Exercises for the spine: the most useful complexes


  • 1Exercises for the spine - how to perform at home with video
    • 1.1What are exercises for the spine?
    • 1.2Exercises for the spine at home
    • 1.3Gymnastics for the sick spine
    • 1.4Exercises of Bubnovsky
    • 1.5Exercises for a healthy back
    • 1.6Exercises for the upper spine
    • 1.7The best exercises for the spine
  • 2Is gymnastics useful for the spine?
    • 2.1The Benefits of Physical Therapy
    • 2.2Complex exercises standing
    • 2.3Exercises so that the back does not hurt
    • 2.4Exercises for pain prevention
  • 3Gymnastics for strengthening the muscles of the back and spine
    • 3.1Indications
    • 3.2Techniques
    • 3.3Techniques of Popov
    • 3.4Gymnastics "crocodile"
    • 3.5Classes in the water
    • 3.6Additional techniques
  • 4Exercises for the spine

Exercises for the spine - how to perform at home with video

Modern people often have problems with the lower back, the back, the cervical department.

Exercises for the spine make the posture more even, help maintain muscle tone, get rid of diseases of the upper and lower back.

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Select the complex is subject to existing problems after consulting a doctor. Sometimes special sport equipment is used, simulators.

What are exercises for the spine?

Problems with the back adversely affect the condition of internal organs. Avoid the development of diseases such as osteochondrosis, kyphosis, scoliosis will help exercise for the back and spine.

Gymnastics has a good effect on the general condition of the body. Experts recommend saving joint health, because the modern rhythm of life and lack of training often leads to serious problems.

It is important to choose a special set of exercises for the spine, and not just sports.

The whole body of the trunk and the back of a person are in tension. Constant loads lead to discomfort and heaviness in the lumbar region.

If a person often raises the severity, the problem becomes worse, especially in cases where the muscles of the lumbar region are weak. As a result, the vertebral column is loaded, which adversely affects the condition of the joints.

Doctors advise, if possible, to practice at home and in special institutions.

Exercises for pain in the spine and for a healthy back have their own characteristics. There are several effective methods designed for different categories of people.

Problems such as scoliosis, curvature, or osteochondrosis recede under the influence of medical training.

In case of serious diagnoses, the patient should not rely solely on supporting training, it is necessary to consult a doctor and complex therapy.

Exercises for the spine at home

To start using one of the treatment methods, it is not necessary to seek the help of a trainer. Most workouts are suitable for home.

However, it is worthwhile to consult a specialist beforehand and get acquainted with the list of contraindications.

An experienced vertebrologist or orthopedist will be able to select the best training for a particular patient and give appropriate recommendations for implementation.

Those with cervical osteochondrosis or suspicion of it, should arm themselves with the following exercise:

  1. The initial stand with a straight posture and legs, located on the width of the shoulders.
  2. The head is slowly tilted to the side, the delay is 10 seconds.
  3. Press on it with your hand so that your neck does not straighten.
  4. Return to the original rack, repeat 15 times on each side.

When breast osteochondrosis or suspicion of it, you can try the following:

  • Body with a straight posture, feet shoulder width apart.
  • The chin is pulled to the chest, the shoulders are brought together.
  • You need to stay for 10 seconds.
  • They arch their back, throwing their heads back, while taking the shoulder blades to each other.
  • Again, fix the position for 10 seconds.
  • Return to the original position. You need to make at least 10 approaches.

The following exercise will be useful for those who have problems with the lumbar spine:

  1. Stand up straight, hands on the waist, legs at the same level with the shoulders.
  2. Slowly bend forward, return to the previous position.
  3. Repeat the slope in the opposite direction.
  4. Do 10 motions in each direction.

A well-known specialist in medicine has gained worldwide fame thanks to the method of curative fasting. However, Paul Bregg was involved in other aspects of human health.

The famous complex of five exercises for the back has helped thousands of patients from different countries. All the thoughts of this specialist about the condition of the vertebrae, loin, neck are reflected in his book.

Below are 5 exercises by Paul Bragg for the spine.

To avoid the development of serious diseases, improve digestion and vision, you can try the next training. Preliminary it is necessary to consult with the doctor, after all employment is counter-indicative to people with problems of a cervical, lumbar departments of a backbone.

