Folk treatment of genyantritis

Methods of treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies

The most important function of the paranasal sinuses is the "conditioning" of the inhaled air along the way to the lungs.

But when the nasal passages become irritated or inflamed, a large amount of mucus is released in the paranasal sinuses.

The mucous membrane of the sinuses swells, preventing the unhindered "movement" of mucus and air and creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. And there is sinusitis.


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Genyantritis (a sinusitis) is of two types:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

With each of these types of sinusitis, folk remedies at home can be combined with medication (for example, dioxin in the nose with sinusitis) and homeopathic. Dioxydin, the instructions for use of which is simple, was recognized as a very effective drug in the treatment of inflammatory processes of various locations, including tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis. For about 30 years, Russian hospitals have been using this drug.

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Acute attack of sinusitis lasts from seven to ten days and causes a headache, which can vary from intense to minor.

Chronic sinusitis rarely causes a headache, although with it the following symptoms appear:

  • unpleasant discharge from the nose;
  • chronic cough;
  • recurrent ear infections.

It is important to know

The absence of a headache should not create the illusion that you should not pay attention to chronic sinusitis.

"Entrenched" in the body, bacteria can cause repeated infections and become resistant to the action of antibiotics. That's why you need to visit a doctor if the nose oozes a greenish liquid or if you have a fever.

If sinusitis has made your life unhappy, do you have to live with it? Not necessarily, experts say. The main thing - to get to the triggers of sinusitis.

In the role of such can act:

  • excessive consumption of dairy products (cheese, milk, ice cream, yogurt);
  • allergy;
  • Smoking or staying next to a person who smokes;
  • dental infection;
  • fungal infections in the sinuses;
  • dandruff of pets;
  • growth of yeast (Candida albicans);
  • symptoms of colds and flu.

American allergist Richard F. Lavi notes that dryness of the nose leads to frequent problems with sinuses.


Sea salt Honey and aloe Bay leaf Aloe juice Kalanchoe Chamomile with furatsilinom Household soap Miracle ointment with beeswax

Dryness, in turn, arises from the heat. Therefore, treatment for genyantritis in adults with folk remedies includes air humidification. It should not be too dry and not too wet, so as not to provoke mold growth that can aggravate the ailment. It is considered that the normal humidity in the apartment is 45%, while the established rate varies from 30% to 60%, depending on the purpose of the room.

  • With the help of an air humidifier installed in the bedroom, living room or kitchen, you can prevent the occurrence of sinusitis or improve your well-being with the already existing disease. However, this requires that he was next to the man who fell ill.
  • Experts warn that the humidifier will be useless if it is in the other side of the room.
  • And it needs to be cleaned daily to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

The effective way to moisturize and clean the nasal cavity is to rinse the nose with salt water for sinusitis.All that is needed for this: sea or food salt, a syringe without a needle and iodine.

  • For half a glass of water, dilute 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt, add 3 drops of iodine. Stir thoroughly.
  • Draw the solution into the syringe.
  • Lean over the sink and gently, do not inject too much saline into each nostril.
  • Do not retract. He must reach the embedded part of the nose and flow out.
  • The procedure does not bring unpleasant sensations.

Do not forget to drink plenty of liquid that will help thin the mucus in the nose. However, alcoholic beverages should be avoided, they can only worsen and so far not a "brilliant" condition.

"Edible" folk methods of treatment of sinusitis

Typical allopathic treatments for sinus inflammation may include antibiotics from sinusitis, anti-inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, surgical intervention.

In addition, there are various herbal and homeopathic remedies, nasal sprays and aromatherapy oils that can help reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa and accelerate recovery.

The most effective folk remedies for sinusitis and methods of treating sinusitis at home include:

Use of spicy seasonings.Add cayenne pepper, garlic, onion and horseradish to soups and dishes to help dissolve and eliminate excess mucus.

  • You can eat a small spoon of shredded horseradish mixed with lemon juice, but be sure to be near the sink when your nose starts to "work".
  • A small amount of Japanese horseradish in the form of wasabi paste can also provide a quick release to the nasal passages.

The use of apple cider vinegar.At the first sign of infection:

  • dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar in 170 ml of water;
  • add a teaspoon of honey or stevia as a sweetener;
  • Drink 3 times a day for 5 days.

It is worth noting

Drinking apple cider vinegar is one of the most inexpensive and effective folk methods of treating sinusitis. It helps to thin the mucus in the sinuses of the nose, after which it is easier to remove from the body.

Burial in the nose of grapefruit seed extract. It is a powerful natural antibiotic and is used to suppress the reproduction of microbes, parasites, bacteria, viruses and 30 kinds of fungi, including yeast Candida albicans. To wash the nasal sinuses, you can purchase a grapefruit seed extract in the form of a nasal spray and use it as a supplement to the treatment with tablets.

