How to cure a wet cough

How to cure a strong wet cough

How to cure a strong wet cough

A wet cough can disturb as much as dry, thus worsening the quality of life. If the disease lasts more than two weeks - this is an occasion to visit a doctor, and not engage in self-medication. In all other cases it is possible to resort to phytotherapy and reception of expectorants.

Visit to the doctor is an important stage

A wet cough that does not go away for a long time can be caused by a variety of causes, and not only by common colds. Consider that this can manifest itself pneumonia, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc. Without fail it is necessary to perform an X-ray of the lungs and undergo an examination with the therapist.

Sometimes the specialist decides on the expediency of prescribing antibiotics, antifungal or antiviral agents. It is impossible to prescribe medicines independently without going through the examination, as it can only aggravate the situation.

Folk methods in the treatment of wet cough

Despite the fact that the cough is moist, the reception of expectorants is shown, which also have an antiseptic effect. Not bad liquor helps. For its preparation, you will need the roots, which you can buy at the pharmacy. For 500 ml of boiled water, add 2 tablespoons. shredded raw materials. Insist for about half an hour, you can also boil for 5 minutes. Take 100 ml of decoction three times daily before meals. Licorice slightly improves immunity, so her intake is justified and in the midst of a cold.

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Ledum marsh has a pronounced effect. To prepare the broth, take 1 tsp. on 200 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, take 50 ml before meals 2-3 times a day. If you use infusion, you may experience headache, deterioration of well-being, and other side effects. If you notice a suspicious change in your state of health, discontinue treatment.

Radish with honey is an excellent remedy, helping to win both a moist and dry cough. To prepare the syrup you will need one large black radish, from which you must remove the pulp. Inside, a cavity should be formed, into which it is necessary to put honey to the middle. Insist for about a day, take a syrup of 2 tablespoons. 3 times a day until the cough disappears completely.

Medication for coughing

Actually, if there is an allergy that does not allow you to carry out phytotherapy, you can resort to the help of medications. Not bad help with coughing "Bromgeksin", "ACTS", "Ambrobene" and the like.

Before using, it is advisable to consult a doctor. If this is not possible at the moment, strictly follow the instructions. When there are suspicious changes in the state of health, treatment should be discontinued and consulted with the therapist.

Wet cough

Wet cough

A wet cough that does not go away and bothers a person for a long time - may be one of the symptoms of the course of a bronchial or lung disease. In fact, a wet cough, and also called a productive cough, is a natural reaction of the body to the presence of sputum, which has changed its quantitative and qualitative composition.

Dry cough as a symptom is more serious and requires the use of special drugs to eliminate infection and excrete sputum. When the cough is wet, the body tries to independently remove the pathogenic flora.

Wet cough requires treatment with liquor thinning medications, it is also possible to use inhalants, potions, folk remedies. Do not refuse to walk, if the patient does not have temperature and other severe symptoms. Long lying can contribute to the accumulation and difficult sputum on coughing.

Causes of a wet cough

The main causes that cause a wet cough, is the presence of infections such as ARD, ARVI. Wet cough can be one of the symptoms of bronchitis. In severe cases, along with other symptoms, a wet cough is a manifestation of pneumonia.

When diagnosing a disease, the physician draws attention to the attendant symptoms, as well as the nature of the discharge and the type of sputum. Do not be surprised if the doctor asks you: what color is the sputum, how often does it go away, when the most seizures happen cough and the like. The full picture allows him to establish the cause of the cough and correctly approach the treatment of the disease.

Be sure to consult a doctor if a wet cough does not go away within 20 days, accompanied by strong pains in the chest and audible rales, increased body temperature, sputum departs with particles of blood. In this case, self-medication can lead to complications and difficult treatment of the disease.

Than to treat a wet cough?

The most important remedy for a wet cough is that which dilutes sputum. In the presence of an inflammatory process, sputum becomes more viscous, it accumulates in abnormal amounts for the body and is difficult to remove. In order to recover we need not to block the cough as such, but to let it go through all the sputum formed during the inflammatory process with the help of it.

Sputum thinners do not block cough, but make phlegm less viscous and contribute to its faster separation.

Syrup from a wet cough is most often used for children and adolescents. Typically, the composition of the syrup includes many natural substances that facilitate liquefaction of sputum and facilitate coughing. The most popular are Dr. Mom and Gedelix.

Tablets from a wet cough often contain the same active substance - ambroxol. It is precisely it influences the sputum, liquefying it. Among the most popular medicines are Ambroxol, Halixol, ACTS, Fluimutsil, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, as well as Bromgexin, Pektusin and others.

