Pain in the abdomen of a child in 3 years

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  • What are the pains in the abdomen?
  • Causes of abdominal pain in children 3 years old
  • What should parents do?
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Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation - all these problems are known to both children and adults. In some cases, the emergence of such disorders can be associated with the introduction of new foods in the diet, and sometimes it indicates the development of dangerous conditions that require emergency medical care.

Pain in the abdomen of a child of three years can not be ignored. It should be understood that this is not a disease, but only a symptom that indicates the presence of some kind of disturbance in the body. Identify the pathology and make an accurate diagnosis will be able to specialist after the survey. Independent attempts to identify the root cause of discomfort can seriously harm a child.

Tenderness in the abdomen does not always indicate digestive disorders. Sometimes the appearance of this symptom may be associated with psychosomatic disorders, allergic reaction or diseases of the genitourinary sphere. Before making a diagnosis, the doctor pays attention to the localization of pain, its nature, and also the attendant symptoms.

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What are the pains in the abdomen?

Stretching, spasm of the stomach or intestines, organ damage, inflammatory reactions - all this and more can cause discomfort. The nature of pain can also vary greatly. For example, with the defeat of individual organs, pain has a limited burning character. There is also a type of pain that indicates a serious danger in the body.

Consider the signs that should be seriously alarmed:

  • is an acutely occurring attack;
  • vomiting, after which there is no relief;
  • protective muscle tension of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • sunken eyes and pointed nose;
  • is an unconscious condition;
  • blood in vomit and feces;
  • severe diarrhea or prolonged constipation.

Acute abdominal pain may indicate the development of peritonitis, which is fatal to

. First, let's talk about the acute pain that arises. Parents should be seriously alerted to the pain that has not ceased for several hours, increased discomfort at the touch, vomiting, diarrhea, and also fever.

Consider the diseases in which a child needs emergency care:

  • Acute appendicitis .The smaller the child, the greater the risk of complications. In no case should suspasia be suspected of giving appendicitis antispasmodics or analgesics. For children of three years is characterized by a wavy appearance of pain in the navel, dyspnea, vomiting, diarrhea with mucus, high fever. Sometimes even catarrhal phenomena can appear in the form of lacrimation and runny nose.
  • Acute pancreatitis .Inflammation of the pancreas can cause severe soreness in the abdominal region, which can give back to the shoulders and shoulder blades. The disease is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, while the stomach is swollen and tense. Usually, children in this condition lie on their sides in a stationary state.
  • Acute gastritis of .Inflammation of the gastric mucosa provokes pain at the top of the stomach after eating. Children refuse to eat, there is a belch, nausea and vomiting.

Why does the abdominal pain in a child at 3 years of age be repeated? Let's consider the most widespread reasons at which such status develops:

Diarrhea of ​​light color at the child
  • Gastroduodenitis .The pathological process is localized in the stomach and duodenum. It is characterized by the appearance of periods of exacerbation and remission. Often the pain occurs at the top of the abdomen and around the navel. Discomfort occurs after eating and is accompanied by the appearance of burps with a sour or even rotten aftertaste. The condition is aggravated by a feeling of bursting and heaviness in the epigastric region.
  • Ulcer .It is characterized by pain on an empty stomach, which disappear after eating. Soreness can even disturb a child at night. In addition, there is an eructation, heartburn and the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Often in the morning, nausea worries. After eating, vomiting may occur, after which there is relief.
  • Cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia .The pain is localized in the region of the right hypochondrium and has an obtuse character. Soreness can radiate into the region of the right shoulder. The child becomes pale, it is often disturbed by headaches. The baby has dryness and bitterness in the mouth. Feces can acquire a light clay color. Provoke the inflammatory process can use fatty or fried foods, a violation of diet and even psychoemotional load.

For acute pain in the abdomen, a child of three years old should be called an ambulance.

After the child is examined and the medical history is collected, the doctor can refer, depending on the situation, to another doctor. For an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination may be required, which includes the following:

  • ultrasound examination of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, pelvic organs;
  • colonoscopy - examination under a large intestine microscope;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy will help to exclude gastritis, duodenitis, ulcer;
  • MRI of the abdominal cavity;
  • total blood and urine analysis;
  • coprogram;
  • analysis of feces for helminths;
  • blood test for hepatitis.

In doubtful cases, great importance is acquired by laparoscopy. With the help of an optical device, you can not only examine the abdominal cavity and make an accurate diagnosis, but even carry out surgical intervention.

Causes of abdominal pain in children 3 years old

It will be useful for parents to understand why the abdomen of a child can hurt. From the underlying disease depends further therapeutic tactics and as a consequence the health of your child. Let's talk about common diseases that cause discomfort in the abdomen.