Other ways of folk treatment of genyantritis

  1. For a quick relief with sinusitis, dilute some few dropseucalyptus oilwith warm water and apply it to the cheekbones.
  2. Melissahas long been used as a folk remedy for sinusitis. This plant effectively copes with microbes, bacteria and yeast and is a good option for the treatment of inflamed nasal sinuses. To reduce infection, boil a small amount of dried lemon balm leaves for about ten minutes. Strain the mixture and use to rinse the nose.
  3. Steam therapyis a very simple and effective variant of folk treatment of sinusitis. Boil the water in the kettle until steam comes out of the neck. Pour water into a bowl or bowl. Cover your head with a towel, inhale and exhale through your nose.

In addition to the methods listed above, you must maintain a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle to keep your immune system strong and reduce the chances of returning sinusitis.

Avoid mucoid products such as:

  • flour products;
  • eggs;
  • chocolate;
  • fried foods;
  • sugar;
  • dairy.

Drink plenty of water, eat more whole-grain foods, "lean on" beans and lentils, and soups. Do not forget to include onion and garlic.


Folk remedies and methods from genyantritis

Folk recipes in medicine are centuries proven best methods of treatment based on vegetable raw materials, a simple way of cooking at home and the complete absence of foreign chemical substances. The most experienced doctors include the treatment of genyantritis with folk remedies in a set of therapeutic measures.

What is the difference between a common cold and sinusitis?

If you run out of your nose, your eyes water, your sneezing is a symptom of a cold.

When the nose is completely laid, it is not possible to bleach, the sense of smell is lost, the voice became nasal, the face swells, the head pain intensifies when leaning forward, painfully press in the brow area and under the eyes - then there are already symptoms sinusitis.

It is necessary to take urgent measures to treat sinusitis, as the inflammation in the maxillary sinuses quickly passes into a chronic process.

The mechanism of action of traditional medicine

With the help of ancient folk remedies, it is possible to restore all links broken by the inflammatory process, to get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis, to conduct full-fledged treatment:

  • activate general immunity and local protective forces;
  • to remove swelling of nasal passages by vasoconstrictive action;
  • cause increased secretion and liquefaction of mucus to improve outflow;
  • clean the nasal passages from mucus, pus and germs.

Forms that use folk remedies for sinusitis: decoctions, tinctures, plant juice, ointments, gruel from grated raw materials, boiled plant, essential oils.

Folk methods of treatment of sinusitis: instillation of drops in the nose, ingestion of medicinal broth, washing nose with medicinal herbs and oils, inhalation, compress and treatment with turundas with special means.

Means for ingestion

To combat chronic sinusitis, it is necessary to stimulate the general protective forces of the body, provide it with vitamins and minerals, a sufficient amount of protein.

  • In a diet in accordance with folk methods, it is recommended to take more fruits and vegetables, temporarily refuse milk and dairy products (it is believed that they contribute to the formation and allocation of mucus).
  • Compote of hips, hawthorn, apples will increase the level of vitamin C, strengthen the vessels. Cranberries are considered a storehouse of vitamins, it is useful to eat half a cup of berries a day. Under the influence of dietary treatment, the symptoms of sinusitis gradually soften.
  • Herbal teas with honey instead of sugar will replace milk and have a general tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. Brew herbs as a tea: one teaspoon of dry herbs for a glass of boiling water. The healers are advised to apply flowers of calendula, chamomile, oregano, melissa immediately, as the symptoms of sinusitis appear.
  • To prepare a miracle broth you need to collect a collection of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, yarrow and lavender. Three tablespoons of the mixture are brewed for two liters of boiling water. It is recommended to drink ½ cup 5-6 times a day. And at night heat the broth and use for inhalation.

Broths for rinsing and instillation of the nose

  • Decoction for the drops is made from the juice of aloe, calanchoe, beet, carrot, onion, garlic and honey.
  • For the procedure of rinsing the nose or "nasal shower" use decoctions of herbs and flowers (chamomile, calendula, plantain, St. John's wort), sea salt, boiled water with the addition of juice of onions, garlic, beets.

Oil for lubrication of nasal passages and turundas

  • Used sea-buckthorn, menthol, laurel oil. They can be dripped into the nose, smeared with mucous membranes or put on turuns.
  • Mix propolis powder with vegetable oil, heat and apply in the form of turund.

