Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint treatment at various severity levels


  • 1Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint: signs, causes, methods of treatment and prevention
    • 1.1Description of the disease
    • 1.2Risk factors
    • 1.3Stages of arthrosis
    • 1.4Symptoms of the disease
    • 1.5Diagnosis of arthrosis
    • 1.6Methods of treatment of deforming arthrosis
    • 1.7Pills
    • 1.8Ointments and Gels
    • 1.9Injections
    • 1.10Operation
    • 1.11Recipes of traditional medicine
    • 1.12Prevention of arthrosis
  • 2Deforming knee osteoarthritis: treatment of the disease
    • 2.1What is deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint
    • 2.2Classification
    • 2.3Signs and Symptoms
    • 2.4Than the pathology is dangerous
    • 2.5Treatment of knee osteoarthritis
    • 2.6Healing Exercises
    • 2.7Health food
    • 2.8Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 2.9Surgical method of treatment
    • 2.10Folk remedies
    • 2.11Complications and consequences in the absence of treatment
    • 2.12Prevention
  • 3Deforming knee osteoarthritis: causes of the disease
    • 3.1Features of the disease
    • 3.2Symptoms of gonarthrosis
    • 3.3Types of pathology
    • 3.4Causes
    • 3.5Degrees of development
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.6Diagnostic procedure
    • 3.7Methods of treatment
    • 3.8Conservative approach
    • 3.9ethnoscience
    • 3.10Nutrition and gymnastics
    • 3.11Surgery
    • 3.12Preventive actions
  • 4How to treat deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint?
    • 4.1Physical recovery
    • 4.2Medication Therapy
    • 4.3Physiotherapy
    • 4.4Radical therapy
    • 4.5Gymnastics
    • 4.6Folk remedies

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint: signs, causes, methods of treatment and prevention

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, the disease is present in 4 percent of the world's population.

The main factor contributing to the onset of the disease is age. Moreover, the disease can well develop in young people. An impulse for the beginning of negative changes can become traumas, infections and even excess weight.

The disease brings a lot of troubles, including limitation of mobility, pain and unaesthetic deformation of the knees.

In severe cases, patients lose the ability to move independently.

Over the past decade, about 10 percent of all disabilities in Russia are associated with arthrosis.

Description of the disease

The disease has several names: deforming arthrosis (defarctosis), deforming osteoarthritis (DOA), gonarthrosis (exclusively scientific term). The disease leads to degenerative changes, in which the connective cartilaginous tissue wears out.

Cartilaginous tissue in the joint serves as a shock absorber, which softens the friction of bones during movement. Due to various dystrophic changes, cartilaginous tissue can lose its damping properties.

The result is such symptoms as pain, swelling, difficulty in moving. In some cases specific formations are formed on the bones - osteophytes (also called bone spines).

Deforming arthrosis can affect both one knee, and simultaneously the right and left joint.

Risk factors

Unfortunately, no one is immune from this disease. At the same time, there are factors that significantly increaseprobability of deforming arthrosis:

  • age over 45 years (due to natural aging processes, joints become more susceptible to dystrophic changes);
  • belonging to the female sex (according to statistics, women suffer from this disease twice as often);
  • excess weight (excess weight creates an additional burden on the knee joints, which accelerates deformation);
  • heredity (the risk of getting sick is much higher if the parents or siblings have a disease);
  • intensive sports for a long time (a particular danger is represented by such sports as long-distance running, tennis and cycling);
  • the presence of other joint diseases, for example, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • previously received leg injuries (negative changes in joints after dislocations and fractures can lead to the development of the disease).

Stages of arthrosis

Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the degree of joint damagedistinguish several stages of the disease.

  • Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the first degree. At this stage, initial changes occur in the joint. There is no external deformation of the knee, but swelling can sometimes occur. Periodically, a dull pain arises in the knee, especially after the motor load. Unfortunately, people often ignore these symptoms, although at this stage some treatment and lifestyle adjustment is required.
  • Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 2 degrees, treatment at this stage is already extremely important. At this stage the pain becomes stronger and more prolonged. Often formed edema in the knee. In the mornings in the joint, there is often a feeling of stiffness that goes through the day. A characteristic feature of the stage is also a crunch in the joint when walking. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 2nd degree is usually performed out-patiently and in the first place presumes taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as using ointments with similar action.
  • Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree. At this stage, the pain becomes permanent and does not pass even at rest. The joint, as a rule, is strongly deformed, the knee muscles are atrophied completely or partially. Patients are now very difficult to move around, limping can develop. In the most severe cases, a person can not walk at all. On the roentgenogram, there is no joint gap. Despite such severe symptoms of deforming knee arthrosis, treatment of grade 3 is possible. In this case, it passes in the hospital and, as a rule, involves surgical intervention.

