Can I warm my legs when I cough to a child?

Is it possible for a child to soar her feet with a cold?

To the chagrin of any mom, children get sick very often. Rhinitis is one of the most common health problems in infants. Can I soar my feet with a cold? At what age can this be done? How correctly to prepare a solution for this procedure? How long should it last? Can I soar my legs if my child has a fever?

The problem of the common cold in children

These and many other questions often torment young mothers. At the age of up to 6 years, the child develops an immune system, so doctors say that frequent illnesses at this age are routine training of the body. Children are ill with viral diseases or simply supercooled. In both cases, a terrible leak begins from the child's spout, and the swelling of the nasal mucosa does not let you breathe at night, preventing the baby from sleeping normally. In this case, do not immediately resort to drugs. First you need to trust the old grandmother's ways how to put the baby on its feet. One of these methods is warming up the child's legs in a basin with warm water and various additives.

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Why do hot foot baths help?

Footsteps are a very important reflexogenic zone of the whole organism. Not without reason, having drenched his feet in the rain the day before, a man in the morning feels a sore throat and a stuffy nose. When the feet become cold, reflexively there is a negative effect on the nasal cavity and pharynx.

Therefore, when warming up the feet, there is a curative effect on the respiratory tract.

High temperature - a contraindication for steaming legsIn addition, when the feet are exposed to high water temperatures, vasodilation is noted, the blood flow is increased, and from the upper part of the trunk it pours down.

There is an outflow of fluid from inflamed tissues, the swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases, it becomes easier to breathe the sick, the child feels better. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to soar the child's legs.

There is one more reason why steaming legs is considered a very useful procedure. As mentioned above, it activates the bloodstream in the body, promoting a faster movement of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood. Their struggle with the disease becomes more productive.

When you can not soar your baby's legs?

Soar your feet, too, you need right. Especially if the procedure is done to the child. It can not be carried out if the baby has a fever. Even if the readings of the thermometer barely exceeded the mark of 37, it is better to put the bath for the baby feet off. The matter is that the raised temperature is already loading for a children's organism. Therefore, to arrange additional tests it is not necessary. And here a rhinitis or cough without temperature to facilitate by warm trays it is possible. If the child is allergic to mustard, essential oils or other additives that are used for steaming legs, you need to act very carefully. In these cases, you can simply use warmed water without adding anything or with weak herbal decoctions.

With care, it is necessary to carry out the procedure if the child has some diseases of the cardiovascular system. The fact is that warming up the legs is a very serious strain on the heart. In this case it is better to consult a pediatrician or to refuse the procedure altogether. It is better to forget about the procedure even if there are any rashes on the baby's skin: allergy, perspiration and others. Essential oils or mustard will cause additional irritation of the skin and aggravate the situation.

How to soar baby legs?

Essential oils for foot bathThe procedure is best done at night. For her, you need to take a deep basin or a bucket: it's better if not only the feet but also the lower part of the shin are covered with water - so the limbs will be warmed up more efficiently.

Mom often has many questions about the temperature of the water. Remember the following: water in any case can not be made with boiling water. So you can hurt, but not cure. The optimum water temperature is 40 degrees. It is this kind of water that ensures the expansion of blood vessels.

But the bottom of the basin you can lay a towel with a large pile, put a loofah or manually make a baby a foot massage. This will enhance the effect of treatment. All this time the child needs something to occupy: to come up with some kind of game with bathing legs or just read a book.

Three minutes after the beginning of steaming, a little water of the same temperature can be poured into the basin to prevent its cooling. And even after about 5 minutes in the tank you need to add water slightly higher temperature (45 degrees). This will ensure the gradual heating of the legs. After 3 minutes, the procedure must be completed. In total, the foot bath should be done about 10 - 13 minutes. After this, the child's feet need to be wiped dry, put on cotton first, and then terry or woolen socks. It's good if the child falls asleep immediately. Warm baths for legs can be arranged 2 - 3 times a day. After these procedures, the child is better to lie down or fall asleep, but in no case can not go out.

What can be used to prepare the solution?

Decoction on herbs for steaming legsFor medicinal foot baths, water with added essential oils, decoctions of herbs or dry mustard is suitable.

In all three cases, you need to act with knowledge.

Steaming legs with mustard is the most popular remedy for the common cold. The fact is that the mustard has an additional warming effect. To use mustard for this purpose began many centuries ago. In the course already then came the seeds of this plant, containing useful essential oils. Together with warm water mustard powder has a good therapeutic effect.

To make a mustard solution you will need 2 - 3 tablespoons of dry mustard (1 tablespoon of powder usually per 1 liter of water). It is sold in pharmacies and regular grocery stores. In the water heated to 40 degrees, you need to add this ingredient and mix it well with your hand. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it with the amount: the skin of the children is very tender, and the mustard is famous for its burning.