The complex is running smoothly, slowly:

  • The emphasis is on the rug, legs and shoulders on one level.
  • The pelvis is raised as much as possible, it should be above the level of the head.
  • Back arched.
  • The trunk body rests on the knees, straight elbows, palms.
  • They go back to the starting position.

Another training will help stretch the spine and ligaments, adjust the work of the kidneys, the liver to the right way:

  1. The starting position remains the same.
  2. The pelvis is raised, keeping the limbs straight.
  3. The back bends to the left, and the left side drops as low as possible.
  4. Repeat the exercise on the right side.

To strengthen the muscles, to maintain the state of stretched spine, the following option is used. It is important to carry out the movements with acceleration.

Contraindications training does not have:

  • Starting position: sitting on the floor, leaning on the hands, assigned to the body of the body. The legs are bent at the knees.
  • Try to raise the pelvis with your legs, as a result, the spine should take a horizontal position.
  • The legs do not straighten out during the workout.

To simultaneously improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and nerves, lengthen the spinal column, apply the following exercise of Berg. It is important to take into account that movements can not be performed by those who have problems with the lower back or are diagnosed with a hernia:

  1. Starting position: the person lies on his back, his legs are straight, his hands are spread out on the sides.
  2. Legs bend at the knees, pull up to themselves, wrap their arms around them.
  3. They push their legs away from the chest, not unclenching their hands.
  4. The chin is stretched to the knees and the head is raised upwards.

Another movement from a well-known physician helps patients to lengthen the spine, improve bowel function.

However, it is dangerous for those who have diseases in which the flow of blood to the head causes a deterioration of well-being:

  • The starting position, as in the performance of exercise number 1.
  • The back should be arched, lift the pelvis up.
  • Straight limbs serve as a support. Do not put feet at a wide distance.
  • Head down.
  • With slightly bent knees begin to move along the room forward, then back.

Gymnastics for the sick spine

In the treatment of various diseases of the back, recovery after prolonged treatment, doctors strongly recommend special gymnastics.

The training helps to feel with considerable relief over time, straighten the spine, restore the flexibility of muscles and ligaments. In case of problems with the back, waist, neck, it is recommended to lie down during training. It is better to repeat classes at a certain time.

Training should last at least 25 minutes with short breaks between approaches.

Exercises for diseases of different parts of the spine (made from the position lying on the back):

  1. Hands in elbows are bent, put near the chest. The breasts should be bent by a half-joint, in this position they linger. They drop to the floor. Repeat 8 times.
  2. Hands are placed along the body, legs bend at the knees. Smoothly raise the pelvis up, buttocks squeeze, linger, while straining the musculature of the back, waist. They go down, repeat the movements 6-7 times.
  3. The limbs are straightened, raise their legs up in turn, keeping traction. Delayed for 20 seconds. Slowly lower your legs. Repeat the movements 7 times.

Exercises of Bubnovsky

A completely new approach to the procedure for the treatment of the spine in his time suggested SM. Bubnovsky. The method allows you to do without medication and surgery.

Exercises of the famous doctor of medical sciences can be done by patients of all ages. If you want, you can buy a special simulator Bubnovsky.

The following activities are described in detail below, designed for execution without equipment.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky, popular exercises:

  • "A bike". Take the prone position, hands on the back of the head, legs in the knees bent. The upper part of the trunk is lifted to the right, the knee is tried to press against the chest, touching it with the left elbow. After that, the leg is removed and straightened. On each side you need to repeat at least 15 times.
  • "Touching socks with your hands". Lying on the floor, they stretch their arms up. Raise the body and legs simultaneously. It is important to touch the socks with your hands. Exercise is great for pumping the muscles of the abdomen, evenly burdens your back.
  • «Walking on buttocks ». Sitting, hands and feet in front of him stretched out. Begin smoothly to move forward, straining thus glute muscles.
  • "Raising the knees to the chest". Starting position: on the back lying, arms stretched along the trunk. Raise the knee up, then press it with the effort of the hands to the chest. Fix for 10 seconds, then repeat the movements with the other leg.