Symptoms of the disease

It is very important to pay attention in time to symptoms that indicate the onset of pathological changes. This will help in a timely manner to consult a doctor and begin adequate treatment.Characteristic signs of deforming osteoarthritis:

  • periodic swelling;
  • sensation of joint stiffness during movement;
  • pulsating or dull pain during movement or at rest;
  • sudden sensation of heat in the joint;
  • difficulty in moving (walking, flexing and bending the knee, climbing the stairs, descending the stairs);
  • crackling or crunching in the joint when moving.

Diagnosis of arthrosis

If you find yourself showing signs of osteoarthritis, you should immediately call your doctor for the correct diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis is based on examination and family history data. Andthe results of the following studies are needed.

  • Radiograph. Roentgen allows you to obtain a detailed image of the bones. This makes it possible to identify such disturbing signs as bone injuries, formed osteophytes and narrowing of the joint gap.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Sometimes such a study is necessary for a more accurate diagnosis. MRI allows you to determine the condition of soft tissues and most accurately assess the degree of joint damage.

Methods of treatment of deforming arthrosis

To date, there is no remedy to completely cure deforming arthrosis. Treatment is to reduce symptoms and prevent deterioration.

The following treatment options are applied.


Analgesics help relieve painand a feeling of stiffness in the knee, but they have no effect on the pathological processes in the joint and can not repair damaged tissue. These drugs are taken as an emergency aid for severe pain or increased stress.

The most effective and safe analgesic for such cases is paracetamol.

Occurring complaints about the poor efficacy of the remedy are very often due to the fact that patients take too small doses of the drug.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the optimal dosage together with the attending physician.

With severe pain, the doctor can prescribe combined medicines, which containparacetamol and codeine (or analogues thereof). These drugs are more effective, but cause more side effects. You can only buy these medicines by prescription.

If inflammation of the tissues is detected along with pain and stiffness of the joint, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for example, ibuprofen or naproxen, are prescribed. The drugs have many contraindications and side effects, so the possibility of their appointment and dosage is determined by the doctor individually.

One of the drawbacks of these drugs is the negative effect on the stomach, therefore simultaneously with them it is necessary to take antiulcer drugs, for example, omeprazole or its analogues. And also NSAIDs can be dangerous with reduced blood clotting, a predisposition to bleeding, heart rhythm disturbances and diabetes.

Ointments and Gels

Use of creams and ointments for pain reliefand inflammation is the optimal solution if there are contraindications for taking tablets.

Ointments are usually well tolerated and have almost no side effects, since a very small proportion of the active substances enter the blood when applied.

The most effective for the treatment of arthrosis are ointments based on capsaicin (a substance derived from hot red pepper). It is necessary to know the following features of these drugs:

  • in most cases, when you first use, you get a burning sensation that lasts for several days;
  • the pain and inflammation decrease gradually; only in two weeks it can be concluded that this remedy is effective.


Injections of special medicinal substances are used in those cases when it is required to relieve an attack of acute pain or on the threshold of an intensive load on the joints. The injection is made directly into the joint.To relieve pain and inflammationthe following substances for injection are used:

  • Steroids (preparations based on cortisol, suppressing the immune system);
  • hyaluronic acid (usually prescribed by doctors if injections of steroids do not help).

With regard to the latter, there are conflicting opinions in the medical community. Some European medical organizations believe that the evidence base for the effectiveness of drugs based on hyaluronic acid is insufficient.


With severe pain and severe mobility limitationsand the doctor can prescribe an operation. Operations are used to treat arthrosis 2 and 3 degrees. Today perform the following types of operations.

