What is a photopsy and a harbinger of which diseases is this symptom

Photopsy is the appearance in the field of human sight of luminous images-phantoms, which can take various forms. Most often, this pathology is a consequence of eye diseases or disorders of the nervous system. This effect can occur arbitrarily in persons of any gender and age, regardless of ambient light. Often photopsy occurs when taking narcotic and, especially, hallucinogenic drugs. Glowing images can manifest themselves on one eye, and on both, in persons with normal vision or completely blind. What is flyweight in the eyes, the causes and treatment of this disease are described below.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

The person in the eyes begin to appear bright luminous figures, which can be static or dynamic. These objects can be divided into the following types:

  • lightning;
  • sparks;
  • outbreaks;
  • flies;
  • the luminous veil.

Zippers are phosphorescent bands or annular structures.

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They can be straight or they can have a broken form. Such zippers are of different color shades and brightness levels.

Sparks look like bright light points, which quickly move from the periphery to the center.

Light flashes arise spontaneously and have a one-time character.Similar feelings appear in a person who has hit his head hard.

Flies in front of the eyes resemble a swarm of small insects.If you squint your eyes in any direction, then the flies move along with the direction of the look.

The curtain resembles a luminous tissue in front of the eyes, which interferes with the normal perception of objects.

In addition to optical effects, a person can feel some negative symptoms:

  • noticeable eye fatigue;
  • headache in the region of the temples;
  • pain in the eyeball;
  • dizziness;
  • overall fatigue.

Optical phantoms in the eyes almost always mean the presence of a serious disease. If you have these symptoms, you should always consult a doctor.


The list of diseases that can be accompanied by the appearance of optical phantoms is quite large. First of all, these are eye diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • inflammation of the vessels of the eye;
  • retinal detachment;
  • defeat of the cornea;
  • inflammation of the optic nerve.

When glaucoma is observed partial or complete damage to nerve fibers due to a strong increase in eye pressure.In this case, the patient can observe bright luminous points or lines. With progressive cataract, the optical effects manifest themselves as flies or small foggy spots in different parts of the image.Inflammation of the vascular system usually causes flickering flashes before your eyes.In the initial stage of the disease, they can have a one-time nature. Then they begin to arise more often.

With retinal detachment, photopsy is considered as the main symptom of this pathology.In the eyes there are optical effects that take the form of sparks, lightning or flares. Especially this effect is manifested in bright sunlight.Flies or sparks can be observed by a patient with a corneal lesion.Inflammatory process in the optic nerve provokes flares observed at the periphery of the viewing area. The effect of photopsy can be manifested with retinal hemorrhage caused by mechanical trauma or with hypertension.

Possible diseases

Visual illusions can occur in diseases that are not related to the organs of vision:

  • migraine;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes and its complications;
  • osteochondrosis.

With these diseases, depending on the degree of severity, the photopsy can take any forms. This is the emergence of lightning, flares and bright points, both in the center of the field of view, and on its periphery.

Almost always, optical images arise when taking hallucinogens,which include LSD-25, psilocybin and mescaline. The same symptoms are observed with organophosphorous poisoning.

When working with toxic chemicals, in particular with fertilizers, you should follow safety precautions and completely eliminate the possibility of getting them into the body.

Diagnostic Methods

The photopsy itself is not diagnosed in any way, because visual images appear directly in the patient's brain, and it is impossible to see them with the help of any instruments.The task of the patient is to describe in as much detail what he sees. For an ophthalmologist it matters which phantom manifestations the patient sees.It is important in which field of vision they appear, what kind they have, how often and under what circumstances they arise.Diagnosis is then carried out using the most modern methods. Diagnostic examination may include the following procedures:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • ultrasound examination of the eye;
  • perimetry;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure.

Ophthalmoscopy is considered one of the main methods of diagnosis.It allows to reveal the slightest pathologies of the retina in the form of ruptures or detachments, and to examine the circulatory system of the fundus. Ophthalmoscopy can provide real help in identifying hypertension and diabetes.With computed tomography, a doctor can examine the optic nerve, tear glands and eye muscles.Using this method, you can detect any new growth.

Conduction of ophthalmoscopy

Ultrasound of the eye is considered the most informative way of diagnosis. This procedure allows you to assess the dynamics of the eye muscles.

Ultrasound examination of the eye is a simple and absolutely safe procedure. It has no contraindications, and it is made even for the youngest children.

Perimetry allows you to evaluate the patient's field of vision.This simple examination helps to identify many serious eye pathologies. The pressure of the intraocular fluid is measured by a special tonometer. Doctors allow a change in pressure in a small range when it is considered normal. Increased or decreased intraocular pressure indicates the presence of the disease.If the diagnosis of an ophthalmologist did not reveal any eye pathologies, and a photopsy occurs, the patient is assigned an additional examination from other specialists.



Since photopsy is a consequence of various pathologies, treatment is prescribed depending on the type of disease.It can be medicated or surgical, as well as outpatient or in a hospital. So, when the retina is detached, laser coagulation is carried out, which allows for the bloodless way to fix the exfoliated area.Cataract patients undergo an operation to remove a cloudy lens and implant an artificial lens. In glaucoma or corneal lesion, sparing surgical procedures are indicated, the purpose of which is to restore normal vision.

Treatment of migraine, hypertension and diabetes is prescribed by doctors of the relevant specialty.

After eye surgery, you must carefully follow the recommended regimen and in no case should fatigue be avoided.


The prevention of such a phenomenon as a photopsy, in fact, is the prevention of eye diseases.You should observe a healthy lifestyle and give up harmful habits, which include alcohol abuse and smoking.It is necessary to walk more often in fresh air and necessarily to air an apartment.It is necessary to avoid heavy physical exertion and not to allow stressful situations. Of great importance is a balanced and rational diet. Walking and light physical exercises are acceptable.


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Do not underestimate the appearance of luminous objects in the field of view. Persons who do not turn in time to an ophthalmologist may, in a short time, face a serious threat to their health. So the pathology, which could be eliminated with the help of medications, in the development process can result in a surgical operation.

Also read about what is said about the sensation of fog in front of the eyes and the defocus of vision.