Exercises for a healthy back

To tighten the muscles of the back, it is worthwhile to adopt several effective exercises that should be repeated on a regular basis.

Below is the gym, for which you do not need special equipment and a lot of free time.

The exercises are aimed at maintaining the healthy joint condition and swelling of the musculature. Training can be done at home.

BERPI Complicated:

  1. They lay on their backs, their legs are straight together, their arms are stretched over their heads.
  2. On exhalation strain the press, the body is lifted, the legs should be bent at the knees.
  3. Smoothly raise the body, while the hands remain on the floor.
  4. The weight of the body is transferred to the limbs, buttocks are raised from the floor.
  5. After this, you must first stand upright, then fall back down again.
  6. Repeat movements 10 times. For beginners, 1 set is recommended, for professionals - 3 sets.
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Raising the legs from shallow squats:

  • Stand up straight, legs together, knees bent.
  • Hands are placed on the right knee.
  • Retract the left leg, tilt the body forward.
  • Perform a circular motion with the foot, while the back should be kept perfectly even. The knee does not unbend.
  • Each leg is repeated 15 times.

Exercises for the upper spine

It is important not only to train the muscles of the back, but also to use techniques for a specific department of the spine. The exercises presented below are taken from exercise therapy.

Due to constant training it is possible to improve the metabolic processes of the intervertebral discs, strengthen the muscles of the cervical region, significantly reduce the pain and discomfort of this area.

Complex exercises are simple, suitable for home workouts.

Gymnastics for the upper spine:

  1. The head is lowered to the jugular fossa. They try to turn their necks first to the right, then to the left, trying to look at their shoulder. Repeat movements 7-10 times.
  2. They stand on a hard surface, arms stretched along the trunk. The maximum is raised and lowered shoulders, keeping the head and neck without movement. Repeat 7-9 times.
  3. The palm is placed on the temple's opposite side, the hand is thrown over the head. Simultaneously, the head is tilted toward the shoulder and the resistance is created by the palm rest for at least 15 seconds. Repeat the movements 5-7 times.

The best exercises for the spine

To practice giving results, you need to repeat them regularly. Before training, the muscles should be warmed up. Below are the most popular exercises for the muscles of the back:

  • They stand upright, legs are set apart, arms in the castle, raised above their heads. On inhalation, they begin to incline one by one, back and forth. Amplitude should be maximum, but pain sensations are not allowed.
  • From the same initial position, tilt the body down, with the arms around the calf muscles. Do the slopes down-up, tilt with a small amplitude. After 10 repetitions, the hands are put on the waist, the back is bent backwards.
  • They get up on all fours, they bend their backs down. On exhalation, the spine is flexed upward, while tilting the head toward the body.

A source: http://sovets.net/12334-uprazhneniya-dlya-pozvonochnika.html

Is gymnastics useful for the spine?

Gymnastics for the back are necessary to create a trained muscular corset. Strong muscles of the press and back, support the spine.

They also retain the correct position of the organs of the chest, abdominal cavity: lungs, heart, stomach, liver, etc. Strengthened muscles of the back, lumbosacral region and the press, will not leave the pain of the slightest chance.

Wellness gymnastics for the spine is needed daily, not only in the phase of acute pain.

But how to be, if all the same has overtaken a pain in a back? If your back aches suddenly, sharply, it's because you did not pay attention to it earlier. Preventing the disease is easier than waiting for exacerbations.

There is a therapeutic gymnastics for the spine. The result will be only in the systematic implementation of the complex exercise therapy for the back. Do it daily, then the effect will be amplified every day.

The first results will begin to appear no earlier than three weeks after the beginning of the class.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy

Useful exercises for the spine can be performed at any time of the day. The best thing is to start the morning with a few exercises, then take a short break, then continue the execution of the complex.

ATAbout time of the working day it is necessary to make an uncomplicated complex of exercises for warming up the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle and back.Such breaks and the performance of exercise exercises, relieve muscle tension.

Increase attention, stress resistance.

To choose a set of exercises for back pain, it is worth taking into account the athletic form of a person. It starts with a small, gradually increasing the load - stage by stage, slowly and without haste.