  • An arthrodesis. In this case, the joint tissue is completely removed. As a result of the operation, the patella, the tibia and femur are joined. To this operation doctors resort only in the event that there is no other way out. The fact is that such a radical procedure leads to a significant restriction of leg mobility.
  • Arthroscopic debridement. This variant of the operation is used in the second stage of arthrosis, if conservative methods of treatment do not help. The procedure involves removing necrotic tissue from the damaged joint. Unfortunately, the improvement of the condition after such an operation lasts no more than two years.
  • Periarticular osteotomy. This is a very complicated operation, during which the bones in the joint are filed so as to position them at a certain angle. The new arrangement of bones makes it possible to reduce the load on the joint. The operation is used extremely rarely because of the complexity and short-term effect.
  • Endoprosthetics. In this case, the joint is replaced with an artificial implant. To date, this is the most effective operation. Pain and discomfort in the joint are eliminated for a period of 10 to 15 years. Then it is necessary to do repeated endoprosthetics.
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Recipes of traditional medicine

There are also folk remedies for the treatment of joint arthrosis. In some cases, they can benefit. Of course, before applying any folk prescription, you should consult your doctor. As a rule, doctors admit such treatment, as additional.

To treat arthrosis within the framework of traditional medicine, you can use the following methods.

  • Razirki. They are liquid mixtures of natural medicinal components. The mixture must be rubbed into the knee region at different intervals depending on the severity of the disease and the active ingredients. The removal of unpleasant sensations occurs due to the warming effect and the improvement of blood circulation. Thus substances of a mix do not get directly to a joint. There are recipe recipes based on camphor, iodine, honey, egg yolks and various plants.

An example of a recipe for a few ingredients: honey, iodine and glycerin must be mixed in the same proportions, leave the mixture for 2-3 hours for infusion, then apply to the area of ​​the affected joint daily with a cotton swab.

  • Compresses. These are drug-impregnated dressings that are applied to the diseased area. There are many prescription solutions for the treatment of joint arthrosis based on medicinal plants, alcohol, honey, protein products, vinegar and clay. The dressing with the solution must be applied to the diseased knee and held until the unpleasant symptoms decrease or completely disappear. As a rule, compresses are recommended to be applied before bedtime.

An example of a recipe solution for compresses from dandelions: Fresh flowers of dandelions must be washed with boiled water and crushed to a mushy condition. The obtained substance must be applied to the diseased joint and wrapped with polyethylene film. Such a compress is applied daily before bedtime.

Prevention of arthrosis

Despite the fact that it is impossible to exclude the possibility of disease completely,you can reduce its probability, following the following rules of prevention.

  • A balanced diet that allows the body to supply the necessary substances in optimal proportions.
  • Compliance with sleep and rest.
  • Physical stress, corresponding to health and age.
  • Maintain body weight within normal limits. Thus it is possible to be guided by the parameters established by the World Health Organization. The values ​​of body mass index, corresponding to the norm, are in the range from 18.5 to 2, 9. The indicator is calculated as the ratio of body weight in kilograms to the square of growth in meters.
  • Rejection of bad habits, which can initiate adverse changes in metabolism, leading to degenerative processes in the tissues of the joints.
  • Timely address to the doctor in cases of injuries to the joints or the appearance of some disturbing symptoms.

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Deforming knee osteoarthritis: treatment of the disease

When faced with a diagnosis of degenerative joint changes, the chance of recovery depends on the stage diseases of deforming osteoarthritis (DOA) of the knee joint and patient's readiness to observe medical prescriptions. The search for effective treatment of the disease is becoming more urgent, because there is a clear trend erosion of the age range of patients suffering from osteoarthritis, which was previously considered a disease of the elderly of people.

What is deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The pathological process of destruction of articular cartilage, including ligaments, capsule, subchondral bone, periarticular muscles and synovial membrane, is called deforming osteoarthritis of the knee the joint.

Gradually there is a complete degeneration of the articular cartilage in the form of its breaking and covering with cracks.The disease requires careful attention to yourself and immediate medical attention.

The risk of the disease grows with age, and in women in old age arthrosis of the knee joints are more common than in men.

Deforming osteoarthritis refers to multifactorial diseases. Medicine identifies several main causes of the appearance of the degenerative process:

  1. Injuries of the knee, appearing under the influence of hard work, a long standing position.
  2. The way of life associated with the limitations of mobility of the joint, which causes stagnant phenomena.
  3. Congenital dislocation of the hip (dysplasia).
  4. Inflammatory processes that appear due to autoimmune disorders, or because of infection with pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Hereditary predisposition to collagen mutation.

In addition to the main reasons, it is necessary to identify several risk groups, the presence of which increases the likelihood of manifestation of destructive processes in the joint:

  • increased body mass index;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • constant lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • decreased estrogen production;
  • supercooling;
  • the effect of toxic substances;
  • costs of operations.


