Can I warm my chest when I cough?

Is it possible to warm the chest with compresses and massage with bronchitis?

Most often for the treatment of bronchitis in the home, people use warming compresses or ointments, without hesitation, whether it is possible to warm the chest with bronchitis. And since in most cases such a procedure brings a visible relief to the patient, then when warming of the chest to the patient becomes only worse, the treating experts-households sincerely are amazed.

The main reason is that the body of each person is individual, in addition, bronchitis is of different types, therefore, not figuring out all this, taking up treatment sometimes happens at the best, it's pointless, and at worst - it's dangerous for health patient.

What a "beast" bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, under the influence of which their mucous membrane is damaged, microcirculation of blood is broken, and there is swelling. Outwardly this is manifested by a strong cough, often with sputum, increased sweating, general weakness and fever.

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If you start treatment in time, then this condition will last no more than half a month, after which the mucous membrane will self-repair and bronchitis will pass by itself.Although if during this time the cause of its occurrence is not eliminated, then it can go on into a chronic form, becoming aggravated from time to time, and for years to torment its carrier.

External adverse factors that provoke the disease with bronchitis are many, and over the years they are becoming more and more. First of all, they are:

  • frequent and prolonged hypothermia;
  • long stay in a dusty room;
  • infections (both viral and bacterial):
  • environmental factors;
  • allergic reactions;
  • smoking.

It is well known that a long stay outdoors in the cold season for people who do not stop often ends with a cold or bronchitis. It is no secret that an unfavorable ecological situation weakens the immunity of a person, making it vulnerable to diseases, and also causing a variety of allergic manifestations, weakening organism.

Often, bronchitis can be a companion of infectious diseases: viral (adenovirus or influenza virus) or bacterial (pneumococci, streptococci, etc.). If a person has to stay in a dusty place for a long time, for example, to work in a mine or cement plant, then the dust, inhaled with air, settles on the mucous membrane of the bronchi, provoking it inflammation.

Approximately the same happens when smoking, only in this case, instead of dust in the bronchi, along with the inhaled cigarette smoke, any rubbish such as nicotine, resins and microparticles of heavy metals gets into it. In these cases, bronchitis causes, in addition to the settling of dust and harmful substances on the bronchi, also the toxic effect of nicotine, which weakens the whole organism as a whole.

Depending on the cause that caused the appearance of the flu, and appoint his treatment. For example, if the cause is an allergy, then no compresses, warm-ups or even pills for coughing will help - for effective treatment you need to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.

If the cause of bronchitis is dust or smoking, then warming the chest is not only pointless, but also dangerous, because, provoking the movement of solid particles settled in the bronchi and without taking any measures to dilute the sputum, you can damage the tissue bronchi.

The warming of the chest for the treatment of bronchitis can be used only for a cold or infectious cause of its appearance, and then only after mandatory consultation and with the permission of the doctor. In the latter case, this is especially important, since sometimes at a high temperature heating is categorically contraindicated. Think about it: if the abnormally high temperature for the body warms the body from the inside, how justified and necessary will it be heated even more outside? And than such "treatment" can end?

Basic Warming Methods

It is possible to warm up the thorax only when the patient does not have a high fever. Otherwise, warming procedures are strictly contraindicated. It is not allowed to put warming compresses in obstructive bronchitis, as warming of the body improves blood circulation, and this, in turn, can lead to spasm of the bronchi.

Do not use warming compresses if the patient has serious heart problems. If there is damage to the skin in the place of the expected warming up, it is also necessary to refrain from warming up, or change the way by selecting another part of the body without damaging the skin.

To warm up the chest, you can use:

  • mustard plasters;
  • warming ointments;
  • massage.

Each of these methods has its supporters who prefer it to others, but they all have a dilatory effect on the sputum located in the bronchi, contributing to its excretion from the body. It is this ability that makes the warming-up procedure easier for the patient, since with a decrease in bronchial sputum concentration coughing attacks will not be so intense, and the intervals between them - more long.

In addition, warming also has a number of additional positive qualities: blood circulation improves, puffiness decreases.

Various methods of heating the chest

More often than other ways for warming up of a thorax the mustard plasters are traditionally used, as it is most convenient for them to impose in house conditions. Standard drugstore mustard packs are a mustard powder packed between two layers of special paper. Immediately before use, they should be placed for 5 minutes in warm water.

Then the soaked mustard plasters are laid on the chest, but in no case they can not be placed in the heart. Adults mustard plasters are placed directly on the skin, and for children whose skin is much more sensitive, it is recommended first to put on breast soaked in sunflower oil gauze pillow or at least a sheet of thick paper and already on them to put mustard to avoid burns.