The first stage is the exercises in the period of exacerbation. Usually the acute phase lasts 3-4 days. After that, the rehabilitation period begins, lasting up to 30 days. And only after this the phase of the improving period begins.

Exercises at this time, are preventive in nature.

Complexes of exercises can solve the following tasks:

  1. Eliminate back pain;
  2. Reduce pressure on the spinal discs;
  3. Make the muscles strong;
  4. Accelerate the growth and regeneration of bone cells;
  5. Increase blood circulation.

Complex exercises standing

It is not necessary to do exercises in a phase of an exacerbation, with a sharp amplitude. Try to do smoothly, not greatly increasing the load on the spine.It's worth starting with a slow walk, which can be replaced by walking on the spot. When walking, watch your posture.Keep your back straight.

Shoulders should be relaxed a little, lowered.For best effect, raise your knees higher, keep your head straight.The duration of such a walk should not be tedious, 3-5 minutes. As soon as you feel the heat, and that the blood is accelerating, go on to the next.

The next exercise: standing still try to climb on your socks. On the top of the climb, hold for a few seconds. After slowly sink.

Lifting, gently pull the upper arms.Raise your hands and take a deep breath. Exiting slowly, exhale slowly.

Do 5-15 repetitions, depending on your athletic training.

Further, just stand straight, hands lift the top, while throwing back his head. Watch your breath. Lifting your hands, inhale, lowering - exhale. Put your feet on the entire foot, smoothly. At the end of the gym, press against the wall, relax, calm your breathing.

Exercises so that the back does not hurt

This simple charging, from eleven exercises, will help relieve pain, discomfort in the back. Just do the exercises calmly, without fanaticism.

  • Starting position: lie face up, put your legs, bend your knees. The feet are fully pressed to the floor, the muscles of the legs are relaxed. Grab your arms first one leg - under the knee with one hand, the other just above the knee, then lift it. Feel the tension. Hold in this position for about 30 seconds. Lower your foot, rest for 15 seconds. Repeat with the next leg.
  • Accept the reference position specified for exercise number one. Pull in your stomach, while lifting the pelvis slightly, trying to squeeze the lower back. Pressing it as tight as possible, hold for 15 seconds, fixing the position and return to the beginning. Repeat ten times, between repetitions, take a breather - 10 seconds.
  • Bend your legs, lying on your back, as in the first two exercises. Hands grab the back of your head, or cross them on your chest - it depends on your athletic training. Try to make it convenient for you to start, and as your training improves, gradually increase the load. Pull your waist down to the floor, raise your head, while lifting your shoulders. Lock the position for 10 seconds. After slowly sink. Do it 10 times.
  • Exercise is called a cat: stand on all fours, back parallel to the floor, arms straight. Back arched top, like a cat, lock for a couple of seconds. Gently return to the original state. Do 5-10 repetitions.
  • Lie on your stomach, face down, put a gym ball or pillow under your thighs. Straighten the right hand forward, at the same time straighten and pull back the left leg, to the tension of the back muscles. Fix, for 2 seconds the position, slowly lower. Repeat by changing hands and feet. Make a total of 10 repetitions.
  • Initial like the first two, hands slightly to the side. With an exhalation lift up buttocks, tear off them from a floor. Shoulders let remain motionless, make a halftone, after smoothly return to the initial position. Do 15 repetitions.
  • Lie on your stomach, hands are pressed to the body, along the body. Slowly bend back, pulling your arms up, but not allowing pain. Diminitely return to the original position. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Lie down on your stomach, bend your knees, hands behind your back, grapple your feet and stay in this position for about half a minute. After that, rest for about 1 minute, calm your breathing. Repeat 3-5 times.
  • Stand on all fours, as in the exercise "cat". Bent at the knees, lift the top, and turn the body alternately sideways, leaning on the knees and hands. Repeat at least 15 times.
  • The simplest and most effective exercise for the neck muscles - tilt your head down, and as if rolling it clockwise, pressing alternately to the shoulders, back, chest. Then roll the head counterclockwise. Repeat at least 20 times in both directions. This exercise can be done even at work, during a break.

This is a simple way to relieve the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the back, perhaps doing on a bar. Just hang on with your hands.