Medical science divides the deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint into two types. Each subspecies of the disease is due to its causes:

  1. Primary: occurs due to the accumulation of metabolic disorders in the body and very high loads on the knee.
  2. Secondary arthrosis: lesions of the cartilaginous tissue develop due to various knee injuries.

Classification by stages of the development of the destructive process is of particular interest to the patient, because the chances of recovery depend on them:

  1. The first: an undefined feeling of soreness is felt only after heavy loads, degenerative processes in the tissues are not yet visible.
  2. The second: in the tissues begins a destructive process, the pain becomes severe, and with the load there is swelling, there is a tendency to swelling.
  3. Third: irreversible dystrophic deforming changes in cartilaginous tissue, deformation leading to lameness; the disease is accompanied by inflammation and constant pain.

Signs and Symptoms

At the initial stage of the deforming disease, the pain appears only after the joint has been used for a long time in the work, and quickly ceases to rest.Gradually the symptomatology grows. Characteristic features of the diagnosis include:

  1. Arthritic pain in the afternoon or at the beginning of the night.
  2. Sprouting, which lead to deformation of the bone tissue of the joint cavity.
  3. Mandatory pain after exercise.
  4. Feeling of stiffness, morning knee squeezing.
  5. Swelling, discomfort in the knee.
  6. At loads and sometimes during long walking a small characteristic crunch is heard.

Than the pathology is dangerous

The launched pathology leads to total destruction of the joint and jointing of the joint bones, complete immobility of the joint, loss of the basic function.

The second variant of the outcome may be deforming neoarthrosis - the formation of joint similarity in originally not intended for this location, which leads to severe disruption of functionality the joint.

To avoid the unfortunate consequences, surgery practices an early replacement of the joint with a prosthesis.

Treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Diagnosis of dystrophic DOT of knee joints requires treatment, the main principle of which is to eliminate the cause of the disease.

At excess weight it is necessary to grow thin, at infringement of a metabolism or a hormonal background - to normalize it, not to abuse sports.

Therapy consists in applying the following methods:

  1. Medicamentous treatment - the appointment of analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors to restore mobility.
  2. Compliance with diet.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Sanatorium-and-spa therapy with exacerbations.

The dystrophic DOA of the right knee (as well as the left one) needs medication if the patient feels pain, suffers from inflammation. You can treat groups of funds:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reduce dysfunction, relieve symptoms. To popular include Diclofenac, Aspirin, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin.
  2. Chondroprotectors - normalize the changes in the cartilaginous layers, regenerate the cartilage nutrition, stabilize the formation of interchondrous fluid. These include Chondroitin sulfate, Glucosamine.
  3. Anesthetic injections - block excessive amounts of fluid. These include Hydrocortisone, Diprospan.
  4. Medicines with hyaluronic acid - increase the endurance of hyaline cartilage. The course consists of 4-5 injections with an interval between them per week, the therapy should be repeated no more than three times a year. The drugs include Ostenil, Synvisc.

Healing Exercises

Treatment of DOA 2 degree with special gymnastics increases the functionality of cartilage, eliminates inflammation, normalizes blood flow. Exemplary exercises to perform every day for several minutes:

  • slowly bend and unbend knees;
  • Raise your knees bent at the knees, lying on your stomach then straight at right angles;
  • move the ankle from yourself and towards yourself;
  • finish gymnastics with a massage - rub the lateral and anterior surfaces of the thigh until the appearance of heat.

Health food

In the therapy of the DOA knee joint of the 1st degree, much attention is paid to nutrition.

Strict diet with deforming disease is not, but it is useful to include in the diet products rich in collagen(jelly on legs and cartilage, fish, shrimp, seafood).

Under the ban are butter, confectionery, alcohol. At treatment it is not necessary to take a great interest in cleansings and starvation. To strengthen the bones you need:

  • dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese);
  • animal protein (stew, steamed fish);
  • vegetable protein (beans, lentils, buckwheat porridge);
  • vegetable fats, butter, B vitamins (peas, liver, heart, potatoes, whole wheat bread)

Physiotherapeutic procedures

If signs of DOA of the knee joint have already manifested, it is effective to use physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at accelerating blood flow, reducing inflammation and relieving muscle spasms. Popular methods are:

  1. Massage - improves the general condition of the patient, relieves pain syndrome, accelerates the transitivity of nerve signals in the cells of the joint.
  2. Wraps - mud packs that improve blood flow and relieve inflammation.
  3. Exposure to the laser, ultra-high-frequency radiation - lead to local heating, which removes edema, improves the supply of cells with oxygen.