To steam the legs, essential oils are also used: eucalyptus, mint, pine, fir. In the prepared water, add 2 - 3 drops of oil. Plus such trays is that incidentally the child passes and inhalation procedure, inhaling vapors of an oil solution. It is very useful for colds of the respiratory tract.

The doctor's consultationIf you use mustard or essential oils for some reason it is impossible, and decoctions of herbs will do. In the water you can add broths of turn, sage, mint, chamomile. 2 - 3 tablespoons of dry herbs you need to pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist. After about 40 minutes, the broth can be diluted with warm water and proceed with the procedure.

If the foot bath was made with some additives, after steaming the baby's legs you need to pour clean warm water.

The procedure can be performed for children older than 9 months.

Often moms make babies so-called dry mustard packs. This method is suitable if the child can not sit down to get his feet in the water. For a dry method you will need: 2 tablespoons mustard powder and two pairs of cotton socks. Socks should be warmed up on the battery, and the baby's feet are well rubbed with a towel. Next, the child needs to wear one pair of socks, and then, falling asleep in the second approximately a tablespoon of mustard, put on the baby and them. After that, the baby is better wrapped in a warm blanket. So the mustard will also produce a good warming effect.


Feet will sweat, the skin will absorb valuable mustard essential oils. Two pairs of socks are necessary. In no case should it be allowed to directly touch the mustard powder with the baby's skin, since in this case a burn is possible.

You need to soar at the very first signs of a cold. So the procedure will have the maximum heal-improving effect. A foot bath can be made to the child and in order to prevent the disease: if the child has been exposed to rain, has gotten wet feet or just froze in cold weather.

People's methods of fighting colds in children can and should be used. It is important to apply other ways of treating the common cold along with the steaming of the feet: for example, to practice rubbing, copious drinking, washing the nose, inhaling.


In this case, even the most innocuous methods of traditional medicine should be used correctly, so as not to harm a small organism.

What except for the bitter musters to get your feet to steam? Children cough,



yesterday I read it and done it to my own way. stewed her feet with soda slightly added to the water. gave her tea at once as he soared his feet. tea with linden and honey. and smeared after a heel with iodine. then warm woolen socks and sleep! and a blanket is good to hide


In addition to bitterness - only a pepper! But then again, this is if the children have a Trommel !!!

Possession of dragons =)

Steer, mash with Menovasin or an asterisk, and put on warm socks.


I have a good method, I give my granddaughter from the age of five, Buy a fresh root of ginger, food. in all vegetable shops. Rub the slice on a fine grater. To a glass of boiling water, a bag of tea, 1 teaspoon of honey and, (depending on the age), a teaspoon, grated ginger, stand for 5 minutes and drink in small sips. Adults also the same, but ginger 1 spoon tea. Attaching photo.


Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.

Warming of the chest with cough and bronchitis: can I warm my chest

With bronchitis, many people start applying warming ointments and compresses to their chests, completely without thinking that such procedures in this situation can be contraindicated.

Warm-up immediately gives the patient some relief, but later the patient's condition can deteriorate sharply, and the warmth of the chest compress will be the blame. Although all the homemakers will sincerely be surprised at the reverse effect.

What is the reason for this phenomenon? And it consists in the individuality of each organism and the type of bronchitis, which at home can not be determined.

It turns out that in order to successfully treat bronchitis, you need to find out its type, otherwise treatment can be useless. This is at best, at worst - it can be dangerous.

What is bronchitis?

bronchitisBronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi that refers to the lower respiratory tract.

Under the influence of the focus of inflammation, their mucous membrane is damaged, microcirculation is disrupted, and tissue swelling appears.

Symptoms of bronchitis look like this:

  1. the patient has a strong cough;
  2. increased sweating;
  3. Sputum is excreted during cough;
  4. the body temperature rises;
  5. there is a general weakness of the body.

If you do not start to treat bronchitis, this condition can last for weeks to two. Gradually the bronchitis will die down, but if the inflammation focus is not eliminated, the disease can go on into a chronic form.

This means that from time to time the ailment will appear again and will not leave the patient alone until the end of life.

Causes of inflammation of the bronchi

Adverse factors that have a lot of bronchitis, and over the years physicians find more and more. They primarily include:

  • frequent hypothermia;
  • infections (both bacterial and viral);
  • work in a dusty room;
  • allergic reactions;
  • environmental factors;
  • smoking;
  • weak immunity.
development of bronchitisIt is known that for people who are not inclined, a prolonged stay in the cold season in the open air is fraught with a cold or bronchitis. And human immunity often weakens the unfavorable ecological situation. Such people become vulnerable to various diseases, in particular to bronchitis.