Decoctions for compresses and turundas

  • In the old medicinal plants in the section "How to cure genyantritis with folk remedies" much attention is paid to treatment with a bay leaf: three packs of leaves laurel crush, pour, l water and boil ten minutes. In a warm solution obtained, moisten the napkin and apply on the nose bridge, forehead and nose. Cover with a warm cloth. When the compress has cooled down, change the napkin. The procedure is recommended before bedtime. Course - 7 days.
  • A warming compress with a concentrated solution of salt (one spoon for a glass of boiling water) is applied in a similar way.
  • The black radish, famous for its medicinal properties, is used for the symptoms of sinusitis in the form of rubbed gruel, applied to the projection site of the maxillary sinuses. The course of treatment is ten days.
  • To black radish, you can add a teaspoon of honey, the effect is enhanced.
  • Several times a day you can insert in the nasal passages small cotton swabs (turundas), moistened with a decoction of laurel leaves.
  • Turundas with a gruel of garlic are advised to put first for 7-8 minutes, after a break for 3-4 minutes. Irritation of the mucous causes sneezing and clears the nose.
  • Mix a tablespoon of grated soap, any vegetable oil, onion juice and milk, heat to 60 degrees. Add a spoonful of honey. Soak and insert turuns in the nose. Such a composition is used to treat chronic sinusitis within ten days.

Means for inhalation

When treating at home, you should carefully cover your head with a bath towel and breathe 10-15 minutes.

  • Breathe 2-3 times a day over grated onions or horseradish.
  • Steam inhalation over potatoes, cooked "in uniform".
  • In a saucepan with boiling water, add half a teaspoon of propolis, there is a strong softening and diluting effect.


  • Skin over the maxillary sinuses rub garlic. If irritation occurs, pre-lubricate with cream.
  • Menthol oil for treatment is advised to rub into the skin of the forehead, the superciliary, the bridge of the nose and under the eye sockets. Has vasoconstrictor property, relieves pain.

Warming up

  • The hard-boiled egg is wrapped in several layers of napkins and applied to the nose, under the eyes. As you cool down, remove the napkin. Repeat two to three times a day.
  • Melt the paraffin candle, apply a warm paraffin wax to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses layer by layer until it becomes dense enough. Cover with cellophane, then with a warm cloth. On the course to conduct ten warm-ups.

Inhalation of drugs

  • To eliminate nasal congestion, it is advised to splash vinegar on a hot frying pan and inhale the vapors 3-5 minutes, the symptom will disappear for a while.
  • To fry a crust of bread and breathe smoke, it returns lost sense of smell in chronic sinusitis.
  • Continue to inhale the smell of fir oil, eucalyptus. The phytoncides contained in them have the property of destroying bacteria.

The popular way of massage

It is advisable to tap the area of ​​the inscriptions and from both sides of the nose with the bones of the fingers, this will help restore breathing.

Other methods

For the treatment of chronic sinusitis, healers who are engaged in honey are advised to chew beeswax every day for half an hour. It contains propolis and is a good anti-inflammatory drug. In addition, it is believed that chewing massages the nasal sinuses in chronic sinusitis.

A lot of folk remedies and methods of treatment of chronic sinusitis testifies to their often successful application. If desired, you can pick up and use at home your favorite remedy.

Treatment of sinusitis in the home

With the onset of the cold period of the year often have to face cold and viral diseases. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to complications, one of which is sinusitis. Drug support for this disease is important, but it is also possible to treat sinusitis at home. Proper use of recommendations and systematic procedures will quickly remove unpleasant painful symptoms. If you had to face this disease for the first time, there is a chance to prevent the transition of genyantritis to a chronic stage.

What is genyantritis

Disease of maxillary sinusitis is common, but not everyone understands why it arises and how to distinguish a common catarrhal rhinitis from an inflammation of the maxillary sinus. The information offered will help you learn how to cure a runny nose at home, deal with symptoms, understand why and under what conditions the disease begins, like the maxillary sinusitis.


The first signs of the appearance of sinusitis are very similar to cold symptoms. In children and adults, they often are the same - it's fever, chills, runny nose, headache, general malaise and weakness. When the maxillary sinus is inflamed, it can feel like teeth, forehead ache. During the complication, redness, swelling of the eyelids, eyes are aching. When treatment of the acute form of sinusitis was not completed completely, the disease can go to a chronic stage. Then the nasal voice, discharge from the nose can become permanent companions.

Inflammation of the sinus mucosa is diagnosed with catarrhal sinusitis, which is common in school-age children. If you do not engage in timely treatment, the disease can develop into a stage of right-sided, left-sided or bilateral sinusitis. Noticing a tumor near the eye, nose or cheeks, and still feeling a severe headache, you should immediately turn to physicians for help, because so can manifest cystic sinusitis, whose treatment is not postponed recommended.