Surgical method of treatment

With a high degree of destruction of cartilage, progression of the disease and inefficiency of conservative treatment, surgical intervention is indicated. Its types:

  1. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive method, used in the light stages of osteoarthritis, is performed through two small punctures. An endoscope is inserted into the joint, at the end of which a camera is installed to facilitate the assessment of the situation by the surgeon. The destroyed parts of the cartilage are dissected with a small blade, then they are removed with a laser.
  2. Endoprosthetics - replacement with an artificial titanium prosthesis occurs at the last stages of development of the disease of the limb.
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Folk remedies

At home, traditional medicine can be used, but only at the initial stages of the development of the disease.Popular recipes include ointments, compresses, tinctures:

  1. Spread a tablespoon of dandelion leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink half the glass half an hour before meals.
  2. Rub the horseradish root, pour a small amount of water and boil. The resulting mixture wrap in gauze and put on your knee, wrapped in a scarf or a warm cloth, leave overnight.
  3. Mix a glass of salt and dry mustard with paraffin to make a cream ointment. Leave it on for the night, rub it into the sore knee.

Complications and consequences in the absence of treatment

The patient attitude towards the disease leads the patient to disability and loss of efficiency. Cosmetic defects of the disease - this is only the most innocuous consequence of osteoarthritis.

Gradually lost the opportunity to bend the leg and even lean on it.

If the cause of the disease is an infection, aseptic necrosis can develop, which will greatly accelerate the destruction of the joint tissues and even endanger the patient's life.

Loss of full-valued joint function leads to loss of uniform distribution of body weight. The femoral part and the bones of the lower leg begin to carry unrelated loads.

Gradually, the ligaments that form the joint position are weakened. All this in a complex contributes to the accumulation of fatigue of bone tissue and, as a result, leads to fractures and dislocations.

There is a gradual curvature of the legs in the shape of the letter X or O.


Since youth, it is necessary to monitor the health of the joints and to prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis with the help of the following measures:

  • Limit exercise, do not stay long in a sitting position;
  • You can not run a lot, jump, crouch; the load must alternate with rest;
  • to go in for swimming, to ride a bicycle, to run along an even road, to ski;
  • correctly choose shoes with a heel 2-3 cm

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Deforming knee osteoarthritis: causes of the disease

Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee develops more often in the elderly in women.

In the elderly, mainly in women, deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint may develop.

Treatment of this disease is a rather difficult and lengthy process, therefore it is important to ask a qualified specialist as soon as possible for help.

Features of the course of this disease and methods of therapy should be considered in more detail.

Features of the disease

Deforming osteoarthritis, developing in the knee joints, in medicine has a separate name - gonarthrosis. Knees are experiencing, perhaps, the greatest burden, and therefore the defeat of cartilage is common, especially in people over 40 years of age and athletes.

The mechanism of the development of the disease is as follows. Under the influence of certain factors, the load on the joint articulation increases, which leads to damage to the hyaline cartilage.

With a permanent negative effect, degenerative-dystrophic processes progress.


As a result, the joint's work is hampered, the person has unpleasant sensations. As the thinning of the cartilage, bone tissue suffers.


Due to constant friction and pressure, joint deformation occurs, specific exstrostes are formed.

Symptoms of gonarthrosis

Deforming osteoarthritis is accompanied by severe pain, which eventually grows into the inability to perform simple movements of the foot and, accordingly, move.

Absence of slipping and fouling of the elements of articulation with bone tissue leads to immobilization of the knee.

In other words, due to the development of the disease a person becomes disabled due to the inability to move independently.

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The characteristic symptoms of gonarthrosis are:

  • a crunch in the knee;
  • pain during movement, increasing as the disease progresses;
  • decreased mobility of the diseased leg;
  • formation of bone spines;
  • swelling in the knee region;
  • hyperemia of tissues;
  • lameness;
  • amyotrophy;
  • curvature of the joint.

Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joints leads to a curvature of the lower extremities.

Pain can disturb a person not only during walking, but also at rest. In particular, such a problem is observed at night on the background of stagnant processes in the joint cavity.

Unfortunately, the prevalence of this pathology is quite large. In one way or another, every fifth person suffers from knee problems. In recent decades, "rejuvenation" of this disease is noted because of the inactive way of life of modern youth.

Types of pathology

There are two main forms of gonarthrosis: primary and secondary.