It is not necessary to pull yourself up, enough ordinary visas.So the distance between the vertebrae increases, the tension and pressure are released.

This removes pain and discomfort.

Complete the complex with a little relaxation exercise, stand in a free position, lower the relaxed arms along the body, do not put your feet wide, enough for the width of the shoulders. Lean forward gently, touching the floor with your fingers. Return to the starting position, breathe deeply, measuredly. Do 3-5 repetitions.

Exercises for pain prevention

Once the complex mentioned above becomes easy for you, it is worth expanding the load. The increase should be step-by-step - you can simply increase the number of repetitions of exercises.

Do not stop on what has been achieved, we must continue to train the muscles, in order not to fall again into the exacerbation phase. You can choose together with a doctor, complexes of gymnastic exercises that train all the muscles of the press and back.

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It is worth thinking about the same well-known complex as yoga.

Yoga classes bring good results, because the whole system is built on stretching exercises. These types of exercises can ease the pain and give the necessary flexibility to the vertebrae.

It is important to remember, before starting, it is worthwhile to find a good coach. If you are in a phase of acute pain, you should not take risks at all, starting the exercises on your own, without the recommendation of the attending physician.

Because there is a danger of damaging the spine.

In general, all procedures related to the power loads on the spine should ideally be coordinated with the physician of the exercise therapy department, a neuropathologist.

It is not superfluous to consult your doctor directly.Self-medication often leads to negative consequences.

Independently you can do only gymnastics in the morning, picking up a set of exercises. If you are not in a phase of acute exacerbation.

It's good to start any sport, 2-3 times a week. This will be very good as an addition to the morning physical exercise.

If possible, then start morning jogging, or Nordic walking. Start exercising on the simulators, if there is no time for outdoor training.

Watch the regime of the day and your diet. Excess weight, presses on the spine and increases the danger of the disease. Watch your health, walk more, move and do not overdo it if possible.

A healthy lifestyle plus daily physical activity will improve the quality of your life in any case

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/uprazhneniya/gimnastika-dlya-pozvonochnika.html

Gymnastics for strengthening the muscles of the back and spine

The health of the spine and back muscles is an important aspect in the life of a person. The spine is arranged quite difficult and performs many functions, both protecting us from injury, and creating posture, giving the opportunity to be flexible.

Since during life a person suffers heavy loads, gets injured, then the health of the back and its structural elements suffer more often than other joints and organs.

Therefore, for the prevention and treatment of pathologies, many exercises for the spine have been developed.

Depending on the age, health status, the methods are allocated to develop muscles and strengthen the spinal column, as well as used for various diseases.Also, there are exercises for different parts of the spine, with diseases that often result in lesion of the lumbar-sacral region and neck.


Exercises for the spine are shown in three main cases. Most often they are prescribed for pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system, with such diseases:

  • osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • curvature of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis);
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • congenital malformations of the skeleton.

Gymnastics for these pathologies is aimed at treating and improving the human condition, restoring the functions of the spine, preventing further disease progression.

Also allocate a group of risk among the population, which shows gymnastics for strengthening the muscles. With excess body weight or a sedentary lifestyle, symptoms of soreness and discomfort in the back often arise, which requires a person to perform exercises for the spine.

Another important direction for restoring the muscles of the back and spine is rehabilitation.

It is prescribed after various injuries, surgical intervention, with diseases that limit movement (stroke, paralysis).

Methods are applied to eliminate curvature, strengthen the muscle corset and restore the patient's mobility.

Elderly people need gymnastics for the prevention of joint pathologies, so there is no age restriction to deal with the restoration of the spine. Depending on a person's condition, he is selected individual load, so that gymnastics is not harmed.


A lot of different techniques have been developed to restore the spine, to strengthen the muscles and align the posture. Particularly effective is the gymnastics performed in the water. Exercises for stretching the spine in water is desirable to do, resorting to the help of others.

Gymnastics in water is prescribed for children from an early age for the rapid development of the musculoskeletal system, for adolescents - for the alignment of the spine and for the prevention of curvature of the posture.

Adults exercises are recommended for recovery from injuries, stretching and chronic diseases.

When injuries of the lumbosacral department perform exercises in the water is much easier than on the floor.