Before resolving abdominal pain, you should undergo an examination of


If abdominal pain is accompanied by poor digestion of food, then most likely it is a dysbiosis. The pathological process develops as a result of imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

The disorder may be due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, the intake of antibiotics, nutritional errors, intestinal infections and even adverse environmental factors. Separately, I want to say about the uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents.

Antibiotics are drugs that destroy both pathogenic and beneficial microflora. That is why often after you have treated a child, he develops a dysbacteriosis. As for environmental factors, the state of the digestive tract can be adversely affected by air polluted with industrial waste, chemical poisoning, and insufficiently clean drinking water.

Consider the main symptoms of dysbiosis:

  • abdominal pain, feeling of heaviness, bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • in fecal masses are the remains of food, mucus;
  • regurgitation, belching and even vomiting;
  • skin rash, peeling and redness;
  • bad breath;
  • nail brittleness and hair loss;
  • plaque in the language;
  • appetite impairment.

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine causes abdominal pain, swelling and belching

Digestive enzymes and probiotics help to overcome dysbacteriosis. If the intestinal infection is the fault, then antibiotics can not be avoided. In order to avoid relapse and colonize the baby's intestines with beneficial bacteria, it is necessary to observe the diet.


Children are more susceptible to viral gastroenteritis. Infection can occur after contact with a sick person. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine causes cramping pain in the navel region that occurs during meals. The baby has rumbling and bloating, and the temperature can also rise.

After the withdrawal of gases and the act of defecation, the child's condition improves. Acute process is accompanied by general symptoms of intoxication: malaise, chills, hyperthermia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbance. To provoke the development of an inflammatory reaction, infections, in particular, rotavirus, giardiasis, dysbacteriosis, poisoning, irritation of the intestine and others.

As long as the symptoms of gastroenteritis persist, it is strictly forbidden to give the child solid food. To restore lost fluid, you must give plenty of drink. To remove the symptoms of general intoxication detoxification means will help.

With a dysbacteriosis the child refuses to eat

Constipation of

Normally, children of the age of three years act as a defecation once or twice a day. Feces have a formal appearance. With constipation, the intervals between defecations are extended, and the process itself causes some difficulties. Constipation is also considered to be the condition in which the act of defecation causes painful sensations and is accompanied by condensed feces.

There may be inaccuracies in the diet, helminthiases, drug abuse, food allergies and other causes of stool disorder. Children can also develop psychological constipation. This may be due to the fact that the urge to defecate arose in a child in uncomfortable conditions for him and he restrains him.

Such problems can arise during the period of getting used to a kindergarten and when you get into an unfamiliar place. As a result, the stool accumulates in the intestine and thickens. For this reason, there is pain and injury to the anus.

Constipation - this is a non-infringement, they can be fraught with a violation of absorption of nutrients, deterioration of the body's resistance, inflammatory process, neurological disorders, and more.

The fight against constipation is first and foremost proper nutrition. From the diet of the child should be excluded foods that thicken the stool: baking, milk, pasta, rice porridge. It is also important to exclude products that provoke flatulence: beans, cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms. It is equally important to comply with the drinking regime.

The child must consume enough natural water without gas.

Activation of the intestines will help physical activity. Ordinary squats, slopes, swinging legs - all this will help in promoting the remains of food. Restore normal defecation will help and pharmacological agents, pick up which will help a specialist.

Psychosomatic pains

Stressful situations lead to a contraction of the peritoneum muscles, which causes pain and pain in the navel area. Psychological pain can last for several hours. In some cases, discomfort is accompanied by vomiting and fever.

Shocking, closed and nervous children are subject to this type of disturbance. Soreness appears on the background of experiences or during eating. The condition can be aggravated by pallor, increased sweating, vomiting and dark circles under the eyes.

Psychosomatic pain can occur when the child is distracted by

. In order to clarify the psychosomatic nature of soreness, the specialist finds out the relationship of the child in the family and the children's team. Family conflicts, divorce of parents, loss of loved ones, misunderstanding by peers - all this can provoke such violations.

Food poisoning

The manifestation of intoxication begins with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The child often raises his temperature and disturbs his overall well-being. Diarrhea and vomiting can trigger dehydration of the child's body.

A child should be given a generous drink. This will help to remove toxins from the body and reduce the symptoms of intoxication. To combat poisoning, rinse the stomach and give absorbents.

For replenishment of fluid loss and electrolytes, non-carbonated water, rose hips, rice broth, loose tea, water-salt solutions can be used. Within six hours after poisoning from food it is better to refuse. The following is a gentle mode. Products are better to eat in semi-liquid crumbled state.

See also:
Scheme of treatment of ascaridosis in children
The first signs of appendicitis in children

Dyspepsia disorder

Nutrition and digestion can manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • sensation of fullness of the stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • eructation, heartburn;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

When food poisoning a child is sick, and abdominal pain has a pronounced nature
The fight against dyspepsia involves the elimination of a product that caused digestive problems. To normalize the state of the child give glucose-salt solutions, weak tea, carrot-rice decoction.

