, the beet juice should be diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1, as the ratio of 1: 1 is suitable only adults, in children it can cause irritation, since they have a more sensitive mucous membrane.

To avoid skin coloration when applying beet juice from the common cold in children, you must use any vegetable oil that must be mixed with the juice before burying. It is also acceptable in the treatment of a cold to mix beet juice with honey (if there are no allergic reactions) and garlic or carrot juices, which will greatly improve the therapeutic effect.

It is important to note that during the application of beet juice from the common cold in children there is a possibility of complications, which include:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Increase in the number of secretions from the nasopharynx.
  • General deterioration of the patient.
  • Fainting (with reduced intracranial pressure).

At appearance of the complications described above, it is necessary to contact the doctor-otolaryngologist as soon as possible, and to cancel the use of beet juice.

There are many different schemes for the intake of beet juice in the treatment of cold in children.

Consider the most common of them:

  • With a cold catch cold twice a day, put in a nasal passage a cotton swab dipped in the juice of boiled beet, keep such a tampon in the nose can be no more than 20 minutes.
  • With abundant mucous discharge from the nasopharynx, bury the juice of raw beet in each nostril for 3 drops, up to four times a day.
  • With a protracted runny nose, a mixture of beetroot juice and carrot juice with honey addition proved to be a good idea. The mixture of juices must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and instilled in each nostril 2 drops to three times a day.
  • With a chronic rhinitis and thick discharge from the nasopharynx, apply fermented beet juice, bury it 2-3 drops in each nostril, up to four times a day. This solution is relevant only in the treatment of chronic colds.
  • In the treatment of sinusitis, rinse the nasal cavity with boiled beet juice, up to three times a day.
  • In severe forms of rhinitis, it is possible to wash the nasal cavity with warm beetroot decoction, this procedure can be performed up to two times a day.

With an allergic rhinitis in children, the beet juice is rarely used, but it is also able to give a positive the result, as it dilutes the thick mucous discharge and helps to release the nasal sinuses. Also beet juice significantly reduces mucosal edema and dilates the blood vessels in the nose, which contributes to a quick recovery.

Is it effective to treat sinusitis with beetroot?


Hello. I'm calling Maria. I learned that the beetroot helps with genyantritis. Prompt, treatment of a genyantritis with a beet can help or assist? How can she cure her nose?


Hello Maria. Treatment of sinusitis with beets belongs to auxiliary procedures and is a means of traditional medicine.

Such treatment is mild, but effective. Beet juice from the common cold has practically no contraindications to application for instillation into the nose. It promotes thinning of viscous secretions and their natural withdrawal from the nasal sinuses. Another important property for sinusitis is the ability to reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose.

In order to treat sinusitis, the beetroot is rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed through gauze. To treat the child, the remedy is half diluted with clean water.

In some recipes, you can find a mixture of beets and honey in a ratio of 8: 1. This also gives an anti-inflammatory effect, and also improves local immunity. The resulting juice is digested several times a day for 3-4 drops in each nostril.

Question about beetroot (inside) If sinusitis is necessary to drip into the nose of fresh beet juice or boiled? And will it help?



The juice of fresh beets should be put in a cold place and wait until it "zabryazknet" - there will be a white dense film on the surface. Then they can drip their nose. In some cases it helps, but the fact is that it's just a "cold" - there is NO such disease. There are different reasons for the onset of a cold, and the medication should be selected accordingly.

* Anastasia *

at a genyantritis antibiotics are necessary. if you do not want to finish the puncture... and only the juice of fresh beets ...

Aram Solahyan

Is that what Malakhov said? Sinusitis is serious. Rinse your nose better with a solution of salt saturated. And go to the doctor until the brain is rotten

Tatyana Timofeeva here it is written that boiled
And here sdes - fresh


fresh interspersed with smedom and slightly diluted ordinary kiln of boiled water otherwise you can burn the mucous membrane. when I tried it in my youth, it helped

Alexander Kravchuk

At a genyantritis it is necessary to drip in a nose - colloid silver.
To kill the infection. Beet in any form does not harm
neither bacteria nor you.

Treatment of sinusitis with honey as an effective remedy

Effective honey treatmentSinusitis is an inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose. The factors that cause this inflammation are viruses and microbes.

Sinusitis is a dangerous ailment that provokes the development of other inflammatory diseases. The most common complication is angina. Identification and treatment of these diseases must necessarily be carried out by a specialist.

There are medicamental and folk methods of influencing the focus of infection.

Among the folk remedies use the treatment of sinusitis with honey, a solution of sea salt, infusions and decoctions of herbs.

When medicamentous treatment of sinusitis, the following drugs are used:

  • Amoxyl
  • Ospamox
  • Flemoxin Solutab with angina and sinusitis
  • Leconil
  • Nazol
  • Becloughfort
  • Biseptol in angina

It is important to know

Drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor.

The effectiveness of treatment of sinusitis at home with folk methods is achieved with the help of drugs with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Treating sinusitis with means with honey is one of the popular methods of getting rid of the disease as a supplement to the basic treatment.

Treatment of Aloe with honey at home

Treatment of Aloe with HoneyHoney, as a storehouse of healing power, has been known since ancient times. It is not only a source of useful substances and trace elements, but also a wonderful helper in the home medicine chest, as well as an effective remedy for the common cold and nasal congestion.

Honey - an excellent tool for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, as it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties.

In addition, honey treatment strengthens the body's immune system, which contributes to a quick recovery.

The same effective helper is kerosene. It is known for its disinfecting properties, the ability to dissolve and kill germs and fungi. As an auxiliary, kerosene in angina is the most popular. However, along with the treatment with honey, it is also used for sinusitis.

Another, no less remarkable tool in the home medicine cabinet is recognized as aloe. Aloe vera has bactericidal properties against various bacteria, such as: staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, dysentery bacillus.

Aloe juice in the treatment of sinusitis manifests the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • analgesic.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, for example aloe with honey, is a perfect combination for combating sinusitis. This mixture can successfully cure even chronic forms of the disease.

The recipes for honey and aloe are various and used for various diseases. Here are some of those that are used for genyantritis:

  • Aloe with honey. Take 3 leaves of aloe and 3 - calanchoe. Wash thoroughly. Squeeze the juice from the leaves. Add a teaspoon of honey to the liquid. Stir the mixture, drain with gauze. Bury in the nose for 3 drops in the morning, 3 - in the evening. Treatment of aloe with honey continue until there is an improvement.
  • Onions with honey. Finely chop a small onion. Pour warm boiled water - 200 ml. Add honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Stir, let it brew. This tool is used for both rinsing the nose and for instilling.
  • Beetroot with honey. Prepare the mixture: two tablespoons of beet juice, a teaspoon of honey and three teaspoons of boiled water. Bury in the nose three times a day. Use of applications: moisten a cotton or gauze swab in the mixture, put (alternately) into the nostril for 10 minutes.

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