Popularity is gaining Chinese methods of recovery, such as the Qigong technique. Qigong is prescribed for various pathologies of the spine, to strengthen the muscles and improve mobility.

With such diseases as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, Popov gymnastics is applied. Sing out microgymnastics of Peter Popov, based on the creation of micro-motions and aimed at restoring the mobility of all vertebrae and strengthening various muscle groups.

Yuri Popov's gymnastics, consisting of almost 20 exercises, which practically every person is able to perform, also stands out, since they do not require much effort. High efficiency of Popov's exercise is provided in pathologies of the lumbosacral and neck.

To get rid of various pathologies of the spine, back muscles and their prevention, yoga is used. At present, many programs and methods have been created in this direction. Writer R.

Aloise leads widespread and effective techniques, combining techniques of yoga, physical education, as well as classes with a stick.

Thus, the "crocodile" technique allows to strengthen a healthy spine and improve the condition in pathologies.

The name "crocodile" is taken from the techniques performed during classes. Motions similar to those of a crocodile with a victim in the teeth are created.

For most exercises, use a hard board or floor, covered with a soft cloth.

Classes on the bed or mattress will not create efficiency from the exercises.

Techniques of Popov

Exercises for the spine, according to the method of Peter Popov, are called microhimnastics, as a person makes soft movements. They are used for such diseases of the spine as osteochondrosis, disc hernia, and for recovery after injuries.

Basic movements of the method of Peter Popov:

  1. Rocking - in a standing position, smooth slopes are made to the sides, like a pendulum clock.
  2. "Shaking" parts of the body. It is necessary for all limbs to alternately perform vibrations. Admission eliminates muscle spasm and relaxes the body.
  3. You need to create the illusion of pulling. Pull the hands up as much as possible, torso.
  4. In the pose, make turns with your body in the sides, slowly, without sudden movements.

Thus, exercises are performed for stretching the spine according to Popov's method of microhymnia.

Gymnastics Yuri Popov consists of 19 exercises performed in different positions. For hardness, a board is placed and are engaged on an empty stomach. The method is used for diseases of muscles, spine and joints. During the exercises, the spine stretches, the muscles strengthen.

Gymnastics "crocodile"

Gymnastics "crocodile" is based on spiral movements of the spine, which improves its mobility. Effective method of "crocodile" in diseases of the lumbosacral, thoracic spine and for the prevention of stagnant phenomena and the deposition of salts.

Before the start of the exercises, a board is placed, and the whole process of training passes without effort and stress. Gymnastics "crocodile" with proper performance should not cause a sense of pain.

In time, the "crocodile" takes only a few minutes, but you need to practice every day until the course is over.

During the performance of the "crocodile" exercises, the muscles, spine, turns of the lumbosacral spine, neck and chest are stretched. For serious illnesses, rehabilitation can last up to 2-3 months.

Basic exercises "crocodile

  • Position during exercises - lying. The heel of the right leg lies on the area of ​​the toe of the left foot, and spiral turns are made in two directions. Further, the position of the legs changes in reverse.
  • The right leg is bent at the knee, and her ankle lies above the knee of the other leg, which is in a straightened state. Spiral movements are made. After that, the location of the legs changes.
  • In this case, both legs bend at the knee and hip joint. The ankle of one leg lies on the second, the heels touch the floor. Movements are made in a spiral.

In general, all exercises are aimed at making rotational movements. From various movements, the body's defenses are activated, the muscles and spine are restored.

Classes in the water

A unique effect for treatment and prevention in various diseases of the spine is provided by aqua aerobics - gymnastics in the water.

There are exercises in the water to stretch the spine of any department, including the lumbosacral area and to correct posture.

To perform aerobics on the water you need a swimming board, which you can both buy and do yourself. Also in some techniques, they do without the board.

In diseases of the spine, you must perform swimming movements on the abdomen, without the participation of hands. In this case, there are processes of tension of the muscles of the back, necessary for the alignment of the spine.

To stretch the vertebrae, a technique is used, when a person dives into the water, squatting. The coach gently lifts over the shoulders or underarm area, pulling the person out of the water.