Pinworms in children

Infection with parasites can occur if the rules of personal hygiene are not respected, and there is no habit of washing hands after toilet and before eating. Eggs of pinworms can penetrate into the oral cavity, and then into the intestine.

The pain is localized in the navel area. The most obvious sign of infection is the itching in the anorectal area. The condition is aggravated by nausea, changes in appetite, diarrhea or constipation, headaches and dizziness.

Treatment of enterobiasis is carried out with the help of such drugs: Mebendazole, Piperazine, Decaris. Simple advice of traditional medicine will help you to get rid of parasites. For example, for three weeks a child should be given garlic daily. Decoction based on pumpkin seeds and infusion of thyme or thyme will help to overcome the parasites.

Meckel's diverticulum

The pathological process is a congenital bowel disease. The clinical picture of the disease is similar in its manifestations with acute appendicitis. In many cases already on the operating table in occasion of appendicitis a congenital defect is found.

When the surgeon detects an unchanged process, a small intestine is examined to exclude the diverticulum. If the problem is detected, then the site with the diverticulum is removed.

Peptic ulcer

This is a chronic disease in which ulcers form on the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. Psychoemotional traumas play a big role in the formation of peptic ulcer. Hereditary predisposition also affects the formation of ulcers.

Child's pains appear after eating. Soreness can be cutting, pricking, paroxysmal and giving in the back, shoulder blade and shoulder. Heartburn is one of the earliest symptoms of an ulcer. Often it occurs before the attack of pain.

Separately, let's talk about the pains in the lower abdomen, which can arise for a variety of reasons. In acute cystitis, children develop frequent painful urination, in which impurities of blood appear. Often with an acute process, the general state of health is disturbed. If these symptoms are not present, then, most likely, we are talking about problems with the intestine or inflammation of the appendages.

Let's talk about the most common cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen - cystitis. Provoke an inflammation of the bladder can infection, hypothermia, incorrect technique of washing, taking certain medications.

Before the arrival of the doctor, the child should be put in bed and give abundant drink for the prompt removal of pathogenic microorganisms. Children can be given Kanefron in droplets. To suppress the infectious process, you may need to take antibiotics.

Lower abdomen can hurt with cystitis

What should parents do?

In the event of abdominal pain, experts strongly forbid without consulting a doctor to perform such actions:

  • warming the sick area;
  • give drugs to relieve an attack;
  • use laxatives;
  • to put enemas;
  • to feed the child or to drink something other than natural water.

For the child should create a comfortable environment. In this case, it is not necessary to take care of the child with excessive care, otherwise he can start to feign. Be sure to measure the temperature of the body, because its increase may indicate the development of inflammatory or infectious processes.

Some children are reluctant to share their symptoms with their parents. This may be due to the fear of taking medications or injections. In this case, you should be discerning and, with the help of leading questions, find out what really bothers the baby.

If the parents have suspicions of serious health problems of the child, in no case should he go on about and engage in self-medication. Early treatment for qualified help will help to avoid serious dangers.

In gastrointestinal disorders, the main task of the diet is to normalize the digestive tract and microflora.

To begin with, consider the list of allowed products:

  • chicken, beef, veal;
  • low-fat steamed fish;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • steam omelet;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruit juices.

To correct discomfort in the abdomen, the proper nutrition of

will help. Children should not be given the following foods in any case: ice cream, carbonated drinks, fast foods, fatty soups, spices, smoked foods, pickles, chips and others. Dietary nutrition is important to observe for a period of three months.

Let's talk about simple recommendations that should be observed in the diet:

  • the child should be given small portions of food, do not allow it to overeat;
  • "adult" products should be gradually introduced into the children's diet;
  • if the baby is still breastfeeding, then the mother must monitor her diet, otherwise there may be colic;
  • food should be fresh;
  • meat and fish must be heat treated;
  • Vegetables, fruits and greens thoroughly rinse under running water.

Regarding preventive measures, try to protect the child from stressful situations. Teach your child how to overcome them correctly. Before conducting medical treatment, be sure to consult a specialist. Instruct a child to wash hands before eating, after visiting the restroom and playing with pets.

So, let's sum up all the above. Pain in the abdomen of a child of three years is a common symptom that speaks of various abnormalities in the body. Provoke an unpleasant symptom can be food poisoning, inflammation, infection or even psychoemotional overwork.

Treatment of soreness largely depends on the main cause of its occurrence, if the root cause is eliminated, the pain will also pass. Address to the expert and do not rely only on the forces. Early diagnosis and timely treatment is the guarantee of the health of your child.

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