Timing and the program for recovery after a stroke: about everything in detail

Stroke at any age requires restoration, much depends on its type, vastness and localization.

After a stroke, the patient often experiences memory problems. His vision is deteriorating, his ability to navigate and move around is lost.

We bring to your attention an article about the timing and measures for recovery after a stroke, how rehabilitation goes on in the hospital and at home, and how long it takes.

Contents for

Contents for

How to recover

  • 2 How long does it take for how long
  • 3 passes? Rehabilitation - that includes
    • 3.1 Swallow renewal
    • 3.2 Speech
    • 3.3 Vision
    • 3.4 Memory
    • 3.5 Motor functions
    • 3.6 Fine motor skills
    • 3.7 Depression
    • 3.8 Preparations
    • 3.9 Furnishing in the house
  • 4 Description of all phases
    • 4.1 Resuscitation period
    • 4.2 Fixed
    • 4.3 After drinking
  • 5 ki After repeated attack
  • for recovery activities

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    Recovery can occur in different ways, the main secret lies in the regularity of the recovery activities. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the doctor, only he can prescribe drugs, regulate the level of physical activity and change the rehabilitation program.

    In large cities there are departments in hospitals, special rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums of cardiological or neurological profile .

    It is also possible to restore at home, but in this case the effect may not be so fast.

    How long does it take to do this, how long does

    take How long does the rehabilitation after a stroke last? Recovery may occur in different ways, some patients are missing a couple of months, but in most cases the process takes much longer, sometimes it lasts several years. The person should be aimed at the result, the to begin recovery measures is recommended as soon as possible .

    The maximum effect is observed in the first three months, daily exercise will help to avoid a second stroke.

    Rehabilitation - that includes

    Restoration requires the involvement of a large number of specialists and the use of a variety of tools. This is due to the fact that a stroke can affect any part of the brain, as a result, a person loses important functions. The patient may lose memory, hearing, vision, it may be affected by complete or partial paralysis, the probability of dementia is high.
    The recovery process requires the participation of the following specialists:

    • physiotherapist - helps restore movement skills;
    • ergotherapist - helps with eating, dressing, bathing and other everyday things;
    • speech therapist - responsible for speech restoration and swallowing functions.

    If necessary, other specialists may be involved, regular communication with the doctor will ensure that the rehabilitation plan is adjusted after a stroke.

    After stroke, such important skills of swallowing, speech, vision, movement, etc. are lost. It is very important not to despair, but to follow the doctor's instructions on a regular basis.

    Renewal of swallowing

    After a circulatory disturbance, there may be problems with chewing, saliva production, swallowing. Within the framework of rehabilitation therapy, special exercises involving special muscles are used. To simplify the process, you should choose the easily chewed and swallowed food .All meals should be normal temperature, not too hot / cold.

    Speech by

    The larger the area of ​​the brain is affected, the more difficult it is to restore speech. Throughout the year, positive results are still achievable, but with time, processes slow down.

    Close should treat the patient with maximum attention, it should not be provided to itself, it is very important to communicate .

    Classes for speech restoration should begin as early as 1-2 weeks, when the patient will be able to withstand emotional and physical stress.

    In the classroom, the specialist works with cards and the alphabet, the patient re-learns to pronounce the letters and words .


    As part of the recovery is widely used special gymnastics, to restore vision will also help special drugs.


    It is recommended to restore the memory of after the probability of a repeated stroke of is removed. In addition to taking medications( nootropics), functional and restorative treatment is shown, within which memory skills are constantly trained.

    The patient can memorize verses, phone numbers, high performance also show board games such as puzzles.

    Motor functions

    Restoration methods use methods such as electrophoresis, massage and other procedures aimed at preventing stagnation of blood circulation and muscle atrophy. An important role played by exercise therapy, many exercises the patient can do even lying .At first, with the help of medical workers, he learns to turn from side to side, lower and raise his hands, perform other manipulations.

    Watch a video about the resumption of motor functions after the illness:

    Fine motor skills

    With high mobility it is recommended to develop fine motor skills, for this you need to turn cards, write, draw, solve puzzles, play pianos, collect trifles, button up buttons, play checkers, squeezewashcloths, print texts, etc.


    After losing basic skills, the patient often falls into depression, especially if it happened at working age. Support of close people is often not enough, you need the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist .

    To improve the mood will help the motor activity, doing household chores, communicating with grandchildren, children. The patient should not feel like a burden, a good motivation is a hobby.


    An important role is played by taking medications, the following medicines help to restore the body:

    • improving the cerebral blood supply - cerebrolysin, cavinton, pentoxifylline;
    • affecting the metabolic processes in the brain - cortexin, ginkgo-fort, cinnarizine, solcoseryl, actovigen, ceraxon;
    • nootropics - lucetam, noophen, piracetam;
    • combined - thiocetam, neuro-norms, Fezam;
    • other - andidepressants, herbal tea, medicinal plants, sirdalud, glycine.

    Furnishing in the house

    In the apartment you need to make changes that will help improve safety and comfort, the room should not have carpets and high thresholds. It is recommended to purchase a special bed with the sides, which will avoid falls. Handrails and handrails are necessary so that the patient can move , an important role is played by good lighting.

    Description of all phases of

    Recovery consists of three stages

    Resuscitation period

    In the first few days after a stroke, the patient should be in intensive care before the threat to life disappears. During this period, bed rest is shown, any motor activity is prohibited by .

    The menu should include dairy products, fruit vegetables. The patient should be under constant observation.


    In the first month, inpatient treatment is recommended, rehabilitation is aimed at returning activity. The patient should take medications, show physical exercises, massage. During this period the patient should begin to realize that scientific methods will help him to recover. At this stage, you have to learn again to smile, nod, move your foot and hand.

    After the discharge of

    The patient begins to recover according to the method developed for him, at this stage the help of relatives is indispensable. They should monitor the correctness and regularity of the exercises, and provide psychological support.

    Angiography - what is it, indications, contraindications and rules of preparation for the procedure. All the details are in a separate material.

    Did you know?that magnetic resonance angiography of the brain provides an opportunity to learn about the state of the vascular ring of the cerebral hemispheres, regional arteries in the cerebral cortex, cranial sinuses and veins? About this - here.

    And what is coronary angiography of the heart - this you learn by clicking here.

    After a repeated attack of

    In case of repeated stroke, medical practice is not different, the patient is placed in a hospital, if necessary, intramuscularly or intravenously, hypotensive drugs are administered.

    Repeated hemorrhagic stroke requires bleeding stop, is administered to the patient etamsilate, vicasol, aminocaproic acid .

    With recurrent ischemic stroke, vasodilator drugs( clam, papaverine, and euphyllin) are prescribed.

    Recovery for a repeat stroke takes longer, after discharge, a neurologist's observation is mandatory.

    A psychotherapist should participate in rehabilitation, as often patients fall into depressed states.

    A rescheduled stroke patient should be trained in the relaxation techniques. Special classes are aimed at restoring the psychoemotional state, which contributes to the acceleration of recovery.

    Otherwise, the recovery period is practically the same, respiratory exercises play an important role, their performance contributes to the reduction of pressure and the treatment of hypertension. Uncomplicated charging will also help restore the body, special attention should be paid to nutrition. It is necessary to exclude from the diet pepper, salted and spicy dishes of , it is recommended to cook steamed at a stroke.

    In conclusion, your interview with a doctor-rehabilitator: