Astigmatism - features of the disease and methods of treatment

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Astigmatism is one of the most unpleasant ailments in ophthalmology, in which a person can experience problems when working with closely-spaced objects, or when focusing on distant objects. It can appear from the age of 2. Fortunately, today there are effective methods for eliminating it. About that, on what symptoms it is possible to recognize this illness and how astigmatism is treated, this material will tell.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Astigmatism is a vision pathology caused by the unevenness of the cornea, in which its length meridians are not the same.Less often, this ailment is caused by an irregular lens shape. This phenomenon is a violation of refraction, in which light rays are focused not at one point on the retina, but immediately in several. Because of this, the image that a person sees becomes blurred and fuzzy.Astigmatism rarely manifests itself as an independent disease and is often combined with such abnormalities as nearsightedness or farsightedness. Is amenable to correction.

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Astigmatism has two main types:

  • Congenital, has the power before, D and does not affect the visual acuity, is not pathology.It occurs in almost all children.Anxiety should be exercised only in cases when its index exceeds 1 D.
  • Acquired,which manifests itself, as a rule, in adulthood after serious injuries and scarring of tissues.

Doctors also distinguish three degrees of astigmatism:

  • low - up to 3 D;
  • average: 3-6 D;
  • high: from 6 D.

Astigmatism, like other ailments in ophthalmology, can progress and lead to partial or complete loss of vision. In order for this to happen, the patient must determine the cause of the disease and seek medical help for professional help as soon as possible.


There are a number of factors that can provoke the development of astigmatism. Among them:

  • genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • incorrect or insufficient formation of the cornea in the period of gestation;
  • mechanical injuries of the eye, as well as the consequences of surgical intervention;
  • corneal dystrophy, as well as other diseases.

Accompanying factors affecting the development of astigmatism are: a high level of eye strain, a lack in an organism of necessary vitamins and minerals, stagnant processes, including, disturbance of blood circulation in eye cameras.


Astigmatism may be accompanied by a decrease in vision, but this does not happen in all cases. More typical for the disease are such symptoms:

  • Blurred, as well as distorted image;
  • increased eye fatigue;
  • permanent discomfort, as well as eye irritations, especially when working;
  • inability to focus on both distant and near-lying objects;
  • problems in reading, as well as other similar activities.
As seen with astigmatism

These symptoms can manifest more or less intensely, depending on the form of the disease. However, in any case, they will point to a very serious problem that requires immediate treatment.


If you suspect astigmatism, the patient should consult an ophthalmologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.It will include visual examination, computer diagnostics, stiascopy, visual acuity testing with the help of tables, shadow test (with its help the refraction of the eye is investigated) and also some other tests as needed.In addition, the doctor can appoint a consultation with a neuropathologist in order to exclude the diseases in this part, giving similar symptoms. Only after such a survey, he will be able to determine the cause of the development of this disease and offer adequate methods of correction.


Currently, there are two main methods for correcting astigmatism: laser, as well as optical (using toric lenses, or special glasses). Let's look at them in more detail.

Lenses with astigmatism

The most simple and fast is the correction of pathology with the help of special lenses.It is indicated to all patients from the age of 2 years. This method is available, inexpensive and virtually free of risks. Among the drawbacks of such a solution is the need to regularly wear lenses, or glasses, limited lateral vision with such a correction, as well as a slight discomfort at the stage of eye adaptation to new optics.

Where more practical, effective, but costly is treatment through laser therapy.During this procedure, using a special laser, remove the corneal areas, leveling it.Thus, it is possible to restore vision by 100%. The only drawback of this technique is a long recovery period.

Earlier, a similar method had surgical treatment, in which the overall level of the cornea was equalized by several incisions on the cornea. However, today it is practically not used.

To get the best result of treatment, doctors recommend using also vitamin complexes, eye drops. They help to speed up tissue repair, especially after laser correction, and shorten the rehabilitation period.

It should be noted that the applied correction methods are highly effective and in the overwhelming majority of cases allow the patient to fully restore vision.It is enough for him to choose the best option for himself.


Without proper treatment, astigmatism can provoke such unpleasant consequences:

  • sharp decrease in vision;
  • development of strabismus;
  • persistent headaches;
  • and increased eye fatigue.

Some of the above processes can be irreversible.That is why people suffering from this disease need to do everything possible to avoid correction as soon as possible.


In the overwhelming majority of cases, the development of acquired astigmatism can easily be avoided. For this purpose it is enough to perform simple preventive recommendations:

  • regularly perform gymnastics for the eyes;
  • comply with the requirements for hygiene of vision;
  • adjust the diet, add to it the components containing in elevated titers vitamins and minerals;
  • once a half a year must necessarily go to the doctor and undergo a complete examination for the pathology of vision.

Particular attention to these measures should be given to those people who have a genetic predisposition to ailment. For them, this is the only chance to preserve their vision and in the future to avoid a complex and costly correction.



In general, although astigmatism is a complex and unpleasant disease, in most cases it is amenable to correction. For the patient to solve this problem, one only needs to closely monitor his vision and consult the doctor when the first deviations occur. And then you will surely be able to overcome this ailment.

How to choose the correct glasses for astigmatism read in this article.