Folk remedies for the treatment of wet coughsyrup from a wet cough

The most famous folk remedy for a wet cough is the licorice root syrup. It is usually applied 4-6 times a day. In addition, do not forget that for more rapid sputum discharge you need to drink more. As for the liquid, it can be tea with lemon, tea with honey, hot milk with a teaspoon of honey. You can also drink cocktails from cranberries and cranberries, rich in vitamin C.

But how to cure a wet cough with herbs: you need to drink broths of plantain, mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort. Also these herbs can be used for inhalation. It is best to use folk remedies along with medicines.

How to cure a wet cough in a child 2.5 years?



Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in a ratio of 1: 3. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour mixture of 0.5 liters. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass 0.5L. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.


do not take self-medication - go to the pediatrician!

The Strikulist

Try to give the syrup of black radish, in it to make the stoning. Inside put honey or sugar, and when a syrup (juice) is formed, give the baby.


depending on what kind of cough, if the sputum departs you can put a raw katroška rubbed and wrap your baby around even at night (it's better to take something old because the potatoes do not wash out)


"Ambrobene" and warm milk with honey and butter. You can buy in the pharmacy "pills for cough" are 1 rub a pack, in the composition of only the herb of thermopsis, soda and starch, are allowed from 1 year old. The main thing! To wash down these tablets with warm milk, only then will be a good effect!, at your age 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. So cheap and easy way if necessary I treat both children, helps very quickly. You can still breast and back smear at night with badger fat (avoiding the heart area). Grow big and do not be ill !!!


Radish one can not be cured, you have to go to the hospital, ointment Badger helps, rubs the breast, back, heels


Do not feed it with milk porridges, more fresh salads, contrast baths, gently starting with warm water pouring hot steam the body, then dip into ice water, to +8 ', after the whole body gently rub it with olive oil. Also pay attention to the presence of parasites (helminths). There is still a very good folk remedy-fatty pig net, ask those who cut pigs) wrap it around the baby's chest for the night, on top of a cotton shirt warm something, better woolen.

Julia Borisovna

we must carefully read:
Coughing is a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to mechanical, chemical or inflammatory irritation. Cough is used by the body of the child, as a physiological function to clean the respiratory tract from what should not normally be there.
With some pathological conditions (asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.) ) a very large amount of, often, viscous sputum is formed in the respiratory tract. With the help of a cough, the baby's body cleanses the respiratory tract, so suppressing cough, especially in such situations, can lead to a marked deterioration in the child's condition.
Many respiratory tract infections are accompanied by a cough that does not require medical treatment and passes itself for a short enough time. The main way to treat this cough is to drink and moisturize the inhaled air.
Cough reflex in children is congenital, however, the ability to cough up phlegm develops with age and reaches an acceptable level by the age of 4-5 years.
In very young children, the nasopharynx is arranged in such a way that most of the mucus secretions run down during the runny nose on the back wall of the pharynx and falls on the vocal cords, irritating them and causing a reflex cough. The same thing happens when teeth are erupted, when salivation increases (to make it clearer - you yourself feel about the same feeling when you "swallow" with saliva).
Thus, prescribing to a small child refluxing and thinning medications is not only ineffective, but can also lead to unpleasant consequences.
The main feature of cough medicine is that there is still no real scientific research that determines the effectiveness and safety of most cough medicine. Doses given to children are in fact extrapolated from adult doses, that is, the exact dosages for children are unknown and unspecified. Side effects, up to the most severe, associated with the use of "cough" drugs, are repeatedly described in the specialized literature.
Cough in ARVI is a self-passing condition, which is treated with copious drinking and moistening of the air.
Is it necessary, dear parents, to give medicines to a child, exposing his health to risk where there is enough parental love, patience and abundant drink?


all the tips that you gave very good! you can only add that you need a strong drink during illness, frequent airing and moist air
but with hardening, I think it is worthwhile to wait and begin tempering after recovery! but when you start, do not ever break

How to treat a wet cough in a child?

How to treat a wet cough in a childCough is considered one of the main signs of pathology of the respiratory system. It can appear with colds, flu, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases. Causes can be non-pathological. Cough is divided into dry and moist. The latter is characterized by the appearance of sputum and is also called productive. It is believed that a wet cough appears with a positive dynamics of treatment and suggests that it is a matter of correction. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to treat a wet cough in a child.

Is it necessary to treat a wet cough in a child?

The appearance of sputum and its expectoration helps to cure the body as soon as possible. In some cases, a special treatment for a damp cough in a child is not required. For example, if it occurs as a consequence of a runny nose and the flow of mucus down the inner surface of the throat. In such cases, only treatment of the underlying disease is needed.

However, in most cases, the causes of wet cough are more serious. It can be diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, lung abscess and others. A doctor's consultation is desirable for any cough, but the following signs should additionally alert the parents and become an unambiguous reason for calling a doctor:

  • a frequent strong moist cough, especially if it is observed at night or is of a paroxysmal nature;
  • green color of phlegm, its turbidity, the presence of traces or veins of blood in it;
  • duration of cough more than a month;
  • presence of high temperature;
  • wheezing in the chest.