Faced with at least one occasion with unpleasant symptoms of the nasal sinus disease, many understand the risk of genyantritis, if not start treatment in a timely manner. Complications are dangerous not only for health, but sometimes for life. Nasal passages are a filter for infection from the outside. A purulent focus in sinusitis will provoke at least a disease with pneumonia, angina.

The most terrible complication with incorrect treatment of maxillary sinusitis can be meningitis. The brain is located close to the focus of the infection, which easily provokes the disease, if not treated properly. After sinusitis you should try to avoid colds, improve immunity, create a condition for complete recovery. With repeated signs immediately to be treated, without waiting for the transition to acute stage.

Medications for sinusitis

Modern pharmaceutics offers a wide range of medicines, among which medicines for getting rid of sinusitis are not the last place. To take advantage of any of these, you need to know the exact treatment regimen, and it can be prescribed only by a doctor who will take into account all the circumstances and conditions of the disease, the age, the frequency of the onset of the disease, allergic reactions and much more. Combined treatment will speed up the healing process and help you to return to the normal rhythm of life more quickly.

Nasal drops

Drops and sprays for the nose are best used after cleansing the nasal passages, bleeding and rinsing with saline or herbal solution both nostrils. The main task of medicines used as drops in the nose during the treatment of sinusitis is to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, to counteract bacteria, to allow free respiration.

When using drugs such as "Nazol "Pinosol "Oksimetazolin "Lekonil the flow of blood inside the capillary vessels located in the nasal sinuses and passageways decreases. Using drugs three times a day for 2-3 pshikas or drops, after a few days you will feel an easier passage of air through the nose, the stagnation will decrease, swelling will decrease.


The appointment of the antibiotic group of an amoxicillin group should not frighten the patient suffering from sinusitis. The purpose of these drugs is to destroy the bacteria that caused the disease. More effective for the treatment of sinusitis are drugs: "Amoxil "Ospamox "Flemoxin solute they all belong to the same group of antibiotics. Dosage and duration of treatment is determined only by the attending physician, who knows all the nuances of percolation disease for each specific case, since chronic sinusitis requires a longer reception medicines.

Ointment Simanovsky

With a chronic cold, sinusitis sometimes apply Simanovsky ointment, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Pharmacies do not sell the ready-made form of ointment, it is manufactured according to the prescription of the doctor who prescribed the treatment. A slight smell is easily tolerated. Having removed pus in a nose by washing with a solution of a camomile or furatsilina, drip a nose vasoconstrictive drops. Small twisted cotton swabs moisten with Simanovsky ointment, for a few minutes place in the nostrils of the nose. It is recommended to breathe through the mouth.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies

Folk remedies, even the most effective, for treatment are good at the initial stage of any disease. How to cure nasal congestion in the home? There are several effective ways to treat sinusitis at home, which are used in combination with medications. The doctor who controls the course of the disease will tell you what to do, how to get rid of the signs of sinusitis in a short time, applying home treatment.

Rinsing of the nose

That at a genyantritis to do without a puncture (very unpleasant and morbid procedure), purpose or appointment "Cuckoo" is outpatient, it is necessary to begin to rinse your nose at the first signs of the disease and throat. If to approach this question wisely, the procedure will cease to be unpleasant. How do I wash my nose at home so as not to harm my health? The purpose of washing is to remove excess mucus and plaque, which create conditions and are the main source for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.

  1. Often, a solution of salt,%, is used to wash the nose, which, in terms of its osmotic pressure, is equal to that of a person's blood. At a higher concentration, there is a slight burning sensation inside the nose, which does not need to be tolerated, it is better to dilute the solution. The average proportion for washing is half a teaspoon of salt (food or sea) on a glass of warm water.
  2. The solution of furacilin has a similar antibacterial effect. With hot water, dissolve one tablet of the drug preparation, mix thoroughly until it dissolves until a light yellow liquid of uniform consistency is formed.
  3. Decoctions of chamomile, string, St. John's wort remove the swelling of the nose, tenderness and have a slight antiseptic effect. One tablespoon of dried herb pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Strain and use for rinsing and rinsing.

Proper washing of the sinuses should look like this:

  • Take a large syringe without a needle or syringe, dial a rinse solution.
  • Gently insert into one nostril, slightly tilting the head in the opposite direction.
  • The jet of liquid must flow under the pressure into the inside of the nasal sinus and pour out through the second nostril.
  • Partially, the liquid enters the nasopharynx, spit it out.
  • When the inflammation of the frontal sinus is diagnosed in the genyantritis, when injecting the fluid you need to lightly throw back the head and hold it in this position for a few seconds, then tilt it down, blow your nose.