The heat effect of the body is felt 2-3 minutes after the setting of the mustard plasters, but in order to achieve therapeutic effect they need to be kept on the skin until it changes under the mustard plaster its color, slightly blushing. On average, this occurs within 10 minutes, but you need to consider that for each person this time is determined individually, based on the sensitivity of his skin.

After removing the mustard plasters, the place where they were lying should be wiped with a towel soaked in warm water, otherwise the microparticles of mustard powder left on the skin can cause a serious burn.

Similar to mustard plaits in their effects on the body and used in the treatment of bronchitis in children, warming ointments, the most popular of which today is Dr. Mom. It includes essential oils of eucalyptus and menthol, so when treating bronchitis in children, this ointment is even preferable to mustard plasters, because it does not irritate or burn the skin.


Dr. Mom has a warming and coughing effect on the body. Ointment is easy to use, it is usually enough to rub it with your chest, back and neck (best before bedtime). From contraindications to its use only open skin lesions and individual intolerance to the components of the ointment.

Many instead of mustard plasters and ointments prefer to do warming massage. Correctly performed massage also perfectly warms the thorax, helping to improve circulation in the bronchi, dilution and excretion of sputum.

There are several massage techniques, but there are common rules for them. Any massage can be done only if the patient is on the mend and he already does not have a high fever, but often suffers from attacks of severe cough. Do it best in the morning, before breakfast.

Doing a massage immediately after eating is strictly prohibited.


When choosing a method and starting to warm up, you must first consult a doctor. After warming the chest with bronchitis can be considered only as an additional therapeutic procedure that facilitates the course of the disease, but does not replace the basic treatment.

Do not forget about it and be healthy!

Tip 1: How to treat ARI of a pregnant woman

The course of ARI in a pregnant woman should not be carried out according to the standard scheme - many drugs should not be taken during the period of gestation because of their toxicity to the fetus. Timely appeal to the doctor will allow to develop a complex of measures and minimize complications.

You will need

  1. - teas, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water without gas, etc .;
  2. - warm milk with honey and butter;
  3. - saline solution;
  4. - a decoction of chamomile.


  1. Provide a copious drink. Any infectious process is accompanied by the release of toxic substances, and if the acute respiratory disease proceeds with an elevated temperature, the elimination of dehydration is mandatory. Warm and plentiful drink is necessary for the pregnant woman, whose kidneys work more intensively and intensively - teas, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water without gas, etc. Be careful and monitor the amount of liquid drunk to prevent the occurrence of swelling - no more than 2 liters in day. Do not get carried away by herbal decoctions, as some of them can provoke complications.
  2. Do not use antiviral and antibacterial drugs without prescribing a doctor. Many of the medicines have a period of pregnancy in contraindications, so if the doctor decides on drug therapy, then he prescribes only the drugs allowed. Self-administration of any medications, especially antipyretic with aspirin, threatens complication of pregnancy.
  3. Treat the throat and cough with proven folk remedies. Cough is well helped by warm milk with honey and butter - the drink softens the tissues, gently warms the bronchi and along the way relieves of sore throat. Rinsing with saline or decoction of chamomile is not prohibited during pregnancy - do this as often as possible during the day.
  4. Moisturize the air indoors. Provide a favorable atmosphere - the temperature in the room should not be above 22oC, while the air should not be dry. Use industrial humidifiers or hang heat sources with blankets. Regularly ventilate the room. An optimal level of humidity will facilitate the nasal breathing and prevent the drying of mucus, which leads to a delay in the spread of infection in the respiratory tract.
  5. Do steam inhalations. Boil the potatoes or dilute some of the salt in the boiling water - breathe over the container, freeing the nasal passages and respiratory tract from the mucus.
  6. Do not steam your legs or warm your chest. Any warming and steaming procedures (compresses, trays, mustards, etc.) are contraindicated in pregnancy, so discontinue these methods of ARI treatment.

Very many diseases are accompanied by a harsh, dry cough, getting rid of which is not at all easy. In this case, not only modern pharmacological preparations can help the sick person, but also various kinds of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been checked by time. An excellent cough remedy is a compress that gently warms the chest area.

Advantages of compresses

Compress helps to get rid of cough much faster, and, unlike drugs, it does not cause side effects. One of the undeniable advantages of this treatment is that it is possible to use compresses for children cough exactly as for adults. And before using them, you still need to consult your doctor.

A warming compress is a much more economical means than tablets and medicines. After all, ingredients for its manufacture can be found in any home, they do not need to run to the pharmacy.