How to properly cure a wet cough in a child?

The most complete and correct treatment of a damp cough in a child will be able to pick up a doctor after necessary tests and examinations. Therapeutic measures will depend on the diagnosis. It is not worthwhile to start treatment independently, as this can lead to serious consequences. But parents should provide the child with a certain care and try to alleviate his condition.

  1. When deciding how to properly cure a wet cough in a child, you should categorically reject the drugs that suppress and eliminate cough. In such situations expectorants and mucolytics are more suitable. They make the phlegm less viscous and remove it from the bronchi.
  2. If the baby has a fever, then he is shown bed rest, which should not be violated.
  3. If the normal temperature is maintained, even when coughing, it is desirable that the child, at least once a day, walk in the fresh air. If the weather is not conducive to this, then it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where the baby is, and also to moisten the air in it.
  4. An important factor in the treatment of any cold and infectious diseases is a profuse warm drink. In this capacity, you can use compotes of fresh and dried berries and fruits, cranberry, currant, raspberry and other berries, teas that can add lemon or honey and the like.

Wet cough in a child: what to treat?

Treatment of a wet cough in a child, as already mentioned, should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually it includes the use of expectorants, physical therapy, inhalation, warming and other methods. It is also possible to use folk remedies that can help cope with a child's wet cough.


Preparations of this group contribute to the dilution of too much sputum and the excretion of it from the bronchi. It is accepted to divide all expectorants into two types according to their origin: synthetic and plant.

Among the group of expectorants of plant origin are Prospan, Pertussin, Mukaltin, Doctor Mom, Alteyka and others. The most famous and available of these drugs is Mukaltin. It is used in the treatment of diseases characterized by damage to the lower parts of the respiratory system and a prolonged cough. This drug has expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It strengthens the work of the bronchial glands, as a result of which the mucous secretions are produced more intensively, the phlegm becomes more liquid. Mucaltin is recommended for children over 12 years of age, in addition, it is prohibited in case of peptic ulcer and can cause allergies, like other herbal remedies.

Most parents when choosing a drug to treat wet cough in a child give preference to herbal remedies, which is not always correct. As a rule, their effectiveness is lower than for preparations of synthetic origin. So, for the treatment of cough in infants, doctors are more likely to prescribe exactly such remedies. These include Lazolvan, Ambroxol, ATSTS and others. Preparations of this group more quickly eliminate coughing attacks and are often more effective. In any case, when determining the methods for treating a damp cough in a child, it is better to trust the professionals.

Than a wet cough in a child is dangerous

Folk remedies

There are quite a lot of prescriptions for folk remedies for the treatment of wet cough. It is advisable to consult a doctor before applying these methods of treatment.

  1. Badger fat. For young children, it can be used for grinding breast, back and foot. After that, the baby is properly wrapped when he sweats, the child is changed into clean dry clothes and again covered with a blanket. Children, age of more than 3 years, badger fat give a small spoon inside 2-3 times a day. It can be dissolved in a glass of warmed milk, where it will be useful to add honey.
  2. Sheep and goose fat. Ways of using them are similar to badger fat.
  3. Infusion of pine buds. It is cooked on water or milk. To prepare 0.5 liters of milk or water bring to a boil and add to it a large spoonful of kidneys, then the remedy insist an hour. Drink infusion should be 50-70 ml every 2-3 hours.
  4. Radish with honey. You can prepare a folk remedy based on radish with the addition of honey in several ways. The most common of these is to make a deepening in the radish and pour a little honey. After a while, a mixture of radish and honey juice is formed in this cavity, which helps to cope with the cough.
  5. Bow. From it you can prepare an infusion of hot milk, for which a finely chopped onion is poured into a glass of milk and left to be infused. Then the product is filtered and heated. You can drink it on a large spoon every hour or at once the whole glass.
  6. Various compresses on the chest or back. For their preparation, honey and mustard powder, boiled potatoes, camphor alcohol and other ingredients can be used.

Widely used in folk medicine to treat wet cough in a child and medicinal herbs. For this purpose, usually used raspberry leaves, lime blossom, mother-and-stepmother, thyme, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and others.


Inhalations contribute to better mucus clearance and cough relief. For their conduct can be used decoctions of herbs, for example, thyme and coltsfoot, essential oils, soda, menthol, iodine and others. It is important to follow the safety rules when performing this procedure:

  • the liquid should not be too hot, otherwise the child can be seriously burned;
  • Inhalation is usually recommended for children older than 3 years;
  • duration of one session is about 10 minutes;
  • the child should be calm;
  • Do not inhale immediately after eating;
  • After the procedure, do not go out for several hours.