For muscles it is useful to swim with a board both on the back and on the stomach. For the lumbosacral section, it is effective to lie on the water with the arms and legs apart. And, on the water you can lie with your back and your belly, trying not to bend in the waist.

In general, the exercises performed in the water are many, so doctors recommend more swim in various pathologies of the back. Useful diving, swimming breaststroke and just playing in the water.

Additional techniques

Most different methods of treatment and prevention for the back include a single exercise. It is performed in the position of "cat standing on all fours.

It is necessary to perform arching of the back with simultaneous raising of the head and its subsequent lowering with the deflection of the back to the floor.

Reception in the "cat" position allows you to achieve correction of posture, strengthening the lumbar and thoracic spine.

Effective exercises are considered for the spine, which are performed with a special stick. Moreover, it is possible to supplement the basic exercises with techniques with a stick. So, let's consider the basic techniques assigned to correct posture, eliminate symptoms of back pain.

Exercises for stretching the spine with a stick are performed in a standing position. The fixation of hands, bent at the elbow joints, is carried out with a stick that is located behind the back. Rotations are made alternately in the right and left sides, without sudden movements. Admission is effective for the thoracic department.

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It is possible to make slopes with a stick fixed behind the back, while stretching the muscles and stimulating the supply of vertebrae. For the prevention of diseases of the back apply slip on the floor with a stick.

To do this, take a lying position, pre-laying a stick under the back and rolling on it. It is necessary to apply a stick to all parts of the back, starting from the lumbar and thoracic region and ending with the neck.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/lechenie/lfk/uprazhneniya-dlya-pozvonochnika.html

Exercises for the spine

The described exercises for the spine were developed by Paul Bragg and will be useful to the whole body

Why do exercises for the spine

When the spine is normally stretched, and the vertebrae do not squeeze the nerve fibers, the nutrition of the tissues and the passage of nerve impulses to various organs improve. Training and lengthening the spine, you at the same time strengthen the muscles and ligaments, which later support the spine in the stretched state.

As a result, you will receive the correct posture. In the body, the processes of blood circulation and transmission of nervous energy will be adjusted.

And when the pressure on the control nerves decreases, well-being will improve.

All internal organs will be strengthened, breathing will become deeper, and cells will receive more oxygen.

Within a few weeks, and sometimes even days, of systematic exercise for the spine of his the condition will improve, the pain will decrease or disappear, there will be flexibility in the joints, it will become easier for you to lean and unbend. There are several rules that need to be followed when starting to perform health exercises for the musculoskeletal system:

  • when developing ossified joints, do not exert excessive effort;
  • Measure the load with your physical abilities;
  • Do not try to perform exercises with the maximum amplitude of movements.

It is not necessary to break off the bat and begin to work hard after years of almost complete inaction. Do not overdo it and do not wait for immediate results.

It takes time to make certain changes in the spine.

Daily performance of the complex of health-improving exercises should become an obligatory part of your program of caring for yourself, the same as washing or cleaning your teeth.

During the first weeks, perform all exercises at a slow pace, carefully listening to the sensations arising in the body.

If there is pain or fatigue, rest, but do not stop training. The pain says that your muscles have started to grow and are becoming more and more trained.

Over time, you will become more enduring, and the pain will not bother you anymore.

In the first two days of classes, each exercise should not be repeated more than two or three times. On the third day, increase the number of repetitions up to five times, and if you feel comfortable, then more.

After a few days you will feel the first positive changes in the condition of the muscles, the spine will become more flexible and strong.

If you are physically well developed, then after several workouts you can easily do each exercise 10 times.

It is very important to perform a set of exercises on a daily basis. Only in this way it is possible to stimulate the growth of cartilage and make the spinal column stretched and elastic. After 2-3 weeks, improvement will be fixed, and you will be able to shorten the exercise to two times a week.

This will allow you to keep the spinal column flexible and relaxed. But, in any case, do not drop medical gymnastics after the initial improvement.

If you have suffered from any disease of the spine, its support through exercise should become permanent.

The main set of exercises for the spine

These five basic exercises are similar to each other, but differ greatly in the nature of the effect on the body. It is necessary to perform all five exercises on a daily basis, in any order.