Sometimes bronchitis accompanies infectious diseases of the viral (influenza, adenovirus) or bacterial (streptococci, pneumococci) origin.

Some people in their profession have to be in dusty places. This is about:

  1. miners;
  2. builders;
  3. workers of cement plants and people of other specialties.

Dust, inhaled with air, settles on the mucous membrane of the bronchi and leads to their inflammation. A similar picture occurs with smokers, but in this case, not dust, but nicotine gums, microparticles of heavy metals and other muck get into the bronchi.

In such a situation, the inflammation of the bronchi is facilitated by the toxic effect of nicotine, which leads to a weakening of the whole organism.

Treatment of the disease is appointed in accordance with the causes of its appearance, but in the first place, these reasons must be eliminated.

Treatment of bronchitis

If the cause of bronchitis is the pollen of flowering plants or the fur of domestic animals, the warming of the chest in this case is meaningless, since it is an allergic cough. The patient needs to identify the stimulus and try to eliminate it, including using inhalation in bronchitis.

It is not only impractical to warm the thorax in case of a smoker's bronchitis, but also very dangerous. Thus, it is possible to provoke movement in the bronchi of solid particles and damage the mucous tissue. Before performing a warm-up, it is necessary to take measures to dilute sputum.

Bronchia can be warmed by cough only if there is an infectious or catarrhal disease. However, at high temperatures, this is forbidden, since the body is already warming up from the inside, and the excessive exposure to temperature can end very badly.

How it is possible to warm up the bronchi with a strong cough

The chest can be warmed only in the absence of temperature, otherwise the body can cause additional harm.

  • With obstructive bronchitis, warming procedures are also prohibited. Improvement of blood circulation, which will certainly follow such a compress, can provoke spasm of the bronchi.
  • Warm up the chest can not be and if the patient has serious heart problems.
  • You can not apply warming compresses to the damaged skin, you need to choose another part of the body or even refrain from the procedure.
how to warm bronchiWarming up can be carried out with the help of mustard plasters, massage and warming ointments. Some people stick to one method, others prefer a different one, but all these options act on sputum diluting, which contributes to its excretion.

It is in this effect that the facilitating effect on the patient's body is bronchitis. When the concentration of phlegm decreases, coughing attacks become less intense, and the gaps between them increase.

In addition, the patient improves blood circulation and eliminates the swelling of mucous membranes, which is always present when coughing.

Ways of heating the chest with a cough

There are several different methods of heating the chest with inflammation of the bronchi. Most often, the method of imposing mustard plasters is applied. This procedure is very simple and does not require any medical skills.

You can buy mustard in any pharmacy. They are a paper envelope filled with mustard powder. Before applying, the mustard for 2 minutes is placed in hot water, letting the water drain and applied to the body, avoiding the heart area.

Adult patients mustard plasters can be applied to the naked body. For children, there is another technique. First, put on the skin folded in several layers of gauze, impregnated with vegetable oil or a sheet of thick paper, and already put a mustard plaster on top. This precaution is necessary to prevent burns.

how to warm your throat with gotsIn 2-3 minutes the patient will begin to feel a burning sensation, which will gradually increase. But keep mustard plasters need 15 minutes until the skin beneath them turns red. People with sensitive skin can not stand such a time, for them it needs to be cut. In general, the exposure time is selected individually.

After the mustard will be removed, the skin in the place of contact must be wiped with a damp towel. If this is not done, the smallest particles of mustard powder will continue to irritate the skin, which will lead to a burn.

Warming ointments by the nature of the effect on the body can be compared with mustard plasters. They are also used for inflammation of the bronchi for liquefaction and excretion of sputum. The most popular for today is ointment Dr. Mom. The liniment contains menthol and eucalyptus essential oil.

Dr. Mom has practically no contraindications, there are only two:

  1. Do not rub damaged ointment with ointment.
  2. The drug is not recommended for people who have an individual intolerance to the components.

Since the drug does not burn and does not irritate the skin, it is much preferable to the usual mustard plasters. Dr. Mom has a warming and expectorant effect on the weakened body. Liniment is fairly simple to use: usually they rubbed their chest, back, or neck before going to bed. Along with this, you can use bronchodilators to ensure that the treatment is comprehensive.

It is recommended to watch the video in this article, where it will be told about the chest compress for coughing.

Is it possible to warm a child's feet with mustard? To the kid of 9 months, excruciates a rhinitis.



Do you want to dissolve in water? And how do you picture it? ) Do you think the child will sit and warm his legs?)))
just put them in your toes at night.

God's Karofa

Of course not!