The medicinal plant cyclamen appears in shaded forests in early spring. Traditional medicine uses flower tubers, the juice of which has an antimicrobial, soothing, inflammatory effect in many diseases. Having dug up the tubers, they need to be thoroughly rinsed, peeled and grated, or passed through a meat grinder and wrung out. The resulting juice diluted in the ratio: boiled water. Daily one time to dig in a nose on two drops in each nostril.

Ointment with laundry soap

Preparation of an ointment with the addition of laundry soap will be a good budget option for solving the problem of treating sinusitis at home. For a simple method of preparation of a remedy, butter or vegetable oil, household soap, honey bee, milk and medical alcohol will be needed. For the effectiveness of treatment of sinusitis, a few drops of onion juice are added. All the components are mixed and heated in a water bath, stirring constantly, until the mass becomes homogeneous. Cool, apply ointment on tampons and insert into each nostril of the nose for half an hour.

Bay leaf

Treatment of sinusitis in the home in adults can be done with a conventional bay leaf. To do this, several (4-6) medium leaves to grind and pour hot water with a volume of 100 grams, cover with a lid. After ten minutes for half an hour put in a water bath. Fill the evaporated part with boiled water. The resulting broth is used for inhalations during the treatment of sinusitis or other diseases associated with the nose or throat.


Horse chestnut, the ideal time to collect which is the end of July, contains a large number of vitamins A and C, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, has a harmful effect on the pathogenic flora of the nasal mucosa sinuses. How to pierce the nose from the cold with a chestnut? The most simple and effective method of treatment is the use of thin chopped lobules, which are inserted for several minutes in each nostril of the nose in turn. Artificially induced sneezing will help to clear the nasal passages from mucus.

Chestnut oil, which is sold in pharmacies, is widely used for inhalations during sinusitis. Several drops are added to the hot solution, which with the help of steam delivers useful elements inside the nasal passage, while eliminating all stagnant phenomena of the nose. When cold inhalation is recommended to inhale the evaporation of oil of each nostril separately, while covering the second.


In folk medicine, honey occupies an honorable place in vain. It is the source of a large number of useful trace elements, has healing antimicrobial properties during the treatment of many diseases. Simultaneously strengthening immunity, the effect of recovery during the treatment of sinusitis at home with honey comes much faster. Honey, combined with other useful natural components, enhances the positive effect on the body, provided during treatment.

  • Cut aloe leaf, rinse, grind and squeeze the juice. Add some honey. The resultant fluid with sinusitis is bury the nose twice a day.
  • The medium-sized bulb is peeled off, chopped, poured with a glass of warm water. In the liquid to make two tablespoons of honey, stir. The resulting tincture can be used both for rinsing and rinsing, and for instilling a nose in the treatment of colds and sinusitis.
  • The bee product propolis is effective in treating even purulent sinusitis. A well-tolerated aqueous broth is digested in the nose 2-3 times a day. For its preparation, a piece of propolis is ground and poured with boiling water in the ratio insist.


The juice of the Kalanchoe plant, used to treat sinusitis at home, can not only stop the onset of the disease, but also prevent a possible complication. Crushed leaves are placed in cheesecloth and carefully injected into each nostril of the nose with small tampons alternately for 5-10 minutes. Squeezed Kalanchoe juice has well established itself as a nasal drop, which is used 2-3 times a day. Increasing the outflow of mucus helps to remove pus from the nose. The vasoconstrictive effect helps to remove puffiness, and the labored breathing that appeared during the disease is normalized.


More effective is the use of oils in the treatment of sinusitis at home, if it is used in the form of drops in the nose. Sea-buckthorn, black cumin, tea tree oil - they all have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Oily solutions sold in pharmacies are suitable for treatment with inhalation, impregnation of cotton turund, moistened in oil. A prerequisite for the use of oils is the cleansing of the nose from mucus. How to clean the nasal sinuses, it was said above.

Prevention of disease

How much is the coryza treated? And sinusitis? The main axiom for the prevention of diseases of sinusitis is strengthening of immunity. Especially this issue should become the most important in pregnant women, when the susceptibility to diseases is high. A healthy, correct way of life, a balanced diet, a morning complex of physical exercises will provide good support to the body. Mandatory introduction of such antibacterial products as onions and garlic in the menu will help to fight viruses even during periods of acute respiratory infections.

Compliance with the prescribed treatment at home, especially after a puncture with genyantritis, will ease the condition of the patient and exclude the resumption of the disease. People who often suffer from sinusitis do not need to visit swimming pools with chlorinated water, which will irritate the nasal mucosa, create conditions for the recurrence of the disease. Abnormal anatomy of the structure (congenital, after trauma) of the internal septum of the nose can provoke the appearance of sinusitis. Timely prompt correction of the structure and treatment will help to avoid the disease.