The primary type of disease develops gradually, due to prolonged exposure to the knees of a large load, which leads to a thinning of the cartilage.

Also affect the age-related changes occurring throughout the body, including the slowing of metabolic processes in tissues.

Secondary deforming osteoarthritis of the knee is a consequence of the influence of extraneous factors.


In other words, damage to the knee joints in the future can lead to a similar pathology.


In addition, a certain role is played by other diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, synovitis or gout.


In general, there are many reasons for provoking deforming osteoarthritis.

The main factors predisposing to the disease are:

  • any traumatic injuries of the knee;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • operations on the joint, removal of the meniscus;
  • low motor activity;
  • improper performance of sports exercises;
  • transfer of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • presence of other diseases, in particular endocrine;
  • birth defects;
  • deficiency of estrogen in women;
  • age changes.

In people with a hereditary predisposition to problems of the musculoskeletal system, the risk of developing gonarthrosis increases.

Degrees of development

It is necessary to distinguish three degrees of development of DOA. Many people do not even suspect that the existing discomfort in the knee is due to the presence in them of the first stage of this disease.

Consider the details of the flow of each stage:

  • Deforming osteoarthritis of the 1st degree of the knee joint. With a long absence of movement, pains are noted inside the knee. Discomfort disappears during the day, but with a heavy load come back.
  • Deforming osteoarthritis of 2 degrees of the knee joint. There is an increase in pain, there is a crunch and clicks during movement, the cartilage is noticeably thinner, osteophytes begin to form. At a palpation there are unpleasant sensations.
  • DOA 3 degrees. Dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue reach apogee, the bone is bare, which leads to its proliferation and blockage of the motor ability of the leg. The pain is very strong and does not stop without medication.

There are 3 stages of gonarthrosis.

Diagnostic procedure

To determine the nature of the course of the disease, the physician must conduct a comprehensive examination.

As diagnostic measures are used:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound;
  • arthroscopy;
  • CT / MRI;
  • biopsy of cartilage and synovium.

It is also important to find out in detail the patient's complaints and the degree of prescription of symptoms of gonarthrosis.

Methods of treatment

To combat the DOA, it is necessary to use the full range of available activities.

An integrated approach to the problem will avoid complications and accelerate the recovery of the patient.

All methods can be divided into general health, conservative therapy and radical measures. Let's consider these categories in more detail.

Conservative approach

In the absence of critical cartilage and bone damage, conservative methods are successfully used for treatment. To eliminate symptoms of the disease, relieve inflammation and protect cartilage tissue from destruction, the following drugs are used:

Group of medicines Names of medicines
NSAIDs Nimesulid, Movalis, Ibuprofen, Meloksikam
Corticosteroids Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Diprospan, Celeston
Analgesics Lidocaine and Novocaine blockades,
Chondroprotectors Arthra, Don, Structum, Chondrolon, Chondroitin
Dietary supplements Celadrin, InjoyEnti, various vitamin and mineral complexes

Be sure to read what the instruction says in order not to worsen the state of health.

Also in conservative treatment, various procedures are actively used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • ozonotherapy;
  • massage;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • mud treatment;
  • exposure to dry heat, etc.

For the treatment of osteoarthritis, methods of physiotherapy, for example, mud therapy, are used.


In addition to the main treatment with the approval of a doctor, traditional medicine can be used. Since the price of some pharmacy products is quite high, certain medicines can be replaced with medicines manufactured according to home recipes.

It is worth paying attention to such means:

  • Blue clay. Fill the blue clay and apply on a knee with a thick layer, cover with a bandage and polyethylene. Keep the compress need at least 6 hours.
  • Beef broth. Cook a few hours of shank and hooves (they contain collagen), drain the broth and drink it in small portions daily.
  • Infusion of Jerusalem artichoke. Grind the Jerusalem artichoke and fill it with boiling water. Allow the product to stand and cool slightly. Make baths for the sick joint.

Nutrition and gymnastics

It is extremely important to establish metabolic processes in the body and supply the tissues with the necessary nutrients. To do this, you need to start eating right.

Thus, from the diet exclude all harmful food, alcohol, sweet soda, convenience foods, sweets etc. Preference is given to low-fat meat, fish, chill and jellied, vegetables and fruits, milk products.

From desserts it is useful to drink jelly, eat jelly, fruit and milk mousses, puddings.

LFK is used to develop joints.

Daily gymnastics promotes the return of mobility of the knees, stimulates the development of joint lubrication and the restoration of cartilage.