Irina Subocheva

Probably still not with mustard, but just mustard-pour into socks.


no, no and NO

Svetlana Azarova (Osadchaya)

If there is no temperature, then it is possible.


Can I warmed for 6 months. baby, a pediatrician advised, special children are sold, but do not overdo it! Get well soon!!!


it is possible with dry mustard. but I do not know if it helps with the common cold.
from the common cold it would be good to warm the area of ​​the nose and the maxillary sinus - you can heat salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a bag and heat, or you can just boil an egg and warm it there. but it must be that the child was given at least a couple of minutes on each side.
get well!

Ksenia Zverzhhovskaya

Bathe with mustard, rinse well, put on hygroscopic clothes, wrap and put it to sleep.


put the mustard on the heels. but be careful - my elder opened a wild cough - it turned out, an allergy to mustard. Although he did not have any allergies at all.

Natalia Agurova

better take the doctor Mom rubbing, and the letter T rub, it's under your fingers and along the foot, a small drop and immediately put on your toes, and under the blanket, and the legs are warmed. we only treat a cold for 5 months.. .

Marina Alhovik

No, this is called a "distraction procedure" - it has no treatment for treatment, soothes parents who supposedly help their child, and you can get a burn. It is better to wash your nose more often with saline solution (saline, aquamaris, ) + cool (18-20 gr. ) moist air (40-60%) in the room. If because of a cold badly sleeps, put under the mattress (!!! not under the head, and under the mattress) pillow, so that the child was easier.


It is possible, most importantly, that there is no allergic reaction (it is rare, but it happens). I've been warming my legs since 7 months with a cold.

Is it possible to soar the legs of a child with a sore throat? how to cope with a cough, if we suffer from a sore throat in addition?? araneee thanks!



If there is no temperature, then warming your legs is only beneficial in terms of coughing, but not sore throats. The choice of medication depends on the characteristics of the cough ("dry" or "wet frequent, harsh or weak and short, barking, hoarse), and also on the individual characteristics of the child. Cough dry, obtrusive, painful, painful, the child is disturbed by sleep and appetite. - Antitussive medicines (Sinekod, Libeksin, Broncholitin (for children over 3 years old), Stoptussin).
Cough with thick, viscous, poorly expectorated sputum - Mucolytic drugs (ATSTS) and mucolytic drugs with expectorant effect (Bromhexin, Bronchosan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Ambroghexal, Lazolvan, Halixol, Medox, Fljuditik) preparations based on plant extracts (Prospan, Herbion Syrup primrose). Cough is unproductive, but not intrusive and does not disturb the sleep and appetite of children - Expectorants (Dr. Mom, Altey, Mukaltin, Licorice, Pertussin, Suprima-bronho). Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.


If there is no temperature, then completely.

Julia K

Cough still my grandmother treated radish with honey. In a small radish cut out the middle, that would have a hole, put honey there and wait until it turns into water, and then drink.

alwаys аnswer

I agree, radish with honey is the ideal medicine. It is not desirable to hover legs, t can rise, it is better to breathe over mint or potatoes under a blanket, such as inhalation, then the respiratory organs and the neck will warm up. Inhale with your mouth to breathe out your nose.

Rose of May

why soar your legs with sore throat??? treat the tonsils !!!

Svetlana Chernysh

Help with coughing, and any inflammation in the lungs can be a honey cake... My grandmother's recipe. 2 dessert spoons of honey + 1 dessert mustard spoon (dry, or ready) +1 tablespoon vegetable oil not refined oil + flour (to make an elastic dough, soft... ) Put the cake on the chest, on top of the compress paper and warm it, bandage it to hold it... At night, or in the afternoon for several hours. This compress helps everyone! And babies, and adults. Only components are taken different. Adults on tablespoons, and pectoral from tea, dessert... This recipe helps with a strong cough. The legs can be soared, and you can pour dry mustard into your toes. Get well...


if it really is sore throats then you can not fly your legs in any case, because as a rule with angina strong heat is in the first place and in the second sore throat should be treated only antibiotics because it is streptokkok which then can cause complications in the form of rheumatism and td By the way and any thermal procedures on a throat at anginas too contraindicated

The Sun of Sidorov

I would also not soar my legs, I do not see much sense and effect in this, to be honest. Did you call the doctor at home? Let her look up her throat, write out the medicine. I just remember on my own, in all cases, as regards the illness of the child, the doctor always called, and only after her examination she began the treatment. Of the last that she wrote to us, was Kagocel, antiviral, copes well with viruses and infections, although it can be from the age of 6. I do not know how much yours, but the drug is good, new, probably therefore effective.
I still advise you to consult with your doctor first thing.

/ \ [email protected]

If there is no temperature, then it is possible. At a temperature better rinse

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