For inhalation, you can use an ordinary teapot, a special inhaler or a device such as a nebulizer. The latter allows you to make the procedure more safe and effective.

In addition, it must be remembered that inhalation can not be given to children with fever, during the first days of the disease, with a purulent sputum character, and also when barking coughing and shortness of breath.

How to treat a wet cough to a child? (4 years) bromhexine does not help. And for what period of time is it really cured?



It is not necessary to treat a wet cough purposefully - it is a protective reaction of the body, directed to fight with infection of the lungs.
Slime has a weak antibacterial effect, but should be removed in time. To remove mucus, a cough is needed. If the cough is simply suppressed by any medications, the mucus that is released will begin to stagnate, which can lead to serious consequences.
Bromhexine is designed to dilute the mucus - you, apparently, the mucus and so well departs, so the effect is not noticeable. Mukaltin strengthens the production of mucus and dilutes it.
It is best to ensure that the child coughs up phlegm in time, drank enough fluids (if you drink a little - sputum becomes viscous and will not go away badly). The air in the room should not be dry, stagnant.
And the cough will pass itself, together with phlegm, when the infection will be defeated.

Lexx opossum

To my daughter the medicine "Linkas" helped. for 3-4 days everything passes

Lone wolf

Wet cough - better than dry. But this does not mean that it does not need to be treated. The main task for dry cough in children is the formation of sputum for coughing. But with wet it is necessary to facilitate its departure, especially in the case of a child's cough. In children, phlegm is too viscous, so its separation is very difficult. Mucus itself is a pathological substance, completely undesirable in the bronchi. It must be extracted, which, in fact, is the cough directed. With prolonged exposure, mucus becomes the focus of bacterial development, the process of recovery is delayed in time, and the situation itself is fraught with complications. That is why when wet coughing, children are prescribed mucolytic and expectorant drugs, as well as combined medicines. Mucolytics contribute to the formation of mucus (if it is, but its amount is not enough for easy withdrawal), and expectorant drugs dilute the formed phlegm and help it to withdraw.

Steam can also be effective in treating children cough. Ask your pediatrician to introduce you to all the rules for their conduct, and clearly follow the procedure. Remember that inhalations can not only help but also hurt, so exercise caution in their application especially to very young children.

As soon as you have achieved that the child cleanses mucus productively, drug treatment should be discontinued. Now you can help the baby cough faster. This is facilitated by mobile games, laughter, physical education. Only everything should be in moderation - just do not forbid the child to play and have fun.

A good effect is having a back and chest massage, as well as rubbing. This method is particularly relevant in the treatment of wet cough in infants and allergy sufferers. The physical external effect on the bronchi contributes to a better sputum discharge. But massage should be done lightly and carefully, with feeling, tact and arrangement, as they say.

The treatment of children is a responsible and time-consuming process. Remember that the main responsibility for their health lies with you. Be confident in your pediatrician and in your actions. Experimenting on children is not the best idea. Do only what you do not doubt.


Inhalation with nebulizer with saline solution, with lazolvanom (2 ml. / 2 ml) - 3 times a day + inhalation simply with saline solution 3 r / day (3 ml)


The nebulizer is 2 ml lazolvan. + saline solution3ml. + Berodual 10 drops three times a day. Lazolvan buy for inhalation.

Communication MegaFonCaucasus

My Laszalvan helped. After 4 days passes a cough. Only give instructions.
Or the mother-and-machech grass speaks from a cough. (Aunt said that she always treated children so, I have not tried it myself)

Tatiana Bogdanova

Only the ascaril helps us.

Tanya *

The choice of medicine is an individual matter. To whom that one helps better, to someone else. But certainly not sparingly with a damp cough! Rave! Berodual is generally better to use extremely rarely. Heavy drug! But it helps well with stenosis. Checked. Tapping movements on a back after a dream contribute to the sputum discharge. The doctor always gives us this advice



Mucoltine tablets. At night (if there is no temperature), anoint the back and heels with warming ointment (for example, the doctor). Brew a chest of cough (he, too, is on sale in a pharmacy). And do not forget about vitamins for children. We are helped by such procedures.


We are good althea root helps or licorice. as well as inhalation nebulizer with lazolvanom. Teas from a cough.


One of the recipes from the site http: // ...
"Ginger tea for cold and depression Brew ordinary leaf green tea without additives. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Cut a small piece (2-3 cm) of ginger and pour the finished tea into a thermos. Add some honey. Colds and other colds are perfectly treated with ginger tea with honey and lemon, and with a wet cough recommend adding cloves or cinnamon to tea. "
Before giving this tea to a child, try it yourself, to add honey or lemon to the tea, taking into account the taste of the child.

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