Regular visits to the dentist and dental treatment will eliminate foci of reproduction of harmful bacteria that can easily move along the mucous membrane inside the mouth and nose. At the first sign of maxillary sinusitis, you must immediately apply to a medical institution for the appointment of treatment, so as not to miss the moment when the genyantritis can go to the stage of a chronic disease or entail complications. If we add to this the minimal contact with allergens and people suffering from viral infections - the risk of renewal of such a disease as maxillary sinitis is minimal.

Video: how to treat sinusitis

Find the answer to the question that has arisen, how quickly to cure a runny nose at home, help viewing the proposed videos. Treatment of genyantritis at home can go quickly and at low cost, if you do not lose sight of the first symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose. The proposed technique of acupressure of the nose will help not only relax, but also get rid of the disease if you activate certain points. Independently prepared drops of the components that will be found in every house will relieve the cold in a few days and will not allow the disease to develop.

Drops of beet and honey from the common cold and sinusitis


Feedback on treatment at home

Taisia, 34 years old: On the recommendation of a medical girlfriend, she decided to treat the genyantritis at home as soon as she felt the first signs of the disease. I did not miss the time, from the first days of the onset of a cold started treatment with a saline solution, I began to warm up with a warm egg. Not very pleasant procedure prevented the complication of sinusitis. A few days later I forgot about the disease, home treatment was good.

Vladimir, 29 years old: When I was still a child, I had an operation connected with a puncture in genyantritis. Feelings I remember till now. Forever get rid of the disease did not work, but now I think that better prevention is better than treating bilateral sinusitis. In the off-season, with an exacerbation of the disease, antibiotics help. Treatment of genyantritis at home is not for me, I trust only the doctor.

Alevtina Petrovna, 56 years old: In my youth, when I caught a severe cold and got sick, the diagnosis was not yet on the proper level, and as a result of improper treatment I got odontogenic sinusitis. How to determine by the signs of this disease know no worse than doctors. That there were no exacerbations of a genyantritis and deterioration of state of health, I try to do washing independently at home nose with herbal decoctions, dig in my nose with squeezed aloe and calanchoe juice, which I specially grow on window sill.

Anna, 22 years old: Two years ago I became a mother. Councils of the local pediatrician help my son avoid unpleasant moments associated with a runny nose. In cool weather, I try to warm his nose, dig in water with honey. Washing very well helps, but it's still small, it can not stand it. I have one-sided sinusitis, so I know what it is. It is necessary to protect your children from birth and not to allow colds that can become a sinusitis.

Rhinitis and sinusitis: types, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the common cold and sinusitis are used only as an auxiliary method of treatment in addition to the medications prescribed by the therapist. The most positive way have proven such methods as rubbing the nose with essential oils, instilling with herbal infusions, tamponade using juices of medicinal plants. But before practicing self-medication, you need to know about the symptoms of the common cold and sinusitis, and in what form these diseases can occur.

How to distinguish sinusitis from a cold and signs of diseases

Below is described how to distinguish sinusitis from the common cold, and what are the signs of these diseases.

Runny nose- Disease of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, in which there is a discharge from the nose of a large amount of mucus and difficulty breathing (nasal congestion). The main types of rhinitis: allergic, acute and chronic.

Allergic rhinitisis manifested by attacks characterized by nasal congestion, abundant watery-mucous discharge from the nose, sneezing. It is a reaction to the action of an allergen (pollen of plants, food, etc.).

ABOUTraspy rhinitisappears as a result of the action of various stimuli (bacterial, thermal, mechanical or chemical). The predisposing factor to the occurrence of an acute cold is supercooling. Acute rhinitis is always bilateral; it can be an independent disease or a symptom of another disease.

Symptoms of this kind of common cold:on the first day the patient feels a general malaise, dryness in the nasopharynx, an itch in the nose, then nasal breathing becomes difficult, sneezing, lacrimation, abundant liquid discharge from the nose appear. An untreated acute rhinitis can go to chronic.

Symptoms of a chronic cold:patients complain of dryness in the oral cavity, lining of the nose, difficult to detachable from the nose, low sense of smell, heaviness in the head and headaches, nosebleeds may appear. The discharge from the nose is thick, often it forms crusts. An untreated chronic rhinitis passes into a genyantritis (the inflammatory process passes from a nose in gajmorovy sinuses).

Sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The main types of ailment are acute or chronic.

The causes of sinusitis are: untreated cold or runny nose, flu, measles, scarlet fever, pneumonia, dental diseases, adenoids in children, parasitic diseases.