Exercise number 1 will have a positive effect on the nerve fibers of the head, eye muscles, stomach and intestines. Doing it, you will get rid of headache, eye strain, indigestion and poor digestion of food.

Starting position: lie on the floor on your stomach. Leaning on the palms and feet, take the position of "lying down". Raise the pelvis and arched back arched. The body should rest on the palms and toes only, the pelvis is raised above the head.

The head is lowered, the legs are placed at the width of the shoulders, the knees and elbows are straightened. Then lower the pelvis as low as possible, almost to the floor. Hands and feet are straight. This will give a special tension to the spine. Raise your head and slowly pull it back.

Lower the pelvis as low as possible, and then lift it as high as possible, arching your back up.

When performing this exercise, the spine relaxes. So if you do the exercise correctly, you will immediately feel relief.

Please note: this exercise is not recommended for people who have problems in the lumbar and cervical spine. Excessive overdistension in these departments can adversely affect well-being.

People with high blood pressure should start with a small amplitude of movement, gradually increasing it.

For example, to start moving not from the maximum position of the pelvis up, but from the stop lying down, gradually increasing the amplitude-swinging body.

When doing the exercise, you should focus on your health.

People with excess weight also need to perform the exercise very carefully, so as not to harm the wrist joints - they have the main load.

Exercise No. 2 works well on nerve fibers that are suitable for the liver and kidneys. You will be able to restart the work of these organs, stimulate the purifying function of the liver and filter the kidneys.

The starting position is the same as for exercise number 1. Raise the pelvis and arch your back, resting on the palms and toes. Hands and feet are straight.

Then unfold the pelvis as far as possible to the left and drop to the left side as you can below. Next, turn the pelvis to the right and lower the right side. The arms and legs remain straight. Move slowly.

Notice how well the spine extends.

When the exercise is performed, the spine is twisted along the axis, which promotes stretching and kneading of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine.

If at first it will be hard for you, do it little by little, but, in any case, do not overexert yourself. Over time, the nervous system will become stronger, and you will get used to these movements.

However, this exercise will still be difficult for you, requiring a lot of effort.

Exercise No. 3 promotes complete relaxation of the spinal column. When it is performed, all nerve centers are stimulated, the condition of the pelvic region improves, muscles become stronger, most significant for maintaining the spine in an elongated state, stimulated growth of intervertebral cartilage.

Starting position: sitting on the floor, with support on straight hands. Raise the pelvis, transferring weight to the bent legs, which will be slightly behind the trunk.

The body will rest on the bent legs and straight arms. The spine should be in a horizontal position.

Hold in this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Try to avoid hitting the lower back on the floor, otherwise you may get an injury to the sacrum and coccygeal spine. Repeat the motion several times, gradually accelerating the tempo.

Exercise No. 4 acts very well on the work of the stomach. It has a beneficial effect on the spine as a whole, stretching it, thus bringing the whole body into a state of harmony, health.

Starting position: lie on the floor on your back, legs stretched out, hands to the sides. Bend your knees and, clasping them with your hands, pull up to your chest.

Next, without lowering your hands, Push your knees and hips away from your chest, simultaneously raise your head and try to touch your chin to your knees.

Store this position for 5 seconds.

This exercise is not recommended for people who have problems with the lumbar region, especially if there is an intervertebral hernia, since there is a danger of pinching the nerve.

In this case, you can perform a light version of the exercise: gently pulling your knees to your chest, Grab your arms around your legs and stay in this position for a while, from a few seconds to several minutes.

Thus, you will be able to stretch the spine, improving it, and after that you will be able to perform exercise number 4 in full.

Exercise number 5 is one of the best exercises on stretching the spine. In addition, it normalizes the work of the large intestine.

The starting position is the same as for exercise number 1. Lie on the floor on your stomach. Bending the back with an arch, lift the pelvis as high as possible. The head is lowered, the support on the straight arms and legs. Slightly bending the limb, go around in this position the room.

It is not recommended to perform the exercise hypertensive patients, because the head is below the trunk and the blood constantly flows to it.

A source: http://hnb.com.ua/articles/s-zdorovie-uprajneniya_dlya_pozvonochnika-500

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