You can perform various exercises: walking, flexing-extension legs, bicycle, etc. Avoid excessive load and sudden movements.


With advanced osteoarthritis, in addition to the above methods, more radical ones are also used. The best way to restore the motor capacity of the knee and improve the patient's quality of life is to carry out endoprosthetics.

The essence of the operation is to install in place of the damaged elements of the knee joint of special prostheses made of medical alloys of metal, ceramics and polymeric materials. How does the endoprosthesis look like in the photo.

In the advanced stage, the endoprosthetics method is used.

The service life of such an endoprosthesis is 10-20 years, which is quite enough for most patients. After the end of the operational period, a second endoprosthesis replacement is required.

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Preventive actions

To prevent the development of deforming osteoarthritis, you must protect your knees and follow the recommendations for prevention:

  • do not lift the weight;
  • lose weight;
  • give up bad habits;
  • do not allow injury;
  • Do sports, exercise in the morning;
  • observe the correct technique of doing sports exercises;
  • as prescribed by the doctor, use vitamins and chondoprotectors;
  • In time, contact the hospital for the treatment of musculoskeletal problems;
  • watch for the level of hormones.

To learn more about the problem and how to fix it, please watch the video in this article.

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How to treat deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint?

The deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint is treated with complex methods.

Moreover, it is best to undergo immediate diagnosis and to begin adequate therapy, so that surgical intervention can be avoided.

In the case of the beginning of the pathological process of complete cure, there is no possibility, however, it is very likely to slow it down. As a consequence, the underlying goals of treating a disease of varying degrees are:

  1. Improving the quality of life of the patient through the relief of pain.
  2. Contain the processes of destruction of cartilaginous tissue.
  3. Reduction of symptoms of synovitis.
  4. Restore (at least partial) the functions of the joint.

For the purpose of proper therapy, the characteristics of the patient's organism are taken into account, such as weight, weight, the degree of the disease, the intensity of the symptoms, and the presence of deforming changes.

Physical recovery

Treatment of the disease must begin with physical recovery. Such activities consist of:

  1. Weight adjustment, if necessary.
  2. Lowering the load on the knee.
  3. Implementation of the course of therapeutic exercise.
  4. Support during walking.

Medication Therapy

The first means, which are used in the treatment of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint, are a non-steroidal type of anti-inflammatory agent.

Their fundamental task is to stop the symptoms, and to improve the condition of the patient. They help to reduce pain, swelling and ease of movement.


Therapy with these agents for a different degree of disease is on the order of two weeks, however, patients are noted again after discontinuation of the occurrence of discomfort.


It is worth noting: the longer the disease proceeds, the less effective the pharmaceuticals of this type will bring.

Chondroprotectors are a group of drugs that are designed to regenerate cartilage, improve the production of synovial fluid, stabilize the functioning of the joint bones.

Chondroprotectors are manufactured in the form of tablets or injections, and their use is advisable at an early stage of the disease, since in the case of destruction and deformation of the joint, these medications are already are powerless.

Even at the initial stage have a weak effect and are applied up to several times a year.
Injecting hormonal drugs intra-articularly can be attributed to the "first aid" to alleviate the condition of the patient.

This procedure can be performed only 3 times a year.

Efficacy is quite noticeable in the case when the pain is caused by swelling and inflammation, However, in the case of the presence of anatomical changes, such injections are unlikely to lead to a positive result.

The relief of these injections is achieved by reducing the production of excess synovial fluid.

Steroid type drugs have a lot of contraindications and side effects, so their use is prescribed only by a specialist.

As another effective agent are drugs, based on hyaluronic acid.


In youth, when the joints perform their functions perfectly, a special substance is formed - hyaluron, responsible for the strength and nutrition of cartilage tissue.


With the passage of age, its content decreases, as a result of which the cartilage tissue begins to "starve."

Hyaluronic acid acts as an artificial substance, where the gel-like substance performs the function of the shock absorber. Such remedies are effective in pathologies of various degrees, when it is already impossible to restore cartilage tissue with conservative therapy.

Local remedies, produced in the form of ointments and gels, are good only in reducing swelling and inflammation, in partial removal of painful sensations and improving blood circulation (in tissues). It is recommended to apply ointments several times a day, and at night it is allowed to put a compress.


Effective treatment for deforming ostearthrosis of the knee joint is physiotherapy, however, the techniques should be selected individually.