Symptoms of this type of sinusitis:tension or pain in the affected sinus, worsening by evening; the nose is often laid only on one side; breathing is difficult; copious discharge from the nose; lacrimation and photophobia; loss of smell; heaviness in the head; pain in the temples, frontal part and nose; body temperature rises to 37 - 38 ° C; decreased efficiency, the voice becomes nasal. An untreated acute genyantritis becomes chronic.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis:abundant discharge from the nose, dryness in the pharynx, expectoration of a large amount of sputum in the morning, bad breath, headaches, fatigue, there may be swelling of the eyelids and cheeks on the affected side.

In the absence of proper treatment, sinusitis can give complications:otitis, diseases of the eyes and brain, neuritis of the trigeminal nerve, etc.

If you find any of these symptoms, you need to see a doctor. He will put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

In addition to the appointments of the attending physician, some traditional medicine can be used.

How to get rid of the common cold with folk remedies: the best recipes

Here you will learn how to cure a cold with folk remedies, using the very best recipes.
  • With a strong rhinitis it is useful to rub the nasal septum with a mixture of vegetable oil with aromatic oil of peppermint, eucalyptus and tea tree (chemist's). At 1 h. l. Vegetable oil you need to take 1 - 2 drops of any of these oils. The procedure using this folk remedy for the common cold should be repeated 3-4 times a day - until recovery.
  • Remedy for coryza:take 100 ml of horseradish juice, add juice from 3 lemons, mix well and take for 2 hours. l. mixture 2 times a day after meals. After that, 2 hours is nothing.
  • To treat a cold, it is useful to wash your nose 3 - 4 times a day with salt water.
  • The following remedy helps cure a cold: take 1 tbsp. l. flowers chamomile pharmacy, pour 1 cup of steep boiling water, wrap, insist 15 minutes, drain. Use this folk remedy in the treatment of the common cold to wash the nose during the day.
  • A useful remedy for catarrh and cough: take 1 glass of water, h. l. table salt and baking soda, 1 h. l. tinctures of eucalyptus h. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil and 5 drops of tincture of iodine. Put a warmed brick in a bucket, splash it with this mixture, cover it with a blanket and take a steam for 10 minutes, then warm the legs on this brick. After that, put the brick under the pillow, covering it with a towel, and warm your back 20 - 30 minutes. Sometimes after 1-2 procedures using this folk prescription from the common cold the illness passes.

Treatment of the common cold with traditional medicine at home

How else to get rid of the common cold with folk remedies quickly and efficiently?
  • Remedy for coryza:cook potatoes, add crushed dill or lime-colored color at the end of cooking, cook a little, then drain and make inhalation over potato steam for 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 2 to 3 times a day.
  • With flu-like cold it is useful several times a day to inhale the smoke of smoldering onion husks and bury the onion juice (1 to 2 drops in each nostril).
  • The following remedy helps cure the common cold:grate 1/2 of the onion, add hot vegetable oil, insist in a closed dish for 8 hours, drain. This oil needs several times a day to lubricate the nasal mucosa and instill 1 -2 drops into each nostril.
  • With a cold, it is useful to instill a mixture of carrot juice with vegetable oil (:) into the nose, adding a few drops of garlic juice. This mixture is buried in the nose 4 to 5 times a day and at the same time to drink tea with lemon, honey, spices and spicy aromatic herbs.
  • Remedy for coryza:1 tbsp. l. dried and chopped valerian roots pour 100 ml of olive oil, put on 10 days in a warm dark place, drain. Bury 1 to 2 drops of this oil in each nostril 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Helps the mouth treat the common cold with folk remedies at home The following remedy: squeeze out aloe or calanchoe juice, dilute with water (:) and instill 1 to 2 drops into each nostril 4 to 5 times in day.

Effective treatment of genyantritis with folk remedies at home

And how to treat genyantritis with folk methods, without resorting to medication?

  • Means for the treatment of sinusitis:take 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of water and 100 g of chopped young pine needles, mix, put in a preheated oven for 2 hours for a small fire, then cool. Take 1 tbsp. l. This syrup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
  • With genyantritis, inhalations with honey over the kettle (first one nostril, then the other) are useful. On the kettle of hot water you need to put 1 tbsp. l. honey. The course of treatment of sinusitis with this folk remedy is 10 days.
  • Means for the treatment of sinusitis:2 times a day you need to dig in each nostril 2 drops of cyclamen European juice (you can add 2 drops of sea buckthorn oil). To be treated to recovery.
  • To treat sinusitis, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbs tangent, pour 5 tbsp. l. vodka, cork, insist a week, drain, add for 1 hour. l. honey and aloe juice, mix thoroughly. Bury in each nostril 2 to 3 drops of this mixture 3 to 4 times a day, pre-lubricating the nasal mucosa with sea buckthorn oil, so that there is no burn.
  • To effectively treat sinusitis with folk remedies, the following remedy is helpful: pieces of creamy oil the size of a corn seed alternately put in the nose (today in one nostril, tomorrow - in the another). To be treated to recovery.
  • With genyantritis it is useful to apply grated black radish to the bridge of the nose, putting it in a rag.
  • Remedy for treatment of sinusitis: take 2 tbsp. l. juice of onions, add 1 hour. l. grated laundry soap and 2 tbsp. l. glycerol, mix. Gauze or cotton swabs should be moistened with this folk remedy against sinusitis and pawned in both nostrils alternately for 15 minutes for 7-10 days.