Features of application of compresses

Any compress can be done only if the patient has a normal temperature. After all, its increase is a protective reaction of the human body, which indicates that it is actively fighting the causative agent of the disease. If you put a compress at a temperature, then you will aggravate the condition, and so the patient has risen temperature, and you also have a warm compress, so do not put compresses if the patient has risen Body temperature.

When you cough, any compress can be combined with other medicinal products and procedures. For example, you can take herbal teas, various pills and do respiratory gymnastics. The main thing before you do a compress, especially a child, is to consult a competent specialist.

Ingredients for making compresses can be different, the main thing is that they have a warming effect, and they have no allergy on them. For example, a remedy made by their cottage cheese or potatoes helps a lot. But do not apply a compress on those areas of the skin where there are birthmarks, pigment spots, acne, wounds and other skin pathologies.

What compresses are

Compress from potatoes

Boil a few small potatoes right in the uniform. Drain the water, transfer the potatoes into a plastic bag and tighten it tight. Then, using crush, flatten each root in one motion. After this, wrap the hot package in a clean towel and place it on the chest of the sick person, attaching it with a scarf, and cover the person with a blanket from above.

When the potatoes cool down, it must be removed and the patient wrapped. Usually, after the first session, cough becomes much easier, and the airways are cleared more quickly. This is explained by the fact that potatoes can keep heat long enough, providing deep warming and strengthening blood circulation.

Honey pack

The usual honey cough compress helps to relieve the patient's condition very quickly. After a couple of days of such treatment, the cough can stop, especially if the compress is done with the appearance of the first symptoms. You can simply smear on the patient's chest natural honey, and you can make a vodka compress.

On the breast of the diseased you need to spread a small amount of honey, and on it you need to put gauze, which is soaked in vodka. On top you need to attach a plastic wrap, and on it - a woolen scarf, which you need to wrap around the torso. With such a compress the patient can sleep all night.

Honey quickly penetrates into the skin, favorably affecting the body with its valuable biologically active substances. The combination of honey and vodka makes the compress warm, but not hot, which means that the patient will not feel any discomfort.

Oily Compress

With a dry cough, the oil compress helps well, for the preparation of which you can use ordinary vegetable oil. It is necessary to preheat the oil in a water bath, then dab into it a large towel and wrap it around the patient's body, avoiding the heart area.

On top of the towel you need to overlay parchment paper or tracing paper, but in no case is polyethylene. Then we must wrap up the patient with a warm, large handkerchief. This remedy can be left for several hours or even all night.

Salt Compression

In a liter of warm water, add 90 g of salt, and then moisten the wafer in the resulting solution and squeeze it. The towel should be placed on the patient's chest, and covered with a terry towel on top and secured with bandages. All this can be left for the whole night.

Compress with Dimexide

Dimexide can be purchased at the pharmacy, as it is a pharmaceutical product. In a bowl, mix a tablespoon of dimexide and 4 tablespoons, a solution of novocaine. This mixture should be heated in the microwave for about 10 seconds. In this composition, you must moisten a piece of gauze and place on the chest, avoiding the heart area. On top of the gauze should be covered with parchment paper and a warm scarf, and after a couple of hours all this can be removed.

This procedure is best performed at night, five days in a row. It is contraindicated in pregnant women, infants, elderly people, as well as in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies. You can not do it to people who for some reason have weakened immunity.

Compress with radish

From a radish it is possible to prepare very effective compress which will help to get rid quickly of a cough. To make it, you need to grate the radish on a grater or grind it with a blender. Obtained from radish gruel should be wrapped in a piece of gauze and put the resulting package on the patient's chest.

This remedy should be affected for about two minutes, after which it must be removed. Repeat the procedure can be several times a day. It can become a full-fledged replacement for mustard plasters.

Is it possible to warm up the baby's breast with salt, at a temperature of 37



at such it is possible. If higher than 37, 5, warming procedures are contraindicated.


at a temperature it is impossible to do warming up procedures

Victoria Victoria

It is impossible to warm, not to rub at tempera.

Maga Pavlovich

can not


in any case, especially in the heart, I can advise rubbing the back, the baby's legs with vodka and cover the sheet, give antipyretics necessary, if the temperature rises above 38-cause an ambulance help! While a pediatrician usually appoints a licorice root, if the bronchitis is bromhexine.

Och the black cat

Too much stress on the heart. If the child is large enough for inhalation, then About the elevated temperature

Irina Zhalonkina / Lanskova

No, you can not, as long as the temperature keeps no warming impossible.

Nadezhda Padyanova

In no case. At the temperature neither thermal procedures, nor fizkabinet, nor compresses, nor massages.
Peace, abundant drinking and healing.

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