In addition, she is often appointed to remission of the disease. So, mainly appointed phonophoresis, UHF, laser therapy, electrophoresis and other measures.

They help to remove puffiness, muscle spasm, improve blood circulation.

At the initial degree of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint to prevent its future development, doctors recommended performing not only physiotherapy, but also therapeutic exercises.

It is also worth reviewing your diet: in foods there should be a high calcium content to restore cartilage elements, however, sharp, salty, fatty foods and meals are excluded.

Radical therapy

In the event that conservative treatment did not bring a positive result, endoprosthetics is used.

The surgical technique replaces worn cartilage tissue with a prosthesis made of titanium alloy. It is worth noting that sometimes partial, sometimes complete prosthesis is performed.

Thanks to the operation, it is possible to return the patient's ability to move independently, to perform daily activities.


As an excellent addition to the medical treatment is therapeutic gymnastics, thanks to which the joint is developed and given great mobility.

A complex of specialized exercises is performed regularly, in a sitting or lying position, so that there is no strain on the knee joint.

None of the exercises should not cause pain, but at the same time have a focus on strengthening the periarticular muscles.

This will help in reducing the pain at the moment of walking.


Before starting any physical exertion it is necessary to undergo consultation with a physician physiotherapist, who, after assessing the general condition of the patient, will be able to determine the appropriateness and characteristics of the curative gymnastics.


Loads that the patient receives during training, are increased gradually, so that increased mobility of the joint does not harm him.

Folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint is quite effective. However, it is worth noting that, despite their large number, the effect of them is different. The fundamental goal of treatment with folk remedies is to anesthetize.

The first available way is celandine oil. Such a plant was seen by almost everyone, and it is not difficult to find it.

It will be necessary to take 30 g of leaves and stems in a crushed form.

Insisting should be in vegetable oil for several weeks, and after that the remedy is rubbed into the affected area daily.

Equally good effect of treatment with folk remedies is burdock, whose medicinal properties have become very popular all over the world, especially with osteoarthritis.

Folds 6 burdock leaves of medium size so that the underside is on top, then lies in a pan with hot water.

After the leaves are evaporated, the joint is lubricated with vegetable oil and a sheet is applied so that the underside is to the foot. Next, the knee is wrapped with a food film and a warm cloth.

Camphoric rubbing is a fairly good folk remedy as well as mountain tar and mummy. Such folk remedies help in case of strong painful sensations in the joint.


You can make a compress of blue chemist's clay. To prepare the mixture, the clay powder is ground in a porcelain or glass dish with a wooden spoon or hands until the sour cream is obtained.


The finished mixture is applied to a fabric made of linen or cotton fabric, then applied to the affected joint area, with the wrap wrapped over a bandage and a wool shawl.

It takes about two hours to wear such a compress.

If osteoarthritis started in the spring, then you can use tincture from a dandelion. In the middle of May, yellow flowers of dandelions are collected. They fold into dark glass containers.

It is necessary to fill the capacity more than half. Then triple cologne is poured into the bottle. The closed container is kept in a dark place, with periodic shaking, for two weeks.

Tincture is rubbed into the diseased joints about three times a day.

You can also use in the treatment of folk remedies and the following formula: 30 ml of apple cider vinegar is mixed with 10 g of honey.

The resulting mixture is applied in circular motions to the affected joint area, from above is applied cabbage sheet, covered with a polyethylene film and fixed with a bandage, after which the knee is warmed cloth.

Such treatment with folk remedies is carried out throughout the month.
In addition to the described folk remedies, a diet that implies the intake of foods that include a large amount of chondroitin and collagen will help.

Thanks to such nutrition, it is possible to restore articular cartilage, because of which the severity of the symptoms of the disease decreases.


Chondroitin can be found in sufficient quantities in seafood, or, more precisely, in crustaceans, for example, in shrimps, crabs. To saturate the body with collagen, a low-fat meat is provided.


To stimulate the production of their own collagen used:

  1. Fish of salmon.
  2. Sea kale.
  3. Lean meat.
  4. Low-fat variety of bird meat.
  5. Fruits, greens and vegetables.

To achieve the greatest effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies and diet, it is necessary to exclude foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates.

They act as an obstacle to the assimilation of amino acids, which are useful for cartilage tissues, and also contribute to weight gain, which is detrimental to the knee joints.

In the event that you have this problem of varying degrees, then do not torture yourself pain relief and self-medication, see a doctor who can determine the specific you therapy.

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