How to treat sinusitis at home with folk methods?

Here are some more recipes, how to treat sinusitis at home with folk methods using the simplest means.
  • In case of genyantritis, the following remedy is helpful:Take 1 tbsp. l. honey, add 1 hour. l. table salt, mix into a homogeneous mass, put on the forehead, cover the top with a food film, and then with a warm kerchief (do not go to bed, sitting). After 2 - 3 hours from the nose begins to emit thick mucus. Do this procedure 2 - 3 times a day - until complete recovery.
  • Means for the treatment of sinusitis:200 g unsalted butter bring to a boil, put 7 finely chopped bulbs, cook over a small fire 5 - 7 minutes, stirring, then add 1/2 a piece of baby soap, 70 g of pine or spruce resin, 20 g of ground propolis and 50 grams wax. Stir and cook for another 15 - 20 minutes, stirring constantly. In a hot form ointment strain through gauze and cool. Keep refrigerated. With a warmed-up ointment, spread the forehead, nostrils and cheeks in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, carefully rubbing into the skin. The procedure to do before bedtime - until complete recovery.
  • Effective agent for the treatment of sinusitis:take 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice, Kalanchoe, onion, European cyclamen bulb, honey, Vishnevsky ointment and 5 drops of celandine juice. Stir thoroughly. Keep refrigerated. Before use, heat the device to 37 ° C, lubricate the tampons with them and pour into both nostrils alternately 2 times a day for 30 minutes. After 20 days with such a national treatment of sinusitis in the home sinuses are usually cleared.
  • In the genyantritis, the skin over the maxillary sinuses is useful for rubbing with garlic juice, then for 20-30 minutes rub the mixture from the juice of burdock root and birch charcoal (:). The procedure should be performed before bedtime until recovery.
  • Effective means for the treatment of sinusitis: 2 fetuses of horse chestnut put in water for 2 days, then peel and pulp to remove "plugs" of such length and thickness that they completely fill nostrils. Insert one stopper into the nostril, and after a while a lot of mucus will start to appear from the nose in large quantities. The next day the plug must be inserted into the other nostril. This procedure should be repeated for 2 to 4 days 2 times a year (in spring and autumn).

How can I get rid of genyantritis with folk remedies?

Below is described how you can get rid of genyantritis folk remedies and prevent complications.
  • For sinusitis you need to take 1 tbsp. l. honey, birch tar and vegetable oil, carefully mix everything and bury in the nose 1 to 2 drops in each nostril after inhalation with the birch buds. Before instilling the mixture must be heated. The procedure should be performed daily at bedtime for 7-10 days. The remedy is very effective.
  • For the treatment of sinusitis it is useful to wash the nose with salt water (1 dessert spoon of sea or ordinary table salt per 1 glass of warm water), adding a few drops of tincture of iodine.
  • Means for the treatment of sinusitis:take 1/4 h. l. tinctures of propolis (can be chemist's), add 1 hour. l. juice aloe, mix and bury 3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day for 7-10 days.
  • With genyantritis it is useful 4 - 5 times a day to bury in each nostril for 2 to 3 drops of plantain juice.
  • Helps to cure sinusitis instillation in the nose of a mixture of oils (from St. John's wort, ledum, propolis and sea-buckthorn). Take the oils in equal proportions. Bury 2 to 3 drops in each nostril 4 - 5 times a day - until recovery.
  • A good tool to treat sinusitis are inhalations with garlic: chop the garlic head and put in the teapot. Spoon the teapot into your mouth, hold your nose with your fingers and breathe a couple of garlic for 5 to 7 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 5-6 times a day until recovery.
  • Effective agent for the treatment of sinusitis:1 tbsp. l. crushed dried eucalyptus leaves pour 150 ml of water, put on a water bath, cook under the lid for 10 - 15 minutes, then add 3 tablets of mummies and mix thoroughly. In a syringe, dial this compound and, after blowing out, rinse their nose. The procedure should be repeated 1 to 2 times a day for a week.
  • Oil of sea-buckthorn.This oil is used externally for washing the throat and nose with chronic laryngitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis. Take 1 hour. l. oil for 1 cup of warm boiled water, mix well. The procedure should be repeated 4 to 5 times a day until recovery.

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